7th Class
7th Class
7th Class
VII Science 57
Measuring rainfall Direction of the wind
• How can we measure the amount of We feel happy in the mornings and evenings
rainfall at a particular place? in summer. At that time cool breeze blows.
Farmers estimate the rainfall based on the We know that there is air in our surroundings
wetness of the soil after the rain. They call it and also that moving air is wind.
as “PADUNU”. This much of rainfall is • Can we guess what the direction of wind
sufficient to start agriculture activities like is?
ploughing. This is an approximate measure. Let us do-7:
Let us do - 6: Let us find the direction of wind by using card
Take a 10cm wide beaker and insert a funnel board pieces and a thin nail.
of the same width. Keep the apparatus in an
open place when it is raining. The rain water Take two cardboard pieces and cut them the
would be collected through the funnel into the shape of an arrow and paste them together.
beaker. After the rain is over, measure the Insert a thin needle or iron wire as shown the
amount of water collected in the beaker. If figure in the middle of the arrow. The needle
the depth of water is 1 cm then that the must be long enough to be fixed on a strong
magnitude of rainfall is 1 cm. base and should allow the arrow to move
along the direction of the wind.
After Noon
• Does the wind move in the same ‘humidity’ of the place. If the humidity is high
direction the whole day? when it is hot, we feel sweaty. We will learn
• In which direction does it move in the more about humidity in subsequent classes.
morning? Think and discuss:
Humidity: • Why do people living in hot and humid
Why is it sweaty in Vijayawada and relatively region wear cotton clothes?
less in Hyderabad in summer? Even though it • In which season is the quantity of
is hotter, we do not sweat as much in moisture in the air high?
Hyderabad. In places near a river or in coastal
Are weather conditions cyclic during the
regions the weather in summer is sweaty.
In summer season if you are in coastal region
We know that in the equatorial region it is very
you would feel very sweaty in addition to
hot and in the polar region it is very cold. How
feeling hot winds.Vijaywada is more humid
can we say a particular place is cold or hot?
than Hyderabad.
Let us do - 9:
• Why is Vijaywada generally more humid?
Think about it. Observe the weather report (temperature and
rain fall) of two places in our state. The
Let us do - 8:
average temperature and rain fall for the last
Take about 10 ml water in a test tube. Heat it 25 years of the particular month is given in
on a Bunsen burner or a candle. What the table. (See the table in next page)
happens? Think about it.
• In which month was maximum
• Why do bubbles appear in water? temperatures recorded? Why?
• Why is the water level reducing? • Comparatively which place is hot? Why?
• Where did the water go? • How can you say Arogyavaram is cooler
When water is heated, it changes into water than Ramagundam in summer?
vapour. The vapour enters into the air. In the If the same weather recurs periodically at a
same way sea water changes into vapour due place it is considered as climate of that place.
to heating by the sun.
The quantity of moisture in the air is the
VII Science 59
Ramagundam Arogyavaram
Average Average
Average Rainfall Average Rainfall
Month temperature in
in millimeters
temperature in
in millimeters
Celsius degrees Celsius degrees
January 30 1 28 6
February 32 - 28 2
March 34 - 29 -
April 38 - 30 1
May 41 1 33 3
June 39 4 31 3
July 36 2 30 8
August 38 10 30 16
September 35 11 29 9
October 36 11 29 18
November 31 11 28 23
December 32 9 28 14
VII Science 61
earth from the seas/ocean in the afternoon ( )
d. In our state the maximum temperature is recorded in the month of July. ( )
6. Observe the graph showing rainfall (in mm) of a place from August to December. Write
down the observations from it and what inference you can draw.
0Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.
7. Why do people need and observe weather?
8. Explain these symbolsused in a weather forecast report.
9. Collect the weather reports from the news papers and make a profile of the weather in a
10. Every year we have floods in the rainy season. Why?
11. Observe your surroundings and try to predict how tomorrow would be?
12. Priya’s mother said “It is very hard to stay at Vizag during summer” Why did she say so?
13. Collect different news papers and compare the weather reports. Are they same or not?
14. Observe your surrounding immediately after rain. Express your feelings in the form of a
15. Prepare some questions to conduct a quiz programme in your class on this chapter.