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Metz 7ke: Halogen Free Silicate Cement

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Metz 7KE is a 3-part halogen-free, potassium silicate based, acid resisting cement used in the laying of acid proof ceramic
bricks or tiles for acid proof structures and linings.


l Excellent Acid Resistance
Resistant to all acids in all concentrations except hydrofluoric, as well as most solvents, oils and greases. Unaffected by
98% sulphuric acid. Refer Metz Chemical Resistance Chart.
l Halogen Free
No hydrofluoric acid formed on exposure to acid.
l High Service Temperature
May be used for temperatures up to 1000ºC.
l Controlled Setting Rate
Setting rates can be adjusted to suit ambient temperatures during installation.

As a bonding cement for acid brick and tile installations.
l Acid Tanks l Sewage Treatment
l Pickling Lines l Industrial Chimneys
l Power Station Chimneys l Fertilizer Industry
l Waste Acid Collection Sumps l Floors and Drains in Acid Storage Areas
l Absorption and drying towers in sulphuric acid and
nitric acid manufacturing plants.

l Exposure to hydrofluoric acid or fluoride salts.
l Exposure to neutral or alkaline solutions of any kind (i.e. any solution in pH range of 7-14).


Temperature Limit: >1000ºC
Density: 1.9 - 2.0 g/cm3
Compressive Strength (28 days): 30 MPa

COVERAGE: Theoretical quantities (allow for wastage)

For fully bedding and jointing (nominal 3mm joint) Metz Acid Brick 228 x 112 x 65mm 0.3 kg per brick
For bonding bricks in independent brick wall 0.2 kg per brick
For fully bedding and jointing tiles 240 x 115 x 25mm (6mm joint) 14 kgs per sq. metre

The recommended temperature range for application of Metz 7KE is 10ºC to 30ºC.
At temperatures below 10ºC, curing may be inhibited and final technical properties may be affected.
At temperatures above 30ºC consistency and setting rates may be affected.
If necessary consult Metz.


1. Temperature of Working Area c) Mixing Procedure
Maintain a temperature of between 10ºC and 30ºC on the Mix liquid and hardener together first. Add powder
Metz 7KE components, brick and substrate during mixing gradually with constant stirring.
and application. Air temperature in the area where the d) Pot Life
Metz 7KE is to be applied should also be between 10ºC 30 minutes at 20ºC with normal hardener
and 30ºC. At temperatures below 10ºC, Metz 7KE will proportion.
not cure properly. Consult Metz if temperature cannot e) Clean Up
be maintained above 10ºC. Use water to clean up uncured material.
At temperatures above 30ºC initial set will take place To ensure you have the latest mixing instructions refer
too rapidly. This difficulty can be overcome by mixing in www.metz.net.au for current data sheet version.
a cooler area, or by cooling the mixing equipment with 4. Installation
ice water, and by cooling the Metz 7KE components. Bricks or tiles should be buttered with Metz 7KE using
2. Surface Preparation a trowel and well beaten down. Joints should be kept to
All surfaces to be clean and dry. Metz 7KE will not adhere minimum width possible, usually 2 to 3mm. Ensure there
adequately to concrete surfaces. These surfaces should are no voids.
first be coated with a membrane. The type of membrane Initial set at 20ºC 2 hours
will depend on physical and chemical conditions. Please
consult Metz for recommendations. Final set at 20ºC 24 hours
Bricks and tiles should be dry. Full cure at 20ºC 4 to 5 days
3. Mixing Times will vary dependent on average ambient
a) Mixing Equipment temperature.
Mechanical mixing is recommended. A lowspeed
5. Acidification of Set Joints
mixer or a heavy duty drill with a suitable mixing
Protect joints from water, steam, chemicals and
paddle can be used. Small quantities can be mixed
temperatures below 10ºC until cement has achieved final
by hand, using a trowel or spatula.
set. After final set treat the joint surface with a solution
b) Mixing Proportions of:
By Weight By Volume 2 volumes water
Liquid 10.0 5.0 1 volume commercial strength hydrochloric acid.
Hardener 1.0 0.75
Acidification of the joint is intended to provide protection
Powder 30.0 1x20kg bag
to the joint surface only, until the lining is placed into
Note: service. The joints must not be expected to neutral or
(i) The powder proportion may be varied to suit alkaline solutions.
requirements. 6. Storage
(ii) The hardener proportion may be adjusted to Store in original, sealed containers in a cool, dry place.
provide a convenient setting rate, within the Protect liquid from freezing.
following limits - Under these conditions, minimum shelf life is 6 months.
Maximum Hardener Content (cold weather) Note: Hardener is a Class 3 flammable liquid. Store as
By Weight By Volume per relevant regulations.
Liquid 10.0 5.0 7. Safety Precautions
Hardener 1.25 0.85 a) Liquid and Hardener:
Minimum Hardener Content* (hot weather) Use chemical goggles, PVC gloves and barrier
By Weight By Volume cream.
Liquid 10.0 5.0 b) Powder:
Hardener 0.75 0.55 Use dust respirator and chemical goggles.
* Under no circumstances can hardener content be
less than this minimum For full safety precautions refer to the Material Safety Data
Sheet for each component.

Always ensure you have the latest data sheet version, refer www.metz.net.au
1. The customer must comply strictly with the instructions contained in this product data sheet. Metz is not responsible for any advice or
variations to this data sheet which are not confirmed in writing.
2. If the customer has a claim against Metz in respect of any product supplied to the customer by Metz whether due to a fault in the product or
the negligence or breach of contract by Metz or for any other reason:
a) Metz shall not be liable for any loss or damage including consequential loss or damage or loss of profits arising thereby;
b) Metz may at its option replace the defective product free of charge to the customer or refund all payments made to it by the buyer in
respect of the defective product; and the maximum liability of Metz shall be the cost of replacing the defective product.
REV 06/16 METZ SPECIALTY Distributor
A.C.N. 140 636 639
15A Stanton Road, Seven Hills NSW 2147
Facsimile: (02) 9671 4292 Phone: (02) 9671 1311
6 University Place, Clayton North, VIC 3168
Facsimile: (03) 9561 6944 Phone: (03) 9561 6144
Unit 16, 42 Smith Street, Capalaba QLD 4157
Facsimile: (07) 3823 5552 Phone: (07) 3823 5555

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