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WSES Consensus Guidelines On Sigmoid Volvulus Management: Review Open Access

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et al. World Journal of Emergency Surgery (2023) 18:34 World Journal of

Emergency Surgery

REVIEW Open Access

WSES consensus guidelines on sigmoid

volvulus management
Brian W. C. A. Tian1, Gabriele Vigutto2, Edward Tan3, Harry van Goor3, Cino Bendinelli4, Fikri Abu‑Zidan5,
Rao Ivatury6, Boris Sakakushev7, Isidoro Di Carlo8, Gabriele Sganga9, Ronald V. Maier10, Raul Coimbra11,
Ari Leppäniemi12, Andrey Litvin13, Dimitrios Damaskos14, Richard Ten Broek3, Walter Biffl15,
Salomone Di Saverio16, Belinda De Simone17, Marco Ceresoli18, Edoardo Picetti19, Joseph Galante20,
Giovanni D. Tebala21, Solomon Gurmu Beka22, Luigi Bonavina23, Yunfeng Cui24, Jim Khan25, Enrico Cicuttin26,
Francesco Amico4, Inaba Kenji27, Andreas Hecker28, Luca Ansaloni29, Massimo Sartelli30, Ernest E. Moore31,
Yoram Kluger32, Mario Testini33, Dieter Weber34, Vanni Agnoletti35, Nicola De’ Angelis36, Federico Coccolini26,
Ibrahima Sall37* and Fausto Catena2 

Sigmoid volvulus is a common surgical emergency, especially in elderly patients. Patients can present with a wide
range of clinical states: from asymptomatic, to frank peritonitis secondary to colonic perforation. These patients gener‑
ally need urgent treatment, be it endoscopic decompression of the colon or an upfront colectomy. The World Society
of Emergency Surgery united a worldwide group of international experts to review the current evidence and propose
a consensus guidelines on the management of sigmoid volvulus.

Background and Western Europe [7–10]. Halabi et al. [9] reported on

The term “volvulus” comes from the Latin “volvere” 63,749 cases of colonic volvulus among 3,351,152 cases of
meaning twist. It was first described by Rokitansky in intestinal obstruction over a 9-year period. During this
1836 [1]. Colonic volvulus is therefore the twisting of a period, the authors observed a stable incidence of  sig-
segment of colon on its mesentery. Colonic  volvulus  is moid volvulus; however, the incidence of cecal volvulus
the third leading cause of colonic obstruction globally, increased by 5% per year.
following colorectal cancer and complicated  sigmoid Although any mobile segment of the colon can twist
diverticulitis [2]. on itself; the sigmoid is involved in 60–75% of cases,
The incidence of colonic  volvulus, however, does vary cecum in 25–40% of cases,  transverse colon  in 1–4% of
in different regions of the world. In the “volvulus belt,” an cases and splenic flexure in 1% of cases [11]. The clinical
endemic area that includes Africa, South America, Rus- presentation of volvulus does appear to have some differ-
sia, Eastern Europe, the Middle East, India and Brazil, ences, depending on location. In countries in the “volvu-
colonic volvulus represents 13% to 42% of all intestinal lus belt,” sigmoid volvulus usually occurs in young men
obstructions [3–6]. Conversely, volvulus accounts for (from the 4th decade onward with a male/female sex ratio
10% to 15% of all large-bowel obstructions in the USA of 4:1). In Western countries, sigmoid volvulus preferen-
tially affects elderly males (age > 70) while cecal volvulus
affects somewhat younger females (age ≤ 60), as high-
Ibrahima Sall lighted in the study by Halabi et  al. [9]. For this reason,
sall_i17@yahoo.fr some authors consider that endemic sigmoid volvulus is a
Full list of author information is available at the end of the articlel different clinical entity than sporadic volvulus [12].

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Tian et al. World Journal of Emergency Surgery (2023) 18:34 Page 2 of 10

The etiology of colonic volvulus is probably multifac- leading to colonic necrosis and ischemia–reperfusion
torial. Some factors are common to all locations, such injury. The two main mechanisms of torsion in sigmoid
as  chronic constipation,  high fiber diet, frequent use of volvulus are believed to be either axial meso-colic volvu-
laxatives and anatomic predisposition [11]. lus (75% of the time) or organo-axial volvulus (25% of the
Dolicho-sigmoid, the presence of an elongated  sig- time) [19].
moid  colon on a narrow mesenteric base, is the most Sigmoid volvulus typically presents in
commonly cited predisposing factor for  sigmoid vol- patients > 60  years old and typically has recurrent pres-
vulus. An anatomical study performed on 590  cadavers entations, with each episode potentially bearing signifi-
demonstrated ethnic anatomical differences [13]. The cant morbidity and mortality [3, 5, 20]. The management
length and height of the sigmoid colon were significantly includes relief of the volvulus either by endoscopic or
longer, and the root of the meso-sigmoid was much nar- operative means, assessment of the viability of the volved
rower in Africans, with no difference between men and colonic segment and preventing recurrence of the prob-
women. In the case–control study of Akinkuotu et  al. lem. Without definitive operative treatment, colonic vol-
[10], there was a significant increase in the length of the vulus tends to recur, with each episode presenting a risk
meso-sigmoid, the maximum width of the meso-sigmoid of ischemia and perforation [2, 21–24].
and the luminal circumference of the colon in patients Therefore, the aim of this paper was to perform a
who underwent surgery for sigmoid volvulus. However, review of the existing literature and to provide recom-
there was no significant difference in the width of the mendations on the management of sigmoid volvulus.
meso-sigmoid root. The authors concluded that the com- These guidelines were reviewed by an international
bination of a high and wide meso-sigmoid with a nar- expert panel composed of 34 experts who were asked to
row root predisposed to sigmoid volvulus. While there critically revise the manuscript and recommendations.
were clear anatomical predispositions, it remains unclear These guidelines were produced according to the World
whether they were congenital or acquired [14]. Society of Emergency Surgery (WSES) methodology. We
Other risk factors that may cause the development shall present the derived statements upon which a con-
of sigmoid volvulus include diabetes, neuropsychiatric sensus was reached, specifying the quality of the support-
issues that potentially lead to reduced autonomy, insti- ing evidence and suggesting future research directions.
tutional placement and prolonged bed rest. Finally, in
younger patients, some cases of sigmoid volvulus may Purpose and use of these guidelines
be associated with  megacolon, which in turn are  due to These guidelines are evidence-based, with the grades of
causes such as Hirschsprung’s or Chagas disease [3]. recommendation based on the evidence. They do not
In sigmoid volvulus, meso-sigmoid twisting of up to represent the standard of practice, but are suggested
180° is considered physiological. In approximately 2% of plans of care, based on best available evidence and a con-
cases, the volvulus reduces spontaneously [15]. Torsion sensus of experts. They do not exclude other approaches
beyond 180° can lead to complications such as colonic as being within a standard of practice. The treating clini-
obstruction,  ischemia  or necrosis with perforation. For cian should determine the most appropriate action, after
unknown reasons, the twist preferentially occurs in the taking into account conditions at the relevant medical
counterclockwise direction in 70% of cases [16]. institution (staff levels, experience, equipment, etc.) and
Fibrosis of the meso-sigmoid, seen in 86% of oper- the characteristics of the individual patient. The respon-
ated patients, is more a result than a cause of the torsion. sibility for the management and outcome rests with the
This cicatrization most likely occurs as a result of revers- engaging practitioners, and not the consensus group.
ible ischemia, which can occur in the relapsing forms of
volvulus [17]. The mechanics of this ischemia is thought Methods
to occur as follows. When sigmoid volvulus occurs, the An organized search of relevant literature was performed
subsequent colonic distension causes an increase in using the following databases: PubMed, Ovid MEDLINE,
intraluminal pressure, which results in decreased capil- Embase, the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews,
lary perfusion. This mural ischemia is further aggravated the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials and
by meso-colic vessel occlusion, which is caused by the the National Guidelines Clearinghouse (www.​guide​line.​
mechanical compression and axial rotation of the volvu- gov). Retrieved literature was not limited to the English
lus [18]. language.
Early mucosal ischemia promotes  bacterial translo- The terms sigmoid volvulus, volvulus, malrotation,
cation  and bacterial gas production, further increasing intestine torsion, intestinal volvulus, decompression,
colonic distension and toxic phenomena. If colonic tor- colectomy, resection, imaging, Hartmann’s, megacolon,
sion is not promptly reversed, this creates a vicious circle pseudo-obstruction, Ogilvie’s and follow-up in various
Tian et al. World Journal of Emergency Surgery (2023) 18:34 Page 3 of 10

combinations with the use of the Boolean operators 27–29]. However, the examination is often difficult due
“AND” and “OR.” No search restrictions were imposed. to the presence of abdominal distension, which is the
Clinical trials, consensus conferences, comparative stud- result of colonic obstruction of several days duration; if
ies, congresses, guidelines, government publications, there are no signs of peritoneal irritation, as is often the
multicenter studies, systematic reviews, meta-analyses, case, this may result in a delay in diagnosis. Nonetheless,
large case series, original articles, randomized controlled the absence of peritonitis does not indicate the absence
trials, case reports and small case series were included. of bowel ischemia. Asymmetric gaseous abdominal dis-
We also analyzed the reference lists of relevant narrative tention associated with emptiness of the left iliac fossa
review articles identified during the search to identify any is  pathognomonic  for sigmoid volvulus, though this can
studies that may have been missed. be very challenging to detect [5].
Prospective, randomized controlled trials and meta- The duration of symptoms lasts from a few hours to
analyses were given preference in developing these guide- several days [5, 20, 21, 26–28, 30–32]. As these patients
lines. The final grade of recommendation was performed are typically old with comorbidities, any vomiting and
using the Grades of Recommendation, Assessment, dehydration can tip them over into renal insufficiency.
Development, and Evaluation system. Thus, blood testing of electrolytes and renal function is
The literature search and selection were performed necessary.
by two reviewers (BT and GV). First, all records from Bear in mind that as these patients may have neu-
merged searches were reviewed for relevance concerning ropsychiatric issues, history may not be forthcom-
the title and abstract. Records were removed when both ing or accurate. The physical examination and testing
reviewers excluded them. Both reviewers then performed of blood gas and lactate levels are crucial, although
an independent full-text analysis, which allowed to finally bowel ischemia may be present in the absence of
include or exclude the preselected article. hyperlactatemia.
Recommendation 2: Diagnostic imaging for sigmoid
Recommendations volvulus is initially based on plain abdominal radio-
Recommendation 1: Initial evaluation should include graphs, showing a classic coffee bean sign. Grade of
a focused history and physical examination. A full recommendation: Strong recommendation, based on
panel of blood tests including blood gas and lactate low- or very-low-quality evidence, 1C.
levels are also important to look for suggestions of Plain abdominal radiographs are often diagnostic of
bowel ischemia. Grade of recommendation: Strong sigmoid volvulus. Chest radiographs are also sufficient
recommendation, based on low- or very-low-quality to detect the presence of free air, in cases of perforation.
evidence, 1C. Imaging should be done expediently. The classic find-
Symptoms of sigmoid volvulus include abdominal pain, ing is that of a coffee bean, projecting toward the upper
constipation and vomiting (a late sign) [4–6, 9, 19, 27, 28]. abdomen, sometimes above the transverse colon, which
In 30–41% of cases, patients report previous episodes of has been described as the “northern exposure sign” [5,
abdominal distention [3]. This triad is much more com- 29, 33–37].
mon in endemic volvulus, rather than the sporadic kind Recommendation 3: CT imaging can be used in
of volvulus (88% versus 33%) [28]. cases where the diagnosis is in doubt, or if ischemia or
In the “volvulus belt” countries, the clinical presenta- perforation is suspected. Grade of recommendation:
tion may be acute with peritonitis and shock. In this Strong recommendation, based on low- or very-low-
fulminant clinical presentation, the prognosis is poor quality evidence, 1C.
because colonic necrosis and perforation would pos- In cases in which clinical assessment and plain abdomi-
sibly have already occurred, by the time the patient first nal radiographs are insufficient to confirm the diagnosis
presents for care [25]. Conversely, in Western countries, of sigmoid volvulus, or if a complication is suspected
the patient usually presents 3 to 4  days after the onset (e.g., impending ischemia), urgent CT imaging is indi-
of symptoms [26]. The classic patient is elderly, insti- cated. When performing CT imaging, the use of intra-
tutionalized and under psychotropic medications that venous contrast can facilitate the diagnosis of colonic
causes chronic constipation. The history should elicit the ischemia [35, 36, 39–41]. In the study by Swenson et al.
above-mentioned risk factors, including a personal his- [21], the positive diagnostic yield of CT for sigmoid vol-
tory of previous sigmoid volvulus, which is present in vulus was 89%. Other diagnoses that can mimic the pres-
30–40% of cases. entation of colonic volvulus, such as obstruction due to
Classically, the clinical examination will identify a neoplasm or pseudo-obstruction, can also be evaluated
abdominal distension, diminished bowel sounds and with the above modalities.
often an empty rectum on digital examination [2, 20,
Tian et al. World Journal of Emergency Surgery (2023) 18:34 Page 4 of 10

The addition of a contrast enema may help confirm the cases. With rigid sigmoidoscopy, the authors observed
diagnosis of sigmoid volvulus by demonstrating a “bird’s successful decompression, morbidity, mortality and early
beak” sign, at the point of colonic torsion [5, 24, 28, 33, recurrence rates of 78%, 3%, 1% and 3%, respectively.
37, 38]. However, an enema is strictly contraindicated With the advent of flexible endoscopy, rates of success-
when perforation is suspected. When using a contrast ful decompression, morbidity, mortality and early recur-
enema, a water-soluble contrast is much preferred over rence were 76%, 2%, 0.3% and 6%, respectively.
barium contrast, because the latter could cause a chemi- Yassaie et  al. [47] described 31 patients with sigmoid
cal peritonitis in the setting of a perforated colon. volvulus who underwent successful endoscopic detor-
Recommendation 4: In patients in whom ischemia sion and no further interventions. Recurrent volvulus
or perforation is not suspected clinically and/or radi- was diagnosed in 19 (61%) of these patients at a median
ologically, flexible endoscopy should be performed as of 31 days. Of these 19 patients, 7 underwent colectomy
a first line to decompress the sigmoid colon. Grade of and 12 had repeat endoscopic detorsion alone, of whom
Recommendation: Strong recommendation, based on 5 (48%) were diagnosed with a third episode of volvulus
low- or very-low-quality evidence, 1C. at a median interval of 5  months and 3 (25%) required
In the absence of colonic ischemia or perforation, the emergent sigmoid colectomy [47].
initial treatment of sigmoid volvulus is urgent endoscopic Nonetheless, in cases in which advanced mucosal
detorsion, which is effective in 60–95% of patients [3, 21, ischemia, perforation or impending perforation of the
22, 27, 42–44]. Endoscopic detorsion carries a 4% mor- colon are discovered during endoscopy, the procedure
bidity, and some series show a 3% mortality rate [22, 27, should be aborted. Emergency colectomy is warranted in
45]. these cases.
Successful detorsion implies that the endoscopist must There seems to be little role for a completion screen-
visualize and go past the transition points (typically 2 ing colonoscopy before surgery, mainly because of its
points are found) [2, 20, 22, 45, 46]. At the end of detor- technical difficulty. The colon is often extremely long and
sion, endoscopic view of the mucosa to assess sigmoid redundant, with angulations that are difficult to traverse.
colon viability is mandatory. After successful detorsion Preoperative total colonoscopy should be offered only if
of the sigmoid colon, a decompression flatus tube should there is clinical or radiological suspicion of underlying
be left in place to maintain the reduction, allow for con- neoplasia [21, 55, 56].
tinued colonic decompression, and facilitate mechanical Endoscopy is therefore limited in most cases to short
bowel preparation as needed [2, 20–22, 43, 44, 47–52]. flexible colonoscopy performed during endoscopic detor-
After successful endoscopic detorsion, long-term sion, which also rules out neoplastic obstructions at the
recurrence has been observed in 43% -75% of patients rectosigmoid junction, the other principal entity in the
[20–22, 26, 47, 52, 53]. As each future episode of volvu- differential diagnosis. In case of diagnostic uncertainty,
lus carries its attendant risks of ischemia or perforation, a virtual colonography can be performed instead of total
operative intervention should be strongly considered colonoscopy.
during the index admission or soon thereafter [20–22, 26, Recommendation 5: Urgent sigmoid resection is
52, 54]. indicated when endoscopic detorsion of the sigmoid
The literature favors flexible endoscopy over rigid colon is not successful and in cases of non-viable or
endoscopy because of its superior diagnostic perfor- perforated colon. Strong recommendation, based on
mance, particularly in assessing ischemia and because of low- or very-low-quality evidence, 1C.
its lower perforation rate  [36]. Rigid  sigmoidoscopy  can In 5–25% of patients with sigmoid volvulus, they will
fail to diagnose sigmoid volvulus and miss ischemia in up present with colonic ischemia, perforation, peritoni-
to 24% of cases. tis or septic shock on admission. These patients require
The favorable impact of colonoscopy is perfectly illus- upfront urgent colectomy [2, 4, 20–22, 26, 27, 42, 49, 57–
trated in Turkey’s very large retrospective series that 61]. Intraoperatively, resection of infarcted bowel should
compiled 952  patients, over a period of 46.5  years  [22]. be performed without detorsion and with minimal
Colonic decompression had evolved from the initial use manipulation to prevent release of endotoxin, potassium
of barium enema (1966–1968), to rigid sigmoidoscopy and bacteria into the general circulation and to avoid per-
(1968–1988), to the introduction of the flexible  endo- foration of the colon [24, 51, 62–64].
scope  in 1988, and exclusive use of flexible endoscopic The decision to perform an isolated sigmoid colectomy
decompression from 2003 onwards. In the Turkish expe- versus a high anterior resection should be individualized.
rience, barium enema resulted in successful decompres- However, since this is a benign pathology, a full onco-
sion in 69% of cases but was burdened with a morbidity logical anterior resection is not typically needed. The
of 23%, a mortality of 8% and early recurrence in 11% of main consideration would be the vascular supply of the
Tian et al. World Journal of Emergency Surgery (2023) 18:34 Page 5 of 10

remnant colon. The decision to perform primary colorec- varies from 45 to 71% [21, 27, 49, 55, 56]. This tendency
tal anastomosis, defunctioned colorectal anastomosis or persists in recently published studies both in France (67%
end colostomy should be individualized, with considera- in the experience of the Saint-Antoine hospital [26]), Tur-
tion of both the overall condition of the patient and the key (nearly 2 out of 3 patients with follow-up exceeding
colon. 40 years), New Zealand (61% at 3 months [47]) or in the
Kuzu et  al. [60] reported on 106 sigmoid volvulus Danish registry with recurrence probability of 63%, 47%,
cases accumulated over 8 years. They performed sigmoid 41% and 24%, respectively, at 3, 6, 12 and 24 months [73].
resection with end colostomy (Hartmann procedure, In addition, the mortality after conservative treatment
n = 49) or sigmoid resection with colorectal anastomosis in the literature varies between 9% and 36%  [21, 27, 49,
without diverting ostomy (n = 57). A Hartmann proce- 55, 56]. In the Danish registry, survival was significantly
dure was used more often in patients with a non-viable lower after conservative treatment  [53]. However, these
colon or peritonitis and resulted in increased postop- results must be qualified since patients considered non-
erative complications and mortality (8% vs 5%), whereas surgical from the start were significantly older and had a
anastomotic leak occurred in 7% of patients in the anas- significantly higher ASA score (82 vs. 71, P = 0.004; ASA
tomosis group [60]. 3 vs. ASA 2, P = 0.012).
Atamanalp et  al. [20] reported on 952 patients with In the absence of a randomized study, the current
sigmoid volvulus. In this series, a Hartmann procedure consensus is to perform colonic resection within the
was the most commonly performed emergency opera- index admission of the first episode of sigmoid volvulus,
tion, with overall morbidity of 42% and mortality of 20%. because of the high risk of recurrence [54].
Coban et  al. [60] reported on sigmoid resection with Sigmoid colectomy is the intervention that is most
non-diverted or diverted colorectal anastomosis and effective at preventing recurrent volvulus [2, 20, 22, 26,
found 12% and 0% anastomotic leaks and a mortality rate 30, 47, 51, 70, 74]. The entire length of the redundant
of 8% and 10%, respectively. colon should be removed. The non-urgent sigmoid resec-
Overall, there are insufficient data to support one tech- tion results in low morbidity and mortality in the range
nique over another in emergent cases for sigmoid volvu- of 0–12% [2, 20, 26, 27, 47, 52]. The decision for laparot-
lus, as most show no difference in mortality or overall omy versus laparoscopy should be left to the comfort of
surgical postoperative complications among the various the surgeon [20, 70, 71]. Typically, stoma creation in the
approaches [57–59, 65, 66]. Despite the evidence, end non-emergency setting is not usually required.
colostomy creation is often the most appropriate choice Recommendation 7: Non-resectional operative
for hemodynamically unstable patients or when there are procedures (detorsion, sigmoidoplasty and mesosig-
significant concomitant factors, such as increased ASA or moidoplasty) are inferior to sigmoid colectomy for
Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II score, the prevention of recurrent volvulus and should be
coagulopathy, acidosis or hypothermia, all of which add avoided. Strong recommendation based on low-quality
prohibitive risk to the integrity of a colorectal anastomo- evidence, 1C.
sis [22, 58, 60, 67–69]. Operative detorsion alone, detorsion with intraperito-
The role of laparoscopic surgery for emergency colo- neal or extraperitoneal fixation (sigmoidopexy) and tai-
rectal operations is still unclear. One recent comparison loring of the sigmoid mesentery to broaden its base and
of open and laparoscopic cases demonstrated a twofold prevent torsion (mesosigmoidopexy) are non-resectional
increase in anastomotic leaks in the latter group but techniques that have been described for the definitive
similar overall postoperative morbidity [57]. Additional treatment of sigmoid volvulus in patients with a viable
published results indicate that the laparoscopic approach colon. Recurrence after the non-resectional techniques is
is a suitable alternative to laparotomy in select cases by variable, but expectedly higher than a sigmoid resection
surgeons who are competent with this technique [34, [2, 5, 20, 22].
70–72]. Bhatnagar and Sharma [75] performed detorsion and
Recommendation 6: For patients with success- extraperitoneal sigmoid colon fixation in 84 patients in
ful endoscopic decompression, sigmoid colectomy whom no recurrences were observed. However, other
should be offered to prevent recurrent volvulus. The series have described a 29–36% recurrence rate after sig-
colectomy should be performed as early as possible, moidopexy [4, 26, 50].
even during the index admission. Grade of Recom- Subrahmanyam [76] achieved excellent results with
mendation: Strong recommendation based on low- mesosigmoidoplasty. They had recurrence in only 2 out
quality evidence, 1C. of 126 patients. Akgun [77] reported no recurrence in 15
After colonoscopic detorsion followed by conservative patients after mesosigmoidoplasty. However, Oren et  al.
management, the recurrence rate of sigmoid volvulus
Tian et al. World Journal of Emergency Surgery (2023) 18:34 Page 6 of 10

[22] and Atamanalp [20] reported a 16–21% recurrence will not be adequate. Intraoperative findings of con-
rate after mesosigmoidoplasty. comitant megacolon and/or megarectum will predict for
Studies have shown that detorsion only results in increased recurrence [89].
30–35% morbidity and 11–15% mortality. It also has a Morrissey et al. [87] reviewed the long-term postopera-
recurrent volvulus rate of 18–48%. This method of inter- tive course of 29 patients who underwent surgery for sig-
vention is now discouraged [20, 22, 25, 51, 52]. moid volvulus. The overall recurrence rate was 36%. The
Recommendation 8: Endoscopic fixation of the sig- major variable was the degree of colonic involvement,
moid colon may be considered in select patients in since patients whose disease was limited to the sigmoid
whom operative interventions present a prohibitive colon had a 6% recurrence rate compared to 82% for
risk. Grade of Recommendation: Weak recommenda- those with associated megacolon (p = .005). In patients
tion based on low-quality evidence, 2C. with megacolon treated by subtotal colectomy, no recur-
Sigmoid volvulus is often encountered in older patients, rences were documented.
some of whom may be unfit for abdominal operations. Strom et al. [88] reviewed a 30-year experience in man-
For this subset of patients, small case series have reported agement of 129 patients with 163 acute obstructions due
advanced endoscopic techniques as a less invasive means to sigmoid volvulus. Recurrent obstruction of the colon
to prevent recurrent sigmoid volvulus. was observed in 47 (or 45%) of 104 patients who survived
The percutaneous endoscopic colostomy (PEC) tech- their initial obstructive episode. Sigmoid volvulus was
nique is performed to fix the sigmoid colon to the ante- identified to be the cause of recurrent obstruction in 36
rior abdominal wall, restricting its mobility, with the aim of 47 patients, while atonic bowel, involving the sigmoid
of preventing recurrent volvulus. Fixation of the colon alone or more proximal colon as well, was responsible for
has been performed using T fasteners or by percutaneous the other 11 recurrent obstructions. Strom concluded
tube colostomy placement with or without laparoscopic that sigmoid excision was corrective only if bowel atony
assistance [26, 78–83]. was limited to that portion of the colon. Only more
Baraza et al. [78] performed PEC on 19 elderly patients extensive colectomy, so as to include all flaccid colon,
with recurrent sigmoid volvulus. Baraza found major consistently obviated recurrence.
complications (including peritonitis, tube migration and Recommendation 10: Colonic volvulus in pregnancy
death) occurred in 2 patients (10%) and minor com- is rare. Treatment will require a multidisciplinary
plications (e.g., abdominal wall bleeding or infection) approach, taking into account the stage of pregnancy.
occurred in 7 patients (37%). There were 8 deaths from Grade of Recommendation: Strong recommendation
unrelated causes. Of the 6 patients who underwent based on low-quality evidence, 1C.
removal of the PEC tube(s), after 6 to 26 months of fixa- Colonic volvulus is the first or second leading cause of
tion, none experienced recurrent volvulus at a median organic bowel obstruction in pregnant women, although
follow-up of 35 months. very few cases have been reported in the literature (about
Daniels et  al. [79] reported on 14 patients with PEC. a hundred). Both diagnosis and treatment pose prob-
The PEC maintained reduction of the volvulus in each lems that may threaten both the maternal and especially,
of the 5 patients in whom it was left in place but in only the fetal prognosis. It typically occurs in a multiparous
3 of 6 in whom the PEC was subsequently removed. At woman (in 75% of cases), and in the 3rd trimester in two-
present, PEC should generally be reserved for patients thirds of cases [90].
in whom established operative interventions are deemed The clinical and laboratory abnormalities are non-spe-
too high risk. cific. Maternal and fetal prognosis is both worsened by
Recommendation 9: Patients who have concomi- delay in diagnosis that can lead to colonic necrosis in 23%
tant megacolon and sigmoid volvulus, should undergo of cases  [91]. Choice of imaging modalities depends on
subtotal colectomy. Sigmoid colectomy alone is insuf- the term of the pregnancy but magnetic resonance imag-
ficient as the volvulus tends to recur in the remnant ing may be an attractive option [92]. For uncomplicated
segments of colon. Grade of Recommendation: Strong sigmoid volvulus, endoscopic detorsion is recommended
recommendation based on low-quality evidence, 1C. but may be ineffective especially in the  third trimes-
Sigmoid volvulus in association with megacolon is not ter because of the volume of the uterus.
a well-published area of research. Clinically, this con- The multidisciplinary strategy will therefore depend
dition is suspected when a digital rectal examination on the term of pregnancy and the fetal prognosis. In
reveals a capacious rectum and the colon proximal to the ideal circumstances, definitive surgery is recommended
volvulus is dilated significantly throughout [84]. These after childbirth, but can be performed without significant
patients suffer from chronic colonic constipation and impact on the fetus, from the second trimester onward.
dysfunction [85–88]. Limited resection of the sigmoid
Tian et al. World Journal of Emergency Surgery (2023) 18:34 Page 7 of 10

The reported rates of maternal and  fetal mortality  are sign. Abdominal CT remains the gold standard and usu-
6–12% and 20–26%, respectively [92]. ally reveals a dilated colon with an air/fluid level and the
Recommendation 11: Ileosigmoid volvulus is rare “whirl sign,” which represents twisted colon and mesen-
and most require surgical decompression. Grade of tery [5, 21, 24, 28, 33–41, 95].
Recommendation: Strong recommendation based on Raveenthiran et  al. [5] recently provided more insight
low-quality evidence, 1C. into the pathophysiology of acute sigmoid volvulus.
Ileosigmoid volvulus is exceptional, although near Increasing intraluminal pressure impairs capillary perfu-
endemic in the “volvulus belt” of Africa, Asia and the sion following the occurrence of acute sigmoid volvulus.
Middle East. Affected patients are usually young men Mechanical obstruction due to twisting of mesenteric
(4th to 5th decade) [93]. vessels and thrombosis of meso-sigmoid veins contribute
Three types of ileosigmoid volvulus have been to ischemia. Ischemic injury in the mucosa occurs ear-
described: lier than in other colonic layers and facilitates bacterial
translocation and toxemia. A competent ileocecal valve
Type  I: the ileum wraps around the sigmoid clock- converts the proximal colon into a second “closed loop.”
wise or anticlockwise (about 55% of cases); Prompt and optimal correction of these pathophysiologi-
Type  II: sigmoid wraps around the ileum clockwise cal features is vital to improve the prognosis of sigmoid
or counterclockwise (about 5% of cases); volvulus.
Type  III: the ileocecal region wraps around the sig- The optimal treatment of sigmoid volvulus depends
moid (less than 5% of cases). on the patient’s initial presentation. If the patient pre-
sents with septic shock or bowel ischemia or perfora-
There are some unclassifiable variants; the rotation is tion, an urgent upfront surgery is warranted. Performing
clockwise in about 2/3 of cases [93]. a single-step resection and anastomosis or a Hartmann’s
The clinical picture is that of an acute onset of bowel procedure should be based on the patient’s overall clini-
obstruction, often with systemic toxicity. Unfortunately, cal condition and intraoperative findings, e.g., presence
there is often treatment delay. Indeed, the diagnosis is of abdominal fecal contamination. The data on the ben-
made in only 20% of cases and intestinal necrosis of the efits of a laparoscopic approach in the emergency setting
ileum and/or sigmoid colon is observed in 70% of cases. as compared to an open approach still remain unclear [2,
Diagnosis currently relies on abdominopelvic CT. The 4, 20–22, 26, 27, 42, 49, 57–61, 65–72].
therapeutic management requires fluid and electrolyte Emergency surgery is associated with significant mor-
resuscitation followed by surgery: double resection with tality and morbidity. Kassi et  al. [96] reported that the
or without restoration of continuity depending on the mortality rate was 12% (n = 3) for Hartmann’s procedure.
operating findings. Mortality is high, reaching 73% in Surgical site infections (42.86%) were the most common
some series [94]. complications. 11 of 22  (50%) patients had intestinal
continuity restored. Bhatnagar et  al. [58] reported that
the risk factors for mortality were: (1) age over 60 years;
(2) presence of shock on admission; and (3) positive his-
Sigmoid volvulus is the third most common cause of
tory of a previous episode of volvulus. With regard to the
large-bowel obstruction [27]. It has a wide geographic
former two risk factors, special efforts are necessary by
variation, and it differs significantly between high-inci-
intensive care staff to monitor homeostatic disturbance
dence countries and low-incidence countries [15]. This
and reduce mortality in older patients (> 60  years) and
variation may be associated with differences in anatomy
those presenting with shock at the time of admission.
[10]. Acute sigmoid volvulus usually occurs in adult men.
Conversely, if the patient is not in extremis, and the
The mean age was found to be between 56 and 77 years,
volvulus is uncomplicated, then the first line of treat-
and nearly one-third of all colonic emergencies in elderly
ment is endoscopic decompression [2, 3, 20–22, 26, 27,
patients are due to sigmoid volvulus [95].
47, 52–54]. We strongly recommend that after resolution
Sigmoid volvulus can cause a wide range of symptoms
of the volvulus, sigmoid resection should be offered and
from non-specific abdominal pain to acute abdomen. A
preferably performed during the index admission. With-
proper patient assessment has to focus on clinical history,
out resection, the change of a recurrence remains high
physical examination and blood tests to discern between
[2, 4, 5, 20, 22, 26, 50, 76, 77] and quality of life may be
critical patients and non-critical ones [2, 3, 5, 20, 21, 27,
impaired. In high-risk patients, endoscopic fixation of the
28, 30–32].
colon (percutaneous endoscopic colostomy) can be con-
Urgent radiology is critical in achieving a diagno-
sidered [26, 78–83].
sis. Plain abdominal radiographs are the first line tests.
The classical sign of sigmoid volvulus is the coffee bean
Tian et al. World Journal of Emergency Surgery (2023) 18:34 Page 8 of 10

Non-operative treatment is successful in 70–91% of Hospital St George, Plovdiv, Bulgaria. 8 Department of Surgical Sciences
and Advanced Technologies “GF Ingrassia”, Cannizzaro Hospital, University
cases, with reported complication rates of 2–4.7% in geri- of Catania, Catania, Italy. 9 Fondazione Policlinico Universitario A. Gemelli
atric patients [96, 97]. Colonoscopic derotation simply IRCCS, Catholic University, Rome, Italy. 10 Department of Surgery,
converts an emergency into an elective procedure, which Harborview Medical Center, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA.
Division of Trauma, Surgical Critical Care, Burns, and Acute Care
facilitates treatment of comorbidity and allows prepara- Surgery, Department of Surgery, UCSD Health System - Hillcrest Campus,
tion of the bowel prior to definitive surgery. San Diego, CA, USA. 12 Department of Abdominal Surgery, Abdominal
Following derotation, ischemia–reperfusion injury Center, University of Helsinki and Helsinki University Central Hospital,
Helsinki, Finland. 13 Department of Surgery, Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal
aggravates intestinal dysfunction, and even intestinal University, Kaliningrad, Russia. 14 Department of Upper GI Surgery, Royal
ulcer and perforation. Peritoneal exudate, high intestinal Infirmary of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK. 15 Queen’s Medical
fluid accumulation, electrolyte disturbances and hypo- Center, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI, USA. 16 Trauma and General
Surgeon Royal Perth Hospital, The University of Western Australia, Perth,
proteinemia lead to serious adverse consequences. Con- Australia. 17 Department of Minimally Invasive Surgery, Guastalla Hospital,
sequently, effective treatment following colonoscopic AUSL-IRCCS Reggio, Emilia, Italy. 18 Emergency and General Surgery
derotation is very important. Fluid resuscitation should Department, University of Milan-Bicocca, Milan, Italy. 19 Department
of Anesthesia and Intensive Care, Parma University Hospital, Parma,
be performed immediately. Broad-spectrum antibiotics Italy. 20 Trauma Department, University of California, Davis, Sacramento,
are indicated to control bacterial translocation across the CA, USA. 21 Department of Digestive and Emergency Surgery, S. Maria
ischemic intestinal wall [23]. Hospital Trust, Terni, Italy. 22 School of Medicine and Health Science,
University of Otago, Wellington Campus, Wellington, New Zealand. 23
Division of General Surgery, IRCCS Policlinico San Donato, University
of Milan, Milan, Italy. 24 Department of Surgery, Nankai Clinical School
Conclusions of Medicine, Tianjin Nankai Hospital, Tianjin Medical University, Tianjin,
China. 25 Department of Colorectal Surgery, Queen Alexandra Hospital,
Sigmoid volvulus is a common emergency, especially University of Portsmouth, Southwick Hill Road, Cosham, Portsmouth, UK
in elderly patients. Urgent endoscopic decompression 26
General, Emergency and Trauma Surgery, Pisa University Hospital, Pisa,
is warranted, except in cases where ischemia or colonic Italy. 27 Division of Trauma, Critical Care University of Southern California,
Los Angeles, USA. 28 Department of General and Thoracic Surgery,
perforation is suspected, in which case upfront sigmoid University Hospital of Giessen, Giessen, Germany. 29 General Surgery
colectomy is recommended. For patients who have had Department, Papa Giovanni XXIII Hospital, Bergamo, Italy. 30 Department
successful endoscopic decompression of the colon, an of Surgery, Macerata Hospital, Macerata, Italy. 31 Department of Surgery,
Denver Health Medical Center, Denver, CO, USA. 32 Division of General
early elective resection with or without anastomosis Surgery, Rambam Health Care Campus, Haifa, Israel. 33 Academic Unit
should be considered to prevent future recurrence. of General Surgery “V. Bonomo”, Department of Biomedical Sciences
and Human Oncology, University of Bari, Bari, Italy. 34 Department
of General Surgery, Royal Perth Hospital, University of Western
Author contributions Australia, Perth, Australia. 35 Anesthesia and Intensive Care Unit, AUSL
BWCAT prepared the main manuscript. Rest of authors reviewed and edited Romagna, M. Bufalini Hospital, Cesena, Italy. 36 Department of Digestive,
the manuscript and polled the consensus statements. All authors reviewed Hepato‑Pancreato‑Biliary Surgery and Liver Transplantation, Henri
and approved the manuscript. Mondor University Hospital, Paris, France. 37 General Surgery Department,
Military Teaching Hospital, Dakar, Senega
No funding involved.
Received: 19 February 2023 Accepted: 21 April 2023
Availability of data and materials
Not applicable.

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91. Alshawi JS. Recurrent sigmoid volvulus in pregnancy: report of a case and
review of the literature. Dis Colon Rectum. 2005;48:1811–3. Learn more biomedcentral.com/submissions

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