sp3d Piping Task
sp3d Piping Task
sp3d Piping Task
JOB.N° : LTC/PMP/215/09
TCJV.N° : 9833N-0000-PP-P246-002
9833N-0000-DOD-P332-001 rev.A1
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Revision Table
All modifications between the previous and current revision are highlighted by a
vertical line in the left margin of the text.
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1. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................... 4
2. REFERENCE ......................................................................................................... 4
3. PURPOSE .............................................................................................................. 4
4. REMINDER ............................................................................................................ 4
5. SELECTION OF PIPING TASK ............................................................................. 4
6. PIPING TASK TOOL BAR COMMANDS............................................................... 5
7. NEW PIPELINE CREATION .................................................................................. 5
7.1 FOR PIPING DISCIPLINE.................................................................................................................. 5
7.2 FOR CIVIL DISCIPLINE ..................................................................................................................... 8
8. ROUTE PIPE .......................................................................................................... 9
8.1 NEW PIPE RUN ................................................................................................................................. 9
8.2 CONTINUE EXISTING RUN ............................................................................................................ 10
8.3 MODELLING THE RUN.................................................................................................................... 10
9. INSERT SPLIT ..................................................................................................... 15
9.1 SINGLE SPLIT.................................................................................................................................. 15
9.2 STEPS FOR MULTI SPLIT MODE................................................................................................... 16
10. INSERT COMPONENT ........................................................................................ 17
10.1 PLACEMENT OF TEE .................................................................................................................. 17
11. INSERT TAPS ...................................................................................................... 18
12. COPY PIPE RUN OR BUNCH OF PIPE RUN ..................................................... 19
13. BRANCH CONNECTIONS ON SLOPED LINES ................................................. 20
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This working instruction explains piping activities to be performed by designers using
SmartPlant 3D software for PMP project.
This instruction will be updated to incorporate additional instructions based on designers feed
back or to incorporate software enhancement, it therefore necessary to check periodically for
the latest revision available of this instruction.
- 199/00/00/PM/PC/NA/000106: IT PLAN
With the use of SmartPlant 3D Piping Task commands user can Model the Pipe & Piping
Component (Reducer, Branch Connection, Piping Speciality, Inline Instruments & valves,
With the use of same task, user can modify, copy, rotate, mirror copy, delete the pipes and
the components.
Don’t forget to check and clean the To Do List. The To Do List must be empty If you
cannot solve the To Do List Entry, please contact a CAD Coordinator (For Technip Paris:
Gilles Yaouancq, Didier Tison and David Viot).
Piping user must be in the Piping Permission group. If not, contact a CAD Coordinator.
The permission group allows the piping user to model in specific areas, described page 7 of
the Work Instruction Connection and common tools.
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Route Pipe
Insert Split
Insert Component
Insert Taps
Generate Spool
Create Penetration Spool
Sequence Object
Group Pipe Part
The useful commands are Route Pipe, Insert Split, Insert Component and Insert Taps
The hierarchy defined for the project inherits from project definition or from SPF
- Plant ( PMP-199)
- Area ( 00, 01 , 02, 03, 04, 07, 08, 09)
- Unit ( 02, 09, 41, 42, 43, 44…..)
Should the transfer SPP&ID to SP3D is activated on the project, the “manual” creation
of the pipelines is not required
- Line AG
- If the Fluid Category you have to select already exists, right click on it and
select New System and New Pipeline.
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- Enter the Sequence Number according to the P&ID or the line list information
- Select the Fluid Type from the pick list ( it must be the same as the Fluid Category
selected in the Workspace Explorere
In the Workspace Explorer the new pipeline is created with the name rule defined for the
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If the fluid category does not exist, in the Workspace explorer right click on Line AG.
Select New system and New Piping System.
Fill the name of the new Fluid category and click OK to validate
Nota: the hierarchy Area / Unit is totally independent of the Design Area defined in the
Space Tab of the workspace Explorer
- Civil
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This command defines the geometry and properties of a pipe network. Route Pipe
creates pipe runs, models the newly created run, or extends an existing Pipe run.
This command also works with the Insert Split and Insert Component commands to add
features while routing. After placing the feature, such as a gate valve, the route command
automatically restarts from the open port of the inserted feature
• The Route Pipe command supports the following:
• Routing using an existing pipe run
• Routing using a newly created pipe run
• Routing using a pipe run defined in the P&ID design basis (if P&ID design basis data
is available)
• Routing to and from an end feature
• Routing to and from an equipment nozzle
• Routing to and from a straight feature (creating a branch)
• Inserting a component while routing
• Inserting a split while routing
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To get directly the pipe run parameters and name, it is possible to choose <Select
graphically> or <Select from P&ID> click on the run in the graphic view or in the P&ID, then
choose the starting point of the run.
To continue an existing run, click on the end of a pipe. The parameters of the new modelled
run will be the same as the pipe the run is connected to.
To get the right connection, wait for the yellow cross and the connection symbol.
As written above, click to specify the starting location for the pipe run. The starting point can
be: an open port or a point in space.
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Open port (be sure to get the connection glyph) Point in space (with pinpoint)
Just drag the cursor on a port, system selects the connection point automatically and shows
the glyph and the yellow cross showing your position. Once you get both symbols, accept the
selection to confirm the Start Point of Pipe.
To end the run, the glyph will be the same to snap on an open port.
You can draw in a specific plan. Click on plane and choose the orientation. To change the
orientation of the run, don’t forget to change the plan.
You can also follow an axis (E-W, N-S and El). The pipe is along an axis when this symbol
is shown.
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The pin point allows the user to input the coordinates of the points of the run
To input the coordinates relatively to the previous point, click on Relative tracking
It is possible to specify a length for the pipe, in the Length field of the toolbar. The pipes will
then be locked at the specified length:
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It’s possible to set an offset on a run modelling. (Choose offset in the toolbar)
System automatically opens the Set offset reference toolbar to select the offset options
There are two Major Options: - External and Cardinal
User can use one option at a one time; user can’t use both options at a time.
External offset is mostly used to route a pipe up to certain distance from certain equipment or
certain Structure.
Cardinal Point is used to maintain the BOP or FOF.
For Cardinal point reference, click on Cardinal Point option to activate the Cardinal point
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Move the cursor until the offset line and glyph appear , and then click to route the pipe
Insert Split Command is very useful command to split a pipe in numbers of parts for various
reasons. Examples for Spooling, for pipe brake for insulation.
Insert Split Command having three options:-
a) Welded Joint : Select this option when a welded joint is necessary
b) Takedown Joint : Select this option when a takedown or flange joint is necessary.
c) Feature Break : Select this option to place a feature break. Feature breaks are used
to stop heat-tracing, insulation, and coatings at arbitrary locations along a pipe without
having to break the pipe into two pipe parts.
iii. Select the start point of the pipe or any point for reference.
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x. To enter the intersection point, drag the cursor towards the direction of split, or enter
the distance, thanks to the pinpoint.
In the Pipe Length box, enter the distance between the splits. The default distance is the
defined purchased pipe length in the piping specification in which the pipe run (or straight
pipe) belongs. (Note: This option is only available for Multi Split Option)
viii. In the Reference Box, select whether to measure the distance from the start of the Pipe
run or the end of the pipe run.
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Fig. A Fig. B
c) Select the component and option in the Type and Option boxes.
d) If needed, change the position of the component using Flip, Reference Position, and
Angle options on the ribbon.
e) Click Finish.
System automatically place connecting flange, Gasket and Bolts.
Please follow the following Steps for Placement of tee by three points:
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Use this command when you need a tap for a drain, vent, or instrument connection. You can
place taps on all piping components; elbows, tees, caps, valves, pipes, pipe bends, and so
forth; except for mating parts.
2. Select the Whole Pipe run by Graphical selection or selection in explorer, User can select
the multiple line also By Pressing shift.
3. Go to Edit > Copy
4. System prompt user to select the Reference point, User has to select the Reference point
(From point).
5. Go to Edit > Paste
6. System prompt the user about copied line Highlighted in window as yellow colour and
allowing user to select the New line number for copying line , User has to select new line
number in explorer as Highlighted in Explorer on Red colour.
7. After New number selection, system shows the new identified Line number in selection
pallet, to confirm the new line number click on Ok.
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SmartPlant3D ask a new placement point, Select the placement point and accept the
13.1 Branch connection 45° sloped line on sloped line inside the same Plane
200/1000 5/1000
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Select the “Route Pipe” icon and select the end of pipe.
Approach cursor near the pipe axis we want to connect and move along this axis until we get
approximately the desired angle on the “Vertical” field, and do a left click.
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Now, we are going to impose angle of the branch connection (for example 45°) or angle of
the elbow before connection (for example 45°) according to what we expect. (If the two lines
are parallels we will have same angle for the branch connection and elbow).
Select the elbow before the branch connection with the “Select / Piping Feature” tool.
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Select the “Route Pipe” icon and select the end of pipe.
Approach cursor near the pipe axis we want to connect and do a left click.
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Now, we are going to impose angle of the branch connection (for example 45°) or angle of
the elbow before connection (for example 45°) according to what we expect.
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Select the elbow before the branch connection with the “Select / Piping Feature” tool.
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Stretch end of pipe that will be connected with 90° elbow to the axis of the over line below
(East or North coordinate, according to configuration, must be 0.00 m).
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Select the “Route Pipe” icon and select the end of pipe that will be connected to the
oriented 90° elbow (45°, 30°, 90° etc.)
Change on “No plane” mode
Draw a pipe to the extremity of the other pipe and do a left click.
Remark: for the moment, we don’t take in to account the exact angle of the new pipe break;
we will change it in a second time.
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Now, we are going to impose angle of the elbow (for example 45°).
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