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Erica Test

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Erica S. Rayos Mr.

Elezarde Madrigal

GAS-12, Argon October 14, 2019



English for Academic and Professional Purposes

I. Matching Type

Direction: Choose letter of the correct answer.

1. It is an offering of the report to an

individual or a group of individuals. A. Preface
2. It contains words of thanks to those B. Dedication page
who have helped in the competition C. Acknowledge page
of the report. D. List of figures
3. It states the purpose and the scope E. Abstract
of the report. F. Foreword
4. It contains words of a person other G. Bibliography
than the writer about the report. H. Glossary
5. It is a condensed version of the report; I. Index
it is either descriptive or informational. J. Body/report
6. It is a chronological list of tables, charts, K. Experimentation
maps, and other graphic aids, with L. Observation
corresponding pages. M. Reading
7. It contains the introduction, discussion N. Conversation/chat
proper and conclusion and recommendation O. Interviewing
of the report. P. Reports
8. It is an alphabetical list of topics discussed Q. Writer/reporter
in the report with corresponding pages. R. Table of
9. It is an alphabetical list of reference S. Formal report
materials used in the report. T. appendix
10. It is an alphabetical list of technical terms
and their corresponding meanings.
11. Always valuable sources of information
especially for someone doing a survey of
related literature and studies for his thesis.
12. Most likely approach to use this method
when independent and dependent variables
are involve in the study.
13. Merely looking closely at surrounding things
is a means to gather data.
14. The interviewer personally and directly ask
questions of the interviewee.
15. It is an unstructured way of gathering data.
16. Written daily by technocrats, businessman,
and other professionals.
17. Its name suggest, complies with the form
of a conventional full- dress report.
18. It is supplementary material added at the
end of the report.
19. It is chronological list of the items contained
in the report with contents corresponding
20. He still needs to read books, interview people,
conduct information, and resort to other
means of collecting information.

II. Identification

Direction: Write the correct answer in the blank. WORD POOL.

Likert scale Progress report Multiple Choice References

Ordinal- scale question Methodology Filter/ Contingency question

Introduction Interview Abstract Questionnaire Valid and Verifiable
Dichotomous Controlled Conduct the survey Analytical Open- ended
question Systematic Research Empirical

_______________21. This type of questionnaire deals with scaling responses in survey research.

_______________22. This question allows easy analysis of results. It’s composed of three or more
mutually- exclusive categories.

_______________23. This type of question compels respondents to rank items or choose items in a
particular order from set.

_______________24. This type of questionnaire determines the qualification or experience of the

respondents to answer the subsequent questions.

_______________25. This type of survey is more personal form of research compared to giving out

_______________26. This is a survey instrument used to collect data solicited from set of oral or written
questions given to respondents.

_______________27. This question is answerable by yes or no, agree or disagree, or true or false.

_______________28. When the questionnaire is hundred percent ready.

_______________29. This gives the respondent a chance to answer freely.

_______________30. It facilitates academic and systematic inquiry on a particular topic, suggests new
approach or interpretation of information and recommends questions to be dealt with and explored by
future researcher.

_______________31. Enables the researcher to gain knowledge by means of direct and indirect
observation or experience.

_______________32. This attributes prompts the researcher to strictly follow the correct steps or
procedures in undergoing research or study.

_______________33. This attribute paves way for the current research to become a springboard for a
wider and deeper study of the similar topic.

_______________34. Characteristics that show the researcher is able to identify and deal with the
research’s variables.

_______________35. This characteristic assures that the source or sources of the information are credible
and reliable sources.

_______________36. It provides a concise description or a short summary about a research done.

_______________37. Leads the reader to figure out what is the study all about.

_______________38. This section presents the methods and procedures that the researcher used during
the study.

_______________39. This section provides the list of references used by the researcher in formulating the
whole research.

_______________40. A report featuring an assessment of a project’s progress that conveys details about
what has been accomplished.

III. Multiple Choice

Direction: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. After gathering all the positions and evidences you need, what will you do to have other ideas of a
A. explore B. brainstorm C. create assertions D. gather the evidences
2. It is an opinion that people may or may not agree with.
A. create assertions B. explore C. gather the evidences D. opinions
3. What are the best sources that one’s sources are credible?
A. Twitter B. Fb Statuses C. wiki.com D. bills, law, and declaration from government
4. After writing one’s assertion, what must do to prove each point?
A. prepare for the opposition B. gather the evidence C. explore D. assertion
5. Usually called for always negation of that same position/stand.
A. same B. look a like C. argument D. opposition
6. It is the thing that you must read widely about the topic.
A. explore B. create assertions C. refine the arguments D. evidences
7. It is made of three elements: assertion, evidences and explanation.
A. argument B. opposition C. evidences D. assertion
8. Objectives of reports that must be attained within the prescribed time limit.
A. measurable B. specific C. attainable D. time- bound
9. It serves to inform, e.g., information report and laboratory report.
A. public B. informative C. special D. persuasive
10. It serves to persuade or to let the reader take an action.
A. narrative B. persuasive C. informative D. special
11. Format of a report that is written on ready- made printed form.
A. book – form B. letter – from C. printed – form D. long – form
12. Format of a report that is written in the form of letter.
A. message B. chats C. printed – form D. letter – form
13. Report that does not contain all the parts of a conventional full- dress report.
A. research B. recommendation C. informal D. formal
14. It contains the parts of a conventional full- dress report.
A. formal B. research C. informal D. pages
15. It bears the title of the report, the writer’s name, and the date of the report transmission.
A. acknowledgement page B. title page C. foreword D. dedication page
16. Reports objective that must be capable of accomplishment so that the report can serve its purpose.
A. specific B. attainable C. time – bound D. measurable
17. Constructing questions, the researcher should ask questions which are clear, objective, concise,
relevant, ethical, and simply worded.
A. quest B. private C. quality D. survey questions
18. A researcher should be concerned not only about the kinds of questions, but also about the number of
questions to be asked.
A. quest B. private C. quality D. quantity
19. A researcher is in search of answers to solve the problem he has in mind.
A. quest B. private C. quantity D. quality
20. Surfing the net in as much as online sources are aplenty, students of today’s generation.
A. chat B. conducting a survey C. internet surfing D. observation
Answer Key

Test I.
1. B. dedication page
2. C. acknowledgement page
3. A. preface

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