1. Teacher Name: Megan Norton 2. Course/Content/Grade: Informational Writing 4th Grade
o P retest: Discussion
9. Assessing for Student Learning: o Formative Assessment: Quick informal checks, essay revisions
o Summative Assessment: Essay
12. 13. Lesson Sequence 14. 15. Grouping and Scaffolding 16. Engagement & Checking for Understanding
Pacing (What You Do When: Including Explicit DOK Structures (including interventions (OTRs: What will students be saying,
(mins.) Instruction/Guided Inquiry) Level for diverse learners) writing, reading & doing)
10 min Introduce the Article 1 Whole Class Students taking notes and highlighting essay
Read the article to the class and read the The students are highlighting
prompt. important information from the
text and thinking of the facts they
will write about.
15 min Group 1: Mastery Paths 2 Small group Students completing assignments on Canvas
The students will be rotating to 3 different groups. They will be at their desks on
During this group the students will be working their computers with their
through videos and assignments that I have
headphones. They will be working
uploaded to Canvas.
through their mastery paths.
15 min Group 3: Essay Writing Feedback with Mrs. Norton 4 Small group Writing, revising, listening to feedback
The students will be rotating to 3 different groups. The students will be at the back
During this group the students will be at the back table with me. They will continue
table with me. They will continue to write their
to be writing their essays as I give
essay while I go around and give help and feedback
them help and feedback.
to their writing.
17. Closure: Students will reflect on their writing process based on a writing rubric. They will revise their writing based on student and
(Students reflecting on their learning teacher revisions. Students will show what they know through an informal check.
and providing feedback on their
understanding to the teacher)
18. Feedback to students: On Canvas I will give them a score based on a rubric. I will also give them feedback through comments.
(Teacher providing feedback to
students on their learning and