Questionnaire Sports: Education Vacation
Questionnaire Sports: Education Vacation
Questionnaire Sports: Education Vacation
Where do people
What are the most form this city like
important to goof
means ontransportation
vacation? in our city? Entertainm
Do you tell
like to how
out get to city
of the school very
on your day? Where? Why?
vacation? What kind
Where doyou yougo use it? last vacation? How was it?
in your Can you te
What are the most popular means of transportation in the US?? How do yo
Do you know where people form the US use to go on vacation?
Have you ever taken a plane to travel to another city or country? What kind
Where would
Have you you the
taken like train
to go to
if you
anyhad a lot ofplace
touristic money? Why?
here in Ecuador? What kind
Do you know about any alternative energy to avoid pollution? What do yo
Food and drinks
What kind of food you can find in your neiborghood?
Environmental concerns Technolog
What's your favorite food?
What does "Global Warming" mean? Which are
What about drinks?
What are the causes for increasing temperature? Do you kno
Do you prefer
Is there water
a lot of or soda?in theWhy?
pollution US? Do people
What canthepeople do to prevent
main nutrients you findcontamination?
in our food? It is allowed
Can can
you tellnations
me whichdoproducts
to avoidcontain
? fats, proteins, minerals, vitamins, carbohydrates?
When poss
At home, What can you do to avoid contamination? At school? Can you na
What kind of food do you think teens form the US usually have?