Activities For Learning
Activities For Learning
Activities For Learning
Before progressing through the guidelines in this topic, the reader would
benefit from first reviewing the information about formal and systematic
training, especially the ADDIE model, at Formal Training Processes --
Instructional Systems Design (ISD) and ADDIE.
Then scan the contents of the second phase of the ADDIE model of
systematic planning of training, Designing Training Plans and Learning
Objectives. (This development phase is the third phase of the ADDIE model.)
Also, note that there is a document, Complete Guidelines to Design Your
Training Plan, that condenses the guidelines from the various topics about
training plans to guide you to develop a training plan. That document also
provides a Framework to Design Your Training Plan that you can use to
document the various aspects of your plan.
A written proposal for how they would carry out training, evaluation methods,
cost, etc.
The goals preferred from the training, when to have training and what
evaluation results should occur
Request that trainers remain available for follow-up consultation if desired
Ask the trainer what methods they use to ensure their consultation projects
are successful with clients
Ask for at least three references
Consider having the employee briefly meet with the consultant to discuss
training needs and establish a rapport
See the extensive advice and the sample forms for a request for proposals, a
proposal from consultants and a consultation plan.
1. Written reports describing what learning activities have occurred and what
results were produced
2. Observation of the employee by a supervisor or other skilled expert equipped
to assess progress of the employee
3. A portfolio or collection of results showing the employees' improvement over
4. A presentation from the employee that includes description of learning
activities and a display of results, etc
For centuries, apprenticeships were the major approach to learning a craft. The
apprentice worked with a recognized master craftsperson. Particularly during times
of low unemployment, businesses are eager to get any kind of help they can find.
Seeking an apprenticeship may be a very useful and effective way to eventually
develop a new skill.
Career Counseling
Hopefully, learners have the opportunity to work with their supervisors to develop
career plans which identify areas for improvement or advancement, how those areas
can be addressed and when. See Career Advancement.
Coaching is becoming a very popular means of development, and often includes
working one-on-one with the learner to conduct a needs assessment, set major
goals to accomplish, develop an action plan, and support the learner to accomplish
the plan. The learner drives these activities and the coach provides continuing
feedback and support. See Coaching.
Continuous Learning
Continuous learning is learning how to learn. Typically, this involves developing skills
in reflection, which is the ability to continually inquire and think about experience to
draw conclusions and insights. It also involves the ability to conceptualize the
learning process. Continuous learning is often associated with the concepts of
systems thinking and organizational learning. Continuous learning is NOT about
continually taking courses -- it's about developing skills in reflection and inquiry --
it's about learning how to learn so that your life and work experiences become your
own learning lab. Organizations and other environments are changing rapidly.
Therefore, it's extremely important to continually be aware of those changes, and to
be reflecting on them and learning from them, as well.
A Basic Definition
How Many Steps to Continuous Learning? None
Universities, colleges and training centers often have a large number of courses in
management, professional and personal development. If the learner is looking to
build a skill, then he or she must actually apply new information from these courses
-- otherwise, the learner is collecting information (hopefully, knowledge), rather
than building skills.
Internships are offered usually by organizations to college students wanting to find
work experience during the summer months. The internships offer precious, real-life
job experience and the organizations often get skilled, highly dedicated service.
Many times, interns go on to be hired by the organizations, as well.
Job Assignments
Job assignments are wonderful opportunities from which to learn. We just aren't
used to thinking of them that way. To cultivate learning, consider having employees
write short reports, including an overview of what they did, why they did it, what
areas of knowledge and skills were used, how the job might have been done better,
and what areas of knowledge and skills would be needed to improve the job.
Job Rotations
This can be one of the most powerful forms of development, allowing learners to
experience a broad range of managerial settings, cultures and challenges.
Journaling is regularly writing down one's thoughts about past or current
experiences and thoughts. A person can significantly deepen and remember their
learning by using journaling. See Journaling.
Lectures, or focused presentations by experts on subject matter, are held in a wide
variety of locations, not just in classrooms. Professional associations often bring in
speakers. Guest lectures are often sponsored by local universities, colleges and
training centers, and announced to the public. Many times, the lectures are repeated
over local radio and television.
Memorization is one of the most frequently used methods of learning and it refers to
activities which can help the student to learn by committing the new information to
memory. An example is repeating the definition of a term until the student can
define it correctly without referencing a written definition. See Memorizing.
Hopefully, learners find experienced managers in the workplace who are willing to
take learners "under their wing" and provide ongoing coaching and mentoring.
See Mentoring.
Note taking is perhaps the most frequently used method of learning during lectures.
It involves writing the most important information conveyed by the speaker.
Experienced note takers can efficiently separate what is most important to write
down and what is not.
Off-the-Job Training
Off the job training occurs when an employee works after hours to learn.
See Training Methods: On Job Training and off the Job Training Methods.
Online Training
There are an increasing number of approaches to online learning. See Online
Learning. Sources of online training include learning from computer diskette, CD-
ROM, the Internet or Web-based training, etc.
Effective Use of Mobile Apps – New Technology in Training
A Day in the Life – Hybrid Education
Hybrid or “Blended” Education – After Week One
On-the-Job Training
This form helps particularly to develop the occupational skills necessary to manage
an organization, e.g., to fully understand the organization's products and services
and how they are developed and carried out. Also see
On the Job Training (Definition)
What is On the Job Training?
On the Job Training
Coaching Skills for On-the-Job Trainers
Other-Directed Learning
This includes having someone other than the learner identify the training goal,
methods to achieve the goal, and approaches to evaluating the training and progress
toward achieving the training goal. See Ways to Look at Training and Development
Processes: Informal/Formal and Self-Directed/Other-Directed.
Peer-Based Methods
This includes formats where peers focus on helping each other learn, e.g., by
exchanging ongoing feedback, questions, supportive challenges, materials, etc.
See Peer Learning .
Portfolios are a collection of various results from a learning and development
experience, for example, essays, presentations, art work and journals that
effectively convey the nature and extent of learning from the experience.
See Portfolios -- and Learning and Development Tool.
Professional Organizations
A wide variety of professional organizations often offer courses, seminars,
workshops and sessions from conventions.
Reflection is thinking about ones past and/or current experiences in life in order to
learn from them. Reflection can be done in a scheduled and orderly way or it can
occur in a spontaneous and unfolder manner. See Reflecting.
Self-Directed Learning
Highly motivated learners can usually gain a great deal of knowledge and skills by
identifying their own learning objectives, how to meet those objectives and how to
verify they've met the objectives, as well. See Strong Value of Self-Directed
Learning in the Workplace.
Storytelling used to be viewed only as means for entertainment. However, we
coming to understand that it also is very powerful means for enlightenment, when
listeners are guided to reflect on the stories and to identify themes and patterns that
emerge -- and tell us about ourselves, our lives and our work. See Storytelling.
Taking Tests
Although tests usually used to verify and evaluate new learning, the experience of
taking the test can be powerful means to deepen the learning about the subject
matter in the test, because the student has to recall the new information and affirm
it by writing it down in the test. See Taking-Tests.
Tutorials includes guidance to proceed through learning some technique or
procedure, e.g., a tutorial on using a computer software package. There are an
increasing number of online tutorials (tutorials available on diskette, CD-ROM, over
the Internet, etc.).
Also, scan the Recommended Books listed below. They have been selected for their
relevance and highly practical nature.
Recommended Books