Achondroplasia: A Comprehensive Clinical Review
Achondroplasia: A Comprehensive Clinical Review
Achondroplasia: A Comprehensive Clinical Review
Achondroplasia is the most common of the skeletal dysplasias that result in marked short stature (dwarfism).
Although its clinical and radiologic phenotype has been described for more than 50 years, there is still a great deal
to be learned about the medical issues that arise secondary to this diagnosis, the manner in which these are best
diagnosed and addressed, and whether preventive strategies can ameliorate the problems that can compromise
the health and well being of affected individuals. This review provides both an updated discussion of the care
needs of those with achondroplasia and an exploration of the limits of evidence that is available regarding care
recommendations, controversies that are currently present, and the many areas of ignorance that remain.
Keywords: Achondroplasia, FGFR3, Skeletal dysplasia, Natural history, Care guidelines
crucial, of course. Earlier confusion with thanatophoric more severe process [24]. Indeed, homozygous achon-
dysplasia led to the erroneous conclusion that adults droplasia is virtually always lethal in the newborn
with achondroplasia had risk to have children with a lethal period [24]. These early deaths probably arise through
form of achondroplasia; conflating of achondroplasia and mechanisms that also place babies with heterozygous
recessive short-limb dwarfing processes suggested, incor- achondroplasia at risk – restrictive pulmonary disease
rectly, that parents of average stature with one child with and craniocervical junction constriction [24, 25], as dis-
achondroplasia might have high risk for recurrence. cussed below.
Risk for homozygous achondroplasia when both par-
Genetics ents have achondroplasia is 25% (as well as there being
Prevalence a 50% chance for heterozygous achondroplasia and 25%
Birth prevalence has been estimated in a number of chance for a child with average stature). Many at risk
populations [13] (also [14–16]). These studies yield couples opt for preimplantation diagnosis or prenatal
fairly consistent estimates whether these are population diagnosis solely to rule out homozygosity, while others
based or hospital based assessments. Together they may elect adoption (often of small statured individuals).
suggest that achondroplasia arises in about 1 in every Hypochondroplasia is a generally somewhat less severe
25,000–30,000 individuals. That, in turn, translates into small stature disorder that often is caused by mutation
around 250,000 affected persons worldwide [3]. in the same gene as the mutations that result in achon-
droplasia. If one parent has achondroplasia and one has
Formal genetics hypochondroplasia, then there is a 25% risk for a child
All instances of achondroplasia arise from mutations with compound heterozygosity for both achondroplasia
that are autosomal dominant. These mutations are fully and hypochondroplasia. This results in a very severe
penetrant and show only modest variability of expres- phenotype that includes cognitive disability and substan-
sion. Because of its dominant inheritance pattern, an tial medical problems [26–29].
individual affected with achondroplasia (and whose
partner is of average stature) has a 50% risk for each of Double heterozygosity
their offspring to be similarly affected. However, most Similarly the result of the aforementioned assortative mat-
instances of achondroplasia – perhaps 80% – arise from ing, double heterozygosity may arise when two parents have
new, spontaneous mutations [17]. In turn, then, around two different and non-allelic bone dysplasias [30, 31]. Each
80% of affected babies are born to two unaffected, aver- of these is rare. Each has a distinctive phenotype. Some re-
age statured parents. sult in a very poor prognosis (e.g. achondroplasia-SEDC
One would anticipate that recurrences to average [30, 32, 33], while others may have quite variable outcome
statured parents should be no greater than occurrence (e.g. achondroplasia-pseudoachondroplasia [34] [and per-
in the population as a whole. That does not seem to be sonal observation]). Others may actually result in an ameli-
the case, however. Quite a number of unexpected in- orating effect [35]. The possible outcomes are sufficiently
stances of recurrence in siblings has been observed complex that formal counseling should be recommended
[18–22] (and personal observations). While likely in- in all such instances.
creased, almost certainly that recurrence risk is far less
than 1% [19]. The likely molecular explanation for this Coincidental co-occurrences
increased risk is discussed below. It shouldn’t come as a surprise that relatively common
disorders may co-occur within the same individual. A
Special considerations regarding recurrence risks number of such coincidental co-occurrences have been
Homozygosity and compound heterozygosity described in individuals with achondroplasia. Of par-
Assortative mating – that is, greater probability of part- ticular note is the occurrence of achondroplasia plus
nering with an individual with a phenotype similar to Down syndrome. It should be expected that this arises
one’s own – is particularly common within the commu- on occasion: Down syndrome is more frequent in the
nity of individuals with dwarfing disorders [23]. Be- offspring of older mothers, while achondroplasia is
cause achondroplasia is much more common than any more common in children of older fathers; and, of
other dwarfing dysplasia, the most common of such course, maternal and paternal ages tend to co-vary.
matings is between two individuals both of whom have Seven instances have been reported in the literature
achondroplasia. As for many other so-called dominant [36, 37] but there are certainly many more that have
processes, pure dominance (having one abnormal allele not been reported (including three personal observa-
or having two such alleles resulting in indistinguishable tions). Unfortunately, these two disorders have features
phenotypes) is not observed. Rather, a ‘double dose’ of that, together, can result in very severe problems –
the achondroplasia-causing mutation results in a far hypotonia in both; craniocervical junction issues in
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both; restrictive pulmonary disease in both. Not sur- terminal differentiation [49]). The “full cup”, then, re-
prisingly, then, this combination often results in death sults in a net “slow down” signal inside relevant cells.
in infancy [36].
FGFR3 in achondroplasia
Molecular genetics and molecular pathogenesis The mutation that results in achondroplasia is a gain of
Discovery of the molecular cause of achondroplasia function mutation [50] rather than an inactivating mu-
Thousands of years after its recognition, nearly a cen- tation. It most likely results in ligand independent acti-
tury after its clinical description, and a quarter century vation of FGFR3 [50, 51]. This, then, is constitutive
after it clear clinical and radiologic delineation, the mo- activation of an inhibitory signal. Or, one can think of
lecular basis of achondroplasia was discovered. Shiang this as a continuous “slow down” signal, released from
et al. [38] showed that individuals with achondroplasia the usual ligand-based constraints.
have identifiable mutations in the fibroblast growth fac- Dysplasias can be sorted into families in which mem-
tor receptor type 3 (FGFR3) gene. Rapidly it was dem- bers differ mostly by severity [52]. Other disorders
onstrated that nearly all instances of achondroplasia are within the achondroplasia family (and discussed below)
caused by FGFR3 mutations [39, 40]. This locus homo- are also caused by different mutations in FGFR3. Sever-
geneity was not particularly surprising. What was unex- ity seems to be a consequence of a graded series of rela-
pected is that virtually all mutations in FGFR3 arise in tive activation of FGFR3 [53–55].
the same nucleotide pair and result in the same glycine Virtually all of the clinical features and medical prob-
to arginine substitution (G380R) in the FGFR3 protein lems of achondroplasia arise because of the consequent
[40]. This specific mutation is at least 500- or 1000-fold abnormalities of cartilaginous bone growth – either dir-
more frequent than expected [41, 42]. ectly, or because of disproportionate growth of cartil-
aginous bone compared with nearby structures derived
Features of FGFR3 from other tissues.
FGFR3 is one of four fibroblast growth factor receptors
in humans. All are cell surface receptors that influence Origin of the unexpected frequency of the achondroplasia
cellular proliferation. FGFR3 is comprised of an extra- mutation
cellular domain with three immunoglobulin-like re- Why is the mutation resulting in the G380R amino acid
gions, a transmembrane domain and an intracellular substitution so frequent? This is related to the paternal
tyrosine kinase [43] (Fig. 1). It can be pictured as an age effect which has already been briefly mentioned. It
empty cup sitting on the surface of cells. It is particu- has been recognized for a long time that certain genetic
larly prevalent on the surface of chondrocytes that give disorders arising through new mutations occur far
rise to cartilaginous bone [44], but is also expressed in more frequently in the offspring of older fathers [56].
calvarial sutures [45], testes [46], and the brain [47]. That phenomenon is particularly marked in achondro-
Under “normal” conditions the typical FGFR3 is si- plasia [17]. Both the origin of this paternal age effect
lent. However, various fibroblast growth factors (FGFs) and the exceedingly high apparent mutation rate have a
– principally FGFs 2, 9, 18 and 23 [48] – can act as li- single basis [41, 42]. That basis also helps explain why
gands, binding to the FGFR3 [44, 48], in effect filling all mutations in sporadic cases of achondroplasia are
the cup. This results in dimerization of the receptors, paternal in origin [57].
transphosphorylation and trans-activation of tyrosine It seems that certain mutant protein products, in-
kinases, and propagation of an intracellular signal [43]. cluding of FGFR3, are positively selected for in sperm
Although downstream signaling is complex [48, 49], precursor cells (spermatogonial stem cells). Once such
overall the signal within the growth plate of cartilagin- a mutation occurs there will be clonal expansion of
ous bones is negative. That is, overall FGFR3 is a nega- cells containing the mutation and consequent enrich-
tive regulator of chondrocytic bone growth (through ment within the spermatogonial population. This posi-
shortening of the proliferative phase and accelerating tive selection within germinal precursors, rather than
Fig. 1 Simplified diagram of the FGFR3 protein, including three immunoglobulin-like domains (Ig), a transmembrane domain (TM), and the split
tyrosine kinase (TK) region
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an actual increased mutation rate, probably explains Small stature. Small size is not a constant feature in
the prevalence of achondroplasia. If, as seems to be the infants, who may have lengths within the normal
case, such selection only occurs in male germinal pre- range [61].
cursors, this also explains the paternal origin of virtu- Short limbs and rhizomelic disproportion.
ally all instances of achondroplasia. Furthermore, since Rhizomelic (proximal) shortening is uniformly
clonal expansion will cause more and more enrichment present (at least in the arms [12, 62]), although
with time [58], fertilization involving a sperm with such variable in severity. Often there are redundant skin
a mutation becomes more likely with advancing pater- folds of the upper arms and the thighs.
nal age. Finally, this also explains why some men have Macrocephaly. Head size is usually large at birth and
more than one “sporadically” affected child [22]. remains so throughout life [61]. Variable frontal and
Achondroplasia is one of a small number of so-called parietal bossing (prominence and bumpy protuberance)
RAMP disorders – recurrent, autosomal dominant, is usually present (Fig. 3). The anterior fontanel is often
male biased, paternal age effect disorders – all of which large in infancy and may persist to as late as 5 or 6 years
likely arise because of their positive selective effect on of age.
spermatogonia. Other disorders for which there is con- Midfacial retrusion. Underdevelopment of cartilaginous
vincing evidence of similar effects include Apert syn- bones of the face result in flattening of the entire
drome, Noonan syndrome, and multiple endocrine midface and a flat nasal bridge, a short nasal spine and
neoplasia type 2B [59]. anteversion of the nose (Fig. 3).
Small chest. In addition to the chest being often
Presentation and diagnosis smaller than average [63], the ribs are overly
Diagnosis in the neonate compliant. This results in paradoxical movement
The vast majority of individuals with achondroplasia with inspiration, which is often misinterpreted
are diagnosed in early infancy, although prenatal recog- as being retractions reflecting respiratory
nition has become more frequent and more accurate. It distress.
is critical that diagnosis not be delayed since certain Thoracolumbar kyphosis. Virtually all infants develop
complications can only be prevented through assess- a dynamic thoracolumbar kyphosis in infancy [64],
ment in early infancy (see Special Concerns in the but this is not present at birth.
Young Infant). Lumbar hyperlordosis. Exaggerated lordosis
No formal clinical diagnostic criteria have been pub- (“swayback”) arises when walking begins.
lished, but well defined clinical and radiologic charac- Limited elbow extension. Unlike most other joints,
teristics of achondroplasia [12] usually allow for virtual the elbows are stiff and may, with age, become
certainty. In certain circumstances, particularly in the progressively stiffer.
markedly premature neonate [60], clinical diagnosis Short fingers and trident configuration of the hands
may be especially challenging. (Fig. 6).
Clinical features (Figs. 2 and 3) and radiologic charac- Hypermobile hips and knees.
teristics (Figs. 4 and 5) are listed here with some com- Bowing of the mesial segment of the legs. Bowing is
ments. Clinical features include: not congenital. It most often arises in early
Fig. 2 The body phenotype is shown in individuals of different ages: Left to right – infancy, early childhood, childhood and adulthood. In all,
note the rhizomelic shortening of the limbs, which are disproportionately short compared with the trunk. In the infant and young child
macrocephaly is evident
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Fig. 3 Six portraits of children with achondroplasia. The variability of craniofacial features is evident. Lower left and lower center photographs originally
published in Pauli RM (1995) Osteochondrodysplasias with mild clinical manifestations: A guide for endocrinologists and others. Growth Genet Horm 11:1–5
childhood and may progress at unpredictable rate rhizomelic shortening of the arms; macrocephaly; midfa-
and extent until growth is completed. cial hypoplasia and nasal anteversion; small chest; short
Hypotonia. Most infants with achondroplasia are fingers and trident configuration; hypermobility of the
hypotonic [65]. The combination of joint hips and knees; hypotonia. Not all infants will display
hypermobility and hypotonia means that many all of these features.
infants will seem particularly “floppy”. Diagnostic confirmation requires radiographic assess-
ment. Although achondroplasia is a metaphyseal dys-
In summary, those features that are diagnostically plasia, generalized metaphyseal changes are mild and
most helpful in the neonate and young infant include: nonspecific. Diagnostically helpful features include:
short, robust tubular (“long”) bones; squared off iliac
wings; flat, horizontal acetabula; marked narrowing of
the sacrosciatic notch; a characteristic proximal femoral
radiolucency; narrowing of the interpediculate distance
of the caudal spine (although often not present in the
neonate); short proximal and middle phalanges [12].
Typically a complete skeletal survey (or a hemi-survey
of one side of the body) will be obtained (Figs. 4 and 5).
However, most of the diagnostically critical features will
be appreciated on a single anteroposterior radiograph
of the pelvis and femora (Fig. 4).
Only rarely should diagnostic uncertainty remain
after careful clinical and radiologic assessment. When
needed, molecular testing is straightforward. Because
nearly all instances of achondroplasia arise from a
Fig. 4 Anteroposterior radiograph of the pelvis and femora in an infant change in the same base pair of FGFR3 [40], targeted
with achondroplasia. Characteristic findings include a squared-off pelvis, mutation analysis is the routinely employed molecular
horizontal acetabula, very narrow sacrosciatic notch, characteristic
test. Around 98% of persons with achondroplasia will
proximal femoral radiolucency, and short and robust femora
have a c.1138G>A gene change, and 1% or so will have
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Differential diagnosis
In the most general sense, any short limb dwarfing dis-
order would fall within the spectrum of the differential
diagnosis of achondroplasia. Only a few conditions are
likely to result in any substantial confusion, however.
Allelic conditions
Distinct mutations in FGFR3 may cause a number of al-
lied conditions with shared features and differing mostly
in severity [52]. The most important of these is hypo-
chondroplasia (Fig. 7). Hypochondroplasia has been rec-
ognized as a distinct clinical entity for only around 50
years [72–79]. While in general clinically significant se-
quelae are less frequent and less severe than seen in
achondroplasia [80], hypochondroplasia is not simply
“achondroplasia but milder.” On the one hand, there is a
virtual continuum of severity: achondroplasia > severe
Fig. 5 Arm radiograph in a newborn with achondroplasia. Although
there are generalized metaphyseal abnormalities and shortening of hypochondroplasia > mild hypochondroplasia > short
all of the long bones, characteristics here are not as diagnostically stature with minimal or no [81] body disproprortion >
helpful as those shown in Fig. 4 normal. On the other hand, that the natural history of
these two disorders is in certain ways in fact quite differ-
ent makes issues of differentiating between them in any
a c.1138G>C mutation [7]. Testing is available commer- particular patient sometimes difficult but often critically
cially from a large number of laboratories. Only very important [82]. For example, temporal lobe dysgenesis,
rarely and in very unusual circumstances will any add- seizures and cognitive abnormalities are far more com-
itional molecular testing be warranted. mon in those with hypochondroplasia [82–84], while is-
On rare occasions, when molecular confirmation has sues related to the craniocervical junction are far less
been sought, a common mutation will not be found. In frequent in hypochondroplasia than in achondroplasia.
such an event, further analysis of FGFR3 is warranted Clinically, marked craniofacial disproportion is much
[66], since occasional instances of other FGFR3 patho- less common in hypochondroplasia than in achondro-
genic variants have been documented previously [67– plasia, and the severity of rhizomelia and brachydactyly
71]. Note, however, that in some of these there is inad- generally less than that seen in achondroplasia. Radio-
equate clinical documentation [67, 69], while in others logically, all features seen in those with hypochondroplasia
such as the case described by Takagi et al. [70] the are also present in those with achondroplasia. However,
phenotype is, in fact, inconsistent with typical three radiologic features uniformly present in achondro-
achondroplasia. plasia but virtually never evident in hypochondroplasia
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Fig. 8 Clinical phenotype of thanatophoric dysplasia, type I. All features are far more severe than those seen in babies with achondroplasia (Fig. 2)
is about 10 years less than that of the general popula- patients with achondroplasia who had died unexpect-
tion [107]. A recently completed study [110] confirms edly [113]. Of those, four had evidence for severe dam-
that the highest standard mortality rates are in those age to the medulla and upper cervical cord (Fig. 11).
less than 4 years of age. However, in addition, that mul- Subsequent reassessment of the craniocervical junction
ticenter mortality study shows that there has been a in the original proband showed that histologically he,
dramatic decrease in deaths, including sudden unex- too, had evidence of hypoxic damage (Fig. 12).
pected deaths, in young children with achondroplasia, It was already known that infants with achondroplasia
most likely secondary to recognition of their special have decreased growth of the basicranium, which is of
risks and aggressive evaluation and intervention related cartilaginous origin, and a small foramen magnum
to the craniocervical junction [110]. [115, 116]. The diminution of foraminal size arises dir-
ectly from the decreased growth of cartilaginous bone
Natural history and management as well as, perhaps, from abnormality of the synchon-
Most of the medical issues that need to be addressed in droses [117]. Furthermore, the foramen magnum is
individuals with achondroplasia are presented by organ often abnormal in shape, frequently being “key holed”
system, below. However, there are two concerns – cra- in appearance [8] (Fig. 13). This probably effectively di-
niocervical junction constriction and restrictive pul- minishes even further the space actually available. Al-
monary disease – that may be of major concern very though direct compression of the spinal cord can occur
early in infancy. These are summarized here. The first (see below), it is more likely that the apneic deaths arise
of these is a particularly important reason (along with from compression of vertebral arteries at or near the
parental needs) that diagnosis be confirmed as quickly craniocervical junction. The events surrounding the
as possible in infancy, so that critical evaluations can be deaths included ones in which uncontrolled head
completed in a timely manner. movement could have resulted in craniocervical com-
pression. Therefore, we postulated that those deaths
Special concerns in the young infant: the craniocervical arose from either acute or chronic compression of vas-
junction culature at the craniocervical junction resulting in hyp-
Initial recognition oxic damage to the central respiratory control centers
The possibility that infants with achondroplasia are at in the medulla. In turn, such hypoxic damage can result
increased risk for unexpected death was raised as early in diminished central respiratory control, and, in the
as 1982 by Pauli & Lebovitz [111] and Bland & Emery most severe instances, irreversible apnea.
(cases 3 and 5) [112]. The single event that precipitated All of the deaths in the initial report were between 3
three-plus decades of investigation is as follows [113]. and 11 months of age [113], suggesting that if prevent-
A baby boy was born to a mother of average stature ive assessments are to be effective they must be com-
and a father who had achondroplasia. Aside from pleted early in infancy.
achondroplasia, the boy was healthy and thrived until 3 Subsequent experience has clearly demonstrated that with-
months of age when he was found dead in his crib. He out careful assessment some infants with achondroplasia will
had been neurologically normal and had no antecedent
illness. Postmortem assessment found no cause of
death and a diagnosis of sudden infant death syndrome
(SIDS) was made. The family was counseled that the
baby’s achondroplasia and SIDS were almost certainly
coincidental and unrelated. A new sister, also with
achondroplasia, was born a year later. Not because of
any suspicion that SIDS and achondroplasia were
linked, but rather because of the then favored notion that
there was strong familiality on a genetic basis for SIDS
[114], polysomnography was completed. It showed substan-
tial abnormality of central respiratory control, which abnor-
malities resulted in two clinical apneic episodes requiring
stimulation, but which resolved by 5 months of age. Fig. 11 Gross pathologic features from the craniocervical junction of
This led to consideration of the possibility that it was the spinal cord in an infant with achondroplasia who died suddenly
their shared diagnosis of achondroplasia that placed and unexpectedly. There is gross indentation of the cord as well as
them at risk. A retrospective inquiry of 20 centers in cystic lesions secondary to hypoxic damage. Originally published in
Pauli RM et al. (1984) Apnea and sudden unexpected death in infants
which substantial numbers of individuals with achon-
with achondroplasia. J Pediatr 104:342–348 [113]
droplasia had been evaluated yielded 10 additional
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Fig. 12 Histologic findings from the cervicomedullary junction in the infant described in the text. Left shows severe pyknosis secondary to hypoxic
damage, compared with, right, a normal control of comparable age. Originally published in Pauli RM et al. (1984) Apnea and sudden unexpected
death in infants with achondroplasia. J Pediatr 104:342–348 [113]
Fig. 13 Computerized tomography in five infants with achondroplasia, demonstrating the variability of conformation of the foramen magnum
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instance, marked abnormality of the upper cervical First, it allows measurement of the size of the foramen
cord was demonstrated intraoperatively. Replicable pre- for which standards are available [122] and which was
dictors of need for decompression included: (1) small a demonstrable predictor of need for decompression
foramen magnum compared with achondroplasia stan- [8]. Secondly, most often it can be completed without
dards [122]; (2) hyperreflexia and/or clonus; (3) central sedation or anesthesia. This may be a serious
hypopneic events resulting in oxygen saturations below consideration given concerns about the effects on
0.85 by polysomnography [8]. Therefore, anatomic, synaptogenesis of anesthesia in young babies [125].
neurologic and respiratory characteristics, together, ▪ Polysomnography (sleep study). This should be
allow identification of those babies who likely are at performed in a sleep center comfortable with assessing
highest risk to experience life-threatening events re- infants. Interpretation can be complicated by restrictive
lated to the craniocervical junction. pulmonary issues with decreased respiratory reserve.
Emphasis, of course, should be on assessing central
Recommended evaluation – standard assessment apnea and hypopnea.
As already noted, if any assessment is to make a differ-
ence regarding sudden unexpected deaths, it must be In our center, only in infants who have worrisome
completed very early in life, preferably prior to 3 months features based on these initial assessments is magnetic
of age [123]. resonance imaging (MRI) completed. Generally, we
A ‘standard’ assessment needs to include the following now obtain the MRI in both flexion and extension [126,
components [4]: 127]. MRI, too, requires careful interpretation specific
to achondroplasia. All infants will have narrowing at
▪ Neurologic history and neurologic examination, the the foramen magnum. Most infants with achondropla-
latter emphasizing whether there is hypotonia more sia will have obliteration of the posterior subarachnoid
severe than typical for babies with achondroplasia, and fluid layer (Fig. 14). Some will have posterior ‘nicking’
whether hyperreflexia or clonus is demonstrable. or ‘waisting’ of the cord (Fig. 14). These features must
▪ Imaging of the craniocervical junction. Initially this was be interpreted in light of clinical characteristics, since
most often by computerized tomography [124] (Fig. 13). clearly some babies with all of these features do well
This approach continues to offer certain advantages. and thrive without decompressive surgery (personal
Fig. 14 Sagittal views of magnetic resonance imaging of the cervical cord in four infants with achondroplasia. a There is obliteration of the posterior
subarachnoid fluid layer; b In addition to obliteration of the fluid layer posteriorly, there is “nicking” of the posterior cord; c Narrowing of the cord is
evident secondary to “waisting” – that is, there is some indentation anteriorly, as well; d An obvious T2 signal abnormality is present
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observations). Prudence commends that MRI studies be entails both immediate and, at least speculatively, long
reviewed by a neuroradiologist with experience and ex- term [133]. However, while sufficient for many pur-
pertise in achondroplasia in order to limit unneeded poses, detail obtained by fast-MRI is not sufficient to
surgeries. The presence of either a T-2 signal abnormal- definitively determine the need for surgery related to
ity (Fig. 14) or a syrinx probably justifies surgical inter- the craniocervical junction.
vention regardless of clinical status. It has even been suggested that no imaging at all be
routinely done in infants with achondroplasia [134].
Alternative approaches to initial assessment However, this recommendation appears to be based on
Various alternatives have been suggested and used. no objective, published evidence [135].
Note that none has prospectively demonstrated utility, Table 1 summarizes the advantages and disadvantages
but are mostly based on ‘reasonableness’. Such pro- of various approaches to imaging in infancy. There is
spective investigations of what evaluation scheme is clear need to objectively assess which approach or ap-
most helpful are desperately needed but very difficult to proaches are most advantageous. At a minimum, stan-
develop. dards for MRI (or fast-MRI) features and measurements
Many centers have elected to proceed directly to MRI in infants with achondroplasia need to be generated
rather than CT [128]. Better visualization of neural tis- [136], if this is to become the routine method of ana-
sue is forthcoming, but usually sedation or general tomic evaluation.
anesthesia will be needed because of the length of the Some have also suggested a step-wise protocol. For
procedure. Often multiposition MRI is elected [126, example, one might only image those children in whom
129]. Flow studies may be of some help as well in deter- worrisome features are present by clinical examination
mining whether surgical intervention is warranted [126, and/or polysomnography (M. Bober, personal commu-
128]. Three dimensional CT might be another alterna- nication 2014). While logical, such stepwise assessment
tive [130], as might be diffusion tensor MRI imaging has not yet been rigorously assessed and should not be
[131]. Another alternative that has been considered is embraced without evidence to support it. Likewise, the
so-called fast-MRI (or quick-MRI) [132]. This obviates suggestion that polysomnography is not predictive of
the need for anesthesia and the possible risks that this craniocervical junction concern, and so implying that it
Table 1 Comparison of advantages and disadvantages of various imaging approaches in young infants with achondroplasia
Study: Advantages Disadvantages Comments
CT Usually not requiring sedation Poor delineation of neural structures
Only study method for which Substantial radiation exposure, particularly
there are diagnosis-specific if not performed in children’s facility
standards (FM size) [122]
Only study method for which In substantial minority, along with results In our experience, about 20% of those following
prospective assessment of value of other non-radiologic studies, will protocol including CT will go on to MRI
in ascertaining risk is available [8] lead to MRI subsequently
MRI Excellent delineation of Virtually always requires sedation or anesthesia Because of respiratory concerns present in most
neural structures infants with achondroplasia, anesthesia is
usually needed
No radiation exposure No diagnosis-specific standards
Substantial risk of over-reliance in determining Although not prevalent in our center, there are
if surgery is needed many anecdotes of electing to have decompressive
surgery based on MRI craniocervical features alone,
which we would judge to be non-actionable
without other indications
Fast MRI Fair delineation of neural Detail may be insufficient for decision making
No radiation exposure No diagnosis-specific standards
No sedation or anesthesia In substantial minority will lead to full MRI At current level of detail, findings on fast MRI will
needed before deciding if surgery is needed always need to be confirmed by routine MRI if
surgery is contemplated
No routine No sedation or anesthesia Under-ascertainment of those needing This is, in my opinion, an unacceptable risk
imaging decompression
No radiation exposure Ignores what prospective and reasonably
well controlled trial data as are available to
prevent further neurologic injury or
sudden death.
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is not an essential assessment [137], is based on a small, may be particularly challenging because of the unique
retrospective series of patients, of whom many were anatomy of the skull in achondroplasia [116, 142].
well outside the age range of relevance, and is not At major centers in which large numbers of children
worthy of further consideration. with achondroplasia are evaluated, most report a de-
Somatosensory evoked potentials could be of consider- compressive surgery rate in infants of around 10% (11%
able benefit in identifying infants at high risk. Early ex- [144]; 8% [145, 146]; 13% [147]; 10% at our institution).
perience, however, suggested that most infants with Although these rates likely exceed the total risk, it isn’t
achondroplasia showed abnormalities of somatosensory clear how they can be further reduced. That certain
evoked potentials, and that it failed to discriminate be- centers report far higher rates of surgery [141, 148–
tween those at high risk and others [8]. However, other 150] likely reflects referral biases and/or overly aggres-
investigations suggest that there may be a role of evoked sive intervention. Major complications of decom-
potentials in the assessment of the craniocervical junc- pressive surgery are rare [142] and the quality of life of
tion in infants with achondroplasia [138–140]. Should those undergoing decompression is not compromised
any prospective studies of efficacy of evaluations be initi- long term [151].
ated in the future, somatosensory evoked potential test- If, as suggested, such intervention is lifesaving, then
ing should probably be included in such a protocol. with universal assessment and intervention 4–5 lives
per year should be spared in the United States, and
around 100 per year worldwide. As noted, there is evi-
dence that routine assessment and intervention as
Counseling regarding cautions that should be exercised
outlined does decrease mortality in infants with achon-
with every infant with achondroplasia are based, in
dropasia [110].
part, on the presumed mechanism of injury at the cra-
niocervical junction and, in part, on the circumstances
Special concerns in the young infant: restrictive
that have been observed in instances of unexpected in-
pulmonary disease
fant deaths. As noted, risk likely is related to a combin-
Infants with achondroplasia often have small chests [63].
ation of foramen magnum constriction, the typically
In addition, there is increased compliance of the rib cage,
large head of achondroplasia and poor head control,
sometimes dramatically so. That excess compliance is
which often takes longer to develop in infants with
manifest as paradoxical movement with inspiration in
achondroplasia. Uncontrolled head movement should,
most young infants with achondroplasia – sinking inward
then, be avoided. There is anecdotal evidence that
principally of the inferolateral part of the chest, but also
deaths are particularly likely to arise in babies who have
often substernally. Mild deformity of the chest may also
been placed in vertical automatic swings [4, 113]; in
be present [152], including lateral indentations and pectus
fact, I am aware of at least six instances in which babies
excavatum. The combination of these features – small
with achondroplasia have died in vertical automatic
chest, presumably but not certainly reflecting smaller ana-
swings. There also have been multiple instances of
tomic lung volumes, inefficient chest mechanics, and
life-taking or life-threatening events in car seats [141]
chest deformity – together may result in smaller effective
(and personal observations).
lung volumes.
Precautions should include:
Despite these features, most babies suffer no evident
consequences. Predictably it does result in more rapid
Careful head and neck support, particularly with
desaturations with physiologic sloppiness of central re-
spiratory control or with minor obstructive events, mak-
Prohibition of automatic swings (“swingomatics”).
ing interpretation of polysomnography more challenging
Use of solid back strollers rather than umbrella
in young infants. Small chest volume also causes diaphrag-
strollers that may more forcibly flex the neck.
matic descent and “pseudo-organomegaly” (with a liver
Use of a neck roll in strollers, and, particularly, in car
edge often palpable well below the inferior costal margin).
seats. When restrained, infants with achondroplasia,
In a small proportion this set of features can result in
who have large and prominent occiputs, will have
chronic hypoxemia. This is particularly likely in those
their necks in a forced flexed position.
living at high altitude (personal observations). Chronic
hypoxemia can be of sufficient severity to result in fail-
Management ure to thrive (presumably because of increased work of
In those infants where assessment demonstrates un- breathing), rarely respiratory failure, and, potentially,
equivocal cord compression resulting in clinical abnor- cor pulmonale if not addressed [118, 152, 153].
malities, then suboccipital decompression should be Assessment is straightforward. Clinically persistent
completed urgently [142, 143]. Operative intervention marked tachypnea, secondary feeding difficulties because
Pauli Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases (2019) 14:1 Page 14 of 49
of that tachypnea, additional signs of chronic respiratory statistically more rigorous growth curves for a U.S.
distress and failure to thrive may be present. In all babies population are available [154], which are of particular
with achondroplasia polysomnography needs to be com- value since the supplied Z-scores allow translation of
pleted for other indications (see above). This also will these growth charts into electronic records.
provide a long oximetry sample. Saturation dips into the These standards are based on a U.S. population, and
high 80s are normal in infants with achondroplasia (per- should be used with caution in other populations.
sonal observation). Low baseline oxygen saturation and/ Growth references for other populations are also
or frequent desaturations unaccompanied by recordable available [157–159].
respiratory events will likely reflect restrictive pulmonary The achondroplasia mutation modifies rather than
disease. In addition, daytime spot oximetries, both dur- negates other genetic determinants of growth [160].
ing active alert time and, particularly, during feedings for Height variability in individuals with achondroplasia
example, may be helpful. Chest circumference measures seems to correlate just as strongly with parental heights
compared with achondroplasia standards may also be of as it is in average individuals. That is, tall parents will
some help [63]. tend to have tall achondroplastic offspring and short
In those with restrictive pulmonary disease, the help of parents, shorter than average achondroplastic children.
a pediatric pulmonologist should be sought. Oxygen sup- There is uncertainty whether individuals with achon-
plementation alone may be sufficient to maintain satura- droplasia do [155] or do not [154] show a normal ado-
tions and reverse failure to thrive. If not, tracheostomy lescent growth spurt.
may be needed. Restrictive pulmonary disease has been Small stature has substantial consequences for the af-
the principle condition resulting in need for tracheostomy fected individual. There may be psychological sequelae,
in a small subset of babies with achondroplasia: At our in- which possibility needs to be addressed with parents
stitution ~ 1–2% of babies have required tracheostomy, and the affected individual. Physical limitations result,
primarily to eliminate dead space in those with restrictive as well, and there will be need for environmental adap-
disease. In all, it has been temporary. tations, particularly in school (see below). Note, how-
ever, that sitting height is near normal [161]. This is of
Growth relevance with respect to, for example, safe transitions
Given that the activating mutation of FGFR3 that re- from carseat to booster and regarding adaptive needs
sults in achondroplasia causes a general inhibition of for driving.
endochondral bone growth, of course one would antici-
pate that all of the long bones of the body will grow Possible treatment of small stature To date no treat-
slowly; and they do. Small stature is the signal charac- ment has been devised that will negate the effects on
teristic of achondroplasia. growth of achondroplasia (but see also Possible future
therapies below). A substantial number of studies have
Linear growth been published regarding the use of growth hormone
Although length at birth may be normal [61, 154], slow therapy to enhance growth in children with achondro-
growth is evident shortly thereafter. Moderate to marked plasia (for example [162–164]). A transient increase in
short stature is present in all affected individuals. In growth velocity is predictably found, but the effect di-
adult males average height is about 130 cm (4′3″) with a minishes with length of treatment. Of the many pub-
range from around 120 to 145 cm. Similarly, in females lished studies, virtually none has followed treated
average height is 125 cm (4′1″) with a range of 115 to children to the completion of their growth [165]. How-
137 cm. Average adult heights are about − 6 to − 7 S.D. ever, Harada et al. recently described an uncontrolled
below the mean for average stature individuals [155]. observational study in which the final heights of achon-
Remarkably few parents of average children under- droplasia patients who were treated with recombinant
stand the importance of routine measurement of growth hormone were assessed. Following long-term
growth – that growth is an excellent, nonspecific indi- therapy, average increase in adult height was + 2.8 cm
cation of general well-being. Plotting the growth of a in females and + 3.5 cm in males [166]. So, one can an-
child with achondroplasia on average stature charts will ticipate around 1 to 1 ½ inches of additional adult
only confirm shortness and won’t offer the same oppor- height following years of injections. Most families
tunity to use growth as a measure of health as it is used recognize the disadvantages of both daily injections and
in average statured individuals. Therefore, standard the accompanying medicalization of small stature, and
growth charts specific for achondroplasia [61, 156] few elect to pursue growth hormone therapy.
should be used (Fig. 15), and length or height measured Extended limb lengthening is offered as another option
at each encounter with the child’s primary care pro- for height enhancement [167–170]. A variety of tech-
vider. In addition to these hand-smoothed curves, niques have been used, generally through osteotomies and
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Fig. 15 Diagnostic specific linear growth charts for females (left) and males (right) with achondroplasia. Comparable curves for average statured
individuals are shaded. Reproduced with permission from Greenwood Genetics Center (1988) Growth References from Conception to Adulthood.
Clinton, SC: Jacobs [156]
gradual distraction using external fixators. Substantial some combination of these. Together with increased work
lengthening and height enhancement can be achieved, of breathing (see above), failure to thrive may result.
so that potentially one can achieve an increase in adult Thereafter, however, obesity is prevalent, probably far
height of 25 cm or more. This is a long and arduous more prevalent than in the population at large [172]. Ex-
process. High complication rates can be expected cess weight may be particularly problematic in persons
[170]. It has been used in many patients with achon- with achondroplasia related to potential neurologic and
droplasia; most of these lived outside of the United orthopedic sequelae [173].
States, perhaps because of different attitudes toward Both weight for age [173] (Fig. 16) and weight-
outwardly evident physical differences. Most care pro- by-height [174] (Figs. 17 and 18) charts are available and
viders and ethicists in this country have advocated that should be used in all children with achondroplasia. The
such surgery be postponed until the affected individual weight-by-height charts are helpful in caring for adults
can participate in decision making (that is, in preado- as well.
lescence or later), and that it should only be completed For those who elect to use the Body Mass Index (BMI)
in a center offering comprehensive, multidisciplinary to assess for obesity [175], note should be made that
care [171]. standards for average individuals will incorrectly define
most individuals with achondroplasia as being obese.
Ponderal growth This arises because of the marked differences in body
Early in life feeding difficulties may arise because of tach- proportions [176]. Diagnosis specific BMI standards are
ypnea, gastroesophageal reflux, oromotor hypotonia or now available (Fig. 19) [176].
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Fig. 16 Diagnostic specific weight charts for children 0–36 months (left) and from 2 to 16 years (right). Reproduced with permission from Hoover-
Fong JE et al., (2007) Weight for age charts for children with achondroplasia. Am J Med Genet A 143A:2227–2235 [173]
All currently available ponderal standards are popula- may have serious developmental consequences in chil-
tion based – they reflect what is, not necessarily what dren with achondroplasia [182].
should be. The first attempt to provide standards for comparison
of development in a child with achondroplasia to simi-
Interventions for obesity Energy expenditure and cal- larly affected peers was that of Todorov et al. [181] The
oric need appear to be less in those with achondropla- resultant tool, patterned after the Denver Developmen-
sia [177]. Although typical interventions to prevent or tal Screening Test [183], served only as a very rough
treat excess weight are usually effective, this means that guide to expected development; this is particularly so
efforts at weight loss may need to be more rigorous and because it was generated using temporally remote retro-
aggressively supported. Experience suggests that, in spective recall. Furthermore, it addressed possible delays
general, caloric need in those with achondroplasia is in development but not differences in development.
about 2/3 that of individuals with average stature. Subsequent studies have emphasized the motor issues
Bariatric surgical procedures have been successfully that are often present in young children with achondro-
carried out in obese adults with achondroplasia [178] plasia [179, 184]. Children with achondroplasia are not
(and personal observations). only uniformly motor delayed, but display unusual pat-
terns of motor development [184]. A number of bioa-
Development natomic differences appear to underlie these differences
Cognitive function is normal in most persons with – including marked rhizomelic shortening (Fig. 20) of
achondroplasia [179, 180], although it has long been the arms and legs, limited elbow extension (Fig. 21),
recognized that developmental delays, particularly generalized joint hypermobility (Fig. 22), macrocephaly
motor delays, are common [179, 181]. Of course, cogni- and hypotonia [184]. Together such features make
tive issues may arise secondary to other sequelae of typical pre-orthograde movement strategies senseless
achondroplasia – hydrocephalus, hypoxic injury and so for a baby with achondroplasia. Many children, instead,
forth. Furthermore, untreated obstructive sleep apnea elect “snowplowing” (Fig. 23) (movement with support
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Fig. 17 Weight by height charts for children with achondroplasia up to 104 cm in height. a Top is for males and b lower is for females.
Reproduced with permission from Hunter et al. (1996) Standard weight for height curves in achondroplasia. Am J Med Genet 62:255–261 [174]
provided by the feet and forehead) or “reverse snow- strategies (Fig. 25) by parental questionnaire and dem-
plowing” (Fig. 24) (support provided by the heels and onstrated that most babies with achondroplasia seat
the occiput). Although such strategies may elicit paren- scoot or snowplow, and that many reverse snowplow as
tal concern, in fact they should be viewed as normal well. The occurrence of such unique movement strat-
and adaptive differences in children with achondropla- egies has been confirmed in a prospective study of
sia. Fowler et al. [184] quantified the frequency of such Ireland et al. [9] This is one of a series of important
Pauli Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases (2019) 14:1 Page 18 of 49
Fig. 18 Weight by height charts for individuals with achondroplasia greater than 104 cm in height. a Top is for males and b lower is for females.
Reproduced with permission from Hunter et al. (1996) Standard weight for height curves in achondroplasia. Am J Med Genet 62:255–261 [174]
contributions regarding development in achondroplasia broad range, so that first independent walking may
by Ireland and her colleagues [9, 185–187]. not occur until well after the 2nd birthday [9].
Gross motor delays are substantial. Median age Gross motor issues may be sufficient that with
of walking independently is around 18 [184] or 19 increasing age they result in greater caregiver de-
[9] months. Those medians hide a remarkably pendence [186].
Pauli Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases (2019) 14:1 Page 19 of 49
Fig. 19 Diagnosis-specific body mass index standards for children with achondroplasia. a Top is for males and b bottom for females. Reproduced with
permission from Hoover-Fong JE et al. (2008) Age-appropriate body mass index in children with achondroplasia: interpretation in relation to indexes of
height. Am J Clin Nutr 88:364–371 [176]
Fine motor differences also appear to have biophysical older there often are complaints of fine motor fatigability,
bases, including brachydactyly and trident configuration of inability to exert sufficient pressure with pencils, etc.
the fingers (Fig. 7) and small joint hypermobility (Fig. 26). A larger than expected number of children with
While fine motor issues are less marked and attainment of achondroplasia have language delays [188, 189]. Docu-
fine motor skills much less delayed than gross motor ones mented delays are most often of expressive language [9,
[9, 184], differences are frequently observed. For example, 190]. Unrecognized persistent or fluctuating hearing
because of brachydactyly and hypermobility of the wrists loss is common in those with achondroplasia (see Ears
and fingers, there often is persistence of a four-finger grasp and hearing), and may explain much of these expressive
(Fig. 27) or two-finger grasp (Fig. 28), the latter often taking delays [188]. It also may, in part, arise from how adults
advantage of the trident deformity (Fig. 7). As children get interact with children with achondroplasia [9]. It may
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Level of risk
Although Hunter et al. reported that ~ 10% of individ-
uals in a multicenter review had a ventricular shunt
placed [195], because this retrospective assessment
covered many decades, it is likely this includes persons
in the earlier part of the period who were shunted
without what would now be considered unequivocal
need. A more recent study reported an incidence of
4.3% of children with achondroplasia requiring shunt-
ing [144]. This is more in keeping with our own ex-
perience. Diagnosing those 3–5% of children who
Fig. 24 Reverse snowplowing. Here pushing with the heels propels
require treatment is challenging.
the child who is also supported by the back of the head. Originally
published in Fowler ES et al. (1997) Biophysical bases for delayed
and aberrant motor development in young children with achondroplasia. Presentations
J Dev Behav Pediatr 18:143–150 [184] In some individuals there is transient acceleration of
head growth with few or no accompanying symptoms
suggestive of increased intracranial pressure. Then
normal pressure and excess extra-axial fluid, and clinic- there may be re-equilibration, rechanneling of head
ally significant hydrocephalus. growth (Fig. 31) and a benign course [196]. This sug-
All children with achondroplasia should have head cir- gests that in symptom free individuals a period of
cumference measurements at every health care contact, watchful waiting is appropriate [145], even if imaging
with those plotted on achondroplasia specific head cir- demonstrates increasing ventriculomegaly compared
cumference standards [61] (Fig. 30). This should continue with imaging obtained in early infancy.
until at least 5–6 years of age, since there is delay of su- In a few children it appears that there is intermittent,
tural maturation in achondroplasia (including persistence episodic increased intracranial pressure [25, 197, 198]. This
of the anterior fontanel until as late as 5 or 6 years [per- may result in acute and severe symptoms, but without per-
sonal observation]) and, so, increased intracranial pressure sistence. Whether this is present and relevant can only be
can result in acceleration of head growth for far longer assessed with intracranial pressure monitoring [198].
than in other children. Plotting head circumferences on Rarely infants will have acute and dramatic signs and
typical standards will give the spurious impression of ac- symptoms of hydrocephalus. More often, its develop-
celerating head growth with crossing of centiles. ment is more insidious, with mild and difficult to
Fig. 25 Preorthograde motor movement strategies for infants with achondroplasia. Originally published in Fowler ES et al. (1997) Biophysical
bases for delayed and aberrant motor development in young children with achondroplasia. J Dev Behav Pediatr 18:143–150 [184]
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Fig. 26 Demonstration of wrist hypermobility in a school-aged child with achondroplasia. a Positive thumb sign (with wrist flexion the thumb
touches the wrist); b positive envelope sign (with wrist flexion all of the fingers can touch the wrist); and c positive 5th finger sign (with wrist
extension the 5th finger can be brought parallel to the wrist)
pinpoint symptoms such as lethargy, irritability, head- more important. The emissary veins assume that role of
ache etc. In those instances signs become more import- collateral channels [199, 200] resulting in prominence
ant. Parents should be taught that a bulging and tense of superficial veins of the scalp and skull (Fig. 32). Sud-
anterior fontanel, or increasing prominence of superfi- den increase in superficial venous prominence probably
cial venous patterning (see below), along with lethargy is indicative of worsening outflow obstruction at the
or irritability and/or emesis requires urgent assessment. jugular foramina and increased risk that hydrocephalus
is developing.
Mechanism Although this is likely the most important mechan-
Unlike the obstructive hydrocephalus typically encoun- ism, there is also evidence that obliteration of cerebro-
tered, the mechanism of development of hydrocephalus spinal fluid flow at the craniocervical junction may be a
in achondroplasia is thought to be distinctive. Just as factor in development of hydrocephalus, too [128, 129,
the foramen magnum is of diminished size because the 201, 202]. It is not unreasonable to posit that there are
cranial base is endochondral bone, so, too, the jugular two distinct processes that can give rise to increased
foramina on either side of the foramen magnum are intracranial pressure in those with achondroplasia.
smaller. Evidently, this can lead to partial obstruction
of venous flow through them [128], which in turn re-
sults in increased intracranial venous pressure. Intra- Management
cranial venous hypertension causes limitation of venous In those who clearly need treatment, ventriculoperitoneal
resorption of cerebrospinal fluid [193, 194]. Along with shunting is standard [1, 4]. Surgical and post-surgical care
causing increasing cerebrospinal fluid accumulation are no different than in others without achondroplasia
and, at some critical tipping point, increased intracra- who require shunting.
nial pressure, the obstruction of venous outflow at the One might think that jugular foramenotomy would be
jugular foramina causes alternative flow to become the logical approach, and this has been successfully done
Fig. 29 A developmental screening tool developed by Ireland et al. It is currently the best alternative for developmental screening of children
with achondroplasia. Reproduced with permission from Ireland PJ et al., (2012) Development in children with achondroplasia: a prospective clinical
cohort study. Dev Med Child Neurol 54:532–537 [9]
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Fig. 30 Head circumference reference standards for females (left) and males (right) with achondroplasia. Comparable measurements for average
stature individuals are shaded. Reproduced with permission from Greenwood Genetics Center (1988) Growth References from Conception to
Adulthood. Clinton, SC: Jacobs [156]
[203]. However, this is challenging surgery and has not two alternative treatment arms of patients presenting
supplanted use of ventriculoperitoneal shunting. with signs and symptoms of hydrocephalus is easy to
Third ventriculostomy has been carried out in a few envisage. However, in practice such a trial is virtually
children with achondroplasia, apparently successfully impossible. Over the course of 30 years, the largest spe-
[196, 204]. Good outcomes with this procedure (which cialty clinics assess around 400 unique individuals with
should not be effective if intracranial venous hyperten- achondroplasia [10]. Each such clinic, then, would iden-
sion rather than obstruction is the mechanism of tify only around 0.7 eligible patients ([400 ÷ 30] × .05)
hydrocephalus) could mean either that intervention per year. Not only would a collaborative venture be
was not really needed, or that a second, obstructive needed, but even so only after many years would suffi-
mechanism such as flow restriction at the craniocervi- cient numbers be accumulated.
cal junction may sometimes be important [129].
If there are, in fact, two distinct mechanisms giving Subdural hematomas
rise to hydrocephalus in those with achondroplasia, dis- The subarachnoid spaces are enlarged in most children
tinguishing which mechanism or mechanisms is opera- with achondroplasia. Because of this increased
tive in an individual is not straightforward. extra-axial fluid, the bridging vessels (which may also
Distinguishing which intervention is most effective is, be distended because of obstruction at the jugular for-
in theory, uncomplicated. Prospective randomization to amina) may be especially susceptible to shearing
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Fig. 31 Sequential head circumference measurements in a boy with achondroplasia. Transient acceleration of head growth occurred at around
4–5 years of age (accompanied by non-specific symptoms including occasional emesis). Neuroimaging at that age did demonstrate increased
ventricular size compared with imaging completed in the first year of life. There was subsequent equilibration of head growth without intervention. Now
an adult, the individual is of normal intelligence and without any indicators of any harmful effects of this transient acceleration and re-equilibration
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achondroplasia [214, 215]. In fact, paroxysmal events airway resistance is present. In children with achondro-
with apnea in infants with achondroplasia may arise plasia, soft and regular snoring occurs in around 95%,
from a variety of causes: secondary to abnormalities at and so is not a valuable marker; this probably simply
the craniocervical junction and consequent abnormality reflects air turbulence associated with anatomically
of central respiratory control; from primary seizures; small airways. Likewise, most infants with achondropla-
from airway obstruction related to macrocephaly and sia perspire profusely and this is not indicative of any
hypotonia (e.g. when in a car seat); or from gastro- medical issue. Features of significance in children in-
esophageal reflux. Particularly in infancy, distinguishing clude: neck hyperextension; loud and irregular snoring;
primary apnea from seizure-precipitated apneic events glottal stops; observed apnea; deep, compensatory sighs;
may be challenging. self-arousals; secondary enuresis; night-time emesis;
morning headaches [218] (and personal observations).
Temporal lobe abnormality Of these, Sisk et al. [218] noted that glottal stops and
Temporal lobe dysgenesis is common in individuals observed apnea were the most predictive of finding
with hypochondroplasia secondary to FGFR3 mutations clinically significant abnormalities by polysomnography.
[83, 84]. Given that achondroplasia and hypochondro- Daytime features in the very young are difficult to dis-
plasia belong to the same family of bone dysplasias cern, but may include increasing sleep duration per 24
[52], it would not be surprising to identify similar dys- h period. In older children, there may be change in
genesis in occasional individuals with achondroplasia. school performance or changes in behavior, including
In fact, that was recently reported by Manikkam et al. new onset of distractibility and poor attention [221].
[215] In neither disorder has the frequency of temporal In adults, there are daytime behavioral scales that can
lobe structural abnormalities been determined. Nor has be used to query about symptomatic apnea [222]. Re-
the frequency with which temporal lobe dysgenesis re- sults using such a scale along with the sleep partner’s
sults in seizures, or whether temporal lobe abnormal- description of breathing pattern in sleep can help guide
ities are a marker for more severe central nervous whether polysomnography should be done.
system consequences of FGFR3 been determined.
Consequences of untreated obstructive apnea
Obstructive apnea Parents need to be assured that obstructive apnea is al-
Both central apnea and restrictive breathing problems, most never an acutely life threatening problem, but ra-
which for the most part are exclusively issues in young in- ther has long term effects that must be mitigated.
fants, have already been addressed. In addition, children Consequences of sleep apnea are not markedly different
and adults with achondroplasia have an exceedingly high in individuals with achondroplasia compared with the
frequency of obstructive sleep apnea [153, 216, 217]. general population. As mentioned, in children there
Estimating the frequency with which people with may be negative learning and behavioral consequences
achondroplasia have sleep apnea is challenging. Ranges [221, 223]. Because pulses of growth hormone secretion
(in all age groups) have been from 10 to 87% [217, occur during sleep [224], sleep disruption can nega-
218]. Most series suffer from inadequate sample size tively affect growth, independent of the primary diagno-
and/or ascertainment and referral biases [219]. Nonethe- sis of achondroplasia.
less, in published sequential series, most find that ob- In adults daytime symptoms arising from poor sleep
structive apnea of clinical significance arises in around 1/3 quality at night markedly increase the risk of various
of all individuals (combining all ages) with achondroplasia kinds of accidents [225].
(e.g., 38% in Sisk et al. [218]; 34% in Afsharpaiman et al. Physiologic consequences can arise at any age. Par-
[219]; 32% in Collins & Choi [141]). ticularly concerning are the cardiovascular conse-
quences of long term sleep apnea [226], which are
Clinical presentation observable in affected individuals with achondroplasia
Obstructive sleep apnea may present at any age. In fact, [152]. Not only may obstruction resulting in recurrent
there is a remarkably high rate of obstruction even in and prolonged desaturations result in pulmonary hyper-
children less than 2 years of age [219]. Not surprisingly, tension and eventual cor pulmonale, but it may be a
however, there is a dramatic increase as physiologic critical contributor to hypertension risk [227].
hypertrophy of the lymphatic ring – and particularly the
adenoids – arises between around 2 and 10 years of age. Mechanism
Screening for possible obstructive apnea is challen- In children, a number of factors conspire to make ob-
ging [220]. Nonetheless, either a parent (in children) or structive apnea far more likely. In everyone there is
a sleep partner (in adults) should be taught the features physiologic decreased muscular tone in sleep [228]
that suggest that clinically significant increased upper resulting, effectively, in smaller airway size. In children
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with achondroplasia there is hypoplasia of the midface would usually suffice, outcome appears to be better in
with consequent diminution of anatomical airway size those who undergo tonsillectomy as well [218]. Children
[152, 229, 230]. The anatomy of the face is predictive of with achondroplasia may have an increased risk for
likelihood of obstructive apnea in average children post-operative complications [218] and probably should
[231] and in children with achondroplasia, too [232] – be hospitalized overnight following any procedure requir-
the flatter and retruded the midface, the more likely ing intubation. While a majority will show marked im-
that sleep apnea may develop. After around age 2 years provement after surgical intervention [218] nevertheless
there is physiologic hypertrophy of the lymphatic ring polysomnography should be completed a few weeks after
[233]. These factors are likely the major contributors to surgical intervention, since in many individuals obstruc-
pathogenesis of obstructive apnea in most children with tion persists at a level requiring additional treatment
achondroplasia. [216]. In those in whom additional treatment is needed,
Other factors may play a role in some. Centrally me- step two is the use of positive airway pressure (cpap,
diated obstruction (as well as decreased respiratory ef- bipap). Positive airway pressure treatment is effective in
fort) may arise because of cranial base abnormality those with achondroplasia [219, 229], including in very
[119, 142]. Gastroesophageal reflux is sometimes a crit- young children (personal observation). In a large majority,
ical contributor [119]. Lower airway malacia (tracheo- those interventions are sufficient to correct the obstructive
bronchomalacia) has recently been recognized to be of apnea and prevent sequelae.
substantial frequency in achondroplasia and does Rarely additional treatment may be needed. Uvulo-
complicate the management of other factors resulting pharyngopalatoplasty [237] has occasionally been done,
in obstruction [234]. but the numbers are so small that benefit is difficult to
In adults, midfacial abnormality persists, while assess. Rare individuals may require temporary trache-
lymphatic obstruction is usually not significant. The ostomy (personal observation), although this is more
most critical additional factor in many adolescents and likely to be needed for restrictive disease in infancy
adults is the onset of obesity, a feature strongly related than because of inability to otherwise treat obstructive
to sleep apnea [235]. apnea. Occasionally surgery has been done to correct
the midfacial hypoplasia, when severe, by either mid-
Assessment face advancement [238] or distraction [239, 240].
The first steps in assessment is to elicit observational In adults, most often positive airway pressure treat-
history regarding all of the features discussed above ment is the primary and most important intervention.
under Clinical presentation. General clinical assessment If appropriate, it needs to be accompanied by efforts at
should include evaluation of severity of midface hypopla- weight loss. The role of surgery in adults with obstruct-
sia, degree of tonsillar hypertrophy and evidence for ive apnea is unclear.
nares patency. In addition, contributing factors not
unique to achondroplasia such as allergic rhinitis need Ears and hearing
to be ruled out. Middle ear dysfunction is exceedingly common in
If concern is present, two approaches can be considered. both children and adults with achondroplasia. This
Polysomnography will objectively document the presence presumably is so because of poor functioning of ab-
of and severity of obstructive apnea and disordered normally oriented Eustachian tubes, which abnormal-
breathing, and is often the first elected investigation [4, ity, in turn, arises because of aberrant growth of the
218, 219]. In children with severe and unequivocal histor- chondrocranium [241].
ical symptoms, alternatively one might choose to have
otolaryngologic evaluation including nasopharyngoscopy Frequency
[236] completed. The latter approach, however, while A number of studies have assessed middle ear function
allowing more rapid initiation of intervention if needed, and hearing in achondroplasia. All are limited, because
does not provide objective data against which post-treat- of sample size (e.g. Glass et al. [242]; Shohat et al.
ment studies can be compared. [243]; Collins et al. [141]), ascertainment bias (e.g.
When serious obstructive abnormalities are demon- Glass et al. [242]; Collins et al. [141]), incomplete docu-
strated by polysomnography, then referral should be mentation (e.g. Hunter et al. [195]), or self-referral bias
made to a pediatric otolaryngologist for evaluation. (e.g. Tunkel et al. [244]). A well-designed, prospective
study is very much needed. Nonetheless, currently
Management available information provides a reasonably clear pic-
Stepwise management of obstruction in children typically ture of middle ear issue5s in achondroplasia.
begins with adenoidectomy with or without tonsillectomy. Middle ear dysfunction arises in 50–70% of individ-
Although one would expect that adenoidectomy along uals with achondroplasia [141, 242]. In turn, this results
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Fig. 35 Severe, fixed angular kyphosis of the type that can be prevented
by appropriate counseling and intervention in early childhood. Originally
published in Pauli RM et al. (1997) Prevention of fixed, angular kyphosis
in achondroplasia. J Pediatr Orthop 17:726–733 [64]
Fig. 37 Suggested algorithm for the assessment and management of kyphosis in infants and young children with achondroplasia. Originally
published in Pauli RM et al. (1997) Prevention of fixed, angular kyphosis in achondroplasia. J Pediatr Orthop 17:726–733 [64]
as demonstrating that those with more severe motor effective approach [261], although, of course nothing
delays (presumably because of more severe hypotonia) approaching a controlled study regarding alternative
are more likely to have persisting kyphotic curves [259]. options has been published. Generally surgery is under-
With such intervention, nonetheless, about 30% of indi- taken at around 10–12 years of age [252, 261] in order
viduals will have a persistent curve [259]. It is for that that late growth not precipitate worsening neurologic
reason that we developed treatment for those in whom status, although some have advocated initial surgical
more than a mild, fixed component of the kyphotic intervention far earlier in life [262].
curve develops with a modified thoracolumbosacral
orthosis (TLSO). (A descriptive guide for physicians Orthopedic concerns: lordosis
and orthotists is also available from the sources cited Most children develop an exaggerated lumbar lordotic
above). With use of such a protocol very few children curve (sway back) when they begin to stand and walk
should have need for surgical intervention (although, (Fig. 38). This hyperlordosis, combined with usual
admittedly, compliance with bracing is challenging for physical characteristics of all 2–3 year olds, often
some families). In only one of more than 200 children causes parental concern because of the marked ab-
managed in this manner did recurrence of a clinically dominal prominence that results. They should be reas-
significant curve arise after following such a protocol sured that this is a normal characteristic of children
(personal observation). Similarly, Xu et al. [260] in a with achondroplasia.
retrospective evaluation showed that bracing, if initi- Hyperlordosis is usually asymptomatic and requires
ated early enough in life, appeared to be effective in no treatment. When marked, there may be an increased
reversing kyphotic curves that otherwise might subse- incidence of pain at the apex of the curve. When
quently require surgery. marked, it may also increase the likelihood for intermit-
In those individuals who were not counseled regard- tent spinal claudication or symptomatic spinal stenosis
ing preventive strategies, or in whom prevention and in adolescents and adults (see below) [263, 264]. Be-
bracing fails, surgery is appropriate [252, 254, 261]. The cause it may result in a fully horizontal sacrum (Fig. 38),
aims of surgery are to reduce the severity of the curve, an occasional child may develop pressure-induced,
decompress the spine and stabilize it [261]. Spinal arth- chronic coccydynia (which can be managed with pad-
rodesis with instrumentation seems to be the most ding of underwear [personal observation]).
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bowel incontinence [264]. Clinical examination may dem- Usually it lessens with age, disappears by adulthood,
onstrate overt neurologic abnormalities at rest (which are and rarely, in itself, requires any intervention other
not seen with intermittent spinal claudication), including than non-specific treatments for pain (rest, warmth,
asymmetries of strength, weakness, abnormal reflexes massage and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories). Lateral
and/or sensory changes in the legs [264]. instability may be an integral part of the bowing de-
Such symptoms and signs should precipitate neuro- formity that is often present in those with achondropla-
imaging. However, every person with achondroplasia sia, both contributing to this problem and responding
will have spinal stenosis [266], and that in itself should to its treatment.
not be seen as justification for surgical intervention.
Furthermore, imaging is remarkably insensitive and Leg bowing
nonspecific in assessing spinal stenosis [271]. What im- Bowing of the legs is a normal feature of average statured
aging can do is identify what levels are most severely children in the first 2 years of life [275]. In average chil-
anatomically affected, and what additional factors likely dren, early bowing presumably arises secondary to intra-
precipitated the clinical deterioration. Such documenta- uterine positional effects [276], becomes apparent with
tion is critical when surgery is considered. first walking but then transitions to overcorrected valgus
Generally, surgical treatment involves extensive and deformity by around 3 or 4 years of age [275, 276].
wide posterior laminectomy [254, 264]. Given that virtu- This is in contrast to what is seen in achondroplasia. In
ally all studies regarding operative intervention are the child with achondroplasia there is often inexorable,
retrospective and are subject to ascertainment biases, re- continued progression of varus deformity. Between 1/3
call biases, incomplete follow-up and so forth, all con- and ½ of all children with achondroplasia have substantial
clusions about surgery remain subject to debate and will bowing at the knees and of the lower legs [273, 277, 278].
continue to be so until (and if ) prospective, controlled Around ¼ will require surgical intervention related to
studies are carried out. Tentative conclusions include symptomatic bow leg deformity [195, 273]. The severity of
the following. While lumbosacral spinal stenosis may oc- bowing is often asymmetric [279, 280]. There is some sug-
casionally require surgery in childhood [267, 268], more gestion that males may be more often affected with clinic-
often surgery is carried out in the 4th and 5th decades ally relevant bowing than are females [279].
[195, 268]. How quickly after onset of symptoms surgery Although referred to as ‘bowing’, in fact the knee and
should be done (versus a trial of non-operative interven- lower leg deformity is not an abnormality within a sin-
tions including physical therapy [270]) is controversial gle, lateral plane. Rather, there is usually lateral, dy-
[264], with some data supporting aggressive operative namic instability of the knee, varus of the tibia, internal
intervention soon after onset of symptoms [268]. Im- tibial torsion and tibia recurvatum [280]. The complex-
provements following laminectomy do generally arise ity of the dynamic deformity is well illustrated using
[264]. As in the general population [272], there is less gait analysis [280].
apparent benefit with time post-surgery, with Pyeritz et
al. reporting for example that only ½ of treated individ-
uals show long term benefit [264]. Consequences A major concern in average statured in-
dividuals is that substantial varus deformity (of 15° or
Orthopedic concerns: knees and lower legs more) predisposes to knee osteoarthritis [281]. In con-
Knee hypermobility trast, arthritis does not seem to be common in adults
As in the wrists and hips, most children with achondro- with achondroplasia [282], although no substantive study
plasia have excess mobility of the knees. Usually young has been done to confirm this.
children show both genu recurvatum (hyperextension Symptoms that arise most frequently include
beyond 180°) and mediolateral instability. Recurvatum activity-precipitated pain and self-limitation of walking
is often between 20° and 70°, apparently secondary to and other orthograde physical activities [283].
abnormality of form of the tibial plateau [273, 274]. Al-
though this feature is usually insufficient to cause major Evaluation Clinical assessment should include asking
symptoms or require surgery [273], rarely there is overt about activity induced discomfort or pain. Often chil-
tibiofemoral subluxability (personal observation), which dren will report pain particularly after physically busy
is one of the few circumstances in which transient bra- days with onset in the afternoon, evening or awakening
cing of the knee in a child with achondroplasia may be them from sleep.
appropriate. Mediolateral instability is nearly uniformly Examination should assess the following features:
present in young children with achondroplasia. This
often seems to contribute to focal pain precipitated by Severity of genu recurvatum and of mediolateral
orthograde physical activity (personal observation). instability of the knees;
Pauli Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases (2019) 14:1 Page 34 of 49
Measurements of distances between the knees, mid- with the patellae pointing forward (irrespective of the
tibiae and medial malleoli (Fig. 39) (with serial resultant foot position) [279].
assessment to identify progression and its rapidity Other assessments that have been used by some in-
through serial clinical measures without the need for clude arthrography [284], magnetic resonance imaging
frequent radiographs); of the knee [285], and gait analysis [280].
Measurement of thigh-foot angle (Fig. 39) to assess
the severity of internal tibial torsion; Mechanism of development There is no consensus
Evaluating whether the weight bearing joints remain about the relative importance of a number of factors
‘in plumb’ in a standing position (Fig. 39), which is that may contribute to the complex varus deformity of
helpful in deciding if orthopedic surgical assessment achondroplasia. That is unfortunate, since strategies for
is warranted – in those who are out of plumb, such intervention are at least in part predicated on assump-
assessment is indicated [283]; tions about mechanism.
Evaluation of gait, particularly to ascertain if there is Bowing probably is two discrete processes. In young
sufficient lateral knee instability to cause a “thrust” – children the varus deformity is usually primarily prox-
sudden outward movement of the knee with weight imal – just distal to the knee, while in adolescents varus
bearing. tends to develop just above the ankle [286]. In young
children factors that have been suggested as being im-
In addition, in those in whom there is concern about portant include fibular overgrowth [287], lax lateral col-
the severity of bowing or who have serious symptoms lateral ligaments [288, 289], as well as true deformity of
referable to bowing, radiographic evaluation should be the tibia. The relative contribution of each of these and
done. Most helpful is a standing, full leg length image how they interact [289] has yielded conflicting
Fig. 39 Methods that can be used to monitor progression of varus deformity without repeated radiologic studies (which, however, are needed if
the bowing is sufficiently severe that intervention is being considered). a–c Measurements between the knees, mid-tibiae and medial malleoli
with the legs straight and at rest and the feet together; d Measurement of maximal varus angle by placing the goniometer at the approximate
apex of the tibial bow; e Measuring of thigh-foot angle, that is, the angle made by the longitudinal axis of the thigh and the longitudinal axis of
the foot when the foot is in its neutral position; this assesses the presence of and severity of internal tibial torsion; f Rough assessment of whether the
three joints of the leg are in plumb
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evidence. For example, while Ain et al. [279] found no accomplished. There even is anecdotal evidence that
relationship between fibular overgrowth and severity of correction in one plane (varus deformity) will secondar-
bowing, Lee et al. [282] showed just the opposite. Ab- ily results in improvement of the other components (in-
sent clear association, and most certainly absent any ternal torsion and lateral instability) (P. Stevens,
evidence that fibular overgrowth is actually a primary personal communication 2015). Whether this (surgi-
cause of leg bowing, there is little to suggest that pri- cally far simpler and far less debilitating) option is a
mary surgery on the fibula is likely to be effective. good alternative remains uncertain.
that this may, in fact, be another cause of knee pain in hypermobility demonstrate marked dorsoventral in-
children and adolescents with achondroplasia. stability (personal observation), which seems to correl-
ate with functional difficulties related to wrist
Orthopedic concerns: shoulders, elbows and wrists stabilization. Excess wrist movement and the need to
Shoulders stabilize the wrist for fine motor tasks can cause a
Shoulder hypermobility is virtually constant in individ- number of problems. Some children complain of fatig-
uals with achondroplasia [301] (and personal observa- ability after very short periods of writing; others have
tion). This evidently arises because of unusual shape of difficulty generating sufficient pressure to even make
the humeral head so that anteroinferior subluxability marks with a pencil. A number of options have proven
out of the glenoid fossa may occur, but, while sublux- to be beneficial (see below under Adaptive needs). Sur-
ability is common, pain because of this instability is gery is never appropriate.
rare [273]. Nonetheless it is probably prudent to limit
the frequency of induced subluxation. Two activities
Dental concerns
(and likely others with similar dynamics) seem to par-
Because of hypoplasia of midfacial structures [305] mal-
ticularly precipitate subluxation – butterfly stroke in
occlusion is common. In addition to maxillary hypopla-
swimming and dead-lifting of weights (personal obser-
sia, there is relative overgrowth of the mandible; it is
vations). Therefore, in those with clinically demon-
uncertain whether mandibular growth is itself normal
strably unstable shoulders (anteroinferior subluxability,
[305] or diminished [306] but less so than is the dimin-
apprehension sign) those activities should be avoided.
ishment of maxillary growth. Given these features, one
Increasing subluxability has also been noted during hu-
might expect an extensive literature concerning man-
meral lengthening [301].
agement of malocclusions in those with achondroplasia;
it is surprising how little literature concerning this is
available [307–312]. Most children with achondroplasia
In contrast to nearly all other joints, the elbows are stiff
will benefit from orthodontic care. Primary problems
in those with achondroplasia. Most individuals develop
that are most often seen include marked narrowing of
limitation of elbow extension beginning in childhood
the anterior palate, with palisading of the upper incisors
[273]. Usually this is moderate, ranging from around
(Fig. 40), open bite (Fig. 40) and, particularly in older
20° to 60° of decreased extension [273]. This results in
children and adolescents, underjet related to the
effective shortening of the arms even more, and limits
disproportionate (if normal) growth of the mandible
reach accordingly. In the minority in whom radial head
(personal observations).
dislocation arises, even greater functional consequences
Many children appear to benefit from preparatory
will result, since not only will reach be diminished, but
orthodontia. Palatal expansion [309] is often used to in-
pronation and supination will also be limited (although
crease the width of the maxilla and to improve the ef-
this can in part be compensated for because of excess
fects of subsequent traditional orthodontia.
mobility at the wrists). Nevertheless, surgical treatment
is almost never appropriate, unless humeral lengthen-
ing is elected because of reaching problems. Such Cardiovascular concerns
reaching problems often can be addressed by using Mortality studies not only have shown an increased risk
various adaptive devices (see section Adaptive needs), for death in infancy, but also greater rates of death
Nonetheless, humeral lengthening (as part of general across all ages [107, 108]. Particularly noteworthy is
extended limb lengthening or alone to treat issues re- evidence of substantially greater risk of death secondary
lated to reach limits and adaptive needs) has been car- to cardiovascular conditions. Indeed heart disease re-
ried out in a large number of individuals with lated deaths were reported as ten times expected in
achondroplasia [302]. This may be necessary in order young adults and, overall, twice the anticipated rate
to assure independence for perineal hygiene, particu- compared with average statured individuals [108].
larly in those who have limitation of trunk mobility A number of factors could cause these differences. It
(e.g. because of surgical spine fusion). About 6–12 cm could be that there is a primary effect of FGFR3 on
of lengthening (2–5 in.) of lengthening can be expected cardiovascular function. More likely it may be related
[302–304]. Although modest, this may be sufficient to to other risk factors that occur at higher frequency in
allow for greater independence for personal hygiene. adults with achondroplasia. These could include de-
creased physical activity (because of the physical chal-
Wrists lenges inherent in achondroplasia), increased obesity
The wrists in almost all children and in some adults are [172] or higher than typical incidence of lifestyle re-
hypermobile [278] (Fig. 26). Some of those with lated risks.
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Fig. 40 Two of the common occlusional abnormalities seen in children with achondroplasia. On the left note the narrow, V-shaped anterior
palate and the resulting “palisading” of the upper incisors. The right photograph shows a severe anterior open bite
Unrecognized hypertension is probably particularly little or no skeletal abnormality [99–101]. Note that in
important. Well over ½ of adults with achondroplasia these last, descriptions there is inadequate radiologic
are pre-hypertensive or hypertensive (J. Hoover-Fong, and clinical detail to clearly rule out a diagnosis of
personal communication 2014). That this is underap- hypochondroplasia.
preciated particularly arises because of the difficulty in
obtaining accurate measurements because of the large Craniosynostosis
circumference but short length of the upper arm. Craniosynostosis is the primary phenotypic conse-
Therefore, many individuals with achondroplasia do quence of certain FGFR3 mutations, particularly in
not have routine blood pressure assessment and almost Muenke syndrome [98]. It is also a prominent feature
certainly are undertreated. Specific blood pressure cuffs of Crouzon syndrome with acanthosis nigricans [97]
(e.g. GE Small Adult Long Soft-Cuf ), and use of the and thanatophoric dysplasias [324]. In these, and in
forearm when needed (J. Hoover-Fong, personal com- achondroplasia, FGFR3 mutations cause abnormalities
munication, 2014) should make better monitoring of of ossification in membranous bone including prema-
this issue possible. ture sutural fusion [325]. It is not especially surprising,
then, that craniosynostosis infrequently accompanies
Low frequency but non-coincidental processes achondroplasia [186, 326–330] (and personal observations).
Acanthosis nigricans In achondroplasia, when craniosynostosis is present it
Acanthosis nigricans is an infrequent but not rare con- does not seem to be suture specific, with involvement
sequence of achondroplasia [313–316]. It typically is of the metopic [326–328], coronal [326, 328, 330], sa-
demonstrable as thickened, velvety, excessively pig- gittal [329], (and personal observation), lambdoidal
mented skin of the neck and, less frequently, of the ax- [326, 328], (and personal observation), frontosphenoi-
illae and inguinal region [317]. It most often arises in dal [327], (and personal observation) and squamosal
late childhood or adolescence [315, 317]. In a retro- [328, 330] sutures, etc. in varying combination.
spective assessment of nearly 500 consecutive individ- In a retrospective review, 4 of 477 (0.8%) consecutively
uals, acanthosis nigricans was diagnosed in about 10% assessed individuals with achondroplasia had confirmed
of those with achondroplasia [317]. Parents and care craniosynostosis (unpublished personal observations).
providers should be reassured, first, that this is not dirt So, while uncommon, nevertheless should any type of
and cannot be scrubbed away; secondly, that it typic- calvarial asymmetry or unusual head shape be apparent,
ally remains clinically mild; and third, that it is a harm- particularly if it worsens over time, assessment for cra-
less accompaniment of achondroplasia. The latter is niosynostosis should be undertaken. If needed, surgery
important since, in other circumstances acanthosis may be complicated by the presence of prominent emis-
nigricans is a marker for insulin resistance and dia- sary veins [330] that arise, as described above, secondary
betes [318]. In this setting it is not [315]. to jugular venous outflow obstruction.
Acanthosis nigricans appears to arise as a direct re-
sult of constitutive activation of FGFR3 [319]. It is Adaptive needs
present in varying severity and varying frequency in Because of the biophysical differences present in both
many other FGFR3 disorders, including hypochondro- children and adults with achondroplasia, many adaptive
plasia [315, 320–322], thanatophoric dysplasia [86, 87], needs may be present at all ages. At least in North
SADDAN syndrome [93], Crouzon syndrome with America, most families and affected individuals have
acanthosis nigricans [97, 323], and in isolation with embraced the idea that the environment should be
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modified for the individual rather than requiring the indi- less identify them as ‘special’, ‘disabled’, etc. These
vidual to be ‘modified’ to fit a standard environment. modifications can be made to wood or plastic chairs
Given the number of potential adaptations and the varied (Figs. 41 and 42).
requirements of different ages, a complete description of Personal perineal hygiene is often an issue as well. In
all of these is beyond the purview of this review. Many al- children, bottom wiping can be accomplished by a simple
ternatives can be found through the Little People of strategy – rather than wiping from the side, the child can
America ( Likewise, general be taught to hop off of the toilet, and bend far forward,
governmental mandates regarding accessible environ- reach between the legs and wipe (front to back, particu-
ments and accomodations for differences won’t be dis- larly in girls) in that manner. This precludes the reaching
cussed. Four examples of adaptations needed by some difficulty resulting from arm shortening and takes advan-
individuals with achondroplasia are given below. tage of the truncal hypermobility that is prominent in
In young school-age children, the combination of bra- most children with achondroplasia. In older individuals
chydactyly and hand and wrist joint hypermobility often and in any who have limited trunk mobility (e.g. from
make certain fine motor tasks difficult. In particular, prior spinal fusion), use of a ‘bottom wiper’ is an option
many children find it difficult to print with a standard (Fig. 43). Finally in a small number, in whom perineal hy-
pencil – making marks barely perceptible, or being un- giene just cannot be accomplished otherwise, humeral
able to stably hold the pencil. Alternatives that can be lengthening (see above) can be considered.
tried to solve that difficulty can include use of free-flow- As a final example – driving. Persons with achondro-
ing pens or markers instead of pencils, providing ‘fatty’ plasia generally do not need major modifications of an
grips for the child’s pencils, using a small wrist stabiliz- automobile such as hand controls. Two issues do need
ing brace when fine motor tasks are being undertaken, to be addressed, however. First, leg shortness usually
or early transitioning to keyboarding. Involvement of an requires the use of pedal extenders, which are available
occupational therapist will often be beneficial. from a number of sources and which can be straightfor-
Comfortable sitting for young children is also a chal- wardly applied and removed when an automobile is
lenge. Because of rhizomelic shortening of the legs, shared with an average stature driver. Secondly, arm
use of a standard, unmodified chair results in both an shortening results in most individuals with achondro-
unsupported back and dangling legs. Often this then plasia sitting very near the steering wheel. This is an
results in chronic back discomfort, leg numbness, or issue related to air bag deployment from the steering
both. While various special chairs are available, chil- wheel. For anyone in whom measurement from the
dren usually much prefer simple modifications of a middle of the steering wheel to chin or chest is 12 in.
typical chair for their classroom, since these will far (~ 30 cm) or less, the driver side air bag should be
Fig. 41 On the left – Demonstration of the difficulty a typical child with achondroplasia has when sitting in a school chair. Note that there is
neither back nor foot support. Method of measuring for back support is also shown. On the right – measurement that can be made to guide
modification to allow foot support
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Fig. 42 Left – Example of modifications made in a school chair to allow for back and foot support. Right – Resultant supported, comfortable
sitting for a child with achondroplasia
disabled, since its deployment can result in life threat- of independence for activities of daily living [340]. In
ening injury in those circumstances [1, 331]. fact, 10–15% of adults were dependent on others for
activities of daily living such as bathing and toileting
Quality of life [340]. Third, overall functional health status is im-
The impact of a medical condition such as achondro- paired in adults with achondroplasia (but only sur-
plasia can be thought of in a number of ways. In a prisingly mildly so), with much of that apparent
broad sense, “quality of life” reflects all consequences of decline arising in the 4th and 5th decades of life, and
a disorder that are not narrowly medical. It can be di- much of that related to lumbosacral spine issues
vided between physical consequences that impact life’s [341]. Gollust et al. also showed that quality of life in
quality and the psychosocial effects of the disorder. Un- the health domain is diminished [342].
fortunately many quality of life studies have combined Psychosocial consequences of small stature have been
various skeletal dysplasias, and in only some can the described for a long time. That shortness of any cause
specific effects of achondroplasia be parsed from the can result in social problems, decreased self-esteem and
presented data [332–334]. Very few studies that can be so forth has been proclaimed by many, but remains a
considered assessments, in one way or another, of qual- controversial issue [342]. For chondrodysplasias collect-
ity of life have been published specifically regarding ively, Hunter showed that there is both apparent in-
achondroplasia [335–339]. creases in depression and diminished self-esteem [332,
In the medical domain, certain findings of quality of 333]. Gollust et al. documented that in those with
life studies stand out. First, pain is commonly present achondroplasia, there is diminished income, less educa-
in adults with achondroplasia. Indeed, nearly 2/3 of tion and less successful employment, and that all
adults report chronic pain, a figure dramatically non-health domains of quality of life – social/economic,
higher than in the general population [340]. Secondly, psychosocial/spiritual, family – were negatively affected
pain is associated with compromised physical func- [342]. Achondroplasia, indeed, “constrains life”, despite
tion; that includes limited walking endurance and loss obvious resilience in most of those affected [342].
Fig. 43 Example of a foldable ‘bottom-wiper’ that can be carried in a pocket or purse and used for personal hygiene by wrapping toilet paper
around its end, and swishing it in the toilet to dispose of the paper after its use
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Nishimura & Hanaki assessed psychosocial adaptation All women with achondroplasia must be delivered by
and coping in children with achondroplasia [343]. Re- elective Cesarean section because of uniform narrowing
markably, they demonstrated unimpaired self-concept of the pelvis and cephalopelvic disproportion [345]. (Par-
and effective coping strategies despite encountering enthetically, one wonders what happened in centuries
negative experiences related to their small stature. Simi- past if a woman with achondroplasia became pregnant.)
larly, Rohenkohl et al. found that overall quality of life in This should be a planned Cesarean delivery without a
children and young adults with achondroplasa was trial of labor. Anesthesia for this procedure remains both
nearly identical to that of normal controls [336]. The controversial and challenging. No consensus has arisen
contrast with other, primarily adult-based studies is whether or when general, spinal or epidural anesthesia is
striking. Does self-image and self-esteem change with preferable [347] and there is virtually no data upon
age? Or does this reflect a more positive attitude about which to base such a decision. Dubiel et al. [347] outline
dwarfing conditions directed toward this younger co- the anesthetic challenges related to the statural, airway,
hort? (Note, however, that Rohenkohl et al. [336] and spinal, respiratory and neurologic features of achondro-
Witt et al. [338] seem to have demonstrated improve- plasia that can make decision making regarding
ment of quality of life with increasing age up to adult- anesthetic care so challenging.
hood, a finding apparently incompatible with other
results summarized).
Prenatal diagnosis
A diagnosis specific instrument for assessment of
It has long been recognized that anatomic prenatal
quality of life in achondroplasia has been developed
diagnosis of achondroplasia is difficult and usually not
[337, 339]. Called the “APLES” (Achondroplasia Per-
feasible prior to mid-pregnancy whether by radiography
sonal Life Experience Scale) this could be of utility in
[348] or ultrasonography [349]. The challenge of using
the assessment of individuals (older children and young
ultrasound resulted in frequent missed diagnoses and
adults) with achondroplasia compared with their diag-
misdiagnoses [350]. While considerable advances have
nostically identical peers.
been made in technique and interpretation [351, 352],
recognition of achondroplasia, particularly in sporadic
cases, remains difficult.
Now, of course, prenatal diagnosis is accomplished
Other than anecdotes, case reports and small series
principally through molecular testing. One circum-
[344, 345], there is very little in the literature regarding
stance in which it may be utilized is when both parents
risks and management of pregnancy in women who
are affected by achondroplasia. They then have a 25%
have achondroplasia. A questionnaire survey of a con-
risk that any conceptus will be homozygous and likely
venience sample of 87 women [346] allows some tenta-
to either die in utero or neonatally. The community of
tive conclusions to be drawn. Most women with
little people has, for the most part, embraced prenatal
achondroplasia have near-normal trunk size, which is
testing for this purpose, while rejecting consideration
likely the reason that most can carry pregnancies to
of termination if results show either heterozygous
term. Pregnancy-related complications are uncommon;
achondroplasia or average stature [353]. The second
the most serious of these seem to be worsening spinal
scenario is when ultrasonographic investigations, either
claudication symptoms and, rarely, respiratory failure
routine or for cause, suggest the presence of a short
[344] (and personal observations). Risk for cardiorespi-
limb dwarfing disorder. In this circumstance it is crit-
ratory problems is probably increased in those who are
ical to determine if achondroplasia (the most common
of very small stature and have shorter than typical
of the short limb conditions) is or is not causal. This
trunks, in those with severe spinal deformity, and in
can be done either through direct analysis of FGFR3, as
those who have had apnea-associated complications in
part of a skeletal dysplasia molecular panel, or using
their past.
whole exome sequencing.
The possibility of respiratory problems should be ad-
Recently non-invasive, cell free methods using mater-
dressed early in every pregnancy of women with achon-
nal plasma have been developed, including specifically
droplasia. It is prudent to complete baseline pulmonary
for achondroplasia [354–358].
function testing early in pregnancy and to involve a
pulmonologist so that, should respiratory issues arise,
an expert with antecedent knowledge of the patient will Possible future therapies
be at hand. Rarely interruption of a pregnancy by ter- As understanding of the molecular processes under-
mination (personal observation) or delivery prema- lying achondroplasia have become better understood, a
turely [347] (and personal observations) may be number of suggestions for possible molecular pharma-
necessary as a maternal life-saving measure. cologic therapy have emerged [359]. Whether any of
Pauli Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases (2019) 14:1 Page 41 of 49
these ideas will eventually lead to effective therapy of Apparently a phase I clinical trial of meclizine will
achondroplasia is, of course, unknown. commence shortly (
The most advanced of these possible therapeutic op- Additional experimental protocols are investigating:
tions is investigation of a C-type natriuretic peptide
(CNP) analog. CNP in many ways acts as a counterbal- Inhibition of chaperone proteins of FGFR3, which
ance to the effects of FGFR3 on the growth plate. Loss inhibition can result in ubiquitination and degradation
of function mutations of the CNP receptor (the trans- of FGFR3 and, in turn, decreased signaling [373];
membrane natriuretic peptide receptor – NPR-B) Use of a small molecular inhibitor (tubacin) of
results in another, severe dwarfing disorder called acro- histone deacetylase 6 which results in reduced
mesomelic dysplasia, type Maroteaux [360]. This dis- accumulation of FGFR3 at the growth plate [374];
order is certainly not a mirror image of achondroplasia Use of decoy, soluble FGFR3 to decrease binding of
– sharing almost nothing phenotypically with it except FGFs and consequently decreased signaling [375],
for marked small stature. Nonetheless it was postulated which approach apparently has entered early clinical
that increasing CNP activity could counteract the ex- trials (;
cess negative signal of FGFR3 mutations. And, indeed Direct blocking of the FGFR3 binding domain [376];
that appears to be true [361]. An analog was developed Reducing the activity of FGFR3 using a tyrosine
by BioMarin Pharmaceuticals that has greater stability, kinase inhibitor [377].
and animal experiments were begun using this peptide,
called BMN-111 [362]. BMN-11 l (now called Vosori- Is the future now? Many individuals within the small
tide by BioMarin) reversed the achondroplasia pheno- stature community would embrace treatments that will
type in the mouse model of this disorder [363] and eliminate some of the medical consequences of achon-
appeared to enhance bone growth in normal cynomolgus droplasia summarized here, while at the same time
monkeys, including increases in growth plate thickness showing little or no enthusiasm for treatments exclu-
and increase in lumbar vertebral foraminal size [362]. sively or primarily aimed at linear growth enhancement.
CNP also seems to have beneficial effect on midfacial de-
velopment [364]. Human trials have begun (https:// Conclusions In fact, A great deal has been learned about the consequences of
currently these trials include an expanded phase 2 trial in achondroplasia on those who are affected. Nonetheless,
infants and young children as well as active recruitment the quality of care that can be provided is compromised
for a phase 3 trial ( Whether this by the limited quality of the evidence that is, for the most
will be effective long term, whether undesired conse- part, available. Although the future may include pathway
quences of counteracting FGFR3 function will arise, and driven therapies, there will remain a need for quality clin-
how early in life it would need to be administered to have ical investigations regarding the natural history and opti-
salutary effects on health are all still unknown. Likewise, mal interventions for the sequelae of achondroplasia.
the demonstration of elevation of CNP at baseline in those
with achondroplasia suggest that there might be tissue re- Abbreviations
sistance to CNP (and its analogs) that could complicate APLES: Achondroplasia personal life experiences scale; bipap: Bilevel positive
airway pressure; BMI: Body mass index; cm: Centimeter; CNP: C-type
this therapy [365]. Natriuretic Peptide; cpap: Continuous positive airway pressure;
Many other suggested therapies are at various stages CT: Computerized tomography; FGF: Fibroblast Growth Factor;
of investigation. Unal & Tugan [366] have suggested FGFR3: Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor 3 gene; FGFR3: Fibroblast Growth
Factor Receptor 3 protein; FM: Foramen magnum; MRI: Magnetic resonance
use of mesenchymal stem cells as a source for native imaging; NPR-B: Natriuretic Peptide Receptor B; RAMP: Recurrent-autosomal
CNP. Yamashita et al. [367] showed that statin treat- dominant-male biased-paternal age effect; S.D.: Standard deviation;
ment ‘rescued’ stem cells (correction of degraded cartil- SADDAN: Severe achondroplasia – developmental delay – acanthosis
nigricans; TLSO: Thoraco-lumbo-sacral orthosis
age formation) and a mouse model of achondroplasia
(with significant recovery of bone growth). If such ther-
apy was seriously to be considered, the long term safety I thank: all of the families who have contributed to my understanding of
of chronic administration of statins to children would achondroplasia and its consequences; those from whom I learned so much
need to be demonstrated [368]. Recent studies raise about both achondroplasia and caring, including Dr. Leonard O. Langer Jr.
(deceased) and Dr. Alan Breed; current and past members of the Midwest
questions about the mechanism whereby statins might Regional Bone Dysplasia Clinic, particularly Peggy Modaff, M.S., Casey Reiser,
have consequence on achondroplastic bone [369]. Mec- M.S. and Janet Legare, M.D.; dozens of colleagues and collaborators both at
lizine (an over the counter medication for motion sick- the University of Wisconsin – Madison and elsewhere.
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is applicable.
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21. Henderson S, Sillence D, Loughlin J. Germline and somatic mosaicism in
Consent for publication achondroplasia. J Med Genet. 2000;37:956–8.
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published maps and institutional affiliations. achondroplasia and hypochondroplasia genes. J Med Genet. 1973;10:11–6.
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