Class Notes On Questionnaires For Pharmacology in The Gastrointestinal Tract
Class Notes On Questionnaires For Pharmacology in The Gastrointestinal Tract
Class Notes On Questionnaires For Pharmacology in The Gastrointestinal Tract
12. A nurse is giving a nothing per orem A. “I can take it at least 2 hours before bedtime”.
instructions to a malnourished client with B. “It can interfere with the absorption of the vitamin
diarrhea and frequent abdominal pain episodes E that I am taking”.
which is about to receive a Total Parenteral C. “If I miss a dose of mineral oil liquid, I’ll take it as
Nutrition. Which statement made by the nurse soon as I remember”.
is the most appropriate? D. “I can use mineral oil liquid for an extended
period to prevent further damage”.
A. “It will help in your weight loss”.
B. “It can assure you that you feel better after 17. A nurse is giving discharge instructions to a
receiving TPN”. client who is receiving a bulk-forming laxative
C. “It will decrease your diarrhea and your bowel as part of the home medications. All of which
can rest”. are examples of bulk-forming laxative, except?
D. “It will give you less time in the hospital”.
A. Docusate Sodium (Colace).
13. A client is receiving Sulfasalazine B. Methylcellulose (Citrucel).
(Azulfidine) for the treatment of ulcerative C. Polycarbophil (Fibercon).
colitis. Which of the following assessment D. Psyllium (Metamucil).
finding will concern the nurse most?
18. A client with a history of chest pain is
A. Drowsiness. admitted to irritable bowel syndrome. As a
B. Decreased urine output. nurse, which of the following medicines will you
C. Urine discoloration. least expect to be a part of the medical
D. Vomiting. management?
A. 1 hour before meals. 19. What is the priority nursing intervention for
B. 1 hour after meals. a client receiving an antiemetic?
C. At the same time with an antacid.
D. Lunch time. A. Monitor intake and output.
B. Keep items far away from the bed.
C. Give the client privacy by letting him walking
around the room.
D. Keep bed in low position with side rails up.
A. Senna (Senokot).
B. Mineral Oil.
C. Polyethylene glycol
and electrolytes (GoLYTELY).
D. Sodium Phosphate (Fleet enema).
E. Bisacodyl (Dulcolax).
C: NurseLabs GASTRO 2 +Respi C. avoid vaporizers.
D. take antihistamines.
1. Nurse Rita is giving instructions to her client
who is taking antihistamine. Which of the 6. When administering the methylxanthine
following nurse teachings is appropriate for the theophylline, the nurse can expect:
A. Decreased pulmonary function
A. Avoid ingesting alcohol. B. Increased pulmonary function
B. Be aware that you may need to take a C. Increased residual volume
decongestant. B. Decreased tidal volume
C. Be aware that you may have increased saliva.
7. A client with which of the following
D. Expect a relief in 24 hours.
conditions may experience a dangerous or fatal
2. Daniel has vertigo, which antihistamine is side effect of theophylline?
best for his condition?
A. Cardiac disorder
A. Terfenadine B. Diabetes
B. Meclizine C. Renal disease
C. Hydrocodone D. Hepatic disease
D. Guaifenesin
8. To evaluate the effectiveness of theophylline
3. Raul, a 20-year-old student, used to buy OTC therapy, which of the following laboratory
drugs whenever he feels sick. Which of the values must be drawn?
following statements best describes the danger
A. Glucose
of self-medication with over-the-counter drugs?
B. Hematocrit
A. Clients are not aware of the action of over-the- C. Potassium
counter drugs. D. Theophylline levels
B. Clients are not aware of the side effects of over-
9. The effects of theophylline may be increased
the-counter drugs.
C. Clients minimize the effects of over-the-counter
drugs because they are available without A. Phenobarbital
prescription. B. Phenytoin
D. Clients do not realize the effects of over-the- C. Rifampin
counter drugs. D. Cimetidine
4. Shenaya will be having her exam in 10. Which of the following statements describes
pharmacology tomorrow. She should be aware the action of antacids?
that antitussive is indicated to:
A. Antacids neutralize gastric acid.
A. encourage removal of secretions through B. Antacids block the production of gastric acid.
coughing. C. Antacids block dopamine.
B. relieve rhinitis. D. Antacids enhance action of acetylcholine.
C. control a productive cough.
D. relieve a dry cough. 11. Jam is under chemotherapy in
which nausea is an expected side effect. Which
5. The nurse should instruct a client who is of the following drugs is indicated to prevent
taking an expectorant to: such side effect?
A. restrict fluids. A. metoclopramide
B. increase fluids. B. cimetidine
C. Tagamet 18. A client needs rapid cleansing of the bowel,
D. famotidine which category is best used?
A. antacids
B. gastric stimulants
C. histamine-2 antagonists
D. antihistamines
A. Stimulants
B. Bulk-forming agents
C. Hyperosmotic agents
D. Lubricants
A. glycerin
B. lactulose
C. FiberCon
D. Milk of Magnesia
C: Quizlet + Answers GASTRO 3 A. Abdominal pain
B. Reduction in steatorrhea
1. A physician has written an order for A. at bed time, C. Hematest-negative stools
ranitidine (Zantac) once daily. The ranitidine D. Regular bowel movements
nurse schedules the medications for (Zantac) is an H2
6. A nurse teaches a client taking C. Uncontrolled
which of the following times? blocker
metoclopramide (Reglan) to rhythmic
discontinue the medication movements of the
A. At bed time
immediately and call the physician if face or limbs
B. After lunch
which side effect occurs with long-
C. With supper
term use?
D. Before breakfast
A. Excessive excitability
2. A client has been taking omeprazole B. Heartburn B. Anxiety or irritability
(Prilosec) for 4 weeks. The nurse ,omeprazole C. Uncontrolled rhythmic
determines that the client is (Prilosec) is used movements of the face or limbs
receiving the optimal intended effect for GERD D. Dry mouth not helped by the use
of the medication if the client reports of sugar-free hard candy
absence of which of the following
7. A client has a PRN order for D. Nausea and
ondansetron (Zofran). The nurse vomiting,
would administer this medication to ondansetron
A. Diarrhea
the postoperative client for relief of: (Zofran) is an
B. Heartburn
C. Flatulence
A. paralytic ileus
D. Constipation
B. incisional pain
3. A physician prescribes bisacodyl B. on an empty C. urinary retention
(Dulcolax) for a client in preparation stomach, D. Nausea and vomiting
for a diagnostic test and wants the bisacodyl
8. A histamine (H2) - receptor answer: 1,2,3,4
client to achieve a rapid effect from (Dulcolax) is a
antagonist will be prescribed for a - 5 and 6 are
the medication. The nurse then tells stool softner
client. The nurse understands that PPI's (proton
the client to take the medication:
which medications are H2- receptor pump inhibitors)
antagonists, one of which could be
A. With a large meal
prescribed. Select all that apply.
B. On an empty stomach
C. At bedtime with a snack
1. Nizatidine (Axid)
D. With two glasses of juice
2. Ranitidine (Zantac)
4. A client has a PRN order for C. episode of 3. Famotidine (Pepcid)
loperamide (Imodium). The nurse diarrhea, 4. Cimetidine (Tagamet)
should plan to administer this loperamide 5. Esomeprazole (Nexium)
medication if the client has: (Imodium) is an 6. Lansoprazole (Prevacid)
9. A client with a gastric ulcer has an D. one hour
A. constipation
order for sucralfate (Carafate), 1 g before meals and
B. abdominal pain
orally four times a day. The nurse at bedtime
C. episode of diarrhea
schedules the medications for which
D. Hematest-positive nasogastric
of the following times?
tube drainage
5. A client is taking docusate sodium D. Regular bowel A. With meals and at bedtime
(Colace). The nurse monitors which movements B. Every 6 hours around the clock
of the following to determine C. One hour after meals and at
whether the client is having a bedtime
therapeutic effect from this D. One hour before meals and at
medication? bedtime
10. A client with a history of duodenal A. Heart burn is
ulcer is taking calcium carbonate relieved 1. urinary calculi
chewable tablets. The nurse 2. chronic bronchitis
determines that the client is 3. metabolic alkalosis
experiencing optimal effects of the 4. respiratory acidosis
medication if: An 80- year-old client has recently 3. confusion
A. Heart burn is relieved been started on cimetidine (Tagamet).
B. Muscle twitching stops The nurse monitors the client for
C. Serum calcium levels rise which most frequent central nervous
D. Serum phosphrous levels system (CNS) side effect of this
decrease medication?
11. The patient asks how stool softeners c. promoting the 1. Tremors
relieve constipation. Which of the retention of 2. Dizziness
following would be the best response water in the fecal 3. Confusion
by the nurse? Stool softeners relieve mass 4. Hallucination
constipation by:
17. A client is relying on OTC B. Excessive laxative
a. stimulating the walls of the
laxatives for regular use may cause
elimination. Which of the decreased sodium levels
b. promoting the retention of sodium
following pieces of
in the fecal mass
information is most important Rationale: Excessive
c. promoting the retention of water in
for the nurse to provide to the laxative use causes G.I.
the fecal mass
client? system to become
d. lubricating the intestinal walls
dependent on external
12. the nurse administers antidiarrheal a. after each A. daily bowel movements are methods to achieve
drugs... loose bowel not necessary for good elimination
a. after each loose bowel movement movement intestinal health - Laxative dependence
b. hourly until diarrhea ceases B. Excessive laxative use may weakens peristalsis and
c. with food cause decreased sodium levels musculature of colon
d. BID, in the AM and at bedtime C. Chronic use of laxatives
13. the pregnancy category for the c. category can lead to dependency of
antiflatulent drug simethicone is: unknown elimination
a. category A D. The client should increase
b. category C intake of high-fiber diet
c. category unknown 18. A nurse is caring for a client B. Diarrhea
d. category X with cirrhosis who has a new
14. When recording the administration of d. document prescription for cephulac Rationale: The nurse
diphenoxylate for multiple loose each dose on the (Lactulose). Following will monitor for
stools: MAR administration, the nurse will diarrhea, Lactulose is a
a. document the daily number of monitor the client for which synthetic disaccharide
drugs given adverse effect of this that the small intestine
b. record all stools once each shift medication? cannot utilize. It causes
c. indicate all stools on the MAR next diarrhea by lowering
to the drug A. Dry mouth the ph so that the
d. document each dose on the MAR B. Diarrhea bacterial flora are
C. Headache changed in the bowel
15. A hospitalized client asks the nurse 3. Respiratory
D. Peripheral edema
for sodium bicarbonate to relieve acidosis
heartburn following a meal. The nurse 19. A charge nurse and a newly D. promotes gastric
reviews the client's medical record, licensed nurse are providing emptying
knowing that the medication is care for a client who reports Rationale:
contraindicated in which of the nausea and has a presciption Metoclopramide is a
following conditions? for metoclopramide (Reglan) gastrointestinal
as an antiemetic. Which of the stimulant used to relieve
following statements by the nausea, vomiting, bowel obstruction. The nurse obstruction
newly licensed nurse indicates heartburn, stomach should withhold Senna
a correct understanding of the pain, bloating, and (Senoket) prescribed orally Rationale: Laxatives are
actions of the medication. persistent feeling of based on an understanding of contraindicated in clients
"Metoclopramide": fullness after meals. which of the following? who have fecal
- Metoclopramide impactation, bowel
A. depresses vagal nerve works by promoting A. laxatives are obstruction, and acute
activity gastric emptying contraindicated in clients abdominal surgery to
B. decreases gastric acid who have small bowel prevent perforation.
secretions obstruction Laxatives will cause
C. slows peristalsis B. Only bulk-forming increased abdominal
D. promotes gastric emptying laxatives such as psyllium cramping and discomfort
A nurse is caring for a caring C. "I don't have pain in (Metamucil) should be
for a client who is receiving my stomach" prescribed
esomeprazole (Nexium) to C. Medication should be
manage GERD. Which of the rationale: esomeprazole administered via NG tube
following best indicates the (Nexium) is proton pump than oral route
desired therapeutic effect? inhibitor (PPI) and D. Opioid analgesics, rather
A. " I don't pass gas a often" works in the parietal than laxative should be
B. "my abdomen is no longer cells of the stomach by prescribed to alleviate
firm" inhibiting the proton discomfort
C. "I don't have pain in my pump enzyme that 23. A client has been taking D. acid indigestion
stomach" generates gastric acid omeprazole (Prilosec) for
D. " I have regular BM's" secretion. the past 4 weeks. The nurse Rationale: Omeprazole, a
- Treatment is for gastric determines that the proton pump inhibitor,
ulcers, duodenal ulcers medication is effective reduces gastric acid
and GERD. when the client reports? secretion and treats
- an expected finding if duodenal and gastric
medication is effective A. nausea ulcers, prolonged
will be a decrease in the B. diarrhea dyspepsia, gastrointestinal
client's symptoms of an C.headache reflux disease and erosive
ulcer or GERD. D. acid indigestion esophagitis
Heartburns are a
24. A physician orders a C. the client's stools
common sign of GERD,
colonoscopy b/c of the become clear liquid
so absence of pain means
client's persistent diarrhea.
the medication is
The nurse instructs the Rationale: GOLYTELY is
client to drink 250 mL of given as a colonic lavage.
21. A nurse is talking with a B. 1 hr before meals an electrolyte solution Within 30 minutes of
client who has peptic ulcer called GOLYTELY every ingesting the 1st volume of
disease and is starting rationale: Sucralfate is a 15 minutes over a 2 hour the solution, the client
therapy with sucralfate mucosal protectant, the period. Which observation should experience the 1st
(Carafate). The nurse should client should take it on by the nurse provides the of many bowel
instruct the client to take this an empty stomach, 1 hr best evidence that the movements. The bowel
medication: before meals, for solution has achieved its must be clear of feces for
A. with antacid maximum effectiveness primary purpose? the colonoscopy to be
B. 1 hr before meals effective! The solution is
C. with food or milk A. the client's serum preferable to other forms
D. immediatly after meals electrolyte levels are of bowel clensing its less
22. A nurse is reviewing A. laxatives are normal likely to deplete
medications for a client who contraindicated in clients B. the client's intake electrolytes or cause water
has a diagnosis of small who have small bowel approximates the output intoxification
C. the client's stools
become clear liquid D. To reduce intestinal
D. the client's bladder fills activity and decrease stool
with urine size
25. After drinking the prescribed 1,2,3 27. Your client is dx with end A. serum ammonia
dose of GOLYTELY and rationale: sodium is the stage liver failure and
have numerous stools, the most abundant cation in receiving
client reports feeling chest the blood and functions lactulose/granulote. which
palpitations to the nurse. The in the body to maintain lab test tells you it is
nurse suspects an electrolyte osmotic pressure and effective?
imbalance and requests a acid-base balance to A. serum ammonia
physician order for Lab transmit nerve impulses, B. BUN
work. Which ones concern very low values can result C. sodium
you? in seizures and D. serum Creatinine
neurologic symptoms,
28. Your elderly pt is being C. Antidiarrheal, its a
1. sodium 126 mEq/ L normal adult range
administered Lomotil, narcotic
2. potassium 2.8 mEq/L between 135 adn 146
what kind of drug?
3. chloride 90 mEq/L mEq/L
A. Antiflatulent
4. calcium 9.4 mEq/dL - Potassium is essential
B. Laxative
5. phosphrous 3.5 mEq/dL for maintaining fluid
C. Antidiarrheal
6. Blood Urea nitrogen balance, nerve impulse
D. Emetic
(BUN) 16 mg/dL function, muscle
function, and cardiac 29. The Patient has GERD D. Proton Pump inhibitor
(heart muscle) function. and they are prescribed(
Very low values can Prilosec) Omeprazole
cause cardiac What kind of a drug is
arrhythmias, normal it?
range in an adult is 3.5 A. Antacid
and 5.5 mEq B. Histamine H2
- Chloride is influenced Antagonist
by the extracellular fluid C. Anticholinergic
balance and acid-base D. Proton Pump
balance. Choloride Inhibitor
passively follows water 30. How should the patient B. Take 1 hour before meals
and sodium. Normal be taking (Prilosec) and swallow tablet as whole
adult range is 95 to 112 Omeprazole?
mEq/L A. take drugs 2 hours rationale: Proton Pump
26. The physician prescribes A. To ease bowel after a meal inhibitors, decreases gastric
docusate sodium (Colace) fo evacuation and its related B. take 1 hour before juices and reduces pain, they
the client. The client asks the discomfort meals and swallow are taken 1 hour before meals,
nurse to explain why the tablets as whole not after and we don't take it
medication is needed. Which Rationale: Docusate C. take it with juice and crushed, take it whole
explanation given by the sodium (Colace) is a stool crush tablets
nurse correctly states the softner, retaining water D. all of the above
purpose of medication? in the stool, softens the 31. what do you tell D. chew thoroughly and take
mass and makes stool patients to do with with a full glass of water
A. To ease bowel evacuation easier and less painful to tablets (antacid)?
and its related discomfort pass. A. take drugs 30
B. To irriatate the bowel and minutes before meals
promote stool elimination B. crush it and mix with
C. To stimulate peristalsis to orange juice
remove wastes after the C. take 1 hour after
digestion meal
C: Quizlet & Answer GASTRO 4 -antiflatulents
-digestive enzymes
1. Antacids -Act to neutralize or reduce -laxative agents
the acidity of the gastric
5. Anticholinergics and -Reduce gastric movement
antispasmodics -Decrease the amount of
-increase gastric pH
acid secreted by the
-Relieves symptoms but
does NOT promote healing
-Reduce diarrhea
-Antacids interfere with
-Slows peristalsis
other medications
-Reduces pain
2. Histamine H2-receptor -Reduce gastric acid
6. Laxative Agents -soften fecal mass by
antagonists secretion by blocking the
retaining water
action of histamine at the
-increase intestinal bulk
H2 receptors in the
-lubricate the intestinal
stomach, thereby
displacing histamine from
-produce increased
receptor binding sites
-This Inhibits gastric acid
secretion and they become 7. Antiflatulents Used to reduce gas and
rapidly absorbed bloating
-Creates a more alkaline 8. Digestive Enzymes -Miscellaneous Medication
environment -Breaks down fats,
-promote healing of ulcers starches, and proteins
3. Proton Pump Inhibitors -Reduce gastric acid by 9. What makes -Mouth
blocking the proton pump up the digestive -Esophagus
-Block enzyme H+, K+, system? -Stomach
ATPase which increase -Intestines
10. Mucus -Secreted by surface
-Do NOT effect gastric
epithelial cells
emptying or intrinsic factor
-Protective barrier for
mucosal surface
4. What are the 4 major types 1. Includes products that
11. What 2 agents -histamine H2-receptor
of GI medications? help restore or maintain the
promote antagonist
lining that protects the GI
healing and -proton pump inhibitors
reduce gastric
-antacids (neutralize,
histamine H2-receptor
antagonists (block) , proton 12. Proton Pump "prazole"
pump inhibitors (block) Inhibitors end
2. Affects the general 13. Many peptic Helicobacter pylori
movement of the GI tract ulcers are -can be healed by
-Anticholinergics, caused by? products and antibiotics
14. Helicobacter -Secrets an alkaline
Pylori chemical called urease to
3. Affects movement in the
protect itself from the
colon; promote bowel
stomach acidity
-Infection remains
-laxative agents