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Metz Viton Caulk

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Metz Viton Caulk is a high solids content fluoroelastomer, which is suitable for use as a movement jointing material, sealant or
adhesive in extreme chemical environments.
Metz Viton Caulk is resistant to a wide range of chemicals, including concentrated sulphuric and nitric acids.
Metz Viton Caulk can be used in both horizontal and vertical applications.


z Outstanding Chemical Resistance
Resistant to a wide range of chemicals including concentrated sulphuric, nitric, hydrochloric and phosphoric acids.
z Withstands temperatures from -40 to 200oC
z Tough but flexible
z High tensile strength and abrasion resistance
z Excellent adhesion to many substrates

As a sealant and adhesive compound in acid proof brick or tile, or Metz monolithic toppings and concretes in
z Secondary containment linings
z Acid plants
z Fertilizer plants
z Oil refineries

z For applications where solvent entrapment may occur. Consult Metz regarding applications not mentioned in the data
z For exposure to some ketones, esters and amines (eg: MEK, Acetone)
z For exposure to some concentrated acids (eg: concentrated Acetic Acid)
Consult Metz for suitable products.


Solids content (by weight): 80%
Solids Content (by volume) 60%
Density (mixed product): 1.6g/cm3
Viscosity,: 7x105 cps
Elongation: 350%
Tensile Strength: 5.5 MPa
Colour: Grey

COVERAGE: Theoretical quantities (allow for wastage)

For 10mm wide x 6mm deep joints : one 3.75L kit will cover approx 37 lineal. metres.
For 6mm wide x 4mm deep joints : one 3.75L kit will cover approx 94 lineal metres.
Note: Coverage figures are based on solids content by volume (60%).


1. Temperature of Working Area temperature it is likely Metz Thixotrope will need to be added.
Maintain a temperature of between 15ºC to 25ºC on substrate Add up to 100gms (1 litre) per 3.75L kit. Add thixotrope slowly
and air during mixing, application and cure. At temperatures to liquid component with constant stirring before adding
below 15oC, viscosity will increase and installation will hardener.
become more difficult. Metz Viton Caulk can be applied by trowel or caulking gun.
At temperatures above 25oC, working time will be reduced. Regulate the joint depth by placing oversize closed-cell
2. Surface Preparation polyethylene rod or equivalent in the joint. If joint is not deep
All surfaces to be jointed must be clean and dry. Remove all enough to use the rod, plastic tape or other bond-breaking
oil, grease and other contaminants that may inhibit bond. For material should be placed in the bottom of the joint. Avoid
concrete or other porous surfaces, a primer is recommended. entrapping air in material. Bleed air from caulking gun prior
Consult Metz for details. to use. Apply nozzle of gun to bottom of joints.
3. Mixing Do not apply Metz Viton Caulk thicker than 6mm in any one
a) Mixing Equipment pass. Thick applications can pull away from the sides of the
Low speed mechanical mixing is recommended. Do joint as the product dries. Thick applications are also more
not use high speed mixers that will introduce substantial prone to trapping solvent or air pockets. Make two or three
amounts of air into the mix. passes with at least 8 hours between passes for thicker
b) Mixing Proportions applications.
Metz Viton Caulk is supplied in 3.75L pre-weighed kits. Apply masking tape on both sides of the joint. Trowel or gun
If smaller quantities are required, the mixing ratio is Metz Viton Caulk into joint. Overfill joint slightly. Smooth joint
By weight with spatula or similar before initial set takes place. After
Liquid 20 parts finishing joint remove masking tape immediately.
Hardener 1 part After the material has been applied, cover joints with
c) Mixing Procedure polythene sheet to slow skinning and allow any bubbles to
Remix liquid thoroughly before use. escape. Polythene can be removed after 2-3 hours.
Add hardener to liquid container and mix thoroughly. 5. Setting/Curing
Scrape bottom and sides of mixing containers to ensure Metz Viton Caulk will dry on the surface very rapidly (generally
there are no pockets of unmixed material. within 20 minutes), but will take longer to dry through the bulk
After mixing, put lid on container and leave for 10 minutes, of the material as the solvent escapes. Full cure is achieved
to allow for escape of entrapped air. Remix before use. in 2-3 days at 25oC. During this time, do not allow water, traffic
Keep all containers sealed when not in use. Air exposure or chemicals on the surface of the joint.
allows evaporation of solvent and increases the viscosity 6. Storage
of the material. Store in original unopened containers at temperatures
d) Pot Life: between 10 and 30oC. Under these conditions, shelf life is
Approx. 4 hours at 25ºC. (If material kept covered). minimum of 6 months.
e) Clean Up 8. Safety Precautions
Mixing equipment can be cleaned with Metz Cleaner, Liquid and Hardener:
xylene, acetone or MEK prior to initial set Use chemical goggles, PVC gloves and barrier cream. Avoid
f) Ensure you have the latest mixing instructions, refer www. contact with skin and eyes.
metz.net.au for latest data sheet version. Flammable:
4. Installation Avoid formation of sparks.
In outdoor applications, or where significant joint movement No smoking or welding.
is likely, installing Metz Viton Caulk in the coolest part of day, Avoid build-up of fumes, ensure adequate ventilation.
when joint will most likely be at its maximum width will reduce
the likelihood of damage to partially cured material. For full safety precautions refer to the Material Safety Data
The depth of the joint should not generally exceed the width. Sheets for both components.
For horizontal, joints should be approx 10mm wide x 8mm
deep. For vertical, joints should be approx 6mm wide x 4mm
Note: For wide vertical joints, or installation in warmer

Always ensure you have the latest data sheet version, refer www.metz.net.au
1. The customer must comply strictly with the instructions contained in this product data sheet. Metz is not responsible for any advice or varia-
tions to this data sheet which are not confirmed in writing.
2. If the customer has a claim against Metz in respect of any product supplied to the customer by Metz whether due to a fault in the product or
the negligence or breach of contract by Metz or for any other reason:
a) Metz shall not be liable for any loss or damage including consequential loss or damage or loss of profits arising thereby;
b) Metz may at its option replace the defective product free of charge to the customer or refund all payments made to it by the buyer in
respect of the defective product; and the maximum liability of Metz shall be the cost of replacing the defective product.
REV 05/14 METZ SPECIALTY Distributor
A.C.N. 140 636 639
15A Stanton Road, Seven Hills, NSW 2147
Facsimile: (02) 9671 4292 Phone: (02) 9671 1311
6 University Place, Clayton North, VIC 3168
Facsimile: (03) 9561 6944 Phone: (03) 9561 6144
Unit 16, 42 Smith Street, Capalaba QLD 4157
Facsimile: (07) 3823 5552 Phone: (07) 3823 5555

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