Article in Press: Resources, Conservation and Recycling
Article in Press: Resources, Conservation and Recycling
Article in Press: Resources, Conservation and Recycling
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: A methodology for setting lake nutrient standard was proposed in this study based on review of water
Received 28 January 2016 quality standards (WQS) in China and understanding of lake nutrient criteria. There are very few studies
Received in revised form 29 July 2016 about lake nutrient criteria and water body classification system, which may cause difficulties in nutri-
Accepted 1 August 2016
ent level assessment and management. This paper reviewed WQS system in the US, EU, and Japan, and
Available online xxx
then presented the development procedures for revising surface WQS in different periods in China. The
amendment includes indicators, standard values, and framework of the standard system. However, cur-
rent WQS set in light of the criteria and standards of the US and Europe couldn’t adapt to the natural
Water quality standards
Lake nutrient criteria
conditions of lakes in China. Therefore, by learning from the water quality criteria setting method of USA
Structure equation model and taking the regional differences into consideration, a methodology of combining structure equation
China model and expert elicitation was recommended for setting WQS. Furthermore, it considered to inves-
tigate the differences (climate, elevation and geographical condition, etc.) in each region, and set lake
nutrient criteria and standards on regional scale. Consequently, the proposed methodology for setting
standards could be applied to each region in China. Yungui ecoregion was taken as an example for setting
up the lake nutrient standards with considering TP, Chl-a, TN and CODMn four influence factors for des-
ignated use attainment, and a suitable TP standard 0.02 mg/L was recommended by using the proposed
© 2016 Published by Elsevier B.V.
1. Introduction raw water quality criteria into three classes according to the respec-
tive water treatment methods. Class I water treatment involves
Water quality is currently deteriorating rapidly due to water simple purification processes including filtration and disinfection.
pollution and human activities all over the world. The domestic and Class II water treatments include coagulation, flagellation, sedi-
industrial wastewater has contributed significantly to water pollu- mentation, filtration and disinfection. Class III, the most extensive
tion. Meanwhile, the water treatment plants are not upgraded in method, includes Class II processes and the activated carbon pro-
a timely fashion for adequately treating the source water in com- cess. For each class of source water criteria, there are two sets
pliance with the water standards. WQS is an effective approach for of limit values. In order to meet with the high demand of good
water quality protection and water basin system management. water quality and improvement of wastewater treatment technol-
Some developed countries proposed WQS to protect the water ogy, Water Framework Directive (WFD) was adopted in 2000 by
body a long time ago. In June 1975, the Council of European Com- EU, and it has become a key piece of EU legislation that brings
munities (EC) adopted a Council Directive for the Member States together many aspects of water protection and management. The
concerning the required quality of surface water intended for the purpose of the Directive is to establish a framework for the protec-
abstraction of drinking water (EC, 1999). The EC Directive divided tion of inland surface waters (rivers and lakes), transitional waters
(estuaries), coastal waters and groundwater from a long-term view.
The WFD emphasizes river basin management and states that the
release of untreated water is prohibited throughout the EU to
∗ Corresponding author at: State Key Laboratory of Environmental Criteria and
ensure “good status” for water ecosystems. EU water directives
Risk Assessment, Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences, Beijing
have brought considerable changes to national legislative statutes,
100012, China.
E-mail address: (B. Xi).
even in the countries with most developed environmental regula-
0921-3449/© 2016 Published by Elsevier B.V.
Please cite this article in press as: Su, J., et al., Developing surface water quality standards in China. Resour Conserv Recy (2016),
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RECYCL-3324; No. of Pages 10 ARTICLE IN PRESS
2 J. Su et al. / Resources, Conservation and Recycling xxx (2016) xxx–xxx
tions. The measures to achieve the goals will be coordinated at the ing WQS framework and determining standard levels satisfying the
geographical/administrative level of the river basin district (WHO, demand. Therefore, the main purpose of this study is to, 1) review
2003). River basin agencies may be based on existing authorities the development of WQS in China, especially emphasizing on the
but should not be based on hydrological administrative barriers step changes and revision in order to understand future needs in
(Kallis and Butler, 2001). River basin districts should correspond to water environmental management; 2) develop a new technique
large catchment basins incorporating the smaller sub-basins. The for setting WQS in China. The development procedures of WQS in
latest plan for sustainable development of the Rhine was agreed in China are discussed in Chapter 2. Then Chapter 3 describes different
accordance with the ecological and sustainable focus of the WFD approaches for determining WQS in the USA for reference. Eventu-
and is embodied in the “Rhine 2020” agreement of International ally a new methodology for setting WQS based on experiences in
Commission for the Protection of the Rhine (ICPR). the USA is proposed and discussed in Chapter 4 in this study.
In April 1970, the Water Quality Committee of the Japanese
Living Environment Council published WQS for water resources 2. Review of the development of WQS in China
area to protect the source water quality as well as public health
(Rook, 1974). Similar to the EC Directive, Japanese source water According to the demand of surface water quality of national
standards were divided into three classes according to the type environmental policy, the first national WQS “Surface Water Envi-
of water purification process. In 1971, at the request of the US ronmental Quality Standards” was issued in 1983 under the name
Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), the United States Pub- of GB3838-83. Ever since then, it has been revised for 3 times. The
lic Water Supplies Panel proposed water quality criteria for source first revision was made in 1988 to form the version of GB3838-88.
water based on water treatment processes, which were similar to It was then converted to GHZB 1-1999 in 1999 after 11 years of its
Class II of the EC Directive stated previously. In the USEPA, WQS implementation. In 2002, the standards experienced the third revi-
defined the water quality goals of a water body by designating sion and became the latest version (GB3838-2002) being effective
water its uses or treatments, by setting criteria necessary to protect until now. After these 3 revisions, National Surface WQS developed
the uses, and by preventing degradation of water quality through a comprehensive system in which nutrient indicator values in lakes
anti-degradation provisions (USEPA, 1980). States adopt WQS to and reservoirs have been identified.GB 3838-2002 has become the
serve the purposes of the Clean Water Act, enhance the water qual- core for national water environmental monitoring, and plays a very
ity, and protect public health or welfare (Cheremisinoff, 2002). EPA important role in water pollution prevention regulation and water
first published a WQS regulation in 1975as a part of EPA’s water environmental management system. The development procedure
quality management regulations. The first WQS Regulation did not of surface WQS is listed in Table 1, and revised details are explained
specifically address toxic pollutants or any other criteria. It simply below.
required “appropriate” water quality criteria necessary to support
designated uses. Due to the problem of Lake Eutrophication, Nutri- 2.1. Water environmental quality standards (GB3838-83)
ent Criteria Technical Guidance Manual was published in 2000, as
a reference for setting nutrient standard on the state scale (Gibson GB3838-83 was promulgated by the Ministry of Urban and Rural
et al., 2000). There were no general water standards in the USA, but Construction and Environmental Protection of the People’s Repub-
USEPA provided water quality criteria on the regional scale, and lic of China renamed as MEP in 2008 in light of “Environmental
standards were determined by state government with the consid- Protection Law of the People’s Republic of China”. There are 3
eration of designated usages of water body and characteristics of classes corresponding to various water quality levels in GB3838-
local economy and environment (USEPA, 2002). 83 (SEPA, 1983). Class I: water quality is in good conditions so
Different countries have different approaches for water environ- that the water could be used for various functions. Class II: water
mental protection. Economic policy and market intervention play quality is at middle level, and the water can be served as drinking
an important role for solving environmental problems in the USA water resource and for fisheries. Class III is the lowest demand for
and European countries, while basic approach for pollution control surface water pollution regulation. And 20 comprehensive indica-
is legislation in Japan where environmental protection is mainly tors were recommended in this standard to indicate different water
relying on law regulations and administrative guidance. However, conditions.
water environmental quality standard plays an important part in This standard effectively acted as preventing water pollution,
water environmental management system in China. Water qual- ensuring human health, protecting resource, maintaining ecologi-
ity criteria and standards from the USA, and WQS from Japan and cal balance, and conserving sustainable economic development. It
European countries (WHO, 1993, 2003) were taken as references for could be applied to rivers, lakes, reservoirs, and other water basins,
setting water body standards in China. The first water environmen- and became a major regulation for environmental planning, envi-
tal quality standard (GB3838-83) in China was promulgated in 1983 ronmental management, water quality assessment, and pollutant
by the Ministry of Environmental Protection of People’s Republic discharge.
of China (MEP). However, due to the conflicts between increasing
population and limited water resource, economic development and 2.2. From GB3838-83 to GB3838-88
environmental degradation, and the technique promotion and new
pollution emerging, GB3838-83 could not satisfy and effectively GB3838-83 played a significant role in establishing water qual-
support water environmental management. Therefore, GB3838-83 ity planning and setting objective for water pollution prevention
was converted to a new version, and its latest version was published in 2000. However, with the economic development and scientific
in 2002. The standard values in the standard of GB3838-2002 were improvement, the enforcement of GB3838-83 could not effectively
mostly set based on references from developed countries, which support environmental management any more.
could not reflect the water environmental condition in China, so Two driving factors contributed to the revision from GB3838-
the GB3838-2002 needs to be further revised and refined in recent 83 to GB 3838-88. Firstly, the WQS of GB3838-83 was subdivided
years. into 3 classes but the division system was not closely related to
As there is no specific and profound research on the develop- different functions of water body. Secondly, there was no clear
ment of China’s WQS, it is wise to review the development of WQS expression for the implementation scope and detection method.
system in China, so as to know China’s water quality management Therefore, it was imperative to make necessary revision to GB3838-
concept and demand, and seek for a methodology for establish- 83 so as to prevent water environmental deterioration caused by
Please cite this article in press as: Su, J., et al., Developing surface water quality standards in China. Resour Conserv Recy (2016),
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J. Su et al. / Resources, Conservation and Recycling xxx (2016) xxx–xxx 3
Table 1
Development Procedure of Surface WQS.
urbanization and industrialization. The water body in new version two concerns during the revision process. 1) Some toxic chemi-
(GB3838-88) was classified to natural reserve (Class I), drinking cal parameters were missing in GB3838-88. GB3838-88 had only
water source (Class II), industrial use (Class III), recreation (Class IV), COD and BOD for organic pollutants assessment (Charnley, 2008;
and irrigation (Class V) by water function, which could reflect envi- Greer et al., 2002); 2) There were no nutrient related indicators in
ronmental management demand and water functional protection GB3838-88. Lake Eutrophication had been erupting at a higher fre-
(SEPA, 1988). The revision details are as follow: quency over the past 30 years. According to the surveyed, only 5%
of the 34 lakes were eutrophicated in the 1970s, and the proportion
of eutrophicated lakes increased to 35.76% during 1986–1989. Thus
(1) Changes of indicators. The number of indicators changed from
eutrophication indicators needed to be added into the standard
20 in GB 3838-83 to 30 in GB3838-88. Three indicators were
system to control the eutrophication.
combined, one was replaced, and other 14 indicators were
According to the above-mentioned two main issues, GHZB
added into the new version. Narrative text was induced into
1-1999 was promulgated. There were totally 75 indicators in
GB3838-88 instead of numerical statement for some indica-
GHZB1-1999, of which, 31 were basic parameters, 4 were associ-
tors which could hardly be determined by specific values. Total
ated with lake eutrophication, and 40 organic chemical substances
nitrogen (TN) was replaced by Kjeldahl nitrogen (KTN), and
related indicators were supplemented (SEPA, 1999). It also pro-
NO3 -N, NO2 -N and ammonia were induced into GB3838-88,
vided a scientific approach for water quality assessment, which was
so as to effectively respond to nitrogen circulation. In order to
based on single criterion analysis where each water quality indica-
protect drinking water source, eight indicators (sulfate, anionic
tor was evaluated independently for water quality assessment. The
surfactants, benzo a-pyrene, chlorine, dissolved iron, Mn, Zn,
promulgation of GHZB 1-1999 served as a mark for promoting sur-
and Se4+ ) were added based on the requirement of protecting
face WQS. The following is the detailed revision from GB3838-88
aquatic life and human health. For the purpose of making con-
to GHZB 1-1999.
sistent meaning of COD in WQS and discharge standards, CODCr
and its detective method were supplemented.
(2) Changes of standard values. With water classes extending from
(1) Change of framework. GHZB 1-1999 still used the basic frame-
3 to 5 in GB3838-88, most water bodies were reclassified from
work in GB3838-88, which was divided into 5 classes based on
Class III to Class IV. After revision, a number of criteria and
water function. When water bodies have a variety of functions,
some of the standards GB3838-88 adopted for toxic substances
the most sensitive one would be taken as the basis function for
were stricter than those in developed countries, but the WQS
determining the conservation objectives. Regarding that some
for some degradable toxic substances (e.g. volatile phenol)
areas with abundant and high quality water resources were
might be less stringent compared to criteria. Such considera-
still under development, it was required to analyze and discuss
tion allowed for and promoted artificial treatment and natural
that whether the standards in these areas should be lowered
due to economic demand. The new revision clearly defined the
(3) Application of scientific results. Water quality criteria in devel-
appropriate application boundaries between WQS and other
oped countries were widely invested in this revision. The
standards, such as the effluent standard and standards of dif-
correlation coefficient between toxicity and hardness of heavy
ferent functions. This was to ensure that each standard would
metal was quite high, and revised equation was applied in the
be able to maintain its specific function.
new version of standard. It was difficult to reflect the effect
(2) Highlighting total amount control for pollutant discharge.
on heavy metal standard value from hardness (If the hardness
Water environmental capacity could be calculated based on the
increases 10 times, the heavy metal standard value could be
input response relationship between pollution and protection
extended to over 10 times), so revised hardness equation was
objective. Therefore, water pollution control objective could
introduced as a reference for local water quality assessment.
be calculated through analyzing water environmental capac-
(4) Minimizing the conflict among different standards. Other than
ity and pollutant amount fed into the water body. The water
GB3838-88, there were some standards for specific function,
environmental protection objective, which was used for deter-
such as “Drinking Water Sanitary Standard” (GB5749-85),
mining WQS values, became the key performance indicators.
“WQS for Fisheries” (TJ35-79), and “Standards for Irrigation
COD, NH3 -N, and sulfide were selected as water quality indi-
Water Quality” (GB5084-85). There might be some conflicts
cators in discharge outlet area; DO, BOD5 , un-ionized ammonia
during the enforcement process. GB3838-88 took this conflict
were chosen for main water body. The standard contained both
into consideration and ensured the enforcement of other stan-
un-ionized and NH3 -N based on the latest research result on
dards while implementing GB3838-88.
water quality criteria for aquatic.
(3) Regional differences were reflected. In GHZB 1-1999, there
2.3. From GB3838-88 to GHZB 1-1999 were 31 basic indicators being compelled to be monitored and
applied for water quality assessment; and some special indica-
GB3838-88 provided essential support for environmental man- tors were alternative. Local Environmental Protection Bureau
agement and related policy regulation during 1980s −1990s. As could select different special indicators in WQS regarding to
the accelerated economic development after the reform and open- regional characteristics. This revision effectively reflected dif-
ing policy intensified public’s demand on environmental quality, ferent features in different regions, thus powerfully promoted
MEP further revised GB3838-88 to GHZB 1-1999. There were the function and effect of local water resource management.
Please cite this article in press as: Su, J., et al., Developing surface water quality standards in China. Resour Conserv Recy (2016),
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4 J. Su et al. / Resources, Conservation and Recycling xxx (2016) xxx–xxx
The change was based on the consideration of the following fac- mental Standards” was applied to water body with functions,
tors. 1) There were thousands of lakes and reservoirs located in such as river, lake, canal, channel and reservoirs, While, “Sea
different regions with different environmental conditions. For Water Quality Standards” was applied to maritime water, sur-
some eutrophicated lakes, the factors of causing eutrophica- face water and entrance which were close to offshore waters.
tion were different in each area. Some of them were caused 2) Standards for irrigation water quality: Different from GHZB
by phosphorus, and some were dominated by nitrogen; 2) Each 1-1999, Irrigation Water Quality Standard was used for judging
region had different organic chemical substances due to various whether the water quality could meet the standard for irriga-
historical, regional, and social background. In order to con- tion.
trol organic chemical substances in drinking water sources, 40
indicators were recommended in GHZB 1-1999 and used for 2.4. From GHZB 1-1999 to GB3838-2002
regional water environmental management.
(4) Revision on toxic chemical substances and Lake Eutrophication During the implementation of GHZB 1-1999, problems emerged
control. 1)14 sorts and 68 specifics priority pollutants were put with high demand for water quality and water environmental pro-
into priority list. Pollutants such as persistent organic pollu- tection. The monitored data showed that some of the standard
tants (POPs) which had been listed in treatment priority were values were not reasonable, since they could not be achieved with
increasingly found in sewage water. 2) Four nutrient related current treatment technologies and management measures. The
indicators (TN, total phosphorus (TP), chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) and main issues in GHZB 1-1999 are as follows:
Secchi Depth (SD)) were induced into GHZB 1-1999. Different
from rivers, nutrients in lakes could easily be accumulated and 1) Nutrient standard values were different from those in inter-
became the primary cause for lake eutrophication (Huo et al., national nutrient criteria. USEPA Nutrient Criteria Technical
2014). Consequently, it was imperative to select and screen Guidance Manual for Lakes and Reservoirs was published in
some indicators which could reflect the response between April 2000 after the revision of GHZB 1-1999 (USEPA, 2001,
nutrient concentration and ecological effect. 2008). The EPA water quality criteria published at this time
(5) Relaxed standards of organic substances with low oxygen con- contained over 10 indicators on lake nutrient criteria. Without
sumption. The standard values of CODCr and CODMn were the reference of these nutrient criteria, eutrophication related
relaxed in GHZB 1-1999 for the level of Class III, IV, and V. indicators were mainly determined by considering related stan-
Representative aquatic, such as elver, eel, and Eriocheir sinen- dards in other countries. Some indicators, for instance of TN and
sis were applied as detectors to renew the indicator values. TP, were stricter than those in Japan and South Korea. Hence it
Three factors contributed to this result: 1) There was no water provided an appropriate opportunity to update eutrophication
quality criterion on CODCr and CODMn which could be taken related indicators.
as reference for setting WQS in the worldwide. In light of bio- 2) Change in drinking water resource standard values. Water at
logical toxicology experiment in recent years, 42 mg/L (CODCr ) the quality level of Class II and III could both be used for drink-
was suggested as the level for sensitive aquatic. 2) WQS estab- ing water source and aquatic life protection in GHZB 1-1999. In
lished by the European Economic Community was the only Class II and III with the new version of “Drinking Water Health
standard using COD as an indicator in WQS of drinking water Standards”, issued in September 2001, some indicators in GHZB
source. The value of COD was suggested as 30 mg/L for pro- 1-1999 was required to be revised, so as to facilitate water
tecting human health, while it was not in the indicator list in quality assessment and environmental management of drink-
drinking water sanitary standard in China. 3) Some toxic indica- ing water sources. The modified standard effectively supported
tors were added, and the values of oxygen consumption related the enforcement of WQS in drinking water sources.
indicators (DO, BOD5, NH3 -N) were specified. COD was a factor 3) Problem in nitrogen related parameters. There were 6 nitro-
used for reflecting the amount of low oxygen consumption and gen related indicators involved in GHZB1-1999, including 5
organic substance without biodegradability. The application basic indicators (NO3 -N, NO2 -N, NH3 -N, non-ionic ammonia,
scope of COD became smaller in GHZB 1-1999. Standards val- and TKN), and one special indicator (TN) for lakes and reservoirs.
ues of CODCr for Class III–V were relaxed from 15 mg/L, 20 mg/L, It was understandable to have different indicators for prevention
25 mg/L in GB3838-88 to 20 mg/L, 30 mg/L and 40 mg/L, respec- from various nitrogen related pollutants, while it might lead to
tively in GHZB 1-1999. Meanwhile, CODMn in Class III, IV, and redundant problems caused by overlaying different indicators.
V was changed from 6 mg/L, 8 mg/L, and 10 mg/L to 8 mg/L, 4) USEPA promulgated a national water quality criteria guidance,
10 mg/L, and 15 mg/L, respectively. which contained 157 indicators related to human health and
(6) Water assessment methods. Single-criterion assessment was aquatic life protection in April 1999. In this new version, non-
applied in surface WQS system. Since water body might have ionic ammonia was replaced by NH3 -N regarding to its toxic
different characteristics in various stages (wet season, dry sea- under various conditions (different pH levels and temperatures).
son and level period), Seasonal assessment ought to be applied Moreover, it revised some indicator values, and clarified the def-
for water bodies whose water quality changed with seasons. inition of heavy metal, thus it was necessary to integrate the new
Thus seasonal data (at least 2 sets of monitoring data ought to be points into GHZB 1-1999, and promote surface WQS. Based on
given in each season) needed to be collected instead of instanta- the above concerns, revisions were made to form GB3838-2002.
neous values and anural average values. Ten indexes, including Following are some explanations of GB3838-2002.
DO, COD, AR-OH, NH3 -N, cyanide, fluoride, total Hg, As, Pb, Cr6+
were supposed to 100% meet the demand of the standards in (1) WQS framework. There are still 5 classes in GB3838-2002 based
each water stage; while 80% for that of other indexes. on different designated uses and water protection objectives.
(7) Clarify the relationship between “Surface Water Environmental Parameters values were determined in accordance with the
Standards” GHZB 1-1999 and other standards. “Surface Water water environmental protection objective of aquatic life and
Environmental Standards” was a general standard which was human health for both water body and the recharge sources.
supposed to be respected and followed by all surface water (2) Emphasizing the coordination with other standards. WQS for
resources in China. 1) GHZB 1-1999 and Sea WQS: these two 5 classes were supposed to be integrated. Each sort of water
standards were both regarded as water environmental quality body ought to comply with basic indicators, while drinking
standards but with different scopes. “Surface Water Environ- water source standards including supplemented indicators and
Please cite this article in press as: Su, J., et al., Developing surface water quality standards in China. Resour Conserv Recy (2016),
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RECYCL-3324; No. of Pages 10 ARTICLE IN PRESS
J. Su et al. / Resources, Conservation and Recycling xxx (2016) xxx–xxx 5
specific indicators, should be coordinated with drinking water based on nutrient criteria in China. Nevertheless, the methodol-
health standards. The specific indicators demonstrated that ogy for setting nutrient standards in individual state is different
drinking water source would be taken as a significant part in from USEPA. The approach used by USEPA with four indicators
water environment protection in the future, and local govern- could not reflect the relationship between nutrient standard and
ment could make their decision based on assessment indicators designated use, while individual state considers the water body
to improve water pollution control, and to protect water envi- type and its designated uses by combining expert elicitation and
ronmental resource and human health, so that to promote structure equation model. So it’s advisable to know about differ-
drinking water source management. ent approaches for setting lake nutrient standard in the USEPA and
(3) Main revision. GB3838-2002 supplemented the “Water body different states in the USA for comprehensive reference.
with a specific function” to express the relationship between
water body function and classification. “Water body function
3. Methodology for setting water quality criteria and
and standards classification” revised to “Water body function
standard in the USA
classification”. “Rare aquatic habitat” was replaced by “Precious
fish reserves” in class II, and “Larvae feeding ground” was added
3.1. USEPA water quality criteria and standards
into class II as well. In class III, “General fish protected areas”
was replaced by “Wintering grounds of fish and shrimp, migra-
Nutrient over-enrichment is a major source of water pollu-
tion channels, aquaculture areas of fishing waters”.
tion in the United States. The link between eutrophication and
the over-enrichment of surface waters has long been presumed
There are 109 parameters in GB3838-2002, including 24 basic
but not definitively documented (Cunha et al., 2012). Reference
parameters, 5 supplemented parameters for drinking water source,
conditions are statuses observed in the absence of human distur-
and 80 specific parameters. NO2 -N, non-ionic ammonia, and KTN
bance or alteration, corresponding to very low pressure, with only
were deleted from the old version on drinking water source (SEPA,
minimal human impacts from industrialization, urbanization and
2002). Not only TN was added, but also the standard values of
intensive agriculture. However, because some parts of the coun-
TN and TP for lake and reservoirs were specified (Zan et al.,
try have naturally higher soil matrixes and different precipitation
2012). Seven indicators, including pH, DO, NH3 -N, CODMn , Pb, and
regimes, the application of that general consensus approach has
Escherichia coli in dung were revised in the new version. The num-
to be adjusted by region. Therefore, an eco-region and reference
ber of organic chemical substances related indicators was increased
condition approach is necessary to develop nutrient criteria appro-
to 80, of which except for the standard value for carbon tetra-
priate to different geographical and climatological areas of the
chloride being stricter, other standards have been relaxed, and the
country. Initially, the continental United States has been divided
standard values are shown in Table 2.
into 14 separate eco-regions with similar geographical charac-
Basic indicators in surface WQS were implemented for rivers,
teristics, and criteria and standards are developed for each. The
lakes, canals, channels, and reservoirs for different functions. Sup-
reference conditions help set the upper bounds of what can be con-
plemented and specific indicators for drinking water resource were
sidered as the most natural and attainable lake conditions for an
applied (Dugan et al., 2009). Specific indicators could be determined
ecoregion, and thus contribute to setting the criteria and standards
and selected by local governments considering local environmental
at appropriate levels (Huo et al., 2012).
characteristics and protection demand.
USEPA recommended four variables, TN, TP, Chl-a, and SD, to
develop nutrient criteria that reflects both causal and response
2.5. Inadequacies in GB3838-2002
conditions of eutrophication. The criterion levels were set by
estimating the median value of the 25th percentile of seasonal fre-
Although the GB3838-2002 made corresponding improvement
quency distributions for all lakes and reservoirs within an ecoregion
in view of the increasingly serous eutrophication, there are still
(Walker et al., 2007). There was no relationship between criteria
some insufficiencies existing in this latest version, as eutrophica-
value and designated use in this approach. WQS is set with con-
tion control management is incomplete compared in developed
sideration of designated uses in individual stage based on regional
countries. Firstly, a gap remains in WQS system between China
water quality criteria in the USA. However, the methodology for
and developed countries. Lake Eutrophication management mainly
setting WQS is different in various states. The criteria will serve
relies on 2 nutrient related indicators (TN and TP) in GB3838-2002.
as the base-line lake nutrients at national level, all the States will
Since there were no lake nutrient criteria related studies during
need to set their lake nutrient standards with the consideration of
the revision period from GHZB 1-1999 to GB3838-2002, nutri-
nutrient criteria.
ent indicator standards were mainly based on the references from
developed countries (Zhou et al., 2014). Some of the standard val-
ues are more stringent than those in Japan and South Korea, while 3.2. Nutrient standards setting method in Minnesota, US
some are relaxed. Secondly, GB3838-2002 is applied generally in
all the lakes in China without considering the differences in differ- The method used for setting WQS in Minnesota is mainly
ent regions, including various climates, elevation, geography, and based on the USEPA ecoregion reference water body (Heiskary and
other regional factors (Ding et al., 2015). A methodology is needed Wilson, 2005). Minnesota not only classified their lakes and reser-
to transform the lake nutrient criteria to standards considering voirs by reference conditions and eco-region, but also subdivided
regional differences. the water bodies via natural lakes, reservoirs, designated uses, and
The crucial step of this transformation is to find a measurable depth (Walker et al., 2007). The most sensitive designated use was
indicator to express the probability of attainment of designated selected to be protected because it was believed that if the most
use. It is significant to achieve tradeoff between water environ- sensitive use was guaranteed, the other uses then could also be
mental protection and economy development. These two issues appropriately protected. Instead of using a single criterion, such as
are in accordance with the USEPA. Meanwhile, USEPA using the the current TP criterion set in 1988, Minnesota chose to develop
eco-regionalization technique divides lakes into different regions in standards using three criterion variables: TP, Chl-a, and SD. Nitro-
view of various ecological factors, and sets lake nutrient criteria and gen was not included since the water bodies were phosphorus
standards in regional scale. Therefore, the methodology of USEPA limited based on many studies on eutrophication in Minnesota.
could be taken as a reference for setting lake nutrient standards Meanwhile, Chl-a and SD were selected as criteria indicators as they
Please cite this article in press as: Su, J., et al., Developing surface water quality standards in China. Resour Conserv Recy (2016),
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Table 2
Comparison of Standard Values between GHZB 1-1999 and GB3838-2002.
pH 02 6–9
99 6.5–8.5 6–9
DO (mg/L) 02 90% or 7.5 6 5 3 2
99 90% 6 5 3 2
NH3 -N (mg/L) 02 0.15 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
99 0.5 0.5 0.5 01 1.5
TP (mg/L) River 02 0.02 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
Lake and reservoirs 99 0.02 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2
02 0.01 0.025 0.05 0.1 0.2
99 0.002 0.01 0.025 0.06 0.12
TN (mg/L) 02 0.2 0.5 01 1.5 2.0
99 0.04 0.15 0.3 0.7 1.2
Pb (mg/L) 02 0.01 0.01 0.05 0.05 0.1
99 0.01 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.1
Coliformin (per L) 02 200 2000 10000 20000 40000
99 200 1000 2000 5000 10000
CODMn (mg/L) 02 2 4 6 10 15
99 2 4 8 10 15
were both closely related to TP. The weight-of-evidence approach sented a procedure to quantify the appropriateness of candidate
was applied to set criterion levels. Minnesota’s method used the nutrient criteria. This method provided decision-makers with an
wealth of scientific knowledge regarding eutrophication in Min- estimate of risk associated with the criterion level, and facilitated
nesota lakes to refine their current nutrient standards. Although the selection of appropriate WQS. The method successfully estab-
the goal of nutrient standards was to protect the designated use, lished the relationship among nutrient indicator, designated use
the standards variable was not been explicitly linked to the specific and attainable percentage. Designated use, which could be diffi-
designated uses. Additionally, the standards levels were weak with cult to be measured, was expressed by indicators and numeric, so
the trade-offs underlying this policy decision (Kenney, 2007). it was possible to evaluate whether the water designated use was
attained or not. Meanwhile, the approach balanced environmental
benefit and pollution control cost so as to provide references for
3.3. Methodology for water quality standards in Arizona, US
Arizona translated the state’s primary narrative nutrient stan-
dards into numeric nutrient criteria (USEPA, 2008). They used a
4. Methodology for setting lake nutrient standards in China
weight-of-evidence approach to compare monitoring data with tar-
gets provided by sources such as scientific literatures, the trophic
Based on the review of the methods used in the US for setting
state indexes developed for Arizona waters, and statistical analysis
lake nutrient standards, there are generally three approaches for
results. Then criterion Chl-a was recommended, with secondary
setting numeric standard to address nitrogen/phosphorus pollu-
consideration to SD, TP, TN, and total Kjeldahl nitrogen (Walker
tion (USEPA, 2000): reference condition approaches, mechanistic
et al., 2007; Kenney, 2007). A water body would be classified as
modeling, and stressor-response analysis (USEPA, 2010). The pro-
impaired if there were two exceedances of the nutrient standards
posed predictive nutrient criteria method is a component of the
within a 2–5 year assessment period.
stress-response analysis. The CWA requires that surface waters
should meet standards necessary for human recreational demands,
3.4. Methodology for water quality standards in North Carolina, as well as aquatic breeding. Thus selecting the most sensitive des-
US ignated use to set the standard could satisfy the needs. Different
from the USA, the water use is not aiming at human health and
The method adopted by North Carolina is different from other water ecological system safety protecting, but at water resources
states. They considered the method used by USEPA and other states use in China. The water quality standard is set according to different
was difficult to assess whether a specific nutrient criterion was use function (Li et al., 2015). Thus, there is a demand of establishing
appropriate, overprotective, or under-protective. North Carolina a method to link standard variables and levels to different desig-
used expert elicitation to quantify designated-use attainment for nated uses. The predictive nutrient criteria method used in North
lakes, and they applied structural equation model (SEM) to iden- Carolina could successfully transfer the narrative designates use
tify good WQS as the best predictors of the designated use (Li into measureable standards. It is a referable standard establishing
et al., 2015). Setting the standard level required explicit considera- method to China (Ji et al., 2013).
tion of the decision-makers’ value trade-off between water quality
and mitigation cost (Huo et al., 2013b). They used a combination
of water quality modeling and multi-attribute value analysis to 4.1. Structural equation modeling (SEM)
determine the standards variables and thresholds that maximized
decision makers’ overall value. SEM has been widely used in various research fields (Hayduk,
This predictive nutrient standards method successfully trans- 1996; Po et al., 2005). And it has been applied to water environment
ferred the narrative designates use into measureable standards. It (La Peyre et al., 2001; Russell and Hampton, 2006; Sutton-Grier
enabled us to select the most significant indicator of designated use et al., 2010). SEM is often considered as superior to multivariate
attainment probability, and established the relationship between regression, as it measures indirect effects between two explanatory
the criterion level and the designated use attainment. This process variables explicitly, and where the effects between two variables
explicitly considered the attainment of water quality goal and pre- can be mediated by another intermediary variable (Kline, 1998).
Please cite this article in press as: Su, J., et al., Developing surface water quality standards in China. Resour Conserv Recy (2016),
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4.2. Expert elicitation introduced in SEM data with assessments from experts on the probability of desig-
nated use attainment.
Although science was thought of as objective, judgment is Lake eutriphication is becoming a big problem in China and
indeed necessary throughout a scientific study, from the state- other countries as well. TP and TN are the key indicators causing
ment of hypotheses, the specification of a model, the design of lake eutrophication (Elklit, 2012; Hauck et al., 2016). Fig. 1 shows
experiments or monitoring programs, the selection of methods of the distribution of TP in China. It indicates that the concentration
analysis, to the final inferences and conclusions. All of these tasks increases with the color getting dark. The lakes with the highest
generally involve expert judgment intermingled with the objective concentration are almost 10 times of the lakes with the lowest
analysis of data (Reckhow et al., 2005). The need to link measured ones (Huo et al., 2013a). Therefore, it is necessary to define WQS on
standard with narrative designated-use statements unavoidably regional scale so as to reflect the driving differences.
requires expert judgment. The goal of expert elicitation is to extract
subjective judgments from experts in a systematic procedure. The
improvement resulting from the use of expert elicitation is that 4.3. Procedures for setting methodology for lake nutrient
it makes these subjective judgments transparent (Reckhow et al., standards in China
Designated use attainment cannot be directly measured. There- Methodology applied by North Carolina, US could be referred as
fore, an expert group was convened to elicit the probability of important lessons for China. Combining the elicited judgments with
designated use attainment given the correlated water quality data. the water quality data, a data set could be created which allows us to
Similar to Reckhow’s approach, a SEM was formulated to describe use SEM to identify the best predictive criterion for designated use
the interplay between designated use attainment and physical, (Reckhow et al., 2005). In addition, we can reformulate the resul-
chemical, as well as biological factors. It was useful for determin- tant SEM to estimate the probability of attainment associated with
ing the most predictive measured water quality variables of the various levels of the criterion. In China, the aim of standard classifi-
probability of attainment of the designated use (designated use cation system was to protect the designated use of different water
attainment) for a region of lakes. Using SEM, these predictive vari- bodies. Expert elicitation was superior to experimental and statisti-
ables were statistically determined by combining water quality cal approaches to quantify the narrative designated use statement
(Ji et al., 2013).Due to that elicited judgments are based on sub-
Please cite this article in press as: Su, J., et al., Developing surface water quality standards in China. Resour Conserv Recy (2016),
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Base line
Lake Nutrient
Characteristic Investigation
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Table 3
Designated Use Attainment Versus the Candidate Criterion for TP.
decreased along with the increase of TP, and decline to 85% when
the TP concentration was 0.02 mg/L (Table 3). It is recommended
that the probability of designated use over 85% can be used as the
corresponding lake nutrient standards, and it also need to consider
the lake nutrient criteria. It means that the standards value needs to
be looser than the criteria values. The Criteria value of TP in Yungui
Province is 0.01 mg/L, thus it could be feasible if the TP concen-
tration was 0.02 with the percentage of attainment of designated
5. Conclusions
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10 J. Su et al. / Resources, Conservation and Recycling xxx (2016) xxx–xxx
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Please cite this article in press as: Su, J., et al., Developing surface water quality standards in China. Resour Conserv Recy (2016),