SW5e - Wretched Hives - 20201013
SW5e - Wretched Hives - 20201013
SW5e - Wretched Hives - 20201013
Introduction 4 Chapter 8: Tool Pro ciencies 67
Wretched Hives, Engineers, and You 5 Archaelogist Kit 68
Chapter 1: Step-By-Step Factions 6 Artillerist's Kit 68
Chapter 2: Entertainment and Downtime 9 Armormech's Tools 68
Bounty Hunting 11 Armstech's Tool 68
Buying Enhanced Items 12 Arti cer's Tools 69
Carousing 13 Artist's Tools 69
Crafting 15 Astrotech's Tools 69
Crime 17 Bioanalysis Kit 69
Espionage 18 Biochemist's Kit 70
Gambling 19 Biotech's Tools 70
Mercenary Contracting 21 Brewer's Kit 70
Pit Fighting 22 Chef's Kit 70
Racing 23 Constructor's Tools 71
Research 25 Cybertech's Tools 71
Selling Enhanced Items 26 Demolitions Kit 71
Training 27 Disguise Kit 71
Work 28 Forgery Kit 72
Chapter 3: Factions and Membership 29 Gaming Set 72
Faction Bene ts 31 Jeweler's Tools 72
Faction Membership 33 Mechanic's Kit 72
Chapter 4: Using Ability Scores 35 Munitions Kit 73
Chapter 5: Equipment 39 Musical Instrument 73
Armor and Shields 40 Poisoner's Kit 73
Weapons 43 Scavenging Kit 73
Adventuring Gear 47 Security Kit 74
Tools 54 Slicer's Kit 74
Chapter 6: Customization Options 55 Spicer's Kit 74
Chapter 7: Enhanced Items 58 Surveyor's Tools 74
Enhanced Item Categories 59 Synthweaver's Tools 74
Awarding Enhanced Items 60 Tinker's Tools 74
Enhanced Item Values 61 Appendix A: Enhanced Items 75
Modi able Items 62 Changelog 123
Modi cations by Item Type 63
Variant: Common Modi cations 64
Cybernetic Augmentations 65
Droid Customizations 66
vast worlds populated populated by myriad sites player creates an adventurer (also called a character)
and species. It shares elements with childhood games and teams up with other adventurers (played by
of make-believe. Like those games, SW5e is driven by friends). Working together, the group might join a
imagination. It's about picturing the expansive faction, earning renown to increase their standing.
marketplace and seeing the di erent people's living They might become benevolent Jedi, malevolent Sith,
their lives, and seeing how they might interact with the ruthless bounty hunters, or scurrying scoundrels. If no
player's characters. faction catches their attention, they might instead
This book is designed to add another signi cant layer create their own.
to your SW5e experience. The rules are designed to One player, however, takes on the role of the Game
work alongside the traditional SW5e ruleset, and so an Master (GM), the game's lead storyteller and referee.
experienced player should have no trouble jumping The GM creates adventures for the characters, who
right into the book. For the less experienced-or more navigate its hazards and decide which paths to explore.
curious-player, this Introduction discusses the basics. The GM might describe a populous city, and the
players decide what they want their adventurers to do.
Will they spend time buying and selling wares? Or will
Game Master (GM): As you enter the teeming they look for work and entertainment in the city to
marketplace in a disreputable sector of Nar make—or spend—their coin?
Shaddaa, you see merchants of all types Then the GM determines the results of the
peddling wares, trying to entice the owing
adventurers' actions and narrates what they
tra c. As you move further into the crowd,
experience. Because the GM can improvise to react to
one of the vendors catches your attention as
they hail you.
anything the players attempt, SW5e is in nitely exible,
and each adventure can be exciting and unexpected.
Drew (playing Dash): I'm going to check out what
The game has no real end; when one story or quest
they have for sale.
wraps up, another one can begin, creating an ongoing
Rickey (playing Vinto): I'm going to keep an eye story called a campaign. Many people who play the
on the crowd to make sure our things aren't game keep their campaigns going for months or years,
stolen. meeting with their friends every week or so to pick up
Erik (playing Kodo): ... the story where they left o . The adventurers grow in
might as the campaign continues. Each force defeated,
each adventure completed, and each relic recovered
Unlike a game of make-believe, SW5e gives structure to not only adds to the continuing story, but also earns
the stories, a way of determining the consequences of the adventurers new capabilities. This increase in
the adventurers' actions. Players roll dice to determine power is re ected by an adventurer's rank in a faction,
whether or not they can haggle for a better price, or to and the tier of the faction itself.
try to entice a merchant to accept work instead of There's no winning and losing in the Star Wars
credits for their goods. Anything is possible, but the DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS game—at least, not the way
dice make some outcomes more probable than others. those terms are usually understood. Together, the GM
and the players create an exciting story of bold
adventurers who confront deadly perils. Sometimes an
Game Master (GM): OK, one at a time. Rickey, adventurer might come to a grisly end, dispatched by a
you're checking the vendor's goods?
Sith lord. The party itself might meet its demise if it
Rickey: Yeah. Do I see anything cool? antagonizes a powerful and malicious faction. Even so,
GM: Make an Intelligence check. the other adventurers can beseech a powerful Jedi to
revive their fallen comrade, or the players might
Rickey: Does my Investigation skill apply?
choose (or be forced) to create new characters to carry
GM: Sure! on. The group might fail to complete an adventure
Rickey (rolling a d20): Eight. I hate this die! successfully, but if everyone had a good time and
created a memorable story, they all win.
GM: You see many trinkets and baubles but
nothing catches your eye. And Drew, Dash is
watching the crowd?
Drew: Yup!
One of the premier components of Star Wars 5th
Edition, versus a traditional DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS
GM: Okay. Eric, what's Kodo doing? campaign, is the massive—almost overwhelming—
Eric: ... number of planets. Each planet, and each city, hosts its
own species, communities, factions, and traditions.
Each city hosts its own activities and factions. Players
can choose to engage in these activities and join these
factions if they so desire. Alternatively, players can
instead form their own faction, recruiting other
members to span across multiple cities, planets, or
even the galaxy itself.
But if your players want to explore cities more Generally, the rules in this book use the same
indepth, this book is designed to those ends. mechanics already encountered. The GM still describes
the environment, and the players describe what they
USING THIS BOOK want to do. The GM then narrates the results of of the
adventurers' actions.
Wretched Hives is divided into eight chapters.
Chapters 1-4 are about spending time in cities, GAME DICE
joining factions or creating your own, and how to run
inter-faction con ict. It includes information on the The game uses the same polyhedral dice with di erent
major activities adventurers can engage in, as well as numbers of sides, referenced in the same fashion; the
the boons they gain for joining a faction and di erent dice are referred to by the letter d followed by
maintaining a good standing. It also includes the rules the number of sides: d4, d6, d8, d10, d12, d20, and
for creating their own faction, if they so choose, with a d100.
step-by-step guide on how to build one. Lastly, it ADVANTAGE AND DISADVANTAGE
includes rules to help govern or inspire con ict
between factions. Advantage and disadvantage function identically; with
Chapters 5-6 include new adventuring gear and advantage, you roll two dice and take the higher value,
customization options to help players realize their while with the disadvantage you roll two dice and take
characters. It adds many new weapons and armor, the lesser.
including new properties, as well as all sorts of new
adventuring gear, tools, and trade goods.
Chapters 7-8 include the rules for enhanced items In the same vein, while some chapters contain broad
and tools, including how to implement them in your strokes for the game's rules, others reference speci c
game and give tools more weight. actions or activities that that override these rules,
creating an exception to how the rest of the game
WRETCHED HIVES, ENGINEERS, AND YOU works. Remember this: if a speci c rule contradicts a
Engineers have a lot of interaction and overlap with general rule, the speci c rule wins.
this book. These guidelines help exist to merge the ROUND DOWN
There's one more general rule you need to know at the
CRAFTING AND BLUEPRINTS outset. Whenever you divide a number in the game,
If adopting this book with the intention of utilizing round down if you end up with a fraction, even if the
crafting, any class with pro ciency in a tool should fraction is one-half or greater, unless otherwise
know a number of standard rarity blueprints no speci ed.
greater than half their character level, rounded up.
Engineers should instead know a number equal to WHAT IT BRINGS
their level. Additionally, engineers can learn blueprints Wretched Hives is designed to be an in addition to
that exist as part of their archetype's modi cations. rather than instead of. If you implement some—or all
ARMORMECH AND ARMSTECH —of these rules, however, you create more powerful
For armormech, armstech, and other similar adventuring parties. The rules included here add an
archetypes that focus on modifying an item— additional level of customization to characters. All of
speci cally, armor, blasters, clothing, focus generators, the rules work in conjunction with each other, but are
lightweapons, shields, vibroweapons, or wristpads— generally not interdependent; use as much or as little
use the following rules. as you like.
inhabiting a single city to governments
controlling the majority of known planets. While many Every faction deviates in what they value, how they
characters will nd a faction they want to join—for exercise those values, and what kind of members they
instance, a Jedi will most likely want to climb the ranks attract. Your faction's ideals help determine what kind
of the Jedi Order—many characters will prefer to build of members you'll attract, should you decide to recruit
their own. outside the con nes of your party.
Before you dive into step 1 below, thinking about GOALS
whether or not establishing your own faction is the Each faction has its own goals. One of the most
correct route, and what your faction will do that is not common goals many factions share is the desire for
already done better by others. You might want to increased wealth and in uence. Many factions,
create your own bounty hunter organization and try to however, have goals unique to their own e orts. For
take on the greatest bounties the galaxy has to o er. instance, a faction might have a goal of maintaining
Maybe you want to start your own government and peace and prosperity in their region, directing all of
break away from the known powers. Perhaps you want their wealth and in uence towards that one goal.
to start your own faction of Force-wielders, separate
from the Jedi and the Sith. Or maybe you just want to BELIEFS
create your own chain of casino resorts, with pazaak Each faction also has its own beliefs. Many nefarious
and companions. factions, such as the Exchange, believe power should
Once you have a faction in mind, follow these steps be wielded by the strong, and that the weak deserve to
in order, making decisions that re ect the faction you be enslaved, while a more monetarily motivated
want. Your conception of your faction might evolve faction, such as the Commerce Guild, believe that
with each choice you make. What's important is that material wealth is the greatest source of control.
your faction helps you realize a character you're
excited to play.
Members of a faction are often drawn to it because
Throughout this section, we use the term faction they share common traits with its members. For
sheet to mean whatever you use to track your faction, instance, criminals who prefer to work alone, or in
whether it's a formal sheet (like the ones at the end of small groups, might be drawn to the Black Sun, while
these rules), some sort of digital record, or a piece of bounty hunters might choose to join the Bounty
notebook paper. The o cial SW5e sheets are a ne Broker's Association to earn greater wealth and
place to start until you know what information you prestige.
need and how you use it during the game.
Building the Mandalorians Every faction has a symbol that represents it, whether
Each step of faction creation includes an example of that symbol is worn publicly or only shown in secret.
that step, with a player building the iconic faction the
Mandalorians. Building the Mandalorians, Step 1
Mandalorian culture places heavy emphasis on
strength and worthiness. The primary goal of the
Mandalorians is to prove that their strength is greater
than that of others. Mandalorian beliefs are
characterized by the Resol'nare, or the Six Actions:
Bounty Hunting Roll Modifier Your target was very valuable to a crime boss, and
they've sworn to take revenge on you.
Ability d100 Roll
Check DC Modi er Your target had connections with an esteemed noble
family, and they're publicly besmirching you.
10 +5
Your target was a high-ranking member of a guild.
15 +10 5
You've earned their ire.
20 +15
Another bounty hunter was also on the hunt. You just
25 +20 barely beat them, and they're not happy.
30 +25
The d100 Roll Modifier is added to the percentile dice Bounty hunting is another activity that many
rolled for the Bounty Hunting Results table, which is characters will nd attractive, but it is better executed
discussed below. using the three pillars of adventuring. The GM can
determine that complications arise, as appropriate.
Once the player has determined their bounty hunting
roll modi er, they then roll percentile dice and consult
the Bounty Hunting Results table below.
Bounty Hunting Results
d100 Result
40 or
You fail to catch your target.
41- You fail to catch your target, but stumble across a
70 lesser bounty, earning 500 cr
You catch your target, resulting in a 1,000 cr bounty
101- You catch a high-value target, resulting in a 2,500 cr
110 bounty.
111 or You catch a kingpin, resulting in a 10,000 cr bounty
higher and a nickname.
A character seeking to buy an enhanced item makes an 101- A shady seller asking half the item's value, no
Intelligence (Investigation) check to determine the 110 questions asked.
rarity of the item found. The character gains a +1 111 or
A seller asking half the item's value, and a favor.
bonus on the check for every ve days beyond the rst higher
that are spent seeking a seller, and a +1 bonus for
every additional 1,000 cr spent on the search, up to a COMPLICATIONS
maximum bonus of +10. The monetary cost includes a
The buying and selling of enhanced items is fraught
wealthy lifestyle, for a buyer must impresses potential
with peril. The large sums of money involved and the
business partners.
power o ered by enhanced items attract thieves, con
If the characters seek a speci c enhanced item, have
artists, and other villains. If the characters encounter a
them make the check twice. If both checks succeed,
shady seller, they have a 50 percent chance of
they nd a seller with the speci c enhanced item.
triggering a complication. Otherwise, they have a 10
Otherwise, use the lower of the two rolls to determine
percent chance of triggering a complication.
what rarity item they nd for sale.
The result of the check determines the rarity of the
This is a great opportunity to create a rival to the
item for sale, as shown below in the Purchasable party, or involve a previous rival.
Enhanced Item table.
Purchasable Enhanced Items Buying Complications
DC to d100 Roll d6 Complication
Rarity Find Seller Modi er 1 The item is a fake.
Standard 10 +10 2 The item is stolen after purchase.
Premium 15 +0 3 The item is a relic cursed by a dark entity.
Prototype 20 -10 The item's original owner will kill to reclaim it; the
Advanced 25 -20 party's enemies spread news of the transaction.
Legendary 30 -30 The other party is murdered before the transaction is
The d100 Roll Modifier is added to the percentile dice 6 A third party enters the transaction, doubling the price.
rolled for the Buying an Enhanced Item table, which is
discussed below. UPTIME
The GM can determine whether or not buying
Once a seller is found, the player rolls percentile dice enhanced items can be performed during uptime.
and consults the Buying an Enhanced Item table below,
applying a modi er based on the item's rarity, as
shown in the Purchaseable Enhanced Items table.
3 successes You make an allied contact. You tripped and fell during a dance, and people can't
stop talking about it.
4 successes You make two allied contacts.
3 You have agreed to take on a noble's debts.
5 successes You make three allied contacts.
You have been challenged to a duel by an embarrassed
Characters who carouse risk bar brawls, accumulating 5 You have made a foe out of a local noble.
a cloud of nasty rumors, and building a bad reputation A boring noble insists you visit each day and listen to
around town. For each failure during Resolution, you 6
long, tedious expositions on lineage.
have a 10 percent chance of triggering a complication.
You have become the target of a variety of
embarrassing rumors.
This is a great opportunity to create a rival to the
party, or involve a previous rival. You spent an additional 5,000 cr trying to impress
Mercenary Contracting Roll Modifier This is a great opportunity to create a rival to the
Ability d100 Roll party, or involve a previous rival.
Check DC Modi er
10 +5 Mercenary Contracting Complications
15 +10 d6 Complication
20 +15 You manage to o end a bystander with an innocuous
comment, and it turns out they're important.
25 +20
2 You have a run-in with the law.
30 +25
You beat out another individual who wanted your job,
earning their ire.
The d100 Roll Modifier is added to the percentile dice
Your boss works for a local criminal organization, and
rolled for the Mercenary Contracting Results table, 4
insists you perform further work for them.
which is discussed below.
5 Another person o ers to pay you to fail in your task.
For instance, if the character makes a Charisma You are forced into a physical altercation, resulting in a
(Intimidation) check, and the result is 20, they can elect scar.
to keep that check, resulting in +15 mercenary
contracting roll modi er. If the character makes an UPTIME
Intelligence (Investigation) check, and the result is a 4,
While mercenary contracting is a common endeavor in
however, they can choose to repeat the check. If the
any campaign, it is better executed using the three
result of that check is a 16, and the character elects to
pillars of adventuring. The GM can determine that
keep it, they receive a +5 mercenary contracting roll
complications arise, as appropriate.
modi er, since the DC for each tier increased by 5 after
the rst check. If the character elects to make three
checks, with the results being 9, 10, and 18, however,
they fail to meet a DC, since the DC for each tier
increased by 5 for each subsequent check. In this
instance, since they failed to meet a DC, they fail to nd
a job.
Once the player has determined their mercenary
contracting roll modi er, they then roll percentile dice
and consult the Mercenary Contract Results table
Pit Fighting Roll Modifier This is a great opportunity to create a rival to the
Ability d100 Roll party, or involve a previous rival.
Check DC Modi er
10 +5 Pit Fighting Complications
15 +10 d6 Complication
20 +15 1 An opponent swears to take revenge on you.
111 or You learn ve pieces of lore, as well as the relative You uncovered useful lore, but only by promising to
higher location of an item worth at least 5,000 cr. complete a dangerous task in return.
At the end of each workweek, a character makes an Due to the required time involved in training, it is best
ability check depending on their training, and then suited to downtime.
consults the Training Roll Modi er table.
Despite what should be an uneventful, satisfying week You have a 10 percent chance of triggering a
of simple work, complications can arise from this complication. If you fail to meet an ability check DC,
activity. A character spending a week working has a 10 you instead have a one-hundred percent chance of
percent chance of triggering a complication. triggering a complication.
Beginning at 10th tier, your faction gains expertise in
one ability score in which it is pro cient.
At 14th tier, your faction gains expertise in another
ability score in which it is pro cient.
Beginning at 1st rank when you join a faction, you gain WORD OF ADVICE
the ability to earn renown for your faction, allowing While you can see and hear your mentor, you can gain
you to advance in rank. For every successful workweek advantage on one ability check, attack roll, or saving
in a downtime activity furthering your faction's throw (no action required). You can wait until after you
interests, you gain 1 renown. Additionally, you gain roll the d20 to use this feature, but you must decide
access to faction-speci c missions. Every time you before the GM says whether the roll succeeds or fails.
complete a mission for your faction, you gain 1 or Once you've used this feature, you must complete a
more renown. short or long rest before you can use it again.
Every task that a faction might attempt in the game is Other actions as deemed appropriate by the GM.
covered by one of the six abilities. This section explains
in more detail what those abilities mean and the ways The faction then makes a Strength check contested
they are used in the game. by the target faction's Constitution check. On a success,
Factions of 2nd tier and higher are more adept at they achieve the attempted action. On a failure, they
performing certain downtime activities. When a faction are instead rebu ed.
member of 2nd rank or higher attempts the favored
downtime activity and rolls percentile dice, they also DEXTERITY
get to make a faction ability check and add it to the roll, Dexterity measures the agility, re exes, and balance of
provided they are in an area where the faction has a faction's membership.
in uence. Each downtime activity is tied to a speci c
ability score, as discussed in this section. DEXTERITY ACTIVITIES
Many activities capitalize on a character's nimbleness
VARIANT: ACTIVITIES WITH OTHER ABILITIES and stealth. When a character performs one of the
Normally, your faction's favored activity only utilizes a following downtime activities, and it's their faction's
speci c ability score. Favoring the Crime downtime favored downtime activity, they can make a faction
activity, for instance, usually applies a faction's ability check:
Dexterity ability check. During resolution of an activity,
however, a faction member might use utilize a Crime
di erent ability score during resolution. In such cases, Work
the GM might allow you to roll a faction ability check Other activities as deemed appropriate by the GM.
utilizing a di erent ability score, or you might ask if you FACTION CHECKS
can use a di erent faction ability check. For example, if Additionally, when two factions are in con ict—either
you are performing crime during downtime and using directly or indirectly—one faction can attempt the
a security kit, your GM might call for a faction following actions:
Intelligence check when rolling percentile dice, instead
of Dexterity, even though Crime is normally associated 1
with Dexterity. 2
Other actions as deemed appropriate by the GM.
1 1
2 2
Other actions as deemed appropriate by the GM. Other actions as deemed appropriate by the GM.
The faction then makes an Intelligence check The faction then makes a Charisma check contested
contested by the target faction's Dexterity check. On a by the target faction's Wisdom check. On a success,
success, they achieve the attempted action. On a they achieve the attempted action. On a failure, they
failure, they are instead rebu ed. are instead rebu ed.
Armor and shields made from beskar gains the Many armors and shield have special properties
regulated property, but also the strength 11 property. related to their use, as shown in the Armor table. You
If the armor or shield would already have the strength must be pro cient in and wearing armor or wielding a
property, instead increase the strength number by 2. shield to bene t from its special properties.
Bone armor and shields have the barbed (1d4) and When you are wearing armor or wielding a shield with
spiked (1d4) properties, respectively, but su er a -1 the absorptive property, damage that you take from
penalty to Armor Class. weapons is reduced by an amount equal to the
absorptive number. If this would reduce the damage to
CRYSTADIUM 0, the damage is instead reduced to 1.
Armor and shields made from crystadium has the
absorptive 1 property, but also the rigid and AGILE
imbalanced properties, respectively. While wearing armor or wielding a shield with the agile
property, you gain a bonus to Dexterity checks and
DURAFIBER Dexterity saving throws equal to the agile number, and
Dura ber armor and shields have the agile 1 property, you gain a bonus to your speed equal to 5 x the agile
but su er a -1 penalty to Armor Class. number.
Armor and shields made from duranium gain the A shield with the anchor property can be used to
reactive 1 and responsive 1 properties, respectively, provide cover. As an action, you can anchor or recover
but also the cumbersome property. the shield. While anchored, you gain no bene t from a
shield, and it does not require the use of a hand.
DURASTEEL Instead, while anchored, a light shield provides one-
Durasteel armor has the impermeable and rigid quarter cover, a medium shield provides half cover,
properties. Durasteel shields have the interlocking and and a heavy shield provides three-quarters cover.
imbalanced properties.
DURAVLEX When wearing armor or wielding a shield with the
Armor and shields made from duravlex have the silent avoidant property and a creature makes an attack
and concealing properties, respectively, but su er a -1 against you, the critical hit range decreases by an
penalty to Armor Class. amount equal to the avoidant number, to a minimum
Fleximetal armor and shields gain the avoidant 1 BARBED
property, but also the strength 11 property. If the When you succeed on a Strength (Athletics) check to
armor or shield would already have the strength initiate or maintain a grapple while wearing armor with
property, instead increase the strength number by 2. the barbed property, the creature takes kinetic damage
LAMINANIUM using the barbed damage (which appears in
Armor and shields made from laminanium gain the parentheses with the property) + your Strength
obscured and lambent properties, respectively, but modi er.
also the cumbersome property. CHARGING
NEUTRONIUM When you take damage while wearing armor or
Neutronium armor and shields gain the insulated 1 wielding a shield with the charging property, you gain a
property, but also the strength 11 property. If the charge. You can store a maximum number of charges
armor or shield would already have the strength equal to the charging number, and the charges last for
property, instead increase the strength number by 2. 1 minute. The next time you hit with a melee weapon
attack while you have charges, you deal additional
PLASTOID damage of the same type as the weapon's damage
Armor made from plastoid has the reinforced and rigid equal to the number of charges stored.
properties. Shields made from plastoid have the
anchor and imbalanced properties. CONCEALING
While wielding a shield with the concealing property,
QUADANIUM you have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks that
Quadanium armor and shields gain the charging 1 rely on sight.
property, but also the cumbersome property.
While wearing armor or wielding a shield with the
cumbersome property, your speed is reduced by 5.
While wearing armor with the gauntleted property, When you are wearing armor with the reactive
your unarmed strikes deal kinetic damage using the property and a creature hits you with an attack roll,
gauntleted damage (which appears in parentheses you gain a bonus to AC against the next attack from
with the property) + your Strength modi er. that creature before the start of your next turn equal
to the reactive number.
When you are critically hit while wielding this shield, REGULATED
you can't take reactions until the start of your next When you are wearing armor or wielding a shield with
turn, and you gain no AC bene t from your shield the regulated property and a creature rolls the
against the next attack against you before the start of maximum on a weapon damage die against you, they
your next turn. must reroll and use the new roll, even if the new roll is
the maximum on the weapon damage die.
Armor with the impermeable property functions as an REINFORCED
enviro-suit, ight suit, and water suit. When you make a long jump while wearing armor with
the reinforced property, you can cover a number of
INSULATED feet up to twice your Strength score. When you make a
While wearing armor or wielding a shield with the high jump, you can leap a number of feet up into the
insulated property, you gain a bonus to AC and saving air equal to 3 + twice your Strength modi er.
throws against e ects that would deal ion or lightning
damage equal to the insulated number. RESPONSIVE
While you are wielding a shield with the responsive
INTERLOCKING property and an attack misses you by an amount less
While wielding a shield with the interlocking property than or equal to your bonus to AC from your shield,
within 5 feet of a friendly creature who is also wielding you gain a bonus to AC against the next attack from
a shield with the interlocking property, you can both that creature before the start of your next turn equal
use your reactions to interlock the shields. While to the responsive number.
interlocked, both creatures gain a bonus to AC equal to
the interlocking number. If at any point the creatures RIGID
are more than 5 feet from eachother, the shields While wearing armor with the rigid property, you add
immediately de-interlock, and this e ect ends. half your Dexterity modi er (rounded down), instead of
your full Dexterity modi er, to Dexterity saving throws
LAMBENT you make. If your Dexterity modi er is negative, you
While wielding a shield with the lambent property, you instead subtract the full modi er.
can use a bonus action to activate or deactivate the
shield's light. While active, the shield sheds bright light SILENT
in a 5-foot radius and dim light for an additional 5 feet. While wearing armor with the silent property, you have
Additionally, Dexterity (Stealth) checks made while the advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks that rely on
shield's light is active that rely on sight have sound.
LIGHTWEIGHT When you succeed on a Strength (Athletics) check to
Armor and shields with the lightweight property have shove or trip a creature while wielding a shield with the
their weight reduced by half. spiked property, the creature takes kinetic damage
using the spiked damage (which appears in
MAGNETIC parentheses with the property) + your Strength
While you are wielding a shield with the magnetic modi er.
property and a melee weapon attack misses you by an
amount less than or equal to your bonus to AC from STEADFAST
your shield, the attacking creature must make a While wearing armor or wielding a shield with the
Strength saving throw, DC equal to the magnetic steadfast property, you have advantage on Strength
number. On a failed save, the creature's weapon checks and Strength saving throws to avoid being
adheres to the shield. As an action, a creature can moved.
repeat this check. On a success, the weapon is freed.
OBSCURED A shield with the versatile property can be used with
While wearing armor with the obscured property, one or two hands. While wielded in two hands, you
electronic sensors and cameras have disadvantage on gain an additional bonus to AC equal to the versatile
Wisdom (Perception) and Intelligence (Investigation) number.
checks against you that rely on sight.
While wearing armor with the powered property, you
gain a bonus to damage rolls using Strength, Strength
checks, and Strength saving throws equal to the
powered number.
Name Cost Armor Weight Properties
Light Armor
Dura ber combat suit 1,100 cr 10 + Dex modi er 10 lb Agile 1
Duravlex ber armor 1,450 cr 11 + Dex modi er 13 lb Silent
Fleximetal ber armor 1,450 cr 12 + Dex modi er 13 lb Avoidant 1, strength 11
Medium Armor
Neutronium mesh 2,500 cr 13 + Dex modi er (max 2) 20 lb Insulated 1, strength 11
Beskar weave armor 3,000 cr 14 + Dex modi er (max 2) 25 lb Regulated, strength 11
Plastoid composite 4,500 cr 15 + Dex modi er (max 2) 45 lb Bulky, reinforced, rigid
Heavy Armor
Duranium battle armor 6,750 cr 16 55 lb Bulky, cumbersome, reactive 1, strength 13
Laminanium assault 8,000 cr 17 60 lb Bulky, cumbersome, obscured, strength 15
Durasteel exoskeleton 15,000 cr 18 65 lb Bulky, impermeable, rigid, strength 17
Bone light shield 300 cr +0 6 lb Spiked (1d4)
Crystadium medium shield 900 cr +2 18 lb Absorptive 1, imbalanced, strength 13
Quadanium heavy shield 2,000 cr +3 36 lb Charging 1, cumbersome, obtrusive, strength 15
In addition to armor varying across myriad planets, you WEAPON PROPERTIES
might nd new and unique types of weaponry
Many weapons have special properties related to their
available. Your weapon pro ciencies re ect the tools
use, as shown in the Weapons table.
you are most likely to use. The Weapons tables show
additional weapons used in the worlds of Star Wars, AUTOTARGET
their price and weight, the damage they deal when This weapon ignores your Dexterity score and
they hit, and any special properties they possess. pro ciency bonus. Two numbers appear in
parentheses with the property—the rst is the
WEAPON PROFICIENCY weapon's Dexterity score, and the second is the
Your species, class, and feats can grant you pro ciency weapon's pro ciency bonus. The weapon uses these
with certain weapons or categories of weapons. The values instead of yours when you make attack and
three types of weapons—blaster, lightweapon, and damage rolls with it. If you lack pro ciency with the
vibroweapon, are further broken down into two weapon, the weapon does not bene t from its
categories—simple and martial.Pro ciency with a pro ciency bonus.
weapon allows you to add your pro ciency bonus to
the attack roll for any attack you make with that BRUTAL
weapon. If you make an attack roll using a weapon When you score a critical hit with a weapon with the
with which you lack pro ciency, you do not add your brutal property, you roll a number of additional
pro ciency bonus to the attack roll. weapon damage dice equal to the brutal number.
Pro ciency in these weapons is discussed further in DEFENSIVE
Chapter 6. When you make your rst attack on your turn with a
weapon with the defensive property, you can choose to
su er a penalty to attack and damage rolls with that
weapon up to the defensive number. If you do so, you
gain the same bonus to AC. These e ects last until the
start of your next turn, as long as you're holding the
Before you make a weapon attack with a weapon with When you hit a creature with a weapon with the
the dire property, you can choose to su er a penalty to shocking property, you can force it to make a Dexterity
the attack roll up to the dire number. If you do so and saving throw, DC equal to the shocking number. On a
you hit with it, you gain the same bonus to the damage failed save, the creature takes an additional 1d4
roll. lightning damage and becomes shocked until the end
of its next turn.
When you score a critical hit with a weapon with the SILENT
disarming property against a creature that is holding When you make a ranged attack with a weapon with
an object, you can attempt to disarm the target (no the silent property while hidden, it does not
action required). If the target is no more than one size automatically reveal your presence. Make a Dexterity
larger than you (your size or smaller if your weapon (Stealth) check contested by your targets' Wisdom
has the light property), it must succeed on a Strength (Perception) check. On a success, you remain hidden.
saving throw (DC = 8 + your bonus to attacks with the
weapon) or it drops an object of your choice at its feet. SONOROUS
When you hit a creature with a weapon with the
DISINTEGRATE sonorous property, you can force it to make a
When a creature is reduced to 0 hit points by a weapon Constitution saving throw, DC equal to the sonorous
with the disintegrate property, it must make a number. On a failed save, the creature takes an
Constitution saving throw, DC equal to the disintegrate additional 1d4 sonic damage and becomes deafened
number. On a failed save, it dies immediately without until the end of its next turn.
making death saving throws. A disintegrated creature
and everything unenhanced it is wearing or carrying SWITCH
are reduced to a pile of ne gray dust. A creature A weapon with the switch property can deal an
destroyed in this way can not be revitalized. alternate type of damage. A damage value appears in
parentheses appears with the property-the damage
DISRUPTIVE when the weapon uses its alternate damage type. On
When a creature is forced to make a Constitution your turn, you can use your object interaction to
saving throw to maintain concentration due to taking change the weapon's damage type.
damage from a weapon with the disruptive property,
the DC for the check equals 10 or the full damage VICIOUS
taken, whichever number is higher, instead of only half. Whenever you deal damage with a weapon with the
vicious property and roll the maximum on a weapon
KEEN damage die, you gain a bonus to damage equal to the
When you make a weapon attack with a weapon with vicious number.
the keen property, the critical hit range increases by an
amount equal to the keen number. SPECIAL WEAPONS
Weapons with special rules are described to below.
When making an attack with a mighty weapon, you use ARC CASTER
your choice of your Strength or Dexterity modi er for When you score a critical hit with this weapon, a
the attack and damage rolls. You must use the same creature becomes shocked until the end of its next
modi er for both rolls. turn.
When you hit a creature with a weapon with the A Large or smaller creature hit by a bolas is restrained
neuralizing property, you can force it to make a until it is freed. A bolas has no e ect on formless or
Wisdom saving throw, DC equal to the neuralizing Huge or larger creatures. A creature can use its action
number. On a failed save, the creature takes an to make a DC 13 Dexterity check, freeing itself or
additional 1d4 psychic damage and becomes another creature within its reach on a success. The
frightened of you until the start of its next turn. bolas has an AC of 10, 5 hit points, and immunity to all
damage not dealt by melee weapons. Destroying the
bolas frees the creature without harming it and
Before you make a weapon attack with a weapon with
immediately ends the bolas's e ects. While a creature
the piercing property, you can choose to su er a
is restrained by a bolas, you can make no further
penalty to the attack roll up to the piercing number. If
attacks with it.
you do so, you gain the same bonus to the next attack
Due to their unwieldy nature, bolas make ine ective
roll you make against the same target before the start
melee weapons. Melee attack rolls made with them are
of your next turn.
made at disadvantage.
The bo-ri e is a lasat weapon most commonly carried Rather than traditional power cells, the rocket launcher
by the Honor Guard of Lasan, which has the unique res specialized projectiles in the form of rockets.
property of functioning as both a ri e and a sta . On When ring a rocket at long range, or if you don't meet
your turn, you can use your object interaction to switch the rocket launcher's strength requirement, creatures
between modes, detailed below. within the radius of the rocket's explosion have
Rifle. While in this mode, the weapon uses advantage on the saving throw.
traditional power cells.
Staff. While in this mode, the weapon gains the ROTARY CANNON
shocking 13 property. Rather than traditional power cells, the rotary cannon
uses specialized power generator that allow it to re
FLECHETTE CANNON continuously for 10 minutes. Replacing a power
The echette cannon does not make attack rolls. generator takes an action.
Rather than traditional power cells, the echette The rotary cannon requires the use of a tripod
cannon uses specialized cannon tanks, which, when unless you meet its strength requirement, which is
red, spray an area with the contents of the tank. included in the price. Over the course of 1 minute, you
Projector tanks require your target to make a saving can deploy or collapse the rotary cannon on the tripod.
throw to resist the tank's e ects. It can have di erent While deployed, your speed is reduced to 0.
ammunition types loaded simultaneously, and you can
choose which ammunition you're using as you re it SHOULDER CANNON
(no action required). If you don't meet the echette Mounted by the shoulder slot, a shoulder cannon does
cannon's strength requirement, creatures have not require a free hand to use. Additionally, you have
advantage on their saving throws. If you lack advantage on Strength ability checks and saving throws
pro ciency in the echette cannon, you must roll the to avoid being disarmed of this weapon.
damage dice twice and take the lesser total. VAPOR PROJECTOR
GRENADE LAUNCHER The vapor projector does not make attack rolls. Rather
Rather than traditional power cells, the grenade than traditional power cells, the vapor projector uses
launcher res grenades. When ring a grenade at long specialized projector tanks, which, when red, spray an
range, or if you don't meet the grenade launcher's area with the contents of the tank. Projector tanks
strength requirement, creatures within the radius of require your target to make a saving throw to resist the
the grenade's explosion have advantage on the saving tank's e ects. It can have di erent ammunition types
throw. If you lack pro ciency in the grenade launcher, loaded simultaneously, and you can choose which
you must roll the damage dice twice and take the ammunition you're using as you re it (no action
lesser total. required). If you don't meet the vapor projector's
strength requirement, creatures have advantage on
INTERCHANGEABLE WEAPONS SYSTEM their saving throws. If you lack pro ciency in the vapor
The IWS is a heavy weapon that can re in three projector, you must roll the damage dice twice and
di erent modes. On your turn, you can use your object take the lesser total.
interaction to switch between modes, detailed below.
Antiarmor. While in this mode, rather than
traditional power cells, the IWS res grenades. When
ring a grenade at long range, creatures within the
radius of the grenade's explosion have advantage on
the saving throw.
Blaster. While in this mode, the weapon uses
traditional power cells.
Sniper. While in this mode, the weapon uses
traditional power cells.
When you would make a Strength (Athletics) check to
attempt to grapple a creature while wielding a weapon
with the grappling property, you can instead make a
melee weapon attack with it. If the attack hits, the
creature becomes grappled by you, and it takes
damage equal to your Strength modi er of the same
type as the weapon's damage.
The retrosaber is an ancient type of lightweapon that
requires a power cell to function. Once four attacks
have been made with a retrosaber, a character must
replace the power cell using an action or bonus action
(the character's choice). You must have one free hand
to replace the power cell.
Name Cost Damage Weight Properties
Simple Blasters
Bolt-thrower 500 cr 1d10 kinetic 14 lb Ammunition (range 100/400), reload 2, silent, strength 11, two-handed
Energy bow 300 cr 1d6 energy 3 lb Ammunition (range 80/320), mighty, reload 12, silent, two-handed
Shatter pistol 800 cr 1d4 kinetic 3 lb Ammunition (range 40/160), silent, light, reload 20
Switch carbine 4,600 cr 1d6 energy 8 lb Ammunition (range 60/240), reload 12, switch (1d4 acid)
Martial Blasters
Ammunition (range 30/120), burst 4, rapid 2, reload 4, special,
ARC caster 2,400 cr 1d8 lightning 10 lb
strength 11, two-handed
Ammunition (range 120/480), auto, burst 2, disintegrate 13, reload 2,
BKG 9,000 cr 3d4 re 42 lb
strength 19, two-handed
Disruptor pistol 4,000 cr 1d8 acid 4 lb Ammunition (range 60/240), disintegrate 13, reload 16
Ammunition (range 100/400), disintegrate 13, reload 1, strength 11,
Disruptor ri e 7,000 cr 1d10 acid 12 lb
Flechette cannon 1,800 cr — 16 lb Ammunition (range special), reload 5, special, strength 11, two-handed
Grenade launcher 800 cr — 10 lb Ammunition (range 80/320), reload 1, strength 11, special, two-handed
Hand blaster 1,500 cr 1d4 energy 2 lb Ammunition (range 40/160), keen 1, light, reload 12
Incinerator pistol 2,500 cr 1d6 re 5 lb Ammunition (range 60/240), disintegrate 13, reload 12, strength 11
Ammunition (range 150/600), disintegrate 13, reload 2, strength 13,
Incinerator sniper 6,600 cr 1d10 re 10 lb
IWS 7,200 cr — 12 lb Special, strength 13, two-handed
Antiarmor — — — Ammunition (range 60/240), reload 1, special
Blaster — 1d8 energy — Ammunition (range 80/320), reload 12
Sniper — 1d12 energy — Ammunition (range 120/480), reload 4
Ammunition (range 60/240), mighty, piercing 1, reload 4, strength 11,
Lightbow 400 cr 2d6 energy 16 lb
Nightstinger ri e 1,200 cr 1d12 energy 15 lb Ammunition (range 120/480), silent, reload 2, strength 13, two-handed
Ammunition (range 150/600), piercing 1, reload 1, strength 15,
Railgun 6,300 cr 2d6 kinetic 24 lb
Rocket launcher 2,400 cr — 20 lb Ammunition (range 100/400), reload 1, special, strength 13, two-handed
Ammunition (range 100/400), auto, burst, rapid, special, strength 19,
Rotary cannon 9,800 cr 2d6 energy 76 lb
Sonic pistol 650 cr 1d6 sonic 2 lb Ammunition (range 40/160), reload 12
Sonic ri e 800 cr 1d8 sonic 10 lb Ammunition (range 100/400), reload 12, two-handed
Ammunition (range 80/320), burst 4, reload 8, silent,
Shatter cannon 1,300 cr 1d10 kinetic 24 lb
strength 15, two-handed
Shatter ri e 1,200 cr 1d10 kinetic 15 lb Ammunition (range 120/480), silent, reload 2, strength 13, two-handed
Ammunition (range 60/240), autotarget (15, +2), burst 4, reload 4,
Shoulder cannon 3,200 cr 1d8 energy 9 lb
Ammunition (range 80/320), burst 4, reload 8, strength 11,
Switch cannon 9,400 cr 1d10 energy 26 lb
switch (2d4 acid/cold/ re/lightning), two-handed
Switch pistol 3,100 cr 1d6 energy 4 lb Ammunition (range 40/160), light, reload 12, switch (1d4 re)
Ammunition (range 60/240), reload 8, switch (1d6 lightning),
Switch ri e 5,500 cr 1d8 energy 12 lb
Ammunition (range 120/480), reload 2, strength 13, switch (1d10 cold),
Switch sniper 8,250 cr 1d12 energy 16 lb
Vapor projector 1,600 cr — 14 lb Ammunition (range special), reload 5, special, strength 11, two-handed
Name Cost Damage Weight Properties
Simple Lightweapons
Canesaber 700 cr 1d6 energy 5 lb Disguised, nesse, luminous
Wristsaber 1,000 cr 1d4 energy 2 lb Finesse, xed, light, luminous
Martial Lightweapons
Chained lightdagger 1,700 cr 1d6 energy 6 lb Disarming, nesse, luminous, reach, two-handed
Claymore saber 2,100 cr 3d4 energy 9 lb Dexterity 13, luminous, two-handed
Crossguard saber 950 cr 1d8 energy 3 lb Defensive 1, dexterity 13, heavy, luminous, versatile (1d10)
Dual-phase saber 1,400 cr 1d8 energy 4 lb Dexterity 11, keen 1, luminous, versatile (1d10)
Guard shoto 1,350 cr 1d4 energy 3 lb Defensive 1, nesse, light, luminous
Lightaxe 1,800 cr 1d10 energy 10 lb Heavy, luminous, two-handed
Light st 1,200 cr 1d4 energy 2 lb Disruptive, disguised, xed, light, luminous
Lightglaive 1,900 cr 1d12 energy 10 lb Dexterity 13, luminous, reach, two-handed
Retrosaber 800 cr 2d4 energy 8 lb Keen 1, luminous, special, vicious 1
Saberaxe 1,400 cr 1d8 energy 5 lb Brutal 1
Sith saber 2,400 cr 1d8 energy 3 lb Dexterity 11, hidden, keen 1, luminous, versatile (1d10)
Name Cost Damage Weight Properties
Simple Vibroweapons
Vibroclaw 600 cr 1d4 kinetic 2 lb Finesse, xed, light
Vibrocutter 300 cr 1d6 kinetic 5 lb Dexterity 11, heavy, vicious 1
Martial Vibroweapons
Bolas 70 cr — 2 lb Light, special, thrown (range 20/60)
Bo-ri e 2,300 cr — 7 lb Special, two-handed
Ri e — 1d8 energy — Ammunition (range 100/400), reload 6
Sta — 1d8 kinetic — Double (1d8 kinetic), shocking 13
Chained dagger 850 cr 1d6 kinetic 6 lb Disarming, nesse, reach, two-handed
Disruptorshiv 900 cr 1d4 kinetic 1 lb Disruptive, nesse, shocking 13
Echosta 1,200 cr 1d6 kinetic 1 lb Double (1d6 kinetic), nesse, sonorous 13
Electrobaton 650 cr 1d4 kinetic 3 lb Finesse, light, shocking 13
Electroprod 500 cr 1d4 lightning 2 lb Disruptive, shocking 13
Electrohammer 1,400 cr 2d4 kinetic 18 lb Heavy, shocking 13, two-handed
Electrosta 1,100 cr 1d6 kinetic 6 lb Double (1d6 kinetic), nesse, shocking 13, two-handed
Electrovoulge 1,300 cr 1d8 kinetic 15 lb Reach, shocking 13, two-handed
Mancatcher 670 cr 1d8 kinetic 12 lb Reach, special, two-handed
Nervebaton 1,500 cr 1d6 kinetic 1 lb Disruptive, neuralizing 13
Vibrohammer 1,400 cr 1d10 kinetic 16 lb Heavy, two-handed
Vibroshield 900 cr 1d8 kinetic 7 lb Defensive 1, xed
Vibroknife 600 cr 1d4 kinetic 1 lb Finesse, light, piercing 1
Vibrotonfa 1,000 cr 1d4 kinetic 2 lb Defensive 1, nesse, light
War hat 1,100 cr 1d6 kinetic 3 lb Defensive 1, disguised, returning, thrown (range 30/90)
Warsword 1,400 cr 2d6 kinetic 8 lb Dexterity 13, two-handed, vicious 1
Wristblade 1,000 cr 1d6 kinetic 2 lb Fixed, light
This section describes items that have special rules or
require further explanation. Item Cost Weight
Corrosive cartridge 42 cr —
A corrosive cartridge is a specialized slug cartridge for Cryo cell 350 cr 1 lb
use with blaster weapons that deal kinetic damage. Deafening calibrator 550 cr 1 lb
When you hit with a shot with the loaded weapon, the
Deafening cell 425 cr 1 lb
creature must make a DC 14 Constitution saving throw,
taking 1d8 acid damage on a failed save or half as Deafening collimator 575 cr 1 lb
much on a successful one. If you reduce a creature to 0 Deafening dart 70 cr —
hit points with the loaded weapon, it must make a DC
Electrifying calibrator 700 cr 1 lb
13 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, it dies
immediately without making death saving throws. A Electrifying cartridge 28 cr —
disintegrated creature and everything unenhanced it is Electrifying collimator 725 cr 1 lb
wearing or carrying are reduced to a pile of ne gray
dust. A creature destroyed in this way can not be
A cryo cell is a specialized power cell for use with DEAFENING DART
blaster weapons that deal acid, energy, re, ion, or This wrist launcher ammunition deals 1d6 kinetic
sonic damage. The loaded weapon deals cold damage damage on a hit. Also on a hit, the creature must make
instead of its normal damage type, and when you hit a DC 14 Constitution saving throw, taking 1d4 sonic
with a shot the creature must make a DC 14 damage on a failed save.
Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the
Additionally, on a failed save, a creature is deafened
creature takes 1d4 cold damage and gains 1 slowed
for 1 minute. At the end of an a ected creature's turn,
level until the end of its next turn. On a successful save,
it can repeat this save, ending the e ect on a success.
a creature takes half damage and isn't slowed. If this
damage reduces a creature to 0 hit points, that ELECTRIFYING CALIBRATOR
creature is frozen in carbonite for 1 hour. As an action, you can apply this calibrator to one
vibroweapon or pair of handwraps within 5 feet,
DEAFENING CALIBRATOR granting it a +1 bonus to damage rolls for 1 minute.
As an action, you can apply this calibrator to one This bonus is in addition to any bonuses granted by the
vibroweapon or pair of handwraps within 5 feet, weapon. Additionally, for the duration, the weapon
granting it a +1 bonus to damage rolls for 1 minute. gains the shocking 13 property. If it already has the
This bonus is in addition to any bonuses granted by the shocking property, its shocking number increases by 1,
weapon. Additionally, for the duration, the weapon to a maximum of 18.
gains the sonorous 13 property. If it already has the
sonorous property, its sonorous number increases by ELECTRIFYING CARTRIDGE
1, to a maximum of 18. An electrifying cartridge is a specialized slug cartridge
for use with blaster weapons that deal kinetic damage.
When you hit with a shot with the loaded weapon, the
A deafening cell is a specialized power cell for use with
creature must make a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw.
blaster weapons that deal acid, energy, re, ion, or
On a failed save, the creature takes 1d4 lightning
sonic damage. The loaded weapon deals sonic damage
damage and becomes shocked until the end of its next
instead of its normal damage type, and when you hit
turn. On a successful save, a creature takes half
with a shot the creature must make a DC 14
damage and isn't shocked.
Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the
creature takes 1d6 sonic damage and is deafened until ELECTRIFYING COLLIMATOR
the start of your next turn. On a successful save, a As an action, you can apply this collimator to one
creature takes half damage and isn't deafened. lightweapon within 5 feet, granting it a +1 bonus to
damage rolls for 1 minute. This bonus is in addition to
DEAFENING COLLIMATOR any bonuses granted by the weapon. Additionally, for
As an action, you can apply this collimator to one the duration, the weapon gains the shocking 13
lightweapon within 5 feet, granting it a +1 bonus to property. If it already has the shocking property, its
damage rolls for 1 minute. This bonus is in addition to shocking number increases by 1, to a maximum of 18.
any bonuses granted by the weapon. Additionally, for
the duration, the weapon gains the sonorous 13
property. If it already has the sonorous property, its
sonorous number increases by 1, to a maximum of 18.
This wrist launcher ammunition deals 1d6 kinetic Item Cost Weight
damage on a hit. Also on a hit, the creature must make
a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw, taking 1d4 lightning
damage on a failed save. Electrifying dart 85 cr —
Additionally, on a failed save, a creature is shocked Gas cartridge 36 cr —
for 1 minute. At the end of an a ected creature's turn,
Flechette clip, fragmentation 250 cr 2 lb
it can repeat this save, ending the e ect on a success.
Flechette clip, ion 300 cr 2 lb
Flechette clip, plasma 275 cr 2 lb
A gas cartridge is a specialized slug cartridge for use
with blaster weapons that deal kinetic damage. When Flechette mag, fragmentation 550 cr 4 lb
you hit with a shot with the loaded weapon, the Flechette mag, ion 600 cr 4 lb
creature must make a DC 14 Constitution saving throw.
Flechette mag, plasma 575 cr 4 lb
On a failed save, the creature takes 1d6 poison
damage and is poisoned until the start of its next turn. Flux collimator 180 cr 1 lb
On a successful save, a creature takes half damage and
isn't poisoned.
When triggered, this wrist launcher ammunition res a
volley of kinetic echette rounds in a short line 15 feet FLECHETTE MAG, FRAGMENTATION
long and 5 feet wide or a long line 45 feet long and 5 When triggered, this echette cannon ammunition res
feet wide. A single echette clip holds enough a volley of kinetic echette rounds in a short line 15
ammunition for three attacks in a short line or one feet long and 5 feet wide or a long line 45 feet long and
attack in a long line. Each creature must make a DC 14 5 feet wide. A single echette mag holds enough
Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes 1d10 kinetic ammunition for three attacks in a short line or one
damage on a failed save, or half as much as on a attack in a long line. Each creature must make a DC 14
successful one. If you lack pro ciency in the wrist Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes 2d10 kinetic
launcher, you must roll the damage dice twice and take damage on a failed save, or half as much as on a
the lesser total. successful one.
When triggered, this wrist launcher ammunition res a When triggered, this echette cannon ammunition res
volley of ion echette rounds in a short line 15 feet a volley of ion echette rounds in a short line 15 feet
long and 5 feet wide or a long line 45 feet long and 5 long and 5 feet wide or a long line 45 feet long and 5
feet wide. A single echette clip holds enough feet wide. A single echette mag holds enough
ammunition for three attacks in a short line or one ammunition for three attacks in a short line or one
attack in a long line. Each creature must make a DC 14 attack in a long line. Each creature must make a DC 14
Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes 1d6 ion Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes 2d6 ion
damage on a failed save, or half as much as on a damage on a failed save, or half as much as on a
successful one. Any electronics within the blast radius successful one. Any electronics within the blast radius
that aren't being worn or carried are disabled until that aren't being worn or carried are disabled until
rebooted. If you lack pro ciency in the wrist launcher, rebooted.
you must roll the damage dice twice and take the
When triggered, this echette cannon ammunition res
FLECHETTE CLIP, PLASMA a volley of energy echette rounds in a short line 15
When triggered, this wrist launcher ammunition res a feet long and 5 feet wide or a long line 45 feet long and
volley of energy echette rounds in a short line 15 feet 5 feet wide. A single echette mag holds enough
long and 5 feet wide or a long line 45 feet long and 5 ammunition for three attacks in a short line or one
feet wide. A single echette clip holds enough attack in a long line. Each creature must make a DC 14
ammunition for three attacks in a short line or one Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes 2d10 energy
attack in a long line. Each creature must make a DC 14 damage on a failed save, or half as much as on a
Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes 1d10 energy successful one.
damage on a failed save, or half as much as on a
successful one. If you lack pro ciency in the wrist FLUX COLLIMATOR
launcher, you must roll the damage dice twice and take As an action, you can apply this collimator to one
the lesser total. lightweapon within 5 feet, granting it a +1 bonus to
damage rolls for 1 minute. This bonus is in addition to
any bonuses granted by the weapon.
An incendiary cell is a specialized power cell for use Item Cost Weight
with blaster weapons that deal acid, energy, re, ion, or
sonic damage. The loaded weapon deals re damage
instead of its normal damage type, and when you hit Incendiary cell 275 cr 1 lb
with a shot it sets the ground beneath it in a 5-foot Missile, incendiary 160 cr 1/2 lb
square ablaze for 1 minute. When a creature enters
Missile, ion 140 cr 1/2 lb
the re or starts its turn there it must make a DC 14
Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, the creature Oscillation calibrator 170 cr 1 lb
takes 1d8 re damage or half as much on a successful Panic calibrator 850 cr 1 lb
one. A construct makes this save with disadvantage.
Panic collimator 875 cr 1 lb
MISSILE, INCENDIARY Panic dart 100 cr —
This wrist launcher ammunition deals 1d6 kinetic
Power generator 1,250 cr 5 lb
damage on a hit. Additionally, hit or miss, the missile
then explodes, setting the ground beneath it in a 15 Projector canister, corrosive 300 cr 2 lb
foot radius ablaze for 1 minute. When a creature
enters the re or starts its turn there it must make a
DC 14 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, the
creature takes 1d8 re damage or half as much on a
successful one. A construct makes this save with
disadvantage. PANIC DART
This wrist launcher ammunition deals 1d6 kinetic
MISSILE, ION damage on a hit. Also on a hit, the creature must make
This wrist launcher ammunition deals 1d6 kinetic a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw, taking 1d4 psychic
damage on a hit. Additionally, hit or miss, the missile damage on a failed save.
then explodes. The target and each creature within 5 Additionally, on a failed save, a creature becomes
feet must make a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw, taking frightened of you for 1 minute. At the start of an
1d6 ion damage on a failed save or half as much on a a ected creature's turn, it can repeat this save, ending
successful one. Any electronics within the blast radius the e ect on a success.
that aren't being worn or carried are disabled until
Power generators energize the rotary cannon.
As an action, you can apply this calibrator to one PROJECTOR CANISTER, CORROSIVE
vibroweapon or pair of handwraps within 5 feet, When triggered, this wrist launcher ammunition
granting it a +1 bonus to damage rolls for 1 minute. produces a spray of acid in a line 15 feet long and 5
This bonus is in addition to any bonuses granted by the feet wide or a 15-foot cone. A single fuel canister holds
weapon. enough fuel for three attacks in a line or a single attack
in a cone. Each creature must make a DC 14
PANIC CALIBRATOR Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, a creature
As an action, you can apply this calibrator to one takes 1d6 acid damage, and the rst attack it makes
vibroweapon or pair of handwraps within 5 feet, before the end of its next turn has disadvantage. On a
granting it a +1 bonus to damage rolls for 1 minute. successful save, a creature takes half damage and isn't
This bonus is in addition to any bonuses granted by the disadvantaged. If this damage reduces a creature to 0
weapon. Additionally, for the duration, the weapon hit points, it must make a DC 13 Constitution saving
gains the neuralizing 13 property. If it already has the throw. On a failed save, it dies immediately without
neuralizing property, its neuralizing number increases making death saving throws. A disintegrated creature
by 1, to a maximum of 18. and everything it is wearing and carrying are reduced
to a pile of ne gray dust. If you lack pro ciency in the
wrist launcher, you must roll the damage dice twice
As an action, you can apply this collimator to one
and take the lesser total.
lightweapon within 5 feet, granting it a +1 bonus to
damage rolls for 1 minute. This bonus is in addition to
any bonuses granted by the weapon. Additionally, for
the duration, the weapon gains the neuralizing 13
property. If it already has the neuralizing property, its
neuralizing number increases by 1, to a maximum of
When triggered, this vapor projector ammunition Item Cost Weight
produces a spray of acid in a line 15 feet long and 5
feet wide or a 15-foot cone. A single fuel tank holds
enough fuel for three attacks in a line or a single attack Projector tank, corrosive 625 cr 3 lb
in a cone. Each creature must make a DC 14 Projector tank, cryo 675 cr 3 lb
Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, a creature
Projector tank, incendiary 650 cr 3 lb
takes 2d6 acid damage, and the rst attack it makes
before the end of its next turn has disadvantage. On a Rocket, fragmentation 350 cr 2 lb
successful save, a creature takes half damage and isn't Rocket, incendiary 535 cr 2 lb
disadvantaged. If this damage reduces a creature to 0
Rocket, ion 475 cr 2 lb
hit points, it must make a DC 13 Constitution saving
throw. On a failed save, it dies immediately without Snare 300 cr 2 lb
making death saving throws. A disintegrated creature Clothing
and everything it is wearing and carrying are reduced
Clothes, clandestine 300 cr 7 lb
to a pile of ne gray dust.
Sunshades 20 cr —
When triggered, this vapor projector ammunition
produces a beam of carbonite energy in a line 15 feet
long and 5 feet wide or a 15-foot cone. A single fuel
tank holds enough fuel for three attacks in a line or a
single attack in a cone. Each creature must make a DC ROCKET, ION
14 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, a This rocket launcher ammunition deals 2d6 kinetic
creature takes 2d4 cold damage and gains 1 slowed damage on a hit. Additionally, hit or miss, the rocket
level until the end of your next turn. On a successful then explodes. The target and each creature within 15
save, a creature takes half damage and isn't slowed. If feet must make a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw, taking
this damage reduces a creature to 0 hit points, that 2d6 ion damage on a failed save or half as much on a
creature is frozen in carbonite for 1 hour. successful one. Any electronics within the blast radius
that aren't being worn or carried are disabled until
When triggered, this vapor projector ammunition
produces a burst of ame in a line 15 feet long and 5 SNARE
feet wide or a 15-foot cone. A single fuel tank holds When hit by this wrist launcher ammunition, a Medium
enough fuel for three attacks in a line or a single attack or smaller creature is restrained until it is freed. A
in a cone. Each creature must make a DC 14 Dexterity snare has no e ect on formless or Large or larger
saving throw, taking 2d8 re damage or half as much creatures. A creature can use its action to make a DC
on a successful one. The re spreads around corners. It 13 Strength or Dexterity check (the target chooses the
ignites ammable objects in the area that aren't being ability to use), freeing itself or another creature within
worn or carried. its reach on a success. The snare has an AC of 10, 5 hit
points, and immunity to all damage not dealt by melee
weapons. Destroying the snare frees the creature
This rocket launcher ammunition deals 2d6 kinetic
without harming it and immediately ends the snare's
damage on a hit. Additionally, hit or miss, the rocket
e ects.
then explodes. The target and each creature within 15
feet must make a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw, taking CLOTHING
2d10 kinetic damage on a failed save or half as much
on a successful one.
These clothes come with two hidden pockets, each of
ROCKET, INCENDIARY which can store up to 1 lb. Finding these hidden
This rocket launcher ammunition deals 2d6 kinetic pockets requires a DC 15 Investigation check.
damage on a hit. Additionally, hit or miss, the rocket
then explodes, setting the ground beneath it in a 15
These shades are worn over the eyes. While worn, you
foot radius ablaze for 1 minute. When a creature
can no longer have disadvantage on attack rolls and on
enters the re or starts its turn there it must make a
Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight when
DC 14 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, the
you, the target of your attack, or whatever you are
creature takes 2d8 re damage or half as much on a
trying to perceive is in direct sunlight. However, while
successful one. A construct makes this save with
worn, you have disadvantage on attack rolls and on
Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight when
you, the target of your attack, or whatever you are
trying to perceive is in dim light.
A personal translator is a hand held device that can Item Cost Weight
translate verbal communications between up to ve
languages. The languages can be changed out while
interfaced with a protocol droid or appropriate Personal translator 150 cr 1/2 lb
computer. Vocoder mask 450 cr 1/2 lb
VOCODER MASK Data Recording and Storage
A vocoder mask is worn over the nose and mouth of a Credit chip 100 cr —
creature, and can translate verbal communications
between up to 15 languages. The languages can be
changed out while interfaced with a protocol droid or Grenade, corrosive 200 cr 1 lb
appropriate computer. Grenade, cryo 325 cr 1 lb
Grenades can be set to detonate on impact or with a Item Cost Weight
timer that causes them to explode on initiative count
20 (losing all initiative ties). As an action, you can throw
a grenade at a point you can see within 30 feet + your Grenade, incendiary 275 cr 1 lb
Strength modi er x 5. The grenade explodes, setting Grenade, panic 375 cr 1 lb
the ground in a 10-foot radius ablaze for 1 minute. The
Grenade, stun 250 cr 1 lb
re ignites any ammable objects in the area that
aren't being worn or carried. Mine, corrosive 425 cr 2 lb
When a creature enters the re or starts its turn Mine, cryo 625 cr 2 lb
there, it creature must make a DC 14 Dexterity saving
Mine, deafening 450 cr 2 lb
throw. The creature takes 2d8 re damage on a failed
save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Mine, electrifying 550 cr 2 lb
Grenades can be set to detonate on impact or with a
timer that causes them to explode on initiative count
20 (losing all initiative ties). As an action, you can throw
a grenade at a point you can see within 30 feet + your MINE, CRYO
Strength modi er x 5. Each creature within 10 feet Mines can be set to detonate when a creature comes
must make a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw. A creature within up to 15 feet of it or paired with a remote
takes 2d6 psychic damage on a failed save, or half as detonator. As an action, you can prime and set a mine
much as on a successful one. on a surface you can reach, which arms at the start of
Additionally, on a failed save, a creature becomes your next turn. When detonated, each creature within
frightened of you for 1 minute. At the start of an 15 feet of it must make a DC 14 Constitution saving
a ected creature's turn, it can repeat this save, ending throw. A creature takes 2d6 cold damage on a failed
the e ect on a success. save, or half as much as on a successful one.
Additionally, on a failed save, a creature gains 1
GRENADE, STUN slowed level for 1 minute. At the end of an a ected
Grenades can be set to detonate on impact or with a creature's turn, it can repeat this save, ending the
timer that causes them to explode on initiative count e ect on a success.
20 (losing all initiative ties). As an action, you can throw
a grenade at a point you can see within 30 feet + your MINE, DEAFENING
Strength modi er x 5. Each creature within 10 feet Mines can be set to detonate when a creature comes
must make a DC 14 Constitution saving throw. On a within up to 15 feet of it or paired with a remote
failed save, a creature is stunned until the end of their detonator. As an action, you can prime and set a mine
next turn. on a surface you can reach, which arms at the start of
Additionally, on a failed save, a creature is your next turn. When detonated, each creature within
unconscious for 1 minute, until it takes damage, or 15 feet of it must make a DC 14 Constitution saving
until someone uses an action to shake or slap the throw. A creature takes 2d6 sonic damage on a failed
creature awake. At the end of an a ected creature's save, or half as much as on a successful one.
turn, it can repeat this save, ending the e ect on a Additionally, on a failed save, a creature is deafened
success. for 1 minute. At the end of an a ected creature's turn,
it can repeat this save, ending the e ect on a success.
Mines can be set to detonate when a creature comes MINE, ELECTRIFYING
within up to 15 feet of it or paired with a remote Mines can be set to detonate when a creature comes
detonator. As an action, you can prime and set a mine within up to 15 feet of it or paired with a remote
on a surface you can reach, which arms at the start of detonator. As an action, you can prime and set a mine
your next turn. When detonated, each creature within on a surface you can reach, which arms at the start of
15 feet of it must make a DC 14 Constitution saving your next turn. When detonated, each creature within
throw. A creature takes 2d8 acid damage on a failed 15 feet of it must make a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw.
save, or half as much as on a successful one. If this A creature takes 2d6 lightning damage on a failed save,
damage reduces a creature to 0 hit points, it must or half as much as on a successful one.
make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw. On a failed Additionally, on a failed save, a creature is shocked
save, it dies immediately without making death saving for 1 minute. At the end of an a ected creature's turn,
throws. A disintegrated creature and everything it can repeat this save, ending the e ect on a success.
unenhanced it is wearing or carrying are reduced to a
pile of ne gray dust. A creature destroyed in this way
can not be revitalized.
Mines can be set to detonate when a creature comes Item Cost Weight
within up to 15 feet of it or paired with a remote
detonator. As an action, you can prime and set a mine
on a surface you can reach, which arms at the start of Mine, ash 600 cr 2 lb
your next turn. When detonated, each creature within Mine, ion 525 cr 2 lb
15 feet of it must make a DC 14 Constitution saving
Mine, panic 700 cr 2 lb
throw. On a failed save, a creature is blinded for 1
minute. At the start of an a ected creature's turn, it Mine, plasma 250 cr 2 lb
can repeat this save, ending the e ect on a success. Mine, stun 475 cr 2 lb
MINE, ION Life Support
Mines can be set to detonate when a creature comes Underwater respirator 300 cr 1/2 lb
within up to 15 feet of it or paired with a remote
Water suit 1,500 cr 20 lb
detonator. As an action, you can prime and set a mine
on a surface you can reach, which arms at the start of Medical
your next turn. When detonated, each creature within Arm prosthesis 450 cr 16 lb
15 feet of it must make a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw.
Ear prosthesis 100 cr 1/2 lb
A creature takes 2d6 ion damage on a failed save, or
half as much as on a successful one. Any electronics Eye prosthesis 250 cr 1/2 lb
within the blast radius that aren't being worn or carried Facial prosthesis 300 cr 2 lb
are disabled until rebooted.
Foot prosthesis 150 cr 4 lb
MINE, PANIC Forearm prosthesis 300 cr 8 lb
Mines can be set to detonate when a creature comes
Hand prosthesis 225 cr 3 lb
within up to 15 feet of it or paired with a remote
detonator. As an action, you can prime and set a mine Leg prosthesis 450 cr 24 lb
on a surface you can reach, which arms at the start of Throat prosthesis 325 cr 2 lb
your next turn. When detonated, each creature within
Torso prosthesis 600 cr 36 lb
15 feet of it must make a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw.
A creature takes 2d6 psychic damage on a failed save,
or half as much as on a successful one.
Additionally, on a failed save, a creature becomes
frightened of you for 1 minute. At the start of an
a ected creature's turn, it can repeat this save, ending
the e ect on a success.
MINE, PLASMA Underwater respirators are worn over the mouth and
Mines can be set to detonate when a creature comes lower face. While worn, you can breath underwater, as
within up to 15 feet of it or paired with a remote the respirator lters the water to create breathable
detonator. As an action, you can prime and set a mine oxygen. The respirator functions for 1 hour per power
on a surface you can reach, which arms at the start of cell (to a maximum of 2 hours) and can be recharged
your next turn. When detonated, each creature within by a power source or replacing the power cells.
15 feet of it must make a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw.
A creature takes 2d10 energy damage on a failed save, WATER SUIT
or half as much as on a successful one. Water suits are sealed suits that prevent water from
getting in or out. Additionally, while wearing a water
MINE, STUN suit, you can breath underwater, as the suit lters the
Mines can be set to detonate when a creature comes water to create breathable oxygen.
within up to 15 feet of it or paired with a remote
detonator. As an action, you can prime and set a mine MEDICAL
on a surface you can reach, which arms at the start of PROSTHETICS
your next turn. When detonated, each creature within These cybernetic augmentations don't count against
15 feet of it must make a DC 14 Constitution saving the maximum cybernetic augmentations you can
throw. On a failed save, a creature is stunned until the support, but they do count towards your total
end of their next turn. cybernetics augmentations as shown in the Cybernetic
Additionally, on a failed save, a creature is Augmentations Side E ects table. Rules for installing
unconscious for 1 minute, until it takes damage, or augmentations can be found in chapter 7.
until someone uses an action to shake or slap the Arm Prosthesis. This cybernetic augmentation
creature awake. At the end of an a ected creature's replaces a single arm, forearm, and hand.
turn, it can repeat this save, ending the e ect on a Ear Prosthesis. This cybernetic augmentation
success. replaces an ear.
Eye Prosthesis. This cybernetic augmentation
replaces an eye.
Facial Prosthesis. This cybernetic augmentation
replaces all or part of a damaged face.
Foot Prosthesis. This cybernetic augmentation
replaces a foot. Item Cost Weight
Forearm Prosthesis. This cybernetic augmentation Storage
replaces a forearm and hand. Camtono 750 cr 3 lb
Hand Prosthesis. This cybernetic augmentation
replaces a hand. Smugglepack 400 cr 6 lb
Leg Prosthesis. This cybernetic augmentation Utilities
replaces a leg and a foot. Computer spike 145 cr 1/2 lb
Throat Prosthesis. This cybernetic augmentation
Security spike 150 cr 1/2 lb
replaces a throat, including a creature's voice, though it
does not grant a creature the ability to speak beyond Weapon and Armor Accessories
their species' capabilities. Ammo-feed belt 450 cr 1 lb
Torso Prosthesis. This cybernetic augmentation
Holster 75 cr 2 lb
replaces all or part of a damage torso.
Power belt 400 cr 1 lb
STORAGE Rocketpack 10,000 cr 35 lb
A camtono is a secured, handle container used for
transporting valuable goods. A camtono comes with
one key. Without the key, unlocking the camtono
requires a DC 15 security kit to force open. It stores 5
lb., not exceeding 1/4 cubic foot, has an AC of 10, and HOLSTER
15 hit points. Destroying the camtono risks damaging A holster can be worn on the leg, hip, or back, and can
any goods stored inside. be used to store a single weapon. You can draw a
weapon stored in a holster without using an action.
SMUGGLEPACK Once you've done so, you can't do so again until you
This backpack comes with a main compartment that store a weapon in the holster as an action.
stores 15 lb., not exceeding 1/2 cubic foot. Additionally,
it has a hidden storage compartment that stores 5 lb., POWER BELT
not exceeding 1/4 cubic foot. Finding the hidden This belt has slots to hold six power cells, and can be
compartment requires a DC 15 Investigation check. connected to directly power a single blaster weapon
that uses power cells. Once per turn, if the powered
UTILITIES weapon would be reloaded, it can be done without
COMPUTER SPIKE using an action using any ammunition in the belt.
When you make an Intelligence (slicer's kit) check, you Connecting or disconnecting a weapon takes an action.
can use the spike (no action required) to reroll the Replacing an expended power cell takes an action.
check. You must use the new roll. You can wait until
after you roll the d20 before deciding to use the spike, ROCKETPACK
but you must decide before the GM says whether the Rocketpacks combine the aerial transportation of a
check succeeds or fails. jetpack with the repower of a rocket launcher.
Activating or deactivating the rocketpack's ight
SECURITY SPIKE capabilities requires a bonus action and, while active,
When you make an Intelligence (security kit) check, you you have a ying speed of 25 feet. The jetpack last for 1
can use the spike (no action required) to reroll the minute per power cell (to a maximum of 5 minutes)
check. You must use the new roll. You can wait until and can be recharged by a power source or replacing
after you roll the d20 before deciding to use the spike, the power cells.
but you must decide before the GM says whether the Additionally, your rocketpack comes with an
check succeeds or fails. integrated rocket launcher with the Ammunition (range
100/400) and reload 1 properties. Rather than
WEAPON AND ARMOR ACCESSORIES traditional power cells, this rocket launcher res
AMMO-FEED BELT specialized projectiles in the form of rockets. Whenever
This belt has slots to hold 60 slug cartridges, and can you would make a ranged weapon attack, you can
be connected to directly fuel a single blaster weapon instead re this rocket launcher. When ring a rocket
that uses slug cartridges. Once per turn, if the powered at long range, creatures within the radius of the
weapon would be reloaded, it can be done without rocket's explosion have advantage on the saving throw.
using an action using any ammunition in the belt. Reloading this rocket launcher takes 1 minute.
Connecting or disconnecting a weapon takes an action.
Replacing 10 slug cartridges takes an action.
Item Cost Weight Item Cost Weight
Ammunition Explosives
Corrosive cartridge 42 cr — Grenade, corrosive 200 cr 1 lb
Cryo cell 350 cr 1 lb Grenade, cryo 325 cr 1 lb
Deafening calibrator 550 cr 1 lb Grenade, defeaning 225 cr 1 lb
Deafening cell 425 cr 1 lb Grenade, electrifying 300 cr 1 lb
Deafening collimator 575 cr 1 lb Grenade, ash 350 cr 1 lb
Deafening dart 70 cr — Grenade, incendiary 275 cr 1 lb
Electrifying calibrator 700 cr 1 lb Grenade, panic 375 cr 1 lb
Electrifying cartridge 28 cr — Grenade, stun 250 cr 1 lb
Electrifying collimator 725 cr 1 lb Mine, corrosive 425 cr 2 lb
Electrifying dart 85 cr — Mine, cryo 625 cr 2 lb
Gas cartridge 36 cr — Mine, deafening 450 cr 2 lb
Flechette clip, fragmentation 250 cr 2 lb Mine, electrifying 550 cr 2 lb
Flechette clip, ion 300 cr 2 lb Mine, ash 600 cr 2 lb
Flechette clip, plasma 275 cr 2 lb Mine, ion 525 cr 2 lb
Flechette mag, fragmentation 550 cr 4 lb Mine, panic 700 cr 2 lb
Flechette mag, ion 600 cr 4 lb Mine, plasma 250 cr 2 lb
Flechette mag, plasma 575 cr 4 lb Mine, stun 475 cr 2 lb
Flux collimator 180 cr 1 lb Life Support
Incendiary cell 275 cr 1 lb Underwater respirator 300 cr 1/2 lb
Missile, incendiary 160 cr 1/2 lb Water suit 1,500 cr 20 lb
Missile, ion 140 cr 1/2 lb Medical
Oscillation calibrator 170 cr 1 lb Arm prosthesis 450 cr 16 lb
Panic calibrator 850 cr 1 lb Ear prosthesis 100 cr 1/2 lb
Panic collimator 875 cr 1 lb Eye prosthesis 250 cr 1/2 lb
Panic dart 100 cr — Facial prosthesis 300 cr 2 lb
Power generator 1,250 cr 5 lb Foot prosthesis 150 cr 4 lb
Projector canister, corrosive 300 cr 2 lb Forearm prosthesis 300 cr 8 lb
Projector tank, corrosive 625 cr 3 lb Hand prosthesis 225 cr 3 lb
Projector tank, cryo 675 cr 3 lb Leg prosthesis 450 cr 24 lb
Projector tank, incendiary 650 cr 3 lb Throat prosthesis 325 cr 2 lb
Rocket, fragmentation 350 cr 2 lb Torso prosthesis 600 cr 36 lb
Rocket, incendiary 535 cr 2 lb Storage
Rocket, ion 475 cr 2 lb Camtono 750 cr 3 lb
Snare 300 cr 2 lb Smugglepack 400 cr 6 lb
Clothing Utilities
Clothes, clandestine 300 cr 7 lb Computer spike 145 cr 1/2 lb
Sunshades 20 cr — Security spike 150 cr 1/2 lb
Communications Weapon and Armor Accessories
Personal translator 150 cr 1/2 lb Ammo-feed belt 450 cr 1 lb
Vocoder mask 450 cr 1/2 lb Holster 75 cr 2 lb
Data Recording and Storage Power belt 400 cr 1 lb
Credit chip 100 cr — Rocketpack 10,000 cr 35 lb
A tool helps you to do something you couldn't Tools
otherwise do, such as craft or repair an item, pick a Item Cost Weight
lock, or slice into a computer. Your species, class,
Artisan's implements
background, or feats give you pro ciency with certain
tools, which lets you add your pro ciency bonus to any Audiotech's implements 550 cr 7 lb
ability check you make using that tool. Tool use is not Geneticist's implements 900 cr 4 lb
tied to a single ability, since pro ciency with a tool
Specialist's kit
represents broader knowledge of its use. Like skills,
pro ciency with a tool allows you to add your Artillerist's kit 275 cr 11 lb
pro ciency bonus to checks you make with it. Unlike Archaeologist kit 125 cr 4 lb
skills, you must have your tools present in order to
Bioanalysis kit 50 cr 3 lb
make an ability check with them.
The table shows examples of some of the most Brewer's kit 200 cr 9 lb
common types of tools. Each tool falls under one of Munitions kit 425 cr 6 lb
four categories: artisan's implements, gaming sets, Scavenging kit 75 cr 4 lb
musical instruments, or specialist's kits. Each tool
requires a separate pro ciency. Spicer's kit 700 cr 4 lb
Substances, most commonly coming in the alcohol and Substances
spice varieties, are goods often sought after by the Item Cost Weight
more seedy denizens of the Star Wars underworld.
Alcoholic beverages
Whether legal or not, people search for these wares,
whether to consume or pro t on. Deuterium-pyro 80 cr 1/2 lb
Mummergy 65 cr 1/2 lb
Novanian grog 70 cr 1/2 lb
Consuming substances o ers powerful temporary
boons in the form of a high, potentially o set by a Raava 95 cr 1/2 lb
subsequent low. Additionally, consuming substances Spicebrew 90 cr 1/2 lb
regularly risks addiction, which reduces the e cacy of
Tihaar 85 cr 1/2 lb
substances until a creature abstains from using them.
Tsiraki 60 cr 1/2 lb
Vayerbok 75 cr 1/2 lb
Each substance o ers a high followed immediately by a
potential low. For the duration of the high, a creature Spices
might gain a bonus to an ability score, temporary force Andris 75 cr 1/8 lb
or tech points, or some other boon. Immediately when
Cilona 60 cr 1/8 lb
the high ends, the character must succeed on a saving
throw depending on the substance or su er a longer- Giggledust 80 cr 1/8 lb
lasting low, which reverses the e ects. The high and Glitterstim 95 cr 1/8 lb
low varies depending on the substance consumed, and
Karrak 90 cr 1/8 lb
the duration of the high and low vary based on the
rarity of the substance consumed, as determined in Muon gold 65 cr 1/8 lb
the item's description. Yaladai 70 cr 1/8 lb
A creature can only bene t from one substance at a
Yarrock 85 cr 1/8 lb
time. If a creature consumes an additional unit of a
substance, while currently experiencing a high or a low,
they must immediately make a saving throw to resist If an already addicted creature su ers another e ect
the e ects of addiction before applying the bene ts of that causes addiction, its current level of addiction
the consumed substance. Consuming a substance increases by the amount speci ed in the e ect's
while experiencing a low immediately ends the low, but description.
any time remaining in that low is added to the duration A creature su ers the e ect of its current level of
of the low of the additional consumed substance. addiction as well as all lower levels. For example, a
creature su ering level 2 addiction has the duration of
ADDICTION its lows doubled, and the duration of its highs halved.
Consuming substances regularly also risks becoming An e ect that removes addiction reduces its level as
addicted to a substance. When the low of a substance speci ed in the e ect's description, with all addiction
ends, a creature must make a saving throw, e ects ending if a creature's addiction level is reduced
determined by what substance they are coming o of, below 1.
as determined in the substance's description. If a creature abstains from consuming a substance
Addiction is measured in six levels. An e ect can give a for 24 hours, they can make a Wisdom saving throw to
creature one or more levels of addiction, as speci ed in reduce their addiction level by 1, provided they've
the e ect's description. completed a long rest during that 24 hours. The DC for
the saving throw equals 10 + the creature's addiction
Addiction Level level. On a success, their addiction level is reduced by
Level E ect 1. For instance, a creature su ering addiction level 3
1 The duration of lows is doubled. can abstain from consuming any substance for 24
hours. If they do so, and they complete a long rest
2 The duration of highs is halved.
during that 24 hour period, they can make a DC 13
3 The duration of lows is quadrupled, instead of doubled. Wisdom saving throw. On a success, their addiction
4 The e ect of highs is halved. level is reduced to 2.
5 The e ect of lows is maximized.
6 The e ect of highs is minimized. While alcoholic beverages are legal on most planets,
spices are not. Whether or these items are readily
available is up to your GM.
The alcoholic beverages are presented in alphabetical SPICEBREW
order. Spicebrew, a popular drink across the galaxy, is a
tanned alcoholic beverage topped with foam. As an
DEUTERIUM-PYRO action, you can apply this substance to a creature
This alcoholic beverage, favored amongst ru ans, within 5 feet. For the next minute, the creature
features a terrible avor and strong aftertaste. As an experiences a high that increases their current and
action, you can apply this substance to a creature maximum force points by 2d4. At the end of the high,
within 5 feet. For the next minute, the creature the creature must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution
experiences a high that allows them to roll an saving throw or experience a low that lasts 10 minutes,
additional d4 when making an ability check, attack roll, their current and maximum force points are reduced
or saving throw using Strength. At the end of the high, by 2d4. At the end of the low, the creature must make
the creature must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw to resist addiction.
saving throw or experience a low that lasts 10 minutes,
during which they must roll a d4 and subtract the TIHAAR
result when making an ability check, attack roll, or This colorless spirit, favored by Mandalorians, burns
saving throw using Strength. At the end of the low, the the mouth and throat when consumed. As an action,
creature must make a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw to you can apply this substance to a creature within 5
resist addiction. feet. For the next minute, the creature experiences a
high that allows them to roll an additional d4 when
MUMMERGY making an ability check or saving throw using
Mummergy is a strong-smelling liquor derived from a Constitution, and at the start of each of the creature's
plant of the same name. As an action, you can apply turns it gains 2d4 temporary hit points. At the end of
this substance to a creature within 5 feet. For the next the high, the creature must succeed on a DC 14
minute, the creature experiences a high that allows Constitution saving throw or experience a low that
them to roll an additional d4 when making an ability lasts 10 minutes, during which they must roll a d4 and
check, attack roll, or saving throw using Intelligence. At subtract the result when making an ability check or
the end of the high, the creature must succeed on a DC saving throw using Constitution, and for the duration
14 Constitution saving throw or experience a low that their current and maximum hit points are reduced by
lasts 10 minutes, during which they must roll a d4 and 2d4. If this would reduce your maximum hit points
subtract the result when making an ability check, attack below 1, it instead becomes 1. At the end of the low,
roll, or saving throw using Intelligence. At the end of the creature must make a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw
the low, the creature must make a DC 14 Wisdom to resist addiction.
saving throw to resist addiction.
NOVANIAN GROG Tsiraki is a blue-colored alcoholic beverage crafted
This grog features a pungent odor and a strong kick. As from fermented salakberries and pickling spices. As an
an action, you can apply this substance to a creature action, you can apply this substance to a creature
within 5 feet. For the next minute, the creature within 5 feet. For the next minute, the creature
experiences a high that increases their current and experiences a high that allows them to roll an
maximum tech points by 2d4. At the end of the high, additional d4 when making an ability check, attack roll,
the creature must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution or saving throw using Charisma. At the end of the high,
saving throw or experience a low that lasts 10 minutes, the creature must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution
their current and maximum tech points are reduced by saving throw or experience a low that lasts 10 minutes,
2d4. At the end of the low, the creature must make a during which they must roll a d4 and subtract the
DC 14 Wisdom saving throw to resist addiction. result when making an ability check, attack roll, or
RAAVA saving throw using Charisma. At the end of the low, the
Raava is a traditional liquor breed from zsajhira creature must make a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw to
berries. As an action, you can apply this substance to a resist addiction.
creature within 5 feet. For the next minute, the VAYERBOK
creature experiences a high that allows them to roll an Vayerbok is a thick, green, vegetable-based alcoholic
additional d4 when making an ability check, attack roll, beverage typically served hot. As an action, you can
or saving throw using Dexterity. At the end of the high, apply this substance to a creature within 5 feet. For the
the creature must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution next minute, the creature experiences a high that
saving throw or experience a low that lasts 10 minutes, allows them to roll an additional d4 when making an
during which they must roll a d4 and subtract the ability check, attack roll, or saving throw using Wisdom.
result when making an ability check, attack roll, or At the end of the high, the creature must succeed on a
saving throw using Dexterity. At the end of the low, the DC 14 Constitution saving throw or experience a low
creature must make a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw to that lasts 10 minutes, during which they must roll a d4
resist addiction. and subtract the result when making an ability check,
attack roll, or saving throw using Wisdom. At the end of
the low, the creature must make a DC 14 Wisdom
saving throw to resist addiction.
The spices are presented in alphabetical order. saving throw to resist addiction.
Re ned andris crystal, a spice mined most commonly A powerful painkiller, karrak allows creatures to
on Sevarcos II, sharpens a creature's mind when continue through the most grievous injuries. As an
smoked. As an action, you can apply this substance to action, you can apply this substance to a creature
a creature within 5 feet. For the next minute, the within 5 feet. For the next minute, the creature
creature experiences a high that allows them to roll an experiences a high that allows them to roll an
additional d4 when making an ability check, attack roll, additional d4 when making an ability check or saving
or saving throw using Wisdom. At the end of the high, throw using Constitution, and at the start of each of
the creature must succeed on a DC 14 Wisdom saving the creature's turns it gains 2d4 temporary hit points.
throw or experience a low that lasts 10 minutes, during At the end of the high, the creature must succeed on a
which they must roll a d4 and subtract the result when DC 14 Wisdom saving throw or experience a low that
making an ability check, attack roll, or saving throw lasts 10 minutes, during which they must roll a d4 and
using Wisdom. At the end of the low, the creature must subtract the result when making an ability check or
make a DC 14 Constitution saving throw to resist saving throw using Constitution, and for the duration
addiction. their current and maximum hit points are reduced by
2d4. If this would reduce your maximum hit points
CILONA below 1, it instead becomes 1. At the end of the low,
Cilona, the active ingredient in deathsticks, is a the creature must make a DC 14 Constitution saving
hallucinogen that causes an ecstatic feeling that throw to resist addiction.
improves strength. As an action, you can apply this
substance to a creature within 5 feet. For the next MUON GOLD
minute, the creature experiences a high that allows Muon gold is a lubricant-based spice that gives users
them to roll an additional d4 when making an ability intensi ed mental clarity and focus for a short time. As
check, attack roll, or saving throw using Strength. At an action, you can apply this substance to a creature
the end of the high, the creature must succeed on a DC within 5 feet. For the next minute, the creature
14 Wisdom saving throw or experience a low that lasts experiences a high that increases their current and
10 minutes, during which they must roll a d4 and maximum tech points by 2d4. At the end of the high,
subtract the result when making an ability check, attack the creature must succeed on a DC 14 Wisdom saving
roll, or saving throw using Strength. At the end of the throw or experience a low that lasts 10 minutes, their
low, the creature must make a DC 14 Constitution current and maximum tech points are reduced by 2d4.
saving throw to resist addiction. At the end of the low, the creature must make a DC 14
Constitution saving throw to resist addiction.
This sandy-brown powder makes everything humorous YALADAI
while enhancing a creature's nimbleness. As an action, Yaladai is a powerful stimulant that grants extreme
you can apply this substance to a creature within 5 clarity, improving relaxation and focus. As an action,
feet. For the next minute, the creature experiences a you can apply this substance to a creature within 5
high that allows them to roll an additional d4 when feet. For the next minute, the creature experiences a
making an ability check, attack roll, or saving throw high that increases their current and maximum force
using Dexterity. At the end of the high, the creature points by 2d4. At the end of the high, the creature
must succeed on a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw or must succeed on a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw or
experience a low that lasts 10 minutes, during which experience a low that lasts 10 minutes, their current
they must roll a d4 and subtract the result when and maximum force points are reduced by 2d4. At the
making an ability check, attack roll, or saving throw end of the low, the creature must make a DC 14
using Dexterity. At the end of the low, the creature Constitution saving throw to resist addiction.
must make a DC 14 Constitution saving throw to resist
addiction. YARROCK
Yarrock is a hallucinogen which is said to instill a
GLITTERSTIM creature with a clear vision of "the meaning of life",
A silvery-green webbing sharp to the touch, yet when granting a boost to con dence. As an action, you can
liquidized causes a heightened mental state and apply this substance to a creature within 5 feet. For the
pleasurable boost. As an action, you can apply this next minute, the creature experiences a high that
substance to a creature within 5 feet. For the next allows them to roll an additional d4 when making an
minute, the creature experiences a high that allows ability check, attack roll, or saving throw using
them to roll an additional d4 when making an ability Charisma. At the end of the high, the creature must
check, attack roll, or saving throw using Intelligence. At succeed on a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw or
the end of the high, the creature must succeed on a DC experience a low that lasts 10 minutes, during which
14 Wisdom saving throw or experience a low that lasts they must roll a d4 and subtract the result when
10 minutes, during which they must roll a d4 and making an ability check, attack roll, or saving throw
subtract the result when making an ability check, attack using Charisma. At the end of the low, the creature
roll, or saving throw using Intelligence. At the end of must make a DC 14 Constitution saving throw to resist
the low, the creature must make a DC 14 Constitution addiction.
background de nes your character's capabilities
in the game, and the personal details you create set A feat represents a talent or an area of expertise that
your character apart from every other character. Even gives character special capabilities. It embodies
within your class and species, you have options to ne- training, experience, and abilities beyond what a class
tune what your character can do. But this chapter is for provides. At certain levels, your class gives you the
players who—with the GM's permission—want to go a Ability Score Improvement feature. Using the optional
step further. feats rule, you can forgo taking that feature to take a
This chapter expands on feats, which are special feat of your choice instead. You can take each feat only
options you can choose instead of increasing your once, unless the feat's description says otherwise.
ability scores as you gain levels. Your GM decides You must meet any prerequisite speci ed in a feat to
whether these options are available in a campaign. take that feat. If you ever lose a feat's prerequisite, you
can't use that feat until you regain the prerequisite. For
CLASS WEAPON PROFICIENCIES example, the Inspiring Leader feat requires you to have
Certain classes—berserker, consular, engineer, ghter, a Charisma of 13 or higher. If your Charisma is reduced
guardian, and scout—have pro ciency in all of a type of below 13 somehow—perhaps by a withering curse—
weapon. For instance, ghters are pro cient in all you can't bene t from the Inspiring Leader feat until
blasters and all vibroweapons. Consequently, ghters your Charisma is restored.
have pro ciency in all blasters and vibroweapons
present in Chapter 5. Other classes—monks, AUGMENTED CYBORG
operatives, scholars, and sentinels—have pro ciency in You've experimented with cybernetic augmentations,
a certain set of weapons. For each of these classes, granting the following bene ts:
they gain pro ciency in only certain weapons, as
shown below in the Weapon Pro ciencies by Class Increase an ability score of your choice by 1, to a
table: maximum of 20.
Choose one cybernetic augmentation of standard rarity
Weapon Proficiencies by Class from Appendix A. That augmentation is installed and
Class Weapon Pro ciencies doesn't count against the maximum cybernetic
Berserker All vibroweapons, simple blasters augmentations you can support, but it does count
towards your total cybernetics augmentations as
Consular Simple lightweapons, simple vibroweapons
shown in the Cybernetic Augmentations Side E ects
Engineer Simple blasters, simple vibroweapons table in Chapter 7.
Fighter All blasters, all vibroweapons
Guardian All lightweapons, all vibroweapons
You excel at scaling cli sides, hills, trees, and general
Monk Simple blasters, simple vibroweapons, bolas climbing. You gain the following bene ts:
Simple vibroweapons, simple blasters, bolas,
Increase your Strength score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
Operative electrobaton, incinerator pistol, riot baton, riot
You gain a climbing speed equal to your movement
shocker, sonic pistol, vibroknife, wristblade
Simple blasters, simple vibroweapons, You have advantage on ability checks and saving
Scholar electrobaton, incinerator pistol, sonic pistol, throws to avoid falling o or down while climbing.
You can spend 5 minutes instructing, pointing out
Scout All blasters, all vibroweapons handholds, and guiding other creatures before making
Simple vibroweapons, simple lightweapons, bolas, a climb. When you do so, choose up to six friendly
chained dagger, chained lightdagger, electrobaton, creatures (which can include yourself) within 30 feet of
Sentinel electrosta , guard shoto, light st, riot baton, riot you. Each creature can add a 1d6 to any ability check or
shocker, vibroshield, vibroknife, vibrotonfa, war saving throw they make for that climb.
hat, wristblade
Prerequisite: Type droid
You've been customized beyond other droids of the
same model, granting the following bene ts:
Increase an ability score of your choice by 1, to a
maximum of 20.
Choose one droid customization of standard rarity
from Appendix A. That customization is installed and
doesn't count against the maximum droid
customizations you can support, but it does count
towards your maximum parts as shown in the Droid
Size Maximum Parts table in Chapter 7.
Prerequisite: Strength 13, size Small
Despite being short of stature, your size has no impact
on your strength and virility. You gain the following
bene ts:
Increase your Strength score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
Your speed increases by 5 feet.
You lose the Undersized special trait.
Pro ciency with archaeologist kits grants you
advantage on checks you make with jeweler's
You have great experience studying and modifying
genetics. You gain the following bene ts:
Sample Activities
Activity DC
Restoring power to a damaged vehicle 15
Disassembling a vehicle's engine 20
Just as you can disable traps, you can also set them. As SLICER
part of a short rest, you can create a trap using items You are an expert at nding things in computers you
you have on hand. The total of your check becomes the shouldn't. You gain the following bene ts:
DC for someone else's attempt to discover or disable
the trap. The trap deals damage appropriate to the Increase an ability score of your choice by 1, to a
materials used in crafting it (such as poison or a maximum of 20.
weapon) or damage equal to half the total of your You gain pro ciency with the slicer's kit. If you are
check, whichever the DM deems appropriate. already pro cient with it, you instead gain expertise
with it.
Sample Activities Whenever you make an Intelligence (Investigation) or
Activity DC Wisdom (Perception) check to detect the nature of
computer software, you are considered to have
Pick a moderate lock 15
expertise in the Investigation or Perception skill.
Disable a trap Varies
BYPASSER Spicer's kit include all of the necessary components to
You pride yourself on your quickness and your close re ne and create illicit substances.
study of certain clandestine activities. You gain the This kit contains the required accoutrement to re ne
following bene ts: materials in order to create illicit substances.
Pro ciency with this kit lets you add your pro ciency
Increase an ability score of your choice by 1, to a bonus to any ability checks you make to create or
maximum of 20. identify spices.
You gain pro ciency with the security kit. If you are
already pro cient with it, you instead gain expertise SLYTHMONGER
with it. You are competent with the creation and use of illicit
Whenever you make an Intelligence (Investigation) or spices. You gain the following bene ts:
Wisdom (Perception) check to detect the nature of a
lock, you are considered to have expertise in the Increase an ability score of your choice by 1, to a
Investigation or Perception skill. maximum of 20.
You gain pro ciency with the spicer's kit. If you are
SLICER'S KIT already pro cient with it, you instead gain expertise
A slicer's kit includes all of the necessary components with it.
to interface with and disarm digital securities. As an action, you can inspect a spice within 5 feet of
you and determine what properties it will grant,
SLICER'S KIT provided that you can interact with it.
Adventuring gear (neck), prototype
Requires attunement
Your Constitution score is 19 while you wear this
choker. It has no e ect on you if your Constitution is
already 19 or higher.
Demand for Beemon Laboratories' implants streches
even to those too sickly to use them without assistance
from another of their ne products.
Adventuring gear (neck), prototype
Requires attunement
Prerequisite: at least 3 levels in monk
This item can hold a number of charges equal to half
your monk level (rounded up). When you complete a
long rest, this item regains all missing charges. When
you would expend a focus point, you can instead
expend a charge.
When you reach 5th level in monk, when you use
your Slow Fall feature, the amount is increased to ten
times your monk level, instead of ve.
When you reach 11th level in monk, when you use
your De ect Missiles feature, you can add your
Wisdom or Charisma modi er to the roll (your choice, a
minimum of +1).
When you reach 17th level in monk, you can add half
your Dexterity modi er (rounded down) to your focus
save DC and focus attack modi er.
This simple necklace comprised of a series of tiny
gray beads hosts a single pale blue crystal that glows
Adventuring gear (neck), prototype
You have advantage on Constitution saving throws
against force powers.
This choker allowed the notorious bounty hunter
Cad Bane to bypass normal respiratory function. While
worn, it gives your a voice a deeper, digital sound.
Adventuring gear (neck), premium
Requires attunement
While wearing this amulet, you are hidden from
detection through the Force. You can't be targeted by
force powers or features that would detect the
presence of the Force in you, and features that would
detect your attunement to the Force show you glowing
a faint yellow.
Made from the skin of a taozin, this amulet blurs and
clouds Force senses so their wearers can not easily be
detected by another Force-sensitive.
Consumable (poison), premium
As an action, you can use the poison in this vial to coat
one vibroweapon, one slug cartridge, or one wrist
launcher dart. A creature hit by the poisoned weapon
must make a DC 16 Constitution saving throw or take
4d4 poison damage. Once applied, the poison retains
potency for 1 minute before drying.
Consumable (poison), advanced
As an action, you can use the poison in this vial to coat
one vibroweapon, one slug cartridge, or one wrist
launcher dart. A creature hit by the poisoned weapon
must make a DC 20 Constitution saving throw or take
8d4 poison damage. Once applied, the poison retains
potency for 1 minute before drying.
Consumable (poison), advanced
As an action, you can use the poison in this vial to coat
one vibroweapon, one slug cartridge, or one wrist
launcher dart. A creature hit by the poisoned weapon
must make a DC 24 Constitution saving throw or take
12d4 poison damage. Once applied, the poison retains
potency for 1 minute before drying.
Consumable (poison), advanced
As an action, you can use the poison in this vial to coat
one vibroweapon, one slug cartridge, or one wrist
launcher dart. A creature hit by the poisoned weapon
must make a DC 22 Constitution saving throw or take
10d4 poison damage. Once applied, the poison retains
potency for 1 minute before drying.
Consumable (poison), prototype
As an action, you can use the poison in this vial to coat
one vibroweapon, one slug cartridge, or one wrist
launcher dart. A creature hit by the poisoned weapon
must make a DC 18 Constitution saving throw or take
6d4 poison damage. Once applied, the poison retains
potency for 1 minute before drying.
Armor modification (armoring), premium
This armor gains the barbed (1d4) property. If it
already has the barbed property, the barbed damage
increases by one step (from d4 to d6, or from d6 to d8).
Weapon (any), artifact
You have a +3 bonus to attack rolls and deal an
additional 1d10 damage with this enhanced weapon.
Weapon (any), legendary
You have a +3 bonus to attack rolls and deal an
additional 1d8 damage with this enhanced weapon.
Weapon (any), premium
You have a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made
with this enhanced weapon.
Weapon (any), prototype
You have a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made
with this enhanced weapon.
Weapon (any), advanced
You have a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made
with this enhanced weapon.