(For Classes I To V) Primary Staqe: Structure and Content of Syllabus (Teacher Eligibility Test) Paper-I
(For Classes I To V) Primary Staqe: Structure and Content of Syllabus (Teacher Eligibility Test) Paper-I
(For Classes I To V) Primary Staqe: Structure and Content of Syllabus (Teacher Eligibility Test) Paper-I
(The test items on Child Development and Pedagogy will focus on educational psychology of teaching and learning relevant
to the age group of 6-11 years. They will focus on understanding the characteristics and needs of diverse learners,
interaction with learners and the attributes and qualities of a good facilitator of learning.)
Child Development (Primary School Child) (15 questions)
b) Concept of Inclusive Education and Understanding children with special Needs. (5 questions)
Learners from diverse backgrounds including disadvantaged and deprived. Children with learning difficulties,
impairment etc. Gifted, Creative, specially abled Learners.
Language Learning and acquisition. Principles of language teaching. Language skills. Role of speaking and
listening in the function of language with special reference to the Use of language by children. Role of grammar
in learning a language and communicating ideas verbally and in written form. Challenges of teaching in a diverse
classroom; language difficulties, errors and disorders. Evaluating language comprehension and proficiency with
reference to the four skills. Multi language resource of the classroom. Remedial teaching. Basic element of
classroom management.
(* Modern Indian languages recognized by the Board of Secondary Education, Manipur are listed in the
Application Form)
(The questions in the test will be based on the topics of the prescribed syllabus of the Board of Secondary
Education, Manipur for classes I- V but their difficulty standard, as well as linkages, could be upto the secondary
Language Comprehension- Two unseen prose passages (discursive or literary or narrative or scientific) With
questions on comprehension, grammar and verbal ability.
The following items should be reflected in the questions.
* Punctuation marks * Vocabulary test (including antonyms and synonyms) * Sentence transformation
Language and its use. Acquisition of first language. Principles of language teaching. Role of grammar in language
teaching. Language skills and their assessment. Teaching of literature and functional grammar. Teaching-learning
One-word substitution
Language Learning and acquisition. Principles of language teaching. Language skills. Role of speaking and listening in
the function of language with special reference to the Use of language by children. Role of grammar in learning a language and
communicating ideas verbally and in written form. Challenges of teaching in a diverse classroom; language difficulties, errors and
disorders. Evaluating language comprehension and proficiency with reference to the four skills. Multi language resource of the classroom.
Remedial teaching. Basic element of classroom management.
(The questions in the test will be based on the topics of the prescribed syllabus of the Board of Secondary
Education, Manipur for classes I- V but their difficulty standard, as well as linkages, could be upto the secondary
Living and Non-living Organisms: Living organism - Characteristics; differences from non-living.
Plants: Characteristics & uses. Animals: Different external and internal organs of human being; their important functions. Natural
Resources. Healthy Habits: Good Habits, Diseases, Pollution and its preventions. The sun, the earth, stars and sky. Means of transport and
communication. Story of wheel: Beginning of exploration of scientific means of transportation. Concept of distance, time and mass. Basic
ideas of electricity and light and the related phenomenon around us. Weather and climate. Physical feature of India with special
reference to Manipur. Disaster Management. National and state symbol. Stories of our Freedom Fighters. Some great personalities
5. MATHEMATICS (30 Questions)
(The questions in the test will be based on the topics of the prescribed syllabus of the Board of Secondary Education,
Manipur for classes I- V but their difficulty standard, as well as linkages, could be upto the secondary stage)
Numbers: Natural numbers, Integers, Operations on Integers: Addition, Subtraction, Relation between the
operation of addition and subtraction as the reverse process of each other; Testing the right choice of the
operation in specific problems; The operations of multiplication and division among natural numbers, their
relation as the reverse process of each other. Testing the right choice of operations of addition, subtraction,
multiplication and division in the right order in specific word problems. Distinguishing characters of plane figures
with special reference to triangle, square and circle. Identification of solids around us; special shapes of solid
bodies: sphere, cube, cuboid, cone, cylinder. Different Units of measure: Length, Weight, Volume and time with
subunits. Money: Indian money and its denominations. Patterns: Patterns in numbers/finding a missing number
in a pattern or finding the next number or term in a pattern. Mathematical Symbols: Interpretation or simply
reading a symbolic statement; Conversion of symbolic statement to common language and vice-versa.
Data handling by using pictographs and pie charts. Reading of calendar, determination of the day of the week
given the day of a particular date. Reading the dial of the clock.