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CMSC 201 Spring 2019 Name

Final Review Worksheet

This worksheet is NOT guaranteed to cover every topic you might see on the exam. It is provided to
you as a courtesy, as additional practice problems to help you study. You should also be reviewing the
course notes and assignments as part of your preparation for the exam.
Some of the questions on this worksheet are more difficult or tricky than ones you would see on an
exam - you have much more time, as well as TA assistance available, when working on the review.

1. Suppose you know myInt is an integer and intString is a string representing an integer. For
example, myInt is 3 and intString is '24'. Write a function that takes them both in, and prints
out the arithmetic sum of the two. In the example given, 27 would be printed.

2. Explain the difference between read(), readline(), and readlines(). Give an

example of when you might use each.

3. What would the output from the following code be?

Don’t forget that you can
counter = 0
always test code seen in the
for i in range(10):
for j in range(counter + 2): review sheet by running it in
print("X", end ="") the Python interpreter, or by
print() saving and running it as a
counter += 1 Python file!

4. What would the output from the following code be?

def addThree(num):
return num + 3
def doAThing(thing1, thing2):
print(thing1 * thing2)
print( addThree(thing2) )
def main():
doAThing(7, 4)
doAThing(addThree(2), 6)

5. Use the range() function to create the following lists of numbers:

a. [5, 20, 35, 50]
b. [-8, -5, -2, 1, 4, 7, 10, 13, 16]
c. [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
d. [88, 85, 82, 79, 76, 73, 70, 67]

6. Convert the following binary numbers to decimal and hexadecimal.

a. 0011 0011
b. 1011 1110
c. 1111 0000

7. Convert the following decimal numbers to binary and hexadecimal.

a. 126
b. 83
c. 29
8. Convert the following hexadecimal numbers to binary.
a. B0A452
b. 9A03DE
c. 621097

9. The code below has seven errors for you to find and correct.

1 # makeInitials() takes in a full name and returns the initials

2 # (for example: "Freeman A. Hrabowski" would become "F.A.H.")
3 # Input: name; a string
4 # Output: initials; a string of initials
5 def makeInitials(name):
7 # separate first/middle/last names
8 nameList = name.strip()
10 for i in range(len(nameList)):
11 currName = nameList[i]
12 # take the first letter from each name
13 firstLetter = nameList[currName][0]
15 # format and add to the current initials
16 tempInitial = currName.upper()
17 initials = tempInitial + "." + initials
19 def main():
20 myName = input("Please enter a name: ")
21 myInitials = makeInitials(myName)
22 print("The initials for", myName, " are:", myInitials)
24 main()


Write code that gets a list of integers from the user, and then uses bubble sort to sort those
numbers inside the list. At the end, it should print out how many swaps it made, and how many
passes it took before the list was sorted (you should include the final “check” pass).

11. Write code that continuously takes input from the user using a while loop, and adds that input
to the end of a list. When they enter "quit" the program should print the list twice (once in the
given order, and once in reverse) before terminating.

12. Write a function that uses recursion to test if a number is prime.

13. Write a function that uses recursion to find the maximum number in a list.

14. Write a function that creates and returns a 2D list, where the contents count up, while the size of
the “inner” lists goes down in size. For example, with an input of 4, the list would look like
[ [1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7], [8, 9], [10] ]
15. Write a function that takes in an integer and determines if it is a power of 2, returning True or
False. (Powers of 2 include 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, etc.)


The recursive Fibonacci function we created in class runs very slowly, taking over 2 and a half
hours to calculate the 50th Fibonacci number. Write a function that makes use of a dictionary to
store the calculations that were already performed. The keys should be the number we’re
requesting (e.g., the 50th number, 49th number, etc.) and the values should be the answer for
each (i.e., the value of the 49th Fibonacci number should be stored with the 49th key).

17. Study with friends! Write up and test a piece of code for one of problems above. Then, remove
some of the pieces and replace them with blanks. Give it to your friend to fill in, and have them
do the same for you. Or, you could add in some errors to the code, and challenge them to fix it.

18. For each of the short programs below, circle and explain any errors you find. (There may be
more than one in a single statement! A statement may also be error-free.) You can assume that
variables are initialized and contain what their names indicate (e.g., int1 is an integer, etc.)

a. def addTwoNumbers( int(num1), int(num2) ):

return ans
ans = num1 + num2
def main():
added = addTwoNumbers(4, 5, +)
print( added )

b. def diff(num1, num2):

num1 -= num2
return num1
def main():
1_int = 5
int#2 = 7
diff(1_int, int#2)

c. def printStatement(num1):
print( str(num1) * int(num1) )
def main():
print( printStatement(5) )
19. More debugging – the code below has eight errors.

1 # findMin() takes in a list and returns its minimum value

2 def findMin(myList):
3 currMin = myList(0)
5 for i in range(len(myList)):
6 if currMin < myList[i]:
7 currMin = i
8 return currMin
11 def main():
12 myList = []
13 myMin = 0
15 # create a list of 10 items
16 while len(myList) <= 10:
17 newNum = int(input("Please enter a number " + \
18 "for the list:")
19 myList.append(newNum)
21 findMin(myList)
22 print("The minimum is:", myMin)

20. Define each of the following terms.

(This is meant to help test your understanding of the terms, not whether you can recall the
“correct” definition from the slides or book.)

1. Algorithm 20. Function 39. Nested (e.g., loops)

2. Algorithmic Analysis 21. Hexadecimal 40. Operator (e.g., assignment)
3. Argument 22. Incremental Development 41. Program
4. ASCII Values 23. Index 42. Pseudocode
5. Base Case 24. Infinite Loop 43. Recursion
6. Binary 25. Input and Output 44. Recursive Case
7. Boolean 26. Integer 45. Return
8. Branching 27. Integer Division 46. Run Time
9. Bug 28. Interpreter 47. Scope
10. Case Sensitive 29. Iterate 48. Searching
11. Concatenation 30. Keyword 49. Selection
12. Conditional 31. List 50. Sequential
13. Constant 32. Logic 51. Short Circuiting
14. Debugging 33. Loop 52. Sorting
15. Deep Copy (and Shallow) 34. Main 53. String
16. Dictionary 35. Method 54. Syntax
17. Error (e.g., logic error) 36. Modularity 55. Value
18. File I/O 37. Modulus (or Modulo/Mod) 56. Variable
19. Formal Parameter 38. Mutable (and Immutable) 57. Whitespace
21. More debugging – the code below has six errors

1 # power2() calculates 2 raised to the power passed in

2 # Input: exponent; an integer for the power
3 # Output: 2 raised to the power of exponent
4 def power2(exponent):
5 # BASE CASE: anything to the zero is 1
6 if exponent == 0:
7 return 1
9 else:
10 prevPower = power2(exponent)
11 return 2 * exponent
13 def main():
14 myExp = -1
16 while myExp < 0:
17 myExp = input(int("Please enter a positive integer: "))
19 myPower = power2(exponent)
20 print("2^" + myExp + " = " + myPower)

22. Given an example of each of the following types of errors: syntax, runtime, and logic.

23. You should also know the following concepts, topics, and/or how to code them:
a. File I/O
i. Including how to use split() and strip() correctly
b. Selection Sort, Bubble Sort, and Quicksort
i. (Don’t need to code them, but should know how they work and their run times)
c. Linear search and binary search (again, should know how they work and their run times)
d. Creating and printing 2D and 3D lists
e. Creating, updating, and removing elements of a dictionary
f. Recursion!
i. (If you skipped or didn’t understand Labs 11 or 12, you should look at them)
g. Recursion!

The final covers more topics, and more difficult topics (recursion, 3D lists, file I/O,
searching and sorting) than either of the midterms. It will be a more difficult exam!

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