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Project 1 Guideline & Rubric

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Introduction to Entrepreneurship and Innovation Project 1

Project 1 Design Thinking

Total 25% Marks

Project Summary

Design thinking is a group project (you may wish to work in a group of three or four students). It consists of two major components: project
report and project presentation.

Groups will choose an organization such as a university, a company, a hospital, a restaurant, an airport or any other. Then, groups will conduct
interviews and observations in different settings to identify possible areas of discomfort or issues that people face in their specific setting. For
example, long queues in universities to pay the fees, no compartments in supermarket trolleys, children do not like to buckle up in the car, etc.
Following this identification of challenges faced by the population residing in their chosen setting, groups must use design thinking processes to
understand the needs, develop empathy, ideate, and come up with innovative solutions. Students will be required to create a prototype of their
design and get feedback on their prototype from potential users.

Steps to take / recommended planning

S.No Activity
1 Choose an organization; choose the specific experience that you want to improve. You may
wish to explore the needs in a hospital, supermarket, airport, school etc
2 Identify the targeted demographic who are involved in the identified experience and
conduct interviews (four interviews) - start developing empathy
3. Download the data by categorizing them
4 Create one or more Journey Maps and Empathy map
5 Define the identified needs – Use Divergent and Convergent method
6 Formulate ‘How Might We’ questions on the identified needs
7 Choose one ‘How Might We’ question and brainstorm with the team about solutions for
only this question
8 Evaluate solutions and choose the best one
9 Build preliminary prototype
10 Test the prototypes with potential users and reflect upon your learning

Rubina Qureshi
Abu Dhabi University
April 2019
Introduction to Entrepreneurship and Innovation Project 1

 Project report 15% (see the rubric below)
 Presentation 5% A short (10 - 15 minutes) presentation sharing the process of Design Thinking, prototype and your
experience of testing the prototypes.

 Individual Logbooks: 5% In this project, Students will maintain the process of design thinking in their log book.

 Group Participation: It is expected that you must show group participation. You may wish to present it in any format of your
choice. Explaining: Did your group collaborate on this problem? Did you participate in-group meetings/activities? Did you
contribute equally to the group work?

Project 1 Rubric 25%

Category Outstanding Good Satisfactory Not Adequate

Developing Empathy and The selected experience The selected The selected experience No rationale is
Need Identification 4% is based on strong and experience is based on is based on weak articulated by the
very well thought out some rationale that the rationale that the group group for selecting the
Developing Empathy reasons group has articulated. has articulated. particular experience.
The data is collected The data is collected The data is collected No data is collected
a. Thoughtful selection using multiple methods using multiple using more than one and the design is
of experience such as 4 interviews, methods such as at method such as at least 2 based on only
b. Data collection and observations in least 3 interviews and interviews and some personal past
c. Data Downloading multiple settings. some observation. observation. experience.
d. Developing insights Strong abilities are Data is well Data is categorized but Data downloading is
demonstrated in categorized and not defined well. not demonstrated.
Need identification downloading data to defined.
a. Divergent and develop insight.
Convergent thinking The abilities of zoom in The abilities of zoom The abilities of zoom in The abilities of zoom

Rubina Qureshi
Abu Dhabi University
April 2019
Introduction to Entrepreneurship and Innovation Project 1

b. Journey map and zoom out are in and zoom out are and zoom out are not in and zoom out are
c. Empathy map effectively utilized. utilized. properly utilized. not at all utilized.
d. Point of View Step by step processes Step by step processes The journey map shows a The journey map
are shown in the journey are shown in the few steps but they are not shows just a few steps
map and opportunities journey map but composed in a detailed which are not
to improve the opportunities to manner. Opportunities to connected.
experience are improve the improve the experience An empathy map has
creatively identified. experience are not are not identified. not been designed .
An empathy map is well identified. An empathy map is POV and insights are
designed elaborating on An empathy map is designed but more than missing.
say, do, think and feel well designed but two components are
components some components are missing.
The group has provided missed out The group has provided a
a strong statement The group has weak statement sharing
sharing their point of provided a good their point of views and
views and insights. statement sharing their insights.
point of views and

How Might We (HMW) A good list of How A Few How Might A Few How Might We How Might We
Questions 3% Might We (HMW) We (HMW) questions (HMW) questions are questions are not
a. How Might We questions are designed are designed. They are designed. They are focused at all. They
Questions which are significantly mostly focused on the generally focused on the are just randomly
focused on the identified identified needs identified needs with a stated.
needs. HMW questions few exceptions.
are thoughtfully
designed considering a
wider perspective.
Rubina Qureshi
Abu Dhabi University
April 2019
Introduction to Entrepreneurship and Innovation Project 1

Ideation 4% The ideation process is The ideation process The ideation process is The ideation process
a. Brainstorming distinctly focused on the is focused on the some how focused on the is missing or very
b. Evaluate solutions identified HMW identified HMW identified HMW vague.
and select one Question/ Need that the Question/ Need that Question/ Need that the A solution has been
group has arrived at the group has arrived group has arrived at identified without
through the design at through the design through the design evaluation. Solution
thinking process. thinking process. thinking process. has been presented
Critical analysis is A good level of A fair level of analysis is without going through
demonstrated in analysis is demonstrated in the design thinking
evaluating multiple demonstrated through evaluating multiple process.
solutions. the evaluation of solutions.
multiple solutions.
The group has designed The group has The group has designed a The group has not
Prototype 4% a very creative physical designed a creative physical prototype that designed physical
a. Designing Physical prototype that very physical prototype that somewhat conveys the prototype.
Prototype clearly conveys the conveys the experience of what the
b. Testing Prototype experience of what the experience of what the user is meant to have
user is meant to have user is meant to have when using this product,
when using this product, when using this service, process, etc
service, process, etc. product, service, The prototype is not
process, etc tested yet.
The prototype is tested The prototype is tested
effectively based on the based on the skills
skills learnt during the learnt during the
course. The feedback is course. The group has
been utilized to modify got an idea as to how
the design. they would modify the
Rubina Qureshi
Abu Dhabi University
April 2019
Introduction to Entrepreneurship and Innovation Project 1

Strong level of A good level of Some level of The group did not
Group Presentation 5% collegiality is collegiality is collegiality is work collegially.
demonstrated in the demonstrated in the demonstrated in the Most of the mebers
group work. Each group work. Most of group work. Just a few did not participate in
member participated the group members group members group presentations
actively and participated in the participated in the group Group was not
enthusiastically in the group presentations presentations creative and confident
group presentations Group was creative Group was creative and in their presentation
Group was extremely and confident in their confident in their Presentation was too
creative and confident in presentation presentation short or too long than
their presentation Presentation was a Presentation was too 10 – 12 minutes.
Presentation was 10 – little shorter or little short or too long than 10 Presentation covered
12 minutes long longer than 10 – 12 – 12 minutes. just a few core content
Presentation covered all minutes. Presentation covered of the project.
the core content of the Presentation covered some core content of the
project. most of the core project.
content of the project.
Log Book (individual) 5% Log book has the Log book has the Log book has the records Log book has the
records of all of the records of 80% of the of 60% of the below records of 50% and
below mentioned below mentioned mentioned things: below of the below
things: Need finding notes mentioned things:
Need finding notes Need finding notes Interview per group Need finding notes
Interview per group Interview per group member, and raw data, Interview per group
member, and raw data, member, and raw data, interview questions and member, and raw data,
interview questions interview questions answers. interview questions
and answers. and answers. A journey map and answers.
A journey map Empathy map A journey map
Rubina Qureshi
Abu Dhabi University
April 2019
Introduction to Entrepreneurship and Innovation Project 1

A journey map Empathy map How might we questions Empathy map

Empathy map How might we Process of Ideation – How might we
How might we questions brainstorming questions
questions Process of Ideation – Drafts of prototype Process of Ideation –
Process of Ideation – brainstorming brainstorming
brainstorming Drafts of prototype Drafts of prototype
Drafts of prototype

Rubina Qureshi
Abu Dhabi University
April 2019

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