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OCTOBER , 2019

Praise for Allah SWT for giving us convenience so that I can finish this critical journal
review in a timely manner. Without his help, of course I would not be able to complete this
task properly. The author would like to thank Allah SWT for the abundance of His healthy
favors, both in the form of healthy physical and mindfulness, so that I as the author was able
to complete critical journal reporting as an assignment from the curriculum and material
development course. The author certainly realizes that this task is far from perfect and there
are still many errors and shortcomings in it. For this reason, the author expects criticism and
suggestions from readers for this critical journal review, so that this task can be a better journal
review later. Thus, and if there are many mistakes in this paper the author apologizes profusely.
The author also expresses his gratitude to all parties, especially to the lecturer, Rafika Dewi
Nasution , S.Pd,M.Hum . Who have taught as Curriculum and material development at the
same time gave this assignment, and to my parents and friends who have support in completing
the critical task of this journal review . if there is a word or explanation or error in writing I can
accept constructive criticism and suggestions.

Medan, 19th October 2019

Sri Wahyuningsih




Critical Journal Review is the activity of reviewing a journal in order to know and understand
what is presented in a journal. Journal criticism is very important because it can train our
ability to analyze and evaluate the discussions presented by researchers. So that it becomes
valuable input for other creative writing processes. Critical Journal Review in the form of this
paper contains the conclusions of journals that have been determined with the title
Curriculum Development: Teacher Involvement in Curriculum Development Hopefully this
CJR can be useful for readers in general and for writers in particular.

1. Helping the reader to know the general description and assessment and a journal
or other scientific papers concisely.
2. Knowing the strengths and weaknesses of the journal being criticized
3. Knowing the background and reasons why the journal was made
4. Provide input to journal writers in the form of criticism and suggestions on how to
write, the contents, and the substance of the journal .


(critical journal) is made as one of the useful scientific references to add insight into
writers and readers in knowing the strengths and weaknesses of a journal, to be taken
into consideration, and also complete one of the individual tasks of curriculum and
material development .


Title : Vocational High School Teachers’ Difficulties in Implementing the

Assessment in Curriculum 2013 in Yogyakarta Province of Indonesia
Journal’s Name : International Journal of Instruction
Edition :1
Author : Heri Retnawati , Samsul Hadi , Ariadie Chandra Nugraha
Publisher : Yogyakarta State University
City of publication : Yogyakarta
Year of publication : 2016
Volume :9
ISSN : 1694-609X


This journal explains the difficulty of vocational high school teachers in carrying out
assessments in the 2013 Curriculum, which has been carried out since July 2013 in several
schools in Indonesia and which may have been applicable in all schools around 2014. Data
sources are 22 vocational high school teachers and representatives curriculum principal in the
Special Province of Yogyakarta. Data analysis was performed by searching for specific themes;
Then, the researcher finds the relationship between themes to reach the right understanding.
The results showed that in the implementation of the 2013 Curriculum assessment teachers
did not fully understand the assessment system. Teacher difficulties are also found in:
developing attitude instruments, applying authentic assessments, formulating indicators,
designing assessment rubrics for skills, and collecting scores from various measurement
techniques. In addition, teachers cannot find suitable applications to describe student
learning achievements.

One tangible proof of the development of civilization, knowledge, and technology, is the
progress in the field of education, namely changes in curriculum including educational
content, learning processes and assessments. Such curriculum changes have occurred in
other regions such as Korea, Europe, and Asian countries. Likewise, curriculum reform has
also taken place in these regions, including Indonesia. To improve the quality of human
resources and the competitiveness of the nation, together with the development of
knowledge, technology, and art, the Indonesian government applies a new curriculum for the
education process in elementary schools, junior high schools, and senior high schools. and
this new curriculum is called the 2013 curriculum. This curriculum has been implemented in
Indonesia since July 2013. This curriculum is expected to produce productive, creative,
innovative and affective human resources through strengthening competencies in the realm
of attitude (spiritual and social), knowledge, and skills . The curriculum is very different from
the previous curriculum. In this curriculum, education not only emphasizes knowledge and
skills, but also changes teaching approaches and assessment systems. The objectives of the
new curriculum will be achieved by paying attention to educational content, shifting learning
paradigms from teacher-centered approaches to student-centered approaches and using
competency-based assessments, replacing test-based assessments with authentic-based
assessments that measure attitudes, knowledge, and process-based skills learning and
learning outcomes. Before July 2013, the education system in Indonesia used a curriculum
prepared at the school level (Education Unit Level Curriculum, KTSP). KTSP was implemented
since July 2006. KTSP was developed by each school, in accordance with the condition of the
school, regional characteristics, socio-cultural characteristics, and students (Law No. 20 of
2003 concerning the national education system). Related to the implementation of this
curriculum, schools have full authority and responsibility to develop strategies and set
priorities in education. The key words of this curriculum are local wisdom, self-development
activities, mastery of learning and life skills. In the implementation of education, assessment
is a very important aspect. Assessment serves as an aid for teachers in placing students into
certain groups, improving teaching methods, measuring student readiness (attitude, mental
and material readiness), providing guidance and selection to determine vocations and class
improvement, providing information that will help students educators for better education
and in making decisions about the sustainability of study and program evaluation.

Assessments must be carried out to measure student achievement and these assessments
are known as authentic assessments. The keywords in the 2013 curriculum that have been
applied are authentic assessments. The assessment in the 2013 Curriculum is regulated
through the Republic of Indonesia Minister of Culture and Education Number 81 of 2013
(Minister of Education and Culture, 2013), which has been revised to the Republic of
Indonesia Minister of Culture and Education Number 104 of 2014 (Minister of Education and
Culture, 2014). The main points of these two rules are found in authentic assessments. There
are four competencies that will be measured in authentic assessments and four competencies
are as follows: spiritual and social attitudes, knowledge, and skills. Each competency will be
measured using a different technique. When the government implements a new curriculum,
there are several challenges that the government might face. Eraslan (2013) examined the
reflection of Turkish mathematics teachers on the implementation of a new basic
mathematics curriculum for grades 6-8 in pilot schools. From interviews and observations, he
found that teachers supported the new mathematics curriculum; However, they mentioned
the lack of initial training and requested ongoing in-service training at the school level. They
also claim that they experience the following problems in practice: (1) obstacles in carrying
out classroom activities, (2) lack of sufficient knowledge about alternative assessments, (3)
lack of support and parental involvement, and (4)) disturbances caused by national norm
reference test. Park (2008) also found similar results in his study. He examined how Korean
elementary school teachers integrated the curriculum into their teaching practices and what
they experienced in the implementation of integration. From the analysis, Park found several
problems revealed by teacher experience: (1) the lack of a teacher's theoretical framework
for curriculum integration, (2) teachers have a pragmatic approach to curriculum integration,
and (3) there are limits on curriculum integration. For integration to be implemented and
maintained properly, teachers must have an important role in understanding the curriculum.
explores the opinions of science teachers about Kuwait's new sixth and seventh grade
curriculum, conducted in 2008. His research focuses on teachers' views on curriculum content
and reveals the challenges and difficulties they face in teaching this new curriculum. . The
findings show that curriculum content does not help students work together and is not
related to student culture and society. This finding also shows that science teachers face many
challenges in teaching the new curriculum, such as the lack of teaching tools in schools and
the fact that the government does not provide training related to the new curriculum. Lumadi
(2013) investigates challenges that affect teacher classroom assessment practices and
explores how these challenges affect effective teaching and learning practices. His study
found major challenges in the following domains: policy interpretation, valuation planning,
conducting assessments, using various methods in valuation practices, and timing of
assessments. Recommendations are formulated to strengthen classroom assessment
practices. Likewise, Kurebwa and Nyaruwata (2013) investigate teacher problems in
conducting the assessment process. Their research findings indicate that assessments in
primary schools are limited by a number of problems. Problems include the lack of teacher
competency in carrying out assessments, the greater use of teachers from summative
assessments compared to formative assessments and the lack of resources. The reason is that
teachers have difficulty in designing rubrics for skills assessment, there are too many choices
of competencies and assessment techniques. Teachers also have difficulty integrating scores
from various assessment techniques that have been applied and there are no applications
that can be implemented easily in describing the results of the student learning process. The
assessment system is the factor most frequently complained of by teachers in the process of
implementing the 2013 Curriculum. The implementation of the assessment involves various
instruments which urge the teacher to be able to manipulate complex data. Most teachers
are reluctant to complete administrative procedures related to various assessment
techniques. Some teachers even considered that the assessment system in the 2013
Curriculum was difficult and complicated to implement. In addition, these teachers also argue
that the assessment system in the 2013 Curriculum takes time and effort. The large choice of
assessment techniques leads to many design choices and, therefore, teachers must prepare
more stationery while not all schools are able to meet such demand. As a result, most
teachers are able to find the right, easy, effective and efficient assessment techniques. These
results are in line with the results of the Lumadi (2013) study. These problems arise due to
the lack of in-depth teacher understanding of the assessment system in the 2013 Curriculum
and inadequate facilities. Ideally, teachers must be prepared to develop good and appropriate
instruments. However, such abilities are rarely mastered by a teacher. Even determining the
right indicators might be a big problem for them, not to mention the formulation of these
indicators into several observation items. Then, there must be adequate facilities in
implementing Curriculum 2013. Some schools have provided applications in the form of
Microsoft Excel applications to help the implementation of the assessment system;
Unfortunately, other schools are passive and, as a result, their teachers apply a grading
system manually. This condition is far from ideal regarding the fact that there are many
assessment techniques, assessments are carried out using letters and scales 1-4 and student
competencies are presented in the form of descriptions. This result is supported by the results
of Park's study (2013). The key to this problem is the teacher's lack of understanding of the
new curriculum. These problems can be overcome by providing adequate socialization and
training sessions that must be led by competent instructors or resource persons. The coaching
process carried out by experts in implementing the 2013 Curriculum is also required. Expert
coaching will help teachers to solve problems they find in carrying out assessments. The
results were also supported by Park (2008), Alshammari (2013), and Kurebwa and Nyaruwata
(2013). The problem of carrying out assessments in connection with reporting may have been
prevented by designing applications that might facilitate teachers in manipulating grades and
in presenting these values in report cards. Teachers need an online system in having a
reciprocal relationship between them so they can save their time and effort.

With the online system, efforts that are spent on teachers, especially classroom teachers, can be
minimized. The teachers also hope that there will be a system that can be implemented easily in the
process of input scores, integration of scores and printouts of descriptions of the results of student
learning processes. The results of this study were supported by many researchers. When the new
curriculum has been implemented, there will certainly be some difficulties. Several studies have found
that there are some difficulties in implementing the new curriculum, which are also common obstacles
and challenges in many other countries, and the difficulties are the heavy teacher workload, the
diversity of learning in the classroom (Cheung & Wong, 2012) and the understanding of teachers
inadequate about reforms (Cheung & Wong, 2012; Park, 2008,), and lack of facilities (Syomwene,
2013). These difficulties naturally trigger additional obstacles in other aspects such as the
implementation of teaching and assessment. In line with the results of the study, similarly, in carrying
out authentic assessments or assessments in the new curriculum, teachers generally face several
other difficulties. These difficulties include a lack of sufficient knowledge about the use of alternative
assessments (Eraslan, 2013); appraisal planning, conducting appraisals, using various methods in
appraisal and time for appraisal (Lumadi, 2013); the lack of teacher competence to conduct
assessments, the use of teacher summative assessments over formative assessments, and the lack of
resources (Kurebwa & Nyaruwata, 2013). Based on the results of this study and the results of other
researchers' research, the key word for teacher difficulties is the lack of a teacher's comprehensive
understanding of the 2013 Curriculum, including the implementation of assessments, such as
planning, implementing and reporting student outcomes. achievement. To overcome difficulties, an
effective training program must be held and an effective training program must include the contents
of the 2013 Curriculum, learning, assessment and school report making. Such training programs must
involve all teachers. During curriculum implementation, monitoring and coaching programs are also
required so that teachers can have solutions quickly whenever they encounter difficulties. In
accordance with the difficulties faced by teachers in vocational high schools for reporting assessment
results, it is urgent to develop the use of software to assist them in reporting educational outcomes
using the 2013 Curriculum. This software includes a system for processing scores, reporting,
explaining, and also the handbook so that it can be applied to all vocational high schools and
Indonesian schools in general. This implication is in line with the results of qualitative synthesis
conducted by Hussain, Adeeb and Aslam (2011), and Makeleni and Sethusa (2014).



The abstract is clear, so by reading the abstract the reader can find out the discussion and
results of the research.The contents that contain the materials in this journal are presented
quite clearly and neatly. Each major division of title is accompanied by sub-topics, and the sub-
topics are accompanied by explanations of the main points. The contents in this journal are
also arranged in a good systematic way, it is seen that the writer first writes the contents of
the journal from a general matter to something more specific. In some of the contents of the
material the author also includes theories and expert opinions which will strengthen the
contents of the book material. About grammatical aspects, the book is to use good enough
grammar, And Explanation in this abstract section of the journal is explained into three different
languages namely Turkish, French and Arabic so that people who come from that country can better
understand the purpose of this journal.


There is not much error in this journal because I am not find many mistakes in this journal. but this
journal focuses on explaining the difficulties when implementing the 2013 curriculum. There is no
further information about research findings meanwhile the reader finds experience from experts.



Curriculum 2013 has been officially in effect since several years ago; however, there are still problems
found in the field. Almost all of the teachers in Indonesia have been given training and socialization
session from the school level up to the national level. Several teachers have even appointed as the
curriculum instructors from the school level up to the province level. Many programs have been
prepared for the training/socialization session; unfortunately, there were some teachers who did not
attend the session. The study aims to describe vocational high school teachers’ difficulties in
implementing the assessment within Curriculum 2013, which has been implemented since July 2013
in several Indonesian schools and which might have been in effect in all schools around 2014. Based
on this research results and the results of other researchers’ researches, the keywords of the teachers’
difficulties are the lack of teachers’ comprehensive understanding of Curriculum 2013, including the
implementation of assessment, such as planning, conducting and reporting the result of students’
achievements. In order to overcome the difficulties, effective training programs should be held and
the effective training programs should cover the content of Curriculum 2013, the learning, the
assessment and the making of school report. Such training programs should involve all of the teachers.
During the curriculum implementation, the monitoring and coaching programs are also demanded so
that the teachers might have solutions quickly whenever they face difficulties. In accordance with the
difficulties faced by teachers in vocational high school to report the assessment result, it is urgent to
develop the use of software to help them in reporting the results of education employing Curriculum
2013. The software includes the system of score processing, reporting, describing, and also its
handbook so that it is applicable to all vocational high schools and Indonesian schools in general.


Each scientific paper such as this journal must have Strengths and weaknesses , but the writer
should minimize the existing deficiencies so that the results are better. this journal contains
very useful material such as researching methodology ,hypothesis , research objectives and
explanation from the experts , and all about implementation of curriculum 2013 especially
assessment of curriculum 2013 therefore, the author should give more the opinion or further
information of research findings related to the sub topics in this journal .

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