Vol. 6, No. 3 Chowdhury & Loo: The New Australian Concrete Structures …
slabs and columns were changed, but the strength design procedure was
basically the same, that is, to ensure
Ru S* (1)
where for a given section of any structural member to be designed, S* was
the ‘action effect’ or axial force, moment, shear or torsion due to the most
critical combination of the external service loads, each multiplied by a
corresponding load factor; Ru was the computed ultimate resistance (or
strength) of the member at that section against the said type of action effect;
and ϕ was the capacity reduction factor specified for the type of ultimate
strength in question.
Since 1988, AS 3600 has been revised and updated four times and
published consecutively at approximately six to nine-year intervals as
AS 3600-1994, AS 3600-2001, AS 3600-2009, and the latest AS 3600-
2018. However, the limit state design philosophy remains unchanged in the
latest version of the Standard in which Clause 2.2.2 states that
Rd Ed (2)
where Rd = ϕRu is the ‘design capacity’, and Ed = S*, the design action
In AS 3600-2001, which appeared in 2002, N-grade or 500 MPa steel
was specified, leading to modifications in serviceability specifications and
other consequential changes. In AS 3600-2001, an additional strength grade
for concrete was introduced with the characteristic compressive strength
f c = 65 MPa. Two more grades were provided in AS 3600-2009, i.e. f c = 80
MPa and 100 MPa. This has resulted in modification to many of the design
equations. However, these design equations are further modified and/or
made more complex in some cases in AS 3600-2018.
The changes and/or updates made in AS 3600-2018 are mainly in the
following requirements:
Athens Journal of Technology & Engineering September 2019
are made in this paper regarding the complexity and effectiveness of this the
latest version of Australia’s premier concrete structures code.
Vol. 6, No. 3 Chowdhury & Loo: The New Australian Concrete Structures …
Figure 1. (a) Actual Stress Block and (b) Equivalent Stress Block
ηf c' α2 f c'
βku d k ud / 2
C = αηf c' ku bd ku d
ku d C = α2 f c' ku bd
Neutral Axis
(a) (b)
ku d
In Equation (7)a, kuo in which do is the distance between the
extreme compression fibre and the centroid of the outermost layer of the
tension bars.
In AS 3600-2018, values are changed to:
Athens Journal of Technology & Engineering September 2019
0.65 (8)c
Analysis and design calculations have been carried out using the
updated specifications given in AS 3600-2018 and those available in the
superseded AS 3600-2009 for several problems. These helps investigate the
effectiveness of introducing the complexities as described above in
determining 2, and . The results are presented in detail elsewhere (Loo
and Chowdhury 2018).
As a demonstration, for a singly reinforced rectangular section with b =
250 mm, d = 500 mm, f c = 50 MPa, and Class N reinforcement only (fsy =
500 MPa), the reliable moment capacities for the following reinforcement
cases were calculated using provisions of both AS 3600-2009 and AS 3600-
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Athens Journal of Technology & Engineering September 2019
where effective shear depth, dv, shall be taken as the greater of 0.72D or
0.9d and the angle of inclination of the compression strut (v) shall be
calculated as
in which, the longitudinal strain in concrete for shear, x, at the mid-depth of
the section is calculated as
M * / d v V * 0.5N *
x 3.0 103 (12)
2 Es Ast
M* and V* are absolute values and M* ≥ V*dv and N* is the axial force
acting on the section and is taken as positive for tension and negative for
Alternatively, v may be taken as 36º for N* = 0, fsy ≤ 500
MPa, fc 65 MPa and maximum aggregate size not less than 10 mm.
Concrete contribution to shear strength, Vuc, is given by the following in
AS 3600-2009:
Vuc 1 2 3bw d o f cv 3 (13)
bw d o
where 1, 2 and 3 can be computed using simple formulas and/or taken as
equal to 1, and fcv = 3
f c' .
where f c' is not to exceed 8.0 MPa, the strut angle v is calculated using
Equations (11) and (12) as above and kv is determined as elaborated below.
0.4 1300
kv 1000 k d
1 1500 x dg v
Vol. 6, No. 3 Chowdhury & Loo: The New Australian Concrete Structures …
kdg 0.8
(16 a) (16)
a is the maximum nominal aggregate size and for a not less than 16
mm, kdg may be taken as 1.0.
1 1500 x (18)
kv 0.10 (19)
1000 1.3d v
kv = 0.15 (20)
T * Tu,max 1 (21)
where Vu.max is calculated using Equation (9) and the maximum capacity of a
beam in torsion, Tu.max is given by
Athens Journal of Technology & Engineering September 2019
V* T *u h V
u.max (23)
bw d v 1.7 Aoh2 bw d v
V* T* V
.u.max (24)
bw d v 1.7tw Aoh bw d v
2 2
V * T *uh Vu.max
b d 1.7 A2 b d (25)
w v oh w v
M* 2 0.9T *u
V* h
0.5 N
dv 2 Ao
x 3.0 103 (26)
2Es Ast
2 0.9T *u
M * dv V * h
2 Ao
Vol. 6, No. 3 Chowdhury & Loo: The New Australian Concrete Structures …
Tuc J t 0.3 f c (28)
Tcr 0.33 f c (29)
Acp = total area enclosed by the outside perimeter of the concrete cross-
uc = the length of the outside perimeter of the concrete cross-section.
Athens Journal of Technology & Engineering September 2019
As obvious in Table 2, the final designs for shear varied rather little for
most of the problems. In fact, for the lower range of design shear values,
where the maximum spacing for shear reinforcement allowed by the
Standard governed, there are no difference in the final design. Cases where
the final design varied significantly are beams subjected to large axial forces
together with design shear forces. For example, Problems 5, 10, 11, 12 and
13 are subjected to very large inclined forces. Interested readers may find
further details elsewhere (Loo and Chowdhury 2018).
Vol. 6, No. 3 Chowdhury & Loo: The New Australian Concrete Structures …
Similar observations have also been made for torsion design in that
little or no variations can be found in the outcomes.
in which Ig is the gross moment of inertia of the uncracked beam section and
Icr is that of a fully cracked beam.
I ef I cr ( I g I cr ) cr I ef.max (31)
where Ief.max = Ig for pt ≥ 0.005 and Ief.max = 0.6Ig for pt < 0.005, which
indicates that the Branson formula in its original form underestimates the
deflection of very lightly reinforced beams (see Gilbert 2008).
I cr
I ef I ef.max (32)
I M cr
1 1 cr
Ig Ms
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Vol. 6, No. 3 Chowdhury & Loo: The New Australian Concrete Structures …