Bertrand CV
Bertrand CV
Bertrand CV
B. Course Redevelopment/Redesign
TCH 204 Elementary Education: Practices & Issues (Fall 2018, Fall 2019))
National Center for Urban Education Course Redesign Grant
Used this course to co-design Elementary Equity & Diversity Cohort
C. Advisees
Doctoral Student Role Status
Bazemore-Bertrand, S., Quast, E., & Green, K. (2019). The influence of John
Goodlad’s Legacy: Developing a school-university partnership in an urban school
district. School-University Partnerships 12 (3), pp. 72-82. Retrieved from
Zenkov, K., Bertrand, S., Clark, E., Taylor, L., Newman, K., Sciarrino, S., & Pellegrino,
A. (2016). Partnership in/as/for Literacies. Journal of Adolescent & Adult
Literacy, 60(1), 87-90.
(In Press)
Bazemore-Bertrand, S. & Handsfield, L. (in press). Show and Tell: Elementary Teacher
Candidates’ Perceptions of Teaching in High-Poverty Schools. Caddo Press
Multicultural Education.
Book Chapters
Haley, M., Bertrand, S., & Mitchell, T. (2019). Situating a requisite purple rain in
multicultural education. In Newman, C.B., Hilton, A., Hinnant-Crawford, B., &
Platt, S. (Eds.), Multicultural Education in the 21st Century: Innovative Research
and Practices. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publications.
Book Reviews
Bertrand, S., Zenkov, K., Clark, E. (2016). Best Practices in Mentoring Teacher and
Leader Development. Book review in Teachers College Record, May 2016.
Miller, K., Stripp, K., & Bazemore-Bertrand, S. (submitted). The intersection of
classroom management, student trauma, and self-care. Teacher Education
B. Conference Presentations
National/Int’l (Refereed)
Porcher, K. & Bazemore-Bertrand, S. (2020, February). You can’t teach who you don’t
know: Engaging preservice teacher in school and community engaged teacher
preparation. Proposal accepted for Association of Teacher Educators in Atlantic
City, NJ.
Miller, K., Bertrand, S. B., Smith, A., & Hunt, C. (2018, May). Visual Methods for
Understanding Less Visible Aspects of Education. Paper presentation at the
International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry Conference. Urbana-Champaign, IL.
Bertrand, S., Zenkov, K. (2016, November), Writing advocacy means writing inquiry:
Youths and preservice teachers, Lead Presenter at National Council of Teachers
of English Annual Convention, Atlanta, GA.
Bertrand, S., Mitchell, T., Boykin, A. (2016, November), Refocusing the Lens of
Teacher Education: Are Colleges of Education Preparing Prospective Teachers
to Teach ALL Students, Lead Presenter at National Association of Multicultural
Education Conference, Cleveland, OH.
Mitchell, T., Bertrand, S., Boykin, A. (2016, November), #blacklivesmatter vs.
alllivesmatter: How can teachers shape civic discourses in the classroom through
a multicultural lens, Co-Presenter at National Association of Multicultural
Education Conference, Cleveland, OH.
Bertrand, S., Zenkov, K., & Pelligrino, A. (March, 2016). Diverse Youths and
Exceptional Teaching: Project-Based Clinical Experiences, Photovoice, and
Adolescents Ideas and Images. Round table presentation at the National
Association for Professional Development Schools Conference, Washington, D.C.
Regional/State (Refereed)
Wong, S., Aleissa, D., Bertrand, S., Eqab, S. Mitchell, T., Williams, T. (2014, May).
Womanist and Critical Perspectives in Multilingual Multicultural Research in
U.S. Schools. Panel presentation at the Politics of Gender and Justice:
Intersection of Identity and Disciplines Conference, George Mason University.
Bazemore-Bertrand, S. (2019). The Youth Shall Lead: Using Student Voice to Make a
Difference. Keynote at U-High Diversity Retreat.
A. Awards
Illinois State University, Center for Teaching, Learning and Technology, Teaching
Initiative Award Nominee, 2019.
Association of Teacher Educators Clinical Practice Fellows, Atlantic City, NJ, 2019.