Unit Rotational Spectra: Structure
Unit Rotational Spectra: Structure
Unit Rotational Spectra: Structure
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Molecular Motion and Energy
33 Rotational Spectrum of a Rigid Diatomic Molecule
3.4 Applications of Study of Rotational Spectra
3.5 Non-Rigid Rotors
3.6 Rotational Spectra of Polyatomic Molecules
3.7 Population of Rotational Energy Levels and the Intensities of Spectral Lines
3.8 Summary
3.9 Terminal Questions
3.10 Answers
From this unit onwards we shall study the interaction of electromagnetic radiation with
an assembly of molecules rather than atoms, as has been done in the first unit of this
Block. This interaction will result in the so called molecular spectra of compounds.
Just like we extracted information about the structure of atoms from the atomic
spectra, we shall try to find out what information can be obtained from the molecular
spectrum regarding the structure and the behaviour of a molecule.
On the other hand, molecular spectrum in the infrared region is related to the
vibrational properties of the molecule. About vibrational spectra, you will study in
Units 4 and 5 of Block 2. Since each region of spectrum requires a separate source of
characteristic radiation, sample preparation and recording technique, you will study
about them separately in Unit 9 of Block 3.
In this unit, we will start our discussion with the concept of motion leading to the idea
of moment of inertia associated with a rotating body. On the basis of the moment of
r n ~ r t ~~iiolccule\
~i, a\ Irii~ar.\?rnriictrlc top, asymmetric top and
~ v r l lhe clnss~fic~i
spherical top molecules. We will then explain the rotational spectra of rigid linear
molecules in detail. We will also see what happens when a molecule is not rigid? We
will explain briefly the rotational spectra of simple polyatomic molecules and intensity
of spectral lines.
After studying this unit, you should be able to:
For a single particle, only one type of motion is possible which is called translational
motion. Hence, we can say that a single particle possesses three degrees of
translational freedom.
But what about translational motion of molecules? A molecule contains two or more
than two atoms. Since the atoms in a molecule are joined together, the molecule as a
whole will show translatory motion and the atoms will not move independently. The
translational motion of a molecule can be described in terms of the centre of mass.
The centre of mass is the point where the whole mass can be considered to be
concentrated. Thus, we can specify three coordinates for the centre of mass and say
that it has three degrees of freedom, similar to a single particle. The translational
motion of centre of mass of a molecule (non-linear) is shown in Fig. 3.1.
A molecule can store energy by Flg. 3.1: Translational motion of centre of mass of a nonlinear molecule.
way of molecular motions.
For a polyatomic molecule having N atoms, ( 3 N - 3 ) degrees of freedom still remain.
These can be attributed to internal motions such as rotation and vibrations.
Let us now know more about rotational motion. The simplest case of rotation is that of
a particle about a fmed point, as shown in Fig. 3.2.
Fig. 3.2: Rot:~llonot a parllclc about a tbred polat.
The rotational kinetic energy of this particle having mass m and velocity v can be
expressed as
1 P2
Ek = - mv2 =
- wherep = rnv is the momentum of the particle
...(3.1) 'C
0 A0 P
The velocity of this particle could be expressed as the distance travelled by it divided r(t)
by the time taken. For one revolution, we can say that 9 &'
=- L' - - --h r
time t
... (3.2)
where t is the time taken for one revolution and is also known asperiod. For circular motion if a paiticle P
traverces an angle A 8 in time At, _
1 the arc PQ represented as A s it8
Also t=
frequency (j) ...(3.3) given by the following relation:
Substituting the value oft from E.q. 3.3 into Eq.3.2, we get r . A 8 = AS
Replacing v in Eq. 3.1 by its value from Eq.3.4, we can write
When At 0 . we can write
On comparing Eqs.3.1 and 3.7, wc can say that in the equation for rotational motion
(i.e., Eq. 3.7), moment of inertia is the equivalent of mass as used in Eq.3.1. Also in
Eq.3.7, angular velocity ( w ) is used in place of linear velocity (v) used in Eq.3.1.
I I symmetry
((11 (b)
Flg. 3.3:(a) A rlgld dlatomlc molecule.
(b) RohUoo of a rigld diatomic molecule.
When such a molecule rotates, it rotates about an axis passing through its centre of
mass(('hl! The centre of mass is shown by the point 0.For such a system,the centre of
mass is such a point for which the following condition is satisfied:
ml r1 = m2r2
We can rearrange Eq. 3.8 as follows
We also know that the bond length or the distance between twoatoms. r-,isequal to the
sum of rl and r2.Thus, we can write
of the Ekvalues of both the particles. So, we can write I = m# and for a diatomic molecule
!.", :',,;l,<t.',\\i,',,I I' \L\;,!L' ..:
as 1 = ml 4 + 4.
mz We can qxtend
,.. this argument and generalise it for
~ o l.v a t o m i cmolecules as follows.
For a polyatomic m o ~ e c u kthe ,
The angular velocities of the two masses m, and m2 will be equal because of the moment of inertia about a particula
- . of the molecule. Hence,
rigidity axk is given by the sum of moments
due t o various nuclei about that cuh
w1= 0 2 ...(3.17) 4
i r . , I = L mi where ri is the
perpendicular distance of the
Let this angular velocity be w . So, we can rewrite Eq.3.16 as nucleus of mass mi from the air
The terms rl and r2 can be eliminated,from Eq. 3.18 by using the values of rl and r2
from Eqs. 3.13 and 3.14, respectively, as given below:
=A [m1mV + m2mY
2 (m, + ,n2)2 (ml + m d 2
ml m2
Thus, I= r:i
("fl+ "2)
Here, m1 m2 can be denoted byp wbich is known as the reduced mass.
(ml + m2)
1=p2 ...(3.22)
B*Canc*rdmd'oolrl Thus, the idea of using reduced mass is to mathematically simplify the rotation of a twoparticle
Spntra system into that of a oneparticle problem. In other words, we have replaced the two
niasses ml and m2 by a single massp. You must have also realised that similarlywe
have also replaced the two distances rl and r2 by r.
At this stage, we have come to a point where we can deal with the rotation of a
diatomic molecule having masses ml and m2 in terms of the rotation of a single
particle of massp having a distance r from the origin.
This equation isalright as per &e classical mechanics approach. But when we apply
quantum mechanical approach to the molecule, certain restrictions appear on the
rotational energy.
D o not confuse the L used in Eq. Eq. 3.18 can be expressed in terms of angular momentum L which can be defined as
3.24 witb that used in unit 1. Herr,
L F p m e n t a the angular L =Iw ...(3.23)
momentum of the molecule
undergoing end to end rotation
about the centre of m a s wherpas SubstitutingL for I w in Eq.3.18, we get
in unit 1,it was used to denote the
angular momentum of the L~
ekctmn inan atom. E , = 51 7
Since the angular momentum is quantised, it can be expressed in terms of the
rotational quantum number, J, as given below:
The above equation gives the rotational energy of a molecule. The energy can also be
expressed in terms of wave number, The energies as expressed in terms of i; are
referred to as krm values and are denoted by F (J ). The SI unit of a term value is m-I
, but they are usually expressed in cm'l.
We li,~\cL I F C ~tl = - 111 Eq 3 27
v = B J ( J + 1)
J = 3, 5 = 1 2 cm-'
and so on.
The corresponding energy levels are depicted in Fig.3.4
But we are more interested in knowing the difference between these energy levels so
that we can know the radiation of what frequency or wavenumber is absorbed or
emitted'when a molecule changes from one rotational level to the other. Thus, we can
write the difference between two rotational levels-as follows.
AE= E -E where J' is the final rotational level and./
h TI k~~ is the initial rotational level.
Flg. 3.5: The transitions between the varlolur rolatlonal levels and spectre1 Ihm mbhg
rrom these trunsitlons.
B;lsic Cwcepts and Rotational If you carefully see Fig. 3.5, we will notice that these spectral lines are equally spaced
and there is a constant difference of 2B between the successive lines.
For a molecule to show rotational spectrum, the following requirements should be met.
i) The first condition which a molecule should satisfy for showing rotational
spectra is that it should possess a permanent dipole moment. This is because a
rotating dipole produces an oscillating electric field which interacts with the
oscillating field of the radiation.
ii) There is a further restriction on rotational transitions for molecules having
permanent dipole moment. The selection rule for linear molecule is A J = 2 1.
So transitions could be from rotational levels having J = 0 -,J = 1;
J =l-,J=2;J=2-,J=3;J=3-J=4 andsoon and in the reverse order
Another factor which governs the intensity of rotational lines is the population of the
initial or ground state. You will study about this in Sec. 3.7.
P ~ = $ v ~ ~ ~ ~ ...~(A.1)~ ~
py = $ u ~ ~ ~ ~ u ~ ~ ~ ,..~ (A.2)
pZ= $VJbMzva ...(A.3)
Note that p (bold type) stands
for transition dipole moment
whereasp (Roman type) refers
Also M, My and M, are related to the permanent dipole moment , p , of a rotor and
to the permanent dipole the polar coordinates, 8 and @ ,as per Eqs. A.4 to A.6. For understanding the
moment.Alsot(,~(yandp~are resolution of the dipole moment operator M in terms of M,, MYand M, as per
the componentsof transition
dipole moment inx,y and z Eqs. A.4 to A.6 and Fig. A.l, you are advised to go through Eq. 2.54 of Unit 2 of
directions. CHE-01 ('Atoms and Molecules' Course) where the relationship between the
spherical polar coordinates and the cartesian coordinates is given.
Mx = p sinOcos@ ...(A.4)
My =psinOsin@ ...(AS)
M, = p cos8 ...(A.6)
If a molecule lacks permanent dipole moment (i.e., p = 0), then M, My and M, and
hence,p,, pyandp, are zero as per Eqs. A.l to A.6. For a molecule having zero dipole
@ moment, all the three components of transition dipole moment are thus equal to zero. .
1 ,,*,
As> result of t h ~ s amolecule
, with zero dipole moment cannot give rise to pure
*. rotation spectra. In other words, for a molecule to absorb in the microwave region,
it must have permanent dipole moment. Insub-Sec. 2.10, of the last unit, we have
mentioned that only molecules belonging to the groups C,' (Cl and CJ and
Fig. A.1: 'I'ransformaUon of C,,, (C2,,C,,. .. ..Cr,) and Cs may have permanent dipole moment. Now you can
earteshn lo spherical
pohr coordlm(Cs
understand as to why HBr, CO and OCS (all of C,, point group) can exhibit pure
rotation spectra but H2 and C02 of Dmhpoint group) cannot.
SAQ 1 --Spacbr
What is the effect of decrease in the moment of inertia on the energy of the rotational
The transition from J = 0 to J ' = 1for HC1 takes place at V = 21.18 cm-l. What is the co 1.93128
bond length of 1H35 C1 ? HP 20.90
HBr 8.4648
HCI 1059
Let us follow the steps we have listed above. HI 6.426
KC1 0.1286
-v = 2 B cm-' (from Eq. 3.29)
Also, I= - h
an2 BC
Now I=p#
To know r, from the above equation, we have to first calculate p as shown below:
= 1.275 x lr1°m
r = 127.5 pm
Another application of the study of rotational spectra is in the determination of the
mass of a particular isotope or isotopic abundance of a particular isotope.
You know that isotopes differ from each other in atomic mass. If we consider a
particular molecule and another substituted molecule having an isotope of a particular
atom substituted, there will be a difference in the masses of these two molecules. For
example, if we consider 12c16and
as compared to 12c160.
higher mass isotope, i.e. 13c160
0 13C160, there is an increase in the mass of
Then, the reduced mass of the molecule having
in this case, is more than the 12c160This would
13 16
lead to a higher value of I for C 0 which in turn indicates a lower value for
rotational constant, B for this molecule. The experimental values of rotational
constants of 12c16and 0 13c160 are as given below:
= B = 1.92118 cm"
Rotational constant for 12c160
B h -
&I'c (here I and I ' represent the moment of inertia
B slt21c' h for 12c160 and 13c160, respectively.
From the above equation, we know the ratio of p ' top. Thus, if we knowp, we can
calculate p'.
Expressing the Eq.3.31 in terms of atomic masses a6 expressed in Eq.3.32 and 333,
we get
On solving the above equation, we o b h the value of m,,c =13;0007 which is the
precise value of mass of *C isotope and is in agreement with the value obtained by
othcr methods. Before we close our d i s c d o n on the determination of atomic mass of
an isotope, we would also like to focus your attention on the appearance of the
rotational spectra after isotopic substitutioq You have studiid ebwa in case of
'k160 that substitution oPa heavier isotope leads to a deaeasc in the value of
rotational constant. Since the value of B is related to the spacing of spectral linu in the
rotational spectrum, a lower value of B' indicates smaller acpatatioa between the
rotational levels and also in spedral lines This is shown in Pi& 3.6.
Till now we based our discussions on the rigid diatomic molecules. In the next sectipn,
you will study what happens whet1 we are dealing with a non-rigid molecule. Before
going to the next section, answer SAQ 3 given below to check your understanding
about the above section.
( From the rotational spectra of "NO and " ~ 0 , i twas found that 5- 1.0361Where B
v=4B -320
v=2B v = ~ B - ~ 28-4D
D 6-
Rigid Rotor Non-rigid Rotor
Rigid Nanrigid
Fig. 3.8: Energy level diagram for the rigid and non-rigid rotators. The spectral lines arising from the
PI& 3.7: EUul of ce~lruwgd transitions are indicated below the energy level diagrams.
On (he enem levelr This effect is taken care of if we write the v as given below:
of a dhtomlc rotor.
V=BJ(J+ I ) - D J ~ ( J + I ) ~ ,.. (3.34)
where D is the centrifugal distortion constant and is given by the following equation.
The value of D is obtained from the spectral results and is always very much less than
B. The spectra of non-rigid molecules will show a decrease in the spacing between
rotational levels and in spectral lines similar to the one shown in Fig. 3.6 but here the
decrease will be comparatively much smaller.
In b e next section, you will study about the rotational spectra of polyatomic molecules.
Let the moments of inertia for the above rotations be represented by I s , It and I,, In case of polyatomic molecules
when the rotation in three
respectively. Since the rotations as shown iu part (a) and (b) are equivalent, we can say dimemions is possible, kinetic
IB = I,%.In part (c), the moment of inertia about the bond axis (y-axis) has a very slnall energy of rotation (Et) can be
given as
value as compared to Is and Ic and w6 can use an approximation that I, = 0. The 1 1 1
E t = -2I A 3A +jlB";+-i~3c
small value of I,%could be attributed due to the differences in the masses and the radii
... (3.36)
of the nucleus and the electrons.
Similar to Eq.3.24, we can write
You know that most of the mass of the molecule is concentrated in the nuclei of its
atoms in a very small space. But the electrons having very less mass occupy relatively
large space. Therefore, the electrons contribute a major share to the moment of
inertia'along the axis of symmetry because only they will be contributing to the
motion. The total moment of inertia (both due to electrons and nucleus) is very where LA = I,, 'u*
small. Since the energy of the rotational levels is proportional to +,the energy of the
rotational levels corresponding to rotation about the symmetry axis (Fig. 3.9(c)) will be
very-very high as compared to that of the rotational levels for rotations shown in Figs.
3.9(a) and (b). Thus,these rotational levels will not contribute to the rotational kP&a
Here, the magnitude of total
and the value of moment of inertia used in Eq. 3.26 could be either of IB or Ic because angular momentum is given as
With this background in our mind, let us shift our attention to polyatomic molecules.
Polyatomic molecules can be classified into various groups according to their values of Thus for linear molcculeswhere
moments of inertia along the three principal axes. Such a classification is given below I\ = 0, 1:q. 3 3 7 hecoines as follows:
in Table 3.1.
> <
I+$/IM Prolate A>B=C
Symmetrical top
CUIF. cH3c1
11 >Iu=I( Oblate Bcl3,Gd-b A=B>C
bthtlc Asymmetric top C M E h ,Hz0 A t B t C
About the linear systems, you have already studied in detail for diatomic molecules.
Similarly, we can treat linear triatomic and other linear polyatomic molecules.
Let us study the case of a triatomic molecule OCS. Here also we will assume that it is a
rigid molecule. If you see the structure of OCS shown in Fig. 3.10, you can find that
there are two bond lengths, C-O and C S . But we have one value for the moment of
inertia which cannot give two values of bond distances. This problem can be solved by
using isotopic substitution as follows.
Basic Coaccptr m d Rotational .-
Let the masses of 0 , C and S be represented by m, m, and m,, respectively. Also let
the distances of the atoms 0,C and S from the centre of mass (G) be represented as
to,r, andr,, respectively. The centre of mass (G) will be such that
The moment of inertia of this system (I)is given by the following equation.
r p -mrrcr-motm ...(3.42)
Similarly, we can express Eq. 339 for I in terms of toandr, as given below:
= 111 r
0 CO
2 2
+ lllOrc ~ 52
+ 2 1 1 l ~ , r+~11rcrC +vtSrA +nisr: -211tsrcsrc -
Rearrangiog, we get
You auyrcmcmba that boa8
Eq. 3.45 is the one on which we will further focus our discussion. It contains the two - ~~~~~a~~~~~~~
unknown distances rcoand r,. Suppose-we carry out an isotopic substitution in the out.
molecule. i.e., we substitute ''0 in place of ''0 and then record the rotational
spectra, The equation for moment of inertia (I') of this new molecule thus becomes as
given below:
where m,' represents the mass of the isotope of oxygen. Now, we have twk equations
[Eqs. 3.45 and 3.461 and we can evaluate two unknowns r, and r, provided we know
the other parameters in these equations.
Next category of molecules is that of spherical top. These molecules have all the three
moments of inertia as identical. As far as the value of rotational energy is concerned, it
can be obtained by using any one of the above values of moment of inertia. These
molecules behave similiu to linear molecules as far as their rotation k concerned The
same equation as obtained for linear molecules can be applied to give the value of
EL or B. But because these molecules, being symmetric in nature, do not poaoess any
dipole moment; Thus, these molecules do not show pure rotational spectra.
We will next consider symmetric top molecules. You are aware that in these
molecules, two moments of inertia are equal but the third one is different. When this
third moment of inertia is less than the other two equal moments of inertia, the
molecules are known as prolate molecules. On the other hand, when the third
moment of inertia is greater than the other two moments of inertia, then the
molecules are known to be of oblate type. Both these type of molecules are shown
, "1 '.
benzene. ChH,,
\gain, in these molecules first we consider that the molecules are rigid and derive the
:nergy expression by solving the Schriidinger equation. The following equation is
bbtained by using the above method.
Basic Cmcepts md RoWlolul
Spectra -
"JS = *
We will not go into the details where, B =-
of arriving at Eq.3.47. It is valid
for prolate mo~ecules. &I+
For oblate molecules, . \
From the above equation, you can see that K can have negative values as well. The
+ ve and -ve values are associated with the clockwise and anticlockwise rotation
about the symmetry axis: When K = 0, it means that there is no rotation about the
symmetry axis or unique axis.
Eq. 3.50 permits determination of
only one rotational constant.
Hence the complete geometry of a Eq. 3.47 shows that the rotational energy depends upon the K~terms. So the anticlock
symmetric top molecule cannot be
determined by using this single wise or clockwise rotation (i.e., the +ve and -ve,wdues of K) will have same value for
value of B obtained from spectra.
In such a case. isotop~c
K~or energy. Thus, the levels corresponding to and an will be degenerate.
substitution is used in structure
determination. The selection rules for th'e rotation of such molecules are
Thus, centrifugal distortion leads
to a slight separation o f the
components of I.
The selection rule of A K comes from the fact that there is no dipole moment about
the symmetry axis (rotation about which is represented by K),hence electromagnetic
radiation cannot interact with the rotation about this axis. Hence, it is expressed as
You can see that K is not reflected in the final equation for rotation and Eq. 3.50 is
similar to expression for ti obtained for the rotation of linear mol&ules.
Similar to the case of linear molecules, the centrifugal distortions due to non-rigid
nature of real molecules are taken care of by incorporating an additional term in the
energy expression as given below in Eq. 3.51:
Thus, we could take the case of symmetric top molecules to be similar to that of linear
molecules. The same procedure can be used for calculating B and I and bond lengths
for symmetric top-molecules as done earlier for linear molecules. But here, there will
be a diffcrcnce in the obser\,cd spectrum for .\ynlmctrictop molecules as far as the Rolallonal Spectra
splitting of rotational lines is concerned. Since each value ofJ is associated with 21 + 1
values of K and the levels corresponding to + K and -K being degenerate. This leads to
the fact that the spectral line assuciated with a particular level will be split into J + 1
components. Thus,,thc following splitting pattern bc observed.
whcn, J K L! (from Eq. 3.51)
Thus, the spectrunl obtilincd will look likc as shown below in Fig. 3.12.
328 + (A*)
; J=4
K=2 \a /'+
'128 4 (A*)
J=3,K=l K=2
J=2 fa*4W-a)
,a-x' i
J=2,K=1 a /
68 +(A*)
J=2. K=O 68 ,,/*';=I,K= 1 48
Yl + (A*)
Plg. 3.12: (a) Rotntbnal energy Ievcb mf pmlmlc cymmetrlc lop molecules
(b) Spllttlng of relational c p u h d lines for symmelrlc top molecules
Remember that no such splitting was observed for linear molecules. In other words, by
studying the spectra, you can know whether a certain molecule is of linear type or of
symmetrical top type.
The analysis of rotational spectra of last class of molecules, i.e., Asymmetric top
molecules is quite complex and a general expression for energy cannot be written for ~~~~~~e~~~~ ;!"
' ~~~~
them. Each molecule of this class requires individual treatment. In this course, we will ,
,,ll,, of(J +
not go into the details of analysis of rotational spectra for this kind of molecules. lines.
In the next section, yoli will study about the intensity of spectral lines.
The population of thc cncrgy state dcpends on (1) Boltzmann distribution and (2) the
dcgeneracy of thc state.
One thing is clear from Eqs. 3.52 and 3.53 thirt the ~lclllulaticlnof ilil'lkrcnt slates kccps
on decreasing in an exponential manner as we kccl~on incrcasing tlic / valuc.
Howcver, there is another factor-the degeneracy of the slntc tvhich will affcct the
population. We shall not discuss the origin and numhcr of such dcgcncrate statcs,
except to emphasise that degeneracy of a state incrcascs thc ~ w l ~ ~ l a tof
i oanpnrtieular
energy state.
The net result of the two factors is that the population rises to a nlmimum and then
decreases as / value increases. The band with maximum intensity is given by,
Calculate the relative population of first two rotational energy levels for HCl at
300K.Use B = 10.49 cm-'
In this unit, you learnt about various types of energies associated with m e r e n t kind of
molecular motions. Rotational motion was the one in which were interested in. In this
context, the terms moment of inertia and angular velocity were explained. Then, the
rotation of a rigid diatomic molecule was discussed in detail. The energy levels
associated with such molecules were considered which in turn were related to the
observed rotational spectra.
The applications of rotational spectra study were highlighted. The case of non-rigid
molecules was also explained. This was followed by the discussion of rotational spectra
of polyatomic molecules. In this class, linear, spherical and symmetric top molecules Rotatioari Spectra
were discussed.
Lastly, the relationship between the intensity of rotational spectral lines with
population of rotational levels was described.
1. Using m lrl = m 2r2, derive r2 =
(m,+ m2)'
2. Calculate the energy in terms of G of the energy level corresponding t o J = 7.
3. What is the selection rule for a rigid diatomic molecule to show rotational
4. Which of the following molecules will show rotational spectra?
O = C = O , HF,N2
1. From Eq. 3.26, a decrease, in moment of inertia will lead to an increase in the
energy of the rotational level.
2. It should possess a permanent dipole moment.
= 5.007~
For J = 0 , -N= IJ
Further Reading
1. J.RDyer, Application of Absorption Spectroscopy of Organic Compounds,
Eastern Economy Edition, Prentice-Hall of India PvtLtd.