Say: Last Week, We Discussed
Say: Last Week, We Discussed
Say: Last Week, We Discussed
At the end of the lesson, at least 80% of the students must be able to:
1. Classify texts into literal and figurative (EN7V-II-a-10.1.1)
2. Identify personification as a figure of speech ( EN7V-II-e-10.1.2)
Say: Last week, we discussed
about phrases, specifically, noun Learner raises their hand
and verb phrase. to answer the questions.
(7 Minutes)
What is a phrase?
What is the difference between
a noun and a verb phrase?
Allow them to share to share
their paragraphs with the class
and let the class identify all the
phrases used and their types.
EN7SS-II-b: Use the Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) or electronic search
engine to locate specific sources.
B. Establishing a Say:
purpose for the
lesson Today, you will be making a Students listen attentively.
(2 Minutes) mini-book of tips related to
building relationship. This is
your final task for Lesson 2.
C. Presenting Direct learners to read their final Students listen attentively
examples/instances task on page 195. to the instructions.
of the new lesson
(5 minutes) Use the GRASPS format in
explaining to the class the final
E. Discussing new Other members of the group will Students do the task
concepts and make the mini-book as diligently.
practicing new skill suggested below.
(5 Minutes)
F. Developing GROUP WORK
mastery (Leads to
Formative Each group will now use their Students perform the task
Assessment 3) researches to complete their collaboratively.
(15 Minutes) mini-book.
H. Making Say:
generalizations and
abstractions about Today, you are able to create a Students listen attentively.
the lesson mini-book of tips related to
(3 Minutes) building relationship with the
use of OPAC and other search
engines. But take note that you
can do modifications or
improvisations. What is
important is that you now have
an experience on how to do it.