Asphyxia and Barotrauma
Asphyxia and Barotrauma
Asphyxia and Barotrauma
o Trying to swallow large pieces of poorly chewed Signs of choking are absent because of high
food blood alcohol which inhibits the gag reflex
o Drinking alcohol before or during meals PM appearance: the foreign body if
Alcohol dulls the nerved that aid in embedded in a thick mucus in the trachea
o Wearing dentures Traumatic asphyxia
Dentures make it difficult to sense whether - Resulting from trauma to the chest or pressure on
food is fully chewed before it is swallowed the chest and abdomen which prevent respiratory
- Blockage of the internal airways movements (burking)
- Homicides are rare - Penetrating trauma e.g. stab injury- pneumothorax,
- Most are accidental: lung collapse
o Posterior pharyngeal and laryngeal obstruction - Non penetrating trauma e.g. run over car accident-
due to foreign bodies fracture of rib, restriction of respiratory movements
o Food aspiration from the severe pain occurring during respiration
o Associated with: - Pressure on the chest and abdomen- burial in earth
Alcohol intoxication following house collapse, landslide, mudslide,
Senility crushing by the crowd, stamped, as in case of fire
Mental retardation
Absent gag reflex Chemical asphyxia
o Acute epiglottitis - Prevention of utilization of oxygen at the cellular
- No typical findings at autopsy except obstruction of level
airway - Carbon monoxide
- Accidental choking o Usually accidental
o Most common o Cherry red discoloration
o Inhalation od irritant fumes o Headache- 1st symptom at levels of 10-20%
o Inhalation of foreign material such as food or o Dyspnea and dizziness (levels 20-30%)
dentures o Seizures (levels 30-40%)
o Inhalation of dust and sand in falling of house o Atraumatic rhabdomyosis (myoglobin binds CO
o Falling back of the tongue epileptic fit and prevents normal muscle function)
o Café coronary or fatal choking on food o Delayed neurologic deficits (memory deficits,
Sudden collapse during or shortly after meal apathy)
and the autopsy examination should not o Laboratory findings:
only attempt to demonstrate airway Lactic acidosis (shift to anaerobic glycolysis)
occlusion by a bolus of food but also to Increase CO levels in blood
identify or exclude underlying neurological o Treatment:
disease Hyperbaric oxygen therapy
Impaction of food in the sensitive larynx Administer 100% oxygen therapy with
causes sudden death due to cardiac arrest nonrebreather mask or ET tube
Healthy intoxicated person in hotel while - Hydrogen cyanide
eating suddenly turns blue, coughs violently, o Usually suicidal
collapses and dies - Hydrogen sulfide
At autopsy, a large food bolus seen in the o Virtually all accidental
larynx obstructing air passage o Working in sewer plants and cess pools
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Environmental asphyxiation o Died from injury before being thrown into the
- Hazards of poor or no ventilation: water
o Lack of oxygen (headache, fatigue, asphyxiation, o Died from injuries while in the water
particularly in confined spaces) o Died from the effects of immersion other than
o Excessive heat, cold and humidity drowning (e.g., exhaustion, exposure to cold
o Toxic fumes (e.g lead, cadmium, zinc) waters)
o Toxic vapors (e.g. benzene, toluene, TCE, MEK) o Died from drowning
o Toxic gases (e.g. hydrogen sulphide, ammonia - Phases
o Dusts (causing poisoning or gradually reduced o Breath holds
lung capacity o Inhalation of water, coughing, vomiting and loss
o Fire/explosion of consciousness
- Types of asphyxia that leads to death as a result of o Convulsions, respiratory arrest then cardiac
accidental happening and occurs in relation to closed arrest
spaces, deep sea diving or very high altitude (e.g. a - Brouarderl’s experiment
child trapped inside the trunk or unused refrigerator, o Stage of surprise (5—10 seconds)
an adult fell into a deep well) o 1st stage of respiratory failure (1 min)
- Excavation hazards o Stage of deep respiration (1 min)
o Cave-ins are the greatest risk o 2nd stage of respiratory arrest (1 min)
o Other hazards include: o Stage of terminal grasp (30 seconds)
Asphyxiation due to lack of oxygen - Classification:
Inhalation of toxic materials o Typical or wet drowning- obstruction of air
Fire passages and lungs by inhalation of fluid; salt or
Moving machinery near the edge of freshwater drowning; typical signs are found at
excavation can cause collapse autopsy
Accidental severing of underground utility o Atypical or dry drowning- conditions in which
lines there is very little or no inhalation of water of
- Clean air act of 1970 fluid in the air passages, water may enter URT
o Set national ambient air quality standard for six but not the lungs
criteria air pollutants (CO, NO2, SO4, particulates, o Immersion syndrome (vagal inhibition)- water
ozone, hydrocarbons) striking epigastrium, cold water entering ear
drums, nasal passages, larynx, pharynx
Drowning o Secondary drowning syndrome/ near drowning-
- A form of asphyxia death due to aspiration of fluid delayed death
into the air passage by submersion of the body in o Submersion if the unconscious
water or fluid medium - Occurs when eater is inhaled, filling up the alveolar
- Complete submersion not necessary, submersion of spaces and preventing gas exchange
nose and mouth is enough - In warm water, irreversible hypoxia = 3-10 minutes
- Bodies retrieved/removed from water may have: - Diagnosis is by exclusion
o Died from sudden natural disease before falling - Abundant bloody edema forth throughout airway
into the water (e.g. a person walking near water - Water may be present in stomach
falls in due to IHD/CAD) - Washerwoman’s hands
o Died from sudden natural disease while already o Shrivelled and pale skin
in the water o After being submerged for 1-2 hours
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o Evidence of water swallowing- gravel, dirt, sand, Physical Injuries Due to Changes in Atmospheric
aquatic vegetations, shells, etc. Pressure
o It is a positive sign of antemortem drowning
o Water cannot enter into the stomach & intestine Barotrauma
when a dead body is thrown into water such as - The normal atmospheric pressure at sea level is 760
in vagal inhibition, shock or syncope, advanced mmHg
putrefaction, unconsciousness before falling into - The person is subjected to an increase of
water atmospheric pressure as he goes deeper in a body of
- Features of antemortem drowning: water and a decrease as he ascend higher in the
o Cadaveric spasm with firmly grasped vegetable atmosphere
materials, etc - Refers to medical problems that arise from the
o Froth is white, fine (small bubbles), lathery (soft), pressure difference between areas of the body and
tenacious (adherent/sticky), copious (abundant, the environment and is a particular concern for
constant) scuba divers
o Haemorrhage in middle ear (water through - Kinds:
Eustachian tube) o Hyperbarism
o Lungs: o Hypobarism
Trait Freshwater Seawater - Rupture of alveolus with subsequent entry of air into
Size & weight Ballooned but Ballooned and the pleural space (pneumothorax) and/or tracking or
light heavy air along the vascular bundle to mediastinum
color Pale pink Purplish/ bluish (pneumomedistinum)
consistency emphysematous soft - Risk factors:
After removal Do not collapse Collapse o Large tidal volume
On cut section Crepitus heard, Crepitus absent o Elevated peak inspiratory pressures
with froth, no Froth + fluid
fluid Hyperbarism
o Specific signs: - Increase atmospheric pressure
Sign of krushevsky- full of small bubbles - A condition is observed underwater by scuba divers,
white foam in respiratory tracts pearl divers, salvage divers, treasure hunters,
Spots of rasskazov-lukomsky- reddening and pleasure swimmers, etc.
edema of mucous tunic of respiratory tract, - Henry’s law: at constant temperature, the amount of
increasing and emphysema of lungs, pale gas discovered in a liquid is directly proportional to
dim hemorrhages on their surface the pressure
Sign of moro- presence of water in small - Nitrogen narcosis- rupture or drunkenness of the
intestine and abdominal cavity deep (the nitrogen an inert gas comprising 80% of
Sign of sveshnikov- presence of liquid of the air in the lungs is also dissolved in the body fluid),
drowning environment in the sinus of this condition is preceded by euphoria
sphenoid - A rapid decent may cause rupture of the blood
Increasing of liver in size and presence of vessels and haemorrhage
plankton in inner organs - The eardrum may bulge inward resulting to
stretching pain, haemorrhage and ultimate
perforation of the lymphatic membrane
- Cerebral anoxia due to prolonged stay underwater
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- At higher altitude the oxygen content of the
atmosphere become lesser and lesser, hypoxia will
be felt between 8, 000-15, 0000 ft level.
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