Cutting Equipment
Murex Welding Products offer a comprehensive range of MIG, TIG and Manual Metal Arc Welding
Machines renowned for quality, durability and unquestioned reliability within the welding industry.
Q Wave
Arc Plus
Live Tig
HF Tig
Single Phase
3 Phase
2 Year Warranty
Tradesmig 141, 171, 201 & 251
Amp range:
141 – 35-130
171 – 30-170
201 – 30-200
251 – 40-250
Tradesmig 280-3
Amp range:
Transmatic Wire
Feed Units
MIG (Metal Inert Gas) – In the MIG process the heat generated by an arc, formed THREE PHASE – 400v AC three phase supplies allows increased electrical power to
between the end of a consumable filler wire and the workpiece, is used to fuse the be delivered in smaller sized cables. The three phases provide maximum power at
joint area. The filler wire is fed continuously, through a contact tube or tip into the arc 3 PHASE
different times to provide a stable supply.
area. The arc is formed in an inert gas which prevents oxidation of the weld, assists in
cleaning, determines the heating characteristics of the arc and the mode of transfer.
Amps (AC/DC) – Current in AC mode switches between positive and negative
values at a preset frequency. The alternating effect of the current helps break down
TIG (Tungsten Inert Gas) – In the TIG process the heat generated by an arc, formed
the oxide formed on aluminium to allow it to be welded successfully.
between the end of a tungsten (non-consumable) electrode and the workpiece, is
used to fuse the joint area. The joint may be formed by either melting the butting
edges together without adding filler rod (autogenous weld), or by feeding the filler DC (Direct Current) – mode delivers a continuous positive current flow to the arc.
rod into the molten pool. In most DC TIG applications the electrode will be connected to the negative pole to
concentrate more heat on the material being welded to allow a weld pool to establish.
MMA (Manual Metal Arc) – is a process in which an electric arc is struck
between two metals (the workpiece and the consumable electrode). The heat
PFC (Power Factor Correction) is used to minimise the amount of power drawn
generated by the arc is sufficient to melt both metals and the metal from the
from the main input supply by introducing a primary inverter to the machine to
consumable electrode is deposited on the workpiece by gravity and/or ‘arc force’.
balance the current draw with the input voltage.
SINGLE PHASE – 230v AC single phase supplies are readily available in most BURNBACK allows a delay time to be set between the wire feed stopping and the
locations and ideal for use in areas that do not have a three phase supply available. arc extinguishing. The result will be that the wire will ‘burn off’ and not stick into the
welded material when the weld cycle is stopped.
Q Wave
Arc Plus
Live Tig
HF Tig
Single Phase
3 Phase
2 Year Warranty
Tradestig DC150 & DC220
Amp range TIG:
DC150 – 3-150
DC220 – 3-220
TG & TW Torches,
Accessories & Spares
Tradesarc DC150
Amp range:
Tradesarc DC200
Amp range MMA:
Transarc DC250
Amp range MMA:
ARC PLUS is an arc regulator that is built into the software of the machine. The ArcPlus Technical Data
Regulator constantly monitors the welding arc and adjusts the arc condition to stabilise the arc.
The ArcPlus regulator ensure that a smooth arc condition is maintained while welding to Duty Cycle – The duty cycle refers to the time as a percentage of a
produce a consistent welding profile with minimal spatter. ten-minute period that you can weld at a certain load without
overloading. The duty cycle is valid for 40˚C.
LIVE TIG is a switchless HF-free arc initiation system that minimises weld contamination at
arc start. In LiveTIG mode the tungsten electrode is fed with a small electrical charge, which
Enclosure class – The IP code indicates the enclosure clas, ie the
the machine will sense when the tungsten makes contact with the work piece. When contact
is sensed the machine will establish the arc as the tungsten is withdrawn from the material. degree of protection against penetration by solid objects or water.
Equipment marked IP23 is designed for indoor and outdoor use.
HF TIG – High Frequency (HF) is used when initiating the arc in the TIG process to eliminate
tungsten contamination at arc start. HF systems use a high energy starting system which Application class – This symbol indicates that the power source
allow the arc to be establish without the need for contact between the tungsten electrode and S is designed for use in areas with increase electrical hazard.
parent material.
QWAVE is an optimised AC square waveform, which incorporates the advantages of a sine Mains supply, Zmax – Maximum permissible line impedance on the
waveform. By rounding the leading edge of the square wave the physical noise level is network in accordance with IEC 61000-3-11.
reduced and stepping the acceleration between positive and negative keep the arc stable
without the need for a continuous high frequency.
2 YEAR WARRANTY – Murex equipment is covered by a full on-site 2 year parts and labour
warranty. Our extensive range of service centres means there will be a service engineer
close to you.
Murex continued to grow and in 1956 the Saffire revolution started with its
safety first principle – “Make it safe – Keep it Saffire”.
In 1982 ESAB purchased what was now Murex Welding Products and for the Saffire Introduction P32-33
first time in very many years Murex became part of a company whose only Saffire 300 Series 2+
Multi-Stage Regulators P34-35
interest was welding thus becoming part of a leading player in a global market.
Saffire 300 Series 1ec
Today, still based in Waltham Cross, Murex Welding Products offer a Single-Stage Regulators P36-37
comprehensive range of arc and gas welding and cutting products, welding Shielding Gases P38-39
Saffire Heavy Duty &
consumables and personal protective equipment and welding accessories.
Pipeline Regulators P40-41
Murex has and still remains “At the HEART of every good weld”. Saffire Welding and
Cutting Blowpipes P42-45
Saffire Welding, Cutting
and Process Nozzles P46-47
Safety Devices P48-49
Saffire Hose and Fittings P50-51
Saffire Welding, Cutting
and Heating Outfits P52-53
Certificate of Conformity
and Origin P54
Tradesmig 141/171/201 & 251 MIG
The Tradesmig 141/171/201 and 251 are step controlled power Power Smoothing Device™
sources in a compact design, intended for welding with solid steel, The three larger Tradesmigs, the
stainless steel or aluminium wire as well as tubular wire with or 171, 201 and 251 are also equipped
with a Power Smoothing Device™.
without shielding gas.
This gives excellent welding
With over 30 years of evolution and development since it first appeared performance with CO2 and mixed
on the market, the Murex Tradesmig name has become synonymous with gases by providing a smooth welding
current, often comparable with a
build quality and unquestioned reliability in the repair and maintenance
more powerful 3ph machine.
and light duty fabrication industry.
• A range of compact, single phase,
All Murex Tradesmigs are step-controlled MIG welding power sources with MIG composites for the light duty
fabrication industry
integral fully enclosed wire feed units. They are designed for welding steel,
stainless steel, aluminium and they can also be used for MIG brazing. • Easy polarity change allows the use
of both conventional solid wire and
The Tradesmigs can use wires ranging from 0.6mm to 1.2mm in diameter
self shielding cored wire
depending on the machine selected.
• Accurate control and setting of wire
feed speed and welding parameters
The units are equipped with multi step voltage control switches and
• Power Smoothing Device™ available
potentiometers for wire feed adjustment and easy setting of the welding as standard on Tradesmig 171, 201
parameters. All four machines are fan cooled and equipped with thermal and 251 for enhanced performance
overload protection. • Adjustable spot weld and burn back
timer on the Tradesmig 171, 201
and 251
• All Tradesmig packages are supplied
with a Murex MIG torch – the MXL
for the Tradesmig 141 and an MXE
torch for the 171, 201 and 251
Technical Specification
Tradesmig 141 Tradesmig 171 Tradesmig 201 Tradesmig 251
Mains Voltage 230-240V, 1~50/60Hz 230-240V, 1~50/60Hz 230-240V, 1~50/60Hz 230-240V, 1~50/60Hz
Control Voltage 230-240V, 50/60Hz 42V, 50/60Hz 42V, 50/60Hz 42V, 50/60Hz
Wire dimension range 0.6-0.8 (Fe) 0.6-0.8 (Fe) 0.6-1.0 (Fe) 0.6-1.2 (Fe)
1.0 (Al) 1.0 (Al) 1.0 (Al) 1.0-1.2 (Al)
0.8 (cored) 0.8 (cored) 0.8-1.0 (cored) 0.8-1.2 (cored)
0.8 (CuSi) 0.8-1.0 (CuSi) 0.8-1.0 (CuSi) 0.8-1.0 (CuSi)
Max diameter/weight
of wire bobin 200mm/5kg 300mm/15kg 300mm/15kg 300mm/15kg
Dimensions L x W x H 650 x 300 x 550mm 860 x 420 x 730mm 860 x 420 x 730mm 860 x 420 x 730mm
Operating temperature -10 to +40˚C -10 to +40˚C -10 to +40˚C -10 to +40˚C
Application class S S S S
* The minimum current during AC welding depends on the alloy used for the aluminium plates and their surface cleanliness
Tradesmig 280-3 MIG 3 PHASE
The Tradesmig 280-3 is a three phase, step controlled MIG/MAG • Fully professional welding
welding power source with built in wire feed unit. performance
• Sturdy, robust undergear will
With a reputation for quality and reliability second to none in the light support even the heaviest 70kg
duty MIG market, the performance of the Tradesmig is enhanced by a gas cylinders
“Power Smoothing Device™”, giving excellent welding performance with • Superb welding characteristics
CO2 and mixed gases. with both Argon rich 100%
CO2 gases
A Murex Tradesmig is designed for the quality, reliability and performance • Voltage control via 10 voltage
conscious user, a professional machine which will provide professional steps
results. If you are serious about your MIG welding, you’ll choose a • Optional digital meter available
Murex Tradesmig.
• Euroconnection for Murex
MXE torch
All Murex Tradesmigs are step-controlled MIG welding power sources with
• Separate work return cable
integral fully enclosed wire feed units. They are designed for welding steel,
• Adjustable spot weld and burn
stainless steel, aluminium and they can also be used for MIG brazing.
back timer
The Tradesmig 280-3 can use wires ranging from 0.6mm to 1.2mm in
diameter depending on the machine selected.
The units are equipped with multi step voltage control switches and
potentiometers for wire feed adjustment and easy setting of the welding
parameters. All four machines are fan cooled and equipped with thermal
overload protection.
Technical Specification
Ordering Information
Tradesmig 280-3
Description Part No
Mains Voltage 400-415V, 3~50/60Hz
Tradesmig 280-3 Package 0701416534
Permissible load at Comprises:-
Tradesmig 280-3 Power Source 0349308070
100% duty cycle 150A
MXE 25-30 MIG torch 3m lead 0701415790
60% duty cycle 190A
Saffire 300 series
35% duty cycle 250A
1ec Arc 35L regulator 0701282684
Setting range (DC) 40A/16, 0V–280A/26, 5V
Optional Extras
Open circuit voltage 15.0 – 37.0V
Description Part No
Open circuit power 340W
Digital metre kit 0349302598
Power factor at max load 0.97 3.5m Work Return Lead 0701409320
Weight 82kg
Application class S
Tradesmig 300C & 350C MIG 3 PHASE
The Transmig 300C and 350C are three phase, industrially rated • Robust fully industrial MIG/MAG
MIG/MAG welding machines which are both compact and robust equipment
in construction. • Compact design with built in wire
feed unit
These machines are built with a strong galvanised metal casing to • Powerful wire feed drive system
withstand the most demanding of industrial environments. Both machines for wire diameters up to 1.2mm
can be fitted with a number of options such as V/A digital meters, air • Unsurpassed level of control
filters or a transformer for a CO2 heater. provided by up to 40 (350C)
voltage steps
Both machines offer outstanding welding characteristics and are intended • Two inductance outlets provide
for welding with solid steel, stainless steel or aluminium wire as well as optimised arc control
tubular wire with or without sheilding gas.
• Small footprint makes both units
ideal for production boothwork
• Polarity switching facility for cored
wire applications
• Optional digital meters with last
reading hold facility
• Excellent weld performance
for mild steel, stainless and
• Spot welding timer control (300C)
• Torch switch latching control (350C)
Technical Specification
Ordering Information
Transmig 300C Transmig 350C
Description Part No
Mains Voltage 400-415 V, 3~50/60Hz 400-415 V, 3~50/60Hz
Transmig 300C Package 0701416523
Permissible load at Comprises:-
100% duty cycle 150A/22V 195A/24V Transmig 300C Power Source 0349307690
MXA 253B MIG torch 3m Lead 0701415030
60% duty cycle 190A/24V 250A/27V
Saffire 300 series 1ec
30% duty cycle 280A/28V 340A/31V
Arc35L Regulator 0701282684
Setting range (DC) 30A/15V – 280A/28V 40A/16V – 340A/31V
Transmig 350C Package 0701416524
Open circuit voltage 15-38V 16-40V Comprises:-
Transmig 350C Power source 0349307660
Open circuit power 190W 240W MXA 363B MIG torch 3m Lead 0701415032
Saffire 300 series 1ec
Efficiency 69% 77%
Arc35L Regulator 0701282684
Power factor 0.97 0.95
Optional Extras
Control voltage 42V, 50/60 Hz 42V, 50/60 Hz
Description Part No
Wire feed speed 1.9-19m/min 1.9-20m/min
Digital Meter Kit 0349302598
Burnback time 0-0.25s 0-0.5s Work return lead 0701409320
Transmig 300C Feed roll
Creep Start - OFF/ON
1.0-1.2mm FCW 0367556006
2/4 stroke - 2/4 Transmig 350C Feed roll
0.6-0.8mm Fe, SS 0369557001
Spot welding 0-0.25s - Transmig 350C Feed roll
0.8-1.0mm Fe, SS 0369557002
Welding gun connection EURO EURO
Transmig 350C Feed roll
Dimensions L x W x H 840 x 425 x 830mm 840 x 425 x 830mm 1.0-1.2mm Fe, SS 0369557003
Transmig 350C Feed roll
Weight 91kg 114kg
1.0-1.2mm FCW 0369557004
Operating temperature -10 to +40˚C -10 to +40˚C Transmig 350C Feed roll
1.0-1.2 Al 0369557006
Enclosure class IP23 IP23
Both Power Sources are supplied with:
3.5m return cable with return clamp.
Gas cylinder shelf (fitted with 2 screws).
Instruction manual.
Transmig 326/406S/406SW MIG 3 PHASE
Murex Transmig 326S, 406S & 406SW are industrial 3-phase flat The Transmigs are constructed in a tall
characteristic power sources for MIG/MAG welding with solid or and narrow all metal format resulting in
reduced floor-space.
cored wires.
Technical Specification
Transmig 326S Transmig 406S & 406SW
Transmatic Lynx Wire Feed Units MIG 3 PHASE
The Transmatic Lynx 2 and 4HD are feed units designed for use The casework design of all the
in MIG/MAG welding installations to feed hard, soft or tubular Transmatic Lynx wire feed units,
(cored) wires. provide good operator access and
visibility of the drive mechanics and
internal control facilities. The top
Proven high precision 2 or 4 roll wire drive mechanics in combination
of the feeders are radiused, and
with rugged and powerful Electrolux motors provide positive and
the access door hinges upwards.
consistent wire feed. Operating from safe extra low voltage 42Vac The burn-back control is on the
supplies the electronic speed control provides accurate and reproducible internal divider panel eliminating the
feed speed as well as facilities like inching, gas purging, 2 or 4 stroke need to ‘go hunt the screwdriver’!
torch switch modes and pre/post flow functions. As a further refinement,
Murex incorporated selectable wire acceleration, giving improved arc
starting performance for aluminium and flux cored wires.
Technical Specification
Optional Extras
Transmatic Lynx 2 Transmatic Lynx 4HD
Description Part No
Drive System 2 Roll Geared 4 Roll
Water adaptor kit (Lynx 2/4HD) 0701413647
Speed Range 1-20m/min 1-20m/min 6.5m Water hose (2 required)
Lynx 2/4HD 0701414015
Supply voltage 42Vac 42Vac Reel cover kit 0701413648
Lynx 2D Feed roll 0.8-1.0H 0701416150
Wire Size
Lynx 2D Feed roll 1.0-1.2H 0701416151
Hard 0.8-1.6mm 0.8-2.4mm
Lynx 2/4HD Feed roll 1.0-1.2H
Soft 1.0-1.6mm 1.0-2.4mm (Pk of 2) 0701409002
Cored 1.2-1.6mm 1.2-2.4mm Lynx 2/4HD Feed roll 1.2-1.6/h
(Pk of 2) 0701409003
Dimensions H x W x L 315 x 265 x 600mm 315 x 265 x 600mm
Lynx 2/4HD Feed roll 1.0-1.2K
Weight 15.5kg 15.5kg (Pk of 2) 0701414877
Lynx 2/4HD Feed roll 1.2-1.6K
(Pk of 2) 0701411533
Ordering Information Lynx 2/4HD Feed roll 1.0-1.2S
(Pk of 2) 0701413460
Description Part No Description Part No
Feed roll key:
Transmatic Lynx 2 Transmatic Lynx 4HD
H = Hard, S = Soft, K = Knurled
Wire Feed Unit 0349494942 Wire Feed Unit 0349494940
Includes:- Includes:-
1.0/1.2H feed roll 1.0/1.2H feed roll
Transweld Challenger 400 MIG 3 PHASE
The Transweld Challenger 400 is a step switch power source • Ideal for welding applications
designed for MIG/MAG welding with the Transmatic 4C wire within the general steel
feed unit. fabrication sector
• Available with or without
The units are robust industrial MIG welding packages designed for use digital meters
in a wide range of general fabrication applications. The Transweld • Supplied complete with
Challenger 400 power source and Transmatic 4C wire feed unit are both fitted undergear
constructed using a sturdy galvanised case. The 4 wheel feed mechanism • Fitted with IEC 3 phase
of the Transmatic 4C has grooved feed rollers and an idle pressure roller mains plug
for positive and stable feeding. • Equipped with wire inch and
gas purge
The power units are fan cooled and equipped with thermal overload • Suitable for wire diameters
protection. The machines can be fitted with an instrument that displays 0.6mm to 1.6mm
current and voltage. It incorporates a hold function and can be calibrated.
• Electronically controlled
feeding provides stable and
consistent results
• Industry beating 40 voltage
steps for accurate setting
• Transmatic 4C designed to
meet the most rigid safety
standard IEC/EN 60974-1
Technical Specification
Transweld Challenger 400
MXE, MXA, MXW SC Torches, Accessories & Spares MIG
The MXE torches have been designed to meet the • Excellent feedability
needs of lighter duty users. The small handles are easy • Positive grip and finger control even when wearing gloves
to grip and comfortable to use. The size enables the • Flexible but tough coaxial cable assembly
welder to reach the most awkward areas. • Liners for soft, hard and cored wires
• MXW ‘Supercool’ design provides enhanced
Lightness does not mean there is any loss in robustness consumable lifetime
and performance. The 363 has a duty cycle of 360 amps • Full range of dip and spray nozzles
at 60% duty cycle on CO2, making it man enough for many
heavier applications. The MXW Super Cool range of torches employ water-cooling
to achieve a small, low weight and yet rugged torch.
For the heavy and prolonged usage we have the MXA range The unique design keeps the handle cool and ensures that the
of torches. Available with 3m or 4m cable lengths, the models contact tip and gas nozzle do not overheat, resulting in longer
available include 150, 200, 250, 360, 400 and 500 amps. consumable life and better current pick-up. MXW SC torches
With heavy duty nozzles fitted as standard the air-cooled are available in 3 current capacities: 350, 450 and 550 amps
torches have all brass connection blocks. all with standard cable lengths of either 3 or 4 metres.
Ordering Information
Rating CO2 Rating Argon
Description Part No
MXE Light Duty Air Cooled Torches
MXE Light Duty Air Cooled Torches
MXE15-30 3m Length 150A 40% Duty Cycle 130A 30% Duty Cycle
MXE15-30 3m Length 0701415645
MXE20-30 3m Length 200A 40% Duty Cycle 160A 30% Duty Cycle
MXE20-30 3m Length 0701415788
MXE20-40 4m Length 200A 40% Duty Cycle 160A 30% Duty Cycle
MXE20-40 4m Length 0701415789
MXE25-30 3m Length 250A 40% Duty Cycle 175A 30% Duty Cycle
MXE25-30 3m Length 0701415790
MXE25-40 4m Length 250A 40% Duty Cycle 175A 30% Duty Cycle
MXE25-40 4m Length 0701415791
MXA Heavy Duty Air Cooled Torches
MXA Heavy Duty Air Cooled Torches
MXA153B Torch 3m Lead 150A 60% Duty Cycle 130A 60% Duty Cycle
MXA153B Torch 3m Lead 0701415331
MXA203B Torch 3m Lead 200A 60% Duty Cycle 160A 60% Duty Cycle MXA203B Torch 3m Lead 0701412501
MXA204B Torch 4m Lead 200A 60% Duty Cycle 160A 60% Duty Cycle MXA204B Torch 4m Lead 0701412502
MXA253B Torch 3m Lead 250A 60% Duty Cycle 175A 60% Duty Cycle MXA253B Torch 3m Lead 0701415030
MXA254B Torch 4m Lead 250A 60% Duty Cycle 175A 60% Duty Cycle MXA254B Torch 4m Lead 0701415031
MXA363B Torch 3m Lead 360A 60% Duty Cycle 250A 60% Duty Cycle MXA363B Torch 3m Lead 0701415032
MXA364B Torch 4m Lead 360A 60% Duty Cycle 250A 60% Duty Cycle MXA364B Torch 4m Lead 0701415033
MXA403 Torch 3m Lead 400A 60% Duty Cycle 270A 60% Duty Cycle MXA403 Torch 3m Lead 0701412506
MXA404 Torch 4m Lead 400A 60% Duty Cycle 270A 60% Duty Cycle MXA404 Torch 4m Lead 0701412507
MXA503 Torch 3m Lead 500A 60% Duty Cycle 325A 60% Duty Cycle MXA503 Torch 3m Lead 0701412515
MXA504 Torch 4m Lead 500A 60% Duty Cycle 325A 60% Duty Cycle MXA504 Torch 4m Lead 0701412516
MXE15-30 150A MXA153B MXW354SC
MXE20-30 200A MXE25-30 MXA203B MXA253 MXA363B MXA403 MXA503 MXW454SC
MXE20-40 200A MXE25-40 MXA204B MXA254 MXA364B MXA404 MXA504 MXW554SC
Contact Tip PART NO.
1 Contact Tip 0.6 Rd-M6 LD 0700957950
1 Contact Tip 0.8 Rd-M6 LD 0700957951
1 Contact Tip 1.0 Rd-M6 LD 0700957953
1 Contact Tip 0.8 Hex M8 0701408710 0701408710 0701408710 0701408710
1 Contact Tip 1.0 Hex M8 0701408712 0701408712 0701408712 0701408712 0701408712
1 Contact Tip 1.2/1.0A Hex M8 0701408713 0701408713 0701408713 0701408713 0701408713
1 Contact Tip 1.4/1.2A Hex M8 0701415251 0701415251 0701415251 0701415251 0701415251
1 Contact Tip 0.6 Hex M6 0701408700 0701408700
1 Contact Tip 0.8 Hex M6 0701408701 0701408701
1 Contact Tip 1.0 Hex M6 0701408703 0701408703
1 Contact Tip 1.2 Hex M6 0701408704
1 Contact Tip 1.6/1.4A Hex M8 0701408714 0701408714 0701408714 0701408714
1 Contact Tip 2.0/1.6A Hex M8 0701408715 0701408715 0701408715
1 Contact Tip 2.4/2.0A Hex M8 0701408716
2 Nozzle – Dip – Short-LD 0700951053 0700953156
2 Nozzle – Dip – Standard-LD 0700951054 0700953157
2 Nozzle – Spot 0701408601 0701408603 0701408601 0701408603 0701408606 0701408606 0701408608
2 Nozzle – Dip – Short 0701408600 0701408602 0701408602
2 Nozzle – Dip – Standard 0701408599 0701411350 0701411350
2 Nozzle – Parallel 0701408604
2 Nozzle Insulator 0701408620 0701408620 0701408621 0701408623
2 Nozzle – Dip – Tapered 0701408605 0701408605 0701408605
2 Nozzle – Spray – Long 0701406336 0701406336 0701406336
2 Nozzle – Spray – Small Bore 10x80mm 0701414717 0701414717 0701412489 0701414717
2 Nozzle – Spray – Small Bore 13x80mm 0701412488 0701412488 0701412488
2 Nozzle Insulator – Small Bore 0701412490
2 Nozzle – Spray – HD Tapered 17x80mm 0701408607 0701408607
2 Nozzle – Spray – Parallel 0701408604
2 Parallel Nozzle HD 0701415329 0701415329
3 Nozzle Holder/Insulator MXE15 0701408622
3 Nozzle Insulator Short MXE20 0700952001
3 Nozzle Holder/Insulator MXA153B 0701408622
3 Nozzle Insulator – Std 0701408621
Liner 0.6-0.8H 3m 0701412530 0701412530 0701412530 0701412530
Liner 0.6-0.8H 4m 0701412531 0701412531
Liner 1.0-1.2S 4m 0701414764 0701414764
Liner 0.8-1.2H&T 3m MXE20 0701412532
Liner 0.8-1.2H&T 4m MXE20 0701412533
Liner 0.8-1.2H&T 3m 0701412532 0701412532 0701412534 0701412534 0701412534 0701412534
Liner 0.8-1.2H&T 4m 0701412533 0701412533 0701412535
Liner 0.8-1.2H&T 4.5m 0701412535 0701412535 0701412535
Liner 1.0-1.2S 4.5m 0701414764 0701414764 0701414764 0701414764 0701414764 0701414764
Liner 0.8-1.2H&T 3m MXA20 0701412532
Liner 0.8-1.2H&T 4m MXA20 0701412533
Liner 1.4-2.0H&T 3m 0701412536 0701412536 0701412536 0701412536
Liner 1.4-2.0H&T 4.5m 0701412537 0701412537 0701412537 0701412537
Liner 1.2-1.6S 4.5m 0701414765 0701414765 0701414765 0701414765
Liner 2.4-3.2 H&T 3m 0701412538
Liner 2.4-3.2 H&T 4.5m 0701412539
Gas Diffuser
4 Gas Diffuser 0701412563 0701412563
4 Gas Diffuser MXE20 0701412549
4 Gas Diffuser M8 Tip 0701414801 0701414801
4 Gas Diffuser M6 Tip 0701408655 0701408655
4 Gas Diffuser MXA20 0701412549
4 Gas Diffuser MXA50 0701408658
2 3
1 4
Tradestig DC150 & DC220
The Tradestig DC150 and DC220 are TIG welding power sources, For TIG welding with the Tradestig
which can also be used for MMA welding. They can be used with DC150 all you need to do is set the
direct current (DC). plate thickness on the control panel
and the machine will do the rest,
however you can still control the
These compact units with their impact resistant polymer cases, are light
welding current, slope down and
and east to carry. However the compact design does not compromise
post-gas manually.
cooling. Large heat sinks provide a cool running machine and the carefully
thought out internal design helps to protect the sensitive internal With the more advanced Tradestig
components from dust and dirt to give a longer working life, even when DC220 you can also weld pulsed
used in harsh industrial environments. Compliance with IP23 gives you the TIG, giving you better control of the
assurance that these new Tradestigs can be used out of doors – even in heat input and with the micro pulse
the rain. function you can set pulse times
down to 0.001 of a second. With
two memories, you can store all your
• Compact and robust design, fully IP23 compliant
settings and switch between the
• Capable of producing quality TIG welds in alloyed, non alloyed and memories from the control panel or
stainless steel from the torch trigger, even when
welding. You can also set slope
• Weld parameters presented on a clear easy to use control panel
up/down, post-gas and connect a
• Pulsed TIG and Micro pulse facilities available on the on Tradestig 220 remote control. The control panels
• Both machines offer true MMA welding characteristics with hot start of both machines are easy to set
and arc force setting even when wearing welding gloves.
Technical Specification
Tradestig DC150 Tradestig DC220
Primary current
Imax TIG 14A 24A
Imax MMA 22A 25A
Application class S S
Transtig DC300 & DC300W 3 PHASE
Designed for high quality TIG-welding the Transtig DC300 machine • Pulsed TIG welding-easy control
will give a safe start and stable arc. All types of stainless and mild of heat input and weld pool
steel and most other materials, from plate thickness of 0.5mm can be • 2-program function provides the
welded with high quality. opportunity to pre-program and
change program during actual
The Transtig DC300 is a strong and reliable 300A inverter power source welding for increased productivity
with a wide working range. With this equipment it is possible to weld • Strong and reliable 300 A inverter
almost all material suitable for DC TIG and MMA welding processes. power block – one machine for all
types of demanding applications
Productivity with the right quality is important. The control panel has all the • Easy to use – all parameters
necessary functions for advanced TIG DC, Pulse TIG and MMA welding. presented in an easy to
All parameters presented in an easy to understand way. understand way
• MMA welding – handles all
electrodes up to 5mm
• ArcPlus™ II – better welding
characteristics in MMA,
simplifies your work and gives
you better weld quality with
less after treatment
• True MMA welding – hot start
and Arc force setting
Technical Specification
Transtig DC300 & DC300W
Fuse (slow), A 20
Setting range
TIG 4-300
MMA 16-300
Maximum output
at 35% duty cycle TIG, A/V 300/22
at 60% duty cycle TIG, A/V 240/19, 6
at 100% duty cycle TIG, A/V 200/18
Tradestig AC220 & AC220a
Designed for the craftsman welder, the Murex Tradestig AC220 The control panels of both Tradestigs
and AC220a offer the complete solution for a wide range of TIG have all the necessary functions for
welding applications. DC and AC/DC TIG and MMA
welding. With the Tradestig AC220,
all you need to do is set the plate
These compact units with their impact resistant polymer cases are light
thickness on the control panel and
and east to carry, yet robust enough for use in the toughest of industrial
the machine will do the rest,
environments. Just as important is the fact that the compact design does however you can still control the
not compromise cooling. Large heat sinks provide a cool running machine welding current, slope down and
and the carefully thought out internal design helps to protect the sensitive post-gas manually.
internal components from dust and dirt to give a longer working life.
Compliance with IP23 gives you the assurance that these Tradestigs can The AC220a control panel has
be used out of doors – even in the rain. several advanced functions including
Pulse TIG, AC Balance, to control
arc cleaning and penetration and
• Designed for quality TIG welding with all types of material
AC Frequency, to control arc width.
• QWave™ for high arc stability and low noise levels in AC You are also able to control electrode
preheating, for different electrode
• Pulse TIG, AC Balance and AC Frequency controls on the AC220a
profiles and improved starts.
• True MMA welding characteristics in AC and DC modes – Hot start,
Arc Force and polarity switch (DC) In both DC and AC modes these
• Two program function, allowing pre program and program change units provide excellent arc strike and
a consistent, stable arc. All types of
during welding
material and thickness up to 5mm
• Electrode preheating for excellent weld starts and extended can be welded.
electrode life
Technical Specification
Tradestig AC220 and AC220a
Primary current
|max TIG 27A
|max MMA 25A
Application class S
* The minimum current during AC welding depends on the alloy used for the aluminium plates and
their surface cleanliness
Transtig AC/DC 203iS & 353iS 3 PHASE
The Murex industrial Transtig AC/DC machines provide the best in TIG or • State of the art 200A or 350A rated
MMA welding in either AC or DC process modes. Based on high frequency TIG/MMA equipment
switching inverter technology, in combination with a software driven micro- • Unsurpassed welding characteristics
processor based controller, they provide the ultimate in precision adjustment and performance AC or DC
and control of welding parameters, and superb AC or DC performance.
• Preset digital setting of all welding
parameters, current, slopes and
With a host of benefits like AC TIG without the need for continuous HF for arc
pulsing detail etc
maintenance, balanced electricity supply line draw, high efficiency and power
factor, full pulsing facilities, digital metering of both welding current and voltage etc • High visibility LED display of welding
voltage, current, times, frequencies etc
these machines offer unrivalled excellence.
• Powerful non-contact or lift-arc TIG
The Transtig AC/DC 203iS and 353iS are designed, manufactured and fully arc initiation
tested to meet with the requirements of BSEN60974-1 “Safety Requirements for
• Both balance and frequency control
Arc Welding Power Sources” and also comply with BSEN50199 covering for AC TIG
Electromagnetic Compatibility.
• Run all types of MMA electrodes
(AC or DC running types) including
Transtig Trolley Unit Trancool 351 Water Cooling Unit cellulosics
The Transtig Trolley provides a convenient This high efficiency torch water cooler
and safe way of transporting the Transtig has been designed for use with the • Full remote control facilities with
variable start point current
AC/DC 203iS or 353iS power sources. Transtig AC/DC 203iS or 353iS TIG
The trolley has provision to carry the welding equipment and trolley unit, • Optional Transcool 351 TIG torch water
power source, water cooler and full size although it can also be used as a free cooler with audible low flow alarm
argon cylinder. The 203iS & 353iS power standing unit with other similar welding
• Optional Transtig Trolley unit to carry
source sits at a convenient height and plant. It operates from 230V single-phase power source, water cooler and
angle allowing clear visibility of, and electricity supplies (6.3A fuse). The all gas cylinder
access to, the operator controls. A metal enclosure contains a moulded
convenient handle and large rubber coolant reservoir tank, a reliable and • Comply fully with all new safety
directives – Low Voltage, EMC etc
wheels make moving the equipment powerful pump/motor assembly, a
around the shop easy. cooling fan and radiator, and water flow
detection circuitry.
Technical Specification
Ordering Information
Transtig AC/DC 203iS Transtig AC/DC 353iS
Description Part No
Mains Supply 400-440V 3Ph 50/60Hz 400-440V 3Ph 50/60Hz
Transtig AC/DC 203iS
Fusing 3x16A slow 3x32A slow Air Cooled Package 0701416272
kVA 6 (5.4kW) 14 (13kW) Transtig AC/DC 203iS Power Source 0701416273
TG203 TIG Torch with 3.8m lead 0701415500
PF 0.9 0.9
Torch Accessory Kit 0701410207
Current Range 4-200A 4-350A Work Return Lead 3.5m 0701409320
Vantage Flowmeter 14L/Min 0701300021
TIG Rating 200A 40% duty 350A 40% duty Saffire 300 Series 1ec Ar2
160A 60% 300A 60% TIG Regulator 0701282689
135A 100% 250A 100% Gas Hose Assembly 0700606503
Instruction Manual
MMA Rating 190A 35% duty 320A 35% duty
Transtig AC/DC 203iS
150A 60% 250A 60%
Water Cooled Package 0701416272
OCV (max) 65V 65V Comprises:-
Transtig AC/DC 203iS Power Source 0701416273
AC Frequency 20 – 200Hz 20 – 200Hz Transcool 351 Water Cooling Unit 0701416542
TW253 TIG Torch with 3.8m lead 0701415500
AC Balance 10 – 90% 10 – 90%
Trolley 0701415510
Pulse Mode Frequency 0.4 – 300Hz DC 0.4 – 300Hz DC Torch Accessory Kit 0701408023
0.4 – 2Hz AC 0.4 – 2Hz AC Work Return Lead 3.5m 0701409320
Vantage Flowmeter 14L/Min 0701300021
Pulse Duty (mark:space ratio) 30 to 65% (in 5% steps) 30 to 65% (in 5% steps) Saffire 300 Series 1ec Ar2
TIG Regulator 0701282689
Background Current 10 - 90% of main current 10 - 90% of main current
Gas Hose Assembly 0700606503
Slope Down Time 0.1 - 10 Seconds 0.1 - 10 Seconds Instruction Manual
Start/Crater Current (4T) 10 - 90% of main current 10 - 90% of main current Transtig AC/DC 353iS
Water Cooled package 0701416274
Post Purge Time 0.5 - 30 Seconds 0.5 - 30 Seconds Comprises:-
Transtig AC/DC 353iS Power Source 0701416275
Remote Start Point Current 4-100A 4-100A
Transcool 351 Water Cooling Unit 0701416542
Dimensions (Power Source) TW451 TIG Torch with 4m lead 0701415026
Trolley 0701415510
Dimensions L x W x D 510 x 240 x 500mm 520 x 290 x 540mm Torch Accessory Kit 0700607583
Work Return Lead 5m 0701403214
Weight (Net) 30kg 40kg
Vantage Flowmeter 14L/Min 0701300021
Standards EN60974-1 & EN50199 EN60974-1 & EN50199 Saffire 300 Series 1ec Ar2
TIG Regulator 0701282689
Gas Hose Assembly 0700606503
Trancool 351 Cooling Unit BSP/Dins adaptor kit 0701414762
Instruction Manual
Electricity Supply 230V 1-Phase 50Hz
Optional Extras
Fuse 6.3A Slow
Description Part No
Capacity 5 Litres (excluding torch)
FC-5B Foot Control Unit 0000033646
Coolant Distilled or de-ionised water with 25% Glycol antifreeze 5m Welding Lead & Electrode Holder 0701403213
TG203 TIG Torch with 7.6m lead 0701415023
Working Temperature 47°C (300A/22V) TW253 TIG Torch with 7.6m lead 0701415501
TW452 TIG Torch with 8m lead 0701415027
Coolant Flow Rate 1-2 Litres/minute
2 Pin Torch Switch Plug 0701407817
Dimensions L x W x H 510 x 290 x 250mm BSP/Dins Adaptor Kit for TW451/452 0701414762
Weight 17.5kg
Typical areas of application
Repair and maintenance, Pipe and tube
manufacturing, General fabrication and civil
construction, Automotive, Process Industry,
Shipbuilding and offshore, Transport and
mobile machinery.
TG & TW Torches, Accessories & Spares
There are various torches available in the Murex TIG torch range. Optional Extras
The smallest the TG123 is a 125A air-cooled torch fitted with Description Part No
gas valve. The next torch in the range is the TG 153 and TG 153F. TG123 Accessory kit 0701408020
Both of these are 150A air-cooled torches, the TG153F having Short back cap 2 collet body assemblies (2.4mm &
flexible head for difficult access. The largest air-cooled torches l.0mm). 2 ceramic nozzles (alumina) 6mm & 11mm.
in the range are the TG 203 and TG203V, the later being fitted TG153 Accessory kit 0701410208
with gas valve. Short back cap 2 collet bodies (1.6mm & 3.2mm).
2 ceramic nozzles (alumina) 8mm &13mm.
• Head designed for optimum cooling and life TG203 Accessory kit 0701410207
• Flexible high quality hoses give flexibility with long life Short back cap 2 collet bodies (1.6mm & 3.2mm)
2 ceramic nozzles (alumina) 8mm &13mm.
• Special Teflon nozzle gasket ensures gas tight construction TW253 250A water cooled TIG torch (min water
flow rate of 1.2 litres/min).
• Separate torch switch and switch boot options
TW253 Accessory kit 0701408023
• Spot weld kit available (153 & 203) Comprises:-
Short back cap 2 collet body assemblies (1.6mm &
3.2mm). 2 ceramic nozzles (alumina) 8mm & 13mm.
Murex offers four TIG water-cooled torches. The TW253 being a 250A TW451 & TW452 Accessory kit 0700607583
version (min water flow rate of 1.2 litres/min), the TW403 a 400A torch, Short back cap 6 collets, 2 nozzles
and for the heavy-duty welder the TW451 and TW452 both giving BSP to Dinz TIG Kit (TW451/TW452) 0701414762
maximum current 450A DC, 350A AC and minimum water flow rate
1.2 litres/min.
TG123V TG153
TG153F TG203V TW253 TW451
TG203 TW452
4 5
Tradesarc DC150
The Tradesarc DC150 is a highly portable, manual metal arc welding Power Factor Correction – PFC
machine for the general fabrication, repair and maintenance welder. The PFC circuit enables you to use
the full range of the machine on a
16 amp fuse. The PFC also protects
Although compact, this machine with its impact resistant polymer case,
the machines against mains
is designed to cope with the rigours of everyday industrial use and is
fluctuation and makes them safer to
equipped with a host of performance features. The Tradesarc DC150 is
use with a generator, you can also
capable of welding alloyed and non-alloyed steel, stainless steel and use extra long mains cables giving
cast iron using electrodes with a diameter range of 1.6-3.2mm with the a larger working radius.
single-phase supply.
• IP23 – Fit for outdoor use which makes it safe on all work sites
• Reliable and easy to use
• Can weld most metals, from alloyed and non alloyed steel, stainless
steel and cast iron
Technical Specification
Ordering Information
Tradesarc DC150
Description Part No
Mains Voltage 230V, 1~50/60Hz Tradesarc DC150 Package 0479100225
Mains Supply Zmax 0.35 ohm Comprises:-
Tradesarc DC150 Power Source 0460441880
Primary current 3m work return lead
Imax 22A 3m welding cable
Instruction manual
No-load power 30W
Weight 7.9kg
Application class S
Tradesarc DC200
The Tradesarc DC200 will weld alloyed and non-alloyed steel, The machine is equipped with the
stainless steel and cast iron using electrodes up to 4.0mm. latest Arcplus™ II, providing a
more intense smooth and stable
arc, which is easy to control.
Operating from a 230V single-phase supply the welding equipment is
generating smaller droplets, the
designed to work in harmony with the environment.
arc burns smoothly and eliminates
the need to pause at the edges
With the addition of a TIG torch with gas valve, a gas regulator and when weaving. The result being
the appropriate cylinder of gas, the Tradesarc DC200 can be used for improved weld characteristics, a
TIG welding on a range of materials including mild and stainless steel. quality weld result with less need
for post weld treatment.
• Robust impact resistant polymer casing
• Built in accordance with IP23 for safe outdoor use
• Adjustable hot start – for improved weld starts
• Extra long mains cable capability
• Weighs only 8.3kg
• Adjustable hot start – for improved weld starts
• Adjustable arc force – sets the intensity of the arc for improved
weld quality
Technical Specification
Tradesarc DC200
Primary current
Imax TIG 24A
Imax MMA 25A
Description Part No
Efficiency at maximum current
AT1 remote control 0459491896
TIG 75%
AT1 coarse/fine remote control 0459491897
MMA 81%
MMA1 remote control with
Open circuit voltage MMA/TIG 10m cable 0349501024
without VRD 55-60V FS002 foot control
burndy with 5m cable 0349090886
with VRD < 35V
TIG scratch start kit 0701412652
Operating temperature -10 to +40˚C
Weight 8.3kg
Application class S
Transarc DC250 3 PHASE
The Transarc DC250 is a 400V three phase power source The compact design, with it’s
equipped with a PFC circuit making it possible to use the full impact resistant polymer casing is
range of the machine on a 10A fuse. The PFC also protects the light and easy to carry. Large heat
sinks and clever design make for a
machine against fluctuating mains voltage and makes it safer
cooler running machine with a
to use with a generator.
longer life expectancy when used
in harsh working environments.
• Robust impact resistant polymer casing The design also helps to keep all
• Built in accordance with IP23 for safe outdoor use sensitive parts inside the machine
clean and dust free. The Transarc
• Extra long mains cable capability
DC250 is built in accordance with
• Adjustable hot start – easy to strike the electrode. Helps to avoid IP23, which means it can be used
starting problems outdoors – even in the rain.
• Adjustable arc force – sets the intensity of the arc for improved
weld quality
• Higher quality welds with less need for post weld treatment
• MMA or TIG weld up to 250A
• Small and portable-weighs only 10.5kg
• Runs on electrode up to 5mm
Technical Specification
Transarc DC250
Primary current
Imax TIG 10A
Imax MMA 14A
Setting Data
current range MMA 4-250A
current range TIG 3-250A
Weight 10.5kg
Application class S
1956 was the debut year of the Saffire nozzle mix gas welding and cutting
system, which fundamentally rewrote the principles and working methods of
gas mixing along the lines of safety.
The idea of using a nozzle mixing, high-pressure system was quite well
known at the time, but although its safety advantages were recognised,
Saffire was the first to put it into practice.
One of the immediate effects Saffire had was the simplifying of the oxy/fuel
welding and cutting procedure, and by making the equipment virtually
maintenance free, we had also ensured that mixing and handling two of the
most reactive gases known was no longer a high-risk operation.
In 1966 the new innovative blowpipe, Saffire 3, won a Design Centre Award.
The original Saffire nozzle mix gas welding and cutting blowpipe has today
evolved in the Saffire 5. In 2005 is was estimated that there could have been
as many as half a million in use throughout the world. Versatility in use and
on-going product developments have been instrumental to the success of
the Saffire brand. Its application area is immense throughout all sectors of
industry and it can be used for heating with acetylene and propane, flame
cleaning, rivet cutting, circle cutting, gouging and sheet cutting. It is a
system that provides a solution for so many jobs on a day-to-day basis in
the workplace.
From the original nozzle mix system, the Saffire gas product range has been
dramatically developed to embrace flashback arrestors, regulators and other
devices all synonymous with Safety First. Today flashback arrestors are
fitted to all oxy-fuel welding/cutting systems and the use of this product is
universally recognised as good procedure by Health & Safety Executives and
factory inspectors. All Saffire products are now supplied under the quality
management system of BS EN ISO 9001.
Saffire was, and still is, a truly earth shaking revolution – and it remains the
safest yet. As we’ve said since 1956, “Make it Saffire, Keep it Safe.”
The Multi-stage series employ the principles of 2-stage gas control Laboratory Regulators
to provide precise and accurate delivery pressures under all
The Saffire Laboratory range provides
conditions. This ensures the regulators are able to cover a full range
both top and side entry connections
of service requirements from fusion welding through to high integrity
to accommodate different cylinder
laboratory applications.
valves. All components are purpose
designed for non-corrosive high
The Saffire 300 Series 2+ regulators are the flagship models of the Saffire
pressure gas service.1st stage
range. These multi-stage regulators are fully 300 bar capable whilst retaining
diaphragm is coated stainless steel
the sensitivity and accuracy necessary for precise control.
for high integrity leak tightness
needed for “light” gases.
The regulators are fully compliant and certified to BS EN ISO 2530.
As with all Saffire products these are manufactured under the quality NEVOC Regulator
management systems of BS EN ISO 9001. The trend in Europe to increased
cylinder filling pressures has led to
• 1st stage reduces the inlet pressure allowing very accurate adjustment the adoption of a separate cylinder
through the 2nd stage valve connection for industrial
applications above 250 bar.
• Fully compliant and certified to BS EN ISO 2503 with quality
management to ISO 9001 The connection is designated
“NEVOC” – New European Valve
• High strength brass body with operational data permanently engraved Outlet Connection. In practice
• High specification safety device to protect the user cylinders filled above 250 bar and
• Full 300 bar inlet capability up to and including 300 bar will be
fitted with NEVOC valves. Cylinders
• Solid bulkhead gauges filled up to and including 250 bar
• Stainless and Neoprene diaphragms will continue to use the standard
• KelF micro valve in first stage BS 341 connection. This change
will have the added benefit of being
• Broad seat A92 valve in second stage
adopted across Europe.
Solid bulkhead construction Stainless steel 1st stage
and easy-read faces. for control of full cylinder
pressure. Flexible neoprene
● BRASS BODY 2nd stage diaphragm for
Forged compact body to sit control and accuracy.
within the cylinder diameter.
Markings to show gas
type and pressure.
High discharge unit – which resets ● BONNET
when safe condition restored New conical high strength
(high pressure regulators only). bonnet to safely contain the
increased cylinder pressures.
For acetylene service
Shows when the regulator needs
giving greater precision replacement or refurbishment.
and control.
Prevents foreign matter entering the
regulator. Reduces the velocity of incoming
gas and protects the mechanism.
Footnote ECTIO
Connections are RH for Oxygen, Argon.
LH for Acetylene, Propane.
Max Inlet Pressure - Acetylene & Propane 25 bar (362lbf/In2) Oxygen 300 bar (4350lbf/In2)
* It is recommended that flashback arrestors are fitted when using these regulators for oxy/fuel gas processes. ACEME
Inert “NEVOC” Inert gas applications 10 145 1108 2350 N-10 NEVOC 0701282018
Helium Laboratory & testing applications 10 145 2933 6220 He-10 0701281215
The Saffire “Heart Valve” is at the heart of every regulator and provides full
encapsulation of the working parts for maximum dependability. This component
is custom designed for the specific gas service with both high tensile brass
and stainless steel variants as appropriate.
All the Saffire 300 Series 1ec regulators are fully compliant and certified to
BS EN ISO 2503.
For very heavy duty applications in
arduous conditions both gaugeless
• Solid forged brass body with all operational data permanently engraved
and indicator regulators are available.
• Fully compliant and certified to BS EN ISO 2503
• Unique encapsulated valve design for maximum control The indicator provides a reference
to the contents of the cylinder but
• Easy read gauge faces calibrated in bar and psi
cannot be easily damaged like a
• High strength bonnet to provide full 300 bar inlet capability gauge. Ideal for site work and
• Solid bulkhead gauges with clear faces scrap reclamation.
Solid bulkhead construction
At the heart of Series 1ec Regulators –
and easy-read faces.
a real breakthrough in design, being so
simple in concept and yet so effective
in service. The unbroken surface
High discharge unit which
suspended between springs ensures
resets when safe conditions
the full area is available for use.
are restored.
New conical high strength
bonnet to safely contain the
increased cylinder pressures.
Solid construction to fully contain
the 300 bar service pressure.
Markings to show gas type
and pressure.
Prevents foreign matter entering the
regulator. Reduces the velocity of incoming
gas and protects the mechanism.
Connections are RH for Oxygen, Argon. SP
LH for Acetylene, Propane.
Max Inlet Pressure – Acetylene & Propane 25 bar (362lbf/In2) Oxygen 300 bar (4350lbf/In2)
* It is recommended that flashback arrestors are fitted when using these regulators for oxy/fuel gas processes. ACEME
Shielding Gases
The range provides for both MIG and TIG variants based on the
BS EN 13918 : 2003. Both units are calibrated to ensure maximum gas
efficiency for the gas shielded arc welding processes.
This single-stage regulator has been preset at 2 bar (30psi) to give a constant
performance. It has been designed specifically for Argon-Tig welding and can
be used by itself or with a bobbin type flowmeter.
Argoshield Arc-40L
Proved to be the most economic regulator for use with Argon and Argon
mixtures. The two stage design eliminates the pulsating of gases which is so
wasteful. It will overcome the problem in the most economic and efficient
manner. Fitted with a flow gauge which is coloured to indicate recommended
flow rates, this regulator will cope with heavy duty service where high flow
(up to 40L/M-80ft3/hr) is required. The two stages and large diaphragm greatly
reduce the possibility of freezing.
The vantage flowmeters are damage resistant tough poly carbonate with solid
brass body and fittings. Two models are available, which are designed for use
with the MIG or TIG process.
CO2 Heater 230V 200W Cylinder mounted vaporiser for CO2 0701020010
Rated Flow
Model Gas Lit/Min ft3/h Applications Part No.
Arc-40L Argon and Argon Mixtures 40 80 MIG Welding with argon rich mixture 0701281229
Ar-2 TIG Argon Preset at 2 bar pressure TIG Welding with flowmeter 0701282689
For extra high performance, this range of regulators is process designed and engineered to a high
standard of excellence. Incorporating 230 bar safety with sophistication, the instrument can meet
better service demands.
and flows are required. Many of these are of a critical nature such as 600 41.5
diving, cable pressurisation, power generation and a wide variety of
400 27.5
• Inlet pressure 69 to 172 bar
• Maz inlet pressure 230 bar/3335 lb/in2
Working pressure 0 to 14 bar (0 to 200lbf/in2). 200 14.0
• Thermic lancing B A
30 2.0 B
0 427 944 1416 1888 2360 2832 3303 3775 4248 L/MIN
1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 ft /hr
lancing and scarfing. The two gauge regulator has a working pressure 150 10.5
of up to 10 bar.
100 7.0
• Inlet pressure 17bar/250 16/in2 0 944 1888 2832 3775 4719 5663 6607 7551 8495 9438 L/MIN
2000 4000 6000 8000 10,000 12,000 14,000 16,000 18,000 20,000 ft /hr
Saffire 5 Saffire DH 3
5 DH 3
® ®
Saffire 5 is probably the most robust and versatile The Saffire DH 3 is a tried and tested blowpipe
gas welding, cutting and process blowpipe designed for lightweight production welding and
available. The well tried and tested Saffire offers maintenance. It is a complete welding and cutting
refinement, precision engineering and a level of blowpipe of proven design.
strength and operational safety essential to survive
the rigours of today’s welding environment. • Exceptionally comfortable in use
• High integrity trim valves
• Full EN ISO 2503 compatible
• Accepts standard lightweight and FN nozzles
• Unique aluminium alloy gun drilled handle specially
shaped for comfort and lightness with strength • Full EN ISO 5172 compatible
and reliability
• Parallel torqued inlet fittings with filters for maximum • Welds from 1mm to 8mm plate
safety and durability • Light and positive, ideal for high quality welding
• Totally encapsulated trim valves for precise gas control • Precision engineered mixer for precise gas control
• All positional facility for nozzles through the serrated
• Heavy chrome finish for maximum wear resistance connection teeth
• Cutting attachment with a host of operational features • Accepts all lightweight swaged nozzles and DH tips with
suitable neck
As with all Saffire products, the Saffire 5, welding cutting
and process blowpipe is manufactured under the
• Cuts up to 50mm plate
demanding BS EN ISO 9001 quality Management System.
• Heating oxygen valve for optimum user control
• Parallel tubes for increased visibility when in use
• High tensile brass head for extended service life
• Piston cutting oxygen valve provides smooth cutting action
• Silver soldered joints throughout
• Uses all standard AFN nozzles
• Accepts multi-flame heating tip to give 500 litres per
hour capacity
• Cutting oxygen characteristic allows smooth bevels for
plate edged preparation for welding
Ordering Information
5 Cutting Attachment
Description Part No
Designed to cope with the rigours of the modern welding and
Saffire 5 Equipment
fabrication environment, the robust Saffire 5 cutting attachment offers
Shank – 3/8 in. BSP connections 0701256723
a host of features including a cutting oxygen valve which allows more Welding mixer – acetylene 0700143537
control of the cutting oxygen flow for improved cut quality. Heavy duty mixer – acetylene 0700143525
Mixer – propane 0700143758
Cutting attachment 0701256941
The gas tubes between the body and head are in line, giving maximum Small circle cutting attachment 0700143640
visibility of the working area, also connections between the gas tubes and Large circle cutting attachment 0700144928
the head and body of the cutting attachment are brazed for increased 700mm bent neck – propane 0700157553
200mm bent neck – acetylene 0700143884
strength. The head itself is equipped with internal threads for the head nut
which greatly reduces the risk of thread damage, and finally the whole of the Cutting Nozzles – Acetylene
cutting attachment has a chrome finish to increase heat reflection and reduce A-SNM-Sheet 0700126533
A-NM 1/32 in 3-6mm 0700143016
spatter adhesion.
A-NM 3/64 in 5-12mm 0700143017
A-NM 1/16 in 10-75mm 0700143018
In addition to welding between 1mm and 25mm and cutting to 200mm using A-NM 5/64 in 70-100mm 0700143019
acetylene, Saffire 5 with its increased flow capacity and using the appropriate A-NM 3/32 in 90-150mm 0700143020
ANME 1/32 in 3-6mm 0700016120
attachments, can be used to perform a wide range of oxy fuel gas processes
ANME 3/64 in 5-12mm 0700016121
which include: ANME 1/16 in 10-75mm 0700016122
ANME 5/64 in 70-100mm 0700016123
ANME 3/32 in 90-150mm 0700016124
• Heating with acetylene
• Heating with propane PNM Cutting nozzles – Propane
P-NM 1/32 in 3-6mm 0700143780
• Flame cleaning P-NM 3/64 in 5-12mm 0700143781
P-NM 1/16 in 10-75mm 0700143782
• Rivet cutting
• Gouging Acetylene – Gouging
AGNM 13 0700126809
• Circle cutting
Acetylene heating nozzles
A-HT size 25 0700126134
A-HT size 50* 0700126135
A-HT size 100* 0700126136
Saffire DH 3
Shank 1/4in BSP Connections 0701281934
Cutting Attachment 0701257523
Mixer 0701256673
Saffire DH 3 Accessories
Heating Tip and Neck Assembly 0701256652
The range of Saffire NM cutters continues the tradition of nozzle mix Ordering Information
design with the quality and reliability synonymous with Saffire. A proven Description Part No
design incorporating the latest technical features necessary to meet Saffire NM 250 0701256484
Saffire NM 400 0701256482
the changing service requirements of the hand cutting market.
Saffire NM250 and NM400 Accessories
• Nozzle mix principle for maximum safety Small circle cutting attachment 0700143640
• Backfire resistant design Large circle cutting attachment 0700144928
Saffire super heating adaptor 0701250458
• Progressive “bleed” characteristics
• Two length options B.S. Note: Where applicable blowpipes and
• 90° and 75° cutting heads nozzles are designed and manufactured to
Robust engineering comply with BS EN 150 5172.
All Saffire Cutters are equally suitable for Acetylene and Propane service simply by
changing the nozzle.
Saffire cutters have the benefit of a unique cutting oxygen flow valve which through
the cutting lever acts indirectly to bring in the oxygen stream. This important feature
gives a true “bleed” characteristic to create splash free starts and progressive
piercing and the smoothest possible cutting conditions.
NM 250
The NM 250 Model is principally intended for general workshop cutting up to
250mm (10") capacity. The balance and trim combined with 500mm (18") length
make it ideally suited for most industrial applications.
NM 400
This model has the benefit of a 75° head and 700m (27") length combined with a
cutting capacity of 400mm (16"). The cutter is designed for heavy duty fabrication
and scrap cutting applications where the combinations of head angle and extended
length create both positive and comfortable working conditions for the operator.
5 - 12 3/
64 12 1/
2 0700016121
1 26 0.9 (20) 0700140200
10 - 75 1/
16 75 1-3 0700016122
2 56 1.2 (18) 0700140201
70 - 100 5/
64 100 4 0700016123
3 88 2.0 (14) 0700140202
90 - 150 3/
32 150 6 0700016124
5 142 2.6 (12) 0700140203
190 - 300 1/
8 300 12 0700016125
7 198 3.2 1/
8 (10) 0700140204
10 285 4.0 5/
32 (8) 0700140205
Equipment to be used with Saffire 5, Torches and NM Cutters.
13 360 5.0 3/
16 (6) 0700140206
18 540 6.5 1/
4 (3) 0700140207
25 740 8.2 5/
16 (0) 0700140208 A-SNM
Model “O” Welding Tips Equipment to be used with Saffire 5, Torches and NM Cutters.
Model “O” tips are precision drilled to
ensure the accuracy of the micro flame.
Size *Plate Thickness
Size *Plate Thickness mm in. mm in. Part No
lead wt ft3/h l/h lbs/in2 Part No 3- 6 1/
32 3-6 1/
4 0700144735
1 0.175 5 2-3 0700993260 6 - 20 3/
64 6 - 20 1/ 3/
4 4 0700144736
2 0.425 12 4-5 0700993261 20 - 25 1/
16 20 - 50 3/
4 2 0700144737
3 1.1 31 6-8 0700993262
4 2.2 62 10 - 2 0700993263 Equipment to be used with Portapak & DH3.
10 - 75 1/
16 75 1- 3 0700143782
70 - 100 5/ 100 4 0700143783
Acetylene Heating Nozzles
90 - 150 3/
32 150 6 0700143784
AHT heating nozzles are designed to
190 - 300 1/
8 300 12 0700143786
provide intense focussed heat. They are
Equipment to be used with Saffire 5, Torches and NM Cutters.
used for spot heating of small areas
quickly. There are 3 sizes in the range
designated by their consumption of gas.
P-NME (PNM Extended)
Size *Plate Thickness
mm in. mm in. Part No Size BTU/h Part No
3- 6 1/ 6 1/ 0700016130 25 52,000 0700126134
32 4
70 - 100 5/
64 100 4 0700016133
Equipment to be used with *Saffire 5, torches with heavy duty mixer
90 - 150 3/
32 150 6 0700016134
Part No. 0700143525.
190 - 300 1/
8 300 12 0700016135
Note – Plate thickness refers to mild steel.
Acetylene Gouging Nozzles
AGNM nozzles employ the nozzle mix principle for gouging.
In application the nozzle cuts a “U” shaped groove in the plate.
The most common use is to “back gouge” butt welds to remove any
defects prior to laying the final sealing run.
They also find application in the removal of
defective welds or flaws in steel plates.
The use of oxy-acetylene allows for high
speed cost effective production. There
are 3 models in the range each providing
a “U” groove of different dimensions.
Gouging – A-GNM
Size Depth (in) Groove width (in) Part No
13 1/
8 - 3/8 1/
4 - 5/16 0700126809
19 1/
4 - 7/16 5/
16 - 7/16 0700126810
25 3/
8 - 1/2 3/
8 - 1/2 0700126811
Note – Where applicable, blowpipes and nozzles are designed and
Equipment to be used with Saffire 5, Torches and NM Cutters. manufactured to comply with BS EN 150 5172.
Safety Devices
Ordering Information
Saffire XL5 Flashback Arrestors
Description Part No
The Saffire® XL cylindrical flashback arrestors, are of advanced design giving
FBA Model 36ec Acet/ Propane 0701282274
a higher flow rate. Internally the XL is equipped with a large cylindrical flame FBA Model 36ec Acet/ Oxygen 0701282274
arresting element, an automotive reset non-return valve and a heat sensitive FBA XL Acet/ Propane 0701258986
automatic cut-off. FBA XL Oxygen 0701258985
BV 12 Hose Check Valve
1/4" x 6.3mm LH 0701261904
• Automatic reset non-return valve
BV 12 Hose Check Valve
• Heat sensitive cut-off valve 1/4" x 6.3mm RH 0701261905
• High flow flame arresting element BV 12 Hose Check Valve
3/8" x 6.3mm LH 0701261906
• Inlet filter for internal mechanism
BV 12 Hose Check Valve
• Conforms to BS EN 730-1 3/8" x 6.3mm RH 0701261907
BV 12 Hose Check Valve
3/8" x 10mm LH 0701261910
BV 12 Hose Check Valve
3/8" x 10mm RH 0701261911
Saffire Hose Check Valves
A vital piece of equipment protecting against Flashback arrestors should always be used
backfeed. The Murex hose check valve is a in conjunction with hose check valves as
self-aligning non return valve which Is spring these help to prevent the backflow which leads
to flashback.
loaded and detects reverse gas flow; it
automatically closes, therefore preventing the
conditions which lead to flashback. Conforms
to BS EN 730-2.
Saffire Multiplex Hose is a machine extruded hose having high strength and
maximum Flexibility whilst maintaining its essential lightness. The range is
designed for both standard and heavy duty cutting and welding applications.
Ordering Information
Description Part No
Acetylene – Red
6.3mm x 5M 1/4" LH 071262201P
6.3mm x 5M 3/8" LH 071262204P
6.3mm x 10M 3/8" LH 071262205P
10mm x 5M 3/8" LH 071262102P
10mm x 10M 3/8" LH 071262209P
10mm x 20M 3/8" LH 071262210P
Propane – Orange
10mm x 10M 3/8" LH 071261175P
10mm x 20M 3/8" LH 071261176P
Nipples 2
Nipple for 6.3mm Bore Hose 3/8"
BSP Nut Pack of 5 0700151405
Nipple for 8mm Bore Hose 3/8"
BSP Nut Pack of 10 0700932030
Nipple for 10mm Bore Hose 3/8"
BSP Nut Pack of 5 0700151314
Hose Couplers 3
Hose Coupler Equal 3/8"
BSP LH Pack of 10 0700033234
Hose Coupler Equal 3/8"
BSP RH Pack of 10 0700033235
Hose Splicers 4
Hose Splicer for 6.3mm Hose
Pack of 10 0700016160
Hose Splicer for 10mm Hose
Pack of 10 0700016161
‘O’ Clips 5
O Clip for 6.3mm Hose
Pack of 10 0700888910
O Clip for 10mm Hose
Pack of 10 0700888911
The IMP flame cutting machine represents the latest development in Ordering Information
portable machine technology descending from a long line of tried and Description Part No
trusted predecessors. The IMP incorporates a great many user IMP Portable Cutting Machine-Single Blowpipe
benefits not usually available on this class of machine and can operate Comprises:-
Tractor with 10m input cable, Hose set
on a variety of gas types such as acetylene, propane and natural gas. (blowpipe to valve block) blowpipe, Blowpipe
holder and 342mm blowpipe bar, Radius
The machine lends itself to multiple blowpipe operation and has a capacity to bar and balance weight for circle cutting
75-1380mm diameter, Head nut spanner,
cut 150mm plate as standard. Infinitely variable speed control and free running Instruction manual
clutch extend its range of applications. The IMP is highly portable being light,
IMP Machine Single B/pipe-NM 240V 0701254163
well balanced and easy to carry and position. Whether on track or free IMP Machine SingleB/pipe-NM 110V 0401254164
standing, the inherent stability of design guarantees smooth, accurate cuts
IMP Portable Cutting Machine-Double Blowpipe
across the whole range of plate thicknesses.
Tractor with 10m input cable, Double hose set
(blowpipe to valve block), Two blowpipes,
Two blowpipe holders, Two 525mm blowpipe
bars, Radius bar and balance weight for circle
Cutting 75-1740mm diameter, Headnut spanner,
Instruction manual
Optional Equipment
Saffire Outfits
The range of Murex range of Saffire Welding and Cutting outfits offers the most comprehensive selection
available. Purpose designed following an intensive programme of market research, each outfit is tailored
to the needs of a particular market sector, ranging from heavy duty industrial down to micro welding.
The Saffire outfits, which include use of both the Saffire DH3 and Saffire 5 blowpipes, meet the requirements
of BS EN 1505172 and are manufactured under the quality management systems of BS EN ISO 9001.
A range to suit all types of welding and cutting applications.
maintenance welding. The DH3 is purpose Saffire DH3 Welding Outfit 0701282228
Package Comprises: -
designed for lightweight welding and is
Saffire DH3 Shank
exceptionally comfortable in use. Saffire DH Mixer
Lightweight swaged nozzles 2, 3, 5
Carrying Case
• Full welding facility up to 26mm Operating Instructions
• Welds 0 – 1.5mm
on wheels; light in weight and safe, it can be Saffire Portapak (exc cylinders) 0701256509
Package Comprises: -
easily transported in a car boot or a van for all Saffire DH Shank, mixer and cutting attachment
those difficult to reach locations. Equally suited Saffire single stage oxygen regulator 0-10
to the light industrial engineer, plumber or do-it- Saffire single stage acetylene regulator A-1.5
Saffire AFN 3/64 cutting nozzles
yourself enthusiast the Portapak has many Saffire lightweight welding nozzles 2, 5, 10
unique operational and safety features. Saffire oxygen hose 5m x 6mm with HCV
Saffire acetylene hose 5m x 6mm with HCV
Saffire XL5 Flashback arrestors– Oxygen
• Full welding facility up to 5mm Saffire XL5 Flashback arrestor – Acetylene
• Steel plate cutting up to 20mm Saffire multiflame heating tip assembly
• Engineered trolley for functional Spark Lighter
stability with Flamepak 10 or 20 cylinders Nozzle Cleaner Set
• Flashback Arrestors to BS EN 730-1
Cylinder Key
specification Operating instructions
• Carry or wheel anywhere, the Trolley with wheels
Carrying case for blowpipe
Portapak weighs only 26kg
• Compact trolley with fully retractable
handle for simple storage
The contents of each outfit in the Saffire range has been carefully selected to meet the exact user requirements of its targeted market sector.
However no two welding projects, environments or users are exactly the same. To cater for process flexibility Murex offer a comprehensive range
of precision engineered accessories designed to enhance and increase the performance of all the outfits should the need arise.
Supporting the above, Murex provide a full Technical Information Service and would be delighted to answer any customer
questions. To contact them or to obtain your Certificate of Conformity please contact:
Your Local Distributor
Contact Details
Murex Welding Products are available from a Nationwide Distributor
Network. For information about Murex Welding Products call us
on 01992 710000, visit you local Murex Distributor or visit the Murex
Welding Products website: www.murexwelding.co.uk
Portfolio of Products
Murex Welding Products offer a comprehensive range of:
• Arc Welding and Cutting Equipment
• Gas Welding and Cutting Equipment
• Welding Consumables
• Personal Protection Equipment and Welding Accessories
In the interest of continuous improvement MUREX reserves the right to change the specifications
or design of any of its products without prior notice