Metz Viton Caulk
Metz Viton Caulk
Metz Viton Caulk
Metz Viton Caulk is a high solids content fluoroelastomer, which is suitable for use as a movement jointing material, sealant or
adhesive in extreme chemical environments.
Metz Viton Caulk is resistant to a wide range of chemicals, including concentrated sulphuric and nitric acids.
Metz Viton Caulk can be used in both horizontal and vertical applications.
As a sealant and adhesive compound in acid proof brick or tile, or Metz monolithic toppings and concretes in
z Secondary containment linings
z Acid plants
z Fertilizer plants
z Oil refineries
z For applications where solvent entrapment may occur. Consult Metz regarding applications not mentioned in the data
z For exposure to some ketones, esters and amines (eg: MEK, Acetone)
z For exposure to some concentrated acids (eg: concentrated Acetic Acid)
Consult Metz for suitable products.
Always ensure you have the latest data sheet version, refer
1. The customer must comply strictly with the instructions contained in this product data sheet. Metz is not responsible for any advice or varia-
tions to this data sheet which are not confirmed in writing.
2. If the customer has a claim against Metz in respect of any product supplied to the customer by Metz whether due to a fault in the product or
the negligence or breach of contract by Metz or for any other reason:
a) Metz shall not be liable for any loss or damage including consequential loss or damage or loss of profits arising thereby;
b) Metz may at its option replace the defective product free of charge to the customer or refund all payments made to it by the buyer in
respect of the defective product; and the maximum liability of Metz shall be the cost of replacing the defective product.
REV 05/14 METZ SPECIALTY Distributor
A.C.N. 140 636 639
15A Stanton Road, Seven Hills, NSW 2147
Facsimile: (02) 9671 4292 Phone: (02) 9671 1311
6 University Place, Clayton North, VIC 3168
Facsimile: (03) 9561 6944 Phone: (03) 9561 6144
Unit 16, 42 Smith Street, Capalaba QLD 4157
Facsimile: (07) 3823 5552 Phone: (07) 3823 5555