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Introduction 2 Stair treads 60

- About MEISER 4 - Applications 64
- MEISER press locked grating 6 - Stair treads types 66
- Te c h n i c a l t e r m s 10 - Raised safety nosing 67
- Material 14
- Galvanising Plant 15 Fixing Clips 68
- Sur face refinement 16
Product range 74
Press locked grating 18 - Staircases 76
- Applications 22 - Profile grating 77
- Full grating 24 - Scaf folding 78
- Heavy duty grating 25 - GRP 79
- Louvre grating 26 - Drainage channels 80
- Full press locked louvre grating 26 - Heavy duty channels 82
- Patent Grating 28 - Special sections 84
- Ultra grating 29 - Galvanised strip/barrel hoop 84
- Vineyard fence posts 84
Shelf grating 30 - Fall protection mats and
- Loose-fitting designs 34 s p o t - w e l d e d w i r e m e s h e s 84
- Inser ted designs 36
- Checklist 38 Stock programme 86

Press welded grating 40 Statics and load tables 96

- Applications 44 - Load tables for stair treads 98
- Press welded grating 46 - Load tables for grating 10 0
- Of fshore press welded grating 47
- Press welded grating with Safety 110
s m o o t h r o u n d b a r s 47 - Anti-skid-proper ties 114
- Slip protection serration types 116
Special grating 48
- Applications 52 Ser vice / Standards and cer tificates 118
- Finned grating 54 - Service 12 0
- Barefoot grating 54 - External sales force 121
- Comb grating 55 - Service / complaints management 12 2
- To l s u n 56 - Quality and environment 12 3
- Fences 58 - Manufacturing technology skills 124
- Checklist for grating 12 6
- Standards and Cer tificates 12 8
- MEISER international 13 2

Masthead 13 5

A B O U T meiser

MEISER, founded in 1956, is a medium-sized, owner-managed 50 years after the company was founded by Edmund Meiser,
family business with its company headquarters in Schmelz- we still remain true to our origins and traditional values as a fa-
Limbach in the Saarland. In the field of grating MEISER has a mily business. Long-term planning and reliability characterise
leading position worldwide. The product range is supplemen- our daily work, which is supported by flexible and enthusiastic
ted by other business segments. employees as well as modern and highly efficient machinery.

This includes the field of steel processing with its own slitting For us, economic activity is associated primarily with people.
plants and cold rolling centres. Furthermore, MEISER operates That is why we place special emphasis on our personal and
traditional hot dip galvanising plants and a strip galvanising individual contact with you, our business partners and custo-
plant. The diversification is rounded off by the production of mers. We are always available to discuss your requirement.
sheet metal profile grating, staircase systems, special sec-
tions, scaffolding systems and barrel hoops. We are only able to make progress if you – our customer – is
satisfied over the long term. The many unusual projects that we
MEISER employs 2,400 people worldwide, 1,700 of whom have implemented together with our customers confirm to us
work at the locations in Germany. The two main production fa- that this is the right route for us to take. We would be delighted
cilities in the Saarland and Saxony are supplemented by manu- to include you among our customers – you can depend on us!
facturing facilities in France, Belgium, Hungary, Dubai, Egypt,
Brazil and Morocco. With numerous other branches, MEISER is
represented almost all over the world. Personal support for our Edmund, Wolfgang and Ulrich Meiser
customers on site is therefore guaranteed.


BOTTOM, from left to right: WOLFGANG MEISER,
6 T he G rati n g

MEISER Press Locked Grating

Grating is a structural element that has a high load- try. Grating is installed in refineries, power stations, steel
bearing capacity with a low dead weight and a high mills, mines and on oil platforms. Every steelworker, me-
level of transparency. The positive-fitting connection of talworker and fitter needs grating in his trade. Grating
the bearing bars and cross bars with the surround make is being used increasingly more in the logistics industry
the grating not only a very stable, but also visually at- as platform flooring and shelves. Architects and building
tractive product. The applications are very diverse, as owners appreciate the grating as a product which is
grating is used everywhere in industry and architecture. both aesthetically pleasing and functional – be this as
As an extremely robust, safe yet light platform flooring, decorative facade cladding, a suspended ceiling or sun
the grating is indispensable in all areas of heavy indus- shield.

European court of Justice, Luxembourg

MEISER offers the largest range of grating worldwide. The delivery. MEISER grating is 100 % made by MEISER. More
diversity of possible applications also requires an unusu- than 80 % of all grating are made to measure at our two
ally large variety of products. Together with our customers factories in the Saarland and Vogtland for our customers.
we select the right grating from our range. Grating is almost Our employees will be pleased to support and advise
always relevant to safety, and we are well aware of this re- you with planning your projects. Static calculations and
sponsibility. When one is standing high up on a „breezy“ quantity surveys also form part of our scope of services.
platform made of MEISER grating, one understands the
importance of quality and reliability. We set the highest MEISER grating – sustainable concepts.
standards for our products – from the planning stage to
8 T he G rati n g

Top: Oil and gas manufacturing company, Katar

Bottom, from left to right:
Pedestrian bridge, Emmendingen; Multi-storey carpark,
Bielefeld; Porsche high-bay warehouse, Austria
10 T ech n ical T erms

Bearing bars Cross bars

Bearing bars are load-bearing, vertical flat bars which run The cross bars run at right angles to the bearing bars,
parallel to one another from one support to the next. connecting them together through compression and/or
welding at the crossover points.

Edge banding Mesh width

All grating is banded as a rule by flat bars, T-shaped sec- (a) the clear distance between the bearing bars or the
tions or U-shaped sections. cross bars.

Mesh spacing

(b) distance from centre to centre of bearing bars or the

cross bars.


c = centre

Mesh size

The mesh size is largely determined by the mesh spacing, value is the distance between the cross bars. We would
whereby the distance between the bearing bars (BB) and like to illustrate this here using an example of 33.3 x 11.1
cross bars (CB) can be different. In all tables the first value and 11.1 x 33.3 (distance from the centre of the bar to the
is the distance between of the bearing bars, the second centre of the bar).

BB BB CB 33,3 mm

11,1 mm
11,1 mm
33,3 mm

Suppor t beam centres Grating landing

Is the centre-to-centre distance of the support in the direc- The term „grating landing“ is used to describe the length
tion of the bearing bar. of the bearing bar ends which lie on the support structure.
It should correspond to the height of the bearing bars, but
Clear Span also be at minimum of 30 mm.

Is the clear distance between two supports.

min. 30 mm
r t bea
m cen
t re s

Installation / Erection clearance Cut-outs

The installation clearance is used during assembly to If the total length of the cutout is less than 0.5 mm, we call
compensate for tolerances between the steel structure this a „Small Cut-Out“.
and grating.

Angle collar Z-shaped section / MEISER special

angle collar
A bracket welded on one or more sides to the grating.
The span of the bracket should correspond at least to the Angle section with two folds, similar to the angle collar,
height of the bearing bar in this version. in which the section protrudes into a notch in the bearing
12 T ech n ical T erms

Deep Banding Kick Plate

Reinforced and raised edge surround downwards, e.g. in A raised surround plate, also known as a toe plate, is
order to achieve a certain installation height. welded on, increases safety when walked on and pro-
tects against sliding at the grating edge. This is necessa-
ry if the clearance between the grating and the adjacent
component is more than 30 mm.


Notched bearing bar Anti-skid-proper ties (Serrations)

Special notching of the bearing bars and the panel ban- Notching of bearing and cross bars to increase slip resis-
ding bars local to the support structure (notches should tance.
be not more than half the height of the bearing bars).
14 M aterial

MEISER has its own slitting plants, wire drawing devices and cold rolling centres. We are therefore able to design a grating exactly
in accordance with the requirements and wishes of our customers. Here, oversizing makes little sense, while undersizing must be
avoided under all circumstances. The ideal combination of material thickness and height, associated with the matching steel quality,
ensures the greatest possible economic benefits. That is our aspiration - not more and not less. We would like to explain the best-
known versions to you below:

Steel grades

S 235 JR (DIN EN 10025-2) Material no. Tensile strength Yield strength Elongation at
S235JR has proven its worth due to its good weldability, mallea- rupture*
bility and strength. Rm N/mm2 min. ReL N/mm2 min.
1.0038 360 - 510 ≥ 235 26%
S 275 JR (DIN EN 10025)
Material no. Tensile strength Yield strength Elongation at
S275 JR displays comparable product characteristics to S235, rupture*
although it stands out due to its somewhat higher tensile
strength and resilience. Rm N/mm2 min. ReL N/mm2 min.
1.0044 430 - 580 ≥ 275 23%

S 355 JR (DIN EN 10025) Material no. Tensile strength Yield strength Elongation at
The most important steels in the building industry are not only rupture*
the well-known concrete steels, but also the steel grades S235JR Rm N/mm2 min. ReL N/mm2 min.
and S355JR. 1.0045 510 - 680 ≥ 355 22%

All of the materials referred to have no passive layer and therefore have to be * Data applicable for product thickness from 3 mm to 40 mm and longitudinal test
protected against corrosion. Indoors a primer with an additional coat of paint is specimen with L0=5,65 * S0
sufficient for this. At least hot dip galvanisation is required out of doors.

High-grade steel

The material non-rusting high-grade steel combines beneficial sters, vehicles and sinks. V4A or 1.4571 is similar to V2A, but
properties which have today become indispensable for many is additionally alloyed with 2 % molybdenum (Mo). This me-
fields of application. Nevertheless, it is important to know ans that the high-grade steel is more resistant to corrosion in
which types of high-grade steel are particularly suitable for chloride-containing media. V4A high-grade steel is used in are-
the intended purpose, since there is no universal material that as, for example, which come into permanent contact with salt
can be used everywhere. Two generic terms are generally used water, in swimming baths and the chemical industry. It is also
in Germany: V2A or 1.4301 is a high-grade steel that is often possible to pickle and polish the surface of high-grade steel.
found in everyday use, for example in the construction of bani- This process is described in detail on the following page.


Aluminium has been increasingly used over the past few years The specific weight of aluminium is only 2.7 kg/dm (approx.
as a construction material. Its numerous beneficial properties 1/3 of the weight of steel), which in conjunction with its rela-
make aluminium an interesting and competitive alternative to tively high strength and good welding properties means that in
steel, and in the list of the most commonly used metals it is many applications it enables significant weight savings com-
behind steel in second position. pared to steel structures.


Under the actual rust layer, COR-TEN steels form a particularly proved by the building authorities, can be readily welded and
dense barrier layer as a result of weathering, which consists offers good cold and hot workability. Owing to its insensitivity
of adhesive sulphates or phosphates and protects the compo- to the effects of the weather and its characteristic patina, COR-
nent against further corrosion. A distinction is made between TEN steel is also used to provide highlights in architecture, for
Corten A and Corten B. Corten B ASTM A 588 material no. example in the case of facade cladding.
1.8963, EN 10027-1: S 355J2W is not phosphorus-alloyed, ap-
G A LVA N I S I N G P L A N T 15

Galvanising Plant
at Schmelz-Limbach

With the commissioning of the new hot dip galvanising plant

we began a new chapter in the summer of 2011. Hot dip gal-
vanising is the last but an important step in the production
of the grating and guarantees the long-term corrosion pro-
tection of MEISER products without any special maintenance
measures. Our new building combines attractive industrial
architecture with state-of-the-art technology. The environment
and the employees benefit from pollutant-free operations and
exemplary working conditions, which in no way resemble the
conventional image of a galvanising plant. Behind the beautiful
facade, many areas of the building accommodate automated
processes which ensure the highest possible level of efficiency
and quality.

Each individual grating is loaded according to schedule into

the galvanisation process and can be tracked from the time it is
hung up on the cross member to when it is taken down on the
lifting and lowering stations. There is therefore no danger that
grating will get „lost“ in the galvanising process. Chemical pre-
treatment, an environmentally sensitive process, is performed
in a fully enclosed area which passes the emissions produced
through an extraction system to a filter system, so that our envi-
ronment is not polluted in any way. Using a very powerful dryer,
we produce very clean and preheated surfaces before the gal-
vanising process. This also has a very positive effect on the
consumption of zinc and the surface quality. Zinc is a valuable
raw material which has to be handled with care.

Plauen Galvanising Plant

The Plauen Galvanising Plant („Verzinkerei Plauen“) has be-

longed to MEISER for some years now and enables us to also
offer quality from a single source in the Vogtland region. Ori-
ginally designed as a galvanising plant for steel components
and locksmith‘s products, after the reunification of Germany
a major conversion was carried out with the focus on scaffol-
ding, which was pushed through by the then operator Thyssen

Subsequently the focus has increasingly been on MEISER pro-

ducts, which make up more and more of the product range in
Plauen. With the takeover of all of the shares in the galvanising
plant in Plauen, this became an integral part of MEISER in the
Vogtland. Today the production is dominated by grating, sheet
metal profile grating, staircase systems and special profiles.
16 S urface refi n eme n t

Surface refinement
MEISER grating is characterised by durability and high quality.
This crucially depends on the correct surface treatment. In this
respect we offer our customers numerous possibilities - be this
with the focus on functionality or aesthetics. For the selection
of the surface treatment there are various factors which are de-
cisive: the personal preferences of our customer, their budget
and questions of corrosion protection.

Hot dip galvanising

MEISER grating manufactured from mild steel is usually hot dip

galvanised. In our new plant, which we put into operation in
2011, this is carried out in accordance with the specifications
of DIN EN ISO 1461. State-of-the-art galvanising and environ-
mental technology guarantee long-term corrosion protection
which is able to withstand the usual mechanical and chemical
stresses without problems.

Powder coating

If you would like to have your grating supplied in various colours,

powder coating is the least expensive and most durable soluti-
on. In this process the grating is initially degreased in immersion
baths, pickled and zinc-phosphated. Then the powder coating
material is applied electrostatically and baked at approximately
180° C.

Particularly durable corrosion protection is offered by the

MEISER DUPLEX coating, which consists of hot dip galvanising
with subsequent powder coating. The powder coating is availab-
le in all possible RAL colours in various degrees of gloss and sur-
face structures. Moreover, we are able to provide the necessary
layer thicknesses for all feasible applications from C1 to C5-M.

Pickling (high-grade steel)

MEISER high-grade steel grating is usually pickled after produc-

tion, as during manufacture the welding process results in sca-
le and discolouration, which in turn represent potential points
of attack for corrosion. In the pickling process the grating is
immersed in a pickling bath, as a result of which they are provi-
ded with a metallically pure and protected surface.

Electro-chemical-polishing (high-grade steel)

The electropolishing process represents a reversal of the

electroplating process. Under the influence of direct current,
metal is removed in an electrolyte from the anodic surface of
the workpiece. The result is smooth and shiny surfaces which
display a high level of corrosion resistance and is very easy to

Glass bead blasting

Through the use of glass beads as blasting material, MEISER

grating made of chrome steel and aluminium are further re-
fined. Blasting techniques serve to specifically create matt or
semi-gloss surfaces and to cover surface defects in the ma-
terial. The resulting semi-gloss effect is permanently retained.
The surface is cleaned of adhesive foreign particles and also
strengthened, as a result of which its durability may be pro-

Anodising (aluminium)

MEISER grating made of aluminium is anodised as standard in

order to prevent oxidation. In the anodising process, which as a
rule is carried out in an immersion bath, the material is initially
degreased and pickled before the actual anodising process is
performed. Here, the chemical process of electrolysis is used,
with an oxidised protective layer being created on the alumi-
nium. This can be coloured if the natural aluminium colour is
not desired.

Cathodic immersion bath coating (CDC)

CDC is a good combination of corrosion protection, quality,

cost-effective and environmental friendly. Corrosion protection
that offers good resistance to mechanical and chemical stress.
The underlying physical principle in electro-coating consists in
attracting materials with opposite charges and producing very
good adhesion as a result.

Before the coating process a direct current is applied to the

workpiece, which is subsequently immersed in a coating bath
with oppositely charged coating particles. In order to achieve
maximum resistance of the coating, the film subsequently har-
dens at approximately 180° Celsius in the baking oven. Vario-
us layer thicknesses are possible, although the colour selec-
tion is limited.



BMW, Vélizy
20 P ress L ocked G rati n g

MEISER Press Locked Grating

The press locked grating is the most commonly used type of
grating in many European countries today. Thanks to a produc-
tion technology which differs significantly from that used for
the press welded grating, and which enables a much greater
500 to
variety of products, this type of grating provides for an almost
unlimited number of applications. Its design allows for great
flexibility regarding the mesh size and the height and thickness
of the bearing bars. In combination with the variety of mate-
rials from which press locked grating can be manufactured,
we produce grating that are exactly in line with the customer‘s
wishes and the intended use. We do not claim that the press
locked grating is the better grating, but it is certainly the more
attractive and individually customised grating compared to the
press welded grating.

For a press locked grating, the cross bars – which as a rule are
made of cold-rolled flat steel – are pressed into the previously
punched-out bearing bars. The banding bars are designed as
T-shaped or flat sections, and are attached by means of auto-
matic resistance welding. If there is an increased risk of slip-
ping, press locked grating can be manufactured in an anti-skid
design. For this, the bearing and/or cross bars are notched on
the upper side. With press locked grating, the opposite end
meshes are usually of equal size. But here, too, applies what
has been said above: there is almost no limit to the imaginable
uses and designs of press locked grating.

Standard bearing bar profiles

Common mesh spacing for bearing bars from 2 to 3 mm Bearing bar Bearing bar Bearing bar Bearing bar
2 mm 3 mm 4 mm 5 mm
Bearing bar Cross bar
11,1 11,1 16,65 - 22,2 33,3 44,4 49,95 66,6 99,9 20/2 20/3 - -
15 11,1 16,65 - 22,2 33,3 44,4 49,95 66,6 99,9 25/2 25/3 25/4 25/5
21 11,1 16,65 21,0 22,2 33,3 44,4 49,95 66,6 99,9 30/2 30/3 30/4 30/5
22,2 11,1 16,65 21,0 22,2 33,3 44,4 49,95 66,6 99,9 35/2 35/3 35/4 35/5
33,3 11,1 16,65 21,0 22,2 33,3 44,4 49,95 66,6 99,9 40/2 40/3 40/4 40/5
44,4 11,1 16,65 21,0 22,2 33,3 44,4 49,95 66,6 99,9 45/2 45/3 45/4 45/5
55,5 11,1 16,65 21,0 22,2 33,3 44,4 49,95 66,6 99,9 50/2 50/3 50/4 50/5
66,6 11,1 16,65 21,0 22,2 33,3 44,4 49,95 66,6 99,9 - 60/3 60/4 60/5
99,9 11,1 16,65 21,0 22,2 33,3 44,4 49,95 66,6 99,9 - 70/3 70/4 70/5
- 80/3 80/4 80/5
- 90/3 90/4 90/5
Common mesh spacing for bearing bars from 4 to 5 mm
- 100/3 100/4 100/5
Bearing bar Cross bar - - - 110/5
21 16,65 22,2 33,3 44,4 50 66,6 99,9 - - - 120/5
25 16,65 22,2 33,3 44,4 50 66,6 99,9 - - - 130/5
33,3 16,65 22,2 33,3 44,4 50 66,6 99,9 - - - 140/5
50 16,65 22,2 33,3 44,4 50 66,6 99,9 - - - 150/5
66,6 16,65 22,2 33,3 44,4 50 66,6 99,9 - - - 160/5
99,9 16,65 22,2 33,3 44,4 50 66,6 99,9 - - - 170/5

We will of course be pleased to fulfil any special wishes that you may have!

German Hygiene Museum, Dresden


22 A pplicatio n s

„Bringing nature to life“ - is the motto of the treetop walk at Eder- architectural concept, which is based on natural shapes. The
see (Lake Eder). MEISER press locked grating enable visitors to grating offer a safe path through the treetops in all weathers.
walk along the route in safety and harmonise perfectly with the

Anodised MEISER press locked grating contribute to the design lighted with coloured light, the grating underline the exclusivity of
of the showroom at the Porsche Centre in Lübeck. Cleverly high- the vehicles on show.


The walkways across the Saarbrucken extinguishing water When the walkways and grating were being designed, the mo-
ponds are covered with MEISER press locked grating in an dern style of the surrounding building complexes was taken
antiskid design. As in all publicly accessible areas, it must be into consideration.
ensured here that the surface is slip-proof in all weathers.

At the wastewater treatment plant in the Dresden suburb of Kaditz, The grating equipped with anti-skid protection provide a crossover
MEISER press locked grating provide the connection between the which is both safe and independent of the weather.
two digestion towers and the function tower of the plant.
24 P ress L ocked G rati n g T ypes

The possible uses of grating is very varied. It is possible to find grating are increasingly finding favour among architects, as
a suitable design for every application. Besides the conventio- with this type of grating it is possible to create certain high-
nal press locked grating or press welded grating, there is also lights in the design of the facade. The possible applications
a great variety of special solutions, which we would like to pre- and the design of grating is almost limitless. We will be pleased
sent to you in greater detail below. Heavy duty grating can be to advise you so that together we can find the perfect solution
driven over by heavy equipment, while full grating or finned for your application.

Full Grating

Full grating bear this name because the bearing and cross
bars have the same cross-section and are therefore of equal
height. A bearing bar is one whose ends are both supported
and whose underside is not slotted. The advantage compared
to the normal press locked grating is its improved screening
and the attractive design.

Standard bearing bar profiles

Bearing bar Bearing bar Bearing bar Common mesh spacing for bearing bars from 2 to 3 mm
2 mm 3 mm 5 mm
Bearing bar Cross bar
20/2 20/3 - 22,2 16,65 22,2 - 44,4 66,6
25/2 25/3 25/5 33,3 16,65 22,2 33,3 - 66,6
30/2 30/3 30/5 44,4 16,65 22,2 - 44,4 -
35/2 35/3 35/5 66,6 16,65 22,2 33,3 - 66,6
40/2 40/3 40/5
45/2 45/3 45/5
50/2 50/3 50/5
Common mesh spacing for bearing bars from 5 to mm
- 60/3 60/5
- 70/3 70/5 Bearing bar Cross bar
- 80/3 - 33,3 16,65 33,3 66,6 99,9
- 90/3 - 66,6 16,65 33,3 66,6 -
- 100/3 - 99,9 16,65 33,3 - 99,9

Heavy duty grating locked
From the name you can guess the intended application of the
MEISER heavy duty grating. This is press locked grating with
particularly deep and/or thick bearing bars. The dimensions
of the cross bar are adapted accordingly.

Counter gear teeth during the pressing process gives the

MEISER heavy duty grating additional stability, so that surface
loads of more than 50 tonnes and wheel loads of 10 tonnes
can be withstood without difficulty.

We adapt the exact design from case to case to the width bet-
ween supports and the intended use. Production in high-grade
steel is also possible.

Standard bearing bar profiles

Bearing bar 8 mm Bearing bar 10 mm Bearing bar 12 mm

80/8 80/10 -
90/8 90/10 -
100/8 100/10 100/12
110/8 110/10 110/12
120/8 120/10 120/12
130/8 130/10 130/12
140/8 140/10 140/12
150/8 150/10 150/12
- - 160/12
- - 170/12
- - 180/12
- - 190/12
- - 200/12

Common mesh spacing

Bearing bar Cross bar

25 50 75 100
50 50 75 100
75 50 75 100
100 50 75 100
26 P ress L ocked G rati n g T ypes

Louvre Grating
Less transparency is sometimes what is required. In these
cases the louvre grating is used. There are a large number of
applications, which are not restricted only to floor coverings in
the case of bridges, walkways and crossovers. As a sun shield
or cladding element, the louvre grating is also used in the case
of ventilation grilles, facades and suspended ceilings.

MEISER offers louvre grating in steel, aluminium and high-

grade steel. The cross bars can be pressed in at an angle of
15°, 30° or 45°, so that varying degrees of transparency can
Standard bearing bar profiles
be achieved. Please note in your planning that for this type of
2 mm 3 mm grating we are only able to produce cross bar lengths of up to
1,500 mm.
25/2 25/3
30/2 30/3
35/2 35/3
40/2 40/3
45/2 45/3
50/2 50/3
Common mesh spacing
- 60/3
- 70/3 Bearing bar Cross bar
- 80/3 33,3 16,65 22,2 33,3 66,6
- 90/3 66,6 16,65 22,2 33,3 66,6
- 100/3 99,9 16,65 22,2 33,3 66,6

Full Press Locked Louvre Grating

This special design of the louvre grating combines the techni-
cal properties of a conventional press locked grating and full
grating with the attractive design of a louvre grating. The full
press locked louvre grating is particularly suitable not only as
facade cladding, but also as a crossover or walkway covering
due to its static advantages.

The angle of the cross bars can be freely selected in this ver-
sion. The load-bearing capacity of the full press locked louvre
grating benefits from the very small punch depth of the bearing
bars, which is only 10 mm. MEISER offers the full press locked
louvre grating in steel, aluminium and high-grade steel. A not-
ching in the bearing bars is possible, so that this version also
offers a high level of slip resistance. Please note in your plan-
ning that for this type of grating we can only produce cross bar
lengths up to 1,250 mm.
Standard bearing bar profiles

2 mm 3 mm Common mesh spacing

25/2 25/3 Bearing bar Cross bar

30/2 30/3 22,2 16,65 22,2 33,3 44,4 66,6
35/2 35/3 33,3 16,65 22,2 33,3 44,4 66,6
40/2 40/3 44,4 16,65 22,2 33,3 44,4 66,6
45/2 45/3 66,6 16,65 22,2 33,3 44,4 66,6
50/2 50/3 99,9 16,65 22,2 33,3 44,4 66,6

First size mentioned = bearing bar direction; external grating dimensions

Multi-storey car park, Bielefeld

28 P ress L ocked G rati n g T ypes

Patent Grating

The MEISER patent grating is produced with a patented punch

press connection, surrounded with a U-shaped section and hot
dip galvanised. The V-shaped cross bars produce a high de-
gree of stiffness and an outstanding wiping effect.

The patent grating is therefore primarily used as a high-quality

boot scraper and an extremely stable and resilient light well
grating. A suitable angle frame with punched wall anchors can
be supplied upon request.

The patent grating is produced exclusively by MEISER.

Mesh width Grating height Bearing bar

31/24 mm 20 mm 2 mm

Ultra Grating locked
MEISER developed the ultra grating many years ago in order
to offer cut-to-size companies an alternative to the conventio-
nal press welded mats in the form of a press locked grating
500 to
design. Specially developed joining technology guarantees a
solid connection between the bearing and cross bars. This can
even be supplemented by spot welding upon request. The ultra
grating mat is therefore ideally suited for further processing,
as it is almost impossible for the cross bars to become loose
during sawing.

The ultra grating mat is also available in cross bar lengths up Standard bearing bar profiles
to 1,500 mm, so that the offcuts are significantly smaller in
comparison to the press welded mat. The ultra grating mat is 2 mm 3 mm
always trimmed and available in our stock programme in vari- 25/2 25/3
ous mesh spacing and sizes. Upon request, the cross bar side 30/2 30/3
can also be edged. 35/2 35/3
40/2 40/3

Common mesh spacing

Bearing bar Cross bar

34,3 33,3 66,6 99,9
68,6 33,3 66,6 99,9



High-bay warehouse, Dachau

32 S helf G rati n g

MEISER Shelf Grating

MEISER shelf grating offers decisive advantages within logi-
stics systems compared to other shelf coverings. In addition to
their durability, they are above all permeable to light and water.
This is a key feature when sprinkler systems are used. The high
degree of transparency of the grating means that plenty of light
is able to enter, thus providing high brightness levels in the logi-
stics system; moreover, the items stored on the shelves can be
identified from below.

Ingenious detailed solutions mean that the grating is easily

installed and offers the additional integrated benefits. On the
following pages we present our solutions, which have been
developed together with the leading suppliers of logistics

34 S helf G rati n g

L o o s e - Fi t t i n g Ve r s i o n

These versions of the MEISER shelf grating can be easily The notches are punched up to the height of the bearing bars,
locked in place on the cross-members of the shelf structure. To so that the bearing bars are located flush on the cross-member
this purpose, the T-shaped section surround, which is extended and help to improve the statics. Further specific adjustments
downwards, is provided with notches that are specifically ad- can be carried out, which are described below.
apted to the width of the cross-member.

Shelf grating with notched T-shaped section

banding bars

This is the standard design, which can be manufactured at

low cost and which is suitable for various shelves of the same
depth, but with different cross-members.

Shelf grating, bearing bar with raised edge


This grating has a raised edge surround, albeit only at the ends
of the bearing bars. The locking function is therefore less pro-
nounced, but the possible applications are somewhat more
flexible, as it is not necessary to use a specific cross-member

Shelf grating, notched with

push-through protection

Push-through protection is an important safety element in shelf

systems. If this has to be installed separately, it is associated
with considerable costs. Shelf

MEISER has a shelf grating with integrated push-through pro-

tection in its range. The rear is edged with a reinforced flat bars,
the height of which can be freely selected.

Shelf grating with additional notches in the

area of the rests for double shelves

For so-called double shelves, MEISER has also developed a

special type of grating. Additional notches allow a continuous
connection across the double shelves. This grating can also be
quickly installed.
36 S helf G rati n g

Inserted Designs

In addition to the loose-fitting versions, MEISER has also de- An important advantage of the inserted shelf grating is the
veloped this solution. Here, the ends of the bearing bars are improved effective height of the shelf spaces. Since this shelf
enclosed with a Z-shaped special section that is connected to grating is suspended between the longitudinal girders, the in-
the bearing bars by means of an automatic resistance welding sertion height of a shelf is not reduced by the grating itself.
process. This shelf grating is also very resilient as a result.

Shelf grating with Z-shaped angle section

surround / MEISER special angle collar

This is the most common design of the inserted shelf grating.

The angle collar used is a rolled section of our own design,
which is inserted into the bearing bars and additionally welded.

Shelf gratings with Z-shaped angle section

surround and push-through protection

The inserted shelf grating is also available with push-through

protection. In this case the Z-shaped special section is sup-
plemented by an additional section, which prevents the goods Shelf
from being pushed through. grating

Shelf grating with U-shaped section surround

In this version, a rolled U-shaped section is welded to the ends

of the bearing bars. The grating therefore lies within the shelves
and is also locked with the cross-members by means of the
U-shaped section. Additional safety will therefore be provided if
the shelves are subjected to excessive loads.

Grating for Double Shelves

This shelf grating element consists of two grating panels which

are connected by a U-shaped section in the central area of
the rests to form a unit. This creates a continuous connection
across the double shelves, with the full shelf height being re-
38 S helf G rati n g

Shelf Grating
Please use the checklist as a fax template to facilitate the ordering process.

Offer number/Project number

Bearing bar size Bearing bar size

1 2
Beam distance
Beam distance
Frame depth Frame depth

S helf grati n g loose - fitti n g S helf grati n g i n serted

Project data
Postcode/ZIP area Delivery date Contact person Date

Grating Versions Mesh widths

Loose-fitting grating with displacement prevention 30 x 30 mm With specification

Inserted grating with angle collar 30 x 60 mm No specification, to be optimised

Load Bearing Bearing bar BB

per shelf (frame depth mm x beam length mm) BB specification:

kg shelf load BB optimised according to load

per m²

Point loading

Shelf load Frame depth Beam length Quantity




Heating Plant, Freiham

42 P ress W elded G rati n g

Press Welded Grating

MEISER press welded grating is traditionally used in many can give savings of up to 20 % in the number of fixings required
areas of industry. The continuous welding of each individual which obviously translates into bigger savings in installation
intersection point of the bearing bar and cross bar produces an time and labour costs. MEISER press welded grating is prima-
extremely stable and hard-wearing structure. The cross bars rily used in the oil and gas industry, petro-chemical industry,
normally used in the press welded grating are twisted square
wires, which are resistance welded to the bearing bars. Common mesh spacing

This is carried out under high pressure using automatic resi- Bearing bar Cross bar
15,08 - - - 38,1 50,8 76,2 101,6
stance welding. Manufacture is carried out on production lines
17,15 - - - 38,1 50,8 76,2 101,6
that have been developed by ourselves, where we can produce 20,77 - 24,0 - 38,1 50,8 76,2 101,6*
made-to-measure grating panels without waste and in accor- 23,69 - 24,0 - 38,1 50,8 76,2 101,6*
dance with our customer wishes. This is achieved by the fact 25,00 - - - - - 76,2 101,6
that our machines can produce panels with cross bar lengths 30,15 - - - 38,1 50,8 76,2 101,6
33,00 - - 31,75 - - - -
of up to 1,250 mm, whilst other more conventional machines
34,30 19,25 24,0 - 38,1 50,8 76,2 101,6
are restricted to 1,000 mm. Utilising our larger panel widths 41,45 - 24,0 - 38,1 50,8 76,2 101,6
45,23 - 24,0 - 38,1 50,8 76,2 101,6
51,45 - 24,0 - 38,1 50,8 76,2 101,6
60,30 - 24,0 - 38,1 50,8 76,2 101,6
68,60 - 24,0 - 38,1 50,8 76,2 101,6
*available with restrictions


Cellulosic ethanol plant, Straubing

mining industry and in power stations. Where strong shearing of materials. MEISER press welded grating panels are normally
forces occur and platform flooring has to be changed frequent- banded with flat sections and can be produced in V2A and V4A
ly, the superiority of the press welded grating comes into its with round or ribbed cross bars. Upon request, for grating ma-
own. Steel fabricators also appreciate the press welded gra- nufactured in mild steel, the cross bars can be supplied in the
ting, whose stability is ideally suited to the subsequent working size 7 mm (twisted) or 8 mm (ribbed).

Standard bearing bar profiles

Bearing bar Bearing bar Bearing bar Bearing bar

2 mm 3 mm 4 mm 5 mm

- 20/3 20/4 20/5

25/2 25/3 25/4 25/5
30/2 30/3 30/4 30/5
35/2 35/3 35/4 35/5
40/2 40/3 40/4 40/5
45/2 45/3 45/4 45/5
- 50/3 50/4 50/5
- 60/3 60/4 60/5
- 70/3 70/4 70/5
- 80/3 80/4 80/5
44 A pplicatio n s

Very narrow mesh spacing, less than 15.08 mm, which is some- are arranged between the bearing bars and welded to the cross
times required for safety reasons, cannot be produced for the bar. A ball with a diameter of 9 mm, i.e. a reference size that is
press welded grating. If it is important to prevent the passage of often used, cannot fall through such a grating. Saarbahn GmbH
small parts from platforms, a close-mesh press locked grating is in Saarbrücken has installed this type of press welded grating in
the first choice. However, MEISER can address this restriction with its two-storey workshop halls in order to protect employees on the
respect to press welded grating by supplementing the standard lower floor against falling objects.
press welded grating upon request with perforated sheets. These

The Sunliquid demonstration plant of Clariant AG is currently press welded grating. Not only their low flammability, but also
the largest plant in Germany for the production of bio-ethanol. their resistance to chemicals speak in favour of the use of
The hazards associated with the production of bio-ethanol MEISER press welded grating in the production of bio-ethanol.
require high safety standards, which are fully met by MEISER


The production of polysilicon requires strict safety precautions press welded grating forms the ideal basis, particularly in the
and is associated with a potential hazard to employees and outdoor area, for safe working and the safe handling of ha-
the environment. At the PV Crystalox Solar PLC factory, MEISER zardous substances.

Inside Rügen Bridge, MEISER press welded grating used as torsional stiffness of the press locked grating is ideal for use
safe walking routes. The good anti-skid properties and high in bridge building.
46 P R E S S W E L D E D G R AT I N G T Y P E S

As with the press locked grating, the press welded grating is fine mesh grid of a press locked grating owing to the manufac-
also available in numerous versions. We are aware of count- turing process, other versions have been developed which take
ry and customer-specific requirements and are implemented into account the safety requirements. This guarantees that a
in accordance with the relevant standards. It is often the case test ball with a specific diameter cannot fall through. Special
that the clear mesh width plays an important role from the as- welding regulations can of course also be implemented by us.
pect of safety. As the press welded grating cannot provide the

MEISER Press Welded Grating

In the case of press welded grating, it is not possible to pro-
duce very small mesh widths for technical reasons. If the
customer requires the use of press welded grating but would
nevertheless like to ensure that the grating is 8 mm ball
8m proof, then this is the grating that sould be used. By welding
perforated sheets with an aperture of not more than 8 mm
between the bearing bars, it is possible to produce a very
“close-meshed” grating for a reasonable cost. This grating
corresponds to the Spanish standard no. 486/1997 (BO 23rd
April 1997, no. 97/1997).

Common mesh spacing

Bearing bar Cross bar

34,30 38,1 50,8

Standard bearing bar profiles

Bearing bar Bearing bar
2 mm 3 mm

25/2 25/3
30/2 30/3
40/2 40/3

MEISER Offshore Press

Welded Grating
This type of grating has been specially designed for use in the
offshore oil and gas industry. The background to this is the spe-
cification is that a test ball with a diameter of 15 mm must not fall
through the grating. In order to guarantee this, an intermediate
round bar is welded parallel and centrally between the bearing
bars to the underside of the twisted square cross bars using the
automatic resistance welding method. This provides the offshore
grating with additional stability, which is very useful in the harsh Press
conditions on offshore oil rigs.

Standard bearing bar profiles

Common mesh spacing Bearing bar Bearing bar Bearing bar
3 mm 4 mm 5 mm
Bearing bar Cross bar
34,30 101,6 25/3 25/4 25/5
38,28 101,6 30/3 30/4 30/5
35/3 35/4 35/5
40/3 40/4 40/5
45/3 45/4 45/5
50/3 50/4 50/5
60/3 60/4 60/5

MEISER Press Welded Grating with

Smooth Round Bars
The classical press welded grating is produced with twisted
square bars, which offer a certain degree of slip resistance.
If aesthetic aspects are important, it is also possible to use
smooth round bars as cross bars.

This version is possible for all common mesh spacing.

Common mesh spacing

Bearing bar Cross bar

15,08 - - - 38,1 50,8 76,2 101,6
Standard bearing bar profiles
17,15 - - - 38,1 50,8 76,2 101,6
20,77 - 24,0 - 38,1 50,8 76,2 101,6* Bearing bar Bearing bar Bearing bar Bearing bar
23,69 - 24,0 - 38,1 50,8 76,2 101,6* 2 mm 3 mm 4 mm 5 mm
25,00 - - - - - 76,2 101,6
- 20/3 - -
30,15 - - - 38,1 50,8 76,2 101,6
25/2 25/3 25/4 25/5
33,00 - - 31,75 - - - -
30/2 30/3 30/4 30/5
34,30 19,25 24,0 - 38,1 50,8 76,2 101,6
35/2 35/3 35/4 35/5
41,45 - 24,0 - 38,1 50,8 76,2 101,6
40/2 40/3 40/4 40/5
45,23 - 24,0 - 38,1 50,8 76,2 101,6
45/2 45/3 45/4 45/5
51,45 - 24,0 - 38,1 50,8 76,2 101,6
- 50/3 50/4 50/5
60,30 - 24,0 - 38,1 50,8 76,2 101,6
- 60/3 60/4 60/5
68,60 - 24,0 - 38,1 50,8 76,2 101,6
- 70/3 70/4 70/5
*available with restrictions - - 80/4 80/5



50 S pecial G rati n g



Special Grating
Over time, MEISER has developed and produced more than Imagination and technical expertise are required for comb
5,000 different types of grating. Most of these versions were grating, finned grating or grating on which you can walk ba-
created from very detailed specifications by the customer, ar- refoot.
chitect or planning office. Often the main focus is on function-
If load-bearing capacity is less important than visual scree-
ality, although it is not unusual for aesthetics to play a certain
ning, MEISER louvre grating are used. The requirements come
role, with a tight budget sometimes setting clear limitations. If
from our customers, but the development and the technically
everything comes together, we speak of special solutions or
reliable solution is provided by us.
special grating, which we find particularly appealing.
52 A pplicatio n s

MEISER comb grating was used during the refurbishment of the Their appearance and durability are achieved by a cathodic im-
Moritzburg in Halle. The west and north wing of the castle are mersion bath coating and a subsequent powder coating. This
connected by a roof that is shaped by skylights covered with adds a touch of modernity to the historic architectural styles
aluminium, and now faced with MEISER comb grating. and shapes from the various epoques of the Moritzburg.

Fences are an important safety element in sports stadiums. As freedom to choose the colour, as well as production in high-
can be seen here at the Stade de la Maladière in Neuchâtel, grade steel, offer a suitable solution for every purpose. Painted
MEISER press locked grating (the term ULTRA has a negative in the colours of the club, used for separating the blocks and as
connotation in the field of sports stadiums) provides a stable a border with the edge of the sports field, the MEISER fencing
alternative to conventional stadium fences which are of equi- system offers more than just stable protection.
valent value in terms of design. Different mesh spacing and the


Every year the number of cars registered on our roads incre- respect to the budget. Grating offer new options for the archi-
ases. This means that the problem of providing parking spaces tecture of the multi-storey car park, as well as fulfilling functio-
for clinics, companies, the retail trade, airports, public facilities nal roles. In this multi-storey car park in Regensburg the grating
and many other locations continues to grow. Often it is neces- conceal the heavy structure of the building, provide fall protec-
sary to successfully integrate a multi-storey car park into the tion and nevertheless enable extensive ventilation.
surroundings. The facade plays an important role, also with

MEISER tree grating protect the roots of our trees, ensuring a obtrusively and flush with the surface. Or you can employ the
sufficient supply of water while remaining architecturally ap- somewhat raised grating as a deliberate design element, as
pealing. Tree grating can be inserted into a group either un- shown in our reference photograph.
54 S pecial G rati n g

Finned Grating
MEISER finned grating stands out considerably compared to a
classical grating. The function of the cross bar is taken over in
this version by a pipe that is inserted centrally in the bearing
bars. This provides the finned grating with a very high-quality
appearance, although this is less suitable for larger span

In normal cases the finned grating is not provided with a sur-

round, particularly in order not to disrupt the very clear design.
Finned grating is often used as a high-quality ventilation co-
ver for use indoors. To this purpose they can be manufactured
from aluminium and high-grade steel, or of course in the clas-
sical version of hot dip galvanised steel. They can be further
adapted to individual requirements through the use of special
bearing bar profiles and different pipe diameters.

Standard bearing bar profiles

Common mesh spacing Bearing bar Bearing bar Bearing bar Bearing bar
2 mm 3 mm 4 mm 5 mm
Bearing bar Cross bar
11,10 50 100 150 200 250 300 25/2 25/3 25/4 25/5
21,00 50 100 150 200 250 300 30/2 30/3 30/4 30/5
22,20 50 100 150 200 250 300 35/2 35/3 35/4 35/5
25,00 50 100 150 200 250 300 40/2 40/3 40/4 40/5
33,30 50 100 150 200 250 300 45/2 45/3 45/4 45/5
44,40 50 100 150 200 250 300 50/2 50/3 50/4 50/5
66,60 50 100 150 200 250 300

Barefoot Grating
Some locations such as swimming baths are places where
shoes are not usually worn. Here, a grating can be very useful.
For this reason we have developed a grating which is also plea-
sant when walked on barefoot. The cross bar is a U-shaped
section that is pressed in at a flat angle. The clearance between
these treads is approximately 9 mm. They are manufactured
from steel or high-grade steel.

Common mesh spacing

Bearing bar Cross bar

22,20 8,25
33,30 8,25
66,60 8,25

Standard bearing bar profiles

Bearing bar Bearing bar

2 mm 3 mm

25/2 25/3
30/2 30/3
35/2 35/3
40/2 40/3
45/2 45/3
50/2 50/3
- 60/3

Comb Grating
MEISER comb grating is a press locked grating with cross bars
which protrude above the top surface of the bearing bars. This
makes the bearing bars almost invisible, so that the grating no
longer looks like a grille, but more like a comb. The emphasis
on the cross bars produces a very elegant and light appea-
rance. The clearance and number of bearing bars can be va-
ried and are adapted to the static requirements. There are also
several possible variations for the clearance of the cross bars.

MEISER comb grating can have a variety of uses, although their

main application is usually where there are high aesthetical
demands on appearance. This grating is therefore frequently li n ear shape
found as a covering indoors, e.g. for air conditioning systems
and heating ducts, but also as a high-quality channel grate and
facade cladding in order to emphasise horizontal or vertical
lines. Grating
The special arrangement of the bearing and cross bars means
that they can also be readily used as sun shade elements. Like
the finned grating, the comb grating can also be produced with
different materials and surfaces; furthermore, special profiles
can be used as the cross bar for this special grating in order to
provide particularly attractive effects.

rou n ded shape

Common mesh spacing

Bearing bar Cross bar

15,00 11,1 16,7 22,2 33,3
21,00 11,1 16,7 22,2 33,3
22,20 11,1 16,7 22,2 33,3
33,30 11,1 16,7 22,2 33,3
66,60 11,1 16,7 22,2 33,3
99,90 11,1 16,7 22,2 33,3

Standard bearing bar profiles

Bearing bar Bearing bar

edged shape
2 mm 3 mm

30/2 30/3
35/2 35/3
40/2 40/3
45/2 45/3
50/2 50/3

y - shape
56 S pecial G rati n g

To l s u n

The MEISER Tolsun is a designer grating produced exclusively

by MEISER. Developed by our French colleagues, the name ex-
presses one of its important advantages, namely sun shielding.

Specially profiled aluminium fins, which are modelled on the

wings of an aeroplane, serve as cross bars and give the Tolsun
a special aesthetic touch. As a facade element, the Tolsun gu-
arantees excellent sun shielding, but nevertheless a natural air
supply as well, and thereby makes a significant contribution to
an all-round air-conditioning system and high levels of thermal

MEISER offers the Tolsun with a well thought-out idea for the
means of attachment as an all-round solution for the design
of the facade with an air conditioning effect. The Tolsun is an
architecturally appealing and very high-quality product. The
lightweight design and the possibility of producing one-part
and large-surface elements provide good value for money. The
MEISER Tolsun is only available in aluminium, but can be custo-
mised to your individual needs by colour anodising or colour

T olsu n alumi n ium – 5 0 x 3 – 3 0 0 / 12 0

Te c h n i c a l D e t a i l s

Bearing bar 50/3 Cross bar 100 x 1,5

300 mm 60 mm
300 mm 120 mm
300 mm 180 mm

Maximum format 1,500 mm (bearing bar direction)

Maximum format 2,000 mm (cross bar direction)

T olsu n alumi n ium – 5 0 x 3 – 3 0 0 / 6 0

Office building, Bassens


58 S pecial
G rati n g

Benedictine Abbey, Tholey


MEISER fence grating is fundamentally a grating with special

edge surrounds. Depending on the purpose of the fence, the
design can be very light and transparent, but also very stable
and close-meshed, e.g. as a crowd barrier at events.

The fence height and field size can be individually selected,

as can the material of the fence and the surface design. As
a rule, the fence elements are enclosed with a flat bar, which
contains slotted holes for easy mounting to the fence posts.

Upon request, MEISER can supply entire fence systems, inclu-

ding installation.


Fence, stadium



Top, from left to right:

Hotel Roomers, Frankfurt;
Town Hall, Kelkheim;
Office building, Munich
BOTTOM: Ski Jump, Klingenthal
62 S tair treads

Stair treads

MEISER stair treads are manufactured from grating incorpora- its stair treads accordingly. The extended, perforated safety no-
ting endplates and non-slip safety nosing to their leading edge. sing fulfils and even exceeds the latest regulations. It provides
The tread as an essential safety element of all types of stair- additional stability, reduces the maximum depth of the opening
cases must always function correctly, be it during everyday in- to 120 mm and fulfils safety class R11. At the request of the
tensive use on the access path to a ski lift, or where subjected customer, the nosing can also be made of a special section,
to extreme loads, if, for example, the staircase is used in an un- e.g. a non-slip steel flooring plate or a sanded steel angle. The
controlled manner as an escape route by many people during safety endplates have a pronounced bead, which interlocks
a fire. MEISER is aware of this responsibility and has designed with the bearing bars. This prevents the endplate from tearing


Red Cross head quarters, Erlangen

off prematurely if it is subjected to significant excess loads and treads are produced in accordance with the specifications of
causing the tread to fail. The tread surface of the MEISER stair DIN 24531-1 and provide for a corresponding hole pattern in
treads can be designed individually. As a matter of principle, the endplates. Individual hole patterns are of course possible,
stair treads can be produced as press locked grating treads as well as notched bearing bars and cross bars, so that slip
and press welded grating treads. The mesh spacing and height resistance up to class R13 is possible. It goes without saying
of the bearing bar are determined by the effective width and that stair treads can also be designed in aluminium and high-
the customer‘s requirements. Of course we know what is re- grade steel; special designs allow stair tread widths of up to
quired in the case of publicly accessible staircases. The stair 4,000 mm.

64 A pplicatio n s

Wind turbines are increasingly dominating our countryside. and safely accessed on foot. Every turbine therefore requires
Their share of regenerative energy sources is growing. Their a small access staircase from the outside and facilities inside
height can reach up to 200 metres. It is essential that if such which are not visible externally. In every case the steps are a
turbines have to be serviced or repaired, they can be readily crucial safety element for which no compromises are possible.

Sometimes stairs are never used, or are only used in an emer- be able to withstand enormous loads in the case of a fire. They
gency. Then these are called emergency escape stairs, such as are therefore designed with double anti-skid protection and a
in this case at a hotel in Frankfurt. The grating stairtreads must large tread depth.

In the case of large silo systems it is only possible to access the the external radius of the tank system and also possess high Stair
external shell because as a rule the silo is filled up with - some- torsional stiffness. The steps at the fuel depot in Honau were Treads
times sensitive - material. The steps then have to fit exactly on therefore given an anti-skid design by MEISER.

Tiger and Turtle – Magic Mountain is a landmark in the Anger- of Culture Ruhr 2010. The total length of 220 metres is covered
park in Duisburg-Angerhausen that is modelled on a roller coa- with 349 MEISER grating stairtreads, of which only 220 can
ster. The large sculpture is a work of art by Heike Mutter and be accessed on foot, however, as the remaining areas are too
Ulrich Genth, which was developed as part of the Ruhr Capital steep.
66 S tair treads types

P r e s s L o c ke d G r a t i n g Tr e a d s
Press locked grating treads can be produced from mild steel, high-
grade steel and aluminium. They are produced in accordance with
the same principle as for press locked grating. It is possible to
provide these stair treads with anti-skid-properties up to R13 by in-
cluding special notches on the bearing bars and cross bars. Even
very large tread widths can be produced by designing the bearing
bars in the same way as heavy duty grating. Thus it is possible for
even extreme loads to be reliably absorbed.

P r e s s We l d e d G r a t i n g Tr e a d s
Press welded grating treads can be produced from mild steel
and high-grade steel. Here too, production is based on the pro-
cess used for the manufacture of press welded grating. It is pos-
sible to provide this tread design with anti-skid-properties up to

For standard stair treads, the safety endplate with bead is ge-
nerally used. However, upon request a special endplate with
a different drill-hole size can be attached. From a bearing bar
height of 50 x 3 mm upwards the drill-hole size should be co-
ordinated in all cases in order to avoid installation problems.

Stair tread endplates with DIN standard drill-hole

Length [mm] Drill-hole
240 120
270 150
305 180

S afety e n dplate with bead


Stable and safe:

the new MEISER stair tread
with safety nosing

Raised safety nosing

For the purposes of slip resistance and in order to increase
their load-bearing capacity, stair treads are provided on the
front edge with a perforated, specially shaped angle section.
This so-called nosing is welded together with the endplate and
the bearing bar and contributes to reinforcing the stair tread. It
can also be produced from non-slip steel flooring or checker Stair
plate. We comply with specific customer wishes as well as Treads
with deviating foreign standards.

Safety nosing 70 mm

In the case of publicly accessible staircases, regulations are

increasingly specifying a maximum clearance of 120 mm bet-
ween the treads. We have taken this specification into account
with a 70 mm-high nosing and therefore fulfil ÖNORM B 5371,
which in the case of pitches of up to 190 mm permits a maxi-
mum step-through height of 120 mm.

Safety nosing, perforated, Note: safety nosing 34 mm

70 60

10 15 35 Drill-hole

10 H eight of the clips 7 0 mm



MEISER grating fixing clips are an important part of our service. The grating
can only fulfil its function properly if it is correctly attached, as otherwise
accidents can quickly happen. MEISER has the proper fixing clip for every
application, from the simple standard clamp to the customised individual
solution MEISER produces many clamps itself, but also works together with
well-known fastening specialists.

Together with the HILTI company, the XMGR clamp has been developed,
which is insensitive to vibrations and offers enormous installation advan-
tages. On the following pages we show you the most common safety sy-
stems, which in most cases represent a good and low-cost solution.

Lucerne Cantonal Hospital,

70 F ixi n g C lips

C l a m p B
Consisting of a saddle top clip, clamp lower part,
M8x60 hexagon screws and M8 square nut.

galvanised V2A

Designation Mesh width [mm] Mesh width [mm]

M0531 33 x 33 33 x 33
M0531 34 x 38 34 x 38
M2231 33 x 21 33 x 21

Not BG (Slip Review Group)-compliant.

C lamp B

C l a m p B 10
Consisting of a stirrup top clip, hexagon socket screw,
clip lower part and nut.

galvanised V2A

Designation Mesh width [mm] Mesh width [mm]

M2331 33 x 11 33 x 11

C lamp B 10

Clamp S
Consisting of a flat head screw, clamp lower part and
square nut

galvanised V2A

Designation Mesh width [mm] Mesh width [mm]

M2031 33 x 11 33 x 11

C lamp S

Head bolt fastener

Consisting of head bolts and retaining flange; for high-
ly corrosive environments (e.g. offshore), also availa-
ble as X-BT; pre-mounted version X-GR RU.

galvanised V4A

Designation Mesh width [mm] Mesh width [mm]

X-FCM + X-M8 22 x 22 – 66 x 66 22 x 22 – 44 x 44
X-FCM + X-BT 22 x 22 – 66 x 66 22 x 22 – 44 x 44
X-GR-RU 33 x 33

H ead bolt faste n er The illustrations are not assembly instructions.

F ixi n g C lips for I n dustrial G rati n g 71

Safety clamp A
Consisting of safety upper part, clamp lower part, he-
xagon screw and square nut.

galvanised V2A

Designation Mesh width [mm] Mesh width [mm]

M0731 34 x 38 34 x 38

S afety clamp A

Safety clamp D
Consisting of safety upper part, clamp lower part, he-
xagon screw and square nut.

galvanised V2A

Designation Mesh width [mm] Mesh width [mm]

M0833 34 x 38 34 x 38

S afety clamp D
Double clamp B
Consisting of 2 saddle top clips, clamp lower part, 2
hexagon screws and 2 square nuts.

galvanised V2A

Designation Mesh width [mm] Mesh width [mm]

M0540 33 x 33 33 x 33
M2240 33 x 22 33 x 22
M2340 33 x 11 33 x 11

D ouble clamp B

Hilti clamp XMGR

Consisting of saddle top clip and lower part connected
to one another; high resistance to vibrations, easy por-
tability by 1 person and thereby significantly shorter
installation times.

galvanised V2A

Designation Mesh width [mm]

XMGR 33 x 33 / 34 x 38 / 34 x 24

maximum grating height 40 mm

The illustrations are not assembly instructions. H ilti clamp X M G R
72 F ixi n g C lips for I n dustrial G rati n g

P a n e l A t t a c h m e n t s
(supplied loose)



Safety chain


Socket wrench clasp

Welded-in perforated plates

S afety chai n

H i n ge

S ocket wre n ch clasp

Welded-in Holed Fixing Plates

consisting of welded-in holed plate hole size is accor-

ding to customer‘s specifications; screws are provided
by the customer. The design and position of the welded
in plate depend on the load to which the grating is sub-
jected and the fastening possibilities available on site.

The illustrations are not assembly instructions.

W elded - i n holed fixi n g plates

BMW, Vélizy


P rofile G rati n g S taircases


MEISER is primarily known as a leading manufacturer of open bar years MEISER has diversified even more strongly and is particu-
grating. We complement our range of industrial floor coverings larly active as a service provider in the field of steel processing
with sheet metal profile grating and GRP grating. Channel grates and hot dip galvanising. We have made a name for ourselves
are combined with channel bodies developed by us to form a as a provider of complete stairway systems. We offer slit strips
drainage system made of steel. Furthermore, over the past few in black and galvanised form, while in our forming plant we pro-

GRP F all P rotectio n M ats


S caffoldi n g B arrel hoops

duce vineyard fence posts and supporting profiles for open-air welded wire meshes), for example, have been created, which
solar modules. Our own tool construction and mechanical engi- are often installed at factories in the automotive industry. Many
neering facilities position us to develop new products through to manufacturers of high quality wooden barrels rely on the barrel
production readiness at low competitive cost. From discussions hoops manufactured by MEISER, which are customised and deli-
with our customers, items such as fall protection mats (spot- vered on a just in time basis.

V i n eyard fe n ceposts D rai n age C ha n n els


MEISER staircases are almost always manufactured on the ba-
sis of a request from a customer and often make a significant
contribution to the aesthetic appearance of a building. In ad-
dition, a MEISER staircase must of course also reliably fulfil its
function and satisfy statutory requirements to a level of 100 %.
This is easier said than done, as the specifications of the DIN
standards, German statutory accident insurance, German ac-
cident prevention regulations etc. are very extensive and differ
from state to state, also within Germany.

But you can rely on MEISER, because we know exactly which

regulations are in force, so that you do not experience a nasty
surprise during the acceptance test. MEISER staircases can
be constructed in a straight or winding version, with the spi-
ral staircase being a particularly appealing challenge for MEI-
SER. Ultimately it is personal taste, the space available and the
budget which determine the design that is selected. We will be
pleased to advise you and also carry out the measurements
on site.

Profile Grating
MEISER sheet metal profile grating is an alternative to standard Product
MEISER grating, especially when large span widths have to be
bridged or a more closed surface is required. The special em-
bossing and perforation of the surface ensure very high levels
of slip resistance. Everywhere in industry where work is carried
out with glide-enhancing substances, sheet metal profile grating
is a good choice.

The possibility of producing elements of up to a length of 6,50

metres ensures fast installation, which is further accelerated
with innovative fixing clips that we have developed ourselves.
For indoor applications it is also possible to use sheet metal
profile grating consisting of sendzimir-galvanised steel strip.
This results in a significant cost advantage. One special field
is non-flammable sheet metal profile grating. This version has
been tested and certified by the MFPA (Material Research and
Testing Institute) and is suitable, for example, as a transformer
tray covering.


Bottom: Profile Grating, Sail Cit y

The long-standing collaboration with ALFIX, a leading manu-
facturer of scaffolding systems, culminated in 2012 in MEISER
purchasing a holding in ALFIX. For more than 60 years ALFIX has
stood for scaffolding systems „Made in Germany“. Through con-
tinuous innovations and fair prices, ALFIX scaffolding systems
have become an established brand product on the European

Both ALFIX and MEISER put their faith in committed and well-
trained employees who ensure proximity to the customer both
in-house and in the external sales force. Through continuous
research and development, the products of MEISER and ALFIX
continue to set the standards. With this type of scaffolding our
customers will therefore always be well equipped.

For more information visit www.alfix.de.


MEISER GRP grating generally have a square mesh size, as well Product
as bearing bars and cross bars of the same height. The appea-
rance is similar to that of a MEISER full grating made of steel.
GRP grating is in demand when the environment is very corrosi-
ve or electrical conductivity is not desired.

Our products are certified by the Institute for Occupational Safety

and guarantee extreme long-term slip resistance through their
resistance to various media.



Drainage Channels
The MEISER drainage channel is a pure steel channel. In com-
bination with MEISER grating, we offer an economical and yet
very individual drainage system for sewage and rainwater.
Here too, you can benefit from our extensive know-how.

All Advantages at a Glance

- Channels made-to-measure with individual pieces

up to 5,000 mm in length (all special dimensions)

- Stable edges minimise the need for repair

- Very easy installation owing to the low weight

- Short delivery times

- Reliable anchoring with the concrete foundation

by means of lateral anchor brackets

- Front or downward pipe outlet available

- Custom-fit laying by means of attached U-shaped section

- Tightness of the joints guaranteed by permanently

elastic sealing compound

- 5 years warranty

- No formwork costs

- No breakout of the concrete edges

- Delivery with all grating types possible

(bearing bar up to 200 x 14 mm)

- Trafficable by forklift trucks and heavy vehicles

Familiarly Progressive

The new MEISER channel will inspire you. Production is carried

out to measure. Expert advice, very good value for money and
short delivery times are for a reliable and inspiring package.

Benedictine Abbey, Tholey



M E I S E R H e a v y D u t y C h a n n e l s - D I N Product Structure
E N 14 3 3 S t a n d a r d
- Channel body & grating made of steel, hot dip
Drainage channels are the optimal solution for taking up rain- galvanised according to DIN EN ISO 1461
water that accumulates from adjacent paved surfaces or even
facades, before transporting it away and discharging it into the - Perfectly co-ordinated with one another, robust,
sewers. The MEISER steel channel is also used as an evapo- durable and low-maintenance
ration channel without drainage, e.g. in underground garages.
- Available cross-sections:
DN 100 --> extended length 339 mm
DN 150 --> extended length 489 mm
DN 200 --> extended length 639 mm

- Square cross-section (H≈W) of the channel body

- Available in lengths of 1,000 mm and 2,000 mm

- Special dimensions on request


- End caps with/without horizontal outlet

- Outlet vertical with sink trap

- Nominal width of the outlet openings min.

DN 100 (--> contents 8.7 l/m)

- Alternative channel with own gradient and a

maximum length of 3,000 mm

DN = nominal diameter, designation for the nominal width

(connection dimension) of pipes, fittings and components

MEISER heavy duty channel type I

c o n f o r m s t o D I N E N 14 3 3
with CE marking

C l a s s A 15 C l a s s B 12 5 Class C 250 Class D 400

+ Pedestrians + Pedestrians + Kerbs + Roadways
+ Cyclists + Car parking spaces/ + Hard shoulders + Pedestrian zones
+ Green spaces parkingdecks + Car parks + Car parks
+ Vans

Grating quick-release fixing clip:

The grating insert is secured with a special, non-rusting quick-

release fastener against lifting & moving. The fastener retains
its function even when subject to high levels of soiling.

Special sections
MEISER has a highly efficient tool construction and mechani-
cal engineering system at its disposal. We therefore operate
our own mechanical engineering company and know the pro-
blems in the daily production process. Open special sections
with a material thickness of up to 6 mm, with or without perfo-
rations and notching, are our special field - hot dip galvanised if
required. If you would like to take advantage of our experience,
please contact us. We are proud of our long-standing coope-
ration with HILTI, where we act as a strategic partner for the
supply of supporting profiles for open-air solar energy systems.

Galvanised strip/barrel hoop

In our strip galvanising plant, the steel strip that we have previ-
ously slit is galvanised in the continuous process. We speciali-
se in the galvanising of narrow strips with a galvanised edge.
Various zinc coatings are possible, as are different packing
sizes. We supply galvanised slit coil from 19 x 1.3 to 90 x 5
mm, as coil goods or in bars. Our specialities include earthing
straps and their further processing into barrel hoops.

Vineyard fence posts

The use of machinery and the optimisation of working routines
in vineyards are becoming increasingly important. Specifically
for the use of harvesters, MEISER offers a vineyard fence post
system together with the distribution partner artos. It consists
of fence posts with hooks located on the inside or outside, as
well as restraining posts, which together guarantee optimum
covering. Exactly how this works can be seen at www.artos-

Fall protection mats and spot-

welded wire meshes
The possible uses for spot-welded wire meshes are very varied.
They represent a convenient solution for securing specific are-
as or plants. They are fastened on site or together with prefa-
bricated posts. The wire meshes consist of steel wires welded
together crosswise whose diameter - depending on the load
situation - is between 3 and 6 mm. The length and width of the
elements can be freely selected within the product range.

In the automotive industry, so-called fall protection mats have

become popular as a sophisticated solution for securing and
inspecting production lines. MEISER delivers for all major car
manufacturers such as Audi, BMW, Mercedes, VW, in accor-
dance with the standards in force in each case.

BMW plant, Dingolfing





Galvanising plant and logistics centre

Compound landscaping by Dutt&Kist
(Photo: © Barbara Heinz, Saarbrücken)
88 S tock

Logistics centre at the Schmelz-Limbach site

Stock programme

At our new premises we stock more than 300 different dimen- All dimensions are stored in considerable quantities. Your
sions of standard grating and stair treads on your behalf. order is dispatched within 24 hours and is reliably delivered to
Order-picking and loading are carried out in the hall, so that your door after 2 – 3 days, freshly galvanised. The new stock
white rust – a condition which is well known to all of us, but which programme offers the widest range on the market and also in-
often cannot be avoided unfortunately – is a thing of the past. creases your sales opportunities.

Storage building at the Oelsnitz facilit y


In the field of grating, our stock programme comprises

the following product groups:

- Industrial grating - Mats

- Garage grating and construction standard grating - Press welded mats and patent grating
- Stair treads - High-grade steel grating
- Press welded grating - Fixing clips for industrial grating
90 P ress L ocked I n dustrial G rati n g

Press Locked P re s s l o c ke d a n t i - s k i d
Industrial Grating p ro t e c t i o n i n d u s t r i a l g ra t i n g

Mesh spacing 33 x 33 mm, Surround Mesh spacing 33 x 33 mm, Surround Mesh spacing 33 x 33 mm - R12,
T-shaped section, hot dip galvanised T-shaped section, hot dip galvanised bearing/cross bar and surround in slip-
resistant finish, Surround T-shaped section,
Length Width Bearing bar Length Width Bearing bar hot dip galvanised
(BB) [mm] (CB) [mm] [mm] (BB) [mm] (CB) [mm] [mm]
350 500 20 x 2 1.000 1.000 40 x 2 Length Width Bearing bar
400 600 20 x 2 1.100 1.000 40 x 2 (BB) [mm] (CB) [mm] [mm]
400 800 20 x 2 1.200 1.000 40 x 2 500 1.000 30 x 2
200 1.000 25 x 2 1.500 1.000 40 x 2 600 1.000 30 x 2
200 1.250 25 x 2 1.000 1.000 40 x 3 700 1.000 30 x 2
490 990 25 x 2 1.500 1.000 40 x 3 800 1.000 30 x 2
490 1.190 25 x 2 900 1.000 30 x 2
500 1.000 25 x 2 1.000 1.000 30 x 2
Mesh spacing 33 x 22 mm, Surround
600 1.200 25 x 2 1.000 1.000 30 x 3
T-shaped section, hot dip galvanised
790 990 25 x 2 1.200 1.000 30 x 3
790 1.190 25 x 2 Length Width Bearing bar
800 1.000 25 x 2 (BB) [mm] (CB) [mm] [mm] Mesh spacing 33 x 33 R10 mm, Cross bar
200 1.000 30 x 2 800 1.000 30 x 2 in slip-resistant finish, Surround T-shaped
250 1.000 30 x 2 900 1.000 30 x 2 section, hot dip galvanised
300 500 30 x 2 1.000 1.000 30 x 2
Length Width Bearing bar
300 1.000 30 x 2 1.200 1.000 30 x 2
(BB) [mm] (CB) [mm] [mm]
400 1.000 30 x 2
1.000 1.000 30 x 2
500 500 30 x 2
Mesh spacing 22 x 22 mm, Surround 1.100 1.000 30 x 2
500 1.000 30 x 2
T-shaped section, hot dip galvanised 1.200 1.000 30 x 2
600 1.000 30 x 2
700 1.000 30 x 2 Length Width Bearing bar
(BB) [mm] (CB) [mm] [mm]
Mesh spacing 33 x 11 mm, cross bar
750 1.000 30 x 2
notched, hot dip galvanised, R11
800 500 30 x 2 800 1.000 30 x 2
800 1.000 30 x 2 1.000 1.000 30 x 2 Length Width Bearing bar
900 1.000 30 x 2 1.200 1.000 30 x 2 (BB) [mm] (CB) [mm] [mm]
1.000 400 30 x 2 800 1.000 30 x 2
1.000 500 30 x 2 1.000 1.000 30 x 2
1.000 600 30 x 2 Mesh spacing 33 x 11 mm, Surround 1.200 1.000 30 x 3
T-shaped section, hot dip galvanised
1.000 700 30 x 2 1.250 1.000 40 x 2
1.000 750 30 x 2
Length Width Bearing bar
1.000 800 30 x 2 (BB) [mm] (CB) [mm] [mm]
1.000 1.000 30 x 2 600 1.000 30 x 2
1.000 1.200 30 x 2 700 1.000 30 x 2
1.000 1.250 30 x 2 800 1.000 30 x 2 Super anti-skid grating
1.100 1.000 30 x 2 1.000 1.000 30 x 2
1.200 500 30 x 2 1.100 1.000 30 x 2
1.200 1.000 30 x 2
Mesh spacing 33 x 22 mm - R13, bearing/
1.200 1.000 30 x 2
cross bar and surround in slip-resistant
300 1.000 30 x 3
finish, hot dip galvanised
400 1.000 30 x 3
500 1.000 30 x 3 Length Width Bearing bar
600 1.000 30 x 3 (BB) [mm] (CB) [mm] [mm]
700 1.000 30 x 3 500 1.000 30 x 3
800 1.000 30 x 3 600 1.000 30 x 3
900 1.000 30 x 3 700 1.000 30 x 3
1.000 1.000 30 x 3 800 1.000 30 x 3
1.100 1.000 30 x 3 1.000 800 30 x 3
1.200 1.000 30 x 3 1.000 1.000 30 x 3
1.500 500 30 x 3 1.200 1.000 30 x 3
1.500 1.000 30 x 3

The dimensions highlighted in colour are only stored

at Schmelz-Limbach.

First size mentioned = bearing bar direction; external

dimensions of the grating.
G arage G rati n g a n d C o n structio n 91
S ta n dard G rati n g / S tair treads

Patent Grating Construction Standard Standard stair treads, Austria


Mesh spacing 33 x 18 mm, bearing bar Mesh spacing 33 x 33 mm, Surround Mesh spacing 33 x 33 mm, cross bar
20/2, cross bar V-shaped, with U-shaped T-shaped section, hot dip galvanised slip-resistant R10, with special endplate
section surround, hot dip galvanised and safety nosing, hot dip galvanised
Length Width Bearing Frame
Length Width Frame (BB) (CB) [mm] bar dimensions Length Width Bearing bar
(BB) [mm] (CB) [mm] dimensions [mm] [mm] (BB) [mm] (CB) [mm] [mm]
390 590 400 600 290 490 20 x 2 300 500 500 200 25 x 2
490 740 500 750 340 490 20 x 2 350 500 600 200 25 x 2
490 990 500 1.000 390 590 20 x 2 400 600 700 200 25 x 2
390 690 20 x 2 400 700 800 200 30 x 2
390 790 20 x 2 400 800 800 250 30 x 2
390 990 20 x 2 400 1.000 900 200 35 x 2
390 1.190 20 x 2 400 1.200 1.000 200 35 x 2
490 790 20 x 2 500 800 1.000 250 35 x 2
490 990 20 x 2 500 1.000 1.200 250 40 x 3
490 1.190 20 x 2 500 1.200
590 790 20 x 2 600 800
Garage Grating
590 990 20 x 2 600 1.000
590 1.190 20 x 2 600 1.200
Mesh spacing 33 x 33 mm, Surround 590 990 25 x 2 600 1.000
T-shaped section, hot dip galvanised 590 1.190 25 x 2 600 1.200 Drill-hole analogous to DIN 24531,
990 490 30 x 2 1.000 500 mesh spacing 33 x 33 mm, cross bar
Length Width Bearing Frame
(BB) [mm] (CB)[mm] bar dimensions 990 590 30 x 2 1.000 600 slip-resistant R10, with endplates and
[mm] 1.190 590 30 x 2 1.200 600 safety nosing, hot dip galvanised
190 990 25 x 2 200 1.000
Length Width Bearing bar
190 1.240 25 x 2 200 1.250
(BB) [mm] (CB) [mm] [mm]
240 990 30 x 2 250 1.000
Mesh spacing 33 x 11 mm, Surround 600 240 25 x 2
240 1.240 30 x 2 250 1.250 T-shaped section, hot dip galvanised 600 270 25 x 2
290 290 30 x 2 300 300
600 305 25 x 2
390 390 30 x 2 400 400 Length Width Bearing Frame
700 240 25 x 2
490 490 30 x 2 500 500 (BB) (CB) [mm] bar dimensions
[mm] [mm] 700 270 25 x 2
590 590 40 x 2 600 600
290 990 20 x 2 300 1.000 700 305 25 x 2
340 490 20 x 2 350 500 800 240 30 x 2
390 590 20 x 2 400 600 800 270 30 x 2
390 690 20 x 2 400 700 800 305 30 x 2
390 790 20 x 2 400 800 900 240 35 x 2
390 990 20 x 2 400 1.000 900 270 35 x 2
490 790 20 x 2 500 800 900 305 35 x 2
490 990 20 x 2 500 1.000 1.000 240 35 x 2
490 1.190 20 x 2 500 1.200 1.000 270 35 x 2
1.000 305 35 x 2 Stock
590 790 20 x 2 600 800
590 990 20 x 2 600 1.000 1.200 240 40 x 3 Pro-
590 1.190 20 x 2 600 1.200 1.200 270 40 x 3 gramme
490 790 25 x 2 500 800 1.200 305 40 x 3
1.500 305 50 x 3

The garage gratings and construction standard The dimensions highlighted in colour are only stored at
gratings are available with and without frames. Schmelz-Limbach.

First size mentioned = bearing bar direction; external

dimensions of the grating.
92 S tair treads

Press Welded Indus trial

G r a t i n g - S t a i r Tr e a d s

Drill-hole analogous to DIN 24531, Mesh spacing 34 x 76 mm, with Drill-hole analogous to DIN 24531,
mesh spacing 34 x 38 mm, with end- endplates and nosing hot dip galvani- mesh spacing 33 x 11 mm, with end-
plate and nosing, hot dip galvanised sed, Scandinavia standard * plate and nosing, hot dip galvanised

Length Width Bearing bar Length Width Bearing bar Length (BB) Width (CB) Bearing bar
(BB) [mm] (CB) [mm] [mm] (BB) [mm] (CB) [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm]
600 240 30 x 2 600 230 25 x 3 600 270 30 x 2
600 270 30 x 2 600 260 25 x 3 700 270 30 x 2
700 240 30 x 2 700 230 25 x 3 800 270 30 x 2
700 270 30 x 2 700 260 25 x 3 900 270 35 x 2
800 240 30 x 2 800 230 25 x 3 1.000 270 35 x 2
800 270 30 x 2 800 260 25 x 3 1.000 305 30 x 3
900 240 35 x 2 900 230 25 x 3 1.100 270 40 x 3
900 270 35 x 2 900 260 25 x 3 1.100 305 40 x 3
1.000 240 35 x 2 1.000 230 30 x 3 1.200 270 40 x 3
1.000 270 35 x 2 1.000 260 30 x 3 1.200 305 40 x 3
600 240 30 x 3 1.200 260 30 x 3 1.250 270 40 x 3
600 270 30 x 3 1.200 300 30 x 3 1.250 305 40 x 3
700 240 30 x 3
700 270 30 x 3
800 240 30 x 3 Drill-hole analogous to DIN 24531,
800 270 30 x 3 Press Locked mesh spacing 33 x 22 mm, with end-
800 305 30 x 3 plate and nosing, hot dip galvanised
I n d u s t r i a l S t a i r Tr e a d s
900 240 30 x 3
Length (BB) Width (CB) Bearing bar
900 270 30 x 3 [mm] [mm] [mm]
Drill-hole analogous to DIN 24531,
900 305 30 x 3
mesh spacing 33 x 33 mm, with end- 800 240 30 x 2
1.000 240 30 x 3 plate and nosing, hot dip galvanised 800 270 30 x 2
1.000 270 30 x 3
800 330 30 x 2
1.000 305 30 x 3 Length (BB) Width (CB) Bearing bar
[mm] [mm] [mm] 800 330 35 x 2
1.000 270 40 x 3
900 270 35 x 2
1.000 305 40 x 3 500 230 30 x 2
900 330 35 x 2
1.100 270 40 x 3 600 240 30 x 2
1.000 240 35 x 2
1.100 305 40 x 3 600 270 30 x 2
1.000 270 35 x 2
1.200 270 40 x 3 700 240 30 x 2
1.000 330 35 x 2
1.200 305 40 x 3 700 270 30 x 2
1.200 330 40 x 2
1.250 270 40 x 3 800 240 30 x 2
1.250 305 40 x 3 800 270 30 x 2
900 240 35 x 2
900 270 35 x 2 Drill-hole analogous to DIN 24531,
1.000 240 35 x 2 mesh spacing 22 x 22 mm, with end-
plate and nosing, hot dip galvanised
1.000 270 35 x 2
600 240 30 x 3 Length (BB) Width (CB) Bearing bar
600 270 30 x 3 [mm] [mm] [mm]
700 240 30 x 3 800 330 30 x 2
700 270 30 x 3 1.000 330 35 x 2
800 240 30 x 3 1.200 330 40 x 2
800 270 30 x 3
800 305 30 x 3
900 240 30 x 3
900 270 30 x 3
900 305 30 x 3
1.000 240 30 x 3
1.000 270 30 x 3 Endplates
1.000 305 30 x 3
1.000 270 40 x 3 Steps endplates with DIN drill-hole
1.000 305 40 x 3
The dimensions highlighted in colour are only 1.100 270 40 x 3 Length [mm] Drill-hole
stored at Schmelz-Limbach. 1.100 305 40 x 3 240 120
1.200 270 40 x 3 270 150
* The dimensions marked with an asterisk
are only stored in Oelsnitz. 1.200 305 40 x 3 305 180
1.250 270 40 x 3
First size mentioned = bearing bar direction; 1.250 305 40 x 3
external dimensions of the grating. 1.500 305 60 x 3
S tair T reads / P ress W elded G rati n g 93

Press Locked Anti-Skid Protection

Industrial Grating - S tep High-
S l i d e P r o t e c t i o n S t a i r Tr e a d s Grade S teel V2A , 1.4301, pickled Nosing

Drill-hole analogous to DIN 24531, Drill-hole analogous to DIN 24531, Steel, raw
mesh spacing 33 x 33 mm, cross bar mesh spacing 33 x 33 mm, surround
slip-resistant R12, with endplate and flat steel with notched bearing and Length [mm]
safety nosing, hot dip galvanised cross bar R12 3.000

Length (BB) Width (CB) Bearing bar Length Width Bearing bar
[mm] [mm] [mm] (BB) [mm] (CB) [mm] [mm]
Press Welded Indus trial
600 270 30 x 2 600 270 30 x 2
800 270 30 x 2
700 270 30 x 2
800 270 30 x 2 1.000 270 30 x 3
1.200 270 40 x 3 Mesh spacing 34 x 38 mm, surround
900 270 35 x 2
flat bar, hot dip galvanised
1.000 270 40 x 2
600 270 30 x 3 Length Width Bearing bar
800 270 30 x 3 (BB) [mm] (CB) [mm] [mm]
1.000 270 30 x 3
Podium Grating with 500 1.000 30 x 2
1.000 305 35 x 3 S a f e t y N o s i n g 600 1.000 30 x 2
1.200 270 40 x 3 700 1.000 30 x 2
1.200 305 40 x 3 Mesh spacing 33 x 33 mm, with safety 800 1.000 30 x 2
1.250 270 40 x 3 nosing, hot dip galvanised 900 1.000 30 x 2
1.250 305 40 x 3 1.000 1.000 30 x 2
Length (BB) Width (CB) Bearing bar 1.100 1.000 30 x 2
[mm] [mm] [mm]
1.200 1.000 30 x 2
Drill-hole analogous to DIN 24531, 800 1.000 30 x 2 500 1.000 30 x 3
mesh spacing 33 x 11 mm, cross bar 1.000 1.000 30 x 2 600 1.000 30 x 3
slip-resistant, with endplates and safety 1.200 1.000 30 x 3 700 1.000 30 x 3
nosing, hot dip galvanised 1.250 1.000 40 x 2 800 1.000 30 x 3
900 1.000 30 x 3
Length (BB) Width (CB) Bearing bar
[mm] [mm] [mm] 1.000 1.000 30 x 3
Mesh spacing 33 x 11 mm, with safety 1.100 1.000 30 x 3
600 240 25 x 2 nosing, hot dip galvanised 1.200 1.000 30 x 3
700 240 25 x 2
1.000 1.000 40 x 3
800 240 30 x 2 Length (BB) Width (CB) Bearing bar
1.500 1.000 40 x 3
800 270 30 x 2 [mm] [mm] [mm]
800 305 30 x 2 800 1.000 30 x 2
900 270 35 x 2 1.000 1.000 30 x 2 Mesh spacing 34 x 76 mm, surround flat
900 305 35 x 2 1.200 1.000 30 x 3 bar, hot dip galvanised *
1.000 270 35 x 2 1.250 1.000 40 x 2
1.000 305 35 x 2 Length Width Bearing bar
(BB) [mm] (CB) [mm] [mm]
1.200 270 40 x 3
1.200 305 40 x 3 600 1.000 25 x 3
Mesh spacing 33 x 33 mm – R12, 800 1.000 25 x 3
1.250 270 40 x 3 bearing and cross bar notched, with
1.000 1.000 25 x 3
1.250 305 40 x 3 safety nosing, hot dip galvanised
1.200 1.000 25 x 3
1.500 305 50 x 3 Stock
Length (BB) Width (CB) Bearing bar 600 1.000 30 x 3
[mm] [mm] [mm] 800 1.000 30 x 3
800 1.000 30 x 2 1.000 1.000 30 x 3
Press Locked Anti-Skid- 1.000 1.000 30 x 2 1.200 1.000 30 x 3
1.200 1.000 30 x 3
Protection Industrial Grating 1.250 1.000 40 x 2
- Step High-Grade Steel V2A , Mesh spacing 34 x 38 mm, with safety
nosing, hot dip galvanised
1. 4 3 01, p i c k l e d
Mesh spacing 33 x 11 mm – R11, cross Length (BB) Width (CB) Bearing bar
[mm] [mm] [mm]
Drill-hole analogous to DIN 24531, bar notched, with safety nosing, hot dip
mesh spacing 33 x 33 mm galvanised 800 1.000 30 x 2
1.000 1.000 30 x 2
Length Width Bearing bar Length (BB) Width (CB) Bearing bar 1.200 1.000 30 x 3
(BB) [mm] (CB) [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] 1.250 1.000 40 x 2
600 270 30 x 2 800 1.000 30 x 2
800 270 30 x 2 1.000 1.000 30 x 2
1.000 270 30 x 3 1.200 1.000 30 x 3
1.200 270 40 x 3 1.250 1.000 40 x 2

The dimensions highlighted in colour are only

stored at Schmelz-Limbach.
94 H igh - G rade S teel G rati n g / M ats ( R aw - U n galva n ised )

Press Locked Industrial Press Locked Anti-Skid

Grating High-Grade Steel Protection High-Grade Steel Press Locked Ultra
V 2 A , 1. 4 3 01, p i c k l e d M a t s , V 2 A , 1. 4 3 01 Mat 34 x 33

Mesh spacing 33 x 33 mm, Mesh spacing 33 x 33 mm, without Shor t sides without surround, bearing
surround flat bar surround, unpickled, with notched and cross bar welded, long sides
bearing and cross bar R12 trimmed, mesh spacing 34 x 33 mm
Length Width Bearing bar
(BB) [mm] (CB) [mm] [mm] Length Width Bearing bar Length (BB) Width (CB) Bearing bar
(BB) [mm] (CB) [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm]
600 1.000 30 x 2
3.000 1.000 30 x 2 4.000 1.200 25 x 2
800 1.000 30 x 2
3.000 1.000 30 x 3 2.400 1.200 30 x 2
1.000 1.000 30 x 2
3.000 1.000 30 x 2
1.200 1.000 30 x 3
4.000 1.200 30 x 2
2.400 1.200 30 x 3
Press Locked Grating Mat 3.000 1.000 30 x 3

Press Locked Anti-Skid 3 3 x 11 P r e s s L o c k e d M a t s 4.000 1.200 30 x 3

4.000 1.200 40 x 2
Protection Industrial Gra- Shor t sides without surround, 4.000 1.200 40 x 3
ting High-Grade Steel, V2A , mesh spacing 33 x 11 mm
1. 4 3 01, p i c k l e d Length (BB) Width (CB) Bearing bar
[mm] [mm] [mm]
Mesh spacing 33 x 33 mm, surround 4.000 1.200 25 x 2
flat steel with notched bearing and 2.400 1.200 30 x 2
cross bar R12 3.000 1.000 30 x 2
4.000 1.200 30 x 2
Length Width Bearing bar
(BB) [mm] (CB) [mm] [mm] 2.400 1.200 30 x 3
3.000 1.000 30 x 3
600 1.000 30 x 2
3.000 1.000 40 x 3
800 1.000 30 x 2
1.000 1.000 30 x 2
1.200 1.000 30 x 3
Shor t sides without surround,
mesh spacing 33 x 21 mm
High-grade steel safety nosing,
V2A , 1.4301 Length (BB) Width (CB) Bearing bar
[mm] [mm] [mm]
Length (BB) [mm] 4.000 1.200 30 x 2

Press Locked Grating

Press Locked High-Grade Mat 33 x 33
S t e e l M a t , V 2 A , 1. 4 3 01
Short sides without surround,
mesh spacing 33 x 33 mm *
Mesh spacing 33 x 33 mm,
without surround, unpickled Length (BB) Width (CB) Bearing bar
[mm] [mm] [mm]
Length Width Bearing bar
(BB) [mm] (CB) [mm] [mm] 2.400 1.200 30 x 2
3.000 1.000 30 x 2 3.000 1.000 30 x 2
3.000 1.000 30 x 3 2.400 1.200 30 x 3
3.000 1.000 30 x 3
3.000 1.000 40 x 3

Mesh spacing 33 x 11 mm,

without surround, unpickled

Length Width Bearing bar

(BB) [mm] (CB) [mm] [mm]
3.000 1.000 30 x 2
3.000 1.000 30 x 3

The dimensions highlighted in colour are only

stored at Schmelz-Limbach.

First size mentioned = bearing bar direction;

external dimensions of the grating.
M at ( R aw U n galva n ised ) / P ress W elded M ats ( R aw ) 95

Press Locked Anti-Skid Press Welded Anti-Skid

Protection Mats Press Welded Mats Protection Mats

Bearing and cross bar notched, shor t si- Mesh spacing 34 x 38 mm, surround, Mesh spacing 34 x 38 mm, shor t sides
des without surround, long sides trimmed, long sides trimmed without surround, long sides trimmed
mesh spacing 33 x 33 mm, R12 with notched bearing bar R11*
Length (BB) Width (CB) Bearing bar
Length (BB) Width (CB) Bearing bar [mm] [mm] [mm] Length (BB) Width (CB) Bearing bar
[mm] [mm] [mm] 6.100 1.000 25 x 2 [mm] [mm] [mm]
3.000 1.000 30 x 2 6.100 1.000 25 x 3 6.100 1.000 30 x 2
3.000 1.000 30 x 3 6.100 1.000 30 x 2 6.100 1.000 30 x 3
3.000 1.000 40 x 3 3.050 1.000 30 x 2 6.100 1.000 40 x 3
2.400 1.000 30 x 2
6.100 1.000 30 x 3
Cross bar notched, shor t sides without 3.050 1.000 30 x 3
surround, long sides trimmed, mesh 2.400 1.000 30 x 3
spacing 33 x 11 mm, R11 6.100 1.000 40 x 2
6.100 1.000 40 x 3
Length (BB) Width (CB) Bearing bar
3.050 1.000 40 x 3
[mm] [mm] [mm]
3.000 1.000 30 x 2
3.000 1.000 30 x 3
3.000 1.000 40 x 3
Mesh spacing 34 x 24 mm, surround,
long sides trimmed

Length (BB) Width (CB) Bearing bar

Cross bar notched, shor t sides without [mm] [mm] [mm]
surround, long sides trimmed, mesh
3.050 1.000 30 x 2
spacing 33 x 33 mm, R11
6.100 1.000 30 x 2
Length (BB) Width (CB) Bearing bar 3.050 1.000 30 x 3
[mm] [mm] [mm] 6.100 1.000 30 x 3
4.000 1.200 30 x 2

Mesh spacing 20 x 51 mm, surround, long

sides trimmed *

Length Width Bearing bar

(BB) [mm] (CB) [mm] [mm]
3.050 1.000 30 x 2
6.100 1.000 30 x 2
3.050 1.000 30 x 3
6.100 1.000 30 x 3
6.100 1.000 35 x 3


The dimensions highlighted in colour are only

stored at Schmelz-Limbach.

* The dimensions marked with an asterisk are only

stored in Oelsnitz.

First size mentioned = bearing bar direction; exter-

nal dimensions of the grating.



European Court of Justice,

98 L oad tables for stair treads

Determination of the bearing bars for the individual span widths, DIN EN 1991, S235
mesh spacing 33.3 x 33.3 mm

Industrial staircases, working platforms and walkways, Load 5.00 kN/m² / 2.0 kN point loading,
load 2.00 kN/m² / 1.5 kN point loading, residential building load 3.00 kN/m² / 2.0 kN point loading,
Tread DIN EN ISO 14122, RAL-GZ 638 - 2008 contact area 50 x 50 mm
length Bearing bar/deflection [cm] Bearing bar/deflection [cm]
without sl.prot. with sl.prot. without sl.prot. with sl.prot.
500 30 x 2 / 0,04 30 x 2 / 0,04 35 x 2 / 0,04 40 x 2 / 0,04
600 30 x 2 / 0,07 30 x 2 / 0,07 40 x 2 / 0,06 40 x 2 / 0,07
700 30 x 2 / 0,10 30 x 2 / 0,12 40 x 2 / 0,09 50 x 2 / 0,07
800 30 x 2 / 0,16 30 x 2 / 0,17 50 x 2 / 0,09 50 x 2 / 0,10
900 35 x 2 / 0,18 35 x 2 / 0,21 50 x 2 / 0,13 50 x 2 / 0,15
1.000 35 x 2 / 0,25 40 x 2 / 0,23 50 x 2 / 0,18 50 x 3 / 0,15
1.100 30 x 3 / 0,34 40 x 2 / 0,31 50 x 3 / 0,17 50 x 3 / 0,20
1.200 40 x 2 / 0,35 40 x 3 / 0,32 50 x 3 / 0,22 60 x 3 / 0,16
1.250 40 x 3 / 0,31 40 x 3 / 0,36 50 x 3 / 0,25 60 x 3 / 0,18
1.300 50 x 2 / 0,43 50 x 3 / 0,36 50 x 3 / 0,41 60 x 3 / 0,30
1.400 50 x 3 / 0,41 50 x 3 / 0,47 60 x 3 / 0,35 60 x 3 / 0,40
1.500 50 x 3 / 0,50 60 x 3 / 0,38 60 x 3 / 0,44 60 x 3 / 0,50
1.600 60 x 3 / 0,42 60 x 3 / 0,48 60 x 5 / 0,35 60 x 5 / 0,40
1.700 60 x 3 / 0,51 60 x 5 / 0,37 60 x 5 / 0,43 60 x 5 / 0,49
1.800 60 x 5 / 0,45 60 x 5 / 0,52 60 x 5 / 0,60 70 x 5 / 0,45
1.900 60 x 5 / 0,56 70 x 5 / 0,42 70 x 5 / 0,49 70 x 5 / 0,55
2.000 70 x 5 / 0,45 70 x 5 / 0,50 70 x 5 / 0,59 80 x 5 / 0,46
2.100 70 x 5 / 0,53 70 x 5 / 0,60 80 x 5 / 0,49 80 x 5 / 0,55
2.200 80 x 5 / 0,44 80 x 5 / 0,49 80 x 5 / 0,58 90 x 5 / 0,47
2.300 80 x 5 / 0,54 90 x 5 / 0,43 90 x 5 / 0,52 90 x 5 / 0,58
2.500 90 x 5 / 0,55 90 x 5 / 0,60 100 x 5 / 0,54 100 x 5 / 0,60
3.000 110 x 5 / 0,6 120 x 5 / 0,51 120 x 5 / 0,60 130 x 5 / 0,53

The requirements of RAL GZ 638, September 2008 edition, are

complied with (deflection f < l/300 and < 0.6 cm).

Selection instructions: If there is no clear assignment of indus-

trial or fire exit staircases, the values for industrial staircases
should always be used.

For intermediate sizes (e.g. tread length 835 mm – industrial

staircase without slide protection), the next higher tread length
(900 mm) should be taken as the basis of assessment (bea-
ring bar 35 x 2 mm).

Silicon, Bitterfeld

Determination of the bearing bars for the individual span widths, DIN EN 1991, S235
mesh spacing 33.3 x 11.1 mm for BB 2 – 3 mm, mesh spacing 33.3 x 16.65 mm for BB 5 mm

Industrial staircase, working platforms and walkways, Load 5.00 kN/m² / 2.0 kN point loading,
load 2.00 kN/m² / 1.5 kN point loading, DIN EN ISO 14122, residential building load 3.00 kN/m² / 2.0 kN point loading,
Tread RAL-GZ 638 - 2008 contact area 50 x 50
length Bearing bar/deflection [cm] Bearing bar/deflection [cm]
without sl.prot. with sl.prot. without sl.prot. with sl.prot.
500 30 x 2 / 0,03 30 x 2 / 0,03 * 30 x 2 / 0,04 30 x 2 / 0,04 *
600 30 x 2 / 0,06 30 x 2 / 0,06 * 30 x 2 / 0,08 30 x 2 / 0,08 *
700 30 x 2 / 0,09 30 x 2 / 0,09 * 30 x 3 / 0,10 30 x 3 / 0,12 *
800 30 x 2 / 0,14 30 x 2 / 0,14 * 40 x 2 / 0,12 40 x 2 / 0,13 *
900 35 x 2 / 0,16 35 x 2 / 0,16 * 40 x 2 / 0,16 40 x 2 / 0,16 *
1.000 35 x 2 / 0,22 35 x 2 / 0,22 * 40 x 3 / 0,17 40 x 3 / 0,20 *
1.100 40 x 2 / 0,23 40 x 2 / 0,23 * 40 x 3 / 0,23 40 x 3 / 0,27 *
1.200 40 x 3 / 0,22 40 x 3 / 0,22 * 40 x 3 / 0,29 40 x 3 / 0,29 *
1.250 40 x 3 / 0,25 40 x 3 / 0,25 * 40 x 3 / 0,33 40 x 3 / 0,33 *
1.300 40 x 3 / 0,41 40 x 3 / 0,41 * 50 x 3 / 0,33 50 x 3 / 0,33 *
1.400 50 x 2 / 0,45 50 x 2 / 0,45 * 50 x 3 / 0,43 50 x 3 / 0,43 *
1.500 50 x 3 / 0,41 50 x 3 / 0,41 * 60 x 3 / 0,35 60 x 3 / 0,35 *
1.600 50 x 3 / 0,52 50 x 3 / 0,52 * 60 x 3 / 0,44 60 x 3 / 0,44 *
1.700 60 x 3 / 0,40 60 x 3 / 0,40 * 60 x 3 / 0,54 60 x 3 / 0,54 *
1.800 60 x 3 / 0,56 60 x 3 / 0,56 * 60 x 5 / 0,49 60 x 5 / 0,57
1.900 60 x 5 / 0,46 60 x 5 / 0,53 70 x 5 / 0,40 70 x 5 / 0,46
2.000 60 x 5 / 0,56 70 x 5 / 0,42 70 x 5 / 0,49 70 x 5 / 0,56
2.100 70 x 5 / 0,44 70 x 5 / 0,50 70 x 5 / 0,59 80 x 5 / 0,46
2.200 70 x 5 / 0,52 70 x 5 / 0,59 80 x 5 / 0,48 80 x 5 / 0,54
2.300 80 x 5 / 0,45 80 x 5 / 0,51 80 x 5 / 0,60 90 x 5 / 0,48
2.500 90 x 5 / 0,46 90 x 5 / 0,51 100 x 5 / 0,46 100 x 5 / 0,50
3.000 110 x 5 / 0,51 110 x 5 / 0,56 120 x 5 / 0,53 120 x 5 / 0,57

* Slide protection only on the cross bar

100 L O A D T A B L E P R E S S L O C K E D G R A T I N G / S T E E L

Press locked grating mesh spacing 33.3 x 33.3 mm, DIN EN 1991 S235 JR+N St 37-2

Bearing Width between 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1.000 1.100
bars supports
mm mm

20/2 FP 6,38 3,19 2,13 1,60 1,28 1,06 0,91 0,63 0,46 0,34
FV 106,05 47,13 26,51 16,97 11,78 8,66 5,86 3,66 2,40 1,64
20/3 FP 9,57 4,79 3,19 2,39 1,91 1,60 1,36 0,95 0,69 0,52
FV 159,07 70,70 39,77 25,45 17,67 12,99 8,80 5,49 3,60 2,46
25/2 FP 9,89 4,94 3,30 2,47 1,98 1,65 1,41 1,23 0,89 0,67
FV 165,70 73,64 41,43 26,51 18,41 13,53 10,36 7,15 4,69 3,20
25/3 FP 14,83 7,41 4,94 3,71 2,97 2,47 2,12 1,84 1,34 1,00
FV 248,55 110,47 62,14 39,77 27,62 20,29 15,53 10,73 7,04 4,81
30/2 FP 14,11 7,06 4,70 3,53 2,82 2,35 2,02 1,76 1,53 1,14
FV 238,61 106,05 59,65 38,18 26,51 19,48 14,91 11,78 8,11 5,54
30/3 FP 21,17 10,58 7,06 5,29 4,23 3,53 3,02 2,65 2,29 1,72
FV 357,91 159,07 89,48 57,27 39,77 29,22 22,37 17,67 12,16 8,31
30/4 FP 28,22 14,11 9,41 7,06 5,64 4,70 4,03 3,53 3,05 2,29
FV 477,22 212,10 119,30 76,35 53,02 38,96 29,83 23,57 16,21 11,07
30/5 FP 35,28 17,64 11,76 8,82 7,06 5,88 5,04 4,41 3,82 2,86
FV 596,52 265,12 149,13 95,44 66,28 48,70 37,28 29,46 20,27 13,84
35/2 FP 19,02 9,51 6,34 4,75 3,80 3,17 2,72 2,38 2,11 1,80
FV 324,77 144,34 81,19 51,96 36,09 26,51 20,30 16,04 12,87 8,79
35/3 FP 28,53 14,26 9,51 7,13 5,71 4,75 4,08 3,57 3,17 2,70
FV 487,16 216,52 121,79 77,95 54,13 39,77 30,45 24,06 19,31 13,19
35/4 FP 38,04 19,02 12,68 9,51 7,61 6,34 5,43 4,75 4,23 3,60
FV 649,55 288,69 162,39 103,93 72,17 53,02 40,60 32,08 25,75 17,59
35/5 FP 47,55 23,77 15,85 11,89 9,51 7,92 6,79 5,94 5,28 4,50
FV 811,93 360,86 202,98 129,91 90,21 66,28 50,75 40,10 32,19 21,98
40/2 FP 24,62 12,31 8,21 6,16 4,92 4,10 3,52 3,08 2,74 2,46
FV 424,19 188,53 106,05 67,87 47,13 34,63 26,51 20,95 16,97 13,13
40/3 FP 36,93 18,47 12,31 9,23 7,39 6,16 5,28 4,62 4,10 3,69
FV 636,29 282,80 159,07 101,81 70,70 51,94 39,77 31,42 25,45 19,69
40/4 FP 49,25 24,62 16,42 12,31 9,85 8,21 7,04 6,16 5,47 4,92
FV 848,39 377,06 212,10 135,74 94,27 69,26 53,02 41,90 33,94 26,25
40/5 FP 61,56 30,78 20,52 15,39 12,31 10,26 8,79 7,69 6,84 6,16
FV 1060,48 471,33 265,12 169,68 117,83 86,57 66,28 52,37 42,42 32,81
45/4 FP 61,77 30,89 20,59 15,44 12,35 10,30 8,82 7,72 6,86 6,18
FV 1073,74 477,22 268,43 171,80 119,30 87,65 67,11 53,02 42,95 35,50
50/2 FP 37,75 18,87 12,58 9,44 7,55 6,29 5,39 4,72 4,19 3,77
FV 662,80 294,58 165,70 106,05 73,64 54,11 41,43 32,73 26,51 21,91
50/3 FP 56,62 28,31 18,87 14,16 11,32 9,44 8,09 7,08 6,29 5,66
FV 994,20 441,87 248,55 159,07 110,47 81,16 62,14 49,10 39,77 32,87
50/4 FP 75,49 37,75 25,16 18,87 15,10 12,58 10,78 9,44 8,39 7,55
FV 1325,60 589,16 331,40 212,10 147,29 108,21 82,85 65,46 53,02 43,82
50/5 FP 94,37 47,18 31,46 23,59 18,87 15,73 13,48 11,80 10,49 9,44
FV 1657,00 736,45 414,25 265,12 184,11 135,27 103,56 81,83 66,28 54,78
60/3 FP 80,06 40,03 26,69 20,01 16,01 13,34 11,44 10,01 8,90 8,01
FV 1431,65 636,29 357,91 229,06 159,07 116,87 89,48 70,70 57,27 47,33
60/4 FP 106,74 53,37 35,58 26,69 21,35 17,79 15,25 13,34 11,86 10,67
FV 1908,87 848,39 477,22 305,42 212,10 155,83 119,30 94,27 76,35 63,10
60/5 FP 133,43 66,72 44,48 33,36 26,69 22,24 19,06 16,68 14,83 13,34
FV 2386,09 1060,48 596,52 381,77 265,12 194,78 149,13 117,83 95,44 78,88
70/3 FP 106,83 53,42 35,61 26,71 21,37 17,81 15,26 13,35 11,87 10,68
FV 1948,64 866,06 487,16 311,78 216,52 159,07 121,79 96,23 77,95 64,42
70/4 FP 142,44 71,22 47,48 35,61 28,49 23,74 20,35 17,81 15,83 14,24
FV 2598,18 1154,75 649,55 415,71 288,69 212,10 162,39 128,31 103,93 85,89
70/5 FP 178,05 89,03 59,35 44,51 35,61 29,68 25,44 22,26 19,78 17,81
3247,73 1443,43 811,93 519,64 360,86 265,12 202,98 160,38 129,91 107,36

The table applies to the standard mesh spacing of 33.3 x 33.3 and material S235 JR+N St 37-2. The values represent the maximum
permitted load-bearing capacity of the grating.

Press locked grating mesh spacing 33.3 x 33.3 mm, DIN EN 1991 S235 JR+N St 37-2

Bearing Width between 1.200 1.300 1.400 1.500 1.600 1.700 1.800 1.900 2.000
bars supports
mm mm

20/2 FP 0,26 0,21 0,17 0,14 0,11 0,09 0,08 0,07 0,06
FV 1,16 0,84 0,63 0,47 0,37 0,29 0,23 0,18 0,15
20/3 FP 0,40 0,31 0,25 0,20 0,17 0,14 0,12 0,10 0,09
FV 1,74 1,26 0,94 0,71 0,55 0,43 0,34 0,28 0,23
25/2 FP 0,51 0,40 0,32 0,26 0,22 0,18 0,15 0,13 0,11
FV 2,26 1,64 1,22 0,93 0,72 0,56 0,45 0,36 0,29
25/3 FP 0,77 0,60 0,48 0,39 0,32 0,27 0,23 0,19 0,16
FV 3,39 2,46 1,83 1,39 1,07 0,84 0,67 0,54 0,44
30/2 FP 0,88 0,69 0,55 0,45 0,37 0,31 0,26 0,22 0,19
FV 3,91 2,84 2,11 1,60 1,24 0,97 0,77 0,62 0,51
30/3 FP 1,32 1,03 0,83 0,67 0,55 0,46 0,39 0,33 0,28
FV 5,86 4,26 3,17 2,40 1,86 1,46 1,16 0,93 0,76
30/4 FP 1,76 1,38 1,10 0,90 0,74 0,61 0,52 0,44 0,38
FV 7,82 5,68 4,22 3,20 2,47 1,94 1,54 1,24 1,01
30/5 FP 2,20 1,72 1,38 1,12 0,92 0,77 0,65 0,55 0,47
FV 9,77 7,10 5,28 4,00 3,09 2,43 1,93 1,56 1,27
35/2 FP 1,38 1,08 0,87 0,70 0,58 0,48 0,41 0,35 0,30
FV 6,21 4,51 3,35 2,54 1,96 1,54 1,23 0,99 0,80
35/3 FP 2,07 1,63 1,30 1,06 0,87 0,72 0,61 0,52 0,44
FV 9,31 6,76 5,03 3,81 2,95 2,31 1,84 1,48 1,21
35/4 FP 2,76 2,17 1,73 1,41 1,16 0,97 0,81 0,69 0,59
FV 12,42 9,02 6,70 5,09 3,93 3,08 2,45 1,98 1,61
35/5 FP 3,45 2,71 2,17 1,76 1,45 1,21 1,02 0,86 0,74
FV 15,52 11,27 8,38 6,36 4,91 3,85 3,07 2,47 2,01
40/2 FP 2,04 1,60 1,28 1,04 0,86 0,71 0,60 0,51 0,44
FV 9,27 6,73 5,00 3,80 2,93 2,30 1,83 1,47 1,20
40/3 FP 3,07 2,41 1,92 1,56 1,29 1,07 0,90 0,77 0,66
FV 13,90 10,09 7,50 5,69 4,40 3,45 2,75 2,21 1,80
40/4 FP 4,09 3,21 2,57 2,08 1,72 1,43 1,20 1,02 0,88
FV 18,54 13,46 10,00 7,59 5,86 4,60 3,66 2,95 2,40
40/5 FP 5,11 4,01 3,21 2,60 2,14 1,79 1,50 1,28 1,09
FV 23,17 16,82 12,51 9,49 7,33 5,75 4,58 3,69 3,00
45/4 FP 5,62 4,53 3,62 2,94 2,42 2,02 1,70 1,44 1,24
FV 26,39 19,16 14,25 10,81 8,35 6,55 5,21 4,20 3,42
50/2 FP 3,43 3,08 2,46 2,00 1,64 1,37 1,15 0,98 0,84
FV 18,10 13,14 9,77 7,41 5,73 4,49 3,58 2,88 2,35
50/3 FP 5,15 4,61 3,69 2,99 2,46 2,05 1,73 1,47 1,26
FV 27,15 19,71 14,66 11,12 8,59 6,74 5,36 4,32 3,52
50/4 FP 6,86 6,15 4,92 3,99 3,29 2,74 2,30 1,96 1,68
FV 36,20 26,28 19,54 14,83 11,45 8,99 7,15 5,76 4,69
50/5 FP 8,58 7,69 6,15 4,99 4,11 3,42 2,88 2,45 2,10
FV 45,25 32,85 24,43 18,54 14,32 11,23 8,94 7,20 5,86
60/3 FP 7,28 6,67 6,16 5,08 4,18 3,48 2,93 2,49 2,14
FV 39,77 33,89 25,32 19,22 14,84 11,65 9,27 7,47 6,08
60/4 FP 9,70 8,90 8,21 6,77 5,58 4,65 3,91 3,32 2,85
FV 53,02 45,18 33,77 25,62 19,79 15,53 12,36 9,95 8,11
60/5 FP 12,13 11,12 10,26 8,47 6,97 5,81 4,89 4,15 3,56
FV 66,28 56,48 42,21 32,03 24,74 19,41 15,45 12,44 10,13
70/3 FP 9,71 8,90 8,22 7,63 6,51 5,42 4,57 3,88 3,32
FV 54,13 46,12 39,77 30,52 23,57 18,50 14,72 11,85 9,66
70/4 FP 12,95 11,87 10,96 10,17 8,68 7,23 6,09 5,17 4,43
FV 72,17 61,50 53,02 40,69 31,43 24,66 19,62 15,81 12,87
70/5 FP 16,19 14,84 13,70 12,72 10,85 9,04 7,61 6,47 5,54
FV 90,21 76,87 66,28 50,86 39,29 30,83 24,53 19,76 16,09

Legend for conversion values: see page 106/107.

102 L O A D T A B L E P R E S S L O C K E D G R A T I N G / S T E E L

Press locked grating mesh spacing 33.3 x 33.3 mm, DIN EN 1991 S235 JR+N St 37-2

Bearing Width 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1.000 1.100
bars between
mm supports

80/4 FP 182,33 91,17 60,78 45,58 36,47 30,39 26,05 22,79 20,26 18,23
FV 3393,54 1508,24 848,39 542,97 377,06 277,02 212,10 167,58 135,74 112,18
80/5 FP 227,91 113,96 75,97 56,98 45,58 37,99 32,56 28,49 25,32 22,79
FV 4241,93 1885,30 1060,48 678,71 471,33 346,28 265,12 209,48 169,68 140,23
90/4 FP 226,33 113,17 75,44 56,58 45,27 37,72 32,33 28,29 25,15 22,63
FV 4294,95 1908,87 1073,74 687,19 477,22 350,61 268,43 212,10 171,80 141,98
90/5 FP 282,92 141,46 94,31 70,73 56,58 47,15 40,42 35,36 31,44 28,29
FV 5368,69 2386,09 1342,17 858,99 596,52 438,26 335,54 265,12 214,75 177,48
100/5 FP 342,02 171,01 114,01 85,50 68,40 57,00 48,86 42,75 38,00 34,20
FV 6628,01 2945,78 1657,00 1060,48 736,45 541,06 414,25 327,31 265,12 219,11
110/5 FP 413,84 206,92 137,95 103,46 82,77 68,97 59,12 51,73 45,98 41,38
FV 8019,90 3564,40 2004,97 1283,18 891,10 654,69 501,24 396,04 320,80 265,12
120/5 FP 492,50 246,25 164,17 123,13 98,50 82,08 70,36 61,56 54,72 49,25
FV 9544,34 4241,93 2386,09 1527,09 1060,48 779,13 596,52 471,33 381,77 315,52
130/5 FP 578,01 289,00 192,67 144,50 115,60 96,33 82,57 72,25 64,22 57,80
FV 11201,34 4978,38 2800,34 1792,22 1244,59 914,40 700,08 553,15 448,05 370,29
140/5 FP 670,35 335,18 223,45 167,59 134,07 111,73 95,76 83,79 74,48 67,04
FV 12990,91 5773,74 3247,73 2078,55 1443,43 1060,48 811,93 641,53 519,64 429,45
150/5 FP 769,54 384,77 256,51 192,38 153,91 128,26 109,93 96,19 85,50 76,95
FV 14913,03 6628,01 3728,26 2386,09 1657,00 1217,39 932,06 736,45 596,52 492,99
160/5 FP 875,56 437,78 291,85 218,89 175,11 145,93 125,08 109,45 97,28 87,56
FV 16967,72 7541,21 4241,93 2714,83 1885,30 1385,12 1060,48 837,91 678,71 560,92
170/5 FP 988,43 494,21 329,48 247,11 197,69 164,74 141,20 123,55 109,83 98,84
FV 19154,96 8513,32 4788,74 3064,79 2128,33 1563,67 1197,19 945,92 766,20 633,22

The table applies to the standard mesh spacing of 33.3 x 33.3 and material S235 JR+N St 37-2. The values represent the maximum
permitted load-bearing capacity of the grating.

Press locked grating mesh spacing 33.3 x 33.3 mm, DIN EN 1991 S235 JR+N St 37-2

Bearing Width 1.200 1.300 1.400 1.500 1.600 1.700 1.800 1.900 2.000
bars between
mm supports

80/4 FP 16,58 15,19 14,03 13,02 12,16 10,58 8,91 7,57 6,48
FV 94,27 80,32 69,26 60,33 46,92 36,81 29,29 23,59 19,22
80/5 FP 20,72 18,99 17,53 16,28 15,19 13,22 11,13 9,46 8,11
FV 117,83 100,40 86,57 75,41 58,65 46,02 36,61 29,49 24,02
90/4 FP 20,58 18,86 17,41 16,17 15,09 14,15 12,44 10,57 9,06
FV 119,30 101,66 87,65 76,35 66,80 52,42 41,70 33,59 27,36
90/5 FP 25,72 23,58 21,76 20,21 18,86 17,68 15,55 13,21 11,32
FV 149,13 127,07 109,57 95,44 83,50 65,52 52,13 41,99 34,20
100/5 FP 31,09 28,50 26,31 24,43 22,80 21,38 20,12 17,74 15,21
FV 184,11 156,88 135,27 117,83 103,56 89,88 71,51 57,60 46,92
110/5 FP 37,62 34,49 31,83 29,56 27,59 25,87 24,34 22,99 20,24
FV 222,77 189,82 163,67 142,58 125,31 111,00 95,18 76,67 62,45
120/5 FP 44,77 41,04 37,88 35,18 32,83 30,78 28,97 27,36 25,92
FV 265,12 225,90 194,78 169,68 149,13 132,10 117,83 99,54 81,07
130/5 FP 52,55 48,17 44,46 41,29 38,53 36,13 34,00 32,11 30,42
FV 311,15 265,12 228,60 199,14 175,02 155,04 138,29 124,11 103,08
140/5 FP 60,94 55,86 51,57 47,88 44,69 41,90 39,43 37,24 35,28
FV 360,86 307,48 265,12 230,95 202,98 179,80 160,38 143,94 128,74
150/5 FP 69,96 64,13 59,20 54,97 51,30 48,10 45,27 42,75 40,50
FV 414,25 352,97 304,35 265,12 233,02 206,41 184,11 165,24 149,13
160/5 FP 79,60 72,96 67,35 62,54 58,37 54,72 51,50 48,64 46,08
FV 471,33 401,60 346,28 301,65 265,12 234,85 209,48 188,01 169,68
170/5 FP 89,86 82,37 76,03 70,60 65,90 61,78 58,14 54,91 52,02
FV 532,08 453,37 390,92 340,53 299,30 265,12 236,48 212,24 191,55

Legend for conversion values: see page 106/107.


104 L O A D T A B L E P R E S S W E L D E D G R A T I N G

Press welded grating mesh spacing 34.3 x 38.1 mm, DIN EN 1991 S235 JR+N St 37-2

Bearing Width between 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1.000 1.100
bars supports
mm mm

20/2 FP 6,14 3,07 2,05 1,53 1,23 1,02 0,87 0,61 0,44 0,33
FV 114,51 50,89 28,63 18,32 12,72 9,35 6,33 3,95 2,59 1,77
20/3 FP 9,21 4,60 3,07 2,30 1,84 1,53 1,31 0,92 0,66 0,50
FV 171,76 76,34 42,94 27,48 19,08 14,02 9,50 5,93 3,89 2,66
25/2 FP 9,52 4,76 3,17 2,38 1,90 1,59 1,36 1,18 0,86 0,64
FV 178,92 79,52 44,73 28,63 19,88 14,61 11,18 7,72 5,07 3,46
25/3 FP 14,28 7,14 4,76 3,57 2,86 2,38 2,04 1,77 1,29 0,96
FV 268,38 119,28 67,09 42,94 29,82 21,91 16,77 11,58 7,60 5,19
30/2 FP 13,60 6,80 4,53 3,40 2,72 2,27 1,94 1,70 1,47 1,10
FV 257,64 114,51 64,41 41,22 28,63 21,03 16,10 12,72 8,75 5,98
30/3 FP 20,41 10,20 6,80 5,10 4,08 3,40 2,92 2,55 2,21 1,65
FV 386,46 171,76 96,62 61,83 42,94 31,55 24,15 19,08 13,13 8,97
30/4 FP 27,21 13,60 9,07 6,80 5,44 4,53 3,89 3,40 2,94 2,21
FV 515,28 229,01 128,82 82,44 57,25 42,06 32,21 25,45 17,51 11,96
30/5 FP 34,01 17,00 11,34 8,50 6,80 5,67 4,86 4,25 3,68 2,76
FV 644,10 286,27 161,03 103,06 71,57 52,58 40,26 31,81 21,88 14,95
35/2 FP 18,35 9,18 6,12 4,59 3,67 3,06 2,62 2,29 2,04 1,74
FV 350,68 155,86 87,67 56,11 38,96 28,63 21,92 17,32 13,90 9,49
35/3 FP 27,53 13,76 9,18 6,88 5,51 4,59 3,93 3,44 3,06 2,60
FV 526,02 233,78 131,50 84,16 58,45 42,94 32,88 25,98 20,85 14,24
35/4 FP 36,71 18,35 12,24 9,18 7,34 6,12 5,24 4,59 4,08 3,47
FV 701,35 311,71 175,34 112,22 77,93 57,25 43,83 34,63 27,80 18,99
35/5 FP 45,88 22,94 15,29 11,47 9,18 7,65 6,55 5,74 5,10 4,34
FV 876,69 389,64 219,17 140,27 97,41 71,57 54,79 43,29 34,75 23,74
40/2 FP 23,79 11,89 7,93 5,95 4,76 3,96 3,40 2,97 2,64 2,38
FV 458,03 203,57 114,51 73,28 50,89 37,39 28,63 22,62 18,32 14,17
40/3 FP 35,68 17,84 11,89 8,92 7,14 5,95 5,10 4,46 3,96 3,57
FV 687,04 305,35 171,76 109,93 76,34 56,08 42,94 33,93 27,48 21,26
40/4 FP 47,58 23,79 15,86 11,89 9,52 7,93 6,80 5,95 5,29 4,76
FV 916,05 407,14 229,01 146,57 101,78 74,78 57,25 45,24 36,64 28,35
40/5 FP 59,47 29,74 19,82 14,87 11,89 9,91 8,50 7,43 6,61 5,95
FV 1145,07 508,92 286,27 183,21 127,23 93,47 71,57 56,55 45,80 35,43
45/4 FP 59,76 29,88 19,92 14,94 11,95 9,96 8,54 7,47 6,64 5,98
FV 1159,38 515,28 289,85 185,50 128,82 94,64 72,46 57,25 46,38 38,33
50/2 FP 36,60 18,30 12,20 9,15 7,32 6,10 5,23 4,58 4,07 3,66
FV 715,67 318,07 178,92 114,51 79,52 58,42 44,73 35,34 28,63 23,66
50/3 FP 54,90 27,45 18,30 13,73 10,98 9,15 7,84 6,86 6,10 5,49
FV 1073,50 477,11 268,38 171,76 119,28 87,63 67,09 53,01 42,94 35,49
50/4 FP 73,20 36,60 24,40 18,30 14,64 12,20 10,46 9,15 8,13 7,32
FV 1431,33 636,15 357,83 229,01 159,04 116,84 89,46 70,68 57,25 47,32
50/5 FP 91,50 45,75 30,50 22,88 18,30 15,25 13,07 11,44 10,17 9,15
FV 1789,17 795,19 447,29 286,27 198,80 146,05 111,82 88,35 71,57 59,15
60/3 FP 77,73 38,86 25,91 19,43 15,55 12,95 11,10 9,72 8,64 7,77
FV 1545,84 687,04 386,46 247,33 171,76 126,19 96,62 76,34 61,83 51,10
60/4 FP 103,63 51,82 34,54 25,91 20,73 17,27 14,80 12,95 11,51 10,36
FV 2061,12 916,05 515,28 329,78 229,01 168,25 128,82 101,78 82,44 68,14
60/5 FP 129,54 64,77 43,18 32,39 25,91 21,59 18,51 16,19 14,39 12,95
FV 2576,40 1145,07 644,10 412,22 286,27 210,32 161,03 127,23 103,06 85,17
70/3 FP 104,12 52,06 34,71 26,03 20,82 17,35 14,87 13,01 11,57 10,41
FV 2104,06 935,14 526,02 336,65 233,78 171,76 131,50 103,90 84,16 69,56
70/4 FP 138,82 69,41 46,27 34,71 27,76 23,14 19,83 17,35 15,42 13,88
FV 2805,42 1246,85 701,35 448,87 311,71 229,01 175,34 138,54 112,22 92,74
70/5 FP 173,53 86,77 57,84 43,38 34,71 28,92 24,79 21,69 19,28 17,35
FV 3506,77 1558,56 876,69 561,08 389,64 286,27 219,17 173,17 140,27 115,93
80/4 FP 178,16 89,08 59,39 44,54 35,63 29,69 25,45 22,27 19,80 17,82
FV 3664,22 1628,54 916,05 586,27 407,14 299,12 229,01 180,95 146,57 121,13
80/5 FP 222,70 111,35 74,23 55,68 44,54 37,12 31,81 27,84 24,74 22,27
FV 4580,27 2035,68 1145,07 732,84 508,92 373,90 286,27 226,19 183,21 151,41

The table applies to the standard mesh spacing of 34.3 x 38.1 and material S235 JR + N St 37-2. The values represent the maximum
permitted load-bearing capacity of the grating.

Press welded grating mesh spacing 34.3 x 38.1 mm, DIN EN 1991 S235 JR+N St 37-2

Bearing Width between 1.200 1.300 1.400 1.500 1.600 1.700 1.800 1.900 2.000
bars supports
mm mm

20/2 FP 0,25 0,20 0,16 0,13 0,11 0,09 0,07 0,06 0,05
FV 1,25 0,91 0,68 0,51 0,40 0,31 0,25 0,20 0,16
20/3 FP 0,38 0,30 0,24 0,19 0,16 0,13 0,11 0,10 0,08
FV 1,88 1,36 1,01 0,77 0,59 0,47 0,37 0,30 0,24
25/2 FP 0,49 0,39 0,31 0,25 0,21 0,17 0,15 0,12 0,11
FV 2,44 1,77 1,32 1,00 0,77 0,61 0,48 0,39 0,32
25/3 FP 0,74 0,58 0,46 0,38 0,31 0,26 0,22 0,19 0,16
FV 3,66 2,66 1,98 1,50 1,16 0,91 0,72 0,58 0,47
30/2 FP 0,85 0,67 0,53 0,43 0,36 0,30 0,25 0,21 0,18
FV 4,22 3,07 2,28 1,73 1,34 1,05 0,83 0,67 0,55
30/3 FP 1,27 1,00 0,80 0,65 0,53 0,44 0,37 0,32 0,27
FV 6,33 4,60 3,42 2,59 2,00 1,57 1,25 1,01 0,82
30/4 FP 1,69 1,33 1,06 0,86 0,71 0,59 0,50 0,42 0,36
FV 8,44 6,13 4,56 3,46 2,67 2,10 1,67 1,34 1,09
30/5 FP 2,12 1,66 1,33 1,08 0,89 0,74 0,62 0,53 0,45
FV 10,55 7,66 5,70 4,32 3,34 2,62 2,08 1,68 1,37
35/2 FP 1,33 1,05 0,84 0,68 0,56 0,47 0,39 0,33 0,29
FV 6,70 4,87 3,62 2,75 2,12 1,66 1,32 1,07 0,87
35/3 FP 2,00 1,57 1,26 1,02 0,84 0,70 0,59 0,50 0,43
FV 10,06 7,30 5,43 4,12 3,18 2,50 1,99 1,60 1,30
35/4 FP 2,67 2,09 1,67 1,36 1,12 0,93 0,78 0,67 0,57
FV 13,41 9,73 7,24 5,49 4,24 3,33 2,65 2,13 1,74
35/5 FP 3,33 2,62 2,09 1,70 1,40 1,16 0,98 0,83 0,71
FV 16,76 12,17 9,05 6,86 5,30 4,16 3,31 2,67 2,17
40/2 FP 1,98 1,55 1,24 1,01 0,83 0,69 0,58 0,49 0,42
FV 10,01 7,27 5,40 4,10 3,17 2,48 1,98 1,59 1,30
40/3 FP 2,96 2,33 1,86 1,51 1,24 1,04 0,87 0,74 0,63
FV 15,01 10,90 8,10 6,15 4,75 3,73 2,96 2,39 1,95
40/4 FP 3,95 3,10 2,48 2,01 1,66 1,38 1,16 0,99 0,85
FV 20,01 14,53 10,80 8,20 6,33 4,97 3,95 3,18 2,59
40/5 FP 4,94 3,88 3,10 2,52 2,07 1,73 1,45 1,23 1,06
FV 25,02 18,16 13,50 10,25 7,92 6,21 4,94 3,98 3,24
45/4 FP 5,43 4,38 3,50 2,84 2,34 1,95 1,64 1,40 1,20
FV 28,50 20,69 15,38 11,67 9,02 7,07 5,63 4,53 3,69
50/2 FP 3,33 2,98 2,38 1,94 1,59 1,33 1,12 0,95 0,81
FV 19,54 14,19 10,55 8,01 6,18 4,85 3,86 3,11 2,53
50/3 FP 4,99 4,47 3,58 2,90 2,39 1,99 1,68 1,42 1,22
FV 29,32 21,28 15,82 12,01 9,28 7,28 5,79 4,66 3,80
50/4 FP 6,65 5,96 4,77 3,87 3,19 2,65 2,23 1,90 1,63
FV 39,09 28,38 21,10 16,01 12,37 9,70 7,72 6,22 5,07
50/5 FP 8,32 7,46 5,96 4,84 3,98 3,32 2,79 2,37 2,03
FV 48,86 35,47 26,37 20,01 15,46 12,13 9,65 7,77 6,33
60/3 FP 7,07 6,48 5,98 4,93 4,06 3,38 2,85 2,42 2,07
FV 42,94 36,59 27,34 20,75 16,03 12,58 10,01 8,06 6,57
60/4 FP 9,42 8,64 7,97 6,58 5,41 4,51 3,80 3,23 2,76
FV 57,25 48,78 36,46 27,67 21,37 16,77 13,34 10,75 8,75
60/5 FP 11,78 10,80 9,96 8,22 6,77 5,64 4,75 4,03 3,46 Statics
FV 71,57 60,98 45,57 34,58 26,72 20,96 16,68 13,43 10,94 and
70/3 FP 9,47 8,68 8,01 7,44 6,35 5,29 4,45 3,78 3,24 Load
FV 58,45 49,80 42,94 32,95 25,45 19,97 15,89 12,80 10,43 Tables
70/4 FP 12,62 11,57 10,68 9,92 8,46 7,05 5,93 5,04 4,32
FV 77,93 66,40 57,25 43,93 33,94 26,63 21,19 17,07 13,90
70/5 FP 15,78 14,46 13,35 12,40 10,58 8,81 7,42 6,30 5,40
FV 97,41 83,00 71,57 54,92 42,42 33,29 26,48 21,33 17,38
80/4 FP 16,20 14,85 13,70 12,73 11,88 10,34 8,70 7,39 6,34
FV 101,78 86,73 74,78 65,14 50,66 39,75 31,63 25,48 20,75
80/5 FP 20,25 18,56 17,13 15,91 14,85 12,92 10,88 9,24 7,92
FV 127,23 108,41 93,47 81,43 63,32 49,69 39,53 31,84 25,94

Legend for conversion values: see page 106/107.

106 L O A D T A B L E F U L L G R A T I N G / S T E E L

Full grating mesh spacing 33.3 x 33.3 mm, DIN EN 1991 S235 JR+N St 37-2

Bearing Width between 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1.000 1.100
bars supports
mm mm

20/2 FP 4,25 2,13 1,42 1,06 0,85 0,71 0,61 0,42 0,31 0,23
FV 70,70 31,42 17,67 11,31 7,86 5,77 3,91 2,44 1,60 1,09
20/3 FP 6,38 3,19 2,13 1,60 1,28 1,06 0,91 0,63 0,46 0,34
FV 106,05 47,13 26,51 16,97 11,78 8,66 5,86 3,66 2,40 1,64
25/2 FP 6,59 3,30 2,20 1,65 1,32 1,10 0,94 0,82 0,59 0,45
FV 110,47 49,10 27,62 17,67 12,27 9,02 6,90 4,77 3,13 2,14
25/3 FP 9,89 4,94 3,30 2,47 1,98 1,65 1,41 1,23 0,89 0,67
FV 165,70 73,64 41,43 26,51 18,41 13,53 10,36 7,15 4,69 3,20
30/2 FP 9,41 4,70 3,14 2,35 1,88 1,57 1,34 1,18 1,02 0,76
FV 159,07 70,70 39,77 25,45 17,67 12,99 9,94 7,86 5,40 3,69
30/3 FP 14,11 7,06 4,70 3,53 2,82 2,35 2,02 1,76 1,53 1,14
FV 238,61 106,05 59,65 38,18 26,51 19,48 14,91 11,78 8,11 5,54
35/2 FP 12,68 6,34 4,23 3,17 2,54 2,11 1,81 1,58 1,41 1,20
FV 216,52 96,23 54,13 34,64 24,06 17,67 13,53 10,69 8,58 5,86
35/3 FP 19,02 9,51 6,34 4,75 3,80 3,17 2,72 2,38 2,11 1,80
FV 324,77 144,34 81,19 51,96 36,09 26,51 20,30 16,04 12,87 8,79
40/2 FP 16,42 8,21 5,47 4,10 3,28 2,74 2,35 2,05 1,82 1,64
FV 282,80 125,69 70,70 45,25 31,42 23,09 17,67 13,97 11,31 8,75
40/3 FP 24,62 12,31 8,21 6,16 4,92 4,10 3,52 3,08 2,74 2,46
FV 424,19 188,53 106,05 67,87 47,13 34,63 26,51 20,95 16,97 13,13
45/2 FP 20,59 8,21 5,47 4,10 3,28 2,74 2,35 2,05 1,82 1,64
FV 357,91 125,69 70,70 45,25 31,42 23,09 17,67 13,97 11,31 8,75
45/3 FP 30,89 12,31 8,21 6,16 4,92 4,10 3,52 3,08 2,74 2,46
FV 536,87 188,53 106,05 67,87 47,13 34,63 26,51 20,95 16,97 13,13
50/2 FP 25,16 12,58 8,39 6,29 5,03 4,19 3,59 3,15 2,80 2,52
FV 441,87 196,39 110,47 70,70 49,10 36,07 27,62 21,82 17,67 14,61
50/3 FP 37,75 18,87 12,58 9,44 7,55 6,29 5,39 4,72 4,19 3,77
FV 662,80 294,58 165,70 106,05 73,64 54,11 41,43 32,73 26,51 21,91
60/2 FP 35,58 17,79 11,86 8,90 7,12 5,93 5,08 4,45 3,95 3,56
FV 636,29 282,80 159,07 101,81 70,70 51,94 39,77 31,42 25,45 21,03
60/3 FP 53,37 26,69 17,79 13,34 10,67 8,90 7,62 6,67 5,93 5,34
954,43 424,19 238,61 152,71 106,05 77,91 59,65 47,13 38,18 31,55

The table applies to the standard mesh spacing of 33.3 x 33.3 and material S235 JR+N St 37-2. The values represent the maximum
permitted load-bearing capacity of the grating.

For the load of full grating and louvre grating, the stated point loading has to be multiplied by a factor of 0.67.

For the load on grating made of material S355 JR, the maximum load to the left of the black line can be multiplied by 1.5, whereas to
the right of it the value remains the same.

The width between supports is the clear width between the bearings of the grating. The grating landing for grating panels should be
not less than the height of the grating, but always a minimum of 30 mm.

FP is the maximum point loading in kn on the load cube 200 x 200 mm. FV is the maximum uniformly distributed surface load in

Full grating mesh spacing 33.3 x 33.3 mm, DIn En 1991 S235 JR+n St 37-2

Bearing Width between 1.200 1.300 1.400 1.500 1.600 1.700 1.800 1.900 2.000
bars supports
mm mm

20/2 FP 0,18 0,14 0,11 0,09 0,07 0,06 0,05 0,04 0,04
FV 0,77 0,56 0,42 0,32 0,24 0,19 0,15 0,12 0,10
20/3 FP 0,26 0,21 0,17 0,14 0,11 0,09 0,08 0,07 0,06
FV 1,16 0,84 0,63 0,47 0,37 0,29 0,23 0,18 0,15
25/2 FP 0,34 0,27 0,21 0,17 0,14 0,12 0,10 0,09 0,07
FV 1,51 1,10 0,81 0,62 0,48 0,37 0,30 0,24 0,20
25/3 FP 0,51 0,40 0,32 0,26 0,22 0,18 0,15 0,13 0,11
FV 2,26 1,64 1,22 0,93 0,72 0,56 0,45 0,36 0,29
30/2 FP 0,59 0,46 0,37 0,30 0,25 0,20 0,17 0,15 0,13
FV 2,61 1,89 1,41 1,07 0,82 0,65 0,51 0,41 0,34
30/3 FP 0,88 0,69 0,55 0,45 0,37 0,31 0,26 0,22 0,19
FV 3,91 2,84 2,11 1,60 1,24 0,97 0,77 0,62 0,51
35/2 FP 0,92 0,72 0,58 0,47 0,39 0,32 0,27 0,23 0,20
FV 4,14 3,01 2,23 1,70 1,31 1,03 0,82 0,66 0,54
35/3 FP 1,38 1,08 0,87 0,70 0,58 0,48 0,41 0,35 0,30
FV 6,21 4,51 3,35 2,54 1,96 1,54 1,23 0,99 0,80
40/2 FP 1,36 1,07 0,86 0,69 0,57 0,48 0,40 0,34 0,29
FV 6,18 4,49 3,33 2,53 1,95 1,53 1,22 0,98 0,80
40/3 FP 2,04 1,60 1,28 1,04 0,86 0,71 0,60 0,51 0,44
FV 9,27 6,73 5,00 3,80 2,93 2,30 1,83 1,47 1,20
45/2 FP 1,36 1,07 0,86 0,69 0,57 0,48 0,40 0,34 0,29
FV 6,18 4,49 3,33 2,53 1,95 1,53 1,22 0,98 0,80
45/3 FP 2,04 1,60 1,28 1,04 0,86 0,71 0,60 0,51 0,44
FV 9,27 6,73 5,00 3,80 2,93 2,30 1,83 1,47 1,20
50/2 FP 2,29 2,05 1,64 1,33 1,10 0,91 0,77 0,65 0,56
FV 12,07 8,76 6,51 4,94 3,82 3,00 2,38 1,92 1,56
50/3 FP 3,43 3,08 2,46 2,00 1,64 1,37 1,15 0,98 0,84
FV 18,10 13,14 9,77 7,41 5,73 4,49 3,58 2,88 2,35
60/2 FP 3,23 2,97 2,74 2,26 1,86 1,55 1,30 1,11 0,95
FV 17,67 15,06 11,26 8,54 6,60 5,18 4,12 3,32 2,70
60/3 FP 4,85 4,45 4,11 3,39 2,79 2,32 1,96 1,66 1,42
26,51 22,59 16,88 12,81 9,90 7,77 6,18 4,98 4,05

C o n v e r s i o n v a l u e s : Accessible area with a point loading of 1.5 kn on a 200 x

1 kn = 100 kg 200 mm load cube with a defl ection ≤ 4 mm according to
BGI 588 and RAL GZ 637.
10 Kn = 1 to
^ ^
10 n =1 dan = 1 kp Area with a point loading of 1.5 kn on a 200 x 200 mm load Statics
The width between supports cube with a defl ection ≤ L/200. and

This is just an excerpt from our load tables. The complete tables can be found in the download area of our website at
108 L O A D T A B L E V E H I C U L A R G R A T I N G

Vehicular grating, DIN EN 1991, S235 JR+N St 37-2

Width between supports mm 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1.000 1.100 1.200 1.300 1.400 1.500

Total load Small van (F2) 30/4 30/4 30/5 40/4 40/5 40/5 50/4 60/4 60/4 60/4 70/4 70/4 70/4 70/4
Wheel load 10 kN
LA 200 x 200 mm
Total load Van 6,0 to 30/4 40/5 60/4 70/4 70/4 70/5 80/5 80/5 90/5 90/5 100/5 100/5 110/5 110/5
Wheel load 20 kN
LA 200 x 200 mm
Total load Van 9,0 to 30/4 50/4 70/4 70/5 80/5 90/5 90/5 100/5 110/5 110/5 120/5 120/5 130/5 130/5
Wheel load 30 kN
LA 200 x 260 mm
Total load Van 12,0 to 30/4 60/4 70/4 90/5 90/5 100/5 110/5 120/5 120/5 130/5 140/5 150/5 150/5 -
Wheel load 40 kN
LA 200 x 300 mm
Total load Van 16,0 to / 30/4 60/4 70/4 90/5 90/5 110/5 120/5 120/5 130/5 140/5 150/5 - - -
Wheel load Heavy truck 30 to
LA 50 kN
200 x 400 mm
Total load Heavy truck 60 to 30/4 60/4 70/4 90/5 120/5 130/5 150/5 - - - - - - -
Wheel load 100 kN
LA 200 x 600 mm
The calculation of the bearing bars for passenger cars is carried out taking into account the vibration coefficient (braking factor) of 1.0 according to DIN EN 1991-
1-1:2010-12 + NA. The calculation of the bearing bars for trucks and heavy trucks is carried out taking into account the vibration coefficient (braking factor) of 1.4
according to DIN 1072 (12.85).

Vehicular grating with forklif t truck, pneumatic tyres

DIN EN 1991, S235 JR+N St 37-2

Width between supports mm 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1.000 1.100 1.200 1.300 1.400 1.500

Total load 3,1 to 30/4 35/4 40/5 50/4 60/4 70/4 70/4 70/5 70/5 80/4 80/5 80/5 90/5 90/5
Wheel load 13 kN
LA 200 x 200 mm
Total load 4,6 to 30/4 40/5 50/5 60/5 70/4 70/5 80/5 80/5 90/5 90/5 100/5 100/5 110/5 110/5
Wheel load 20 kN
LA 200 x 200 mm
Total load 7 to 40/4 60/4 70/4 80/4 80/5 90/5 100/5 110/5 110/5 120/5 130/5 130/5 140/5 140/5
Wheel load 31,5 kN
LA 200 x 200 mm
Total load 10 to 45/5 70/4 80/5 90/5 100/5 110/5 120/5 130/5 130/5 140/5 150/5 150/5 - -
Wheel load 45 kN
LA 200 x 200 mm
Total load 15 to 60/4 80/5 100/5 110/5 120/5 140/5 150/5 - - - - - - -
Wheel load 70 kN
LA 200 x 200 mm
Total load 19 to 60/5 90/5 110/5 120/5 140/5 150/5 - - - - - - - -
Wheel load 85 kN
LA 200 x 200 mm
The calculation of the bearing bars is carried out taking into account the vibration coefficient (braking factor) of 1.4.

Vehicular grating with forklif t truck, solid rubber tyres

DIN EN 1991, S235 JR+N St 37-2

Width between supports mm 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1.000 1.100 1.200 1.300 1.400 1.500

Total load 3,1 to 30/4 40/5 50/5 60/4 60/5 70/5 80/4 80/5 90/5 90/5 100/5 100/5 100/5 110/5
Wheel load 13 kN
LA 200 x 200 mm
Total load 4,6 to 40/4 60/4 70/4 70/5 80/5 90/5 90/5 100/5 110/5 110/5 120/5 120/5 130/5 130/5
Wheel load 20 kN
LA 200 x 200 mm
Total load 7 to 50/4 70/4 80/5 90/5 100/5 110/5 120/5 130/5 140/5 140/5 150/5 - - -
Wheel load 31,5 kN
LA 200 x 200 mm
Total load 10 to 60/4 80/4 90/5 110/5 120/5 130/5 140/5 150/5 - - - - - -
Wheel load 45 kN
LA 200 x 200 mm
Total load 15 to 70/4 90/5 120/5 130/5 150/5 - - - - - - - - -
Wheel load 70 kN
LA 200 x 200 mm
Total load 19 to 70/5 100/5 130/5 150/5 - - - - - - - - - -
Wheel load 85 kN
LA 200 x 200 mm
The calculation of the bearing bars is carried out taking into account the vibration coefficient (braking factor) of 1.4.

Vehicular grating, DIN EN 1991, S235 JR+N St 37-2 The table applies to the standard mesh spacing of 33.3 x 33.3
and material S235 JR+N St 37-2.
Width between supports mm 1.600 1.700 1.800 1.900 2.000

Total load Small van (F2) 70/5 70/5 80/5 80/5 90/5 The values represent the maximum permitted load-bearing ca-
Wheel load 10 kN
LA 200 x 200 mm pacity of the grating.
Total load Van 6,0 to 120/5 120/5 120/5 130/5 130/5
Wheel load 20 kN
LA 200 x 200 mm LA = load carrying area
Total load Van 9,0 to 140/5 140/5 150/5 150/5 -
Wheel load 30 kN
LA 200 x 260 mm C o n v e r s i o n v a l u e s :
Total load Van 12,0 to - - - - -
Wheel load 40 kN 1 kN =^ 100 kg
LA 200 x 300 mm
^ 1 to
10 KN =
Total load Van 16,0 to / - - - - -
Wheel load Heavy truck 30 to ^ daN =
^ 1 kp
LA 50 kN
10 N =1
200 x 400 mm
The width between supports
Total load Heavy truck 60 to - - - - -
Wheel load 100 kN
LA 200 x 600 mm
The width between supports is the clear width between the
bearings of the grating. The grating landing for grating panels
should be not less than the height of the grating, but always a
Vehicular grating with forklif t truck, pneumatic tyres minimum of 30 mm.
DIN EN 1991, S235 JR+N St 37-2

Width between supports mm 1.600 1.700 1.800 1.900 2.000

Total load 3,1 to 100/5 110/5 110/5 120/5 120/5

Wheel load 13 kN
LA 200 x 200 mm
Total load 4,6 to 120/5 120/5 130/5 140/5 150/5
Wheel load 20 kN
LA 200 x 200 mm
Total load 7 to 150/5 150/5 - - -
Wheel load 31,5 kN
LA 200 x 200 mm
Total load 10 to - - - - -
Wheel load 45 kN
LA 200 x 200 mm
Total load 15 to - - - - -
Wheel load 70 kN
LA 200 x 200 mm
Total load 19 to - - - - -
Wheel load 85 kN
LA 200 x 200 mm

Vehicular grating with forklif t truck, solid rubber tyres

DIN EN 1991, S235 JR+N St 37-2

Width between supports mm 1.600 1.700 1.800 1.900 2.000

Total load 3,1 to 110/5 120/5 130/5 130/5 140/5

Wheel load 13 kN
LA 200 x 200 mm
Total load 4,6 to 140/5 140/5 150/5 150/5 -
Wheel load 20 kN and
LA 200 x 200 mm Load
Total load 7 to - - - - - Tables
Wheel load 31,5 kN
LA 200 x 200 mm
Total load 10 to - - - - -
Wheel load 45 kN
LA 200 x 200 mm
Total load 15 to - - - - -
Wheel load 70 kN
LA 200 x 200 mm
Total load 19 to - - - - -
Wheel load 85 kN
LA 200 x 200 mm


Steinplatte observation platform , Austria

112 S A F E T Y


The theme of health and safety at work and accident preven- cases, avoidable accidents at work cause significant costs. A
tion is growing in importance in companies and institutions. serious corporate commitment to pleasant and safe working
The accident prevention regulations issued by the Professio- conditions has an effect not least on the image of a company
nal Associations and the German Social Accident Insurance and enables customers to draw their own conclusions of the
(DGUV) are binding legal regulations, so that non-compliance quality of the products and services. Irrespective of all legal
can have serious consequences for any company. In many consequences, all costs and the damage to our reputation,

Top, from left to right:

BMW plant, Dingolfing;
Mooring platform; Lucerne Cantonal Hospital, Switzerland
Bottom: Saarbahn, Saarbrücken

there is one thing above all that we should not forget: we owe gue called „Health and Safety at Work“ in order to show you at
our success to our employees - people who are worthy of our a glance where improvements are possible and required. Ask
protection. These are all good reasons for MEISER dealing in your contact at MEISER for advice and carry out an analysis
depth with this topic. We have developed a range of products together with us with respect to how you can design your work
which help you to prevent accidents and carry out your work areas to be even safer. Detailed information can be found in the
safely. We have brought these products together in our catalo- MEISER health and safety at work brochure.
114 A n ti - S kid - P roperties

Anti-Skid-Proper ties

Fall protection safety In recent years the issue of the slip resistance of walkable sur-
faces has gained in importance. Wherever work is carried out
with glide-enhancing substances, i.e. where oils, greases and
emulsions are used, there is an increased risk of slipping.

Outdoors, the weather plays a crucial role. Rain and snow
quickly transform many areas into slides. However, MEISER of-
fers a solution to this problem and guarantees a safe grip with
Angle transmitter
MEISER anti-skid grating.
These greatly reduce the risk of slipping. Depending on the re-
gulations or personal safety needs, MEISER can supply grating
with a classification from R9 to R13. The required R number for
Travelling plane different fields of application is specified by the „Professional
Association Rule for Safety and Health at Work (BGR181)“.


An analysis of this slip resistance capability is carried out by an

independent test institution with clearly defined test equipment
(see illustration).


Degree R Class

from 3° to 10° R9
from 10° to 19° R10
from 19° to 27° R11
from 27° to 35° R12
more than 35° R13

Fuel depot, Honau


116 S lip protectio n serratio n types

P o i n t e d To o t h S e r r a t i o n S R 1

The pointed tooth serration is used exclusively for press

welded grating. In this form, the bearing bar is provided with
particularly sharp notches by arranging crescent-shaped
recesses continuously next to one another. This significantly
increases the slip-resistant properties of this type of grating.
With this profile it is possible to achieve slip resistance class
R12 with certain mesh widths.

S a w To o t h S l i d e S e r r a t i o n S R 2

Saw tooth slide serration is only possible in the case of

press locked grating and is characterised by the saw
tooth-shaped notching of the bearing bars and/or cross
bars. With this form of slide protection, the maximum slip
resistance class that can be reached is R12. This slide
protection profile forms a basis for other special forms in
accordance with foreign standards (e.g. Danish Railways).
Please contact us about this if required.

Super Slide Serration SR3

Super slide serration is only possible in the case of press

locked grating and is characterised by extremely high levels
of anti-skid-properties. Here, the bearing bars and cross
bars are punched to be particularly sharp-edged. With this
form, the highest resistance class, i.e. R13, can be reached.
This type of serration is used particularly in the food industry
and in areas with high levels of contamination or regular
contact with liquids.

Standard Slide Serration SR4

The standard slide serration is characterised by the semi-

circular notching on the bearing bars and/or cross bars,
with residual webs being left between the notches. This
means that in the case of press locked grating, a slip
resistance class of up to R12 (notching of the bearing
bar and cross bar) and in the case of press welded gra-
ting up to R11 (notching only possible on the bearing bar)
can be achieved. This version is used as the standard gra-
ting in outdoor areas which are regularly frequented and

Over view of Slide (serration) Cer tificates

Evaluation group Type of grating Mesh spacing Bearing bar Type of anti-skid Material Surface
(mm) serration

R10 Press welded 34 x 38 30/3 without S 235 JR+N galvanized

R10 Press welded 34 x 50 30/3 SR 4 T S 235 JR+N galvanized
R10 Press locked 33 x 33 30/3 without S 235 JR+N galvanized
R10 Press locked 33 x 33 30/3 without S 235 JR+N CDC
R10 Press locked 33 x 33 30/3 SR 4 T S 235 JR+N galvanized
R10 Press locked 33 x 33 30/2 SR 4 F S 235 JR+N galvanized
R10 Press locked 33 x 11 30/3 without V4A galvanized
R10 Press locked 33 x 11 30/2 without S 235 JR+N galvanized
R10 Press locked 33 x 16 30/5 SR 4 F S 235 JR+N galvanized
R11 Press welded 34 x 38 30/3 SR 41 T S 235 JR+N galvanized
R11 Press welded 34 x 38 30/3 SR 1 T S 235 JR+N galvanized
R11 Press welded 34 x 24 30/3 SR 4 T S 235 JR+N galvanized
R11 Press welded 34 x 38 30/3 SR 4 T S 235 JR+N galvanized
R11 Press welded 34 x 50 30/3 SR 1 T S 235 JR+N galvanized
R11 Offshore press welded 38 x 101 30/3 SR 6 T S 235 JR+N galvanized
R11 Press locked 33 x 11 30/2 SR 2 TF S 235 JR+N galvanized
R11 Press locked 33 x 11 30/2 SR 2 F S 235 JR+N galvanized
R11 Press locked 33 x 33 30/3 SR 2 F S 235 JR+N galvanized
R11 Press locked 33 x 16 50/5 SR 2 F S 235 JR+N galvanized
R11 Press locked 33 x 11 30/3 SR 4 F S 235 JR+N galvanized
R11 Press locked 33 x 11 30/2 SR 4 F AlMg3 raw
R11 Nosing perforated S 235 JR+N galvanized
R12 Press welded 34 x 38 30/3 SR 11 T S 235 JR+N galvanized
R12 Press locked 33 x 33 30/2 SR 4 TF AlMg3 raw
R12 Press locked 33 x 33 30/3 SR 4 TF 1.4301 stained
R12 Press locked 33 x 33 25/3 SR 3 F S 235 JR+N galvanized
R12 Press locked 33 x 33 30/3 SR 4 TF S 235 JR+N galvanized
R12 Press locked 33 x 33 30/2 SR 2 TF S 235 JR+N galvanized
R12 Press locked 33 x 33 30/3 SR 4 T + SR 3 F S 235 JR+N galvanized
R12 Press locked 33 x 33 30/5 SR 4 T + SR 3 F S 235 JR+N galvanized
R13 Press locked 33 x 22 30/3 SR 3 TF S 235 JR+N galvanized
R13 Press locked 33 x 33 30/3 SR 3 TF S 235 JR+N galvanized
R13 Press locked 33 x 11 30/3 SR3 F S 235 JR+N galvanized

Slide protection - serrating is to be found on: T = bearing bar, F = cross bar, R = edge surround. Other sizes are possible based on the above. For production reasons,
not all types of slide protection can be provided for all mesh spacing or bearing bars. We will be pleased to advise you!



Service /
/ Certifi-
120 S E R V I C E


MEISER understands service as offering its customers the gre-

atest possible additional benefits with the punctual delivery
of high-quality products. This begins with our offering you an
extensive planning service. As professionals in the field of gra-
ting, we are able to plan an application faster and better than a
planner who only deals with this topic from time to time or even
for the first time.

A further special attraction for us is solving unusual tasks. We

do not want to reduce your ideas to the possibilities at our dis-
posal, but rather expand our possibilities through the develop-
ment of new solutions. That is why new tasks are not only a
technical challenge to us, but also the opportunity to improve
and develop as a company.

Put us to the test!

Planning / Manufacturing / Assembling

Our offer to you includes the planning, manufacture and, upon

request, assembly and preparation of installation plans — all
under one roof. The continuous development of new products
and the refinement of existing ones for a wide range of applica-
tions enable us to satisfy your requirements. Service is our top
priority. For you this means:

- Advice on design, standards and regulations

- Preparation of assembly and manufacturing drawings
- Development of customer-specific special solutions.

For us, quality assurance is a matter of course. The designs

comply — where necessary — with the latest DIN / EN stan-
dards, the conditions of the German accident prevention regu-
lations and the specifications of the Professional Associations.

External Sales Force

Know how, quality, modern machinery, reliability and the best
possible solutions to problems are the pillars on which our
work is based.

Nevertheless, this is not the most important part of what makes

us successful, but rather our employees, who step up to the
plate every day to give their best on your behalf and position us
successfully in the market.

This applies to everyone in our company - and that makes us

proud. Business is done between people and not between
systems. In order to ensure this in a sustainable manner and
really be able to satisfy your wishes and requirements, the
MEISER company puts its faith in an old, but tried and tested
sales strategy: support from our professional external sales
force on site in your company.

Put your faith in short communication channels and reliable

contact persons who advise you on the basis of their expe-
rience and expertise, highlight possible solutions and will
immediately provide you with assistance in the event that not
everything is running smoothly. In our opinion this is the only
correct way to ensure that your requirements are met.

We will not abandon this course, because it is the way to achie-

ve quality and reliability which begins with the products and
certainly does not end with customer support.

Service /
/ Certifi-
122 S E R V I C E

Service and Complaints


The prerequisite for the long-term satisfaction of our customers

is good support - also after their purchase. A well-functioning
service and complaints management system is an important
part of our corporate culture and an essential part of success-
ful and long-term cooperation.

We see it as our task to scrutinise our processes at regular

intervals, initiate preventative measures and optimise our pro-
cesses in order to be able to offer you an optimum service.

However, should something go wrong, the speedy processing

of a complaint and the regular provision of information to our
customers about progress with respect to processing the com-
plaint is a matter of course for our employees.

Our service team is always there for you.

Contact us:

Tel +49 (0) 6887 - 309-1367
Fax +49 (0) 6887 - 309-3000
E-Mail service@meiser.de

Tel +49 (0) 37421 - 50-2118
Fax +49 (0) 37421 - 50-2100
E-Mail service@meiser.de

You‘ll find your contact person on our website


Quality „made in Germany“

MEISER has for many years focused on Germany as its busi-

ness location. Through the further expansion of our production
location in Limbach and Oelsnitz, MEISER now employs over
1,500 people in Germany. Our products therefore deserve the
designation „Made in Germany“.

However, we use these not only to supply our German custo-

mers, but also to export our products to the whole world. In
response to specific customer wishes, we have already had
our manufacturing processes verified in accordance with DIN
EN 1090-2 Exc 2. As a result, we can in specific cases - and
after prior arrangement with the customer - issue a CE mark for
the products manufactured by MEISER.

E n v i r o n m e n t ( D I N E N 5 0 0 01 )

Every company has to be aware of its responsibility towards

our environment. For MEISER this means the firm anchoring
of this idea in the corporate culture and therefore also in the
minds of our employees. With the introduction of an energy
and environmental management system during the course of
2013, we intend to implement this principle consistently and
embed it in our production process.

As a company that produces in Germany, the highest envi-

ronmental standards in the world already apply to MEISER.
Our production is not associated with any harmful emissions
whatsoever for the environment, and we strictly adhere to
resource-saving production techniques. Our new hot dip gal-
vanising plant is one of the most modern plants in Europe and
no longer has anything in common with many old plants which
are still in operation today. We generate a significant share of
the electricity we need ourselves with our own solar energy sy-
stems and make use of the exhaust heat created by the produc-
tion process for the production of hot water.

We offer our employees a safe, modern and pleasant work-

place. MEISER also understands reliability to mean that our
customers can rely on the fact that we respect and protect our

Service /
/ Certifi-
124 M a n ufacturi n g T ech n ology S kills

High-Grade Steel Centre of Excellence

In our high-grade steel competence centre on the Limbach products with state-of-the-art punching and pressing plants
site, the high-quality materials of high-grade steel and alumini- which are reserved exclusively for the production of high-grade
um are used to produce MEISER grating of a particularly high steel and aluminium products. A modern waterjet cutting ma-
standard. The production of high-quality grating from high- chine also guarantees that the cutouts are of the highest level
grade steel and aluminium requires craftsmanship and the that could never be reached with manual processing. Ultima-
appropriate machinery. Furthermore, no ordinary black steel tely, we also place great emphasis on accuracy and reliability
should be processed on the corresponding production lines with respect to surface treatment and packaging in order to
if possible, as otherwise this will inevitably result in a deteri- ensure that the goods reach the customer without being da-
oration in surface quality. We ensure the high quality of our maged.

Research and development

Research and development are carried out on a day-to-day basis ment used to manufacture the entire MEISER product range. Here,
at MEISER during the ongoing production process and as part the main focus is on the continuous further development and
of an in-depth exchange of information between our employees. international expansion of our company. With the possibility of
In addition, new challenges present themselves every day in the installing complete production lines for the manufacture of press
form of queries from our customers. MEISER has its own toolma- locked grating and press welded grating worldwide, we are able
king and mechanical engineering facilities whose origins were in to offer consistent quality from a single source. The prerequisi-
the former jig manufacturing department of MLK Plauen. Today te for this is modern equipment with conventional CNC milling,
the team consists of approximately 40 highly trained and highly turning and grinding centres, as well as state-of-the-art wire EDM
motivated skilled employees who deal with the design, produc- machines - and above all experienced and motivated employees.
tion and maintenance of machines, plants, tools and other equip-

Service /
/ Certifi-
126 C hecklist for G rati n g

Checklist for Grating

Please use the checklist as a fax template
to facilitate the ordering process. www.meiser.co.uk
Date Contact/Initials

Inquiry Order Delivery date

Load walkable, industry (according vehicular with kN wheel load

to DIN EN ISO 14122)
walkable, public (according surface load kN/m²
to DIN EN 1991)

Anti-skid-properties R10 R11 R12 R13

– Serration

Material / Steel, S235JR/S355JR High-grade steel, 1.4031 High-grade steel, 1.4571 Aluminium, AlMg 1F15
surface galvanised pickled pickled raw
treatment galvanised + powder coated raw raw anodised
raw raw + powder coated
Clear width between supports

Grating type

Item no. Q t y. Meshing Bearing bar Bearing bar size Cross bar size ...part Accessories or
grating Grating size Grating size special features

Item no. Number of treads Bearing bar size Cross bar size Fastening material for treads

Approximate alternative quantities

Total quantity m² running metres cuts running metres
Micro-cuts < 0.5 running metres as surcharge pcs. Raised edge surround as bottom support from flat running metres
Perforated nosing running metres Special parts
Fixing Clips set

Installation yes no according to sketch Packaging Disposable packaging

planning according to design drawing Euro pallets
according to data transmission Container shipping
by email transmission
Name Adress

Customer number

Service /
/ Certifi-
128 S ta n dards a n d C ertificates

I S O C ertificate , 9 0 01 : 2 0 0 8 I S O C ertificate , 9 0 01 : 2 0 0 8 I S O C ertificate , 9 0 01 : 2 0 0 8

S chmelz - L imbach O els n itz P laue n

C ertificatio n report , slip C ertificatio n mark R A L- G Z

resista n t floori n g 6 3 8 for grati n g

Valid s tandards

RAL GZ 638 Grating BGI 588 Leaflet for metal grating

DIN EN ISO 14122-3 Steel staircases BGR 181 Anti-skid-properties for floors in
workrooms and work areas with
DIN 24531 -2,3 Profile grating stair treads danger of slipping
and GRP grating stair treads
BS 4592 Industrial floors and stair treads -
DIN 24537 Grating as floor coverings — Part 1: General requirements and fitting
Grating made of metallic materials recommendations

DIN EN ISO 1461 Zinc coatings applied to steel

using hot dip galvanising (piece
galvanising) – requirements
and testing

Accounting Information
for Grating

Please note the following information about

our calculations:

our calculations are performed on the basis of the surface to area of the grating to be manufactured. Micro-incisions are
be completed according to the smallest rectangle or square calculated including the edge surround up to an individual
surrounding the grating in m². (As used in Worksheet H 10 length of 0.5 m at a unit price per metre. Each additional pi-
of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Industriebau e.V. (Working Com- ece is subject to a surcharge. Additional services such as the
mittee for Industrial Construction). Cut-outs and sections are attachment of fastenings or reinforcements are calculated
calculated including edge surround in running metres. Cut- with a unit price. As a basis for our invoices we use the order
outs and sections in the case of grating with openings and confirmation, an installation plan and/or the measurements
adaptations are included in the calculation, as well as the carried out on site.

Effectively installed

Additional area to
be calculated

Area not to be

Bearing bar direction

The drawings represent the smallest

enclosing rectangle in each case.

Service /
/ Certifi-
130 S ta n dards a n d C ertificates

Q u a l i t y a n d Te s t S p e c i f i c a t i o n
are described in the quality assurance document RAL-GZ 638.

Largest side length S

These manufacturing and delivery tolerances must be obser-
ved for the production of all grating in accordance with the fol-
lowing specification of sizes:
- for bearing bars ≤ 60 mm x 5 mm
- mesh spacing max. 68 mm and min. 11 mm
- grating size max. 2.0 m², with a permissible lateral D¹ D²
dimension of at most 2,000 mm.

Diagonal distortion: D 1 - D 2 0 , 0 1 x s
Permitted tolerances for
press locked gratings:
The tolerances occurring under a load (deformations)
are not included.

Top protruding edge N max. = 1.0 mm Inclination of the bearing and edge bars I max. = 0.1 x J, but
max. 3 mm


Deviations for convex O max. = 1/200 of the length for dimen-

t sions > 450 mm; max. 8 mm for dimensions smaller than 450
Oblique section of the bearing bar and cross bar t mm; max. 3 mm
max. = ± 0.1 x H, but max. 3 mm

Deviations for concave P max. = 1/200 of the length for dimen-
sions > 600 mm; max. 8 mm for dimensions smaller than 600
mm; max. 3 mm

Higher cross bar K max. = 1.5 mm


Deviations for convex Q max. = 1/200 of the width for dimen-

M sions > 450 mm; max. 8 mm for dimensions smaller than 450
mm; max. 3 mm
Bottom protruding edge M max. = 1.0 mm

Deviations for concave R max. = 1/200 of the width for dimen-

sions > 600 mm; max. 8 mm for dimensions smaller than 600
mm; max. 3 mm

Permitted tolerances for press

welded grating:
The tolerances occurring under a load (deformations)
are not included.

Projecting cross and edge bar L max. = 0.5 mm Inclination of the bearing and/or cross bar t max. = ± 0.1 x H,
but max. 3 mm

Deviations for convex O max. = 1/150 of the length for dimen-
sions > 450 mm; max. 8 mm for dimensions smaller than
450 mm; max. 3 mm
Inclination of the bearing and edge bars J max. = 0.1 x I,
but max. 3 mm

Deviations for concave P max. = 1/200 of the length for di-
mensions > 600 mm; max. 8 mm for dimensions smaller than
600 mm; max. 3 mm
Higher cross bar K max. = 1.5 mm


Deviations for convex Q max. = 1/150 of the width for dimen-

sions > 600 mm; max. 8 mm for dimensions smaller than
Top protruding edge N max. = 1.0 mm 450 mm; max. 3 mm

Deviations for concave R max. = 1/200 of the width for di-

Bottom protruding edge M max. = 1.0 mm mensions > 600 mm; max. 8 mm for dimensions smaller than
600 mm; max. 3 mm

Service /
/ Certifi-
132 meiser i n ter n atio n al

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Fax +43 (0) 03135 - 409 53 Tel +372 (0) 61 01 150 Cartagena Kolumbien
E-Mail office@meiser.at +372 (0) 68 39 023 Tel (575) 660 0025
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+372 (0) 68 39 021
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Tel +385 (0) 12 791 - 609 Miraflores, Lima 18 - Perú
Fax +385 (0) 12 791 - 884 Tel +51 1 416 6200
Sweden Fax +511 421 0700
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Tel +46 (0) 10 - 4 58 00 00 Joint stock company Ltd. Avda. Norte Sur EM 1, Parcela L-161
Fax +46 (0) 31 - 55 40 51 Kestucio g.54 Parque comercial Ind. Castillito
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Tel +37 (0) 37 20 32 10 Tel 00 58 241 87 17 810
Fax +37 (0) 37 20 32 17 Fax 00 58 241 87 17 623
Switzerland E-Mail morionis@takas.lt E-mail finanzas@cuvensa.com
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Tel +41 (0) 44 75 17 051 NTJ AS I.T.F.
Fax +41 (0) 44 75 17 055 Melsomvikveien 3, 2825 Wilcrest Suite 161,
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Tel +47 (0) 33 30 58 30 Fax 713 952 4777
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Centro Empresarial Cartagena Plaza, CRIBAS Y TAMICES INTERVENISPA, S.L:
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Tel + 34 868 06 66 56 Tel +34 93713 51 96
Fax + 34 868 06 66 56 Fax +34 93 713 16 36
E-Mail info@meiser.de E-Mail info@intervenispa.com
www. intervenispa.com

1. A / 0 613 / 2 . 0 0 0

Design, concept, technical illustration and lithography:

rachel mrosek, Saarbrücken,

ed-it, individual contents, Saarbrücken,
m&r Kreativ GmbH Saarbrücken

Photography: Tom Gundelwein, Rachel Mrosek

All content subject to further technical development.

No liability is accepted for any possible errors or omissions.

0313-500-1st edition

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