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Exec Summary LITERIA

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Balsalubre, Patrick Ian C. Desquitado, Rosemarie V. Ibarrientos, Nehemia B.
Electronics Engineering Department Electronics Engineering Department Electronics Engineering Department
Manila, Philippines Manila, Philippines Manila, Philippines
ianbalsalubre@gmail.com rmvdesquitado@gmail.com nemia.ibarrientos@gmail.com

Mendoza, Ysabelle N. Nachor, Czar Hans Jericho O.

Electronics Engineering Department Electronics Engineering Department
Manila, Philippines Manila, Philippines
ynmendoza@iskolarngbayan.pup.edu.ph czarhansjericho@gmail.com

Abstract— High demand on electricity triggered The gravest problem now in the country is the
the start of researches on renewable energy. Abundant scarcity of new landfill sites for the growing number
resources such as solar, wind, and hydro was used as of garbage generated by the Filipinos (Castillo and
an alternative to fossil fuels. Because of the never- Otoma, 2013). Moreover, the top trash-generating
ending needs of humans for development and
region based on Commission on Audit’s attached
innovation, the environment suffers not only on the
reports is the National Capital Region (NCR).
shortage of raw materials but also with the waste that
comes with it. With this, waste came in the picture as NCR’s generated waste has increased by about
another form of renewable energy. Not only targeting 450,000 cubic meters which is more or less
the need to cure energy shortage, but also to dig deeper equivalent to 75,000 truckloads of trash. At this rate,
on the potential of microbes on waste materials. Quezon City, Navotas, and Rizal Provincial sanitary
Various researchers from different fields all over the landfills would be unusable by 2037 at the latest
world took interest right from microbial fuel cells’ (Rappler, 2017).
discovery. Aside from biogas, it also has the capability
to produce electricity. The objective of the researchers The chosen research locale is in Bulacan, a
is to generate and harvest energy from the microbes province in Central Luzon Region, was the third
with the use of microbial fuel cell principles. Biowaste most populous in the Philippines according to the
sludge used was collected from a farm in San Jose del 2015 census, after Cebu and Cavite. Its most
Monte, Bulacan. Material for the cathodic chamber as populated city is San Jose del Monte. Nevertheless,
well as the electrode pairs and amount of agar used on despite the fact that it has the highest number of
the salt bridge were tested to arrive at the most people among other towns, it still comprises rural
appropriate design for the cells. Rice water emerged as
areas where both agriculture and aquaculture thrives.
a better material for the cathode while carbon-
graphite and magnesium ribbon electrodes for the One of the farmers in San Jose del Monte is Mr.
anode-cathode chamber were found to be dominant Perfecto Mapusao who owns a 536 square meter
electrodes. Moreover, the amount of agar used on the farm where he plants various fruits and vegetables
salt bridge indeed affect the output voltage and such as papaya, okra, and petchay. Moreover, he is
current of the cell being directly proportional with an innovative farmer that self-made a biogas fuel
each other. The researchers also configured a series- system used on his farm for cooking. The biogas
parallel configuration fitted for the application. system comprises of biodegradable wastes such as
LITERIA was able to efficient light up for 24 hours
peelings of the crops he plants stored in drums and
however the set-up remains powered in 96 hours.
cultured for months until it liquefies and produces
Keywords— renewable energy, wastewater, the gas used as fuel.
microbes, electrode, biogas, rice water, chicken coops The researchers arrived to the study of using
biological sludge used for the biogas system as
I. INTRODUCTION substrate to create a device that utilizes
Since the discovery of electricity in the 1700’s, microorganism as the main source of the production
inventions of different machineries continued to of electricity. A device readily made to provide
strive. Dependence of human to electronic gadgets required energy for the lighting of chicken coops – a
and appliances are linked to the demand of the step towards sustainable energy production from
resources. For a long a time, workers, manufacturers, organic wastes.
and homeowners find convenience because of it.
II. METHODOLOGY certain number of cells each. The number of layers
The study aims to create a device that will light and the number of cells each layer will depend on the
up bulbs used for chicken coops by using the obtained experimentations on the series-parallel
electricity produced from biological waste sludge. configuration that will provide the optimum voltage
and current supply to the light bulbs used in chicken
The procedure starts with the biowaste sludge coops. This is also true for the cathode material,
and wastewater cell as the input. In the cell electrodes, and agar content on the salt bridge to be
construction, biowaste sludge serves as the anode, used.
while the cathode material, on the other hand, will be
subjected to tests and comparisons. The procedure The cabinet will be the receptacles used to store
starts with the biowaste sludge and wastewater cell and hold the cells. Wirings and the other circuits will
as the input. In the cell construction, biowaste sludge be placed on the back of the device, and to be
serves as the anode, while the cathode material, on connected logically. Finally, the light bulb will be
the other hand, will be subjected to tests and placed on top of the device for installation on the
comparisons. The selection process for the best chicken coop.
electrode pair and the volume content of agar powder
placed into the connecting membrane are also tested
for the most desirable design outcome.
The microbes from the biowaste sludge are
tightly sealed inside the anode container to block the
inflow of oxygen. Produced voltage and current will
be the output and will be measured. It will then be
used as basis for the series-parallel configuration of
the constructed cell to arrive at the optimum voltage
and current rating for the device.

Figure 1 Block diagram of the operation Figure 3 Prototype Design

The series-parallel connected cells having the
optimum voltage and current rating will then be III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
connected to the bulb to turn it on. The optimum The results gathered during the experimental set-
voltage and current rating are computed to determine ups presented in tables and graphs, the analysis of the
the best rating to produce the required luminance. A data obtained, and statistical treatments done by the
photodiode will be connected to the system to researchers.
automate the power up during nighttime and
eliminate human intervention.
1.1 Effects of Varying Cathode Materials on the
Cells’ Output Voltage and Current Reading

Figure 2 Schematic diagram of the Light Dependent

Resistor Circuit

A cabinet made of wood, acrylic glass, and

stainless steel will be used as casing to efficiently Figure 4 Comparison on the Cells’ Power Readings
present the device. It will be composed of layers with with Different Cathode Materials
Figure 4 shows the comparison on the power for anode chamber. It can be seen that Cell D or the
readings of the device with different cathode yellow values are the highest obtained.
materials. Blue markers represent tap water while
orange markers for rice water. It can be seen that
orange values are higher than blue values which 1.3 Effects of Varying Agar Content on the Salt
depicts that rice water values are higher than those of Bridge on the Cells’ Output Voltage and Current
tap water. Reading

1.2 Effects of Varying Electrode Pairs on the

Cells’ Output Voltage and Current Reading

Figure 7 Comparison on the Cells’ Output Power

with Different Amount of Agar

Power generated using different amount of agar

Figure 5 Comparison on the Cells’ Output Voltage
of the salt bridge are compared in Figure 4.1.9. On
with Different Electrode Pairs
the figure, it is illustrated that the power ranges from
0.704 mW to 0.706 mW with an average power of
0.7054 mW. Different amount of agar of the salt
Figure 5 shows the comparison on the voltage bridge are depicted by the following color legends:
ratings of the device with different electrode pairs. gray for 45 mg, orange for 25 mg, and blue for 5 mg.
Different electrode pairs are represented by different It can be observed that the gray bars which represent
color legends namely, blue for carbon-graphite for values of the 45 mg amount of agar are the highest
both anode and cathode; orange for carbon-graphite average power obtained.
for anode and magnesium for the cathode; gray for
both magnesium on anode and cathode; and yellow
for magnesium ribbon for cathode and carbon- 2.1 Optimum Voltage Output in Series
graphite for anode chamber. As shown in the figure, Connection
yellow values gave relatively higher outputs

Figure 6 Comparison on the Cells’ Current Reading Figure 8 Comparison of the Output Voltage in
with Different Electrode Pairs Corresponding Number of Cells in
Series Connection

Figure 8 shows the comparison of the voltage in

Shown on Figure 6 is the comparison on current corresponding number of cells in series connection.
ratings when the device has different electrode pairs. It can be observed from the graph that as the number
The electrode pairs are depicted by different color of cells configured in series connection increases, a
legends: blue for carbon-graphite for both anode and linear increase in the voltage output is also perceived.
cathode; orange for carbon-graphite for anode and It can be concluded that the voltage output can be
magnesium for the cathode; gray for both manipulated by configuring more cells in series
magnesium on anode and cathode; and yellow for connection.
magnesium ribbon for cathode and carbon-graphite
2.2 Optimum Current obtained from Parallel 3.1 Service Life of the Cell

Figure 11 Graph of Output Power Reading in

Figure 9 Comparison of the Output Current in Operational Condition
Corresponding Number of Cells in
Parallel Connection
Figure 11 illustrates the average output power of
the batter as applied to the load of LED bulb with
The figure shows the comparison on current in respect to time. This shows that the trend line of the
corresponding number of parallel connections. It can output power from the initial state of the cell depletes
be observed from the graph that as the number of through time at the 96 hour-mark.
crates configured parallel connection increases, there
was also a linear increase in the current output. It can
be concluded that the current output can be
manipulated by configuring more crates in parallel IV. CONCLUSIONS
The summary of findings based on the
experimental set-ups performed, the conclusions
3.1 Storage Life of the Cell
derived from such findings, and recommendations
for further improvement of the experimental set-ups
as well as the battery.

1. For the parameters of the cells: the cathode

to be used is rice water, garnering higher
rating than tap water; combination of
magnesium ribbon and electrodes are to be
used; minimal difference in variety of agar
concentration was evident.
2. Each layer of crates must contain 10 pairs
of cells connected in series, then the five
layers must be connected in parallel. The
Figure 10 Graph of Power in non-operational configuration must be in series-parallel
condition connection.
3. Up to 48 hours, the lighting is still efficient
for the chickens inside the coop.
Figure 10 illustrates the output power of the cell
in non-operational condition with respect to time.
This shows that the trend line of the output power
from the initial state of the cell depletes through time ACKNOWLEDGMENT
at the 96 hour-mark.
For the safety and wisdom, we would like
to express our gratitude to the Lord. He may not be
as evident as a physical being, but His presence
made us through hardships doing this research.

To our families, for letting us be

responsible students and understanding our need to
be always away for the research testing. For
providing financial aid when our allowance and [10] Daisog B., Dela Cruz E., Salazar A., Tisca
scholarship stipends fail to cover the expenses. J. (2011). Microbial Fuel Cell: A New Renewable
Source of energy: Pasig River Sediments for
To our advisers, Dr. Andres and Dr. Lighting
Gallego, for proving support and knowledge on our [11] DOE. National Renewable Energy
chosen field. For sharing their expertise, for Program
believing on their students. https://www.doe.gov.ph/national-renewable-
To Mr. Perpekto Mapusao, for letting us in [12] Domingo, R. (2019, April). Luzon grid
his farm and experiment on our needed materials. placed on red alert for second staright day. Retrieved
Your kindness and generosity mean a lot to us. Also, from https://newsinfo.inquirer.net/1106039/luzon-
to the Agricultural Office of San Jose del Monte, grid-placed-on-red-alert-for-second-straight-day
Bulacan, for being accommodating to our interview [13] Gude V. (2016, December). Microbial fuel
and questions. cells for wastewater treatment and energy
To De La Misericordia Dormitory, for [14] Huber-Eicher B., Suter A., Spring- Stähli
lending us a place to do our research. For providing P. (2013, April). Effects of colored light-emitting
us safe and comfortable environment to work on. diode illumination on behavior and performance of
laying hens
To Madam Kaycee Victorio, for sharing [15] IRENA (2017). Renewables Readiness
his expertise and giving consultations to our group. Assessment: The Philippines, International
To Albert Recio, for assisting in designing of the Renewable Energy Agency, Abu Dhabi. pp
drainage system of our prototype. To Ryan Cabael, https://www.irena.org/-
for the design of our brochure. /media/Files/IRENA/Agency/Publication/2017/Ma
[16] Johnson, R. (2018, May 24). The
importance of lighting in poultry production.
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