Mesh Edit Autocad
Mesh Edit Autocad
Mesh Edit Autocad
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AutoCAD 3D Tutorials
Mesh Box
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AutoCAD 3D Tutorials
Mesh Cone
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AutoCAD 3D Tutorials
Mesh Cylinder
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AutoCAD 3D Tutorials
Mesh Pyramid
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AutoCAD 3D Tutorials
Mesh Sphere
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AutoCAD 3D Tutorials
Mesh Wedge
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AutoCAD 3D Tutorials
Mesh Torus
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AutoCAD 3D Tutorials
10.2 Mesh Tesselations
By default, new mesh primitives are created with no smoothness. To change the
default smoothness, enter mesh at the Command prompt. Specify the Settings
option before you specify the type of mesh primitive you want to create.
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AutoCAD 3D Tutorials
10.3 Mesh Smooth
Converts 3D faces (3DFACE) and legacy polygonal and polyface meshes (from
AutoCAD 2009 and earlier). You can also convert 2D objects such as regions
and closed polylines. The default mesh settings are defined in the Mesh
Tessellation Options dialog box. The level of smoothness upon conversion
depends on the mesh type setting in this dialog box. If the mesh type is not set to
be optimized, the converted object is not smoothed
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AutoCAD 3D Tutorials
10.4 Smooth and Refine Meshes
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AutoCAD 3D Tutorials
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AutoCAD 3D Tutorials
10.5 Add and Remove Mesh Creases
Crease value
Sets highest smoothing level at which the crease is retained. If the smoothing
level exceeds this value, the crease is also smoothed. Enter a value of 0 to
remove an existing crease.
Specifies that the crease is always retained, even if the object or subobject is
smoothed or refined. A crease value of -1 is the same as Always.
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AutoCAD 3D Tutorials
10.6 Editing Meshes
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AutoCAD 3D Tutorials
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AutoCAD 3D Tutorials
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AutoCAD 3D Tutorials
Meshcap (Close Hole)
Closed “hole”
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AutoCAD 3D Tutorials
Converting Meshes
Smooth options
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AutoCAD 3D Tutorials
AutoCAD 3D – Chapter 11
Complex Surfaces
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AutoCAD 3D Tutorials
11.1 Revolved Surfaces
Regenerates a three-dimensional model with hidden lines
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AutoCAD 3D Tutorials
11.2 Surftab Variables
Sets the number of tabulations for both directions to be generated for
RULESURF and TABSURF. Also sets the mesh density in ROTATE3D
the M direction for REVSURF and EDGESURF commands.
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AutoCAD 3D Tutorials
11.4 Ruled Surfaces
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AutoCAD 3D Tutorials
11.5 Edge Surfaces
Regenerates a three-dimensional model with hidden lines
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AutoCAD 3D Tutorials
11.6 Planesurf
Planar surface
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AutoCAD 3D Tutorials
11.7 Extrude Surfaces
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AutoCAD 3D Tutorials
11.8 Loft Command
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AutoCAD 3D Tutorials
11.9 Sweep Command
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