Wretched Hives
Wretched Hives
Wretched Hives
Introduction Chapter 7: Tools 40
Chapter 1: Step-By-Step Factions Armormech's Tools
Chapter 2: Entertainment and Downtime 4 Armstech's Tools
Bounty Hunting 6 Arti cer's Tools
Buying Enhanced Items 7 Astrotech's Tools
Carousing 8 Biochemist's Kit
Crafting 10 Biotech's Tools
Crime 12 Brewer's Tools
Gambling 13 Carpenter's Tools
Mercenary Contracting 15 Chef's Kit
Pit Fighting 16 Cobbler's Tools
Racing 17 Cybertech's Tool
Research 19 Diguise Kit
Selling Enhanced Items 20 Forgery Kit
Work 21 Gaming Set
Chapter 3: Factions and Membership 22 Herbalism Kit
Factions 24 Jeweler's Tools
Generating a Faction 25 Mason's Tools
Faction Membership 26 Mechanic's Kit
Chapter 4: Using Assocation Scores Musical Instruments
Chapter 5: Enhanced Items 28 Painter's Tools
Enhanced Item Categories 29 Poisoner's Kit
Awarding Enhanced Items 24 Security Kit
Chapter 6: Modi able Items 31 Slicer's Kit
Blasters 32 Surveyor's Tools
Vibroweapons 32 Synthweaver's Tools
Lightweapons 33 Tinker's Tools
Color Crystals 33 Appendix A: Enhanced Items 48
Focus Generators 34
Wristpads 34
Armor and Shields 35
Augments 35
Installing Augments in Other Items 35
Chapter 7: Cybernetic Augmentations 36
Enhancements 37
Replacements 37
Chapter 8: Droid Customizations 38
Parts 39
Protocols 39
adventures to engage in other activities. Allowing
days, weeks, or months to pass between adventures The description of each activity includes a discussion of
stretches the campaign over a longer period of time complications you can throw at the characters. The
and helps to manage the characters' level progression, consequences of a complication might spawn entire
preventing them from gaining too much power too adventures, introduce NPCs to vex the party, or give
quickly. characters headaches and advantages in any number
of other ways. One of the most common—and
Allowing characters to pursue side interests between
recurring—types of complications is the introduction of
adventures also encourages players to become more
invested in the campaign world(s). When a character
owns a cantina in a city or spends time carousing with Each of these sections has a table that o ers
the locals, the character's player becomes more likely possible complications. You can use a complication
to respond to threats to the city and its inhabitants. from the table, or invent your own complication.
As your campaign progressions, your players' UPTIME
characters will not only become more powerful, but
also more in uential and invested in the world. They While most downtime activities aren't suitable for
might be inclined to undertake projects that require enacting during a session due to the requisite time
more time between adventures, such as building and requirements, others are. For those activities suitable
maintaining a stronghold. As the party gains levels, you for engaging in during a session, uptime exists. Uptime
can add more downtime between adventures to give rules cover what actions need to be taken. Uptime
characters the time they need to pursue such interests. rules often use their own resources, Resolution, and
Whereas days or weeks might pass between low-level complications.
adventures, the amount of downtime between higher-
level adventures might be measured in months or RIVALS
years. Rivals are NPCs who oppose the characters and make
Downtime activities are tasks that usually take a their presence felt whenever the characters are
workweek (5 days) or longer to perform. These tasks engaging in downtime. A rival might be a villain you
can include buying or creating enhanced items, have featured in past adventures or plan to use in the
criminal activities, general carousing, or simply working future. Rivals can include more than just malicious
a job. A character selects a downtime activity from entities—they might be unaligned folk who are at odds
among those available, and you, as GM, then follow the with the characters, whether because they have
rules for the activity to resolve it, informing the player opposing goals or they simply dislike one another. A
of the results and any complications that ensue. rival might be a third party the players inadvertently
snubbed throughout their adventures, or simply a
RESOURCES vindictive bystander who is convinced that the party is
Each activity has a resource requirement, typically up to no good.
comprised of money and time, though some may have A rival's agenda changes over time. Though the
greater requirements. The required amount of money characters engage in downtime only between
and time to perform an activity varies, as described in adventures, their rivals rarely rest, continuing to spin
the activity's resource description. plots and work against the characters even when the
characters are o doing something else.
The Resolution portion of each activity's description
tells you how to resolve it. Many activities require an It's possible for the characters to have one or more
ability check, so be sure to note the character's rivals at a time, each with a separate agenda. At least
relevant ability modi ers. Follow the steps in the one should be a villain, while the others might not be
activity, and determine the results. nefarious characters; con icts with those rivals might
Most downtime activities require at least a workweek be social or political, rather than manifesting as direct
(5 days) to complete. Some activities require days, attacks.
weeks (7 days), or even months (30 days). A character The best rivals have a connection with their
must spend at least 8 hours of each day engaged in the adversaries on a personal level. Find links in the
downtime activity for that day to count toward the characters' backstories or the events of recent
activity's completion. adventures that explain what sparked the rival's
For many downtime activities, the days of an activity actions. The best trouble to put the characters in is
don't need to be consecutive; you can spread them trouble they created for themselves. You can nd
over a longer period of time than is required for the sample rival ties in the Example Rivals table to the
activity. But that period should be no more than twice right.
as long as the required time, otherwise you risk To add the right amount of detail to a rival you want
introducing additional complications (see below), and to create, give some thought to what the NPC is trying
possibly double the activity's costs to represent the to accomplish and what resources and methods the
ine ciency of the character's progress. rival can bring to bear against the characters.
Bounty Hunting Roll Modifier Your target was very valuable to a crime boss, and
they've sworn to take revenge on you.
Ability d100 Roll
Check DC Modi er Your target had connections with an esteemed noble
family, and they're publicly besmirching you.
10 +5
Your target was a high-ranking member of a guild.
15 +10 5
You've earned their ire.
20 +15
Another bounty hunter was also on the hunt. You just
25 +20 barely beat them, and they're not happy.
30 +25
The d100 Roll Modifier is added to the percentile dice Bounty hunting is another activity that many
rolled for the Bounty Hunting Results table, which is characters will nd attractive, but it is better executed
discussed below. using the three pillars of adventuring. The GM can
determine that complications arise, as appropriate.
Once the player has determined their bounty hunting
roll modi er, they then roll percentile dice and consult
the Bounty Hunting Results table below.
Bounty Hunting Results
d100 Result
40 or
You fail to catch your target.
41- You fail to catch your target, but stumble across a
70 lesser bounty, earning 500 cr
You catch your target, resulting in a 1,000 cr bounty
101- You catch a high-value target, resulting in a 2,500 cr
110 bounty.
111 or You catch a kingpin, resulting in a 10,000 cr bounty
higher and a nickname.
A character seeking to buy an enhanced item makes an 101- A shady seller asking half the item's value, no
Intelligence (Investigation) check to determine the 110 questions asked.
rarity of the item found. The character gains a +1 111 or
A seller asking half the item's value, and a favor.
bonus on the check for every ve days beyond the rst higher
that are spent seeking a seller, and a +1 bonus for
every additional 1,000 cr spent on the search, up to a COMPLICATIONS
maximum bonus of +10. The monetary cost includes a
The buying and selling of enhanced items is fraught
wealthy lifestyle, for a buyer must impresses potential
with peril. The large sums of money involved and the
business partners.
power o ered by enhanced items attract thieves, con
If the characters seek a speci c enhanced item, have
artists, and other villains. If the characters encounter a
them make the check twice. If both checks succeed,
shady seller, they have a 50 percent chance of
they nd a seller with the speci c enhanced item.
triggering a complication. Otherwise, they have a 10
Otherwise, use the lower of the two rolls to determine
percent chance of triggering a complication.
what rarity item they nd for sale.
The result of the check determines the rarity of the
This is a great opportunity to create a rival to the
item for sale, as shown below in the Purchasable party, or involve a previous rival.
Enhanced Item table.
Purchasable Enhanced Items Buying Complications
DC to d100 Roll d6 Complication
Rarity Find Seller Modi er 1 The item is a fake.
Standard 10 +10 2 The item is stolen after purchase.
Premium 15 +0 3 The item is a relic cursed by a dark entity.
Prototype 20 -10 The item's original owner will kill to reclaim it; the
Advanced 25 -20 party's enemies spread news of the transaction.
Legendary 30 -30 The other party is murdered before the transaction is
The d100 Roll Modifier is added to the percentile dice 6 A third party enters the transaction, doubling the price.
rolled for the Buying an Enhanced Item table, which is
discussed below. UPTIME
The GM can determine whether or not buying
Once a seller is found, the player rolls percentile dice enhanced items can be performed during uptime.
and consults the Buying an Enhanced Item table below,
applying a modi er based on the item's rarity, as
shown in the Purchaseable Enhanced Items table.
Premium 4-7 +0 111 or You expertly craft the item, using only one-quarter
higher the requisite materials*.
Prototype 8-11 -10
Advanced 12-14 -20
*If the item required a rare material, you also used a
Legendary 15-18 -30 reduced amount of that material.
Artifact 19+ -40
A character must spend one workweek and at least 250 41- Character earns 500 cr, robbery of a struggling
cr gathering information on potential targets before 70 merchant.
committing the intended crime. 71- Character earns 1,000 cr, robbery of a prosperous
100 gure.
The character must make at least one, but up to three Character earns 2,500 cr, robbery of a noble.
checks, and then consult the Crime Roll Modi er table
111 or Character earns 10,000 cr, robbery of one of the
below. If the character makes more than one check, higher richest gures in town.
they can choose the highest value amongst all checks
made. However, for each check made beyond the rst,
the DC for each tier increases by 5. The player can COMPLICATIONS
choose to make a Dexterity (Sleight of Hand), Dexterity A life of crime is lled with complications. A character
(Stealth), Intelligence (security kit), or Intelligence committing a crime has a 10 percent chance of
(slicer's kit), as appropriate to the crime they attempt. triggering a complication. They have an additional 10
Each check can only be made once. percent chance of triggering a complication for each
check made during Resolution beyond the rst.
Crime Roll Modifier
Ability d100 Roll This is a great opportunity to create a rival to the
Check DC Modi er party, or involve a previous rival.
10 +5
15 +10
Crime Complications
d8 Complication
20 +15
A bounty equal to your earnings is o ered for
25 +20 1
information about your crime.
30 +25 An unknown person contacts you, threatening to reveal
your crime if you don't render a service.
The d100 Roll Modifier is added to the percentile dice 3 Your victim is nancially ruined by your crime.
rolled for the Crime Results table, which is discussed
below. Someone who knows of your crime has been arrested
on an unrelated matter.
For instance, if the character makes a Dexterity Your loot is a single, easily identi able item that you
can't fence in this region.
(Stealth) check, and the result is 23, they can elect to
keep that check, resulting in +15 crime roll modi er. If 6
You robbed someone under the protection of a local
the character makes an Intelligence (security kit) check, crime lord, who now wants revenge.
and the result is a 6, however, they can choose to then Your victim calls in a favor from a guard, doubling the
make a Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check. If the result 7
e orts to solve the case.
of that check is a 19, and the character elects to keep it,
Your victim asks one of your adventuring companions
they receive a +5 crime roll modi er, since the DC for 8
to solve the crime.
each tier increased by 5 after the rst check. If the
character elects to make three checks, with the results
being 8, 9, and 17, however, they fail to meet a DC, UPTIME
since the DC for each tier increased by 5 for each While crime is a very fun and engaging activity for a
subsequent check. In this instance, since they failed to character to participate in, it is better executed using
meet a DC, they are caught and jailed. the three pillars of adventuring. The GM can determine
Once the player has determined their crime roll that complications arise, as appropriate.
modi er, they then roll percentile dice and consult the
Crime Results table below.
Mercenary Contracting Roll Modifier This is a great opportunity to create a rival to the
Ability d100 Roll party, or involve a previous rival.
Check DC Modi er
10 +5 Mercenary Contracting Complications
15 +10 d6 Complication
20 +15 You manage to o end a bystander with an innocuous
comment, and it turns out they're important.
25 +20
2 You have a run-in with the law.
30 +25
You beat out another individual who wanted your job,
earning their ire.
The d100 Roll Modifier is added to the percentile dice
Your boss works for a local criminal organization, and
rolled for the Mercenary Contracting Results table, 4
insists you perform further work for them.
which is discussed below.
5 Another person o ers to pay you to fail in your task.
For instance, if the character makes a Charisma You are forced into a physical altercation, resulting in a
(Intimidation) check, and the result is 20, they can elect scar.
to keep that check, resulting in +15 mercenary
contracting roll modi er. If the character makes an UPTIME
Intelligence (Investigation) check, and the result is a 4,
While mercenary contracting is a common endeavor in
however, they can choose to repeat the check. If the
any campaign, it is better executed using the three
result of that check is a 16, and the character elects to
pillars of adventuring. The GM can determine that
keep it, they receive a +5 mercenary contracting roll
complications arise, as appropriate.
modi er, since the DC for each tier increased by 5 after
the rst check. If the character elects to make three
checks, with the results being 9, 10, and 18, however,
they fail to meet a DC, since the DC for each tier
increased by 5 for each subsequent check. In this
instance, since they failed to meet a DC, they fail to nd
a job.
Once the player has determined their mercenary
contracting roll modi er, they then roll percentile dice
and consult the Mercenary Contract Results table
Pit Fighting Roll Modifier This is a great opportunity to create a rival to the
Ability d100 Roll party, or involve a previous rival.
Check DC Modi er
10 +5 Pit Fighting Complications
15 +10 d6 Complication
20 +15 1 An opponent swears to take revenge on you.
111 or You learn ve pieces of lore, as well as the relative You uncovered useful lore, but only by promising to
higher location of an item worth at least 5,000 cr. complete a dangerous task in return.
Despite what should be an uneventful, satisfying week You have a 10 percent chance of triggering a
of simple work, complications can arise from this complication. If you fail to meet an ability check DC,
activity. A character spending a week working has a 10 you instead have a one-hundred percent chance of
percent chance of triggering a complication. triggering a complication.
As of 5th tier, you can increase one of your faction's
association scores by 4, or two of your faction's
association scores by 2. Its maximum for the chosen
score increases by 4, or the chosen scores by 2.
Beginning at 1st rank when you join a faction, you gain WORD OF ADVICE
the ability to earn renown for your faction, allowing While you can see and hear your mentor, you can gain
you to advance in rank. For every successful workweek advantage on one ability check, attack roll, or saving
in a downtime activity furthering your faction's throw (no action required). You can wait until after you
interests, you gain 1 renown. Additionally, you gain roll the d20 to use this feature, but you must decide
access to faction-speci c missions. Every time you before the GM says whether the roll succeeds or fails.
complete a mission for your faction, you gain 1 or You can use this feature a number of times equal to
more renown. your faction's tier. You regain all expended uses when
you spend at least one workweek of downtime with
FACTION TRAINING your mentor furthering your faction's interests.
Also at 1st rank, you gain access to your faction's
favored training. When you train in your faction's FACTION ACTIVITY
favored language or tool using the Training downtime Also at 2nd rank, you gain bene ts from your faction
activity on page ___ of the Player's Handbook, the when you engage in your faction's favored activity.
requisite time and credits are halved. When you roll percentile dice as a part of the chosen
activity, you can also make an association check and
INSIGNIA add it to the roll. The association check is determined
Lastly at 1st rank, you are given permission to wield the by the speci c activity, as shown in the ___ table on
insignia of your faction, either openly or in secret. page ___. Additionally, when you make a d20 roll as a
part of the chosen activity, you can use your faction's
APPRENTICE association modi er instead of your modi er, if that
At 2nd rank, you gain the ability to be apprenticed to a number is greater.
4th rank or higher member of your faction. Bonding
with a mentor takes one workweek of downtime spent
together furthering your faction's interests. At the end Lastly at 2nd rank, you gain access to the enhanced
of the workweek, you and your mentor are bonded. properties in your faction's insignia. You can cast a
You can only have one mentor at a time. You can break force or tech power, determined by your faction, while
your bond with your current mentor at any time, no wielding your insignia. Your force- or tech-casting
action required. ability varies based on the type of power chosen:
While traveling with or otherwise working with your Intelligence for tech powers, Wisdom for light side
mentor, you gain the following bene ts. force powers, Charisma for dark side force powers, or
Wisdom or Charisma for universal force powers (your
You can learn any language or tool pro ciency that
your mentor possesses in half the time, with no credit
Targeting modi cations typically augment a blaster's Grip modi cations typically augment a vibroweapon's
bonus to attack rolls. For instance: bonus to attack rolls. For instance:
Item modi cation (targeting), premium Item modi cation (grip), advanced
Value: 2,250 cr Value: 37,500 cr
You gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls made with this You gain a +3 bonus to attack rolls made with this
weapon. weapon.
Barrel modi cations typically augment a blaster's Edge modi cations typically augment a vibroweapon's
bonus to damage rolls. For instance: bonus to damage rolls. For instance:
Item modi cation (barrel), prototype Item modi cation (edge), prototype
Value: 9,750 cr Value: 11,000 cr
You gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls made with this You gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls made with this
weapon. weapon.
Matrix modi cations typically o er a unique feature to Projector modi cations typically o er a unique feature
blasters, such as increased range. For instance: to vibroweapons, such as adjusting the weapon's
properties. For instance:
Item modi cation (matrix), advanced RZ-3 EXTENDER FRAME
Value: 22,500 cr Item modi cation (projector), prototype
The normal range of this weapon increases by 30 Value: 9,250 cr
feet, and the long range increases by 60 feet. As a bonus action, you can activate a hidden handle
extender in this weapon to give it the reach property.
SAMPLE ITEM This e ect lasts for as long as you continue holding it,
When generating this sample blaster, I elected to or retract the extender as a bonus action, removing the
create a prototype blaster ri e, which would have three reach property.
modi cation slots. When determining those slots
randomly, I rolled a 33, a 46, and a 49. I rerolled the 49, SAMPLE ITEM
since it granted the same slot as the 46, and got a 73, When generating this sample vibroweapon, I elected to
ending up with the following weapon: create an advanced vibrosword, which would have four
modi cation slots. When determining those slots
MODIFIABLE BLASTER RIFLE randomly, I rolled a 12, a 45, a 73, and a 91, ending up
Weapon (blaster ri e), prototype (requires attunement) with the following weapon:
Value: 20,000 cr
This weapon has modi cation slots appropriate for MODIFIABLE VIBROSWORD
barrel, energy core, and matrix modi cations. Weapon (vibrosword), advanced (requires attunement)
Value: 78,000 cr
This weapon has modi cation slots appropriate for
grip, vibrator cell, projector, and one augment
modi cations.
SAMPLE ITEM This table includes the most common and desirable
When generating this sample lightweapon, I elected to color crystals. More extensive options can be awarded
at the discretion of the GM.
create a legendary greatsaber, which would have ve
modi cation slots. When determining those slots
randomly, I rolled a 1, a 26, a 48, an 82, and a 99, A player can choose the color crystal that is the result
ending up with the following weapon: of their percentile dice rolled, or they can choose one
that falls below it. For instance, if the player rolls a 91
MODIFIABLE GREATSABER and nds a viridian color crystal, they could instead
Weapon (greatsaber), legendary (requires attunement) choose a yellow color crystal, as if they had rolled a 63.
Value: 480,000 cr
This weapon has modi cation slots appropriate for
lens, crystal, power cell, and two augment
modi cations.
Emitter modi cations typically augment a focus Processor modi cations typically augment a wristpad's
generator's bonus to force attack rolls. For instance: bonus to tech attack rolls. For instance:
Item modi cation (emitter), premium Item modi cation (processor), advanced
Value: 2,400 cr Value: 47,500 cr
You gain a +1 bonus to the attack rolls of force You gain a +3 bonus to the attack rolls of tech
powers you cast through this focus generator. powers you cast through this wristpad.
Conductor modi cations typically augment a focus Motherboard modi cations typically augment a
generator's bonus to force save DCs. For instance: wristpad's bonus to tech save DC. For instance:
Item modi cation (conductor), advanced Item modi cation (motherboard), premium
Value: 36,000 cr Value: 1,900 cr
You gain a +3 bonus to the save DC of force powers You gain a +1 bonus to the save DC of tech powers
you cast through this focus generator. you cast through this wristpad.
Medium x1 Premium 10
Large x2 Prototype 15
Huge x5 Advanced 20
Gargantuan x 10 Legendary 25
Artifact 30
For instance, to install a customization in a Medium
droid takes 8 hours. To install an augmentation in a On a success, the customization is correctly installed.
Huge droid, however, it takes 40 hours (5 x 8). On a failure, the customization is not installed, the time
The installer works 8 hours per day. It costs 100 and credits are spent, and you must wait 24 hours
credits per hour if the operation is performed by an before you can try again.
MOTOR UPGRADING Removing a customization takes half the time and
A droid's motor can be upgraded to support more credits it would to install, and requires an ability check
customizations, up to a maximum of six with astrotech's tools. The DC for the check is
customizations. To upgrade the motor in a Medium determined by the rarity of the customization being
droid, it takes 8 hours and a number of credits removed, as shown above in the Installation and
depending on the total number of slots the upgraded Removal DC by Rarity table.
motor grants, as shown below in the Total Slots On a success, the customization is removed and
Upgrade Cost table. salvaged. On a failure, the customization is removed
but destroyed.
Two major categories of droid customizations exist in
the galaxy: parts and protocols.
Sample Activities
Activity DC
Design a complex wooden structure 15
Pry apart a door 20
Sample Activities
Activity DC
Determine a boot's age and origin 10
Find a hidden compartment in a boot heel 15