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Krok Hacks 1: 1.) Helminths

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a) Opisthorchis: The helminth with the smallest egg

b) Enterobias vermicularis: Perianal swab/fold or worm in underwear.

c) Echinococcus granulosus: Main carrier is a DOG.

d) Diphyllobothrium Latum: Main carrier is a FISH.

e) Toxoplasma gondii: Main carrier is a CAT.

f) Filarial worm: Causes Elephantiasis and eye infection(eye worm)

g) Ascaris Lumbricoides: Eosinophiles will be in the question. It causes Ascariasis.

h) Trichinella and Taenias: Found in PORK.

i) Schistosoma: You will see Australia and egg with characteristic sharp point. It will cause
urogenital or vaginal infection.


a.) Balantidum Coli: Cilia all around or four nucleus or two nuclei two vacuoles.

b.) Giardia Lamblia: Two nucleus and four pairs of flagella.

c.) Dysenteric amoeba: Four nucleus cyst in feces.

d.) Trichomonia: Causes Urogenital and vaginal infection.

e.) Leishmania: It causes both cutaneous and visceral(organs) diseases.

f.) Leptospira: (Spirochete) C&S shape causes nose bleeding

g.) Diphtheria: Chinese letters

h.) Treponema pallidum: Spiral shape(Spirochetes)


a) Wohlfahrt Fly: It causes MYIASIS

b) Karakurt Spider: Roundish black abdomen with two rows of red spots on it dorsal surface.

c) Sarcoptes Scabies: Causative agent of Scabies.

d) Demodicosis or Demodex: Causative agent of Acne etc.


a.) Langhans cells: Tuberculosis

b.) Aschoffs bodies: Acute verrucous Endocarditis

c.) Councilman’s bodies: Viral Hepatits

d.) Virchow’s cells: Leprosy

e.) Mikulich Cell: Rhinoscleroma

f.) Reed-Sternberg cell: Hodgkin disease,lymphogranulomatosis

g.) Beresovsky-sternberg: Lymphogranulomatosis

h.) Warthin-Finkeldey cells: Measles


a.) Typhoid fever: Salmonella typhi; affects small intestine and causes ulceration.

b.) Dysentry:Shigella dysentery; Occurs usually colon. Stages are: Catarrhal,fibrinous, ulcerative
colitis and repair.

c.) Appendicitis: Inflammation of the appendix; Incision is done at Mc burney’s point(From ant.sup
iliac spine to the umbilicus, junction between lat. 1/3 and middle 1/3)…Stages are: Catarrhal,
phlegmonous, Ulcerophlegmonous, gangrenous and apostematous)

d.) Coccal bacterial: These agents cause purulent processes….So if you see pus in your question
check for any cocci bacterial in the option.

e.) Cirrhosis: Pseudolobules


a.) Anthracosis: Miner and black deposits in the lung tissue.

b.) Croupous/Lobar pneumonia: Neutophil, fibrin and grey or red hepatization.

c.) Amyloidosis: Congo red, lardaceous kidney

d.) Sago Spleen: Mahogany with enlarged follicles

e.) Scarlet Fever: Crimson tongue

f.) Infuenza: Panbronchitis or larngotracheobronchitis(Severe form).

g.) Lipoma: movable soft tissue mass of lipocyte obscuring psoas muscle.

h.) Fibroma: movable soft fibrous tissue.

i.) Infectious endocarditis: Sepsis that affect edges of valves.

j.) Rheumatic endocarditis: Deformation of valves due to rheumatic diseases

k.) Spotted fever: Spots and specks.

l.) Epidemic typhus: Lice

m.) Brills disease: Relapse of epidermic typhus after some years.

n.) Hypospadia: Opening of the urethra below the penis.

o.) Epispadia: Opening of the urethra above the penis.

p.) Diffuse cardiosclerosis: Multiple whitish layers in myocardium.

q.) Baccilus Anthrax: On the cattle farm. Ascolis test.

r.) Actinomycosis: Fungal infection associated with pus

s.) Spore checking: Oil immersion and ozhensko method.

t.) Capsule: Burri-Gins technique

u.) Chronic or choriosepsis: Intoxication usually from wound.

v.) Chorioepithelioma:Sponge with cyncytiotrophoblast.

w.) Syphilis: Caused by treponema pallidum(Spirochetes) perivasculitis endovasculitis.

x.) Tuberculoma: Secondary form of tuberculosis with a capsule formation.

y.) Fibro-cavernous tuberculosis: Secondary form with cavities and walls.

z.) Caseous necrosis: Tuberculosis

aa.) Fibro-sarcoma: Meat of fish

bb.) Sub-acute glomerulonephritis: Crescent, demilume, semilunar.

cc.) Systemic Lupus Erythematous: Antinuclear antibodies, wire loops, autoimmune.

dd.) Chronic glomerulonephritis: Decrease of active nephrons.

ee.) Acute glomerulonephritis: due to shock, immunecomplex.

ff.) Osteomyelities: Sequester formation.

gg.) Cholera: Rice water stool

hh.) Tuberculosis: Horseshoe shape


a.) Vitamin B1: Thiamin(Thiamin pyrophosphate) deficiency: Beri-beri

b.) Vitamin B2: Riboflavin(FAD,FMN) Deficiency: Ariboflavinosis

c.) Vitamin B3: Niacin(NAD) Dificency: Pellagra and D-triad..Diarrhea, dermatitis and dementia….It
is gotten from tryptophan…Maize excess causes it as well.

d.) Vitamin B6: Pyridoxal phosphate, pyridoxal and pyridoxamine…Responsible for transamination
and decarboxylation reactions. Isoniazid is an antivitamin B6 so this vitamin should be taken along with
this drug.

e.) Vitamin B9: Folic acid(Tetrahydrofolate) Responsible for DNA synthesis. Co-trimoxazole blocks
pathway of its synthesis….Methotrexate blocks the formation of THF(active form of B9).

f.) Vitamin B12: Cyanocobalamin: absorbed in the stomach by intrinsic factor also called castle or
glycomucoproteins. Its deficiency leads to absence of the synthesis of THFA(active form of B9) leading to

g.) Vitamin C: Ascorbic acid..Responsible for connective tissue strengthening(Collagen) and blood
vessel. It is also an anti-oxidant. (Oxyproline, lysyl oxidase,proline,hydroxyproline) Deficiency:Scurvy

h.) Vitamin A: Retinol(Trans retinoic acid)..Responsible for night vision and maintenance of skin.)
Deficiency leads to Night blindness and excess leads to hyperkeratosis

i.) Vitamin D3: Cholecalciferol…For calcium absorption and bone strengthening.

j.) Vitamin E: Tocopherol…It is an antioxidant

k.) Vitamin K: Vicasolum(Synthetic form)…For post translational modification of coagulation factor

2,7,9 and 10.


a.) LDH1,2: Heart pathology(Myocardial infarction)

b.) LDH &CPK: Early stage of myocardial infaction.

c.) CPK: Muscular dystrophy

d.) ALT: Liver

e.) AST: Heart

f.) GAG: Bones

g.) Ceruloplasmin: For copper transport(Wilson’s disease)

h.) C-reactive: Acute phase protein for inflammation.

i.) UDP-Glucoronyltransferase: For glucorination.

j.) G6PD: It synthesizes NADPH which protects cell membrane from lysis.

k.) Uroporphyrinogen 1: Its accumulation under the skin leads to photosensitivity.

l.) Uroporphyringen 1 co-synthase: Its deficiency leads to accumulation of uroporphyrinogen 1
which causes photosensitivity.

m.) Phenylketonuria: Greenish urine

n.) Alcaptonuria:Black urine…Acummunlation of homogentisic acid.

o.) Bence jones protein: Paraproteinemia(In plasmocytoma) These are abnormal proteins.

p.) Xanthine oxidase: Allupurinol and colchicine in purine degredation pathway.

q.) Carbamoyl phosphate: Ornithine –urea cycle.

r.) Glutamic acid: Removal of ammonia from the brain.

s.) Hippuric acid: It is used to check th detoxification function of liver.

t.) Galactosemia: Galactose-1-phosphate uridyltransferase, cataract.

u.) Maple syrup: Accumulation of branch chain aminoacids in urine.

v.) Tay-sachs: Gangliosidase or sphingomyelin(Lipid) insufficiency.

w.) Contrycal: Acute pancreatitis

x.) Bromine poison: Use sodium chloride

y.) Lecithin(Phosphatidylcholine): Lipotropic factor

z.) Methionine: For methylation reaction.


a.) Down syndrome: 47.21+

b.) Patau syndrome:47.13+

c.) Turner’s syndrome:45XO(Monosomy)

d.) Klinefelter’s syndrome:47XXY

e.) Edward’s syndrome:47.18+

f.) Super female:XXX(Trisomy or triple X)

g.) Cru-d-Chat:47.5+

h.) Holandric trait: Y-Linked…E.g Hypertrichosis

i.) Daltonism :Colour blindness….Recessive sex-linked

j.) Hemophilia: Recessive sex-linked


a.) Type 1: Anaphylaxis,atopy,reagine or immediate example bronchial asthma

b.) Type ii: Blood transfusion incompatibility

c.) Type iii: Immune complex e.g Serum sickness, Arthus disease

d.) Type iv: Cellular toxicity, In mantu’s test(Tuberculosis)


a.) Metronidazole: Amebiasis, giardiasis, lambiasis

b.) Aethimizole: For asphyxia of new born

c.) Lobeline hydrochloride: For restoration of respiration after shock etc.

d.) Unithiol: Metal poisoning e.g mercury

e.) Atropine: For organophosphate poisoning.

f.) Neostigmine or proserin: Antidote for Atropine poison.

g.) Calcium chloride: Used as antidote for magnesium sulphate

h.) Acetylcysteine: Used as antidote for paracetamol

i.) Dithylinium: It’s a myorelaxant which causes short term spasm of facial muscles.

j.) Pseudocholinesterase or butyrylcholinesterase: For metabolism of dithylium after its used..Its

insufficiency causes prolongation of dithylinium effect.

k.) Morphine: Naloxone

l.) Carbenicillin sodium: For pseudomonas aeruginosa(blue-pus baccilus).

m.) Ketotifen: Seasonal coryza

n.) Ketamin: Dissocative analgesia which side effect is hallucination.

o.) Digoxin: Chronic cardiac insufficiency

p.) Corglycon: Acute cardiac insufficiency

q.) Tetracycline: Affect teeth

r.) Loratadine: Anti-histamine…Donot cross BBB


a.) Leffler: For diphtheria

b.) Tellurite agar: For Diphtheria

c.) Bordet-gengou: Bordetella Pertusis

d.) Red colonies: E.Coli

e.) Colourless colonies: Salmonella typhi

f.) Zeel-neelsen: For acid resistant bacilli

g.) CFT(Reiter’s test): For Gonorrhea and syphilis

h.) Immunoflourescence: For influenza


a.) BCG: For tuberculosis

b.) STI: Anthrax

c.) Antidiphteric antitoxic serum: Diphtheria

d.) DPT: Diphtheria, pertussis and tetanus


a) Phage conversion: To make bacteria toxic

b) Phagetyping: To know source of infection

c) 1;20: To repeat test after 10 days

d) 1;40: Confirms diagnosis

e) 1:80: Carrier of disease

f) Neutrophilic leukocytosis: 500 radiation exposure

g) Lymphopenia:200-300 radiation exposure

h) After appendectomy: Intensification of leukopoeisis.

i) After Shock and accident: Redistribution of leucocyte from the marginal pool.

j) Sinoatrial node: 60-80bpm

k) Atrioventricular node: 40-60bpm

l) Bundle of His:20-40bpm

m) Purkinje fibers:10-20bpm

n) Ammonia in the brain usually leads to convulsion,brain edema etc.

o) Evaporation: High humidity with normal or moderate room temperature…e.g 80% humidity and
36oc temperature.

p) Convection: A man putting on clothing in a room.

q) Radiation: A man putting on light clothing and in a closed room.

r.) Conduction: A woman in the water or swimming pool.

Compiled by: KOMI LEESI S. (President, Greatness Club International)

Remember: If you want to be ahead, you must load your head…Greatness…It’s in you

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