TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................ v
INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................ 1
CHAPTER 2 ................................................................................................................. 8
2.18.3 Temperature............................................................................................. 31
2.20.2 Temperature............................................................................................. 34
CHAPTER 3 ............................................................................................................... 68
4.9.4 Sizing of the Circuit Protection Between PV Array and Inverter ...... 156
4.15.1 Return on Investment for the 300-kW Solar PV Power Plant .......... 187
4.16.2 Line Ampacity Limits and Line Losses for BUSECO’s Distribution
Line .................................................................................................................... 199
Figure 4.4 Direction and Distance of Site from USTP ......................................... 118
Figure 4.7 Google Terrain Image of a Closed-Up Site of Sitio Calaniogan ....... 128
Figure 4.16 Distribution Lines Ampacity Limits (Load 1-10) ............................ 183
Figure 4.17 Distribution Lines Ampacity Limits (Load 11-20) ........................... 183
Figure 4.18 Distribution Lines Ampacity Limits (Load 21-40) .......................... 184
Figure 4.56 Voltage Profile Graph of Solar PV Power Plant .............................. 198
.................................................................................................................................... 205
Table 4.6 Site Selection Criteria for Solar PV System ......................................... 129
Table 4.9 Total Energy Demand for Future Loads .............................................. 132
Table 4.10 Total Energy Demand for Actual Loads ............................................. 132
Table 4.57 Solar PV Power Plant’s Line Limit Monitoring ................................ 200
production demand to meet the essential loads and support the area parameters in terms
progress, especially in the areas remotely located from the civilized and urbanized
reliable and modern energy. Although there is no universal definition of energy access
and data are often scarce, the International Energy Agency (IEA) defines energy access
cooking”. Out of the six existing forms of energy, electrical energy is the most desirable
form of energy because it is very easy to transform into types of energy that are useful
the transmissions and distributions have not yet expanded. A lot of rural areas still don’t
have access to electricity even after all the upgrades in the system. One of the factors
that affect the lack of electrification in some regions is the distance of the place from
where the transmission lines can only reach. It becomes expensive for the
consumers to afford the connection fees due to their location. Others have geographical
locations where distribution posts are almost impossible to be installed. This leads to
Then there’s minimal or no energy supply, in order to have access to gadgets and
appliances. Way of living in such zones are of lower quality due to this.
It is important to address the spotted problem, for the reason that lack of
potential rate of growth, as well as its residents’ basic quality of life. One of its most
pressing effects is the lack of lighting and power source for operating gadgets and
In order to give aid to the crunch, one possible source of energy is the
method in which power is extracted from the incoming rays of the Sun. It is called the
Solar Energy, which is globally free and accessible to specific regions. Solar energy is
lavishly available on Earth’s surface as well as on space so that we can harvest its
energy and convert that energy into suitable form of energy and properly utilize it with
efficiency. Power generation from solar energy can be grid connected or it can be an
isolated or standalone power generating system that depends on the utility, location of
load area, availability of power grid nearby it. Thus, where the availability of grid
connection is very difficult or costly, the solar can be used to supply the power to areas
where it is implemented.
affecting the climate and the environment, also while overcoming technical restrictions.
of power generation to remote areas, it has become very important that the renewable
energy sources must be utilized along with source of conventional energy generation
of putting up a Solar PV System on Rural Areas that still don’t have source of electrical
defined to be far from electrical distribution companies which makes it expensive for
them to pay for the fees in mounting posts for transmission lines. It can also be areas
that are still not accessible due to the roads that are not yet constructed stupendously.
Teams that will install electricity can’t easily go there with the equipment they need to
use. Another hindrance for transmission in the area is having to sacrifice a large number
of trees for the wiring and posts. The trees in the area are major contributors for
geographical location limit being distant from the City Proper, approximately 4 km
away from the last distribution post of the Electric Cooperative, which makes it difficult
to connect lines for power transmission. The place is isolated from technologies, only
usable through electricity. With the current situation in the site, it is evident that there
Response and actions to calamity and even health related emergencies are greatly
affected by the lack of access to technology. Not having an electrical energy source in
the Sitio hinders the entities living in the area to adapt into the evolving world, and it is
Fortich, Bukidnon.
3. To determine the system specifications for both Solar PV System & the
source connection is essential to the present situation, where a lot of remote areas still
don’t have access to electricity. It is focused into achieving an output that is most
probable to aid in the existing problem. The underlying problems with regards to the
absence of power supply in remote areas have been enumerated in the background of
electricity supplier.
2. Figure out the preferable convenient system to be used for energy supplication.
3. Offer convenience to rural area residences with their livelihood with the
from the conventional power source have not yet stretched due to the distance gap from
the more urbanized part of the province. It is 4 kilometers away from the last
distribution post installed by the utility company BUSECO, set in Sitio Awol. There
are currently 40 houses and 27 families recorded, present in the population census in
The scope of the study is bounded within the factors that affect and add
difference of the economic and technical viability will be magnified in this paper. The
focus of the study will revolve around the comparison of both schemes in terms of
investment cost and the technicalities for constructing each power source. In this
manner, the limits of this study is up to the point of designing and modelling the
This will be limited with the designated rural area to be the focus of the
design and analysis requirements for system specifications. For the load forecasting and
calculation of the demand, two scenarios will be considered. One is the current load
available and the other one is the assumed load expected in the implementation of a
power source. The constraint in factors to be studied will be within the mentioned
aspects, which means that the inquisition will solely be around the boundaries of the
2.1 Introduction
Rural electrification is often a preferred program for promoting equity and
access are far less developed than those with it. Electricity benefits rural areas in many
household tasks, and providing a more efficient form of household lighting. Most
people agree that the availability of electricity has at least the potential to improve
radiation, into space. The sun’s radiation must make it through multiple barriers before
it reaches Earth’s surface. The first barrier is the atmosphere. About 26% of the sun’s
energy is reflected or scattered back into space by clouds and particulates in the
atmosphere. Another 18% of solar energy is absorbed in the atmosphere. Ozone absorbs
ultraviolet radiation, while carbon dioxide and water vapor can absorb infrared
radiation [1]. The remaining 56% of solar radiation is able to reach the surface.
However, some of this light is reflected off of snow or other bright ground surfaces, so
only 48% is available to be absorbed by land or water. Of the radiation that reaches the
surface, approximately half is visible light and half is infrared light. These reflection
and absorption percentages can vary due to cloud cover and sun angle. In cloudy
The Sun is considered to produces a constant amount of energy at the surface of the
Sun the intensity of the solar radiation is about 6.33×107 W/m2. As the Sun’s rays
spread out into space the radiation becomes less intense and by the time the rays reach
the edge of the Earth’s atmosphere they are considered to be parallel. Thus, when the
radiation reaches the outer limit of the Earth's atmosphere, several hundred kilometers
over the Earth's surface, the radiative flux is approximately1.361 kW/m² [2].
insolation, is the sun’s energy reaching the earth’s surface. It is comprised of three
components: direct beam, diffuse, and ground-reflected radiation [2]. Figure 2.1
displays the way the three components reach the earth’s surface.
surface without any interactions with particles in the atmosphere. Diffuse radiation is
the intercepted radiation that is scattered in the atmosphere by gases and aerosols.
total radiation, reaching the surface. The amount of solar radiation reaching the
affected by the earth’s geometric rotation and revolution around the sun. It also varies
with environmental factors like atmospheric attenuation effects including cloud cover
and water vapor. On the ground, topographic effects such as elevation, slope, and
1,528MW attributed to solar in the National Renewable Energy Plant until year 20130.
However, the country’s average solar radiation, based on sunshine duration is 161.7
watts per square meter, with a range of 128 to 203 watts per square meter. Studies shows
(CSR). The country has an annual potential average of 5.1 kilowatt-hour (kWh)/m2/day
also the name of one of the three island groups in the country, which consists of the
island of Mindanao and smaller surrounding islands. The other two are Luzon and the
The island of Mindanao is called The Land of Promise. Mindanao is the only
area of the Philippines with a significant Muslim presence. In addition, the crime rate
on the island is the highest in the country overall. Mindanao is the second largest island
in the Philippines at 104,630 square kilometers and is the eighth most populous island
in the world. The island of Mindanao is larger than 125 countries worldwide, including
the Netherlands, Austria, Portugal, Czech Republic, Hungary, and Ireland. The island
is mountainous, and is home to Mount Apo, the highest mountain in the country.
Mindanao is surrounded by 4 seas which are, the Sulu Sea to the west, the Philippine
Sea to the east, and the Celebes Sea to the south, and the Mindanao Sea to the north [1].
Of all the islands of the Philippines, Mindanao shows the greatest variety of
peaks, high rolling plateaus, and broad, level, swampy plains are found there. The island
group is divided into six regions, which are further subdivided into 26 provinces [1].
that of Luzon to the north. The climate is subequatorial and monsoonal, except in the
south, where it is equatorial. Throughout the year the temperature on the plains ranges
from 25° to 28°C. Annual precipitation ranges from 1,000 to 4,000 mm. The chief rivers
are the Mindanao and its tributary, the Pulangi (about 550 km long), and the Agusan.
There are many lakes, of which the largest is Lake Lanao. The island’s tropical and
monsoonal forests consist of dipterocarps, pandanuses, and nipa palms, and other
species [17].
woefully inadequate power supply. The island is forecast to continue suffering from a
200-megawatt power deficit until 2015, when the private sector begins to operate new
capacity. Aboitiz Equity Ventures, a publicly listed holdings company, has committed
to supplying 1,200 megawatts through a coal-fired plant on the border of Davao City
and Davao del Sur that is slated for operation by 2018 [17].
Mindanao’s power supply, is currently producing only 635 megawatts of its 982
megawatts capacity due to the heavy siltation of the rivers that power the complex.
58.74% hydro and 0.06% solar based on its rated capacity. Based on dependable
capacity, the Mindanao grid is comprised of 32.91% diesel, 6.70% geothermal, 60.32%
hydro and 0.07% solar. Of the 58.74% total rated capacity and 60.32% total dependable
capacity of the Mindanao Grid sourced from hydro power plants. The Mindanao grid
has a total capacity of 1,820 MW, but many of the ageing hydroelectric plants of the
National Power Corporation are no longer operating to their full capacities [1].
directly to electricity. The chief component in PV systems is the solar panel which is
formed by putting together several PV cells. Putting together several PV cells forms a
PV module, several modules form arrays and several arrays form panels. . Solar cells
cadmium telluride or copper indium diselenide. Solar cells come in two major forms
based on the nature of the material used in their production. The two main forms are
crystalline solar cells and thin film solar cells. Crystalline solar cells, so far, have the
highest conversion efficiencies when it comes to photovoltaic cells and the main types
are monocrystalline and polycrystalline cells. Thin film cells, although less efficient
than crystalline silicon offer greater promise for large-scale power generation because
of ease of mass-production and lower materials cost. The commonest example of thin
from individual parts. You can order discount photovoltaic cells online, and assemble
these into complete 80W, 100W, or 120W Solar Panels. But if you do not have the time
or skills to build a solar panel from scratch, there are plenty of commercially available
panels to choose from. Once built, individual panels are wired together to make larger
important part of the system. It allows you to disconnect and cut-off the DC power
output from your solar panels and array should any repairs be required or if there is a
problem with the solar system. This disconnect switch needs to be strong enough to
handle the full power output from the panels on a bright sunny day [26].
Battery Charge Controller – Most home solar systems are built with a battery
backup included for when the sun does not shine such as on dull days or at night. The
battery charge controller ensures that a consistent amount of electrical power is sent to
the batteries so that they are not over charged, and to ensure that the backup batteries
do not discharge back through the system at night. In many ways this component is
similar to your automotive battery charger so will not be too expensive [26].
Deep Cycle Batteries – In order to store the solar power generated by your solar
panels, your solar system will need deep cycle batteries. Deep cycle batteries are not
the same as shallow charge automotive batteries which are designed with thinner lead
plates for cars. Deep cycle storage batteries for solar systems are more robust and are
designed for the type of charging and discharging cycles they need to endure. New deep
cycle batteries are expensive but reconditioned batteries are cheaper. Better still, you
may be able to get old dead batteries for free used previously in fork trucks, golf carts,
System Power Meter – This can be optional, but it is listed here as its inclusion will
give you a clear way to see how much free solar power is being supplied to your home
from your solar panels. Having a system power meter also helps you improve your
system to gain the maximum efficiency from your solar installation as well as having
the advantage of letting your neighbors know how much money your solar system is
saving [26].
Solar Power Converter – Your solar panels generate DC power, and your home runs
on mains AC power, the solar power converter converts the solar energy from the panels
into usable energy in the home by providing the DC to AC conversion using electronic
switching techniques. In practical terms, the converter allows us to run electric drills,
computers, vacuum cleaners, mains lighting, and most other mains electrical appliances
that can be plugged into the wall sockets of your solar panels. There are many square
waves, sine wave modified wave converters on the market but a good quality 1200W
Backup Power – This for when the sun does not shine and the batteries are empty.
Most systems will include some sort of backup power. In a stand-alone installation this
would generally be a diesel generator. In a grid-tied system the utility grid itself would
provide the backup power through the converter. But a backup power source can also
be a wind turbine or a water wheel as part of a small scale hydro system [26].
functional and operational requirements, their component configurations, and how the
equipment is connected to other power sources and electrical loads. The two principal
can operate interconnected with or independent of the utility grid, and can be connected
the basis of energy exchange with the local electrical grid. In practice, in daylight hours
the consumer uses the electrical energy produced by his/her own installation, while
when there is no light or it is insufficient, or when the consumer requires more energy
than his installation is capable of providing, the electrical grid guarantees the supply of
special AC circuits which are not directly connected to the electric grid like the rest of
the building but are always powered through the inverter and/or charge controller.
These circuits may power a refrigerator, selected lights, computers or servers. The "dual
function" inverter can supply the utility grid with any excess power produced by the
system like the "grid-tie" inverter, plus the inverter works with the PV modules and
battery bank (through the charge controller) to provide AC power to the backup circuits
when the grid is down. The charge controller manages the battery voltage, keeping them
fully charged when the grid is live, and preventing them from being depleted when the
is critical. Off-grid systems require their owner participation his means living within
the original design’s energy budget, planning for future growth, and having a backup
energy source for times of high energy usage or low solar production. And it also
incorporates large amounts of battery storage to provide power for a certain number of
days and nights in a row when sun is not available. The array of solar panels must be
large enough to power all energy needs at the site and recharge the batteries at the same
time [11].
as a battery bank, but other solutions exist including fuel cells. Power drawn directly
from the battery will be direct current extra low voltage (DC ELV), and this is used
low voltage, which more typical appliances can be used with. Stand-alone photovoltaic
power systems are independent of the utility grid and may use solar panels only or may
wind and photovoltaic (PV) technologies offers several advantages over either single
system. In much of the United States, wind speeds are low in the summer when the sun
shines brightest and longest. The wind is strong in the winter when less sunlight is
available and may be stronger at night compared to the day. Because the peak operating
times for wind and PV occur at different times of the day and year, hybrid systems are
to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of such systems in rural areas as a means
a site. While it involves many of the same procedures used in designing conventional
developments, planning for solar access demands two additional considerations. The
first is an assessment of both the availability of sunlight and the extent of shading on
the site. Obviously, solar collectors must have access to direct sunlight. Such access
can be affected by the natural element of the site, such as topography or atmospheric
energy- saving features of the site must be considered. Features that moderate the local
climate (such as trees or large bodies of water) can have an enormous effect on the
efficiency of a solar energy system. Solar installation sites must be able to generate an
adequate electricity supply to ensure their long-term viability for supporting energy
demands. The most important factor for generation capacity is the average level of sun
property best suited for solar photovoltaic (PV) arrays. Optimal PV array locations
maximize the available solar energy and minimize solar obstructions to reduce shading
understanding that the PV array location clearly has no solar obstructions (for instance,
Solar insolation data was estimated for the sample site per reference. This
software incorporates 30-year historical weather data from the National Renewable
Energy Laboratory (NREL) for specific locations in North America and estimates the
amount of solar radiation received for a given site and the amount of energy produced
for a given system. The calculated energy produced also accounts for estimated system
Data from the reports generated by references was used as a basis for estimating
the month-by-month solar power generated and the cost analyses described below. The
assumption for these data is that no solar obstructions/shading will be present on the
higher voltage. A high-voltage system will suffer much less power loss than a system
with low voltage. Grid tied PV system is more reliable than other PV system. No use
of battery reduces its capital cost, so we go for the grid connected system. Grid tie
inverters systems are functionally more efficient at higher voltages, which in turn make
the total solar system more efficient. It also reduces the power bill as it is possible to
sell surplus electricity produced to the local electricity supplier. And Grid
effective utilization of generated power because there are no storage losses involved
generated electricity costs more than that supplied by conventional methods. At its
cheapest, solar energy is estimated to be 25 cents per kilowatt hour generally between
double and quadruple the cost of utility supplied electricity. Initial costs are high so in
practice installing a grid connected solar system is like paying your electricity bill up
front, years in advance. The permits and legal requirements for installing grid connected
heavy use of electrical appliances during extreme hot or cold weather, power outages
are frequent. Off-grid solar power gives a kind of financial freedom also. Once paid for,
the system will produce electricity, for free, for the life of the home. Off-grid solar
offers big savings in home building costs because it allows you to purchase
undeveloped land, or land that the utility company is not serving already. Costs for
pulling electricity in to a rural area can be enormous, so the value of the land is low
of power if there’s no sun for more than a few days, and no emergency power if
inclement weather were to damage or destroy your system. System maintenance and
troubleshooting are serious, ongoing responsibilities with off-grid systems. When you
pay your utility bill, you’re paying for those hard workers in business suits and coveralls
to take care of things. Most off-grid systems need a backup engine-generator, and this
you calculate the cost of purchasing, fueling, and maintaining these dirty, noisy
machines [36].
Individual solar PV cells are interconnected to form a PV module. This takes the form
purification process, ingot fabrication, wafer slicing, etching, and doping, which finally
forms a PNP junction that traps photons. This results in the release of electrons within
the junction barrier, thereby creating a current flow. Crystalline cells are made from
ultra-pure silicon raw material such as those used in semiconductor chips. They use
silicon wafers that are typically 150-200 microns (one fifth of a millimetre) thick [38].
seed crystal out of melted monocrystalline silicon using the Czochralski method to form
foundation for the molten molecules. Monocrystalline silicon photovoltaic cells are the
oldest form of photovoltaic cells and have the highest conversion efficiency among all
commercial photovoltaic cells today, but they require thinly sliced silicon of high
purity. They need energy and capital investment to produce monocrystalline silicon,
Figure 2.10 Mono- Figure 2.11 Poly- Figure 2.12 Flexible Amorphous
crystalline Silicon crystalline Silicon Thin Film
silicon but using a casting process. The silicon is heated to a high temperature and
crystal form. The square silicon block is then cut into 0.3mm slices. The typical blue
layer determines the color blue has the best optical qualities. It reflects the least and
material and doped in several process steps. An amorphous silicon film is produced by
between glass plates, which form the basic PV solar panel module. Thin film is made
glass or stainless-steel substrates. As the semiconductor layers are so thin, the costs of
raw material are much lower than the capital equipment and processing costs. The first
thin film solar cells were based on amorphous silicon. The technology is most
commonly used in devices that require very little power because of low efficiency rates
incentive. In the United States, FITs are typically used in combination with one or more
technology. Rather than pay an equal amount for energy, however generated,
technologies such as wind power, for instance, are awarded a lower per-kWh price,
while technologies such as solar PV and tidal power are offered a higher price,
reflecting costs that are higher now. In the Philippines the Energy Regulatory
Commission (ERC), the power regulator, has approved the disbursement and collection
guidelines for the so-called Feed in Tariff (FIT) system, a move seen to support the
energy players among other perks. The FIT rate that has been approved by the Energy
Regulatory Commission (ERC), the power regulator are as follows: P9.68 per kilowatt-
hour for solar; P8.53 per kwh for wind, P6.63 per kwh for biomass and P5.90 per kwh
for hydropower projects. The Energy department has been pushing for a robust and
diverse power supply mix including renewable energy sources to help ensure the
on grid solar photovoltaic (PV) power plant, the 1MWp polycrystalline silicon-based
PV plant and connected with the distribution network of Cagayan Electric Power &
Light Co., Inc. (CEPALCO) in Cagayan de Oro City, has completed its third year of
commercial operations with greater than expected annual energy production. The
CEPALCOs 1MWp plant, with installed costs close to 5.3 million US Dollars, users
6,480 solar panel on 2 hectares of land and was partially funded by the Global
Environment Facility (GEF) which was facilitated by the World Bank through the
International Finance Corporation. The GEF fund is a loan that turns into a grant after
five years of successful operation of the PV plant by CEPALCO. The turnkey contract
modules while Sansha manufactured the inverters. The balanced of system components
situated at the right coordinates for maximum solar radiation and, being in the eastern
coast of Negros, it is less prone to cloud cover and enjoys more sunshine hours than
other places. The area has long supported renewable energy due to the presence of the
sugar industry, both for power and transport fuel, thus making it a good hub for several
renewable energy technologies. The facility in San Carlos City, Negros Occidental,
which was commissioned by San Carlos Solar Energy, Inc., (SaCaSol) will generate
renewable energy for grid connection and will supply power to the Luzon-Visayas grid.
The technology to be deployed will be fixed, ground mounted solar power plant with a
gross generation capacity of 22 megawatts (MW) per day or the entire 22-MW
development. Total cost for the project had been placed at P1.9 billion. The 22 MW of
the SaCaSol solar plant commissioned, power is now being supplied to the grid at the
pre-determined feed-in-tariff rate for solar power set by the Energy Regulatory
Commission (ERC) which is currently set at P9.68/kWh. It was emphasized that such
will be underpinned by the feed-in-tariff (FIT) subsidy allotment for solar technology
1.5-megawatt (1,500 kilowatt) solar rooftop at SM City North Edsa which will be used
to power up a significant portion of the mall’s energy requirements. Currently, the 5,760
solar panels in SM North EDSA have the capability of powering 16,000 lighting
emissions (CO2) per year. The generated solar energy is expected to cover five percent
of the mall’s consumption per day, therefor saving an estimated two million pesos a
month [17].
most of it is lost. Multiple factors in solar cell design play roles in limiting a cell's ability
to convert the sunlight it receives. Designing with these factors in mind is how higher
2.18.1 Wavelength
Wavelength—Light is composed of photons—or packets of energy—that have
a wide range of wavelengths and energies. The sunlight that reaches the earth's surface
has wavelengths from ultraviolet, through the visible range, to infrared. When light
strikes the surface of a solar cell, some photons are reflected, while others pass right
through. Some of the absorbed photons have their energy turned into heat. The
remainder have the right amount of energy to separate electrons from their atomic bonds
2.18.2 Recombination
Recombination—One way for electric current to flow in a semiconductor is for
Another such charge carrier is known as a "hole," which represents the absence of an
electron within the material and acts like a positive charge carrier. When an electron
encounters a hole, they may recombine and therefore cancel out their contributions to
holes encounter each other, recombine, and emit a photon, reverses the process from
which electricity is generated in a solar cell. It is one of the fundamental factors that
encounter an impurity, a defect in the crystal structure, or interface that makes it easier
2.18.3 Temperature
Temperature—Solar cells generally work best at low temperatures. Higher
in current, but a much larger decrease in voltage. Extreme increases in temperature can
also damage the cell and other module materials, leading to shorter operating lifetimes.
Since much of the sunlight shining on cells becomes heat, proper thermal management
2.18.4 Reflection
Reflection—A cell's efficiency can be increased by minimizing the amount of
light reflected away from the cell's surface. For example, untreated silicon reflects more
than 30% of incident light. Anti-reflection coatings and textured surfaces help decrease
the power the cell will produce. Electrical power is the product of current and voltage.
certain "load" resistance is connected to the two terminals of a cell or module, the
current and voltage being produced will adjust according to Ohm's law (the current
difference across the two points). Efficiencies are obtained by exposing the cell to a
constant, standard level of light while maintaining a constant cell temperature and
measuring the current and voltage that are produced for different load resistances [6].
solar PV systems if you want to get the best out of your efforts and investment. If you
have appliances that are not very energy efficient you will need a rather large PV system
(and large dent in the bank balance too!). It does not make much sense, even if you are
filthy rich. An alternate power source such as solar is considered because fossil fuel is
dirty and is not ever lasting (looking at the galloping pace of increase in energy
consumption across the globe). Therefore, you would like to use it in the best possible
manner [23].
However, even after you have replaced the electrical load with the most efficient
appliances, you still have to keep in mind inefficiencies of the PV system which are
always lurking around. Hence, it pays to have knowledge of different factors that can
potentially degrade your system, so that you can make efforts to minimize them right
higher compared with the usual PV system DC voltages of 12V, 24V or 48V. For the
same wattage much, higher currents are involved in the PV systems. This brings into
2.20.2 Temperature
Solar cells perform better in cold rather than in hot climate and as things stand,
panels are rated at 25˚C which can be significantly different from the real outdoor
situation. For each degree rise in temperature above 25˚C the panel output decays by
about 0.25% for amorphous cells and about 0.4-0.5% for crystalline cells [23].
Thus, in hot summer days panel temperature can easily reach 70˚C or more.
What it means is that the panels will put out up to 25% less power compared to what
they are rated for at 25˚C. Thus, a 100W panel will produce only 75W in May/June in
most parts of India where temperatures reach 45˚C and beyond in summer and
2.20.3 Shading
Ideally solar panels should be located such that there will never be shadows on
them because a shadow on even a small part of the panel can have a surprisingly large
effect on the output. The cells within a panel are normally all wired in series and the
shaded cells affect the current flow of the whole panel. But there can be situations where
it cannot be avoided, and thus the effects of partial shading should be considered while
planning. If the affected panel is wired in series (in a string) with other panels, then the
output of all those panels will be affected by the partial shading of one panel. In such a
light level is virtually constant up to a certain voltage (about 0.5V for silicon) and then
drops off abruptly. What it means is that mainly the voltage varies with light intensity.
A solar panel with a nominal voltage of 12 volts would normally have 36 cells, resulting
in a constant current up to about 18 volts. Above this voltage, current drops off rapidly,
When the panel is connected to the battery through a simple charge regulator,
its voltage will be pulled down to near that of the battery. This led to lower watt power
(watt = Amp x Volt) output from the panel. Thus, the panel will be able to produce its
maximum power when the battery voltage is near its maximum (fully charged). So it
helps to design a system in such as way that the batteries normally don’t remain less
than full charged for long. In times of rainy or heavy clouded days a situation may occur
when the batteries remain in the state of less than full charge. This would further pull
down the panel voltage; thus, degrading the output further [23].
Controller comes into picture. It tries keeping the panel at its maximum voltage and
simultaneously produces the voltage required by the battery. A basic charge controller
current from the solar panels (or by reducing it to a pulse) when the battery voltage
reaches a certain level. On the other hand, a Maximum Power Point Tracker (MPPT)
is needed. As things stand, in real world nothing is 100% efficient. Although inverters
come with wide ranging efficiencies, but typically affordable solar inverters are
batteries are most commonly used. All batteries discharge less than what go into them;
the efficiency depends on the battery design and quality of construction; some are
subsequently the quality standards to which it was built (Duke, 2002). While cost is a
major factor effecting the decision to purchase a solar PV system, the quality of the
two attributes: performance and reliability. Quality affects the longevity and return on
Fabrication materials, system design, and installation are all factors affecting quality
The Australian government also has strict regulations regarding which products
are suitable for use in the country. Every module, inverter, and PV mounting system
must be approved by the Joint Accreditation System of Australia and New Zealand
(JAS-ANZ) (Clean Energy Council, 2014). In addition, they must also abide by the
Clean Energy Council’s guidelines for the installation, design, and supervision of
implications. While all systems must adhere to this standard, a variance in quality of
converts to electricity. A typical panel converts between 8-20% of solar irradiance into
electricity. It is crucial that solar systems operate at a high level of efficiency in order
to produce the maximum profit for investors. Therefore, monitoring and recording
efficiency data can provide insight into the system’s degradation over time, and help to
quantify its life-long performance. However, panels begin degrading and lose their
maximum loss of 20% efficiency over the first 25 years after the installment date [42].
38 Losses
This loss in efficiency creates the need to record the annual degradation rate of
0.7% each year. Metrics such as efficiency data are essential in quantifying PV system
performance, analysis must be done over time, with respect to change in impactful
factors such as irradiance, temperature, and shading. This means that the same solar
system will perform differently as a function of geography, rather than simply a linear
function of solar irradiance. Climatic data is combined with the material and system
how the power output of a solar panel differs from its nameplate rating. Unavoidable
factors can impact power output during solar panel manufacturing. Tolerance is
typically measured as a plus or minus percentage, indicating the range in which its
efficiency lies. For example, 250-watt panel with a ±5% power tolerance could produce
anywhere from 237.5 watts to 262.5 watts under ideal conditions. A smaller tolerance
solar panel ratings. The temperature coefficient of the panel also plays a role when
examining system quality. While solar panels are designed to absorb the sun’s energy,
efficiency can decrease once the ambient air temperature reaches 25 degrees Celsius
(°C) [10].
after it reaches this cap. Many panels produce 1% less electricity for every 2°C increase
after 25°C. Panels with a smaller temperature coefficient perform better in higher
temperature regions and are more reliable long term (EnergySage, 2016). This is an
important metric to review for the Australian case due to the high temperatures the
(Ahadi, 2014). Solar PV systems can be susceptible to damage, both inside and out.
surges, and other environmental factors (Zhang, 2013). Therefore, assessing this makes
it possible to optimize design, service, and cost in the face of these damaging factors.
hesitant to publish failure information regarding their products, third party test results
are not always unbiased or comprehensive, and products are changing so rapidly that
quality. For this reason, the team developed a methodology for performing a reliability
insightful case study due to its similar location to our target and the use of photovoltaic
panels. The goal of this Interactive Qualifying Project was to determine the feasibility
of acquiring a Solar Learning Lab somewhere on the WPI campus. A Solar Learning
Lab would give the students of WPI the ability to study the effects of solar energy
without leaving campus. While the objective of this project was not to generate power
for the school, the similarities between this project and ours gave us a good idea of the
integrated with a Heliotronics educational monitoring system. The entire system is used
to bring current solar information to a computer display where students are then capable
of manipulating the data to generate graphs and plot trend lines. A Solar Learning Lab
and had an IQP team evaluate the feasibility of a solar panel installation. This project
discussed the history of Janssen Ortho LLC and the importance of being
environmentally friendly to the company. Johnson and Johnson follow a credo, part of
which states that it will be a leader in helping the environment. Janssen Ortho LLC
consumes 33 million kWh yearly, certainly too much to be generated entirely from solar
power. The project group consulted with Powerlight Corporation, a world leader in
solar installations, and eventually recommended a pilot installation. The pilot system
would product 101kWp (kilowatts peak), less than 1% of Janssen Ortho’s power
interested in alternative energy. This group also proposed a possible larger scale
solution that would involve the construction of a solar panel mounting structure over
the parking lots. Due to the high expense of building on top of the parking lots, the
group only recommended pursuing this if they were able to get 70% government aid.
The group also created brochures for employees and for the community to spread
If the cumulative cash flow is negative the company is not generating enough profit,
thus the expenses exceed the profit. In the cumulative cash flow each period’s cash
flows are added to each other to get a better picture of the total cash flows [31].
payment along with interest. The Debt-service coverage ratio is very important in
value of an asset will decrease in usage over the time. The depreciation method can be
flows to assess the investment's value in the future. It is useful also because it takes into
them taking into consideration the time-value of money. Therefore, it is more realistic
than other methods. Especially in inflationary periods the time value of money becomes
crucial [31].
is affected by the chosen discount rate to show the relative return in relation to an
Flow indicates the company’s cash generation after all necessary capital expenditures
and business operation expenses have been deducted. A company must be able to
generate profit for its shareholders but also at the same time be able to manage its assets.
Most investors are interested in free cash flow for analyzing purposes [31].
investment. IRR shows the discount rate that turns the net present value of all cash
profitability of future investments. Net present value is used to find out the present
value of a certain investment. It indicates the present value of future cash flows [31].
inflation is taken into account. Real interest rate can be negative which means that the
inflation rate exceeds the nominal interest rate. Real interest rate is used to provide a
more valid measurement of the benefits of acquiring loans from abroad [31].
It will show whether it is wise to invest as it shows the actual return on investment [31].
crystalline photovoltaic technology with fixed tilt structure was selected for the project
based on the least cost approach. Presently, photovoltaic is more cost effective than
concentrated solar power both in terms of investment costs and O&M costs. The
are generally more efficient (13%–19%) than thin-film technologies (4%–12%) and
require less land area, which improves the cost advantage of crystalline silicon
technologies. While the tracking system with a single axis device may be more efficient,
it requires a higher investment cost, a larger land area, and more sophisticated
operational know-how than the fixed-tilt support structure; thus, it is not considered a
The project site is selected to minimize the construction cost of the transmission
line connection to the nearest 220 kilovolt power grid. Solar power is one of many
part of its energy diversification policy, and this project is expected to pave the way for
financial investment costs are converted into economic costs by applying the standard
conversion factor of 0.9 to the non-traded costs components and a conversion factor of
0.75 to the unskilled labor portion of the local component (assumed to be 20% of the
local civil work cost).3 The major difference between economic and financial costs
results from the exclusion of taxes and duties from economic cost. O&M costs are also
converted into economic costs by applying the conversion factor to the financial costs.
The capital outlay of the project extends over 5 years (2014–2019). The
economic internal rate of return (EIRR) analysis includes the cost of the solar
photovoltaic power plant turnkey contract, transmission line equipment supply and
contingencies, but excludes taxes and duties, price contingencies, and financial costs
such as interest during construction and commitment charges. The economic cost of
land acquisition is estimated by the replacement value of productive land and crops
increase in the Samarkand region because the electricity demand is currently suppressed
because of supply constraint. The power generated from the power plant will allow the
growing power demand in the area to be met. The power generated from the plant is
expected to be 159 GWh in the first year and will be reduced by 0.5% per annum
estimated by taking into account the technical losses. The population and small and
medium enterprises will be the primary beneficiaries who enjoy reliable electricity
supply from an affordable source. The project output is valued using the willingness to
to pay for electricity or alternative energy sources. Some consumers are able and willing
to pay more than others, and in the absence of electricity from the grid will, for example,
buy a diesel generator or use candles for lighting. The demographic profile of the region
(79.5% of non-poor and 20.5% of poor households)5 and the cost of its respective
alternative options for electricity are taken into consideration to estimate the weighted
The willingness to pay can be estimated as the area under the demand curve,
which can be calculated as the tariff plus the consumer surplus. For the sake of
simplicity, the average sales tariff of $0.06/kWh in 2016 is taken as tariff. The consumer
surplus is calculated as 40% of the difference between the maximum of the weighted
average willingness to pay $0.591/kWh and the average tariff of $0.06/kWh (with the
factor of 0.4 reflecting the concave negative slope in the demand curve) [31].
generated from the power plant minus technical losses in the grid system [31].
improves the power security for the Samarkand region where there is no dedicated
power plant and all electricity needs to be transmitted from power plants in other
regions. In the long run, Uzbekistan aims to install 4 GW of solar capacity, and this is
the very first large-scale solar power project that will pave the way for solar energy
development in the country. The project is a cornerstone for solar energy development
that will substitute the presently dominant fossil fueled power generation and contribute
Fuel saving is important since the natural gas saved can be exported to increase
foreign currency earnings. Further, solar energy development that substitutes fossil
emission avoidance is measured by carbon abatement costs, which includes the cost of
through technology transfer will contribute to fostering the domestic industry for solar
energy technologies. However, these benefits are difficult to accurately quantify and
monetize so they are considered as unquantifiable benefits that are in addition to and
regarding the approximate return on investment times for 2.0 kW solar systems in each
state and territory. A 2.0 kW PV system is typically enough electricity to provide for a
seven or eight years to return the initial investment when exporting 50% of power via
the solar system with an installation cost of 4,400 AUD. Solar photovoltaic systems
have a degradation rate of about 0.5% per year and lose about 20% of their generation
capability after 25 years. The inverter must also be replaced every 10 years on average,
resulting in an approximately 800 AUD charge each time. A good solar panel is
expected to last 20 to 25 years before it needs to be replaced. The ATA also calculates
a 0.25% increase in annual retail electricity cost. If the system is expected to last about
20 to 25 years, with a return on investment taking about seven to eight years, replacing
the system will pay for itself and the consumer will still receive a hefty profit. However,
not all systems have the same cost as the prediction. It is important for a consumer to
find the optimal balance between quality and price when purchasing a photovoltaic
system [14].
or not using the best manufacturing practices and materials. A high cost can signify a
system of higher quality; however, it may not be worth the extra expenses when
compared to the performance and reliability of an average priced system. This project
worked to better identify system quality to assist consumers in finding the correct
balance between quality and price of photovoltaic systems throughout their life cycles.
Something to consider when evaluating the cost-quality ratio is the willingness of the
should be considered when financing a solar installation. These include such incentives
and many property and sales tax incentives. These incentives vary by state and location
and some incentives are limited by certain funding levels or volume of participants.
Again, the DSIRE website is the best source when searching for what incentives apply
and grants. Typically, these types of incentives help to reduce upfront costs.
attractive when pursuing traditional financing. More than 20 states and 200 utilities
offer these types of incentives and they can cover as much as 30% of projects costs
property. More than 30 states offer various forms of property tax incentives for solar
installations [34].
purchase and installation of a solar PV system. Currently, 20 states offer some form of
These credits operate in the same way as the federal credit and provide a direct
reduction in a tax payer’s tax liability for a portion of the costs associated with a solar
installation. However, state tax credits are often spread out over multiple years rather
than applicable in a single year like the federal ITC. Today, approximately 20 states
offer corporate investment tax credits to help offset the cost of purchasing and installing
solar [34].
million [34].
fees, design review fees, and/or other charges that businesses will incur when installing
a solar energy system. The incentives are typically provided at the local level and vary
2.27 Payback
The payback time depends on the price of equipment cost which includes
photovoltaic panel, inverters, cabling, connectors, frame price and Labor cost which
includes planning cost, Assembly, commissioning cost, permit cost as well as interest
rate [31].
The price of grid electricity in the locality. In markets with expensive utility
The price of PV modules has been dropped dramatically in recent years. The main
reason for the price drop was because of the low rate of raw material polysilicon and
economies of scale and intense competition which resulted to module oversupply [31].
solution to the country’s energy woes. It is the only cost-effective technology that can
the EPIA, a 1-MW solar power plant can be installed in as short as six weeks, while
A 70MW solar power plant in Italy was built and commissioned in just nine months,
less than a third of the time it took to construct and power up a coal-fired generation
facility. Areas such as Visayas and Mindanao, which are already experiencing rotating
brownouts, cannot wait three to five years before adequate power supply can be made
available [36].
accordance with the Asian Development Bank (ADB) Guidelines for Economic
Analysis of Projects.1 The analytical framework was carried out from the country
viewpoint. The economic viability assessed the costs and benefits of the project by
the robustness of the project against cost increases as well as benefit reduction [22].
The power plant is expected to be commissioned in 2016 and operated and maintained
by the turnkey contractor for the first 3 years, after which operation and maintenance
to what some perceive, solar technology is not restricted to square and flat panels. Solar
facilities can be shaped and bent, allowing these to be more easily integrated into
housing and building designs. Solar panels can also be placed on rooftops and other
parts of a building to provide power to such establishments without taking up too much
The country can also take advantage of its abundant sunlight. According to the
National Renewable Energy Laboratory, the Philippines' average solar radiation ranges
from 128-203 watts per square meter, or an average of 161.7 watts per square meter,
This translates to potential power generating capacity of 4.5-5.5 kWh per square
meter per day. Both the northern and southern parts of the country provide ideal
locations for installing solar power facilities. The northern part of the country has
enough sunlight to generate an average of 4.5-5 kWh per square meter per day, while
areas in the south can produce an average of 5-5.5 kWh per square meter of solar power
geography. It also has a lot of room to take advantage of the investments and jobs that
can be created by future solar power installations, as well as look forward to cheaper
and cleaner power that is not affected by geopolitics. Reducing fuel consumption makes
solar an economically viable electricity source for Philippine consumers and industries
Over the past 30 years, the cost of solar power systems has significantly gone down.
In 2011, the price of solar panels fell 48.4 per cent. According to Bloomberg New
Energy Finance, the price of solar panels is seen declining by 55 per cent by 2020.
Based on trends, prices of PV panels drop by as much as 22 per cent every time the
cumulative installed capacity doubles. PV system costs have dropped by more than 30
per cent since 2008. In some countries, the IEA notes that the costs of solar PV systems
have fallen by as much as 75 per cent in the last three years [32].
At the rate that solar installations is growing worldwide, experts note that grid parity
– or the level at which the price of electricity produced by solar technologies meet prices
of electricity currently being injected into the grid – is just around the corner [32].
hotel that used renewable energy sources, the majority of the consumers responded
positively. However, when asked if they would be willing to pay extra for this service,
only 49% responded positively. Of those willing to pay more, 92% said they would
only be willing to pay between 1% and 5% extra (Dalton, 2008). This shows a
population willing to make the change to solar PV, but only after a reduction in system
price. Therefore, it is crucial to find the correct balance in system price and quality
when advising a consumer on what product would be best for them. Quality is not the
only factor that affects system cost. In order to minimize life cycle expenses, an
accredited solar system installer should be used. These installers ensure the system is
properly wired and positioned for maximum efficiency (Energy Matters, 2017a). There
are numerous components that make up a solar panel installation that can inhibit the
installer could result in serious repair expenses, damaging the return on investment.
the company that will undertake the role of operator upon completion of the work, to
obtain all existing data available on the project area and to take into account the rules
of the company that is to maintain and operate the lines. When the project designer
visits the office of the operating company, he or she should gather information essential
hardware. Some companies use wooden poles while others use concrete or metal or a
mix of all. Normally, electric companies have standardized structures, often based on
RUS standards. It is also usual to have standardized conductor sizes for a company’s
distribution systems. Therefore, the project engineer should start the electric design
from the standards established by the electric company, as long as they comply with
contemplated in the project, and they might even have a final design for the extension
project. Many times, these plans are compiled by local governments, such as the
prefecture or the municipality, and can be highly politically motivated. The designs
prepared under these conditions usually have many serious flaws and cannot be applied
The electrical design may have been based on social pressure (such as the
decision to install three-phase lines, though the demand does not justify this
configuration), or the mechanical design failed to consider the criteria of the mechanical
design guide. Even so, these plans may contain useful information for elaborating a
final design according to the procedures of this module. Such useful information
generally includes the identification of communities in the project area and the number
of potential users. It is always necessary, however, to validate the data received, as these
often prove to be biased, to confirm the distance between towns and communities, and
to verify the technical information on the existing system to which the project is to be
connected [25].
system, which would affect the project being considered. Examples of possible
expansion plans are the construction of new sub-transmission lines, substations and/ or
generating plants. Such information would have great value for planning the new
project [48].
Take expansion plans into account with caution, however, because most
distribution companies’ expansion plans for rural areas are either overly general,
transmission systems. Although taking into account the plans of other companies may
condition the design on the existence of other projects that may not be executed in time
The project engineer should start the electric design from the standards
established by the electric company, as long as they comply with the technical criteria
obtain all available information on the source or supply point for the new project.
Whether or not the electric company has all the necessary information, it is also
necessary to pay a visit to the project site to verify the data. The data to be obtained
comprises a number of options. For example, the 15kVvoltage class includes 11kV,
12.47kV, 13.2kV, and 13.8kV. The 25kV level includes 20kV, 22kV, and 24.9kV, etc.
The 35kV level includes voltages like 33kV and 34.5kV. An electric company must
have more than one voltage level in its system, e.g., 12.5kV and 34.5kV. Then, even if
a line is currently energized at a lower voltage, for example at 12.5kV, the company
Bolivia, the system voltage used by distribution companies is in the process of being
standardized at 35kV, 25kV, and 15kV. Few companies there are still maintaining
two or three phases. If three phases are not available at the initial point (usually at the
end of the existing line), one must find out how far the three-phase line goes, so as to
The system used for single-phase configurations without a physical neutral, is referred
to as Single Wire Earth Return (SWER), must still comply with and respect various
determine where the neutral of the existing system ends, so as to take into account the
determine with their help the distance from the substation to the initial point of the
project. This information is necessary to model the voltage drop in the existing line, as
well as to simulate the power fl ow and the voltage drop in the proposed project [16].
existing conductor in the line from the substation up to the initial point of the project to
be studied. The cross-section of the neutral conductor (if it exists) must be determined,
as well as the cross-section of phase conductors. If there are conductors of more than
one cross-section in the line between the substation and the initial point, record each
length [50].
conductor cross-section and/or number of phases of the system that will be analyzed in
the power fl ow study in order to determine the voltage drop in the existing line. If there
are important loads, record their location so as to be able to model their effect in the
power flow study. If the existing line has to be divided into segments, for the reasons
indicated in the previous section, be sure to divide the existing load among the same
segments [50].
communities that already have electric service. Quite probably the electric company
will have information on the energy consumption of existing users in these nearby
communities. If the electric company furnishes financial data only, such as the monthly
amount collected, the kWh consumption can be calculated using the company’s current
tariff structure.
of potential users will be connected to the project in the fi rst year, and the period over
which the rest are likely to begin service. The penetration rate is the proportion of
percentage of total potential users. One can project a penetration rate for the area of the
proposed project by knowing the penetration rate in nearby areas that have already been
electrifised [32].
protection scheme requires obtaining the impedance on the high-voltage side of the
substation. Many times, the electric distribution company will have to request this
information from the company in charge of transmission. The data may come directly
as impedances of positive and zero sequence, but very often it is shown as magnitude
of the fault current for a three-phase fault and a single-phase fault [16].
the substation. If there is more than one transformer, compile data on all of them and
record the maximum demand of each transformer to be able to calculate the capacity
available for the proposed project. If there is a lack of capacity in the substation
both the high voltage winding and the low voltage winding. In many instances the
nominal voltages of transformers are not the same as the nominal voltages of the system
and the difference may influence the results of power flows [16].
transformer, as they influence the transformation relationship and therefore the output
voltage of the transformer. There are usually five taps of +/- 5% on the high voltage
side, i.e. +5%, +2.5%, 0% (nominal), -2.5% and –5%, but this varies according to the
manufacturer and the purchase specification of the transformer. Also determine the
position of the tap switch and therefore the tap position on which the transformer is
operating [16].
of devices for voltage regulation. If the substation has voltage regulation equipment,
verify whether it is incorporated into the transformer or separated, along with whether
model is the impedance of transformers and the way in which the neutral, if any is
secondary tertiary.
impedance exists, record its value, so as to include it in the power fl ow model. If the
relation X/R of the transformer impedance is not specified, adopt the relation 10:1.
phase banks, can be defined by the connection configuration of delta or star windings,
both on the high voltage side and on the low voltage side. Record the configuration of
the connection on both sides of the transformer. This configuration does not influence
the power fl ow model, but it does influence the fault current model, which is normally
calculated using the same model of the electric system. The calculation of these fault
currents influences the determination of the protection system that the project will need
so as to be reliable [48].
fuses, reclosers, breakers, etc.) both on the high voltage side and low voltage side. For
the brand,
Always record the presence of voltage adjusting taps on both sides of the
transformer, as they influence the transformation relationship and therefore the output
This information must be recorded for two reasons. First, it ensures that all
devices are properly coordinated. Second, it ensures that with the loads of the new
project, the load currents in the feeder do not exceed the pickup current of the protective
device [48].
on the power flow model, such as capacitors and reactors, so be sure to record their
capacity and form of connection to the system. For capacitors, record the control mode,
whether it is automatic or manual. For automatic capacitors, also record the operation
it is necessary to can rm and complement that information by visiting the project area
to establish the geographic relationship between the loads to be electrified. During this
visit, the basic configuration of the system to be installed will take shape, subject to
modification during the process of analysis. For this reason, during this visit, one needs
some way to establish distances and locations of towns and probable loads. The
traditional way to perform this task is to get the best map available of the area and
measure the distance between key points using the odometer in the vehicle. Although
this procedure meets the needs of the project, modern technology affords a more
accurate and advantageous option through use of GPS satellites for establishing
geographic references. A GPS unit is portable and low cost, with geographic accuracy
of +/- 7 meters in autonomous operation. Additional technologies offer the capacity for
greater accuracy, but for this kind of project design they are not necessary [49].
Apart from their ability to accurately locate key points, most GPS units allow
for the recording of a “track,” which serves as a basis to construct a power fl ow model.
Given the availability of these instruments at low cost and their advantages in laying
out a plan for rural systems, there is no reason to resort to old techniques. This module
therefore assumes the use of a GPS device during the field visit. The field visit thus
georeferenced data for the routes followed (and/or the probable route for electrical lines
to be installed) and of all the points of interest, such as the substation, the end of the
three-phase line, the initial point of the project and the center of each community to be
engineer must make certain that the GPS is in the right mode to mark and record the
route, because upon returning to the offi ce, this information will be very useful in
determining the length of both the existing lines and those to be installed [48].
2.34.3 Waypoints
The GPS capacity can also mark the location of points of interest for the project,
such as the location of the substation, the end point of the three-phase line, the initial
point and the center of each community to be considered in the project. Each such point
should be recorded with an indicative name, which could be the complete name of the
community (according to the GPS capacity) or a simpler indicative name. In any case,
keep a written fi le of all waypoints with the indicative name, the real name of the
There may be other equipment in the substation that could have a great influence
on the power fl ow model, such as capacitors and reactors, so be sure to record their
a record of distances between all points, as well as the accumulated distance so far, to
facilitate the calculation of distances later. This record gives the engineer the distances
between communities or other points of interest without having to measure them again.
Record the number of users in each community in the same record [48].
3.1 Introduction
This chapter shows the method of the researcher that is customary according to
its objectives. It also specifies the procedures or stages undertaken by the researcher,
which are to be used in evaluating the feasibility of rural electrification through Off-
Grid Solar PV System, in comparison with an electricity connection from the present
distribution utility - BUSECO. The methods revolve around the viability, for technical
utmost importance if the system must function satisfactorily at a given location. The
starts with the data gathering. This is essential to get the specific details needed for the
inspection and survey of site. The data will be used for the verification if such
technology is possible for the energization of the setting. Load estimation will follow
before the technical properties are decided. Designing the system is another big step to
analyze and model. Cost analysis will only be achievable if the aforementioned
cause electrification to be difficult. The reasons as to why the areas are still out of
energy sources are gathered through literatures and researches. Visiting the location is
also part of the applied approaches to collect specific information regarding the
situation of the area, which was already done before the start of this study. It is also
essential to accurately determine the distance of the location site from the nearest point
The research will start with data collection of the site’s information,
and costs, research on the off-grid system configurations and modeling, selection of
optimum system based on assessment of the load requirement in the area and the
selected system.
In the data to be gathered, the load demand will be forecasted and estimated. In
order to calculate generated power of the system, the details of its specifications must
be fixed and the analysis of the electricity demand. The cost and technical viability of
the system is determined through examining the energy generation and the construction
cost of the Solar PV System and the Utility Distributed Electricity connection.
around it that would affect the installation of a solar PV system. The nature of a solar
array requires that the site analysis take into account the physical structure and layout
of the available space, as well as the weather. The weather plays an important role with
such a system, determining the amount of sunlight that can be gathered by the panels
After a brief introduction to the location of the site, this chapter begins by
discussing the meteorological findings for the area in which the Sitio Calaniogan is
located. The next section describes the physical layout of the vacant lot for installation
space. This is followed by an analysis of the site’s energy usage, and a look into the
installation process
3.3.1 Location
Location is a specific plotting of the site’s coordinates. This also identifies the
mapping of the area to which it is part of a bigger land expanse. Full statement of the
site analysis. Obtaining meteorological data is done with relative ease these days. The
resources of weather data are provided by PAGASA and Weather Sparks. It includes
information such as the hours of daylight and twilight as well as sunrise and sunset
durations. The Solar Insolation and Solar Irradiance must also be presented to examine
the availability of solar energy in the area. Certain mobile applications offer a way to
impact to the study. Therefore, the data will be gathered to look at the general
availability of solar energy in the Philippines. If there are available data for the specific
The amount of solar energy intercepted by the earth every minute is greater than
the amount of energy the world uses in fossil fuels each year. Tropical absorbs 560
trillion gigajoules of solar energy each year equivalent to 1,600 times the world's annual
energy use.
of the solar resource for various tilt angles will allow for more cost-effective design and
related with the climate important for the development of a PV solar power plant
project. The temperature of the location will determine the efficiency of the solar cells
and extreme temperatures can be critical for the correct operation of the PV plant.
73 Topography
It is important to study in detail the topography of the site selected because it is
directly correlated with the cost of installation and the future energy production. The
ideal situation would be a flat terrain or with a slight south-facing slope, other
configurations of the terrain could have a negative impact on the cost of the project due
to more complex mounting structures. Besides, the presence of mountains near can
produce undesirable shades. For this project the terrain where the PV modules are going
a site. While it involves many of the same procedures used in designing conventional
developments, planning for solar access demands two additional considerations. The
first is an assessment of both the availability of sunlight and the extent of shading on
the site. Obviously, solar collectors must have access to direct sunlight. Such access
can be affected by the natural element of the site, such as topography or atmospheric
energy- saving features of the site must be considered. Features that moderate the local
climate (such as trees or large bodies of water) can have an enormous effect on the
efficiency of a solar energy system. Solar installation sites must be able to generate an
adequate electricity supply to ensure their long-term viability for supporting energy
demands. The most important factor for generation capacity is the average level of sun
exposure that a site experiences throughout the year. Below are the comprehensive lists
Quantity and quality of solar The amount of solar energy that Acceptable: mostly un
energy or the solar irradiance is incident upon a given land shaded by vegetation or
throughout the site. surface area is dependent upon structures, flat or
several factors. These include generally sloping south.
latitude, which determines the Needs further
angle of the sun and the hours of evaluation: some
sunlight throughout the year, and shade, generally east
the amount and density of cloud or west slope, or
cover, which will reduce the moderate northward
amount of solar energy. Sites that slope.
are level, or slope generally south Unacceptable: partial
toward the sun are preferable to or full shade;
those that slope northward, away significant northward
from the sun. slope
Vegetation and shading (on and Sites that are forested or covered Acceptable: unforested
off property) with dense vegetation are less solar array would have
desirable for solar arrays because minimal impact on
trees would have to be cut down plant life.
and vegetation controlled in order Needs further
to optimize electricity generation. evaluation:
(Even a partial shadow on a solar judged possible to cut
panel can reduce its generation trees with minimal
capacity to zero.) Moreover, trees impact on neighbors or
and other vegetation have value conservation.
as species habitat and for Unacceptable: site is
recreational and aesthetic forested, and it is
reasons. unlikely to be
acceptable to cut trees;
or major impact.
Shading from nearby buildings As with shading by trees, shading Acceptable: no
and other structures, and by local from other structures or hills, shading from nearby
topography (on and off even during part of the day, can structures.
property). substantially reduce the value of Unacceptable: partial
a solar array. Sites that are or full shading from
shaded by the presence of these nearby structures or
elements were deemed potential building
unsuitable. development
Proximity for interconnection to Sites with close and easy Acceptable: site
existing transmission (the present interconnection to the electricity borders right-of-way
electricity grid.) grid are preferable because their leading to inter-
cost to connect them to the grid connection point.
will be much less than sites that Needs further
are distant, or whose terrain or evaluation: Is the site
other factors make them more located near future grid
difficult to connect. expansion
Unacceptable: site is
land locked and/or
difficult and expensive
to access.
Soils and ground stability. Because solar arrays are Acceptable: stable soil,
structures, they need stable or can be easily
ground upon which their stabilized.
foundations can be built. Access Needs further
for maintenance vehicles is also a evaluation: Soil
requirement. Loose or soft soils testing recommended
are less desirable, as are those on to determine soil
ledge or rock that would add bearing capacity and
complexity to building ground water elevation.
foundations. Unacceptable:
unstable, loose,
sandy, organics, etc.
soils or exposed or
shallow ledge.
Topography and micro-climate. Level, dry sites are ideal. Acceptable: generally
Irregular or hilly sites, or those flat or moderate
prone to fog or seasonable variation in terrain.
moisture are less so. Unacceptable: very
hilly, steep, or irregular
terrain; or
pockets in terrain that
would trap fog;
Regulatory / legislative issues Sites that are otherwise very Acceptable: site is
suitable for solar arrays may be unencumbered by law
burdened with legal or regulatory or regulation.
restrictions. Unacceptable: law
or regulation prohibits
use as solar site.
the system load and to determine the needed system capacity. The subject for estimation
is the site selected for this project. Approximation of load will be done in two setups.
The first estimation will be for the future loads of the households in Sitio Calaniogan
when electricity is already possible in the area. The second setup will be on average
Typical households in the Sitio are chosen as model houses for the calculation
anticipate every electrical load. The estimation is done by multiplying each of the
appliance's power to the average number of usage hours. Then 20% of the product must
and batteries.
The power rating will be based on each appliance that is to be connected to the
source. Every appliance has its own different power rating according to the
manufacturer. The energy demand per household will only be represented by one model
for the obtention of the design parameters, energy results, associated cost of the plant
and other important parameters required for the plant performance assessment.
depending on the desired voltage and current. If the Power Demand EP is given, the
required rated array power PR can be calculated with equation 1. Rated Array Power is
PR = EP KB (3.1)
Where ISTC is the irradiance at standard condition = 1 kW/m2. The KB is the modified
performance ratio. Hd is the irradiation on the array surface during a specific period or
KB = K * NB * KBC (3.2)
K = performance ratio
Performance ratio (K) is defined as a ratio of the actual generated electric power
during a specific period and the calculated power (rated output of the PV array * same
energy irradiated on the array surface). The K includes all loss factors from the array
to account for these loss factors, however the overall loss factor can be known
empirically as “Performance Ratio (K)”. This is a practical way to introduce the factor
The average value for a grid-connected system with the power maximum
inverter loss). If the system without maximum power control and/or the quality is poor,
the basis of the calculation for its number of modules. The desired power capacity of
photovoltaic system PR, rated power of the photovoltaic module technology chosen
PSTC and total number of modules N0 can be calculated using equation 3. Calculated
number of modules with decimal numbers must then be rounded-off to the next whole
No = (3.3)
calculated according to the DC Voltage capacity of the inverter to be used, and the
Maximum Power Voltage of the modules selected. This is solved using equation 4.
𝑉𝐷𝐶 (𝑖𝑛𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑡𝑒𝑟)
Ns = (3.4)
𝑉𝑚𝑝 (𝑚𝑜𝑑𝑢𝑙𝑒)
calculated according to the number of modules, and the number of modules in series.
NP = (3.5)
The total voltage of the modules connected in series for PV system array can be solved
VA = VMO * NS (3.6)
produced. The total current produced in the array is equal to the module current rating,
IA = IMO * NP (3.7)
life-span and efficiency of your entire solar power system depends on it greatly. Solar
Charge Controllers protect the storage from excess amount of currents in the system.
A= (3.8)
𝑆𝑦𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑚 𝑉𝑜𝑙𝑡𝑎𝑔𝑒
No. of Charge Controllers = (3.9)
66.67 𝐴
will be advised for most of the battery manufacturers. Therefore, there is a need to
double to size of the battery compared to the maximum supposed capacity. Battery
storage capacity for a Solar PV System can be calculated using the two methods and
First method:
𝐸𝑝 ∗𝑁𝐷 ∗𝑅𝐵
BkWh = (3.10)
Ep = power demand per day ( 𝑑𝑎𝑦 )
Ah of Battery = (3.11)
Second Method:
Storage Capacity = (3.12)
𝑆𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝐶𝑎𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑖𝑡𝑦
Ah of Battery = (3.13)
𝑆𝑦𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑚 𝑉𝑜𝑙𝑡𝑎𝑔𝑒
Depth of discharge for a battery is the ratio of the discharged electric energy to
the battery capacity. It is zero when the battery is fully charged. It is 0.5 when one half
Therefor, it is necessary to control the state of the battery charge via the controller.
Normally, the depth of discharge factor is about 0.5. The control voltage that manages
For batteries in series, one path is set for the current to flow. The total voltage
is the sum of the individual battery voltages, and the total capacity is the same as one
battery. If batteries or cells with different capacities are connected in series, the capacity
The voltages of batteries available on the market are 2V, 6V, 12V, and 24V.
When battery voltage is insufficient for the circuit voltage, multiple batteries are
𝑐𝑖𝑟𝑐𝑢𝑖𝑡 𝑣𝑜𝑙𝑡𝑎𝑔𝑒
Number of batteries in series = (3.13.1)
𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑣𝑜𝑙𝑡𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑏𝑎𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑦 𝑠𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑑
have the same count for its current flow path. Similar batteries connected in parallel
will have the same voltage across the individual parallel branches in the entire circuit.
𝐷𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑔𝑛 𝑊ℎ 𝐶𝑎𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑖𝑡𝑦
= Design Ah capacity (3.13.2)
𝑠𝑦𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑚 𝑐𝑖𝑟𝑐𝑢𝑖𝑡 𝑣𝑜𝑙𝑡𝑎𝑔𝑒
𝐷𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑔𝑛 𝐴ℎ 𝑐𝑎𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑖𝑡𝑦
Number of batteries in parallel ≧ (3.13.3)
𝐴ℎ 𝑐𝑎𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑖𝑡𝑦 𝑜𝑓 𝑠𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑏𝑎𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑠
Battery system capacity [Wh] = (Unit Capacity * Nominal Voltage) * Ntotal (3.13.5)
(a) The circuit voltage of the system is the same as the input voltage of the inverter.
(d) The inverter can apply to the rush power of the loads.
In determining the size of inverter you’ll have to use for an electrical system,
total power requirement must first be calculated. The result is a good baseline to work
out the value needed for selecting the effective inverter capacity. The wattage must
have an additional of at least 10% to 20% for the safety margin that we want for our
Energy systems necessarily need to have an inverter where the absorbed power
can proceed. In order to effectively interconnect inverters with respect to the selected
First, verify that the no load Voltage VOC at the output of the strings at minimum
prospective temperatures (-20oC), is lower than the maximum temperature which the
VOC is max no-load voltage of the PV field in correspondence with the minimum
operation temperature expected for the PV modules. VOC_STC is the open circuit voltage at
STC. ℽv is the voltage temperature coefficient oC while Tmin is the expected minimum
daily cell temperature. TSTC is the cell temperature at STC measured in oC. Ns is the
Next is make sure that the minimum voltage (at 60oC) at the corresponding
maximum power at the output of the string under standard solar radiation conditions,
shall be higher than the minimum operating operation voltage. VMPPT_max which is the
maximum input voltage admitted by the inverter and Vmax must be calculated.
Where Vmax is the voltage at the maximum power point (MPP) of the
to the photovoltaic modules. VMMPT_STC is the Maximum Power Point Voltage at STC.
Tcell_cell is the cell temperature at specified temperature. TSTC is the cell temperature at
Lastly, the minimum voltage (at 20oC) at the corresponding maximum power at
the output of the string under standard solar radiation conditions, shall be higher than
the minimum operating operation voltage. VMPPT_max which is the maximum input voltage
Where Vmin is the voltage at the minimum power point (MPP) of the
The accurate selection of the system wiring cables is very essential. In order that
the system is safe, the wiring must not reduce its performance in any of the components.
Cables in an off-grid Solar PV System must be sized correctly to reduce the voltage
drop. This is also done to make the current handling capacity safe without exceeding
its limit.
Vd = ℘ (3.20)
A is the cross-sectional area (CSA) in mm2 while I is the current through the
cables in ampere. L is the length of the cables in meters. ℘ is the resistivity of the
copper wire normally equal to 0.00183. The multiplication by 2 accounts for the total
circuit wire.
Sizing of the cables between PV modules can be done through equation 20.
Where the length of the cable is 1.5 inches and the maximum current be multiplied by
125% of its short circuit current. The voltage drop can be calculated using equation 22.
Vd = 5% * Vmmp (3.22)
the length of the cable is 20 meters and the maximum current be multiplied by 125%
of its short circuit current, then multiplied again by the number of modules in parallel
and the voltage drop is 5% of the system voltage related to equation 22.
flowing through the wirings. This is for over-current protection of the whole system
array and inverter in general. First one is on each parallel strings of modules which can
be fused before entering DC collection point. Second one is the total output of the
source. The power delivered from the generator to the consumers is the total output at
day time. This generation is during the charging hours where the energy storages are
being filled for the hours without heat from the sun.
E = A * r * H * Pr (3.24)
R = Solar Panel Yield (%) [electrical power per panel/area of each panel m2)
Pr = Performance Ratio
EDoutput = (3.25)
𝑁𝑜.𝑜𝑓 𝐷𝑎𝑦𝑠 𝑖𝑛 𝑎 𝑚𝑜𝑛𝑡ℎ
EYoutput = ∑𝑛
𝑑=1 𝐸𝐷𝑜𝑢𝑡𝑝𝑢𝑡 (3.26)
determines energy increasing every year. N is the year number considered and D is the
during a period of time and divide by the amount of energy the plant would have
produced at full capacity. The Capacity Factor is the ratio of the PV energy produced
by a stand-alone system in each time, to the energy that could be produced during the
time if the system had been continuously generating its fully rated output.
𝐸𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑔𝑦 𝐺𝑒𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑑
C.F = 𝐻 x100 (3.28)
(365 𝑑𝑎𝑦𝑠)(24 𝑑𝑎𝑦)(𝑃𝑉 𝐶𝑎𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑖𝑡𝑦)
PV System, calculation of the total installation cost shall follow. This is essential in
shaping the feasibility of establishing a plant. Focused on the pricing of the materials
equipment that move DC energy produced by Solar Panels through the conversion
system which in turn produces AC electricity. The BOS components include most of
the pieces, which make up roughly 10%-50% of Solar Purchasing and Installation costs,
ultimate delivered costs of utilized technologies, having different structures rather than
comparing only the initial capital costs or operating costs. LCC analysis points out
calculation of the cost of delivering a service over the expected life of the proposed
project. The summary of LCC must be equal to the total energy output.
𝐸𝑜𝑢𝑡𝑝𝑢𝑡 (1−𝐷)(𝑁−1)
Etotalcost = ∑25
1+𝑖 𝑁
Future costs must be discounted since the time value of money varies in years
that pass. One peso received today is worth more than its value for the following year.
A peso today can be invested and multiply interests through time. Future sum amounts
of money must also be discounted in the same manner. The inherent risk of future
events not occurring might sabotage plans, therefore, it is good to have defense
beforehand. Several factors should be considered when the period for an LCC analysis
is chosen.
Equipment life span is the first one to check. Most PV modules are marked with
a 20-year minimum life span, to operate without failure. To analyze a PV system over
a 5-year period would not give due credit to its durability and reliability. Twenty years
P= (3.32)
(1+𝑖)𝑁 −1
P = 𝐴( ) (3.33)
A = annual sum
N = period of years annual sum is being received
i = given discount rate
escalated at a rate (E) over a period of years (N) at a given discount rate
(i) is:
1+𝐸 (1+𝐸) 𝑁
Pmu = 𝐴{(1−𝐸) ∗ [(1) − (( (1+𝑖) ) )]} (3.34)
A = P {([1−(1+𝑖)−𝑁 ])} (3.35)
guarantee that the panels will produce at least 80% of the rated power after 20 years of
use. The general rule of thumb is that the panels will degrade by about 1% each year.
Solar PV Power Plant’s life to last for 20 years. The researcher also assumes that the
system is to be established a year after the approval of the project, which will be on
2020. A span of 1 year is allotted to finish the construction for official operation.
Therefore, all materials, equipment, and services costs, discount and escalation rates,
and electric utility rate is based in this year. 20 years after 2021 will be the
10%-50% of solar purchasing and installation costs and account for the majority of
maintenance requirements.
cost, increase efficiency, and modernize solar PV systems. Costs are steadily decreasing
regarding solar panels and inverters (formerly 50% of solar PV investment costs).
Thus, an exchange rate has two components, the domestic currency, and a foreign
currency, and can be quoted either directly or indirectly. In a direct quotation, the price
indirect quotation, the price of a unit of domestic currency is expressed in terms of the
foreign currency. Exchange rates are quoted in values against the US dollar. However,
exchange rates can also be quoted against another nation's currency, which is known as
The Philippine peso to US dollar exchange rate used in this study is the recent
exchange rate according to X-Rates. The currency exchange rate of 1 US dollar is equal
increases the more the module gets expensive, same as through with the nominal power
or rated power of a module. Since it is the vital component of a solar power plant, the
efficiently as possible and sometimes require repair. It is also important to note that
most inverters come with life expectancy of approximately 10 years, which is much
shorter than the life of the panels themselves. Panels normally last 20-25 years.
Replacing an inverter is usually the most expensive aspect with often the largest
maintenance cost associated with owning a solar power plant. A long-term solar
battery may have to be replaced several times over the lifespan of your solar panels,
increasing your solar battery storage system costs. Suffice it to say, solar power plant
storage system costs are not inexpensive, but the advantages of having a solar battery
equal value, where the asset to be replaced could be a building, investment securities,
accounts receivable or liens. The replacement cost can change, depending on changes
in market value of the asset and any other costs required to prepare the asset for use.
Accountants use depreciation to expense the cost of the asset over its useful life.
Replacing an asset can be an expensive decision, and companies analyze the net
present value (NPV) of the future cash inflows and outflows to make purchasing
decisions. Once an asset is purchased, the company determines a useful life for the asset
The term replacement cost or replacement value refers to the amount that an
entity would have to pay to replace an asset at the present time, according to its current
worth. The span of time for replacements will depend on the system life expectancy.
storage system must be replaced with new batteries to keep the losses low-slung and
Life-Cycle Cost Analysis is used to determine the cost of replacing the batteries
within 10 years, starting from the 5-year life span of the storage system.
1+𝐸𝑟 1+𝐸𝑟
LRC = ARC( 𝑑−𝐸𝑟){1 − (1+𝐷𝑟)𝑁 } (3.36)
𝐶𝑜𝑠𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝐵𝑎𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑦+𝑖𝑛𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛
ARC = (3.37)
𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑜𝑑 𝑜𝑓 𝑟𝑒𝑝𝑙𝑎𝑐𝑒𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡
AC. Given that this system works non-stop as long as the minimum voltage is reached,
photovoltaic system exist in the marketplace today, each with different system
over the project lifetime, particularly in labor-intensive projects of long duration can be
an important component of any LCC analysis. Operation and Maintenance costs are
method to determine the amount by which an asset depreciates each period. The salvage
value of a system is its net worth in the final year of the life-cycle period. It is a common
equipment that can be moved. This rate can be modified depending on other factors
equipment is the net value used at the end of the system’s service life.
The researcher assumes 0% of the original cost for the photovoltaic modules,
cost of batteries, inverters, controllers and installations. The modules are not included
in this calculation because of its different life-span. Use equation 40 to solve the cost
of replacement.
1+𝐸𝑟 1+𝐸𝑟
LRC = ARC( 𝑑−𝐸𝑟){1 − (1+𝐷𝑟)𝑁 } (3.40)
consumption. This is dependent on the values of the output energy of the system to the
CT = (3.42)
𝑁 𝑥 365 𝑥 𝑘𝑊ℎ
suffice the load demand. The methodology for system specifications are referenced
the lot spaces shall be used as part of the line extensions. Next is the line survey
starting from the application request from the residents of the place. An energization
project for a location wherein no existing poles stand, has longer methods since it
includes construction of extension lines from the nearest existing tapping pole.
Construction (August 1973), and it has been renamed NEA Engineering Bulletin
DX1320, Specifications and Drawings for Distribution Line Construction, 13.2 kV and
24 kV.
Changes include the addition of post insulator drawings and the correction of
minor errors. Some drawings were revised for conformance with the latest edition of
the Philippine Electrical Safety Code. Many of the drawings are available on autoCAD General
All construction work shall be done in accordance with the staking sheets, plans
use a “V” prefix on all primary units, i.e. VCI, to indicate the higher insolation level.
The latest edition of the Philippine Electrical Safety Code shall be followed
except here local regulations are more stringent, in which case local regulations shall
Length of Pole (feet) Setting in Soil (feet) Setting in All Solid Rock
25 5.0 3.5
30 5.5 3.5
35 6.0 4.0
40 6.0 4.0
45 6.5 4.5
50 7.0 4.5
55 7.5 5.0
60 8.0 5.0
b. Where there is a layer of soil of more that two (2) feet in depth over solid rock.
c. Where the hole in solid rock is not substantially vertical or the diameter of the
hole at the surface of the rock exceeds approximately twice the diameter of the
“Setting in All Solid Rock” depths shall apply where poles are to be set in solid
rock and where the hole is substantially vertical, approximately uniform in diameter
and large enough to permit the use of tamping bars the full depth of the hole.
Where there is a layer of soil two (2) feet or less in depth over solid rock, the
depth of the hole shall be the depth of soil in addition to depth specified under “Setting
in All Solid Rock” provided, however, that such depth shall not exceed the depth
All anchors and rods shall be in line with the strain and shall be installed so that
approximately 6 inches of the rod remain out of the ground. In cultivated fields or other
locations, as deemed necessary, the projection of the anchor rod above earth may be
increased to a maximum of 12 inches to prevent burial of the rod eye. The backfill of
After a cone anchor has been set in place, the hole shall be backfilled with coarse
crushed rock for 2 feet above the anchor tamping during the filling. The remainder of Locknuts
A locknut shall be installed with each nut, eye nut or other fastener on bolts or
threaded hardware such as insulator pins and studs, upset bolts, double arming bolts,
106 Conductors
Conductors must be handled with care. Conductors shall neither be trampled on
nor run over by vehicles. Each reel shall be examined, and the wire shall be inspected
for cuts, kinks, or other injuries. Injured portions shall be cut out and the conductor
spliced. The conductors shall be pulled over suitable rollers or stringing blocks properly
drawings. There shall be no more than one splice per conductor in any span and splices
shall be located at least 10 feet from the conductor support. No splices shall be located
to allow free movement of the conductors. Where slack is not shown on the construction
drawings, it will be provided by at least two (2) bends in a vertical plane, or one (1) in
a horizontal plane, or the equivalent. In areas where aeolian vibration occurs, special
unplotted bronze terminal shall be made by splicing a short stub copper to the aluminum
the clamp and jumper shall be installed so that they are permanently bonded to the load
side of the line, allowing the jumper to be energized when the clamp is disconnected.
recommended spacing. Care shall be taken that the adjusted gap is not disturbed when
recommendations. All conductors shall be sagged evenly. The air temperature at the
The sag of all conductors after stringing shall be in accordance with the
engineer’s instructions.
normally be bare, except in those instances where prevailing conditions may limit
primary span lengths to the extent that covered wires or services cables may be used. Grounds
Grounds rods shall be driven full length in undisturbed earth in accordance with
the construction’s drawings provided project plan. The top shall be at least 12 inches
below the surface of the earth. The ground wire shall be attached to the rod with a clamp
and shall be secured to the pole with staples. The staples on the ground wire shall be
spaced 2 feet apart, except for 8 feet above the ground and 8 feet down from the top of
All equipment shall have at least two (2) connections from the frame, case or
tank to the multi-ground neutral conductor. The equipment ground, neutral wires, and
trimming trees so that the right-of-way is cleared close to the ground and is the width
specified, except that low growing shrubs which will not interfere with the operation or
maintenance f the line shall be left undisturbed if so, directed by the owner. Slash may
be chipped and blown on the right-of-way. The landowner’s written permission shall
be received prior to cutting trees outside the right-of way. Trees fronting each side of
the right-of-way shall be trimmed symmetrically unless otherwise specified. Dead trees
beyond the right-of-way which would strike the line in falling and which would require
topping if not removed, shall either be removed or topped, except that shade, fruit, or
ornamental trees shall be trimmed and not removed, unless otherwise authorized.
considered in the area to determine which is more economical. The distribution line
cost will determine if the electric cooperative can gain back their investment for the
area. The distribution line must be part of these studies to determine if stand-alone
photovoltaic system is more economical than using electric utilities for rural
3.10 Simulation
Power system modeling takes the real-world information from the field (wire
size, wire length, impedance, capacitor banks, motors, generators, loading, protective
the system. This model will be used to theoretically show what would happen on the
system given certain inputs or occurrences (like a fault, or loss of a transmission line,
etc.). Sometimes, as is the case in short circuit analysis, this testing would be dangerous
designed to simulate high voltage power system operation on a time frame ranging from
several minutes to several days. The software contains a highly effective power flow
each other. The power flow is to be observed and its optimization with the total
3.11 Evaluation
Results from technology feasibility analysis efforts provide input to balanced
compared to the costs incurred by current technology. These analyses are therefore
useful in determining which projects have the highest potential for near-, mid-, and
importance, technology feasibility analyses can help direct research toward areas in
In order to evaluate and come up with the better power source for rural
electrification in Sitio Calaniogan, analysis of the data gathered and results from the
subject of this study is a must. The comparison between the Solar PV System and Utility
A cheaper cost for construction and implementation with enough energy, is the better
system to be implemented in the area. The most viable system in terms of technicalities
𝑁𝑒𝑡 𝑃𝑟𝑜𝑓𝑖𝑡
Return on Investment = 𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝐼𝑛𝑣𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝐶𝑜𝑠𝑡 𝑥100 (3.37)
Payback period PB is the financial metric for cash flow analysis that addresses
1. How long does it take for investments or actions to pay for themselves?
2. How long does it take for incoming returns to cover for costs?
Investment Payback period is the time it takes for “cumulative returns” or to equal
“cumulative costs”. In other words, the payback period is the break-even point in time.
adds to the value of the firm. The criterion of the NPV method is to consider a project
attractive if the NPV of its cash flow stream is positive for a given interest rate.
Mutually exclusive project is that when at most one project out of the group can be
Net Annual Cash Flow = Total Present Worth * [ r(1+r)t / (1+r)t – 1 ] (3.46)
value (NPV) of a project zero. In other words, it is the expected compound annual rate
When calculating the IRR, expected cash flows for a project or investment are
given and the NPV equals zero. Put another way, the initial cash investment for the
beginning period will be equal to the present value of the future cash flows of that
or cost of capital. If the IRR is greater than or equal to the cost of capital, the company
would accept the project as a good investment. If the IRR is lower than the hurdle rate,
CF1 CF2 n CF
0 = NPV = CF0 + + 2 + ⋯ + (1+IRR)n (3.47)
(1+IRR) (1+IRR)
This is a measure of change in the voltage magnitude between the sending and
regulation describes the ability of a system to provide near constant voltage over a wide
range load condition. The term may refer to a passive property that results in voltage
drop under various load conditions, or to the active intervention with devices for the
Technical loss is energy loss due to the physics of the system. It is the physical
properties of the components of the network that induces energy losses. Technical
This refers to the capacity of the lines in terms of its maximum allowable value
of current that can flow through transmission lines without adversely affecting the Reliability
probability that a system, including all hardware, firmware, and software, will
satisfactorily perform the task for which it was designed or intended, for a specified
4.1 Introduction
This chapter presents every result garnered during the process and methods
conducted. It is in the order according to what is needed from the previous chapter,
where the methodology is laid down. Every available data and information are in
Solar Power Plants have different types. This study will focus on designing
Centralized PV System. In this type, the PV arrays are centrally installed in one place
battery, an inverter, a controller, and a mini-grid for power distribution. The DC Power
generated by the PV array is stored in a storage battery and converted into AC Power
Common uses of electricity are for lighting and TV. For the promotion of sustainable
enough power, a centralized PV system can supply power to various appliances. For
example, ice-making by a chest freezer is possible. Storage of fresh food such as a fish
and meat are also possible with a cool box, chest freezer, etc. A small size well pump
without a storage tank can also be used. The new application of electricity may create
Manolo Fortich in the province of Bukidnon. It is 3.5 kilometers away from the last
distribution post installed by the utility company BUSECO, set in Sitio Awol. There
are currently 40 houses and 27 families recorded, present in the population census in
University of Science and Technology. It is 31.4 kilometers away from the City Proper
of Cagayan de Oro.
when used on rooftops and in small ground mounted installations. This is for estimates
Generalizing this, a 300 kW Solar PV Power Plant should require about 30,000
square feet (about 0.75 acres, or 0.3 hectare). However, since large-scale, ground
mounted Solar PV farms require space for other accessories and components, the total
land required for a 300 kW of Solar PV Power Plant will be about 1.2 acres.
The above estimate is however for conventional solar PV power plants – those
that are based on crystalline silicon and do not use trackers. A 1 kW of thin film solar
plant will require about 30% more area than a similar power plant with crystalline solar
High efficiency solar panels will require less area for the same wattage capacity
Thus, a 300-kW solar power plant with crystalline panels (about 18%
efficiency) will require about 1.2 acres, while the same plant with thin film technology
(12% efficiency) will require about 1.8 acres. The area required by thin film panels is
about 50% more than that for the crystalline, as the latter are about 50% more efficient
But for precise area prerequisite, further calculations are made to surely
determine the land area needed for the establishment of the Solar Power Plant. This is
purchased or leased during the operational life-time. The land where these types of
installations is placed is normally unused land or land for agricultural purposes, in this
last case reclassification taxes should be paid. Also, before the construction of the plant,
For the case of the current project it is assumed that the site selected has no
restrictions for the construction of a PV solar power plant. The area is a residential one,
where each household owns the land. The area that agriculture is being developed is
owned by the residents in Sitio Calaniogan. For the sake of electrification, the land is
Malabalay City branch. The data were fetched personally and encoded per sheet with
consent, due to the fact that it is not allowed for the information to be given fully in soft
or hard copies. Some references also include WeatherSparks and RETScreen. But the
tables presented in this part of the researcher’s paper, only includes accurate data from
The country can take advantage of its abundant sunlight. According to the National
Renewable Energy Laboratory, the average solar radiation ranges from 128-203 watts
per square meter, or an average of 161.7 watts per square meter, based on sunlight
This translates to potential power generating capacity of 4.5-5.5 kWh per square
meter per day. Both the northern and southern part of the country provide ideal locations
for installing solar facilities. The northern part of the country has enough sunlight to
generate an average of 4.5-5 kWh per square meter per day, while areas in the south
can produce an average of 5-5.5 kWh per square meter of solar power per day.
Solar energy resources in general average, known as insolation varies from 5.0 - 6.5
kWh/m2/day during dry season (March to May) and 3.0 - 5.5 kWh/m2/day during wet
season (November to January). The source of solar energy in the Philippines varies in
give the country a vast potential for solar applications. However, the country's average
solar radiation based on sunshine duration is 161.7 watts per square meter with a range
relatively high temperature, high humidity and abundant rainfall. It is similar in many
respects to the climate of the countries of Central America. Temperature, humidity, and
rainfall, which are presented hereunder, are the most important elements of the
According to the data gathered, the location selected does not have extreme
temperatures. Also, extreme wind speeds can damage the PV system specially, when
solar tracking systems are installed. The location of Sitio Calaniogan has no significant
risks of extreme wind speeds recorded. The rain can reduce the energy production of
the plant during rainy seasons and add additional cost related with mounting structures
modifications and mitigating measures. The site does not always have consistent rain.
Based on the average of all the weather stations in the Philippines, excluding
Baguio, the mean annual temperature is 26.6 oC. The coolest months fall in January
with a mean temperature of 25.5 oC while the warmest month occurs in May with a
other words, there is essentially no difference in the mean annual temperature of places
In the data gathered by PAG-ASA Bukidnon Province, the temperature for the
month of January has lowest minimum temperature for all the years presented in the
table. The data concedes to the general data regarding the whole country’s temperature.
It is also evident that the mean temperature does not fall below 23oC, which clearly tells
distribution throughout the country varies from one region to another, depending upon
the direction of the moisture-bearing winds and the location of the mountain systems.
The mean annual rainfall of the Philippines varies from 965 to 4,064 millimeters
annually. The tabulated data shows that the Province doesn’t constitute much of the
mean annual rainfall of the country. Although the temperature isn’t very high, the
climate is on the average scale and not much rainfall is reaped from the location.
temperature and the surrounding bodies of water, Philippines has a high relative
humidity. The average monthly relative humidity. The average monthly relative
combination of warm temperature and high relative absolute humidity give rise to high
large body of water is just right beside it. Tagoloan river lies beside the land area, plus
the temperature due to a flat surface where energy from the sun can directly reach the
terrestrial. The combination of humidity and temperature can affect the system
Higher humidity drags two environmental factors in the picture. The first is the
blocks the sun rays from reaching the solar panels and as a result, the efficiency is
affected. The other is the likelihood of warmer outside-air temperatures allowing for
the higher humidity. If the outside-air temperature is higher, the battery cell will reach
the maximum voltage. Since cell voltage is inversely proportional to heat, cell
efficiency for high humidity locations, is under 25oC – temperature. In this case,
PAGASA recorded temperatures roughly close to the model state of the area for
efficient operation. For the year 2017, the highest mean temperature only reached
26.10oC. This shows that the humidity in the area which greatly affects the system, can Topography
For this project the terrain where the PV modules are going to be installed is
considered flat and the presence of near mountains is neglected. The surrounding
mountains do not interrupt the rays of the sun, allowing solar energy to reach towards
the land surface. The topography of the site is not a hindrance to energy development.
affect the Solar Energy that hits the surface. There is a wide space for a Solar Power
Plant to be established in the area. The plain land is another factor that can make the
Quantity and quality of solar The amount of solar energy that Acceptable: mostly un
energy or the solar irradiance is incident upon a given land shaded by vegetation or
throughout the site surface area is dependent upon structures, wide area
several factors. These include with no shading
latitude, which determines the
angle of the sun and the hours of Acceptable: the
sunlight throughout the year, and amount of solar
the amount and density of cloud irradiance is enough,
cover, which will reduce the and the cloud data tells
amount of solar energy. Sites that that area can have
are level, or slope generally south quality solar energy
toward the sun are preferable to
those that slope northward, away
from the sun.
Vegetation and shading (on and Sites that are forested or covered Acceptable: The site
off property) with dense vegetation are less has specific unforested
desirable for solar arrays because area where solar array
trees would have to be cut down would have minimal
and vegetation controlled in order impact on plant life.
to optimize electricity generation.
(Even a partial shadow on a solar
panel can reduce its generation
capacity to zero.) Moreover, trees
and other vegetation have value
as species habitat and for
recreational and aesthetic
Soil and ground stability Because solar arrays are Acceptable: Almost
structures, they need stable the overall total ground
ground upon which their of Sitio Calaniogan has
foundations can be built. Access a stable soil due to
for maintenance vehicles is also a ledges and rocks.
requirement. Loose or soft soils Vegetation in the area
are less desirable, as are those on also helped the
ledge or rock that would add firmness of the soil.
complexity to building Heavy rocks in the area
foundations. are visible evidences
that it can carry much
heavier weight.
Topography and micro-climate Level, dry sites are ideal. Acceptable: Generally
Irregular or hilly sites, or those flat surface with
prone to fog or seasonable moderate variation in
moisture are less so. terrain
Access for maintenance Although solar arrays require Difficult and expensive
little maintenance, they still need to provide access for
occasional repair, upgrades, and vehicles. Needs to go
cleaning. Thus, the best sites down a hill to reach the
border public ways, and residential part of the
landlocked sites are much less Sitio.
Regulatory / legislative issues Sites that are otherwise very According to Barangay
suitable for solar arrays may be Lunocan’s information,
burdened with legal or regulatory the site is owned by
restrictions. residents in the area of
the Sitio.
be supplied by the system. Estimating the demand load is possible through interviews
and surveys. The load demand is calculated per household. Loads are taken as the
uniform load for the number of houses subject of this study. There are two setups for
system’s the load demand. System 2 is for the existing demand load of Sitio Calaniogan.
Tables 4.7 and 4.8 are the tabulated data for the individual household loads for
both systems, 1 and 2 accordingly. For the present load, it is only a total of 3.39 kW
while future total load reaches a sum of 7.7 kW per house. The rated power for each
The total energy demand for the future and actual loads are presented in tables
4.9 and 4.10. Each month has a specific number of average sun hours per day from the
data given by PAGASA. Data is in order from January down to December. Energy
demand is multiplied to the number of total households in the site which is 40. Total
monthly energy demand for System 1 is a total of 308.26 kW. System 2 has a lower
sum of 135.6 kW which is just less than half of the estimated future load.
the average of all the values for each month accessible in the projected data. On the
other hand, 73.9407 kW is the total average rated power required for System 2.
Utility-Scale Energy Demand shown in table 4.11 shows the total energy
approximation of 500 kW for System 1 and 300 kW for System 2 is made from the
calculations gathered.
must first be determined. PR is obtained through using equation 1 and the corresponding
constants given and the calculated power demand. Calculations are documented
wherein the formula for each needed value are already inserted into excel files.
The detailed tabulation of results for each month’s rated array power is
presented in tables 4.12 and 4.13 with an average of 168,091.0137 watts for system 1,
while system 2 has a rated array power requirement of 73,941.28808 watts. These
values are equal to that of the summary for rated array power, presented in Table 4.11
Rated array power is essential in sizing the system. It plays a big role in the
is the irradiation on the array surface which is taken from the worst monthly irradiance
data from the Monthly Global Insolation. Taking the average of the worst values of the
monthly insolation for a year, HD is equal to 4.53. KB is the modified performance ratio
basis of the number of modules necessary for its edifice. From equation 3, it is evident
that the number of modules for this project is grand. Rounding-off to the nearest
decimal point, system 1 will need 494 modules and system 2 will be possible to
establish if there are 217 modules available, both systems having 340 watts of solar
How great the power rating needed for the system is, critically affects the
number of modules needed to be installed. But this part of the design calculation is also
dependent with the power rating of the modules nominated. Using a module with
the DC voltage of the inverter and the module rated voltage. For this study, the number
of modules connected in series with each other are the same for both Solar PV Power
Plant System 1 and 2. Rounding-off to the nearest decimal point, the value is equal to
13 modules approximately.
dependent on the result of calculating the number of modules in series and the total
Below shows table 4.18 with the Array System data for the Future Loads or the
identified System 1 of this project plan. There are 2 arrays with an approximation of
500V for the nominal voltage of each arrays. Since it is in parallel, the total array
voltage will be equal to 500V. The total array power reaches 168.091 kW with an array
Table 4.19 is a tabulated information for the values of the Array System for
System 2. This shows that a lesser value of power demand will require lesser number
of parallel-connected panels in the array system. In this case, 8 panels in parallel are
vital with the same number of arrays with System 1 which one array. The array power
modules. The current rating for each solar panel module is also critical for this part
since it is multiplied to the parallel-connected module numbers to get the current rating
Since the number of modules connected parallel for the arrays of Systems 1 and
2 differ, then with the same current rating of the modules multiplied, the results have
big differences. For System 1, the current for each array is 88.0193A. On the other
Tallmax module is picked as the choice since it is ideal for large installation,
given the fact that it is a utility-scale project. Its high-power footprint reduces
installation time & BOS costs. It it one of the industry’s most trusted modules today,
field proven. Trina Solar’s financial solidity consistently confirmed by banks and
Highly reliable due to stringent quality control. All modules for distribution
certificate requirements. The modules are PID resistant. Also, 1000V UL/1000V IEC
System created for houses and establishment scales, a charge controller is important.
However, in this study, the inverter selected is a dual device. There will be no more
a combination of an Inverter and a Battery Charge Controller with a transfer switch all
in one complete system device. For small plants or mid-range utility-scale systems, an
inverter/charger is suitable.
variable are constant, except for the Power Demand for each system. The higher the
power that the battery must be able to supply, the greater the capacity should be.
In table 4.21, the battery capacity is calculated to be 46.239 kWh for System 1
and 20.34 kWh for System 2. However, these values only offer the right battery capacity
for individual houses. Since there are 40 households in Sitio Calaniogan, the demand
would be 308.36 kW and 135.6 kW for Systems 1 & 2 respectively. The second method
for calculation storage capacity for Solar PV Power Plant is used to determine the
To consider the number of batteries in series, the researcher must weigh in the
possibilities of resulting into a much greater number of batteries for the power plant.
The circuit voltage will be the product of the nominal voltage and the number of
batteries in series. 8 batteries shall be connected in series which means that the circuit
whole system and the capacity for each battery. The bigger the capacity for each battery
is, the smaller the number of parallel-connected batteries will be. Its number is the
to raise it higher. But the number of batteries to be used will still be dependent on the
Ampere-Hour capacity needed for the storage system of the Power Plant. For System
1, the capacity is set to 19, 266.25 Ah while System 2 is 8,475 Ah. The values differ
For the number of batteries needed for the system to be sustainable, table 4.23
shows the details of calculation. The Ah capacity for the batteries to be used is selected
by scanning through different brands and models. Ah is the number of hours for which
a battery can provide a current equal to the discharge rate at the nominal voltage of the
battery. It can be lower or higher than the 500 Ah nominated in this study. Still, the
Summary of the battery system shows the total number of batteries required to
establish a stable supply for the Sito. The battery capacity represents the maximum
providing electricity 24/7 to the whole site. A bigger storage means that the storing of
energy can exceed its utilization time. During the day, the generation of energy will be
The system must be prepared for electricity usage even when there’s no supply of
energy from the sun. Having been able to store more than the power demand, without
The Battery Capacity of the systems are shown in table 4.24. For System 1, with
a total number of 308 batteries, the capacity is about 1,849.56 kWh. System 2 has 813.6
General Specifications
Table 4.25 Battery Specifications
Case Material Steel Case
Standard Capacity 500AH
Rated Voltage 12V
Maximum Charge Voltage 14.6
Cut-off Voltage 10.0V
Standard Charge/Discharge Current 60A/300A
Max Discharge Current 400A
Peak Discharge Current 400A
Dimensions 610 x 481 x 366 mm
Weight 90kg
Impedance (Max at 1000Hz) ≤20 milli-ohms
Charge Method
Table 4.26 Battery Charge Method
Standard CC 0.2 C 14.6V cut-off
CV 14.6V 0.01C cut-off
Rapid CC 1C 14.6V cut-off
CV 14.6V 0.05C cut-off
Operating Temperature
Table 4.27 Battery Operating Temperature
Charge 0oC ~ 45oC
Discharge -20oC ~ 60oC
Storage -20oC ~ 45oC
total power requirement must first be calculated. The result is a good baseline to work
out the value needed for selecting the effective inverter capacity.
inquired through email, for the specific details and pricing of their inverter of different
models. Via international phone call, the company confirmed to give full details of their
SUNNY TRIPOWER 60 The Best of Two Worlds, the new Sunny Tripower 60
is part of an innovative, global system solution for commercial and industrial PV plants.
This solution combines the advantages of a decentralized system layout with the
benefits of centralized inverter designs in order to get the best of two worlds. High
efficiency, flexible system design, easy installation, simple commissioning and low
maintenance requirements contribute decisively to reducing the operating costs for the
entire system.
Technical Data
General Data
Table. 4.30 Inverter General Data
Energy systems necessarily need to have an inverter where the absorbed power
can proceed. In order to effectively interconnect inverters with respect to the selected
First, verify that the no load Voltage VOC at the output of the strings at minimum
prospective temperatures (-20oC), is lower than the maximum temperature which the
VOC = 46.2V
Vmax_inv = 1000V
VOC_STC = 46.2oC
ℽv = -0.32%/K = 1.1758 x 10-5
Ns = 13
Tmin = 20oC
TSTC =25oC
VOC is max no-load voltage of the PV field in correspondence with the minimum
operation temperature expected for the PV modules. VOC_STC is the open circuit voltage at
STC. ℽv is the voltage temperature coefficient oC while Tmin is the expected minimum
daily cell temperature. TSTC is the cell temperature at STC measured in oC. Ns is the
Equation 14 is true since the value of equation 15 is less than that of Vmax_inv.
Therefore, the first step of the verification process is passed by the conditions given.
safety’s purposes. Determining the following values are required to calculate the
Vd = voltage drop
℘= resistivity of the copper wire (normally equal to 0.0183)
I= current through the cables in copper
L=length of cables in meters
A = cross-sectional area of the panel in square millimeters
The wiring must not reduce its performance in any of the components, to have
complete safety in the system. Cables in an off-grid Solar PV System must be sized
correctly to reduce the voltage drop. This is also done to make the current handling
Vd = (0.0183) 1.944
Vd = 5% * Vmmp
A is the cross-sectional area (CSA) in mm2 while I is the current through the
cables in ampere. L is the length of the cables in meters. ℘ is the resistivity of the
copper wire normally equal to 0.00183. The multiplication by 2 accounts for the total
circuit wire.
modules. The product is then multiplied to the 125% tolerance. Sizing of the cables
between PV modules can be done through equation 20. Where the length of the cable
is 1.5 inches and the maximum current be multiplied by 125% of its short circuit
Imax = 125% * I
I∗L∗2 (11.775)∗(1.5)∗(2)
A= ℘ =(0.01836)( )
Vd 1.89
A = 0.343 mm2
The cross-sectional area for the cables to be used in connecting the modules into
an array shall not be less than the calculated minimum area of 0.343 mm2.
the length of the cable is 20 meters and the maximum current be multiplied by 125%
of its short circuit current, then multiplied again by the number of modules in parallel
and the voltage drop is 5% of the system voltage related to equation 22.
Vd = 5% * Vmmp
System 1:
I∗L∗2 (105.975)∗(1.5)∗(2)
A= ℘ =(0.01836)( )
Vd 25
A = 0.2335 mm2
System 2:
I∗L∗2 (94.2)∗(1.5)∗(2)
A= ℘ =(0.01836)( )
Vd 25
A = 0.2075 mm2
The cross-sectional area for the cables to be used in connecting the PV array
into the inverter shall not be less than the calculated minimum area of 0.2335 mm2 for
flowing through the wirings. This is for over-current protection of the whole system
The circuit breaker for the whole system lines shall not be lower than
unwanted failure in the system lines, bigger damages are prevented by the protection
system. There are two ways of undertaking the circuit protection between photovoltaic
array and inverter in general. First one is on each parallel strings of modules which can
be fused before entering DC collection point. Second one is the total output of the
𝐼𝑛𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑉𝐴 60 000 𝑉𝐴
System 1: Imax_inv = = = 272.72 A
𝑉𝑜𝑢𝑡𝑝𝑢𝑡 220 𝑉
𝐼𝑛𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑉𝐴 60 000 𝑉𝐴
System 2: Imax_inv = = = 272.72 A
𝑉𝑜𝑢𝑡𝑝𝑢𝑡 220 𝑉
I= 𝑥 272.72 = 340.9 A
from Chapter 3. System Energy Output is the energy that developed in the stand-alone
power source. The power delivered from the generator to the consumers is the total
output at day time. This generation is during the charging hours where the energy
storages are being filled for the hours without heat from the sun.
E = A * r * H * Pr (3.24)
By using the values given in table 4.3, energy output can be estimated. These
values are taken from the general data for calculating Solar PV Systems. Specific data
from the model of panels chosen such as the solar panel area and rated power are also
The energy output for System 1 are tabulated in the table shown above. The
the month of January. The month has the lowest insolation data, consequently giving a
difficult time for the modules to give off maximum power, only allowing 9,822.3993
kWh. The highest is in the month of April which reaches up to 21,633.3156 kWh. This
is due to the fact that the summer season can provide more sun hours that allows the
For System 2, the same goes with the effect of the average daily global radiation.
Since January has the lowest with only 2.9 kWh/m2/day, the energy output for the
month is just 4,320.75835 kWh. Its highest output is 9,516.2419 kWh for the month of
Capacity Factor for this PV system is taken from the monthly estimated energy
output. The Capacity Factor is the ratio of the PV energy produced by a stand-alone
system in each time, to the energy that could be produced during the time if the system
𝐸𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑔𝑦 𝐺𝑒𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑑
C.F = 𝐻 x100
(365 𝑑𝑎𝑦𝑠)(24 𝑑𝑎𝑦)(𝑃𝑉 𝐶𝑎𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑖𝑡𝑦)
used in calculations. For monthly generation output, the PV capacity is only multiplied
to the number of days per month and the number of hours in a day. Below is the
modified equation to determine only the monthly Capacity Factor of the systems.
𝐸𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑔𝑦 𝐺𝑒𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑑
C.F = 𝐻 x100
(31 𝑑𝑎𝑦𝑠)(24 𝑑𝑎𝑦)(𝑃𝑉 𝐶𝑎𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑖𝑡𝑦)
The tables 4.34 and 4.35 tabulates the data for the estimated energy output with
an additional information. The capacity factor is determined and shown in the tables for
both Systems 1 and 2. Capacity factor is the ratio of the actual energy produced in each
period, to the hypothetical maximum possible, i.e. running full time at rated maximum
higher capacity factor is better and in particular, more economical. But it does not make
The capacity factor is just one of many factors judging if a power plant is feasible.
Having a look at the national average for the Philippines, from March to
September, the length of the day is longer, about 12.5 hours on the average. So, solar
power would produce electricity from 7AM to 6PM at 5% to 65%. Note that it can
never reach a hundred percent in any circumstance., of its rated capacity. The average
capacity factor in the Philippines is about 18%. Results of the calculation for Sitio
Calaniogan shows that it almost reached the average, this clearly means that the Solar
of the total installation of the system is essential part of the analysis. Upon the end of
system design and specifications, the financial planning comes after. This is very
that move DC energy produced by solar panels through the conversion system which
Most often, BOS refers to all components of a PV system other than the
modules. In addition to inverters and racking, this includes the cables/wires, switches,
enclosures, fuses, ground fault detectors, and more. BOS applies to all types of solar
In the BOS tables, the costs are already fixed. For the scheme of how these
values were calculated, section 12.2 in this Chapter has the flow of calculations using
ultimate delivered costs of utilized technologies, having different structures rather than
comparing only the initial capital costs or operating costs. LCC analysis points out
calculation of the cost of delivering a service over the expected life of the proposed
project. The summary of LCC must be equal to the total energy output.
The Life Cycle Cost of System 1 is calculated with the values in tables 4.3.
These shows the total cost of the system in with the corresponding details of how big
the land surface would it utilize and the power output within a year. The maintenance
cost of the Solar Power Plant for a year is just ₱ 413,895.54. In the table below, the
maintenance cost is the sum for the cost of maintaining the system in 10 years’ time.
Present Worth includes the future cost of replacing components of the power
plant. This is considered as present worth for the assumption that this plant will require
maintenance to prevent increase in losses. For System 1, the Life Cycle cost is
Given the summary of the system, the LCC for System 2 is shown in table 4.40
where the total cost is about ₱ 9,854,580.4654 which does not yet include the
maintenance for the whole plant for 10-year time span. The total Present of Worth is ₱
14,498,629.93 (pesos).
1+𝐸𝑟 1+𝐸𝑟
LRC = ARC( 𝑑−𝐸𝑟){1 − (1+𝐷𝑟)𝑁 }
to a 10-month low of 4.4 percent in January of 2019 from 5.1 percent in the previous
month. The latest reading was slightly below market estimates of 4.5%. amid a marked
slowdown cost of food and transport. On a monthly basis, consumer prices rose by 0.1
percent in January, after 0.4 percent fall in December 2018. It marked the first month
increase in three months. Inflation Rate in the country averaged 8.39 percent from 1958
until 2019, reaching an all-time high of 62.80 percent in September of 1984 and a record
Athens university of Economics & Business, different countries use different methods
for discounting. Discounting is a technique used to compare costs and benefits that
occur in different time periods. This is a separate thing from inflation rate, because it is
based on time preference: generally, people prefer to receive goods and services now
rather than never. This leads to different value of the discount rate or factor of every
nation. The Philippine Central Bank held the rate on its overnight reverse repurchase
expectations declined further while economic growth moderates. The Central Bank
paused its tightening cycle in December following five straight hikes in previous
meetings. Interest Rate in the Philippines averaged 7.88 percent from 1985 until 2019,
reaching an all-time high of 31 percent in January 1985 and a record low of 3 percent
in June 2016. Low discount rates favor investment in future generations. High discount
rates cause the present generation to invest in high yield projects which will best benefit
the future.
LCCA value is fixed. However, the factor value is dependent on the time span.
For 10 years’ time, LCCA is equal to 10.5137. For 20 years span, LCCA is equal to
22.0236. This data is from the Journal of Energy Technologies and Policy.
𝐶𝑜𝑠𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝐵𝑎𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑦+𝑖𝑛𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛
ARC = 𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑜𝑑 𝑜𝑓 𝑟𝑒𝑝𝑙𝑎𝑐𝑒𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡
SYTETEM 1 Calculation:
battery cost which is ₱ 6,970,803.84 during the installation. The installation cost for the
whole system is divided by 4 to get the part for the storage system establishment since
there are four major components. These are the PV modules, inverter/charger, battery
and the wiring. The four components enumerated need specific installation process. For
6,970,803.84+( )
ARC = = 826,973.1351
6,970,803.84+( )
ARC = = 413,486.5676
The present cost of the batteries is subtracted separately from the cost for
replacing the batteries in 10 years and 20 years. This value will be the added amount in
calculating the Life Cycle Cost. There’s no need to add up the whole amount of
replacement because the tabulated data includes the present worth. It means that only
the excess amount is needed in the tabulation to calculate the total life cycle cost.
SYSTEM 2 Calculation:
battery cost which is ₱ 3,078,017.28 during the installation. The installation cost equal
to ₱ 2,285,532.6087 for the whole system is divided by 4 to get the part for the storage
system establishment since there are four major components. These are the PV
modules, inverter/charger, battery and the wiring. The four components enumerated
3,078,017.28+( )
ARC = = 364,940.0432
3,078,017.28+( )
ARC = = 182,470.0216
The LRC values are the costs of replacing the batteries after a period of time
set. However, in tabulating the present worth of the whole system, the costs of first
AC. Given that this system works non-stop as long as the minimum voltage is reached,
993,859.2560+( )
ARCINV = = 229,278.6767
993,859.2560+( )
ARCINV = = 114,639.3383
496,929.6280+( )
ARCINV = = 106,831.278
496,929.6280+( )
ARCINV = = 53,415.63901
consumers of its power. It is important to know how much the energy costs as it
generates for consumption. This is dependent on the values of the output energy of the
Capital Cost is the systems Balance of System Cost, the raw total amount for
the system’s component costs, including the installation and maintenance cost. LFC is
the Life Fuel Cost, which obviously equates to zero since the Solar Power Plant doesn’t
need any fuel to enable the system. Life Replacement Cost (LRC) consists the overall
cost of batteries, inverters controller replacements. Solar is not included because the
life span is thirty years. N is the number of years considered in calculating the life cycle
CT = 𝑁 𝑥 365 𝑥 𝑘𝑊ℎ
System 1:
System 2:
The energy generated by the Solar PV System costs ₱ 0.06/kWh for System 1,
while on the other hand ₱ 0.07/kWh for System 2 which has lower load demand. On
the average of these two amounts, the cost of solar energy is ₱ 0.06/kWh. According to
the FIT-rate for renewable energy such as Solar Power, the cost of energy per kWh
Bukidnon. A request letter has been sent to ask for data from the cooperative regarding
the electrification process and the materials used for distribution line construction.
From BUSECO’s survey results, these are the required materials for the
calculated from the prices coming from the National Electrification Administration
(NEA) Price Index Standards. The materials and quantity for each item are the
estimation product of the surveying team. The Technical Services Department (TSD)
engineer surveyors were given ample time to survey the area and analyze the right
system to establish. Table 4.41 shows the tabulation of the materials with complete
details on the quantity and units for each material listed on it. The prices are inputs from
NEA Price Index, given by BUSECO to the researcher for accurate reference.
needed to manufacture a product. In a nutshell, the tables presented above are the
tabulation of the complete list of all the items that are required to construct the
distribution line from the last pole nearest to the selected location of this study. This
provides the basic data for product costing, material provision for production and plant
For this case, all the materials in BUSECO’s BOM are already subject for
procurement after finalization of plan, since availability of materials has been checked.
The probability of being able to get the right materials with the exact desired
The total cost of the line construction for Sitio Calaniogan’s energization,
reaches up to ₱ 2,100,701.62. This amount already includes cost tabulated in table 4.45
for the installation labor. Contingency is 5% of the total material cost (TMC). This item
refers to unforeseeable cost likely to be incurred during the operations of the system.
Freight and Handling is 10% of the TMC, which is the allocated cost for moving the
the data given by BUSECO’s survey, the most possible tapping point to energize Sitio
Calaniogan is in Sitio Awol which is 3.5 kilometers away from the specified site. There
another load. This is also used for the measuring of the distance from the tapping point
Since there are 40 households, there should have been 40 buses for the load side
There are different styles set for the system to be complete. Individual households are
on tapped individually via separate buses. The distances of each load are shown in table
4.47 below. A set of 10 households are connected two loads in a bus. The distance for
both loads is added up to somehow be accurate in the details with the line impedance.
Another 10 households are assumed to be connected five loads in a bus. The distances
The distances in miles are used to calculate per distance impedances for the
distribution line. The details of the generating substation that will be able to supply
Sitio Calaniogan for electrification is shown in table 4.48 from BUSECO’s data.
parameters for 25MWA. The substation in Lunocan caters other existing loads, but the
data allowed to be given to the researcher is only for the Sitio Calaniogan.
The tapping point is boxed in red with an arrow pointing it. The is 3.5 km away
from the Sitio. Four transformers are tapped to it. Electric Cooperative like BUSECO
put up transformers with several loads connected directly to it. But the simulation shows
different ways of tapping the loads such as; (1) load-to-load & (2) bulk loads.
It is evident that the simulation was successfully created through the run mode
wherein the load flow is visible through the running arrows. The ampacity limits are
monitored using the blue circles indicating ammeters on the transmission lines created.
Demand per load is in the Energy Demand Calculation table which is 0.0077065MV
per household.
There are 40 buses in total with 40 loads tapped. The load is a total of 0.3 MW
or 300-kW which is the demand calculated for the system in Sitio Calaniogan.
Figures 4.52 to 4.54 show the percentage from the ampacity limit of the wiring,
taken up by the current flowing to the loads through the lines. Ampacity is the current-
carrying capacity of the conductor. The power transfer capacity of a transmission line
damage to the conductor or its insulation. Typically, ampacity of long lines is set by the
stability or voltage limits, the ampacity of short lines is determined by thermal limits.
The highest percentage shown in the figures above is just 33% which is 102.3A of the
This is because returns from an investment can often be negative instead of positive.
To compute ROI with greater accuracy, total returns and total costs should be
The total investment cost of the system is the total cost of establishing the whole
Solar PV Power Plant. This should include the labor fees and even the maintenance cost
for its total life span. The average cost for the Solar Energy output is the average of
System 1 and System 2 calculated cost per kWh. Government revenues and Value Add
Tax are subtracted from the energy cost of the Solar PV Power Plant to get the net cost
of electricity.
𝑁𝑒𝑡 𝑃𝑟𝑜𝑓𝑖𝑡
Return on Investment = 𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝐼𝑛𝑣𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝐶𝑜𝑠𝑡 𝑥100
₱ 569,442.93
Return on Investment = ₱ 1,571,979.322 𝑥100 = 36.2246%
The total investment cost used for the calculation of the system’s Payback
Period is the sum of initial cost of the project and annual the maintenance cost.
₱ 21,321,399.96
= 37.44 years
₱ 569,442.93
extension line from the tapping point to the Sitio. This already includes other
installation fees. The maintenance cost is assumed to be 10% of its total system cost.
The cost per kWh of electricity for BUSECO is calculated below from an actual
Cost/kWh = = ₱ 11.196
𝟏𝟐𝟑 𝒌𝑾𝒉
𝑁𝑒𝑡 𝑃𝑟𝑜𝑓𝑖𝑡
Return on Investment = 𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝐼𝑛𝑣𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝐶𝑜𝑠𝑡 𝑥100
₱ 666,283.7858
Return on Investment = ₱ 2,310,771.782 𝑥100 = 28.83%
₱ 2,310,771.782
= 3.47 years
₱ 666,283.7858
adds to the value of the firm. The criterion of the NPV method is to consider a project
attractive if the NPV of its cash flow stream is positive for a given interest rate.
Mutually exclusive project is that when at most one project out of the group can be
value (NPV) of a project zero. In other words, it is the expected compound annual rate
When calculating the IRR, expected cash flows for a project or investment are
given and the NPV equals zero. Put another way, the initial cash investment for the
beginning period will be equal to the present value of the future cash flows of that
or cost of capital. If the IRR is greater than or equal to the cost of capital, the company
would accept the project as a good investment. If the IRR is lower than the hurdle rate,
The higher the IRR of a project, and the greater the amount by which it exceeds
the cost of capital, the higher the net cash flows to the investor. However, that may not
₱ 22,418,764.02
BCR = ₱20,907,504.4287 = 1.07228
Utility-Distributed Electricity:
₱ 3,781,803.18
BCR = ₱ 2,100,701.62 = 1.80025
BCR equal to one suggests a cost-neutral project. The business will neither
make nor lose money if it green-lights this scheme. A BCR greater than one is a positive
return. The business should consider moving forward with this project, especially if the
BCR is significantly greater than one. A BCR of less than one means the cost outweigh
benefit-cost ratio than that of the Solar PV Power Plant. This is due to the expensive
However, the Power Plant is still a good business, since it gains benefits more than its
Normally, when using a power flow solution tool, you only look at the voltages
at the terminal buses of transmission lines. However, for transmission line which have
a large shunt charging susceptance (B) terms, the voltage at intermediate points of the
transmission line can become much higher (or even lower) than the terminal bus values.
To see these voltages directly, PowerWorld Simulator provides a tool for showing the
The enumerations of the purposes of each column in the tables are as follows;
Volt (kV) is the bus’s actual voltage magnitude in kV. This is the per unit voltage
magnitude multiplied by the bus’s nominal voltage. Limit Low PU Volt is the bus’s
individual low voltage limit used when the bus is set to use specific voltage limits other
than the default voltage limit defined in the bus’s limit group. The value will then reflect
the low per unit voltage limit specified in one of the eight low voltage limit sets that
can be defined with the bus. Limit High PU Volt is the bus’s individual high voltage
limit used when the bus is set to use specific voltage limits other than the default voltage
limit defined in the bus’s limit group. The value will then reflect the high per unit
voltage limit specified in one of the eight high voltage limit sets that can be defined
Contingency Limit Low PU Volt is the bus’s individual low voltage limit used
during a contingency when the bus is set to use specific voltage limits other than the
default voltage limit defined in the bus’s limit group. The value will then reflect the
contingency low per unit voltage limit specified in one of the eight contingency low
voltage limit sets that can be defined with the bus. Contingency Limit High PU Volt is
the bus’s individual high voltage limit used during a contingency when the bus is set to
use specific voltage limits other than the default voltage limit defined in the bus’s limit
group. The value will then reflect the contingency high per unit voltage limit specified
in one of the eight contingency high voltage limit sets that can be defined with the bus.
The data shown in tables 4.54 & 4.55, with their graphs on figures 4.55 & 4.56
are in constant voltage graph. This only means that the voltage regulations from one
bus to another don’t have fluctuations. This is because the voltage changes can only be
visible if they’re studied with respect to a specific parameter. Parameters that affect
voltage regulations include time frequency, the generator input and the distance
dependent on the value of the ampacity limit set for each line. From the feeder to the
lateral point, ACSR 4/0 has an ampacity limit of 480A. Connecting the Lateral Point
and the Tapping Point is a 2/0 ACSR with 360A ampacity limit. From the Tapping
Point to the loads of the area, ACSR 1/0 conductors are used with lesser ampacity limit
of 310A.
Table 4.56 shows the tabulation of the buses showing the monitored values of
the line limits set for each. Amps or MVA shows the limits for transmission lines and
transformers are which always entered in MVA. However, when reporting limit
loading. The limits for transmission lines in table 4.56 are reported in either amps or
MVA. In table 4.57, limits for both transmission lines and transformers are expressed
in MVA. For reference, note that the amp rating of a line is derived from the MVA
Also note that the reported Amp% and MVA% will be different by a factor of
the per unit voltage at the bus terminal at which the limiting flow is determined. This
is often a point of confusion as the expectation might be that the percent loading would
4.16.4 Reliability
to facilitate risk assessment and limit revenue losses. It further enables predicting
system behavior over time and planning maintenance strategies accordingly. However,
it is commonly limited by lacking robust data. In this paper, the data needed for
determining reliability of systems are taken from studies conducted in the past.
failures is the most essential part. Before even starting to pinpoint failures, defining
what failure is, should be itemized. Here are the types of issues to be recorded:
1. Service ticket - A record of an issue affecting the PV system that may impact
the energy output depending on the severity. The failure area includes the
subsystem and components of the whole system. The root cause is the general
system issues.
production. With the materials and components used to establish such system, not every
A 2017 report from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at the
U.S. Department of Energy examined 54,500 PV systems installed between 2005 and
2015 to identify the number of “failed panels,” or panels that need to be replaced. NREL
found a median failure rate of just 5 out of 10,000 panels annually, which comes out to
Of note, the study also compared solar panel failure rates between 1980 and
2000 to the data above (2000-2015) and found that panels installed between 1980 and
2000 failed at twice the rate of more modern installations. This is further reason to be
optimistic about the reliability of your solar panels – not only are failure rates extremely
low at not more than 0.05%, but they are improving over time, as technology advances
This number is an average for all solar installations and does obscure some
important insights. Solar panels in harsher climates – hot and humid climates, for
example – exhibit higher failure rates, which are balanced out in the averaging equation
known to have produced defective batches of panels, and those panels are hidden in the
numbers by most high-quality, reliable solar panels. This is all to say that solar panels
are very reliable, but there can be oddball cases, as with any consumer product, where
Table 4.59 shows the Failure rate (A), Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF) in
years assuming 4015 hours of operation per year, reliability after 20 years. There are
extrapolated values determined from O&M reports (as taken from different power
plants). These figures are the selected values, which are used in this study. These were
taken from the journal of the study “Impact of Component Reliability on Large Scale
Figure 4.58 and 4.59 shows the tabulation of failure areas with percent for the
frequency of failures and its energy impact. This is a study conducted by Dr. Anastasios
Golnas and Steve Voss of SunEdison. This data is applicable to large-scale Solar PV
from 27 systems.
The most frequent failure area with in between 40-45% failure rate, that causes
ticket issue is in the inverter of the system. It affects 36% of the energy production. For
root cause of this failure, the highest contributor is the portion of the Parts/Materials of
the system. The reliability of the whole Solar PV Power Plant system given that there
are 27 failure areas calculated from table 4.59 is on the average of 69.7%
If this failure areas are well-maintained and given proper attention of the
system’s operator, the issues are likely to be prevented. However, if we look on the
system average availability and is typically more than 99 percent. Even if it were, the
number would be much less than the number of outage minutes attributable to
distribution reliability.
Transmission systems' design plays the biggest role in providing such high
availability levels. They are meshed networks (grids) that deliver large amounts of
electric power at high voltages. Because transmission systems are networks, the loss of
any one segment, such as a transmission line, transformer or generator, usually causes
only a minor disturbance to the system. The network allows the power to take different
paths from the generation source to the load, and it usually can take a second or even
outages include lightning strikes, transformer failures, line splice failures, switching
surges, wind toppled towers, lines in contact with trees or vegetation, and insulator
While distribution systems are quite reliable, they do not enjoy the high
availability rate that transmission systems do. Just like with transmission systems,
systems are usually, but not always, "radial" systems, which means power flows from
downstream to customers distributed along the line. Unlike the transmission system,
components, resembling a chain, and like a chain, it is only as strong as its weakest
The availability of a reliable power supply at a reasonable cost is crucial for the
University of Science & Technology. Electric power utilities throughout the world
reasonable service of reliability. To meet customer demands, the power utility must
evolve, and the distribution system have to be upgraded, operated and maintained
accordingly. An analysis throughout the world shows that around 90% of all customer
reliability problems are due to the problem in distribution system, hence, improving
two basic segments; measuring of the past performance and predicting the future
performance. Some of the basic indices that have been used to assess the past
performance are:
system. However, distribution planning involves the analysis of future systems and
evaluation of system reliability when there are changes in; configuration, operation
system based on system topology and failure data of the components. Due to stochastic
models. The basic indices associated with system load points are; failure rate, average
interruption over a predefine time interval where as SAIDI indicates the total duration
indicates the average time required to restore the service. ASAI specifies the fraction
of time that a customer has received the power during the predefine interval of time and
is vice versa for ASUI. ENS specifies the average energy the customer has not received
past performance data to forecast future failure probabilities, technical reports from the
improvement of the system loss on the national level from 12.21% for the second
The system loss level of eight (8) regions improved while the system loss of
eight (8) regions retrogressed. By and large, the system loss level of the ECs in Luzon,
There is a slight improvement in the compliances to SAIFI for the third quarter
compared to the second quarter. For the third quarter, thirty-eight (38) ECs or 31% are
within standard, sixty-five (65) ECs or 54% are below standard and eighteen (18) ECs
For the second quarter, thirty-four (34) ECs or 28% are within standard,
seventy-nine (79) ECs or 66% are below standard and seven (7) ECs or 6% have not
submitted any data. For the first quarter, eighty-six (86) ECs or 72% are within
standard, six (6) ECs or 5% are below standard and twenty-eight (28) ECs or 23% have
quarter compared to the second quarter. For the third quarter, fifty-five (55) ECs or 45%
are within standard, forty-eight (48) ECs or 40% are below standard while eighteen (18)
For the second quarter, only thirty-nine (39) ECs or 32% are within standard,
seventy-four (74) ECs or 62% are below standard and seven (7) ECs or 6% have not
submitted any data. For the first quarter, eighty-three (83) ECs or 69% are within
standard, nine (9) ECs or 8% are below standard and 28 ECs or 23% have not submitted
any data.
Power Reliability
Power Reliability Reports are used to measure service reliability of ECs. The
The average Power Reliability for the systems under Green ECs is equivalent
to 53.925% which is the average of the percentage for the SAIFI and SAIDI recorded.
4. NEECO II - Area 2 10. SOCOTECO II
Classified Green ECs are those complaint with the standards set by NEA for
reliable and sustainable distribution. BUSECO is included in the Green ECs which
5.1 Introduction
This chapter presents the conclusion of results shown in the previous chapter
for this study. The summary and checking of the objectives set at the beginning of the
Recommendations from experts, the adviser and the members of the panel cross-
examined the details of the study are all part of this chapter. This will be essential for
Essentially, net present value measures the total amount of gain or loss a project will
produce compared to the amount that could be earned simply by saving the money in a
bank or investing it in some other opportunity that generates a return equal to the
discount rate. Since both projects has a positive net present value, then it is expected to
produce more income than what could be gained by earning the discount rate, which
A good value for the return of investment is just around +15% a year. For this case, the
Solar PV Power Plant has an ROI of 32.22% from its total investment cost and an IRR
of 4%. While the distribution line from BUSECO has a negative ROI of 28.83% a year
with 32% IRR. The higher the IRR of a project, and the greater the amount by which it
exceeds the cost of capital, the higher the net cash flows to the investor. However, that
may not always be rigidly enforced. A lower IRR is preferred if a project provides
The payback period for the distribution line from BUSECO’s tapping point is
about 3.47 years having a BCR of 1.8. Given that the income for BUSECO is per year
is much smaller than that of the Solar PV Power Plant, the payback period is way
shorter. The Solar PV Power Plant will have to generate income for 37.44 years in order
to earn back the cost of investment in the establishment of the whole system. It takes
longer than the distribution line’s payback period with 1.07 BCR. Projects with BCR
reliability of the system. Wherein it shows that the Solar PV Power Plant has 69.7%.
This is the average reliability for all the components prone to failures. Utility-
Distribution System of BUSECO II has an average reliability equal to the Green ECs
The system specifications show that the system have different material and
equipment requirement. This makes the comparison of the technical part for each, a
little harder. The difference will be tough to pinpoint. But the basis for viability is the
Maintenance is a must for the two, at constant periods. However, the quality of
5.2 Conclusion
The output for this study is a catalyst for decision-making in choosing the
the main part of the conclusion. This is basically, the most important output desired for
Solar Energy is renewable and free, but to utilize it is costly. Building Solar PV
Power Plants is very expensive, while its maintenance is also crucial to prevent power
losses. Power from the Grid is cheaper to construct and install, but payment for the
generation and transmission is a constant. The production of energy is paid per kWh
while Solar Energy only demands for the investment to be returned. What we pay for
in Solar PV Power Plants is for the components and materials, including the
maintenance fees.
In the long run, Solar Energy is beneficial. After its payback period, the energy
maintenance fees. In the status quo, individuals and businesses have been attracted not
just to the environmental benefits of solar power, but also to the ability to generate their
own power and to the fixed and competitive price of electricity that this system
provides. In the technical side of the comparison, the Solar PV System as an off-grid
source of energy is more reliable than the distribution line from the distribution
company. It is very dependent on the grid on long-transmission line. There are too many
factors in the reliability of the distribution system. For Solar Energy, so long as the sun
gives off light, and the storage system is larger than the load capacity, it will suffice the
demands. With proper maintenance of the components specially the failure areas,