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My Week in Toddler Class

Child Name: Izan Paez Teacher Name: Leah Jones

This week I explored and played in toddler class by doing these things:
Date: 6/26/18 Date: 6/28/18
Izan used the scoop at the Sensory table to scoop up cold Izan spent a lot of time at the Art area today sticking
rice and dump it out. Izan spent the majority of the day at feathers, foam pieces, and popsicle sticks to contact paper.
the Art area sticking feathers, foam pieces, and pieces of Izan went to the Sensory area where he scooped cold sand
paper onto the contact paper. When Izan saw Sydney and poured it out with a shovel. Izan played with the
reading a book about farm animals, he went over to listen wrecking balls in the Cause and Effect area by pushing the
to it in the Block Area. At the Fine Motor area, Izan watched balls on strings to knock over eggs. Izan went down the slide
Sally and Finnley droop the slime on the racks, then picked a few times. Izan explored the Flop and Drop area by first
up some slime and put it on a rack as well. Izan cleaned up sitting on the couch, then a camping chair, and then joined
the Art area by putting the materials in the bin, and by Hazel on the floor to look at the class book. When the
taking off the feathers and pieces of foam he had stuck to cleanup song played, he stopped what he was doing and
the contact paper. Izan participated in the “Dear Zoo” large started to help clean up the block area. During the “Animal
group by sitting on the tape when instructed to, and barking Jungle” large group, Izan tweeted like a bird, roared like a
like a dog. During the “Shake Your Sillies Out” large group, tiger, and made a “sssss” sound like a snake. During the,
Izan shook an egg shaker while jumping, clapping, and “Do it Like the Animals” large group, he jumped like a frog,
dancing. During the “Freeze Dance” large group Izan danced roared like a lion, and did monkey arms. During the, “Shake
without a scarf and froze when the song said, “freeze”. Your Sillies Out” large group, he shook the egg shaker while
Outside, Izan rode in a wagon. He also found ducks in a pool he danced, jumped, and sand some of the words to the
and said, “quack” as he picked them up and tossed them song.
back in the water. Izan found the fruit that had fallen from
the trees outside and seemed interested in throwing them
into the puddles.

My Goal:
Izan will wear a smock once a day in lab.
I worked on my goal today by: I worked on my goal today by:
Date: 6/26/18 Date: 6/28/18
There were smocks available for Izan to put on in the Fine At the Fine Motor area there were smocks available for
Motor Area with the slime. The teachers encouraged him to Izan to wear as he played with slime. The teachers
wear smocks by explaining why they were needed. encouraged him to wear a smock by explaining the reason
why he needed to wear it, and pointed out that the other
toddlers were wearing theirs too.

Date: 6/26/18 When I came in, I seemed to be: Happy Energetic Anxious Quiet Sad Tired Other:____________

Date: 6/28/18 When I came in, I seemed to be: Happy Energetic Anxious Quiet Sad Tired Other:____________

Comments (i.e. toileting, accidents and/or health concerns):

My Week in Toddler Class

Child Name: Oliver Griggs Teacher Name: Leah Jones

This week I explored and played in toddler class by doing these things:
Date: 6/26/18 Date: 6/28/18
Oliver explored the slime at the Fine Motor area by picking Oliver went down the slide a few times today. He explored
it up, finding the animals inside the slime, and placing the the wrecking balls by tossing them at the Easter eggs at the
slime on top of the racks. He also spent some time at the Cause and Effect area. He poured the warm rice with the
Cause and Effect area with the wrecking balls. He pushed scoop into a funnel at the Sensory area. He went into the
over the weighted Easter eggs by hand, and then would Dramatic Play area and sat with the cash register as he
swing the wrecking balls over the Easter eggs. Oliver spent pressed the buttons. Also at dramatic play, He babbled into
some time in the Dramatic Play area holding the the microphone, and shook the bells. At the block area,
microphone and babbling into it. At the Block area, he found Oliver carried the horses around the floor and onto the shelf
the animals and made cow, pig, and horse noises. He played while “neighing”. During the “Shake Your Sillies Out” large
with the horses the longest as he moved them around the group, he shook his egg shaker while clapping, dancing, and
floor and the shelf. At the Block Area, Oliver heard the jumping. During the “Animal Jungle” he roared like a tiger.
music playing in the Gross Motor area next door, and During the “Do it Like the Animals” large group, he roared
danced in place by Miss Marli. During clean up he helped like a lion. Outside, Oliver found the ducks and quacked as
pick up blocks in the block area and put them in the bin, and he picked them up and tossed them back in the water.
also helped peel up tape from the Cause and Effect area. Oliver got a tissue and threw it up in the air, and would
During Large Group, he sat on the line as instructed. During chase it after the wind carried it away.
the “Dear Zoo” large group, he made a snake sound. During
the “Shake Your Sillies Out” large group, he held an egg
shaker while shaking it, clapping hands, and jumping. During
the “Freeze Dance” large group, Oliver danced, and stopped
when the song said, “freeze”.
Outside, Oliver played with the ducks in the pool by picking
them up and throwing them back in. He spent the majority
of his time outside by racing tiny toy cars.
My Goal:
Oliver will use 1-2 words to label objects once a day in toddler lab.

I worked on my goal today by: I worked on my goal today by:

Date: 6/26/18 Date: 6/28/18
When Miss Marli said to make a snake sound, Oliver made a In the block area, Oliver made cow noises, horse noises,
“ssssss” sound. In the Block area, he said, “moo” when and pig noises. He roared like a tiger and like a lion in the
holding a cow, “neigh” when holding a horse, and made a “Animal Jungle” and the “Do it Like the Animal” large
snorting noise when holding a pig. He also repeated the groups. He signed, “help” when he wanted to get down a
word “llama” after Miss Georgina asked him to. Outside, he large step. Outside, he quacked as he interacted with the
said, “drink,” and “water,” out by the water fountain. When rubber ducks. At the slide, Oliver babbled at Miss Marli and
he was playing peek-a-boo with Miss Marli outside, he said, gestured his binoculars to her for her to hold so he could go
“Peek-a-boo” after he had heard Miss Marli say it. down the slide.

Date: 6/26/18 When I came in, I seemed to be: Happy Energetic Anxious Quiet Sad Tired Other:____________

Date: 6/28/18 When I came in, I seemed to be: Happy Energetic Anxious Quiet Sad Tired Other:____________

Comments (i.e. toileting, accidents and/or health concerns):

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