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Surfactant induced increase in supercapacitor activity for nickel

manganese oxide
Aparna Rai, Maurya Gyanprakash ⇑, Chandresh Kumar Rastogi ⇑, Biswajit Mandal
Centre for Advanced Studies, Lucknow 226031, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In this work, we are reporting the impact of ligand on the synthesis and electrochemical properties of
Available online xxxx nickel manganese oxide nanoparticles. We have prepared bare and cetyltrimethylammonium bromide
(CTAB) coated nickel manganese oxide nanoparticles using the hydrothermal method at 120 °C. The
Keywords: comparative analysis of these two samples showed that the CTAB coated nickel manganese oxide
Nickel Manganese Oxide (NMO) (NMO) displays superior electrochemical characteristics due to the presence of a higher number of active
Electrochemical Ni2+ sites. Further, the galvanostatic charge and discharge (GCD) analysis for both bare and CTAB coated
Galvanic charge discharge (GCD)
samples showed an increase in the discharging time with the number of GCD cycles. But the increased
discharging time is higher for the CTAB coated nanoparticles which are attributed to an increase in the
number of active Ni2+ sites in this case. In addition, the physicochemical processes before and after
cycling showed a decrease in the adsorption resistance, which is further attributed to an increase in
activity with the cycling. Therefore, it is anticipated that the surfactant presents at the surface of the
nano-catalyst and the cycling alters the morphology and number of active sites.
Copyright Ó 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Confer-
ence on Advances in Materials Science, Communication and Microelectronics.

1. Introduction efficient energy storage devices are available in the market such
as batteries, fuel cells, regular capacitors, hydrogen storage sys-
According to the reports, the global population is expanding tems, electrochemical capacitors, and so on. Each device have dif-
quickly and the augmentation of the populace impacts the envi- ferent storage mechanisms with diverse applications [2].
ronment and the world’s temperature by consuming fossils ener- A standard capacitor comprises two parallel plates isolated by a
gizing, chopping down timberlands, and cultivating live stocks. dielectric medium stores charge between the plates as electric
Therefore, it is indispensable to take action to preserve our natural potential energy in the microfarad range. Conversely, a dielectric
resources and regulate global energy consumption. Since almost is supplanted by a conductive medium (i.e., electronic/ionic) to
everything around us requires energy and people’s inordinate uti- deliver high-power abilities (>10 kW/kg) in the mill farad range.
lization of petroleum derivatives has quickly drained it while the Another class of energy storing device gadgets are batteries due
deteriorating climatic contamination is making long haul and to their higher energy density. But it is also having some limita-
potentially irreversible harm to our atmosphere. All the while, it tions like low power density, phase transformation, and when
is critical to guarantee admittance to energy for the financial turn worked at high rates it creates heat that is extremely unsafe [3].
of events and to improve the superiority of life in rising countries Electrochemical capacitors, or supercapacitors or ultracapaci-
[1]. To fulfil this surplus energy demand in an environmentally tors, overcome any issues between high-power capacitors and
manner, the other alternative approaches based on renewable high-energy batteries. The phenomenon of storing charge in an
energy resources (e.g., solar energy harvesting, photo-catalysis, electrochemical capacitor is the same as of traditional capacitors
electro-catalysis, etc.) should be developed. At present, various however thousands of farads can be stored by them. There are
three main types of supercapacitors which are as follows; 1) elec-
⇑ Corresponding authors. trochemical double layer capacitor (EDLC), 2) hybrid supercapaci-
E-mail addresses: gyan@cas.res.in (M. Gyanprakash), chandresh@cas.res.in
tors and 3) pseudo-capacitors. The basic difference between all
(C. Kumar Rastogi), biswajit@cas.res.in (B. Mandal). three is the principle behind the charge storage mechanism. EDLC

2214-7853/Copyright Ó 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Conference on Advances in Materials Science, Communication and

Please cite this article as: A. Rai, M. Gyanprakash, C. Kumar Rastogi et al., Surfactant induced increase in supercapacitor activity for nickel manganese oxide,
Materials Today: Proceedings, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matpr.2022.08.150
A. Rai, M. Gyanprakash, C. Kumar Rastogi et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

consists of high-power densities and is highly reversible and also at 1:1 in the solution. Next, a 0.5 mM of NaOH in 10 ml de-ionized
stores charges with the help of non-faradic processes. While water were dissolved and then the solution was added drop wise
pseudo-capacitors have higher energy densities but are lower than and suspension suddenly appeared with a light green colour pre-
the batteries and are less reversible in nature as well as store cipitate. Further, continuous stirring was done at room tempera-
charges by the faradic process. Lastly, a hybrid capacitor which is ture for 4 h and the solution turned light brown. Thereafter the
the arrangement of both pseudo-capacitor and EDLC increases both solution was kept in a Teflon-coated stainless-steel autoclave for
power and energy densities [4]. 120 °C for 20 h, after which it was centrifuged and washed with
The best electrode materials such as RuO2 and IrO2 demon- DI water and absolute ethanol 3–4 times, then dried at 80 °C for
strated high cycle capacity, high value of specific capacitance for 3 h. The obtained resultant product was calcinated in a muffle fur-
SCs. The value of the capacitance can arrive up to 720F/g that has nace at 300 °C for 3 h. Similarly, CTAB coated nickel manganese
been ascribed on the way in the direction of the close designs of oxide sample has been prepared by following the same procedure
hydrous ruthenium oxide with jumbled structure holding simple but only with the addition of 1 mM CTAB with 2.5 mM nickel
vehicle pathways [5]. In recent times, many researchers build up nitrate hexahydrate (Ni (NO3)26H2O) and 2.5 mM manganese
various substitution for IrO2 and RuO2, such as MnOx, CoOx, NiOx, nitrate tetrahydrate (MnN2O64H2O) into 50 ml DI water.
and so forth, to bring down the cost of electrode material utilizing
environmentally well-disposed materials [6]. However, lower
2.1. Electrode Preparation:
specific capacitance has been recorded with these transition metal
oxides. For pseudo-capacitors nickel oxide expresses an impression
Carbon paper was used as a substrate to deposit the material.
of having a capable electrode material because of their amazing
We washed the substrate several times using DI water, ethanol,
electrochemical exhibition, naturally sincere and insignificant cost
and acetone each for 10 min and thereafter kept it for drying.
5 mg nanoparticles were dispersed in 1 ml ethanol using sonica-
Throughout the years’ many researchers have worked on nickel
tion for 15 min. 5 lL nafion was added and mixed well-using son-
manganese-based electrode material for supercapacitor applica-
ication before transferring 100 lL to the pre-cleaned carbon paper.
tions. Sumanta Sahoo et al. fabricated NiMn2O4 a better-quality
Nanoparticles loaded carbon substrates were then dried in an oven
electrode material using a hydrothermal method. They reported a
for 2 h.
757F/g specific capacitance value at 1 A/g current density and
depicted 93 % of maintenance of specific capacitance after 2000
cycles [8]. While Hongmei Wei et al. fabricated nanostructured spi- 3. Results and discussion
nel NiMn2O4 arrays for superior execution of supercapacitors and
additionally explored binder-free electrodes. They observed 3.1. Physical Characterisation
662.5F/g and 370.5F/g specific capacitances at 1 A/g current den-
sity after comparison with Mn2O3 in different electrolytes in differ- Fig. 1 shows the X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns of bare and
ent electrolytes in the three-electrode framework. On nickel foam CTAB coated nickel manganese oxide powder samples. The pat-
substrate NiMn2O4 has shown superior presentation which recom- terns depict the presence of three peaks at  37.5, 43.2, and 63.5
mended that for supercapacitors it would become potential elec- which are attributed to 311, 400, and 440 planes of cubic nickel
trode material [9]. manganese oxide [12]. The crystallite size has been calculated for
Surfactants are natural mixtures made out of two chemical both the sample using the Debye-Scherrer formula given below:
parts leaves behind various polarities, a head bunch with a partial-
ity for polar stages, and a tail bunch that is drawn to non-polar 0:9k

stages. Because of their primary uniqueness, surfactants can be bCosh
broadly used to decrease the surface and interfacial strain between Where k, h, and b correspond to the wavelength of X-ray radia-
at least two stages. Their propensity to produce self-collected tion, half of Bragg diffraction angle of the diffraction peak, and full
structures in the arrangement can likewise prompt the develop- width at half maximum (FWHM), respectively. The estimated crys-
ment of micelles with breadths going from nanometres to tallite sizes for bare and CTAB coated samples are found to be 5.6
micrometres. The amphiphilic idea of surfactants makes them rea- and 7.6 nm, respectively.
sonable for use in various modern items, including medications,
consumption inhibitors for safeguarding steel and other destruc-
tive metals [10].
In this work, we modulated the size of the nickel manganese
oxide nanoparticles with the help of CTAB surfactant. The reduced
size of nanoparticles showed the high supercapacitor activity due
the presence of Ni2+ state nickel. Impedance analysis further sup-
ports the above analysis with the help of adsorption resistance
and adsorption capacitance.

2. Experimental methods:

We have prepared two samples by hydrothermal method viz.,

[11]; (i) bare nickel manganese oxide, (ii) CTAB coated nickel man-
ganese oxide. For the preparation of undoped bare nickel man-
ganese oxide, firstly a 2.5 mM aqueous solution of nickel nitrate
hexahydrate (Ni (NO3)26H2O), and 2.5 mM manganese nitrate
tetrahydrate (MnN2O64H2O) were dissolved into 50 ml de-
ionized (DI) water under continuous stirring. The ratio of nickel Fig. 1. XRD patterns of bare and CTAB coated nickel manganese oxide nanoparticles
nitrate hexahydrate and manganese nitrate tetrahydrate was kept (NMO).

A. Rai, M. Gyanprakash, C. Kumar Rastogi et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 2. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images of (a) bare and (b) CTAB coated NMO nanoparticles.

Fig. 2 shows the SEM image of bare and CTAB coated Ni2+ at the surface can be utilized for the supercapacitor
nanoparticles.SEM image of bare particles shown in Fig. 2(a) application. For this, we did the galvanostatic charge–discharge
depicts the formation of disc shape particles of nickel manganese (GCD) analysis for both samples.
oxide, while the SEM image of CTAB coated particles shown in Fig. 4 shows the GCD analysis of bare and CTAB coated nickel
Fig. 2(b) exhibited the presence of relatively smaller size particles. manganese oxide. All GCD analysis is done at 1A/g charging and
discharging rate. From Fig. 4, the CTAB coated particles show an
increase in the charging and discharging time with the number
3.2. Electrochemical characterisation of cycles. It is due to the opening of the new active sites. On the
other hand, the bare nickel manganese oxide showed a slight
Fig. 3 shows the CV curves of nickel manganese oxide with and increase in charging and discharging time, which showed the low
without CTAB surfactant recorded at the scan rate of 5 mV/s. CTAB number of active sites opening. The comparison of the charging
coated nickel manganese oxide shows a peak around 0.4 V, while and discharging times of both samples showed the higher charging
in bare nickel manganese oxide the intensity of peak around and discharging time of the CTAB coated nickel manganese oxide
0.4 V is low. The peak around 0.4 V corresponds to Ni2+/Ni3+ con- sample. It is due to the presence of a high number of active sites
version, and in the reverse scan, the peak around 0.15 V corre- caused by surfactant via the reduction in the particle size as dis-
sponds to Ni3+/Ni2+ conversion [13]. The intensity of the peak is cussed in the CV and SEM section. The continuous increase in
directly proportional to the concentration of Ni2+ in the sample. charging and discharging sample shows the sample is still active
On comparing the CV curve of both samples, the Ni2+ concentration and can be cycled further till their charging and discharging time
is higher in CTAB coated nickel manganese oxide compared to the reduces. Thus, the CTAB coated nickel manganese oxide sample
bare nickel manganese oxide sample. It is due to the effect of the showed good activity towards the supercapacitor charging/dis-
surfactant in the system, the presence of surfactant reduces the charging application. The activity of the sample depends on the
particle size of nickel manganese oxide as shown previously in physicochemical processes occurring at the sample/electrolyte
the SEM image. The reduction in particle size increases the number interface; to explore this we did the impedance analysis.
of active sites, which increases the current density as shown by the Fig. 5 shows the Nyquist plot of all samples before and after
peak current in CTAB coated nickel manganese oxide. On the other GCD analysis. It shows the presence of one semicircle followed
hand, in the bare sample, the low current density is due to the high by the tail at the lower frequency part. The semicircle part shows
particle size of nickel manganese oxide. Thus, the reduction in par- the effect of double-layer capacitance (Cdl) with the adsorption
ticle size increases the Ni2+ present at the surface. The increased resistance (Ra), while the low-frequency part shows the effect of

Fig. 3. Cyclic voltammetry (CV) curves of bare and CTAB coated nickel manganese Fig. 4. Galvanostatic charge discharge analysis of nickel manganese oxide and CTAB
oxide. The CV curves show the presence of Ni2+/Ni3+ oxidation peak around 0.4 V v/s coated nickel manganese oxide with number of cycles. The curves show the
Ag/AgCl. increase in cycling time for CTAB coated nickel manganese oxide.

A. Rai, M. Gyanprakash, C. Kumar Rastogi et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

oxide showed increased supercapacitor activity, which is

attributed to the reduced particle size, enhancing the Ni2+ present
at the surface. The GCD analysis confirmed that the CTAB coated
nickel manganese oxide possesses a higher charge storage capacity
due to the presence of a higher number of the active site (Ni2+) giv-
ing rise to enhanced charging and discharging time. Finally, the
impedance analysis showed the cycled sample possess a higher
pseudo-capacitance due to the presence of Ni2+ at the surface.
Thus, low particle size and high Ni2+ in CTAB coated nickel man-
ganese oxide showed higher activity.

Data availability

Data will be made available on request.

Fig. 5. Nyquist plot for fresh nickel manganese oxide and CTAB coated nickel
manganese oxide, 500 cycled nickel manganese oxide, and CTAB coated nickel
Declaration of Competing Interest
manganese oxide shows the decrease in the adsorption resistance for both samples.

The authors declare that they have no known competing finan-

cial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared
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