Mammectomy in Dogs
Mammectomy in Dogs
Mammectomy in Dogs
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6 authors, including:
All content following this page was uploaded by Rodrigo Dos Santos Horta on 25 June 2015.
Background: Surgery is the treatment of choice for regional control of mammary neoplasms in female dogs.
Various surgical techniques may be used, as long as mammary gland anatomy, lymphatic drainage, and known
prognostic factors are respected. The purpose of this study was to compare surgical stress—including duration of
surgery, nociception and hematological changes—and postoperative complications in dogs undergoing regional
and unilateral radical mastectomy. Eighteen dogs were selected for each technique. Postoperative pain
(nociception), hematological changes, and postoperative complications were compared between the two groups.
Results: The group treated with radical mastectomy had a longer surgical duration, showed more intense
physiological changes, achieved higher scores on nociception scales, and experienced more postoperative
Conclusion: Compared to regional mastectomy, radical mastectomy was associated with longer surgical duration,
greater nociceptive stimulus, greater surgical stress, and higher incidence of postoperative complications in dogs.
Although evaluation of long-term results was not a goal of this study, it is suggested that postoperative recovery and
patient quality of life should be considered when choosing a surgical approach for treating mammary tumors in dogs.
Keywords: Dogs, Mammary neoplasms, Surgery, Pain, Regional mastectomy, Unilateral radical mastectomy
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Horta et al. Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica (2015)7:34 Page 2 of 10
tubes with EDTA (ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid) for as diastolic arterial pressure (DAP) and mean arterial
long as 4 h for hematological assessment. Complete blood pressure (MAP) reference ranges of 80–120 mmHg,
counts (CBC) were performed with Abacus Veterinary 60–80 mmHg and 65–96 mmHg, respectively were
Hematology Analyzer11. Differential leukocyte count and used [11]. When animals were in hospital cages during
morphologic evaluation of cells were performed in blood evaluation periods (T2, T6–T10), they were taken into
smears stained with panoptic12 under optic microscopy. a quiet room away from other animals for 5–10 min, so
Reference values in accordance with Jain [10] were used. that they could adapt before measurements. During T5,
Physiological parameters evaluated included heart rate, hemoglobin oxygen saturation was also measured with
respiratory rate, body temperature, and arterial pressure. a digital pulse oximeter.11
The first three parameters were assessed in all 10 evalu- For the postoperative nociception study (T6–T10), two
ation points. Reference ranges of 60–160 beats per mi- nociception evaluation scales were used. The University of
nute, 18–36 breaths per minute, and 37.5–39.2 °C, Colorado Scale, adapted from Hellyer et al. [12], consid-
respectively were used [11]. Non-invasive arterial pres- ered behavior changes and palpation response to an area
sure was assessed through oscillometric method with a of 2 cm2 around surgical wound, with a score from 0 to 4
Veterinary Digital Blood Pressure Device12 and a cuff (Fig. 1). The Postoperative Nociception Evolution Scale
with a width of 40 % limb circumference, positioned on was developed according to Malm et al. [13], and it con-
the middle third of the right radius. Arterial pressure was sidered five physiological nociception markers (objective)
evaluated on T1–T10 with patient on dorsal recumbency and five behavior markers (subjective), with a score from 0
during surgical procedure or in left lateral recumbency on to 26 (Table 1). For both scales, higher scores were associ-
other evaluation times. Values for each patient, in each as- ated with a greater nociception response. Because there
sessment time, were the result of an arithmetic average of was no intent to prove result repeatability, evaluations
three measurements. For systolic arterial pressure (SAP), were performed by a single trained person, as described by
Fig. 1 Postoperative nociceptive evaluation scale proposed by University of Colorado (adapted from Hellyer et al. [12])
Horta et al. Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica (2015)7:34 Page 4 of 10
Table 1 Postoperative nociceptive evolution scale (adapted Table 1 Postoperative nociceptive evolution scale (adapted
from Malm et al. [13]) from Malm et al. [13]) (Continued)
Patient: Record number: Date: Time: 20 to 50 % above preoperative 1
Category Observer Score value
• Behavior data: 50 to 100 % above preoperative 2
Mental state/Temperament Similar to state before surgery 0
100 % above preoperative value 3
Changed, but submissive 1
Respiratory rate 0 to 20 % above preoperative value 0
Changed but slightly friendly 1
20 to 50 % above preoperative 1
Changed, but distrustful 2 value
Changed, but aggressive 3 50 to 100 % above preoperative 2
Activity level/disposition Similar to level before surgery/ 0 value
feeding 100 % above preoperative value 3
Resting (in recumbency or standing) 1 Body temperature Normal temperature 0
or sleeping
Temperature below reference values 1
Restless 2
Temperature above reference values 1
Rolling or self-mutilating 3
Pupils Normal 0
Posture Recumbency, but rising when 0
stimulated, seating, or standing with Dilated 2
the head up
Excessive drooling Absent 0
Moving, seated, or standing with 1
Present 2
the head down
0 to 26 score; the higher the score, the greater the postoperative pain
Recumbency, but not rising when 2
Protecting affected area (including 2 Slingsby and Water-Pearson [14] for cats and by Maticic
fetal position)
et al. [15], Moll et al. [16], and Kim et al. [17] for dogs.
Standing in prayer or arched 3 Rescue analgesia with intramuscular morphine injec-
tion in a dosage of 0.3 mg/kg was used in patients that
Vocalization Does not vocalize 0 reached twelve or more points on the Postoperative
Slight vocalization when touched or 1 Nociception Evolution Scale.
changing position
Exaggerated vocalization when 2 Evaluation of postoperative complications
touched or changing position
According to protocols described in studies by Hedlund [7]
Spontaneous vocalization, stops 2 and Al-Asadi et al. [18], nine postoperative complications
when touched
were evaluated: posterior limb edema, hematoma, subcuta-
Continuous spontaneous 3
neous emphysema, dehiscence, surgical wound contamin-
ation, bleeding, seroma, hyperesthesia, and allodynia.
Response to surgical No alteration 0
wound area palpation During the immediate postoperative period, patients
(2 cm) Slight discomfort, watchful to 1 were examined for these complications 2, 12, and 24 h
palpation, and looking at
manipulated area, but relaxed after surgery, matching nociception evaluation times T6,
abdominal wall T7, and T8, respectively. During late postoperative period,
Moderate discomfort, watchful to 2 complications associated with surgical procedure were
palpation, and looking at evaluated two days after surgery, in the 48 h follow-up ap-
manipulated area, but rigid
abdominal wall
pointment (T9) and 10 d after surgery, immediately before
suture removal (T10).
Immediate response with 2
movement and attempt to evade Posterior limb edema, hematoma, subcutaneous em-
painful stimulus physema and surgical wound dehiscence severity varied,
Immediate response with 3 so these four complications were classified as discrete,
vocalization, attempt to evade moderate, and intense. Posterior limb edema was classi-
painful stimulus, may act fied as discrete when it did not cause mechanical com-
plications to the patient; moderate when it interfered
• Physiological data:
with patient ambulation; and intense when it prevented
Heart rate 0 to 20 % above preoperative value 0 patient ambulation. Hematoma and subcutaneous em-
physema were classified as discrete when restricted to
Horta et al. Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica (2015)7:34 Page 5 of 10
one spot in a 2-cm2 area around surgical wound; moderate criteria were reported as median and subjected to Mann–
when they occurred in more than one spot in a 2-cm2 area Whitney test to compare parcels and to Kruskal-Wallis
around surgical wound; and intense when they exceeded a (one-way analysis of variance), followed by Dunn’s
2-cm2 area around surgical wound. Dehiscence was classi- (non-parametric pairwise multiple comparisons proced-
fied as discrete, moderate, and intense when it occurred ure) post-hoc to compare subparcels. Behavior aspects
in < 10 %; ≥ 10 to < 30; and ≥30 % of the surgical wound, identified after T6 (without anesthetic drugs) resulted
respectively. in 144 observations (72 for each parcel). Frequency disper-
Other postoperative complications were accessed with- sion according to Postoperative Nociception Evolution
out an intensity classification. Wound contamination was Scale grading was analyzed with chi-squared test. CBC ob-
positive when purulent discharge was seen in the surgical servations and postoperative complications were similarly
wound. Seroma was positive when there was accumulation analyzed. Patients with mammary tumors presenting with
of serous liquid in the surgical wound. Peripheral and cen- adherences or ulceration were compared with patients who
tral sensitivity responses were distinguished according to underwent the same surgical technique, but without these
type of stimuli triggered. Hyperesthesia was evaluated ap- characteristics, using the same statistics model. To test and
plying a gentle pressure in the middle of a 2-cm² area assess association between studied variables in each parcel
around surgical wound. Allodynia was evaluated applying (Groups 1 and 2), Pearson correlations were used for para-
the same gentle pressure in the middle of a distant area metric data and Spearman correlations were used for non-
(between 5 and 6 cm) from surgical wound. parametric data. Significant correlations were considered
strong when they were present in over 49 % of the studied
Experiment design and statistical analyses population (r > 0.07), moderate when they were present in
A subdivided parcel design was conducted. Surgical pro- 9 to 49 % (0.3 < r < 0.07) and weak when they were present
cedures consisted of parcels, as regional mastectomy in less than 9 % of the population (r < 0.3).
was named Group 1 and unilateral radical mastectomy
was named Group 2. Evaluation periods were subparcels, Results
and each animal was considered an experiment unit or Group 1 patients were between 5 and 13 years old
repetition. Differences were considered statistically sig- (9.8 ± 2.4) and had a mean body weight of 9.6 kg.
nificant when P < 0.05. Group 2 patients were 6–14 years old (10.5 ± 1.9) and
Before comparison tests were used, parametric data was had a mean body weight of 11.3 kg. Statistical significance
tested for normalcy (Kolmogorov-Smirnov test) and ho- for each variable is represented in Table 2.
moscedasticity. Parametric data, with normal distribution Considering all surgical procedures performed in this
of probabilities and variance homogeneity, were reported study (n = 36), duration of surgery varied from 20 to
as mean and standard error, and subjected to analyses of 90 min (42 ± 14 min). Animals that underwent regional
variance, with Fisher’s test to compare parcels and Tukey mastectomy had a shorter procedure duration and a
test to compare subparcels. Non-parametric data and smaller surgical wound (35 ± 11 min and 11 ± 4 cm) than
values that did not meet normalcy and homoscedasticity those that underwent radical mastectomy (48 ± 16 min
Table 2 Statistical significance for different postoperative parameters between regional (Group 1) and radical (Group 2) mastectomy
Parameter Regional mastectomy Radical mastectomy Statistical
Length of procedure 35 ± 11 min 48 ± 16 min P < 0.02
Wound surgical size 11 ± 4 cm 24 ± 7 cm P < 0.0001
Serum cortisol in T6 4.2 ± 2.3 mcg/dL 8.2 ± 5.3 mcg/dL P < 0.004
Glycemia in T6 145,7 ± 46,0 mg/dL 192,6 ± 61,1 mg/dL P < 0.01
Glycemia in T8 108,8 ± 22,2 mg/dL 121,8 ± 25,7 mg/dL P < 0.04
Systolic arterial pressure in T6 91,0 ± 15,7 mmHg 102,9 ± 24,4 mmHg P < 0.03
Postural disorders 88.9 % 98.5 % P < 0.02
Response to surgical wound palpation 83.3 % 97.2 % P < 0.05
Score in University of Colorado Scale (median) T6 (2), T7 (1), T8 (1), T9 (1) T6 (3), T7 (2), T8 (2), T9 (2) P < 0.05
Score in Postoperative Nociception Evolution Scale T6 (6,5), T7 (4,5), T8 (4,0) T9 (4,0), T6 (11,5), T7 (9,0), T8 (8,5), T9 (6,5), P < 0.05
(median) T10 (3,0) T10 (5,0)
Rescue analgesia 1/18 patients 10/18 patients P < 0.005
T6, 2 h after surgery; T7, 12 h after surgery; T8, 24 h after surgery; T9, 48 h after surgery; T10, 10 days after surgery
Horta et al. Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica (2015)7:34 Page 6 of 10
and 24 ± 7 cm), with P < 0.02 and P < 0.0001, respectively. identified after surgery only in the group that underwent
Correlation between these two variables was positive and radical mastectomy.
moderate (P < 0.0001; rP = 0.593). During the postoperative period (144 posture observa-
Non-invasive arterial blood pressure evidenced difference tions) alterations were seen in 88.9 % of Group 1 observa-
in SAP values during T6, with higher values in animals tions (83.3 % moving, sitting, or standing with head facing
subjected to radical mastectomy (P < 0.03). down and 5.6 % in recumbency not responding to stimu-
Mean concentrations of serum cortisol in each evalu- lus, protecting affected area) and 98.5 % of Group 2 obser-
ation for both groups are represented in Fig. 2. Difference vations (81.9 and 16.7 %, respectively). Animals that
between two groups was evidenced in T6, with lower underwent radical mastectomy had greater postural disor-
levels in animals that underwent regional mastectomy ders (P < 0.02). Responses to surgical wound palpation
(4.2 ± 2.3 versus 8.2 ± 5.3 mcg/dl), with P < 0.004 (Mann– were seen in 83.3 % of Group 1 observations (56.9 % with
Whitney). Concerning glycemia, animals subjected to rad- slight discomfort and relaxed abdominal wall and 26.4 %
ical mastectomy had higher glycemic values in T6 (Fisher, with moderate discomfort, tense abdominal wall, or im-
P < 0.01) and T8 (Fisher, P < 0.04). The results for those mediate response with an attempt to evade painful
parameters in T6 were not significantly correlated with stimulus). Responses to surgical wound palpation were
surgery duration, but with surgical wound extension seen in 97.2 % of Group 2 observations (29.2 % with
(P < 0.003, rS = 0.486 for serum cortisol, and P < 0.02, slight discomfort and relaxed abdominal wall; 61.1 %
rS = 0.380 for glycemia). with moderate discomfort, tense abdominal wall, or im-
Considering the number of patients with hematological mediate response with attempt to evade painful stimulus
abnormalities, there was a significant increase in leukocyte and 6.9 % with immediate reaction, vocalization, and
(P < 0.03) and neutrophil counts (P < 0.0002) for both attempt to evade painful stimulus, and indications that
groups in the postoperative period. A significant increase aggressiveness might be present). More intense responses
(P < 0.007) in neutrophil count, accompanied by right shift to surgical wound palpation were seen in animals that
(significant presence of hypersegmented neutrophils) was underwent radical mastectomy (P < 0.005).
Fig. 2 Graphic representation with mean values and standard deviation for serum cortisol (a), serum glucose (b), systolic arterial pressure (c), and
diastolic arterial pressure (d) at T2 (immediately before premedication), T4 (5 min after general anesthesia and orotracheal intubation), T5 (immediately
after orotracheal intubation), T6 (2 h after surgery), and T8 (24 h after surgery) in dogs undergoing regional (n = 18) and radical (n = 18) mastectomy.
Significant differences for serum cortisol (Mann–Whitney, P < 0.004), on T6; serum glucose, on T6 (Fisher, P < 0.01) and T8 (Fisher, P < 0.04); and systolic
arterial pressure, on T6 (Fisher, P < 0.03), are marked with stars
Horta et al. Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica (2015)7:34 Page 7 of 10
Patients that underwent radical mastectomy achieved 2 observation, but natural absorption and complete
higher scores on the University of Colorado Scale in resolution occurred in all cases within 3 to 5 days.
T6–T9 and T6–T10 in Postoperative Nociception Evolu- Hyperesthesia and allodynia were rare in this study.
tion Scale (P < 0.05). During 180 postoperative evalua- Prescribed analgesics and rescue analgesia were sufficient
tions, rescue analgesia was necessary for one patient to treat those sensitization reactions.
(only in one T6 evaluation) for the group that underwent
regional mastectomy, but for 10 patients (in 13 evalua- Discussion
tions, of which nine were in T6, two in T7 and two in Al-Asadi et al. [18] reported a mean duration of 50 min
T8) for the group that underwent radical mastectomy for surgical removal of mammary tumors, but they did
(P < 0.005). not differentiate among surgical techniques used. In this
Postoperative complications were diagnosed in 14 pa- study, animals that underwent regional mastectomy had
tients of each group (77.8 %), regardless of severity. The shorter procedure duration and smaller surgical wound.
number of postoperative complications diagnosed in In the present study, no significant changes in serum
each evaluation period according to surgical technique is levels of glucose and cortisol were seen immediately
specified in Table 3. Postoperative complications were after anesthetic induction (T4), indicating that animal
seen in 57.8 and 91.7 % of evaluations for Groups 1 and manipulation, including physical restraint, venipuncture,
2, respectively, in 180 evaluations (T6–T10). Therefore, drug administration, and orotracheal intubation did not
greater postoperative complications were observed in interfere with neuroendocrine and metabolic functions,
dogs that underwent radical mastectomy (P < 0.03). Pos- in accordance with observations of Church et al. [19]
terior limb edema was considered discrete in all observa- and Caldeira et al. [20]. Although Yoder and Wolf [21]
tions. Resolution occurred in three to seven days after reported association between duration of surgery and
treatment with hot dressings and moderate exercise. Nat- cortisol levels in postoperative period of dogs that
ural absorption and complete resolution of hematomas underwent nephrectomy, there was no correlation, in
also were seen in all cases within 3 to 8 days. Surgical this study, between those parameters, nor did we find an
wound dehiscence was considered moderate in 80 % (4/5) association between duration of surgery and glycemia.
of Group 2 observations, while it was considered discrete Nevertheless, cortisol and glycemia elevation at T6 were
in the remaining observations. Secondary intention moderately correlated with surgical wound extension,
healing was observed in all patients within 7 to 14 days, probably related to greater nociceptive effect triggered
with usage of saline lavage and sunflower oil bandages. by radical mastectomy. Peripheral and central nocicep-
Hematomas were discrete, but were considered moder- tive stimulation can increase release of cortisol [22–24].
ate in 37.5 % (9/24) of Group 1 observations, severe A hyperglycemic state also may be established in painful
and moderate in 15.8 % (3/19), and in 47.4 % (9/19) of situations owing to catabolic effect of cortisol and per-
Group 2 observations, respectively. Only three animals ipheral resistance to insulin, as described by Cunning-
presented discrete seroma in the inguinal region, with ham [25]. Decrease in these levels in the subsequent
spontaneous resolution within 3 to 4 d. Subcutaneous evaluation period (T8) indicates a reduction in central
emphysema was mostly discrete, except for one Group sensitization and a decrease in inflammatory reaction,
Table 3 Number of patients with postoperative complications in different times after regional (n = 18) and radical (n = 18)
Postoperative Group 1 Regional mastectomy Group 2 Radical mastectomy
T6 T7 T8 T9 T10 Total T6 T7 T8 T9 T10 Total
Posterior limb edema 0 1 1 4 4 10 0 4 4 4 2 14
Hematoma 0 0 0 12 12 24 0 0 0 10 9 19
Dehiscence 0 0 0 1 2 3 0 0 0 1 4 5
Subcutaneous emphysema 0 0 1 1 0 2 2 0 0 1 1 4
Infection 0 0 0 5 4 9 0 0 0 6 9 15
Bleeding 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1
Seroma 0 0 0 1 1 2 0 0 0 2 0 2
Hyperesthesia 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 3
Allodynia 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 3
Total 1 1 2 25 23 52 3 6 7 25 25 66
T6, 2 h after surgery; T7, 12 h after surgery; T8, 24 h after surgery; T9, 48 h after surgery; T10, 10 days after surgery
Horta et al. Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica (2015)7:34 Page 8 of 10
with reduced influence in neuroendocrine and metabolic morphine-lidocaine-ketamine, during inhalant anesthesia
responses, as noted by Fox et al. [26]. and after surgery should be considered in animals under-
Higher values of SAP in animals undergoing radical going radical mastectomy to improve trans- and post-
mastectomy is probably secondary to sympathetic nervous operative analgesia [38].
system activation and shows a larger nociceptive response Behavior signs observed in both scales may be related to
in animals undergoing radical mastectomy [24, 27, 28]. patient emotional disorders, such as anxiety, fear and ex-
In this study, a significant increase in neutrophil counts citement [13]. Similarly, physiological parameters may also
was seen after surgery in the group that underwent radical be influenced by patient emotional status and drugs admin-
mastectomy, although a greater number of dogs showed istered [13, 36]. A specific marker to evaluate nociception
neutrophilia after surgery in both groups, as previously de- and pain in animals does not yet exist; however, association
scribed [22, 29, 30]. Hypersegmentation of neutrophils of several objective and subjective markers could be the
(right neutrophil shift) identified in post-operative samples most reliable method for evaluating pain [24, 36].
for Group 2 is a result of increased neutrophil nucleus Post-operative complications were relatively common in
maturation. This is probably related to increased level of dogs that underwent mastectomy in this study but were
serum steroid, a condition that prolongs circulating time more frequent in the radical approach. Posterior limb
and decreases neutrophil migration [30, 31]. This was not edema was mainly related to inguinal lymph node removal
a common finding for Group 1, which experienced less causing inguinal drainage impairment [7, 18]. Subcutane-
surgical trauma, followed by reduced stress response. ous emphysema was related to removal of mammary tissue
General behavior disorders in dogs may be associated adhered to subcutaneous tissue [7]. According to Hedlund
with painful experiences and include temperament mod- [7], canine mammary glands have an extensive blood sup-
ifications, activity level, posture, enhanced abdominal ply and a complex mammary tissue lymphatic drainage
muscle tonus, and attempt to protect the affected area that might favor development of hematomas and seromas.
[13, 32–35]. In this study, these disorders were more fre- In this study, the choice not to use electrocautery and the
quent in patients that underwent radical mastectomy. usage of compressive bandages for 48 h after surgery may
Arched or praying posture (score 3) was not identified be related to reduced incidence of seroma [7, 39].
in any of the observations, probably due to rescue anal- There was no intent, in this study, to report long-term
gesia. According to Hardie [35], extremely painful expe- results. Previous data about disease control and overall
riences might be necessary for expression of obvious survival in dogs with mammary tumors are conflicting,
nociceptive behaviors. As demonstrated in this study, but few studies have evaluated surgical stress triggered
surgical wound palpation might elicit different reactions by different techniques. Stratmann et al. [5] found a
depending on individual features, intensity of pain, dis- greater probability of new ipsilateral tumor development
comfort or stress [13, 24, 32, 35, 36]. Severe reactions in noncastrated bitches undergoing regional mastectomy.
with attempts to bite the observer were seen only in ani- Although a correlation was found between histological
mals that underwent radical mastectomy and suggest types, a detailed histological classification was not per-
greater postoperative pain [13, 24, 35]. formed. As demonstrated by MacEwen et al. [3], a recent
The University of Colorado Scale showed evolution of study advocated less aggressive surgical procedures ac-
nociception or discomfort in animal postoperative cording to clinical features such as staging, number and
period, without considering physiological parameters, size of lesions, presence of adherences, and tumor site.
and evaluating only behavior features. The University of Dogs in this study were not spayed and there was no dif-
Colorado Scale is simple to administer but not very ference in new tumor development, disease-free interval,
sensitive, given that it has only four categories. In contrast, or overall survival [40]. Prophylactic surgery by means of
Postoperative Nociception Evolution Scale is the result radical mastectomy obviously can prevent new mammary
of behavior and physiological (heart rate, respiratory neoplasm development in the future [8]. However, it is an
rate, body temperature, pupil dilation and salivation) invasive procedure that might result in surgical stress and
parameters. postoperative complications, as demonstrated in this
Rescue analgesia was used for patients that achieved 12 study. In addition, it is not proven yet that dogs with his-
points—representing a score below 50 % of the scale—in tory of malignant mammary tumor have greater risk of de-
the Postoperative Nociception Evolution Scale. This was veloping new mammary neoplasms [8, 40]. Empiric risk
done to avoid underestimating patient pain, because the may be reduced by regular re-examination and prompt
decision to use rescue analgesia was based on a subjective intervention if a new mass is found [40].
method that has not been validated [37]. Postoperative
pain was more easily controlled in Group 1 patients. This Conclusions
suggests that continuous infusion of low-dose analgesic Radical mastectomy resulted in longer surgical duration,
combinations, such as fentanyl-lidocaine-ketamine or greater nociceptive stimulus, surgical stress, and higher
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