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Introduction To Matlab: Luke Dickens

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Introduction to Matlab

Part 1

Luke Dickens

Imperial College London

12th January 2012


The Basics

Built-in Functions

Matlab is an intuitive, easy-to-learn, high performance language for
numerical computation and data visualisation. It can handle:

• Numerical mathematics and computation

• Algorithm development
• Data acquisition
• Modelling, simulations, and prototyping
• Data analysis, exploration, and visualisation
• Scientific and engineering graphics
• Application development, incl. graphical user interfaces

MATLAB stands for MATrix LABoratory. Its basic variable is arrays,

i.e. vectors and matrices. Matlab also has many built-in functions, as
well as specialised add-on tool boxes.
Unlike other mathematical packages, such as MAPLE or
MATHEMATICA, MATLAB cannot perform symbolic manipulations
without the use of additional Toolboxes.
The 5 main parts to Matlab:

1 Desktop tools and development environment

Mainly graphical user interfaces, editor, debugger, and workspace

2 Mathematical function library

Basic maths functions such as sums, cosine, complex numbers
Advanced maths functions such as matrix inversion, matrix eigenvalues,
differential equations

3 The language
High-level language based on arrays, functions, input/output, and flow
statements (for, if, while)

4 Graphics
Data plotting in 2d and 3d, as well as image analysis and animation tools

5 External interfaces
Interaction between C and Fortran programs with Matlab, either for linking
convenient routines from Matlab in C/Fortran, or for Matlab to call fast C/Fortran
Different ways to use Matlab

1 Interactive mode
just type commands and define variables, empty workspace with command
2 Simple scripts
M-file (name.m) with list of commands
Operate on existing data in work space, or create new data
Variables remain in workspace (until cleared)
3 M-file functions
M-file as with scripts
May return values
Easy to call from other functions (make sure file is in Matlab search path)

The Basics

Built-in Functions


Variables do not need to be declared. Simply assign values to

variable names, e.g.
» x = [1 2 3 4 5]
x =
1 2 3 4 5
For quiet assignment, terminate expression with a semi-colon.
To display a variable, simply use the variable name on its own.
» x = [1 2 3 4 5];
» x
x =
1 2 3 4 5

Matlab distinguishes between row and column vectors. x

defined on the previous slide is a row vector – use spaces or
commas (,) to separate entries. To define column vector, use
semi-colons (;) to separate entries (rows), e.g.
» y = [6; 7; 8; 9; 10]
Or transpose a row vector with the prime symbol (’), e.g.
» y = [6 7 8 9 10]’
A dot product is a row vector multiplied by (*) a column vector,
e.g. x*y, y’*x’, x*x’ or y’*y.
What happens when we multiply a column vector by a row
vector, e.g. y*x?
More on Vectors
Create a natural integer sequence (vector) by specifying the
first and the last element separated by a colon (:), e.g.
» u = [0:8]
u =
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
A different increment can be specified as a third (middle)
argument, e.g.
» v = [0:2:8]
v =
0 2 4 6 8
Vector elements can be referenced with parentheses.
Be careful: Indices start at 1.
» v(2)
ans =
A number of elements can be referenced using the colon
notation, e.g. v(1:3), u(2:2:6). What will these give?

In fact, row vectors are simply 1 × n matrices, and column

vectors are n × 1 matrices.
We can define more general matrices using spaces (or
commas) to separate column entries, and semi-colons (or
carraige return) to separate rows, e.g.
1 2
A=[1 2; 3 4;] is the 2 × 2 matrix 3 4
 
4 5
B=[4 5; 6 7; 8 9;] is the 3 × 2 matrix  6 7 
8 9

Reference the ith-row jth-column element of matrix A, with

A(i,j). We can even pull out a submatrix with the colon
notation (just a colon gives the full row/column), e.g.
6 7
B(2:3,:) is the 2 × 2 matrix 8 9
A prime (’) transposes a matrix.
Block Matrices

We can use vectors to build larger vectors by placing them in

square parenthesis and separating them by spaces (commas),
called horizontal concatenation, so

» z=[x y’] is the row vector 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Semi-colons (carraige returns) are for vertical

1 2 3
» C=[x(1:3) ; y(3:5)’] is the matrix 8 9 10

Likewise we can block together compatible matrices to build

larger matrices.
What will [A B’] and [A ; B] produce?
Scalar Operations

We can multiply every element of a matrix by a scalar, e.g. 3*A,

with the obviousresults. So if ris a real number, and
d11 ... d1n
.. .. .. 
» D is the matrix 
 . . . 
dm1 ... dmn
r ∗ d11 ... r ∗ d1n
 
.. .. ..
» r*D is the matrix 

. . .

r ∗ dm1 ... r ∗ dmn
Similarly, if we add or subtract a scalars and matrices together,
e.g. A+3 or 1-B, then the same scalar operation is applied to
each element in the matrix.
Addition and Subtraction of Matrices

Two matrices of the same dimension can be added together

with +. The operation is elementwise, so the two matrices must
have the same dimension. For the two matrices D, E ∈ Rm×n ,
d11 ... d1n
 
.. .. ..
» D is the matrix 

. . .

dm1 ... dmn
e11 ... e1n
 
 . .. ..
» E is the matrix  .. . .

em1 ... emn
d11 + e11 ... d1n + e1n
 
.. .. ..
» D+E is the matrix 

. . .

dm1 + em1 ... dmn + emn
Subtraction works in a similar elementwise way, e.g. C’-B.
More on Elementwise Operators

So for example,
» B’+C
ans =
5 8 11
13 16 19
» B+C
??? Error using ==> plus
Matrix dimensions must agree.
We also have elementwise multiply (.*) and divide (./). With
elementwise division, be careful that there are no zero
elements in the second matrix. Why?
The elementwise power operator (.^), applies a power to each
element of a matrix.
Matrix Multiplication

Standard Matrix multiplication, with *, requires matrices to have

compatible dimensions, so
 
19 28
» B*A gives the matrix  27 40 
35 52
» A*B
??? Error using ==> mtimes
Inner matrix dimensions must agree.
Which of the following are valid: A*A, A*B’, B’*A’?
Can also take the power of any square matrix with the hat
symbol (^), e.g. A^2 is equivalent to A*A.
Matrix Division

For a square invertable1 n × n matrix M, and compatible vector

b, we have the matrix equivalent of division,
» a = M\b is the solution of the equation Ma = b
» a = b/M is the solution of the equation aM = b

More generally, see the eig built in function.

1: A matrix M ∈ Rn×n is invertible, if ∀x ∈ Rn

Mx = 0 ⇒ x = 0
Summary of Arithmetic Operators

Below is a list of the arithmetic operators available in MATLAB.

+ addition
- subtraction
* multiplication
^ power
\ left division
/ right division
.* elementwise multiplication
.^ elementwise power
.\ elementwise left division
./ elementwise right division
’ transpose
Comparison Operators
As with addition and subtraction. Relational operators can be
applied to a scalar and a scalar; a matrix and a scalar; or to two
matrices of the same dimension. The following are available:
< less than
> greater than
<= less than or equal
>= greater than or equal
== equal
~= not equal
Boolean values (or matrices) may be connected by the
following logical operators.
& and
| or
~ not
You will explore these in the lab.

The Basics

Built-in Functions

Built-in Functions

There are numerous built-in functions (i.e. commands) in MATLAB.

There is only room here to describe a few of them. We separate them
roughly into categories.
Special Functions:
help: Displays help information for any MATLAB command.
lookfor: A keyword search function. Useful for finding unknown
who: Lists the current variables in the workspace.
whos: Lists current variables with detailed information.
clear: Clears current variables.
exit: Closes interactive mode.
I strongly recommended you look up any built-in function with help
before using them or see the online support at:
Scalar Functions
Certain MATLAB functions are essentially used on scalars, but
operate element-wise when applied to a matrix (or vector).
They are summarized below (angles are in radians).
sin trigonometric sine
cos trigonometric cosine
tan trigonometric tangent
asin trigonometric inverse sine (arcsine)
acos trigonometric inverse cosine (arccosine)
atan trigonometric inverse tangent (arctangent)
exp exponential
log natural logarithm
abs absolute value
sqrt square root
rem remainder
round round towards nearest integer
floor round towards negative infinity
ceil round towards positive infinity
More on Scalar Functions

Some examples of these functions in use are:

» sin(1)
ans =
» cos([-1:0.5:1]*pi) (pi is a built-in constant)
ans =
-1.0000 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000 -1.0000
» rem(12,5)
ans =
» floor(1.4)
ans =
» ceil(1.4)
ans =
Vector Functions

Other MATLAB functions operate essentially on vectors

returning a scalar value. Some of these functions are given in
the table below.
max largest component
min smallest component
length length of a vector
sort sort in ascending order
sum sum of elements
prod product of elements
median median value
mean mean value
std standard deviation
More on Vector Functions
Let z be the following row vector.
» z = [0.0099, 0.1389, 0.2028, 0.1987, 0.6038];
» max(z)
ans =
» min(z)
ans =
» sort(z)
ans =
0.0099 0.1389 0.1987 0.2028 0.6038
» sum(z)
ans =
» mean(z)
ans =
Vector Commands on Matrices

Vector commands applied to a matrix act on each column separately

to produce a row vector of results. So for matrix
» M = [0.4447, 0.9218, 0.4057; 0.6154, 0.7382,
0.9355; 0.7919, 0.1763, 0.9169];
We can get a vector of the sums of each column with
» sum(M)
ans =
1.8520 1.8363 2.2581
We can apply sum to the above row vector by typing
» sum(ans)
ans =
Additional input arguments may affect the nature of the function, e.g.
sum the columns of M with sum(M,2).
Additional Input and Output Arguments

The role of additonal arguments depends on the function, for instance

given X, Y∈ Rm×n , max(X,Y) gives an elementwise maximum array
also in Rm×n , e.g.
» max([1:5],[5:-1:1])
ans =
5 4 3 4 5
Additional output arguments can also sometimes be specified.
For instance, [val,pos] = max(X) returns the index of the
maximum value in pos. So,
» [val,pos] = max(z)
val =
pos =
Check the help page for each function you use.
More on Vector Construction

We have used the colon notation in square brackets to

construct a vector, e.g.
» x1 = [-pi:pi/50:pi]
for a vector of 101 evenly spaced points in the range [−π, π].
We can achieve the same results with the linspace(a,b,n)
command, where a and b give the two endpoints and n gives
the number of elements, e.g.
» x1 = linspace(-pi,pi,101)
Similarly, to generate n logarithmically spaced elements from
10a to 10b , type logspace(a,b,n), e.g.
» x2 = logspace(0,3,4)
gives the vector x2 = [1 10 100 1000].
Matrix Constructor Functions

Much of MATLAB’s power comes from its matrix functions.

These can be further separated into two sub-categories. The
first one consists of convenient matrix building functions, some
of which are given in the table below.
eye identity matrix
zeros matrix of zeros
ones matrix of ones
diag extract diagonal of a matrix or create diagonal matrices
triu upper triangular part of a matrix
tril lower triangular part of a matrix
rand randomly generated matrix
repmat Build larger matrices from repeated matrix blocks
Get a feel for these in the lab. Remember to use the help
Operations on Matrices
Some commands that can be applied to matrices.
size size of a matrix
det determinant of a square matrix
inv inverse of a matrix
rank rank of a matrix
rref reduced row echelon form
eig eigenvalues and eigenvectors
poly characteristic polynomial
norm norm of matrix (1-norm, 2-norm, ∞-norm)
cond condition number in the 2-norm
lu LU factorization
qr QR factorization
chol Cholesky decomposition
svd singular value decomposition
Again, you will get a chance to explore some of these matrix
functions yourselves in the lab.
Built in Logical Functions

There are also a number of built in logical functions.

all true (= 1) if all elements of vector are true
any true (= 1) if any element of a vector is true
exist true (= 1) if the argument (variable or
function) exists.
empty true (= 1) for an empty matrix.
isinf true for all infinite elements of a matrix
isfinite true for all finite elements of a matrix
isnan true for all elements of a matrix that are
not a number, NaN.
find returns vector of indices of all non-zero
elements of a matrix.

The Basics

Built-in Functions

The plot Function

plot is a special MATLAB function to visualise data.

To plot the cosine function, begin by choosing the points along
the x-axis, to evaluate cos(x).
» x=-pi:0.01:pi;
Smaller increments give a smoother curve.
Then define the corresponding y values,
» y = cos(x);
Finally, we can plot this function with
» plot(x,y)
The plot appears in a separate window.
For more details, you should read the help page on plot.
Decorating the Plot

It is good practice to label the axis on a graph and if applicable

indicate what each axis represents. This can be done with the
xlabel and ylabel commands.
» xlabel(’x’)
» ylabel(’y=cos(x)’)
Give the plot a title with the title command.
» title(’Graph of cosine from -pi to pi’)
To redraw the graph in green, use
» plot(x,y,’g’)
The third argument, for the colour, appears within single
quotes. We can get a dashed line instead of a solid one with
» plot(x,y,’--’)
or say a blue dotted line by typing
» plot(x,y,’b:’)
Colours and Styles

A list of the available colours and styles appears below:

y yellow . point
m magenta o circle
c cyan x x-mark
r red + plus
g green - solid
b blue * star
w white : dotted
k black -. dashdot
-- dashed
Multiple Plots

Multiple curves can appear on the same graph. To show this,

we define another vector
» z = sin(x);
we can get both graphs on the same axis, distinguished by their
line type, using
» plot(x,y,’r-’,x,z,’b:’)
This gives a plot with the red dashed line for y = cos(x) and a
blue dotted line for z = sin(x).
The command legend provides a legend (or key) to help
distinguish multiple plots, e.g.
» legend(’cos(x)’,’sin(x)’)
Other Visualisation Commands
Other commands for data visualization that exist in MATLAB

subplot create an array of (tiled) plots in the same window

loglog plot using log-log scales
semilogx plot using log scale on the x-axis
semilogy plot using log scale on the y-axis
errorbar plot with error bars
bar plot a bar chart
hist plot a histogram
surf 3-D shaded surface graph
surfl 3-D shaded surface graph with lighting
mesh 3-D mesh surface (for surface graphs)

Again you are encouraged to explore these yourselves.

Using subplot

The subplot command allows you to plot two curves alongside

one another. An example is
» x = linspace(0,5,51);
» subplot(2,1,1)
» plot(x,sin(x),’-’)
» axis([0 5 -2 2])
» title(’A sine wave’)
» subplot(2,1,2)
» plot(x,sin(x)+0.1*randn(1,51),’o’)
» title(’Noisy points on the sine wave.’)
The command randn is used to generate a random vector with
elements sampled from N(0, 1) – the normal distribution.
A Surface Plot

A Quick Example of a 3-D Plot is given below:

» [x,y] = meshgrid(-3:.1:3,-3:.1:3);
» z = 3*(1-x).^2.*exp(-(x.^2) - (y+1).^2) ...
- 10*(x/5 - x.^3 - y.^5).*exp(-x.^2-y.^2) ...
- 1/3*exp(-(x+1).^2 - y.^2);
» surf(z)
» xlabel(’x’)
» ylabel(’y’)
» zlabel(’z’)
» title(’Peaks’)
The command meshgrid specifies the 2 dimensional grid of
points on which to evaluate the function. The ellipsis (...)
allows for line continuation.
Saving Plots

Plots can be saved by clicking on the appropriate icon on the

display, but if you would like to perform this at the command line
then you can.
To do this you need to get a handle to the figure you will create,
then plot the graph, before finally passing the figure handle to
the print function. The print command also needs to know the
file type and file name. For example, the following commands
will plot the sine function to file myplot.eps.
» x = linspace(0,5,100);
» handle = figure;
» plot(x,sin(x))
» print(handle,’-deps’,’myplot.eps’);
Check out help print for more detail.

• Overview of Matlab
• Vector and matrix construction
• Working with vectors and matrices
• Commonly used built in functions. Including:
• Special functions
• Operations on scalars, vector and matrices
• A focus on plotting

This course has been partly developed from material found in

the following sources.
• Getting Started with MATLAB7: A quick introduction for
scientists and engineers, Rudra Pratap. Oxford University
Press, 2006.
• A Beginner’s Guide to MATLAB, Christos Xenophontos.
Department of Mathematical Sciences. Loyola College.
2005 version.
• Introduction to Scientific Programming in Matlab, Guy-Bart
Stan (lecture slides). Imperial College. 2010.

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