A Case Study of Hayagriva Madhava Temple Sculptures
A Case Study of Hayagriva Madhava Temple Sculptures
A Case Study of Hayagriva Madhava Temple Sculptures
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Historical Background of Hayagriva Madhava Temple
It was assumed that the main image of sanctum was originally of Lord
Buddha. In latter period, the image had unfortunate mutilated and transformed
into an image of Hayagriva Madhava (Talukder, 1957). Regarding this matter,
Sridhara Babu points out, "77ze Hayagriva Madhava figure is in fact a Buddha
image, broken and mutilated, was fitted with an artificial horse-head said to be
made of a compound of eight substances of which resin is the main and was kept
tied with a piece of polished wood, that can be seen from a distance and with a
white cloak over the body there is no means of verifying this because observers
are not allowed to peep into it. It is narrated by some people whenever the
artificial part of the image gets damaged it is secretly repaired by the priests at
night" (1990). According to Kakati, "There is no doubt that when the temple was
rebuilt the site contained extensive remains of an older temple the antiquity of
which cannot now be properly estimated. It is also possible that some of the
images mounted on the body of the temple were recovered from the older ruins."
(1935). In this context, Shakespear also mentioned, ''At Hajo, once an important
centre of Moghul rule, and opposite Guwahati, six or seven miles from the river,
on a wood hill 300 feet high, stands a remarkable and celebrated temple
containing a large image of Buddha six feet high and cut from a solid block of
black stone''(\9\4).
It was noted that Hiuen Tsang who was a Chinese Buddhist scholar of 7'
century visited Kamrupa and he did not mention about the establishment of any
Stupa or Caitya in Kamrupa. He remarked that people of Kamrupa did not faith in
Buddhism but only a few Buddhist people performed their devotional rites
secretly (1933). In addition, Waddell remarked, ''Any Caitya or other Buddhist
building would seem to have been subsequent to the 7''' century A.D; and in all
probability marked a site visited by the great founder of Lamaism, St. Padma-
sambhava, or one of his disciples."' (1895). Besides, it was thought that some of
the temple ruins were undoubted Buddhist origin (Shakespear, 1914). On the
contrary some scholars provide other views. Choudhury mentioned that Buddhism
was not accepted by the people of old Assam (1985).
of Dharmapala (12"' century A. D) mentioned about the worship of Vishnu's
incarnation (Barua, 1986). Large numbers of Vishnu images from Assam
belonged to the period ranging from lO"" century to 12"^ century A. D. Before 8"'
century A. D, the images of Vishnu cults were very rare in Assam (Choudhury,
1985). Therefore different literary references showed that Vaishnavism strongly
prevailed in Assam since the ancient time.
The Mahabharata (Santi Parva, chapter 349) mentioned about the origin
of Hayagriva form of Vishnu. According to the account. Lord Vishnu assumed the
form of Hayagriva to recover the Vedas from the possession of two demons. It
was described that Lord Brahma was seated on a thousand petals lotus creating
the Vedas while Vishnu was sleeping. At that time, two demons named Madhu
and Kaitabha noticed that Brahma was creating the Vedas. They became jealousy
being see the Vedas and wanted to steal the Vedas. Immediately, the demons stole
the Vedas and went down to the Rasatala where they kept the stolen Vedas.
Brahma became very much angry with them and worried about the Vedas because
Vedas were regarded as the eyes of wisdom of Brahma. He requested to Vishnu to
recover the Vedas. With the help of divine power, Vishnu assumed a new form
which was a horse headed form to recover the Vedas. Assuming the Hayagriva
form, Vishnu went to the Rasatala and started to recite the Vedic hymns with his
melodious voice. The demons were attracted to the sweet recitation and searched
the source of the melodious voice. Immediately Vishnu took the chance to recover
the Vedas and returned to Brahma. The demons saw that Vedas were taken by
Vishnu and they were ready to fight with Vishnu. Finally, Vishnu killed them and
again slept in the north-east comer of the great sea in his Hayagriva form. The
Mastya Purana (chapter 53) recorded another version that when the world was
burnt down in a great dissolution, Vishnu in the form of a horse recompiled the
Vedas, Vedangas, Nyaya-Vistara, Mimamsa and Dharmashastra. The Kalika
Purana of ll"^ century A. D provided detailed description about the Hayagriva
form on the Manikuta hill. Purana stated that after killing the demon, Jvarasura,
Lord Vishnu in his Hayagriva form stayed at Manikuta hill for the good of all
men, Gods and demons and he took a recovery bath nearby in a lake which was
known as ''apunarhhavd' (Sridhara Babu, 1990).
to stay with him at this place. Vishnu fulfilled the Demon's request, therefore, the
temple was known as Hayagriva Madhava temple.
The exterior walls of the garbhagriha contain most of the images, which
are moulded and chiseled in the form of divinities, foliage, fauna, abstract
geometrical ornament etc. Some of the images of elegant carvings which are of
original temple building are lying scattered within the temple campus. Five
numbers of images of different sizes which are locally called as Bura Madhava,
Hayagriva Madhava, Govinda Madhava, Basudeva and Garuda are installed in the
garbhagriha which is like a cave. All the images are covered with garland of tulsi
and cloth for the religious prohibition; therefore, it is impossible to observe the
images. Only the heads of the images are visible. Among them, the image of Bura
Madhava is of gigantic size. A carved door frame of stone which reveals the
influence of Gupta art is placed in the sanctum of the temple because floral
designs with makara figures which are depicted on the door frame carry the
characteristic features of the Gupta art. The main attractive part of the temple is
the temple plinth where numerous sculptures of elephant are placed. The nature of
the elephants shows that they support the whole superstructure of the temple. This
plinth moulding is the original part of temple building which is thought to be the
original part of a Buddhist shrine. It was observed that the old sculptural materials
were used with the new materials for the reconstruction of the temple. Besides,
numbers of old sculptural pieces of gigantic sizes are lying scattered within the
temple campus. The sculptures of Hayagriva Madhava temple are divided into
four parts,
a) Incarnations of Vishnu
is Garuda which is the composite forms of bird and man. He is accompanied by
two wives namely Saraswati and Lakshmi (BhattasaH, 1929). It is notable that in
the Hayagriva Madhava temple, all the incarnations are not visible due to the
i) Varaha Avatara
The Varaha avatara, which is also called as Boar incarnation is the third
incarnation of Vishnu. This image is the composite form of man and boar and is
well executed on the outer wall of the garbhagriha of the temple (Plate 8.2).
According to mythology, Vishnu assumed the form of Varaha to save the earth
Goddess, Prithivi from the clutches of the demon Hiranyaksha. During the Great
flood, the earth disappeared under water. At that moment, Vishnu took the form of
a boar diving into the deep water, slew the demon after a long struggle and
rescued the earth from deep water (Gupte, 1972).
ii) Narasimha A vatara
The ancient texts recorded about the iconographic norms of the image of
Narasimha. According to the authority, the figure of Narasimha is sculpted with
eight hands; two of them are employed in tearing open the belly of Hiranyakasipu,
while four others carry the sankha, the chakra, the gada, and the padma. The
remaining two hold the drawn out entrails of Hiranyakasipu garland-wise (Rao,
1914). The Matsya Purana also described about this image, 'T/ze God and demon
should be shown fighting with their legs interlocked; the former should appear as
being repeatedly attacked by the tired demon who should be shown as holding a
sword and a shield' (Banerjea, 1956).
The image of Narasimha is shown with four handed and illustrated with
the terrific aspect. The whole composition is able to create a horror atmosphere. In
the visual representation, the upper hands of the image are engaged in bringing
out the entrails from the stomach of the demon where lower hands are busy in
tearing out the stomach of Hiranyakasipu. To show the terrific aspect, the artist
carved teeth sharply which distinctly visible in the mouth of the man-lion
incarnation. He is given all the necessary ornaments where his headdress is of the
unique representation.
iii) Rama
iv) KalkiAvatara
moveable beings, M>ho is identical with Brahma and all created beings, shall
incarnate himself on earth. He will be born as Kalki" (Rao, 1914). Numbers of
iconographic texts explained about the visual representation of Kalki avatara.
According to Vishnudharmottara Purana, "A powerful man angry in mood, riding
on horseback with a sword in his raised hand" (Banerjea, 1956).
b) Sculptures of Dikpalakas
i) Indra
a natural atmosphere depicting the tree motif in the background scene while the
whole scene gives a lifelike expression.
ii) Agni
iii) Yama
iv) Varuna
Varuna is the guardian deity of the west and is the Lord of rain, water and
sea. He came to be focused as deity during the Vedic time and was sovereign ruler
of the universe. The visual representation of Varuna is of white colour and wears
yellow garment which gives a pacific look. The figure adorns karandamukuta,
sacred thread along with other ornaments. The fish or makara or crocodile is the
vehicle of him. When he is represented as two handed, his emblems are the
varada pose and pasa while he is depicted as four handed, the emblems are the
varada pose, pasa, snake and kamandalu respectively. In the sculptural
representation, Varuna is associated with the figure of Ganga and Yamuna (Rao,
v) Vayu
Vayu who is God of wind is the important guardian deity of the north-west
inscribed on the outer wall of the Hayagriva Madhava temple (Plate 8.10). In the
Veda, he was often associated with Indra because sometime, Vayu performed
being a charioteer of the car of Indra. According to Vedic concept, three Gods
connected to each other such as Agni is placed in the earth, Vayu or Indra is
placed in the air and Surya is placed in the heaven. In the Mahabharata, he is the
father of Bhim and Hanumana. The Purana also mentioned him as the son of
Aditi. In the iconographic representation, Vayu is a white man riding upon a deer
(Wilkins, 1882).
The image of Vayu of this temple is shown seated on back of a deer which
is prescribed in different texts. The two handed Vayu holds a tree in his right hand
while a banner is depicted in the left hand. Here, the deer is seemed to be running
and Vayu is fully involved in motion. A natural atmospheric situation is created
by the image of Vayu. The artist carved out the image in flat relief sculpture.
vi) Kubera
Kubera who is another member of Dikpalakas, the Lord of north and the
God of treasures is sculpted on the exterior wall of the Hayagriva Madhava
temple (Plate 8.11). According to Buddhist mythology, Kubera is also God of
riches and is the guardian deity of the northern region of the universe. The
Ramayana also mentions that Kuvera is represented as the giver of riches. The
visual representation of Kubera is described as two handed or four handed. When
Kubera is depicted as two handed then emblems are the varada and abhaya or
gada, on the contrary, if he is carved out as four handed image then he embraces
his consorts, Vibhava and Vriddhi by his two hands while other hands carry the
gada and sakti. He is fully ornamented with karandamukuta, kundalas and
necklaces which are composed of a series of golden coins. His appearance is
given either good looking or even terrific looking. According to
Vishnudharmottara Purana, Kubera wears clothes like westerners and the body is
protected with armour. He is given moustache along with side tusks on his mouth.
He is seated on padmapitha or on a chariot. The Rupamandana mentions that the
elephant as vahana is given to Kubera and emblems are the gada, a purse
containing money, a pomegranate fruit and a kamandalu (Rao, 1914).
viii) Isana
Isana, the Lord of north-east quarter of the universe is found on the outer
wall of the garbhagriha in the Hayagriva Madhava temple (Plate 8.12). Though,
Isana is a guardian deity but he is accepted as one of the manifestations of Siva. In
the visual representation, he has three eyes and wears a tiger's skin which is his
usual dress. He has given ajatamukuta having crescent moon. The deity adorns a
sacred thread or snake as ornament. He is seated either on apadmasana or upon a
white bull. When he is depicted as two handed then he carries the trisula, kapala
or varada pose. The vina, varada and abhaya poses are illustrated when the image
is displayed as four handed (Rao, 1914).
The image of Isana of this temple is shown as four handed while the upper
left hand is slightly mutilated. He holds a trisula, therefore, he is very similar to
image of Siva, but other hands are not clearly identified. The carving style
indicates that the image is not original and possibly is done in later period.
c) Miscellaneous Sculptures
depiction of makara figure with floral motif reveal about the influence of Gupta
rishis are seated or standing on the padmapitha. They are shown as peaceful old
men with flowing beards reaching up to the chest, with their foreheads marked
with three streaks vibhuti. They carry a walking stick in their hands while the right
hand performs the jnana mudra and the left arm keeps on the knee of the left leg.
They wear garments made of barks of trees while white cloths are depicted in
upper body part (Rao, 1914).
The image of meditative man in semi profile is covered the whole body
by cloth and is in standing posture (Plate 8.18). He has a coiffure representing as
the beard man. This image is found within the temple campus as scattered image.
On the other hand, Plate 8.19 illustrates another image of meditative man which is
found on the outer wall of the sanctum. He has also a coiffure on the top of his
head and holds a sacred thread on his hand. Stylistic feature is not similar with the
plate no. 8.18.
8.4.2 Flora and Fauna
Both the flora and fauna are noticeable matter for this temple site.
a) Depictions of Flora
Under the flora section, numbers of floral motifs are seen in the different
architectural parts of the temple building. The most prominent floral motif is
observed on the friezes of the temple plinth, where the petals of lotus are depicted
in design pattern (Plate 8.21). Some of the lotus petals of different type are carved
out on the surfaces of temple walls to relieve from monotonous carvings of the
images (Plate 8.22). This kind of lotus motif is illustrated in rhythmic manner as
well as in designable pattern. Most of them are enclosed with the divine images to
enhance the aesthetic grandeur. Sometimes, floral motifs are blended with the
geometrical forms. Plate no. 8.23 shows that full bloomed lotuses are
amalgamated with geometrical forms such as circle and diamond. The lotus motifs
are placed within these geometrical forms. These are also added as border designs
on the outer walls of the temple.
b) Depictions of Fauna
Among the fauna group, the animals are found in realistic representation
as well as composite forms. The most prominent sculptural figure is the elephant.
The numerous images of elephant are depicted as the base moulding at this temple
architecture (Plate 8.25). Numerous elephant motifs are represented in a row
giving the support of the super structure of the temple. In the depictions, the
elephants are given a royal look because they adorn ornaments. All the tusker
elephants of the temple plinth are carved out in high relief From the literary
evidences as well as sculptural evidences, it can be said that the temple is the
original part of the Buddhist shrine. The sculptural portion of the elephant is very
similar to the decorative style of the Kailas cave temple of Ellora (Waddell,
1895). Elephant stands as the symbols of strength, power, courage, gentleness,
fortitude, devotion etc.
vehicle of Vayu and buffalo-vehicle of Yama and lion. The depictions of large
numbers of animals reveal that the artists had good knowledge about the animals.
The figures of lion are observed on fragments of the pillars (Plat 8.26).
Nature of the sculptured block reveals that these are originally parts of the temple
building. Representations of three lion motifs of a stone block lying scattered at
the temple campus. The figures of lion of frontal view are carved out in
stylisation. These are attached to the floral motifs. Depictions of lions recall the
Lion capital of Mauryan art. In addition, ''At that time of the reconstruction of the
temple in the sixteenth century it appears that a large number of carved stones
belonging to an older temple were spread over the court- yard in front of the
temple and some were used to make a flight of steps leading up to the temple.
Some of these have now been brought out by excavation. These include a massive
lion capital of the Mouiya type made up in two equal halves (1935).
Though, the depictions of geometrical forms are not found available but
the most intricate cravings of the geometrical designs are noticed on the temple
plinth. Plate 8.27 displays the designs like fence. These are the finest carvings
depicted above the friezes of elephants on the temple plinth.
A motif of complex design in repeating manner is observed on the temple
walls (Plate 8.28). There are two kinds of motifs observed, where one is like star
design and other is very similar to the anata, which is one of the members of eight
auspicious motifs of Indian art and symbolises continuous knot. This motif is
uncommonly found in temple art. This carving creates a peaceful expression
which is called Shanta rasa.
8.5 Conclusion
The chapter concludes with the following analysis.
The sculptures are amalgamated with the influences of Hindu as well as the
Buddhism. Since, the sculptures carry the characteristic features from both of the
religions. Various incarnations of Vishnu with others some Hindu images are
inscribed on the outer walls of the garbhgriha. On the contrary, the temple plinth
contains numerous elephants which reveal the influence of Buddhism. The
elephant is most common symbolic representation of Buddha. This type of carved
temple plinth is rarely found in the sculptural art of Assam.
A great verity of mythologies associate with the temple and are recorded
in the different ancient texts. Each image of religious theme also connected with
the legends. The legends and motifs are interrelated in the temple art.
Evidences reveal that the temple is influence by Gupta art because on both
sides of the door frame of garbhagriha, figures of makara with the floral motifs
are inscribed while makara is the symbolic representation of Ganga. Depictions of
the Ganga and Yamuna with their vehicles, makara and tortoise are the
characteristic features of the Gupta art.
The most of the sculptures of this temple expressed the Shringar rasa, Shanta
rasa, Raudra rasa and Veer rasa of heroism. Depiction of Shringar rasa is
observed in the sculptures of erotic motifs which are found at the temple campus.
Most of the divine images along with meditative figures reveal the Shanta rasa.
The combat scenes which are installed on the temple wall show the depiction of
Veer rasa. Table 8.1, Table 8.2 and Table 8.3 provided detail analysis of some
Table 8.1
Characteristic feature indicates that the image is
original part of the temple building (Plate 8.3).
c)Rama Rama is the seventh incarnation of Vishnu where this
image is illustrated on the outer wall of the sanctum
of the temple building. Rama is holding a bow and
arrow in standing posture (Plate 8.4),
d)Kalki Kalki is the tenth incarnation of Vishnu which depicts
on the outer wall of the garbhagriha of the temple.
The image is well carved out. Two handed image is
seated on a horse which is the symbolic representation
of him. The image is holding a sword by his one hand
and other hand holds the bridle of the horse (Plate
Sculptures of Dikpalakas The image of Indra who is depicted on the outer wall
e)Indra of the sanctum is considered as the guardian deity of
eastern deity of the Universe. In the sculptural
depiction, Indra along with his vehicle Airavata is
shown fighting with a demon. Indra is attacking the
demon which seems to be lion like animal with his
thunderbolt. In the background, a motif of tree is
depicted (Plate 8.6).
f)Agni An image of Agni who is the guardian deity of the
south-east comer of the Universe is depicted on the
outer wall of the garbhagriha of the temple. The
image is seated on the back side of the ram which is
the iconographic representation of him. The two
handed figure holds a sakti and vessel in his hands
(Plate 8.7).
g)Yama An image of Yama is carved out on the outer wall of
the garbhagriha. According to mythology, Yama is
the Lord of south. Yama is depicted on the back side
of his mount the Buffalo, which is symbolic
representation of him. He holds a club and is given a
terrific look by his open eyes, but his face is slightly
mutilated (Plate 8.8).
h)Varuna An image of Varuna is seated on a makara found as
scattered sculptural piece. According to myth, the
Varuna is the guardian deity of west. He is holding
the aksamala and snake which are the emblems of
him. The characteristic feature indicates that the
sculptural piece is original part of the temple building
(Plate 8.9).
i)Vayu An image of Vayu is found and seated on the deer
which is the emblem of Vayu. He carries a banner and
tree in both of his hands (Plate 8.10).
j)Kubera Kubera is the Lord of north and another member of
Dikpalakas. The image is carved out on the outer wall
of the garbhagriha of the temple. Kubera is presented
with his two wives and he is seated on a man. The
image is carrying a club and ratna patra, since; he is
the Lord of treasurer. The image is possibly done in
later period (Plate 8.11).
k)Isana (Plate 8.12) The image of Isana is the guardian deity of north-east
quarter of the Universe inscribed on the outer wall of
the sanctum of the temple. The four handed image is
very similar to the God Siva because he holds a
?mw/a (Plate 8.12).
Miscellaneous Sculptures A sculptural depiction shows a scene where two
1) figures go to the battle place because they hold the
bow and the sword in their hands. The warriors ride
on a mythical animal, makara. The depiction of
makara reveals the influence of Gupta art. A
dynamic movement is captured in the scene (Plate
m) An image of Vishnu who holds his usual attributes
like sankha, chah-a, gada and padma is depicted on
the wall of the garbhagriha. The image indicates that
the work was done in later period (Plate 8.14).
n) An image of Sakti Goddess, who is Kali is inscribed
on the outer wall of the garbhagriha of the temple.
The image is given horrible look depicting a
niundamala as garland. She holds the sword and the
shield, a skull and an unidentified object. She is
placed upon a Siva's body regarding the mythological
story. The image reflects the Raudra rasa (Plate
t) A sculptural depiction shows the Ramayana story
where Ravana tries to kidnap Sita. This work is done
in later period.
Plate 8.2
Plate 8.3
Geometrical Analysis
a) Friezes of outer wall of garbhagriha of the temple
display geometrical designs like fence (Plate 8.27).
b) Friezes depict the geometrical forms of star motifs
along with ananta, which is one of the eight
auspicious motifs of Indian art. The ananta
symbolises the continuous knot. The motifs create the
Shanta rasa (Plate 8.28).
Plates and Figures
PLATE: 8.5 PLATE: 8.6 PLATE 8.7
' 1
•ft ^* V -;
5i ^^
^ K " i^Hi^^l
W^/j^' M ". ^ - T ^ ^
STi • *- ^ ^ ^ 1
^ ' ^
- JiW^
la- y -s, V. Jv >->;• J. ••i^J' Ac:^'- Si^. - w . .\^ >. .^ V. -V vv %^. -vri^ ->—^rV-r^^
Ibid, P.425
Ibid, P. 47
/6/W,P. 331
Ibid, P. 409
Ibid,?. 16
Dalton, E.T. Notes on Assam Temples Ruins, Journal of The Asiatic Society of
Bengal, Vol. XXIV, No. I, 1855, Pp. 8- 9
Gupta, S.K. Elephant in Indian Art and Mythology, Abhinav Publications, New
Delhi, 1983, Pp. 23-28
Ibid, P. 70
Ibid, P.538
Ibid, P.567
Ibid, ?pAS-l9
Ibid, P. 93
Rao, G.P. Elements of Hindu Iconography, Vol. I, Part I, Motilal Banarsidass
Publishers Private Ltd. Delhi, 1914, Pp. 149-153
Ibid, P.201
Ibid, P.222
Rao, T.A.G. Elements of Hindu Iconography, Vol. II, Part II, Motilal Banarsidass
Publishers Private Limited, Delhi, 1914, P.515
Ibid, Pp.529-530
Ibid, Pp.535-536
Ibid, P. 73
Shastri, B. Kalika Purana, Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts, New Delhi,
1994, P.93
Waddell, L.A. The Buddhism of Tibet, W.H. Allen & Co, Limited, London, 1895,
P. 308
Ibid, P. 307
Ibid, P. 313
Wilkins, W. j . Hindu Mythology Vedic and Puranic, Thacker, Spink & Co.,
Government Place, Calcutta, 1882, P.20
Ibid, P.68
Ibid, P.56