Selectivity Index of Alpinia Galanga Extract and 1'-Acetoxychavicol Acetate On Cancer Cell Lines
Selectivity Index of Alpinia Galanga Extract and 1'-Acetoxychavicol Acetate On Cancer Cell Lines
Selectivity Index of Alpinia Galanga Extract and 1'-Acetoxychavicol Acetate On Cancer Cell Lines
ISSN: 2088–0197
e-ISSN: 2355-8989
Pharmaceutical Chemistry Department, Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, Surakarta, Indonesia
The Center for Research and Development of Traditional Medicinal Plants and Medicines (B2P2TOOT), Karanganyar,
Previous research stated that galangal (Alpinia galanga) extract has a potential as
cytotoxic agent with active compound of 1’-Acetoxychavicol Acetate (ACA). The objective
of this study was to determine the selectivity of ethanol extract, ethyl acetate fraction,
and methanol fraction of of galangal, and ACA on cancer cell lines. Cytotoxic activity was
carried out using the MTT method on T47D breast cancer, WiDr colon cancer, HeLa cervical
cancer, and Vero normal cell lines. The results showed that galangal ethanol extract and its
fractions had selectivity index equal to or less than 2 on cancer cells. Meanwhile, ACA had
selectivity index more than 3 on T47D cell and HeLa cell. ACA showed a strong cytotoxic
activity against cancer cells T47D, HeLa, and WiDr with IC50 values of 3.14, 7.26, and 12.49
μg/ml, respectively. Based on data, it could be concluded that ACA was the most selective
to inhibit T47D cell with a selectivity index of 6.6.
Da’i, et al., 2019
Indones. J. Cancer Chemoprevent., 10(2), 95-100
activity, described as IC50 value, on HeLa cervical toxychavicol acetate (LKT Laboratories Inc.), Ros-
cancer cell line of galangal extract from three lo- well Park Memorial Institute (RPMI 1640, Gibco),
cal markets were 13.26, 36.32, and >100 µg/mL in dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) (Merck), Fetal Bovine
order. Meanwhile, Alpinia galangal extract (AGE) Serum 10% (FBS, Gibco), penicillin-streptomy-
from Pasar Legi (Surakarta, Indonesia) on MCF7 cin 1% (Gibco), tripsin (Gibco), sodium dodecyl
and T47D breast cancer cell lines have IC50 value sulfate (SDS, Gibco), MTT (Sigma), fungizone
of 15.80 and 12.50 µg/mL, respectively (Suhendi (Gibco). Cell lines (T47D, HeLa, and WiDr) were
et al., 2017). Galangal contains several phenylpro- obtained from Laboratorium Balai Besar Penelitian
panoid compounds, including 1'-acetoxychavicol dan Pengembangan Tanaman Obat dan Obat Tra-
acetate (ACA), 1'-acetoxyeugenol acetate, trans-p- disional Tawangmangu, Karanganyar, Indonesia
coumaril diacetate, 1'hydroxyccapsol acetate, and (B2P2TOOT).
trans-coumaryl alcohol (Matsuda, et al., 2005).
ACA is the main composition of Alpinia galanga Extraction and fractionation
(Baradwaj, et al., 2017; Hasima, et al., 2010). Extraction was conducted by maceration
ACA has cytotoxic against various cancer process with ethanol 95% as solvent within 3 days.
cell lines such as A549 cancer cells (lung cancer), Liquid extract was then evaporated to obtain the
SNU638 (stomach cancer), HCT116 (colon can- thick extract. Ten milligrams of thick extract were
cer), HT1080 (fibrosarcoma), and HL60 (leuke- dissolved in 10 mL of distilled water and 10 mL of
mia) with IC50 values of 8.14, 1.27, 1.77, 1.20, and ethyl acetate in a separating funnel. The top layer
2.39μg/mL, respectively (Nam, et al., 2005). An- (ethyl acetate partition) was taken and evaporated
other research by Zeng, et al., (2015) revealed that in a water bath covered in aluminum foil to form the
ACA showed cytotoxic activity on HeLa (cervical ethyl acetate fraction. Subsequently, the ethyl ace-
cancer), A549 (lung cancer), HepG-2 (liver cancer) tate fraction was dissolved using methanol (metha-
and SMMC-7721 (liver cancer) with IC50 values of nol fraction). The fractionation was done in tripli-
85.1, 64.44, 74.51, and 61.27μg/mL, respectively. cates.
This study was conducted to determine the selec-
tivity of galangal extract and ACA in breast cancer MTT Assay
cells (T47D), cervical cancer cells (HeLa) and co- The MTT reagent (0.5 mg/mL) was pre-
lon cancer cells (WiDr) compared to normal cells pared by taking 1 mL of stock solution of MTT in
(Vero). The finding would serve as a basic for the PBS (50 mg/10 mL) and diluted it by media up to
further development targeted on cytotoxic research. 10 mL (for 1 well plate). Once disposed, the cell
was washed with PBS and 100 µL MTT reagent
Method was added to each well, including media control
(without cells). The cell, following this, was incu-
Materials that were used in this study in- bated for 2-4 hours in a CO2 incubator. The cell was
clude evaporator (Heidolph), waterbath (Chang- then examined with an inverted microscope. After
zhou Nuohai XMTD-204), analytical balance formazan was clearly formed, a stopper reagent
(Sartorius), micro pipette (Soccorex), LAF (Nu- (SDS 10%) was added in 0.1 N HCl. The plate was
aire), hemocytometer (Marienfield Germany), wrapped with paper or aluminum foil and incubated
96-well-plate (Iwaki), conical tube, ELISA reader in a dark place at room temperature for one night.
(BioTek), incubator (Binder), microscope (Olym- Absorbance of each well was then read by an ELISA
pus), galangal rhizome (Laboratorium Balai Besar reader at λ = 595 nm. IC50 was calculated based on
Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanaman Obat dan linier regression equation between viability cells
Obat Tradisional, Tawangmangu, Indonesia ), Ace- and concentration of samples (Mosmann,1983).
Indonesian Journal of Cancer Chemoprevention, June 2019
ISSN: 2088–0197
e-ISSN: 2355-8989
Da’i, et al., 2019
Indones. J. Cancer Chemoprevent., 10(2), 95-100
Table 1. Selectivity index of extract, ethyl acetate, methanol fractions and ACA on T47D, HeLa, WiDr, and Vero
cell lines.
T47D HeLa WiDr Vero
IC50 (μg/mL) SI IC50 (μg/mL) SI IC50 (μg/mL) SI IC50 (μg/mL) SI
Ethanol extract 44.93 ± 1.08 1.6 40.00 ± 0.55 1.9 66.11 ± 3.15 1.1 74.06 ± 7.13 1
Ethyl acetate fraction 42.29 ± 3.28 1.3 35.54 ± 0.44 1.5 48.81 ± 1.68 1.1 53.66 ± 2.57 1
Methanol fraction 40.49 ± 2.13 1.8 35.76 ± 1.53 2 55.24 ± 1.62 1.3 72.77 ± 0.35 1
ACA 3.14 ± 0.14 6.6 7.26 ± 0.12 3.5 12.49 ± 1.09 2 25.25 ± 0.92 1
ACA in T47D, HeLa, and WiDr were found in 3.14; IC50 value <50 μg/mL, and iweak if the IC50 value >
7.26, and 12.49μg/mL, respectively. The potential 50μg/mL (Ellithey, et al., 2014) (Table 1). From the
of a compound is classified as strong cytotoxic results obtained, it can be concluded that ACA has
agent if the IC50 value <20µg/mL, moderate if the strong cytotoxic properties.
Figure 2. Graphics of correlation of viability cell percentage vs concentration of ACA, ethanol extract of Alpinia
galangal, and its fractions. Percentages of viable cells were obtained based on colorimetric reaction of MTT
that reduced by reductase enzyme resulting formazan and the absorbance was measured on wavelength 550
nm. Ethanolic extract showed negative slope that indicated the cytitoxic effect and ACA most potent to inhibit
the cell growth on Vero, T47D, HeLa, and WiDr cell lines. A: ethanol extract of Alpinia galangal; B: methanol
fraction Alpinia galangal; C: ethyl acetate fraction Alpinia galangal; D: 1’-acetoxychavicol acetate (ACA).
Indonesian Journal of Cancer Chemoprevention, June 2019
ISSN: 2088–0197
e-ISSN: 2355-8989
Da’i, et al., 2019
Indones. J. Cancer Chemoprevent., 10(2), 95-100
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