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Berry Curvature, Semiclassical Electron Dynamics, and Topological Materials: Lecture Notes For Introduction To Solid State Physics

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Berry Curvature, Semiclassical Electron Dynamics, and Topological Materials:

Lecture Notes for Introduction to Solid State Physics

Daniel C. Ralph

Physics Department, Cornell University, Ithaca NY

and Kavli Institute at Cornell for Nanoscale Science, Ithaca, NY

Among the most exciting recent developments in solid state physics are the discoveries that the
Berry curvature associated with electronic bands can have important physical consequences for
the motion of electrons, and can even lead to new topological phases of electronic matter that
had not previously been recognized. These developments are not yet well-represented in the
most popular textbooks about solid state physics. These lecture notes aim to introduce these
concepts at the introductory level, using the simplest possible mathematics. They were developed
for a unit within the Cornell University course Phys 7635, a one-semester graduate-level survey
at the level of the textbook by Ashcroft & Mermin.

Given that these are lecture notes, I have tried to make them self-contained, keeping the number
of external references to a minimum. In the actual course, the lectures were not given
consecutively, but other aspects of band dynamics and the limitations of this semiclassical model
were interspersed. Related homework problems are attached.

Please send corrections or suggestion for improvement to me at dcr14@cornell.edu.

I: Semiclassical Dynamics of Band Electrons

Learning Goal: Understand the physical basis for the semiclassical equations of motion for
wavepackets composed of electron Bloch states.

Electrons in crystals are subject to a potential that is periodic with respect to the crystal’s
Bravais lattice. Whenever this is the case, we have seen that the energy eigenstates can be
written in the Bloch form
kn, (r)  eikr ukn, (r) (1.1)
where the function ukn , (r) is periodic with respect to the Bravais lattice,  is an index denoting
the spin state, and n is an index distinguishing different bands. As a function of changing the
wavevector k these states map out a band with energy n (k) . (When I consider only states
within the same band and the same spin I will often drop the n and  indices.)

The question I wish to consider today is: How does interaction with a periodic lattice
affect the dynamics of electrons?

To begin answering this question one can imagine constructing a wavepacket located
near some position r0 in the sample and asking how it will move. We will form the wavepacket
as a superposition of Bloch states corresponding to a narrow range of k about some value k0
(selecting states from a single band and one spin state), with the weight function w(k - k0 )
picked so that at time t = 0 the expectation value of the real-space position is some value r0 :
 WP (r,t  0)   w(k - k )  (r)d k   w(k - k )e
ikr n
u (r)d 3k .
k ,
I will have more to say later about exactly how one must pick the weighting function in order to
specify the desired real-space position. Given that the wavepacket is composed of wavevectors
from a region of reciprocal space much smaller than the Brillouin zone (  (small factor) / a
where a is the size of a unit cell), by the properties of Fourier transforms the width of the
wavepacket in real space (  a / [2 (small factor)] ) will be much larger than a unit cell. Our
approach will be semiclassical, in the sense that we will consider the wavepacket to be specified
by well-defined values of both the wavevector k0 and position r0 , with no worries about the
uncertainty principle. Within this semiclassical approximation we will also neglect effects of
quantum interference that might occur for a wave traveling over more than one classical path or
within a closed orbit. Because I will generally consider only wavepackets made from Bloch
states in one band and the same spin, in the following I will sometimes drop the n and  indices
on the Bloch function.

To specify the semiclassical dynamics of the wavepacket, we need to describe how the
expectation values of the wavepacket k and r will change as a function of time from their
initial values k0 and r0 in response to an external force Fext due to applied electric (E) and/or

magnetic (B) fields. (For simplicity, I will assume that this external force is spatially uniform,
and I will not consider any possible evolution of the spin state.) It turns out that these dynamics
can be summarized in three simple rules:

Rule (#1)

Rule (#2)

Rule (#3) Wavepackets stay in one band for sufficiently weak applied
electric and magnetic fields.

Compared to older textbooks, rules #1 and #3 are unchanged, and the first term on the right hand
side of rule #2 is simply the familiar expression for the group velocity of a wavepacket. The
second term on the right hand side of rule #2 is based on newer understanding and is missing
from many textbooks. The quantity (to be defined below) is known as the Berry

Rule #1:

Before beginning our focus on the Berry-curvature term, it is worthwhile to sketch briefly
the origin of rules #1 and #3. First, consider how the situation would be different if, instead of
using Bloch states consistent with the lattice potential, we tried to make our electron wavepacket
from pure free-electron plane wave states , i.e., states with definite values of the
momentum, p. As we will see, the semiclassical picture of a wavepacket moving with a
reasonably well-defined momentum would break down as this wavepacket tried to propagate
through a crystal, but initially the expectation values of the momentum and position would
evolve as
d p
 Ftotal  Fext  Flattice (1.3)
d r p
  p  ( p)  . (1.4)
dt p p0 m

For the first expression, to calculate changes in the momentum of the wavepacket, by Newton’s
Laws one must consider all of the forces acting on the wavepacket -- in addition to the force
from the externally-applied fields, this total force also includes the interaction of the electron
with the lattice. Changes in the position of the wavepacket (Eq. (1.4)) would be determined
initially just by the group velocity. On short time scales (on the scale the time needed to travel a
distance corresponding to an atomic spacing) the lattice interaction would cause Bragg scattering
of the type we considered when evaluating nearly-free-electron-model band structures. The
wavepacket would then contain contributions from waves with momenta differing from the

initial value p0 by many different reciprocal lattice vectors (times ), and our semiclassical
picture of a wavepacket centered at a single value of momentum would quickly break down.

The beauty of the semiclassical treatment of band electrons using wave packets made
from Bloch states is that none of the complications of the electron-lattice interaction enter into
the equation of motion for the crystal momentum, k . Instead, the electron-lattice interactions
are taken into account (exactly) when solving for the Bloch states. By a neat mathematical trick,
the consequences of the electron-lattice forces on the motion of the wavepacket can be accounted
for entirely in terms of the form of the band structure n (k) and the Berry curvature and
their contributions to our Rule (#2).

So, what is the justification for Rule (#1)? This follows from lattice translation symmetry
and the associated conservation of crystal momentum in a periodic potential. It can be proved by
a few lines of operator algebra (see Appendix 1), but I don’t find that this proof provides much
physical insight. As a non-rigorous but more intuitive alternative, imagine that it is possible to
alternately turn the external force and the lattice potential on and off. Consider an electron in
any basis state corresponding to a definite value of k . While the external force is on and the
lattice potential is off, the electron will gain both momentum and crystal momentum with
. Now imagine that the external force is turned off and the lattice potential is
turned on. How will the crystal momentum evolve? In the presence of a periodic potential, all
that can occur is Bragg scattering, so that the crystal momentum cannot undergo any arbitrary
change, it can only change by reciprocal lattice vectors. If all states are specified by values of k
within the first Brillouin zone, this means that scattering can occur only within states
corresponding to the same value of k . In general, the starting state can evolve into a
superposition of states in different bands, but they must all share the same value of k . Therefore,
only the externally-applied force enters into determining the dynamics of k for the basis state,
and the electron-lattice potential has no effect on this quantity. This means that our Rule (#1)
applies for every basis state contributing to our wavepacket. For a time-independent weighting
function, the expectation value of k for the wavepacket will shift in the same way as the
wavevectors of the basis states, establishing Rule (#1) for the wavepacket.

Rule #3:

If the externally-applied force is sufficiently weak, there is a further simplification, that

by the general considerations associated with adiabatic evolution (e.g., see a very nice discussion
in Griffiths), each basis state will evolve continuously to a state in the same band, up to an
arbitrary phase, with negligible coupling to states in different bands. This adiabatic evolution is
the basis of Rule (#3). The idea is that if a system initially occupies one Bloch basis state with
wavevector k1, and then the wavevector is shifted to another value k2 by the action of an external
electric or magnetic field, the original state will no longer be an energy eigenstate and will
therefore begin to evolve with time. In general, the new state can always be expressed as a
superposition of states in different bands, all with the wavevector k2 (which make up a complete
set). However, if the shift of the wavevector is sufficiently slow, the system can have enough
time to adjust so that all of the weight of the superposition will remain in the Bloch state that

comes from the same band as the original state. In this adiabatic limit, the system will therefore
simply move between Bloch states in the same band, with at most a change in the phase of the
wavefunction as a function of time. We will have more to say about this phase in the next
lecture. The situations in which adiabatic evolution is most likely to fail are avoided crossings,
where two bands approach each other with just a small energy gap,  gap . The condition required
for the adiabatic approximation to hold is that the time required to traverse the avoided-crossing
region in reciprocal space should be much longer than the time scale for oscillation in the
amplitudes of quantum states across the gap, . As discussed in Ashcroft and Mermin
(pages 219-220), this leads to conditions for the maximum values of electric or magnetic field
that can be applied before the adiabatic assumption breaks down: Practically, large laboratory-
scale magnetic fields can drive this breakdown in some systems with narrow gaps, but
laboratory-scale electric fields are generally not strong enough.

Rule #2:

Rule #2 is the aspect of semiclassical electron dynamics that older textbooks got wrong –
in that they did not recognize the existence of the term involving the Berry curvature. Rule #2
can be understood by analyzing effective Lagrangians (e.g., ref. 1,2) or by working through some
operator algebra (Appendix 1), but I think the physics can also be understood most transparently
just by analyzing the real-space motion of an electron wavepacket. We will first need to think
carefully about how to construct a wavepacket from a superposition of Bloch states
k , (r)  eikr uk , (r) so that the superposition has a desired initial real-space position r  r0 . To
do this, you want to arrange the superposition so that the Bloch states in a range of k near k0
contribute in-phase to give constructive interference in the vicinity of the position r  r0 , while at
positions differing from r0 by more than the real-space width of the wavepacket the different
contributions get out of phase to give a negligible sum. You might guess that you could do this
using a normalized weighting factor of the form w(k  k0 )  wR (k  k0 )eikr0 with wR (k  k0 ) a
real-valued function sharply-peaked around k = k0 and zero elsewhere. For this weighting
function, the superposition would become
 WP,0 (r,t  0) ?  ?  wR (k  k0 )eikr0 k (r)d 3k
  wR (k  k0 )e  0 uk (r)d 3k.
ik rr

If the functions uk (r) for different k were all real for r near r0 (or shared the same phase), this
form would be correct, because near r  r0 the factor e  0  would guarantee constructive
ik rr

interference for all values of k, and for r sufficiently far from r0 the contributions for different
values of k would give out-of-phase superpositions so that  WP,0 (r  r0 ,t  0)  0 . However, if
uk (r) does not have the same phase for all values of k for r near r0 , this first guess is not right.

Let us allow for the possibility that the phase of uk (r) depends on k for r near r0 . This
can happen simply as a result of using different phase conventions for defining the Bloch states,

but we will also see in the next lecture that in some cases having such phase variations will be
unavoidable. In this case, to make a wavepacket localized near the desired position r0 one must
add a correction factor to the weighting function to counteract the changes in phase of the basis
functions as a function of k and restore constructive interference in the vicinity of r  r0 . As a
first step to give intuition, we can ask what is the correction factor that will give perfect
constructive interference exactly at r  r0 for all of the Bloch waves in the superposition so that
maximum amount of constructive interference will be at this position. (We will see below that
the value of r need not be exactly equal to the position of maximum constructive interference
if there are any asymmetries in the wavefunction about this point or if the magnitude of uk (r)
varies, but typically these differences will be small – less than a unit cell, and so much less than
the width of the wavepacket.) Let  (k) be the phase of uk (r0 ) and consider a first-order Taylor
expansion of this phase near k0 : . We can then cancel this
variation in phase by including a correction factor in the weighting with phase proportional to
, that is, the weighting factor becomes ,
accurate to linear order for values of k near k0 (those that contribute to the superposition). With
this identification, our new guess for the superposition that will position the wavefunction at r0
. (1.6)
The quantity in square brackets now has a fixed phase as a function of changing k when
evaluated at r0 so that when r  r0 all of the terms in the integrand for different values of k add
up constructively. The key point is that the weighting factor must include this type of phase
correction factor to generate constructive interference near a desired position r0 .

It happens that the weighting function in Eq. (1.6) is very close to being correct, but not
quite exactly right, because it is picked to put the point of maximum constructive interference at
r  r0 , and this is not exactly equivalent to the condition that r  r0 . To determine the phase
correction factor that gives r  r0 we can assume a weighting function with a similar phase
correction factor of the general form w(k  k0 )  wR (k  k0 )eikr0 ei( kk0 )X (where X is an
unknown coefficient to be determined) and calculate the expectation value of position directly. I
do this in Appendix 2, and the answer is r  r0  A(k0 )  X , where

A(k0 )  i 
unit cell

d 3r uk* (r) k uk (r)  kk0

is a real-valued quantity known as the Berry connection. A(k) is very similar to our previous
correction coefficient except that while corrects the phase at just one position in the
real-space unit cell (at r0 ), A(k) corrects for an overall average variation in phase over the full
real-space unit cell. (In fact, if one separates uk (r) into a phase and real-valued magnitude,

u (r) d r.)
uk (r)  ei ( k ,r )ukR (r) , then one has simply A(k0 )     k (k,r)
Given that
unit cell
the real-space width of the wavepacket is much larger than a unit cell, it makes sense that
differences in phase conventions throughout the unit cell matter in determining r rather than
just the phase convention at one point within the unit cell r0 . We can conclude that in order for
value of r for the wavepacket to be equal to r0 the weighting function must include the phase
correction coefficient X  A(k0 ) , i.e., we must use the weighting function
i( kk0 )A( k0 )
w(k  k0 )  wR (k  k0 )eikr0 e (1.8)
so that the final correct superposition of Bloch waves within the wavepacket at t = 0 is
ikr0 i kk0 A( k0 ) ikr
 WP (r,t  0)   w (k  k )e
R 0
e e uk (r)d 3k . (1.9)

We saw in our discussion of Rule (#1) that when an electric or magnetic field is applied,
the wavevector k of each Bloch basis state will shift adiabatically k  k   k . To compute the
motion of the wavepacket as a function of time, it will be necessary to take into account how this
shift will affect the phases of the basis states and hence their quality of constructive interference.
The Berry connection enters this part of the analysis, as well. If the Berry connection A(k) is
nonzero, this means that the overall phase convention used for defining the Bloch states varies as
a function of k, with shifts in the phase of uk (r) of the form  (k)   A(k)   k . If we could
take A(k)  0 , then to describe an adiabatic shift in wavevector k  k   k due to an external
field we could simply relabel the Bloch states such that eikr uk (r)  e   uk k (r) .
i k+ k r

kk k
However, this is not the case if the basis states are defined using different phase conventions.
Instead, to express eikr uk (r) in terms of e   uk k (r) we must also multiply by an
i k+ k r
kk k

additional phase correction factor to account for difference in phase between uk k (r) and uk (r) .
If the overall phase for the basis states varies as  (k)   A(k)   k , then the correct
consequence of shifting the wave vector k is that eikr uk (r)
kk k
 eiA( k ) k e   uk k (r) .  i k+ k r

(We revisit this relationship next time and derive it systematically as part of a more general
analysis of the relationship between adiabatic changes of quantum states and quantum phases.)

At this point we now have all the ingredients needed to understand the equation of
motion for the real-space position of this wavepacket, by analyzing the dynamics over a short
time interval t . The weighting function that defines which basis states contribute to the
superposition will stay fixed; the motion arises from how the basis states evolve in time. There
are two contributions to these dynamics. The first is just the ordinary time evolution of each
Bloch basis state, . This will give a shift in real-space position
proportional to  k (k0 ) , the familiar group velocity. The second contribution to the wavepacket
dynamics is that during the time t an external force can shift the wavevector of each of the
basis states k  k   k , as we have just discussed. After this shift, if the basis states do not all

i( kk )A( k )
have the same phase convention, the phase correction factor e  0 0  in our weighting
function (Eq. 1.8) will no longer correctly cancel the phase differences between the shifted basis
states in the immediate vicinity of the original position r0 . This has the consequence that the
real-space position where constructive interference occurs will undergo an additional shift by a
term containing derivatives of the phase correction coefficient A(k) with respect to k, or more
precisely by the curl . (See details below.) This is the Berry curvature
occurring in our Rule (#2).

These results can be understood quantitatively without too much effort. Starting with Eq.
(1.9) and applying both the t and  k contributions to the dynamics, the form of wavepacket at
time t becomes


This expression contains all of the physics. It can be made more transparent by using some
judicious Taylor expansions.

To simplify, let’s first convert the integration variable to k'  k   k and introduce the
definition k1  k0   k for the new peak position of the wavepacket in reciprocal space.

Next, perform Taylor expansions relative to k1 (the new center of the wavepacket in k-space) for
the arguments of all the k' -dependent exponential factors in the integrand.


Here the constant Y functions as a new phase correction coefficient that contains the coefficients
of all the linear terms in the Taylor expansions


Note how the Berry curvature appears as part of this new phase correction
coefficient Y. The constant terms in the Taylor expansions result in an overall phase factor
i ik1( rr0 )
e ce in Eq. (1.12) that has no effect on r (and can be ignored).

Equation (1.12) now has now been reduced to exactly the same mathematical form we
consider in Appendix 2, with the substitutions k0  k1 and X Y . The new expectation value
of position is therefore by the calculation in Appendix 2 equal to r = r0 Y  A(k1 ) , or
. (1.14)
Dividing by t , we have


With the identification that the Berry curvature is , this is our Rule (#2). (Note
also that the center of the wavepacket in this expression is k1 is rather than k0 , and dk / dt is the
same for every basis state and is therefore also equal to d k / dt .)

Given that the physics at work here is essentially just an analysis of constructive
interference within a wavepacket, why was the Berry curvature contribution to Rule (#2)
neglected by most researchers (and textbook writers) for many decades? My guess is that there
was an assumption that, given the arbitrariness of defining the phase of quantum-mechanical
states, that it should always be possible to choose a phase convention such that for r in the
vicinity of r0 uk (r) has the same phase for all values of k contributing to the wavepacket, or
equivalently that A(k) in our discussion above could be taken to be zero. This turns out not to
be true – there are electronic band structures for which it is impossible to define Bloch-solution
basis states so that they all have the same phase. In the next lecture we will consider in detail
why this is, and what conditions are necessary in order for the Berry curvature to be nonzero.

Anomalous velocity:

Before we do that, however, we will say a few words about how the Berry curvature
affects electron dynamics. Suppose a constant electric field E is applied to a sample, so that by
our Rule (#1) . Then, if the Berry curvature is non-zero,

. (1.16)
The conventional group velocity term (the first term on the right hand side) by itself can lead to
fascinating and non-intuitive behaviors, but as k shifts with time this term will generally
produce a real-space acceleration, typically with a dominant component parallel to the applied
electric field. The Berry curvature term, however, by virtue of the cross product always
produces a real-space velocity that is perpendicular to the applied electric field. Because of this
odd behavior, this contribution is termed the “anomalous velocity”. The Berry curvature in some
senses produces effects in real space that are like a magnetic field – it will deflect an electron
trajectory to give a component of velocity perpendicular to an applied electric field. This reflects
a deep mathematical analogy that is carried through in some of the notation; the Berry
connection is generally given the symbol A in analogy to the vector potential of E&M. However,
this deflection due to the Berry curvature can happen even in the absence of any applied
magnetic field (or even in the absence of any breaking of time-reversal symmetry). Furthermore,
as noted explicitly in our Rules for semiclassical dynamics, the Berry curvature (which
contributes to the motion of d r / dt via Rule (#2)) enters the mathematical description of the
dynamics differently than a real magnetic field (which contributes to d k / dt via Rule (#1)).

Berry curvature and other kinds of waves:

Finally, note that there is nothing particularly special about electron waves in our
derivation of the Berry curvature and Rule (#2). The same equation of motion should apply to a
wavepacket made from any type of wave. Why, then, did we not mention anything about Berry
curvature and anomalous velocity when we discussed phonon wavepackets and thermal
conductivity? There are two reasons: in order for the anomalous velocity to be
nonzero, both dk / dt and must be nonzero, and both conditions will be rare occurrences
for phonon wavepackets. For electrons, easy-to-apply external fields (E, B) can couple to the
wavevector (via our Rule (#1)) to give nonzero values of dk / dt . For a phonon wavepacket,
though, the wavevector is usually just constant because it doesn’t couple in the same way to any
convenient external fields. In principle, spatially-varying or time-dependent strains might give a
nonzero value of dk / dt for a phonon wavepacket, but these would be unusual cases. In regard
to the conditions to have a non-zero value of Berry curvature, based on the arguments in the next
lecture it follows that for spinless waves like phonons a non-zero Berry curvature can exist only
when certain symmetries are broken within a crystal structure. For electrons, non-zero Berry
curvatures can be generated either by these broken symmetries or by spin-orbit coupling even in
high-symmetry lattices.

When is non-zero for any type of wave (including, e.g., phonons, magnons, or
light) there is a possibility for non-trivial effects even if dk / dt = 0 so that the Berry curvature
does not directly influence the equation of motion. If the integral of over the Brillouin
zone is non-zero, the corresponding band will have a topological character with important
physical consequences like topologically-required low-energy edge states. I will have more to
say about this in lecture III.

II: More about Berry curvature: When is it non-zero and what does it do?

Learning Goals:
 Understand the idea of Berry phase for general quantum-mechanical states
 Applications of these principles to electron bands
 Conditions necessary for non-zero Berry curvatures
 Some physical consequences of Berry curvatures

We have seen that if one makes a wavepacket from Bloch waves eikr uk , (r) defined so that
as a function of k the contributions uk , (r) have different phase conventions (i.e., a nonzero
Berry connection A(k) ) then there can be some surprising physical consequences for the motion
of the wavepacket in real space. For example, the wavepacket can experience an “anomalous
velocity” transverse to an applied electric field of the form , where

This likely seems strange to you. The phase of a quantum-mechanical wavefunction can be
gauge-transformed arbitrarily using any continuous real-valued function  (k) by redefining
uk , (r)  ei ( k )uk , (r) , without causing any physical consequence. Why isn’t it always possible
to pick some function  (k) so that the combination ei ( k )uk , (r) has the same phase near any
desired real-space position for all values of k and so therefore A(k)  0 everywhere and there is
no need to worry about Berry curvatures? A short answer is that while it is always possible to
choose a phase convention so that the wavefunction phase is the same for all states along a 1D
path in k-space (with no closed loops), it is not always possible to make the wavefunction phase
the same throughout a full 2D or 3D region of k-space. Since one must generally integrate over
a 2D or 3D region to make a wavepacket, this means that a nonzero Berry curvature can be
unavoidable. An even shorter answer is that even though the phases of quantum states can
depend on the choice of gauge, the Berry curvature itself is a gauge-independent quantity, so that
no matter what definition one picks for  (k) this cannot change the value of the Berry curvature.
In the first part of this lecture we will work to understand
this state of affairs.

The connection between Berry phase and adiabatic

evolution of quantum states:

To do this, let us consider a slightly more general

quantum-mechanics problem. Imagine a quantum system
where the Hamiltonian is a function of a continuous external
parameter (e.g., think magnetic field -- may be a
many-component vector). The energy eigenstates will be Fig. 2.1. Adiabatic evolution of
functions of (Fig. 2.1), and they might have a phase the states as a function
convention that changes for different values of . Suppose
of the external parameter .
that the external parameter has the initial value and the

system starts in the state . Then is made to change slowly so that the basis state
evolves. We will assume that the different energy levels never touch and the quantum
state evolves adiabatically. The question we want to answer is: How does the quantum state
change when accounting for changes in the phase convention for the basis state? We will
analyze whether or not it is always possible to choose a gauge so that the phase of the
wavefunction stays the same for any possible trajectory of .

This calculation can be performed explicitly as a function of time by simply using the
Schrodinger equation:
. (2.1)
The wavefunction at any time can always be expanded in the energy eigenstates corresponding to
the value of the parameter at that time:
. (2.2)

If we assume adiabatic evolution of a state that begins in the ground state, at later times the only
state with non-zero amplitude in this expansion will be the ground state (see the nice discussion
of adiabatic evolution in Griffiths), so in the adiabatic limit we can simplify to just a single term
. (2.3)
Assuming the basis states are normalized, c0 (t) will have magnitude 1, and only its phase will
change. Let us apply the Schrodinger equation to this form of the wavefunction


Now project this equation onto the state


Let us define . This quantity is always real-valued, and accounts

for any changes in phase convention for the basis state as a function of changes in time.
Equation (2.5) then becomes


with the solution

. (2.7)

The first term in the exponent on the right is the usual dynamical phase related to the energy of

the quantum state. The second term,  (t)  At (t ') dt ' is called the geometrical phase or the
Berry phase, and all that it does is take into account any changes in the phase conventions of the

eigenstates. Expressing the same idea using a notation similar to the one we used last time, we
have locally that to account for the changing phase
convention. The Berry phase is not gauge invariant, because it depends on any changes in in the
phase conventions used to define the basis states.

Notice that because depend on t only through one can also write


That is, the geometric phase can be expressed as a line integral that depends only on the
trajectory taken by the system in -space, and not the speed of travel (as long as adiabatic
evolution is maintained). The matrix element is a generalization of
the Berry connection defined in the previous lecture, and describes the dependence of the phase
on the wavefunction as a function of changes in .

Redefining quantum phases using a gauge transformation:

Now consider a gauge transformation that redefines the phase convention for the basis
states in an arbitrary continuous manner: . The new geometric phase
accumulated over the path is


It follows that if we consider a trajectory through -space between two different endpoints with
no closed loops along the path, it is possible to define a function continuously along the
path so that the change in geometrical phase is zero everywhere along the trajectory and the
wavefunctions all have the same phase. [Just define
.] However, consider what happens if one

follows a closed loop in parameter space so that . In that case, in order to satisfy the
requirement that the wavefunction must be single valued, the phase factor must return to
its original value modulo 2 . This means that the geometric phase evaluated for a path integral
over a closed loop is gauge-invariant modulo 2 . However, there are quantum systems for
which the geometric phase evaluated over a close loop is not equal to 0

modulo 2 . (I will give a simple example in a few minutes.) When this is the case there is no
continuous, single-valued function that can generate a gauge transformation that will
make the phase accumulated over the loop equal zero, and it follows that there is no way to pick
a phase convention such that all of the quantum states at different values of have the same
phase. In other words: while a gauge transformation can be used to make phase of a quantum
state constant over any individual 1-D trajectory with no closed loops, this is not always possible
over closed loops. Since any 2D or 3D region can contain closed loops, there are quantum
systems for which it is not possible to define a phase convention so that all of the quantum states
have the same phase over a 2D or 3D region.

The overall message is that there are quantum systems that as a function of external
parameters have a form of nontrivial built-in curvature such that the phase must rotate when the
states are shifted along arbitrary trajectories of an external parameter. The mathematics is
closely analogous to the rotation of classical vectors when they undergo parallel transport along
curved 2D surfaces embedded within 3D space (e.g., see Ref. 3).

Berry curvature is gauge invariant:

The mathematics at work can be understood even more simply by using Stokes Theorem.
The geometric phase accumulated over a closed loop is
. (2.10)

The integrand in the second integral is a generalized Berry curvature . This

quantity is gauge invariant. To see this, suppose we redefine our phase conventions with a gauge
transformation . Then the value of the Berry curvature after the
transformation is


independent of because the curl of a gradient of a differentiable function is identically

zero. Therefore, if a quantum system has a nonzero Berry curvature, its value cannot be changed
at all (much less shifted to zero) by a gauge transformation. This is appropriate and necessary,
because Berry curvatures can contribute directly to measurable quantities (see our Rule (#2) for
semiclassical band dynamics in the previous lecture), so they must not depend on the choice of

A simple example -- a quantum system with non-zero Berry curvature:

All of this probably seems very formal, but there is a simple example with non-zero
Berry curvature that you can keep in mind. It will also be a very useful result for later
calculations. A spin ½ particle in an external magnetic field B can be described by the general
2  2 matrix Hamiltonian

where  B is the Bohr magneton and is the vector of Pauli matrices. Here the matrix is
expressed in terms of the sz  1/ 2 basis states, and the vector B corresponds to the external
parameter in our discussion of the geometric phase. (This is in fact a completely general
2  2 Hamiltonian, so it will also apply to many other systems if the parameter B is reinterpreted
appropriately.) As the direction of B is rotated, the eigenstates of the Hamiltonian evolve,
corresponding to states with spin components 1/ 2 along the axis defined by the direction of B,
with energies E   B B . In problem #2 that is attached to these lecture notes, you will show
that the Berry curvature, defined as
1 B̂
is  , (2.13)
2 B2
which is manifestly non-zero. (The two signs correspond
to the ground and excited spin states.) This result has a
beautiful geometric interpretation, in that it corresponds
to the field from a monopole of charge ±1/2 located at the
origin. This makes it easy (using Stokes theorem) to
calculate the geometric phase over any closed path for
the evolution of the vector B simply by calculating the
solid angle enclosed by the projection of the path onto
the sphere -- the geometric phase equal to 1/ 2 times Fig. 2.2. Relating the geometric
the solid angle subtended by the path of B looking from phase for a closed path of B to the
the origin (see Fig. 2.2). solid angle enclosed by the path.

Applications to electronic bandstructures:

How does all of this relate to electronic bandstructures? The idea is that as one applies
electric and magnetic fields, one tunes the wavevector k, and this corresponds exactly to the type
of adiabatic evolution problem we are considering with the vector k equivalent to our external
parameter . This can be phrased in terms of seeking solutions for the periodic-in-k-space part
ukn, (r) of the Bloch wavefunction kn, (r)  eikr ukn, (r) . Assuming the Bloch form for the
wavefunction, the Schrodinger equation is completely equivalent to

. (2.14)

The expression in the square brackets on the left side can be viewed as an effective Hamiltonian
Ĥk  eikr Ĥe ikr for the wavefunction ukn, (r) in which the wavevector k is explicitly a

controllable parameter. All of our previous results regarding geometric phases and Berry
curvatures can be applied immediately. Consequently, when an electron follows a trajectory
within k-space there is a corresponding Berry connection (this is same quantity used for the
phase correction coefficient in the previous lecture)
An (k)  i ukn,  k uk,n  (2.15)
so that
u (r)  eiA( k ) k uk k (r) (2.16)
k kk k

(as discussed last time) thereby generating a geometrical phase
   An (k)  d k (2.17)
path for k
and a Berry curvature that can be nonzero for some electron bands
. (2.18)
This Berry curvature can deflect electron trajectories in real space according to our Rule (#2) in
the previous lecture and has other physical implications that I will mention later.

When can an electron band have non-zero Berry curvature?:

It turns out that the Berry curvature will be zero throughout many electron bands and will
be nonzero in others. What are the conditions required for the Berry curvature to be nonzero for
an electron bandstructure? This question is most easily addressed by analyzing the symmetry
constraints present in our Rule (#2) of band dynamics:


For the sake of argument, suppose Fext  eE so that and our Rule (#2)
where v is the real-space velocity.

First, suppose that the quantum system under consideration satisfies inversion symmetry.
Under inversion, the scalar n should be unchanged. The vectors v , k, and E will change sign,
but because spin is a pseudovector (like the orbital angular momentum r  p ), it will remain
unchanged. It follows that the energy must obey n (k)  n (k) . Because the left hand side of
Eq. (2.20), v , changes sign, both terms on the right hand side must change sign, as well. Given
n (k)  n (k) , the term  kn (k) does indeed change sign, as it should. For the cross-

product term, E changes sign, so in order that the overall cross product should change sign, we
must have that the Berry curvature after the transformation should have the same sign as before.
Consequently, if inversion symmetry holds, we must have .

Next, consider the analogous analysis for a quantum system that obeys time reversal
symmetry. Under time reversal, the energy  should be unchanged and the vectors v , k, and
spin will change sign, but the electric field E will not. In this case, in order for the cross product
to change sign, we must have that the Berry curvature after the transformation should
have the opposite sign from before. Therefore, if time-reversal symmetry holds, we must have
(meaning simply that the Kramers’-degenerate states related by time-
reversal symmetry must always have opposite Berry curvatures).

If both inversion and time-reversal are good symmetries for our quantum system, we can
combine these two results to conclude that . That is, upon
reversing just the spin, in this high-symmetry case the Berry curvature must change sign. This
has different implications depending on whether spin-orbit coupling is weak or strong.

In the limit of zero spin-orbit coupling, the spatial wavefunction (the part that depends on
k) will be identical for both spin states, which means that the Berry curvature
will not depend on the spin state. The only way this can be consistent
with the requirement that for a system in which inversion and time-reversal
are good symmetries, is that for all k.

However, if spin-orbit coupling is not weak, then the states ukn, and ukn, will have
different orbital wavefunctions, and there is no requirement that the Berry curvature be zero. In
fact, for heavy metals that preserve both inversion and time-reversal symmetry, Berry curvatures
can be large with important physical consequences (see below). The symmetry requirement
remains in this case so, for example, states with opposite spins must have
equal and opposite values of anomalous velocity.

The conclusion that can be drawn from this analysis is that the Berry curvature is allowed
to be nonzero if:
 Inversion symmetry is broken (or/and)
 Time-reversal symmetry is broken (or/and)
 Spin-orbit coupling is strong.

Examples: Physical effects of anomalous velocities from Berry curvature:

These three scenarios can all be manifested in real materials and produce interesting
physical effects. For example, the single-layer 2D semiconductor MoS2 breaks inversion
symmetry. It possesses regions of reciprocal space (i.e., “valleys”) with non-zero Berry
curvature. Carriers in regions with a given sign of Berry curvature can be excited selectively
using circularly-polarized light. If an in-plane electric field is then applied, the anomalous
velocity caused by the Berry curvature deflects the carrier trajectories perpendicular to the
electric field and can give rise to a transverse Hall-type voltage even in the absence of any
applied magnetic field (Fig. 2.3(a)). This is known as the valley Hall effect.

Magnetic materials break time-reversal symmetry. Consequently, the bands in magnetic

metals like Fe, Co, Ni, and their alloys can have non-zero Berry curvatures. This will also
produce anomalous velocities transverse to an applied electric field, resulting in what is known
as the anomalous Hall effect – a voltage perpendicular to both the magnetic moment and applied
electric field that can be much larger than the ordinary Hall effect produced by an applied
magnetic field (Fig 2.3(b)).

Heavy metals like Pt and Ta preserve both
inversion and time-reversal symmetry, but they
have strong spin-orbit coupling. They have non-
zero Berry curvatures, subject to the requirement
that . When an electric field is
applied to these materials, this causes electrons
with opposite spins to be deflected in opposite
directions (Fig. 2.3(c)). Because (given the time-
reversal symmetry) the density of carriers must be
the same for states with opposite spins, equal
numbers of electrons are deflected to both sides
and there is no net Hall voltage generated.
However, the flows of spin angular momentum
for the opposite spin states add, rather than
subtract, so the Berry curvature can result in a
large spin current transverse to the applied electric
field. This is known as the spin Hall effect. In
samples in which a thin-film magnetic device is
adjacent to a thin film of a material with strong Fig. 2.3. Effects arising from the Berry-
spin-orbit coupling, the spin current produced by curvature anomalous velocity. (a) Transverse
the spin-orbit material can be absorbed by the charge current due to valley-polarized
magnet and exert a torque strong enough to carriers in a material that breaks inversion
reverse its magnetization or drive precessional symmetry. (b) Transverse charge and spin
current in magentic materials that break
dynamics. This effect is currently under
time-reversal symmetry. (c) Transverse spin
investigation as perhaps the most efficient reliable current in materials with strong spin-orbit
mechanism to write information within emerging coupling. (Crosses and dots represent out-
magnetic memory technologies. of-plane spin directions.)

One other complication that can sometimes occur is that there may be points in k-space
where two bands are degenerate. At such points the picture of adiabatic evolution breaks down
and the Berry curvature may become singular – mathematically (via Stokes theorem) this means
that these points can behave as monopole sources of flux. This type of degeneracy point plays a
central role in understanding the generation of topological insulators, as we will discuss in a later
lecture. There are also classes of 3D materials – Weyl or Dirac semi-metals -- where special
degeneracy points exist somewhere within the Brillouin zone. If they occur close to the Fermi
level, the singular Berry curvatures present in these bandstructures can produce huge anomalous
velocities, along with a variety of other unusual phenomena. I will have a little bit more to say
about these materials after we discuss topological insulators.

Remarks about homework problems – practice in calculating Berry curvatures:

I will leave it to the homework problems to give you some practice in calculating Berry
curvatures, including for gapped graphene which is an important example of a Dirac-type
Hamiltonian in a region of k-space where two bands nearly touch. Here I will just summarize
some of the key results you will find.

First, the Berry curvature will be zero everywhere for any tight-binding band composed
from a single atomic orbital. The minimal model that gives non-zero Berry curvatures must
couple at least two different bands (or in a tight-binding language, must have at least two atomic
orbitals per unit cell). The Hamiltonian for this minimal model can be written completely
generally in the form of the 2  2 matrix
, (2.21)
so solving for the Berry curvature for a spin in an applied magnetic field has immediate
relevance for a wide variety of other problems, including calculating the Berry curvature relevant
to gapped graphene.

While the Berry curvature can be calculated directly using the definition we have
introduced, , this is not always the most convenient approach,
particularly for numerical calculations, because it requires derivatives of the eigenstates. With
some operator algebra (see Appendix 3) it is possible to show that an equivalent expression for
the Berry curvature is


where H is the effective Hamiltonian for determining ukn (r) and the band indices m and n are
meant to count over spin as well as orbital bands in the case of strong spin-orbit coupling. In Eq.
(2.22), the derivatives are performed on the Hamiltonian, which can generally be done
analytically, rather than on the eigenstates. This expression also makes clearer some of the
underlying physics in ways that our original definition did not. First, Berry curvature requires
coupling between bands; it is zero in single-band problems. Second, the Berry curvature tends to
be largest near points of reciprocal space where the gaps between bands are smallest, i.e., near
avoided crossings where  km,   kn, is a minimum. You will see that this is the case when solving
for the band structure of gapped graphene. Third, the sum of the Berry curvatures at a given
value of k over all the electron bands in a problem must be zero. This can be seen by summing
Eq. (2.22) over n, and noting that there is a cancellation in the double sum between pairs of
indices (n,m) and (m,n) due to a change in sign of the cross product.

Other physical consequences of Berry physics:

Finally, I want to make clear that our focus so far on how the Berry curvature causes the
anomalous velocity in semiclassical band dynamics really only begins to scratch the surface on
the physical implications of Berry physics. Berry connections and Berry curvatures are also
intimately related to a variety of other physical phenomena, including electrical polarization,
magnetoelectric polarizability, optical selection rules, electron interference conditions,
multiferroic materials, the quantum Hall effect, and (as we will see in the next lecture)
topological materials. In materials with Berry curvature, wavepackets will also typically have
non-zero values of orbital magnetic moment associated with a real-space circulation of charge
current about the wavepacket’s center of mass. This magnetic moment will shift band energies
when there is an applied magnetic field and will also induce an additional term in the
semiclassical wavepacket dynamics if one goes beyond the assumptions we have employed so

far to consider a spatially-varying applied magnetic field. Berry-generated magnetic moments
are an exception to the rule of thumb that the electron-lattice interaction tends to suppress orbital
magnetic moments by disrupting rotational symmetry – with Berry physics the electron-lattice
interaction can instead induce orbital magnetic moments that are a function of the wavepacket’s
wavevector k.
A good place to begin further reading about these topics is a recent book by David
Vanderbilt, Berry Phases in Electronic Structure Theory: Electric Polarization, Orbital
Magnetization, and Topological Insulators, Cambridge University Press, 2019 [4].

III: Topological Invariants, Topological Insulators, and Edge States

(These notes are adapted in part from lecture notes by Ion Garate (Univ. of Sherbrooke,
unpublished) and by J. K. Asbóth, L. Oroszlány, and A. Pályi (Ref. (5).)

Learning Goals:
 What is a topological invariant?
 Understand the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger Model as a simple example that can realize a
topological insulator
 See how level crossing within a Dirac-type Hamiltonian can result in topological
 See how at the interface between materials with unequal topological invariants the band
gap must go to zero because an interface state must exist.

You are no doubt familiar with the idea that to a topologist a donut is equivalent to a
coffee cup, in that they are both closed surfaces threaded by a single hole. This is a reference to
the Gauss-Bonnet theorem from geometry, that if you integrate the Gaussian curvature K (r)
over a closed 2D surface, the result takes only discrete values:
 K(r)  d S  4 (1 g) (3.1)
closed surface
where g is an integer corresponding to the number of holes threading the surface.

Similar mathematics can come into play when analyzing the properties of electron bands.
Within the repeated zone scheme, states on the edge of the first Brillouin zone that are connected
by reciprocal lattice vectors are equivalent. One can therefore think of having a form of periodic
boundary conditions at the boundary of the first Brillouin zone, so that electron bands within the
first Brillouin zone are defined on closed manifolds (specifically, d-dimensional tori). There are
quantities associated with the Berry curvature of electron bands that are analogous to the
Gaussian curvature of a 2D surface, in that when they are integrated over the closed manifold
associated with first Brillouin zone they give discrete values. The different discrete values are
called topological invariants. These ideas are defined rigorously only for insulators because
integrating occupied states over the entire Brillouin zone requires that there not be any partially-
filled bands, and there should also not be any touching of different bands at the same value of k
in order that the Berry connection is always well-defined. Therefore, materials in which the
electron bands have a non-zero topological invariant are called topological insulators.
Topological insulators represent forms of matter distinct from non-topological insulators. They
have a variety of neat properties, with one of the most interesting being that if two insulators
have different values for a topological invariant then at an interface between these materials the
band gap must go to zero to allow an edge state localized near the interface.

Topological invariants in 1D, 2D, and 3D:

There is more than one type of topological invariant. Invariants take slightly different
forms in different spatial dimensions (although they are related within the language of
differential geometry). Even within a given spatial dimension there can be more than one type.
The 2D case is most like the Gauss-Bonnet theorem. In this case the Berry curvature really is a

“curvature” analogous to a Gaussian curvature, so that integrating the Berry curvature over an
entire 2D electron band can only give certain discrete values:
d 2k c
 (2 )2 n (k)  2n, , (3.2)

where cn, is an integer known as the (first) Chern number. This Chern number has an
immediate physical consequence in that it is proportional to the Hall conductivity. This is
because the Hall conductivity of an insulator is calculated by integrating the transverse
anomalous velocity (  n (k) ) over all of the states in the filled bands, which immediately gives
the result:

. (3.3)

This means that in a 2D insulator with a non-zero Chern number the Hall effect is automatically
quantized. The quantum Hall effect can be understood within this context (if one takes the
applied magnetic field into account from the beginning in solving for the electron bands), and a
quantized non-zero value of the Hall conductivity can also occur in 2D materials that break time
reversal symmetry even in the absence of an applied magnetic field, in which case the
phenomenon has been called the quantum anomalous Hall effect. It is important to note that
when insulators have a band with a nonzero Chern number it is not the case that the filled band is
inert, carrying no current. A filled band cannot transport any current parallel to an electric field,
but there can still be a nonzero Hall conductivity associated with charge currents and electric
fields that are perpendicular (e.g., the band can support a flowing charge current that generates a
transverse voltage, but no longitudinal voltage).

The total Chern number (summed over all filled bands) of a 2D material must be zero if
time reversal symmetry applies, because in this case (recall from Lecture 2),
and integration over Kramers’-degenerate bands will add up to zero, even if the Chern numbers
for individual bands might be non-zero. However, there is also a different topological invariant
first defined by Kane and Mele that can be non-zero even when time-reversal symmetry is
preserved, dubbed a Z 2 invariant. In cartoon terms, this can correspond to a spin-up band
having a Chern number of +1 and a spin-down band having a Chern number of -1, but it can be
generalized rigorously to models in which sz is not conserved. This topological invariant is the
key to defining non-magnetic topological insulators, a phenomenon known as the quantum spin
Hall effect. Topological crystalline insulators are related, but with a discrete crystal symmetry
(reflection or rotation) playing an essential role in protecting the topological state.

In 1D, it is possible to define the phases of wavefunctions such that the Berry connection
d n
An (k)  i ukn, u is periodic as a function of k over the Brillouin zone, in which case the
dk k ,
integral of the Berry connection over the 1D Brillouin zone

  A (k) dk

can be understood as a geometric phase integrated over a closed loop, which must therefore be
gauge invariant. Physically, this quantity is related to the electrical polarization within a unit cell.
We will see by example in this lecture that this can be a topological invariant.

3D topological invariants are integrals over a 3D Brillouin zone of a generalization of

Berry curvature, that can be expressed rigorously in the language of vector bundles within
differential geometry. There exist topological invariants in 3D analogous to both Chern numbers
and Z 2 invariants in 2D.

Su-Schrieffer-Heeger Model: Example of a 1D topological insulator:

To get a flavor of some of the physics that can result with topological materials, I will
consider the simplest example, a 1D problem known as the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger (SSH) model,
originally designed to understand the electronic properties of the 1D polymer polyacetylene. It is
also the simplest model for the formation of a charge density wave. I will highlight properties
that generalize to higher-dimensional topological materials as I work through this example.

The SSH model consists of a 1D tight-binding chain with one electron per atomic site,
but in which the positions of the atoms have some freedom to shift in 1D while keeping the
average spacing between atoms fixed. The overall Hamiltonian is
H   tn1,n  n 1 n  n n 1    K(un1  un )2 , (3.5)
n 2 n
where un is the displacement of the nth atom from its position in an equally-spaced chain and the
tight-binding overlap integral is assumed to depend linearly on the spacing between atoms:
tn1,n  t0   (un1  un ) . (3.6)
The first sum in Eq. (3.5) is a standard 1D tight-binding problem to solve for the electronic states.
The second sum is an elastic energy cost associated with having the atoms shift away from their
equally-spaced positions. I will assume an even number of atomic sites. The Hamiltonian is
independent of spin, so each electronic state will be two-fold degenerate and we will not bother
with a spin index.

I will have you work through this problem in the homework to show that the chain is
unstable to dimerization. The system can lower its electronic energy by allowing the atoms to
shift their positions so that there are alternately larger and smaller spacings between atoms. This
opens up a gap at the edge of the Brillouin zone of the dimerized chain (at k   / a if a/2 is the
spacing between atoms in the equally-spaced chain), and if the tight-binding band contains one
electron per atom (or two electrons per dimerized unit cell), the shifting of energy levels near the
gap lowers the total electronic energy (Fig. 3.1(a)). This comes at a cost of increased elastic
energy, but you will see that the minimum-energy state has a non-zero amount of dimerization.
For a finite chain there are two different ways this dimerization can occur – the leftmost two
atoms in the chain can have either the larger or smaller value of the spacing (Fig. 3.1(b)). It turns
out that these two different forms of dimerization are topologically distinct, corresponding to
different values of a topological invariant. For an infinite chain or a chain with periodic
boundary conditions, this is not very interesting, because the two states are related simply by a
translation by a/2. However in a finite chain with two ends these two states are qualitatively

Fig. 3.1. (a) Tight-binding bands for the dimerized chain with periodic boundary conditions (solid
lines) compared to the undimerized chain (dotted lines). The energy of the ground-state band (darker
solid line) is lowered by the dimerization. (b) Two different possibilities for dimerization of a finite 1D
different because of topologically-induced edge states. Our main goals for this lecture are to
calculate the topological invariants for the two states and to understand the properties of the edge

To begin, let us focus on bulk properties by assuming that the 1D chain has periodic
boundary conditions with a period of 2N atoms. We will also assume that the individual atomic
states are sufficiently localized to be orthogonal to a good approximation, and that there is a
fixed amount of dimerization in the chain with the overlap integrals alternating between the two
values t0  t and t0  t (we will always assume t0  0 ). Therefore t  0 gives one flavor of
dimerization and < 0 for the other (Fig. 3.1(b)). The tight binding model will require two atomic
states per unit cell (I will call them A and B), so I can assume a tight-binding Bloch state of the
k (r)   eikR [a(k) A (r  R)  b(k) B (r  (R  r))] (3.7)
where r is the spacing between atoms within the unit cell and R denotes the Bravais lattice
vectors of the different unit cells. Eq. (3.7) makes a specific choice for the phase convention
within the unit cell that is nice because it will allow us to define an effective Hamiltonian with
which to solve for Berry curvature that will be periodic in k over the Brillouin zone. This will be
convenient for the calculation.*

To solve for the electronic structure, we can follow exactly the same procedure we used
to determine the tight-binding electronic states of graphene: apply the Hamiltonian to the Bloch
wave function and then project onto each of the two atomic basis states. This yields a system of
two linear equations, giving an effective Hamiltonian matrix that depends on k.

One could use alternative intra-cell phase conventions in the tight-binding wavefunction, e.g.,
k (r)   eikR [a(k) A (r  R)  b(k)eikr B (r  ( R  r))], but then Heff (k) in the basis of the
coefficients a and b would no longer have the periodicity of the Brillouin zone, which would be
inconvenient for our purposes.

 
 0 (t0  t)  (t0  t)eika  a   
   E(k)  a  . (3.8)
 (t  t)  (t  t)eika 0  b   b 
 0 0 
The term proportional to (t  t) in each off-diagonal matrix element corresponds to the overlap
integral between the A and B atoms in the same unit cell, while the terms proportional to (t  t)
correspond to overlap integrals between A and B atoms in different (i.e., adjacent) unit cells.
Reducing the problem to this 2  2 matrix Hamiltonian is great, because in our previous work we
already found the solutions for the energies and Berry curvatures for a general 2  2 Hamiltonian,
and our problem now has precisely this form. The effective Hamiltonian in Eq. (3.8) can be
written using Pauli matrices in the generic form
d x  (t0  t)  (t0  t)cos(ka)
d y  (t0  t)sin(ka) (3.10)
d z  0.
The energy eigenvalues of the two electron bands are therefore just
E(k)   d(k)   2(t02  (t)2 )  2(t02  (t)2 )cos(ka) . (3.11)
Note for later use that the energy gap between the two bands only goes to zero if and only if both
t  0 and k is at the edge of the Brillouin zone (   / a ).

The topological invariant we are interested in calculating is the geometric phase

determined by integrating the Berry connection for the lower-energy band over the first Brillouin
 /a
d d
   i uk , (r) uk , (r) dk   i uk , (r) u (r) dk. (3.12)
BZ dk   /a dk k ,
We could calculate this directly by solving the 2  2 Hamiltonian to determine the coefficients
a (k) and b (k) for the lower-energy band, using them to construct uk , (r) , and working
through algebra. However, there is a more elegant approach by which we can recast the integral
in terms of quantities we already know. Given that the vector d(k) in the effective Hamiltonian
matrix is a smooth function of k, we can rewrite the integral for the geometric phase in terms of a
line integral in d-space:

. (3.13)

The path for d(k) is a closed loop, since by Eq. (3.10) d(k   / a)  d(k   / a)  x̂2t .
Therefore, by applying Stokes theorem, we can convert the path integral to a surface integral of a
Berry curvature over a surface in d-space bounded by the contour of d(k).
   d  i uk , (r)  d uk , (r)  dSd =   (d )  dSd . (3.14)
area enclosed by d ( k ) area enclosed by d ( k )

We have not yet calculated this Berry curvature  (d) , but this is straightforward. If we define
the Bloch bands composed of just the A sites and just the B sites
1 1
kA (r)   eikR A (r  R)  eikr ukA (r) and kB (r)   eikR B (r  (R  r))  eikr ukB (r) ,
then we can write uk , (r) as a superposition of uk (r) and uk (r)
uk , (r)  aukA (r)  bukB (r) , (3.16)
with the same coefficients a (k) and b (k) (or, equivalently, a (d) and b (d) ) that solve Eq.
(3.8). What’s more, since ukA (r) and ukB (r) are each associated with tight-binding bands made
from a single atomic orbital, individually they have no Berry curvature. We are assuming that
the A and B atomic orbitals are effectively orthogonal, which means that ukB (r)  d ukA (r)  0

and ukA (r)  d ukB (r)  0 . It follows that the Berry curvature we need to calculate has the
simple form
 (d)   d  i aukA (r)  bukA (r)  d aukA (r)  bukA (r)   d  i a* d a  b* d b , (3.17)
which is merely the Berry curvature associated with the simple effective 2  2 Hamiltonian in Eq.
(3.9), which from the homework we already know has the value

 (d)  2 . (3.18)
You will recall that this has a simple geometrical interpretation – a spherically-symmetric flux
from a monopole of charge ½ located at the origin. Therefore the geometric phase to be
calculated by the last integral in Eq. (3.14) is just the integrated flux from the monopole of
charge ½ through the area enclosed by d(k). This is ½ times the solid angle that the trajectory
d(k) subtends about the origin. This is something that is very easy to calculate, as follows.

From Eq. (3.10), As k evolves through the Brillouin zone, the contour d(k) is a circle
passing progressively through the points d(k   / a)  (2t) x̂ ,
d(k   / 2a)  (t0  t) x̂  (t0  t) ŷ , d(k  0)  (2t0 ) x̂ , d(k   / 2a)  (t0  t) x̂  (t0  t) ŷ ,
and back to d(k   / a)  (2t) x̂. The contour for the case of t  0 (recall t0  0 ) corresponds
to Fig. (3.2(a)). The circle lies entirely in the x-y plane with the origin on the outside of the
circle. Because the circle is oriented edge-on to the origin, none of the flux from the monopole
source at the origin can penetrate through the contour. Therefore, by Eq. (3.14) the geometric
phase is simply 0 for t  0 . This is a non-
topological insulator.

On the other hand, for the case when

t  0 the circle d(k) is shown in Fig. (3.2(b)).
Now d(k   / a) shifts to negative values of x
so that the origin is within the circle. The flux
going through the contour will intersect the Fig. 3.2 Contours for calculating geometric
entire half of a sphere at z > 0, so the solid angle phases in the SSH model.

enclosed is 2 , and the geometric phase from Eq. (3.14) is  . This is not equal to 0 modulo 2 ,
so this phase represents a topological invariant that is different from the t  0 case. This case of
t  0 corresponds to a 1D topological insulator.

This result is topological in the sense that one can

imagine changing parameters in the Hamiltonian
continuously to charge the trajectory d(k) (e.g., Fig. 3.3). As
long as d z is always zero and the contour does not cross
through the point (d x ,d y )  (0,0) , the geometric phase
cannot not change its value – contours that do not enclose the
origin will have a geometric phase of zero indicating a non-
topological state, while contours that do enclose the origin Fig. 3.3. If the Hamiltonian is
will have a phase of  . The only way to cross between changed the trajectory d(k) may
these values is to have a contour intersect the origin, but be deformed, but if dz remains
when d = 0 by Eq. (3.11) the energy gap goes to zero. This zero and the trajectory never
means we no longer have a well-defined insulating state. crosses the origin, the geometric
The conclusion to be drawn is quite general – insulating phase is unchanged.
bands cannot change their topological character except by
processes where a bandgap at least momentarily closes and reopens at some value (or values) of
k, so that there is no way that an insulator can continuously change from one topological state to
another while always remaining an insulator.

In 2D or 3D, the mathematics can be expressed in an entirely analogous way. Using

higher-dimensional versions of Stokes theorem, topological invariants can be expressed as a flux
through a higher-dimensional surface. The points where d = 0 continue to act as monopole
sources of flux, so the value of the topological invariant is determined by whether or not the
surface captures the flux from these monopoles. If the surface sweeps through a d = 0 point, the
bandgap will momentarily go to zero and the topological invariant can change its value.

The relationship between topological transitions and energy-level crossings:

For the SSH model, another view of what happens as one tunes through the zero-bandgap
condition from the non-topological state ( t  0 ) to the topological state ( t  0 ) is shown in Fig.
3.4. When t  0 , the Berry connection within each band can be nonzero, with different values a
function of k, but there are sign variations so that the total geometric phase integrated over each
band must be equal to zero (modulo 2 ). For example, for the choice of gauge used in the
homework, this cancellation arises in the ground-state band because the phase near the bottom of
the band is less than zero, while the phase near the top of the ground-state band (near k   / a )
is greater than zero. Phases in the excited-state band can be chosen to be equal and opposite to
those in the ground-state band (see homework). As the bandgap narrows and approaches zero,
the phase near the top of the ground-state band becomes increasingly concentrated near k   / a ,
with an integrated phase of  / 2 occurring just in the narrow avoided-crossing region. The
excited-state band develops a corresponding integrated phase of  / 2 near k   / a . As the
two bands touch and cross to re-open the band gap, the integrated phases from the two bands in
the avoided-crossing region are interchanged, so that now the top of the ground state band has an

Fig. 3.4. Contributions to the geometric phase from different parts of the bands in the SSH model, and
how these phases changs due to the level crossing when the bandgap goes through zero. The signs
correspond to the gauge convention from the homework.
integrated phase of  / 2 rather than  / 2 . Consequently, both the top and bottom parts of the
ground-state band contribute negative phases, and the total geometric phase of the ground state is
no longer 0 (modulo 2 ). This can all be worked out explicitly using results from the
homework. If we Taylor-expand H eff (k) near the minimum-bandgap point k   / a and also in
the limit t  t0 we have
 0 2t  it0 aq 
H eff (q)    2t x  t0 aq y ,
 2t  it aq 0  (3.19)
 0 
where I have defined the shifted wavevector q  k   / a and identified d x  2t and d y  t0 aq .
Expressing dx , d y in spherical polar coordinates, we have   /2 and
tan   d y / d x  t0 aq / (2t) . From the homework, we know that for any coordinate j the Berry
connection in the ground state can be written Aj,  cos 2 ( / 2) j  . Thus, after some algebra,

1 d 1  2t / t0 a 

Aq,    , (3.20)
2 dq 2 q 2   2t / t a  2

and integrating over the minimum-bandgap region from q to q , the geometric phase from
this region is
q  at q 
 Aq, dq  tan1  20t . (3.21)
Very near the zero-bandgap condiction, when t  0 , this is equal to (  / 2)sign(t) . Therefore,
immediately before the crossing, when t  0 , the integrated phase from this avoided crossing
region in the ground state is  / 2 (and in the excited state it is  / 2 ), while immediately after
the crossing, when t  0 , there is a transfer so that in the ground state the integrated phase is
 / 2 (and the excited state  / 2 ), as noted above. For states with values of k well away from
the avoided crossing region, such small changes in t have negligible effect on the eigenstates
and therefore also negligible effect on the Berry connection (and so the integrated phase in the
ground state away from the band-gap minimum must stay =  / 2 ). Therefore the effect of the
sign change in t is a net change in geometric phase for the ground state from 0 to  (and a

change in the geometric phase of the excited state from from 0 to  ). The signs here do not
matter, the values are the same modulo 2 , and could be switched by a gauge transformation.
The result is therefore fully consistent with our previous calculation based on the contours in Fig.

Similar level crossings can also generate topological transitions in 2D and 3D. In 2D,
this can be illustrated using the results of the gapped-graphene homework problem. We saw that
for gapped graphene, the effective Hamiltonian near the minimums in the bandgap could be
 m U (k x  ik y ) 
H eff (k)    d(k)   , (3.22)
 U (k  ik ) m 
 x y 
corresponding to d z  m , d x  Uk x , d y  Uk y , and with the two signs corresponding to the K
and K’ points in reciprocal space. (The wavevector is measured relative to these points.) Note
the similarity of Eq. (3.22) to the effective Hamiltonian for the SSH model – near the minimum
bandgap one component of the vector d is a small constant ( t or m) not depending on k and the
other components are linearly proportional to components of k measured relative to the bandgap
minimum – this is the generic form for a Dirac Hamiltonian with a small mass term. In the
gapped-graphene homework problem, for the small-gap case that m / (Uk0 )  1 , we saw that
integrating the Berry curvature for the ground state in the 2D region of k-space around the
bandgap minimum gives     sign(m) , while the integrated Berry curvature in the excited
state is equal and opposite. If one tunes the sign of m through zero (meaning that the there is an
energy inversion between the starting atomic levels at the A and B sites of the graphene lattice)
the integrated Berry curvatures about the K and K’ points (which are equal and opposite) both
flip sign, and so there is no net change in the total integrated Berry curvature within the ground
state. However, if it can be arranged to flip the sign of the band-gap parameter m just for one of
the K or K’ points and not the other (which requires a perturbation that breaks time-reversal
symmetry rather than the broken inversion symmetry of ordinary gapped graphene), this would
cause a net change in the integrated Berry curvature of 2 , changing the topological invariant
Chern number
cn  
2 BZ
d 2 k n (k) (3.23)

from 0 to 2 , creating a quantum anomalous Hall state.

Let’s consider how all this relates to topological transitions more generally. For any
dimension of k we have seen that the eigenstates in a 2-band model are governed by an effective
Hamiltonian of the form (Eq. 3.9)

with d x , d y , and d z real-valued and with energy eigenvalues E   d x2 (k)  d y2 (k)  d z2 (k) . In
order to create a topological transition, one must somehow drive the bandgap between the two
bands to zero at one or more points in k-space, because if not the topological invariant is (as the
name implies) invariant. Just trying to push the bands together at some arbitrary value of k (i.e.,

tuning d z  0 ) will generally not work by itself, because off-diagonal matrix elements coupling
the two bands will cause an avoided crossing, rather than a crossing. (That is, one needs all three
of d x , d y , and d z to go to zero simultaneously to create a band touching.) In practice, this
means that even with careful tuning of external parameters the bands can only be made to touch
at certain values of k where symmetries of the system require that there is zero off-diagonal
coupling between the bands. Let us call any one of these points k  k0 . Then near k0 the
effective Hamiltonian can be approximated by a Taylor expansion.
H eff (k)   k d x (k0 )  (k  k0 ) x   k d y (k0 )  (k  k0 ) y   k d z (k0 )  (k  k0 ) z
  v k 
i i
  vi  k   i
ix,y,z ix,y,z

where and  k  k - k0 . The usual result, in the absence of any symmetry

constraints, is once again simply a generic Dirac Hamiltonian with a linear dispersion curve near
the bands-touching point, with effective velocities vi serving as (possibly non-orthogonal) axes
defining the displacements  k   vi
. If as a function of an external parameter  one generates a
level crossing during which a bandgap goes to zero at k  k0 and reopens, this can be expressed
with the same mathematics we have seen for the SSH and gapped-graphene models – one
component of H eff (k) has the form m(  ) i with m(  ) going from a non-zero value through 0
and changing sign to give a level crossing at k0 , while the other components keep their linear
dependence on  k  vi
. When this happens, the equal-and-opposite integrated Berry curvatures in
the two bands near the bandgap minimum are interchanged, making the total Berry curvature of
the ground state nonzero by the same process as we have seen for the gapped-graphene example,
and generating a topological phase change.

(Note for experts: While an effective Dirac Hamiltonian is the usual case in k-space near
where two bands touch, it is not required in all circumstances -- if there are zeros in the effective
velocities vi or they are not linearly independent then the locus of bands-touching might be lines
or surfaces in k-space rather than simple points, and the dispersions as a function of  k could
have higher powers than linear. If you are interested in further reading, these cases can have
interesting topological consequences, too.)

Given the connection between level crossings and topological states, a key to identifying
examples of time-reversal symmetric 2D and 3D topological insulators (i.e., quantum spin Hall
insulators) has been to find materials with a suitable form of band inversion. Suppose that in a
non-topological material one has two bands close to touching near the Fermi level. If spin-orbit
coupling is initially weak, spin-up and spin-down bands will have the same Berry curvatures. If
the bands can be made to shift by increasingly strong spin-orbit coupling (a time-reversal
symmetric perturbation) so that the band gap goes to zero and then reopens, one can have a
similar transfer of Berry curvature for the two spin states (in this case with opposite signs)
resulting in a new topological state. Consequently, a productive strategy to search for new non-
magnetic topological insulators has been to look for materials in which the order of bands is

different than for widely-separated atoms because of strong spin-orbit coupling. In particular, it
has productive to look for situations when the bands that cross have different parities so that
effective Hamiltonians with matrix elements linear in k are allowed, analogous to our Dirac

Topological Edge States:

I now want to turn to the subject of edge states – the idea that there are guaranteed to be
special states with energy in the bandgap that are localized in real space near the edge of a
topological insulator (adjacent to vacuum) or more generally at the interface between any two
insulators with different values of a topological invariant. We will again start with the SSH
model as a simple concrete example. To consider edges, we will need to switch from the
assumption of periodic boundary conditions that we used to calculate bulk properties to the
assumption of a finite chain (still with 2N atoms) and no periodic boundary condition. The
existence of a difference in electronic properties at the edges between the non-topological
( t  0 ) and topological ( t  0 ) states is most obvious for the “fully-dimerized” cases when
t  t0 (Fig. 3.5). When t  t0 (greater than zero), there is coupling with strength 2t0 between
the A and B atoms in each unit cell, with no coupling between neighboring unit cells. The
resulting energy eigenstates will form two flat bands with all energies equal to E   2t0 (each
coupled pair of atoms gives just an energy splitting due to the off-diagonal matrix element of a
2  2 matrix). For the topological state with t  t0 , however, there will be coupling with
strength 2t0 between the A and B atoms in different unit cells, with no coupling within the unit
cells. In the middle of the chain, dimerization will produce lots of states all with the same
energies E   2t0 as before, but now there will also be two atoms not coupled to any others at
the edges of the chain – an uncoupled A
atom on the left and an uncoupled B atom
on the right. These will have just the same
energy as the starting atomic states, which
we had defined to be E  0 , right in the
center of the bandgap.
This result so far is pretty trivial,
but the remarkable thing is that these edge Fig. 3.5. Fully-dimerized SSH chains for the non-
states with energy E  0 are topologically topological and topological cases.
protected. If one tunes t away from t0
to turn on coupling between all of the atoms, there remain edge states locked to the energy E  0
as long as the sign of t is always negative. The edge states do not remain localized just on the
last atom; they become evanescent waves decaying exponentially as they penetrate toward the
bulk of the chain, but their energies do not shift. (This is true for a sufficiently long chain. If the
evanescent waves from the two ends overlap significantly, they can couple to each other to
produce a small splitting.) What’s even more remarkable is that the parameters t0 and t do not
need to remain fixed as a function of position – they can vary with position and the edge state
will still exist and remain pinned at E  0 as long as t never becomes positive. If t does
switch sign at some location, this represents a boundary between different topological phases,

and there will be an E  0 edge state localized there, too. This state of affairs is sufficiently
surprising that I suggest you play around with direct matrix diagonalization of the tight binding
model on a finite chain to observe the edge states yourself. (This will be assigned as a
homework problem.) For those wishing understand these phenomena at a deeper level, these
properties are intimately connected to an underlying symmetry of the SSH model called a chiral

Here, I will show analytically that there are edge states with energy E  0 and how to
solve for their amplitude as a function of position. I will consider a situation where t changes
slowly with position x with a sign change at x = 0, such that at x < 0 t is positive and at x > 0
t is negative. Throughout the boundary region, t  t0 . Since translational invariance is
broken, the energy eigenstates will no longer be Bloch states with a single value of k, but the
low-energy eigenstates (near E  0 ) can still be constructed as wavepackets in the form of
superpositions of low-energy Bloch states. For the SSH model, those will be the states near the
edge of the Brillouin zone k   / a , for which the linearized effective Hamiltonian is Eq. (3.19).
To make the physics a little more transparent, let us redefine variables m(x)  2t(x) and
so that the effective Hamiltonian becomes

. (3.26)

This is a Dirac-type Hamiltonian with an effective mass m(x) and a velocity v , of the generic
form discussed in Eq. (3.25). In this situation where the effective mass varies with position there
is a standard trick (called the envelope function approximation, see ref. 5.) for solving for the
spatial wavefunctions of the low-energy eigenstates The spatial wavefunction written in terms of
  (x) 
the real-space amplitude on the A and B sites  A  can be determined by writing H (q)
  (x)  eff
 B 
in terms of the operator q  and solving the eigenvalue equation
i dx


This is analogous to the usual procedure of substituting in the conventional

Schrodinger equation when considering the real-space wavefunction as a wavepacket formed as
the superposition of momentum eigenstates.

Let’s set E = 0 in Eq. (3.27), and see if indeed there is always a solution. A zero-energy
solution requires

and . (3.28)

and . (3.29)
Both equations can be solved by direct integration

and . (3.30)

Now in the case we are considering ( m(x)  0 for x  0 and m(x)  0 for x  0 ),  B (x) grows
in magnitude indefinitely as x moves away from 0 in both directions, and so that part of the
solution in not normalizable or physical. But that is OK. We will still have a solution if we set
 B (x)  0 everywhere because in this case  A (x) does not
need to be 0 – the solution for  A (x) decreases in magnitude
as x moves away from 0 in both directions (e.g., Fig. 3.6) and
is normalizable. So we do indeed have a solution with
E  0 even if m(x) (or t ( x ) ) varies with position – the
wavefunction has zero weight on the B sites but decays
evanescently to both sides on the A sites to be localized near
the interface. (The solution must decay evanescently because Fig. 3.6. Generic interfacial
the energy E is in the bulk bandgap, so it could not yield a wavefunction corresponding to a
propagating wavefunction.) If the sign change of m(x) had solution of Eq. (3.30), that
decays to zero on both sides of
the opposite character, increasing through x = 0, the weight
the interface positioned at x = 0.
of the wavefunction would instead be entirely on the B sites.

This result can also be generalized to problems in higher dimensions. Whenever the
effective Hamiltonian near the minimum bandgap can be linearized to the form of Dirac
Hamiltonian with an effective mass term and the effective mass term changes sign to produce a
level inversion and a change in a topological invariant, the envelope function approximation
gives an eigenvalue equation analogous to Eq. (3.26). Integration in the spatial direction
perpendicular to the interface will give a solution localized to the interface with energy E  0 in
the gap. In 2D and 3D, this state can be delocalized in the directions parallel to the interface
(still with a linear Dirac dispersion in these directions) to give an edge mode in 2D or a surface
state in 3D. In 3D materials, the linear Dirac
dispersion of the surface state can be measured
directly using angle-resolved photoemission
spectroscopy (ARPES) (see Fig. 3.7).
These topological edge modes (in 2D) or
surface states (in 3D) have many interesting
experimental properties that are being actively
explored. For 2D material with a nonzero Chern
number, the edge modes are effectively 1-way streets
that are always metallic because backscattering of the Fig. 3.7. ARPES measurements of the
electron states can be forbidden. For 3D nonmagnetic surface electronic band dispersion on
topological insulators, the electrons in the surface Bi2Se3(111), showing cuts in two
state can have the unusual property that the direction directions through the Dirac point of the
of spin is locked to the direction of the in-plane surface state. (from ref. [6])

wavevector. This not only suppresses scattering processes but it also leads to interesting
magneto-electric effects – because of this locking, an in-plane current (resulting form an
imbalance in the occupation of momentum states) is necessarily accompanied by an interfacial
spin accumulation (the resulting imbalance in the occupation of spin states).

A brief comment about topological semi-metals:

Finally, I’ll mention another application of topology in solid state physics. The same
mathematical framework that we have applied to topological insulators is also useful when
thinking about Weyl and Dirac semimetals, but utilized in a quite different way. We introduced
these classes of materials briefly when we discussed the experimental consequences of Berry
curvature – they have 3D bands that touch at a finite number of points in k-space, at each of
which the Berry curvature can be singular, acting like a monopole source of flux in k-space. In
this case the relevant topological calculations are not integrations over the Brillouin zone –
instead they are integrations over the Fermi surface, which is a 2D closed surface (or a collection
of closed surfaces) within k-space. If a Fermi surface encloses a band-touching point, the
component of Berry curvature perpendicular to the Fermi surface integrated over the Fermi
surface is a topological invariant, a different example of a Chern number, that can be nonzero if
either time-reversal or inversion symmetry is broken. Just as for topological insulators, this
nonzero topological invariant can have non-trivial consequences for surface states and
magnetoelectric properties. A very nice review article about these interesting semimetals has
recently been published by Armitage, Mele, and Vishwanath in Rev. Mod. Phys. [7].

These notes are posted as a contribution to the broader impact of NSF grant DMR-1708499.

Appendix 1: Derivation of the Rules of Band Dynamics Using Operator Algebra

I. Rule (#1) of band dynamics:

(This discussion is adapted from Kittel, Appendix E. See also ref. 8.)

We will use that the crystal obeys lattice translation symmetry, so that the Hamiltonian
Ĥ 0 in the absence of any externally applied field commutes with the lattice translation operator,
Tˆ , defined so that Tˆ (r)   (r  a) where  is an arbitrary wavefunction and a is a Bravais
lattice vector. We will also use that over the short time t in which we want to compute the
change in k that the external force F can be approximated as a constant in both time and space.

If we operate with Tˆ on a Bloch wavefunction, we have by the property of Bloch wavefunctions

Tˆk (r)   k (r  a)  eikak (r) .
Therefore, the expectation value of the operator Tˆ in such a Bloch state is
Tˆ   Tˆ   eika .
k k
If we take a time derivative of this expression, we have
d T̂ dk
 eika ia  , (A1.2)
dt dt
since the only factor that can depend on time is k.

Now, from the general principles of quantum mechanics, we can also relate this same time
dependence to an expectation value of the commutator of the Hamiltonian operator with the
operator Tˆ :

, (A1.3)

where here Ĥ is the full Hamiltonian including the external force: Ĥ  Ĥ 0  Fext  r where Fext
is an external force (assumed constant in our short time interval) and the bare crystal
Hamiltonian commutes with Tˆ : [ Ĥ 0 , Tˆ ]  0 .
To evaluate the commutator, consider its action on any arbitrary function  (r) :
[ Ĥ ,Tˆ ] (r)  ( Ĥ  F  r)Tˆ (r)  Tˆ ( Ĥ  F  r) (r)
0 ext 0 ext

 Fext  (rTˆ (r)  Tr

ˆ  (r)),
where the last line follows since Fext is a constant vector and [ Ĥ 0 , Tˆ ]  0 . Then when we operate
with Tˆ ,

[ Ĥ ,Tˆ ] (r)  Fext  (r (r  a)  (r  a) (r  a))
 Fext  a (r  a)
 F  aTˆ (r).
This implies that as an operator equation
[ Ĥ , Tˆ ]  Fext  aTˆ .
Therefore, using Eqs. (A1.3) and (A1.1) we have

But from Eq. (A1.2), we also have that this same quantity is equal to
d T̂ dk
 eika ia  .
dt dt
Since these expressions hold for arbitrary values of the Bravais lattice vector a, we must have
This holds for every Bloch state which is included in the superposition to make the wavepacket.
The force F is just a constant. Therefore, when evaluating the change in the expectation value
k for the full wavepacket the same expression holds:

This is the Rule (#1) that we wanted to demonstrate.

II. Rule (#2) of band dynamics:

In the following I will write Bloch states in the form k  eikr n,k , where n,k is the periodic
part of the Bloch wavefunction and n is a band index. I will use the normalization convention
that n,k n,k 1 when integrated over one unit cell.

We will analyze the problem within the Heisenberg representation of the position operator r̂
using first-order perturbation theory to analyze how the external force Fext alters the eigenstate.
With or without an external force, the operator that describes the time rate of change of the
position of a wavepacket is the velocity operator

. (A1.4)

We want to evaluate v̂  k v̂ k / k k  n,k e ikr̂ v̂eikr̂ n,k  n,k v̂ k n,k ,

where we have defined v̂ k  e ikr̂ v̂e ikr̂ .

It is also convenient to define Ĥk  e ikr̂ Ĥe ikr̂ as we have in lecture 2, describing the effective
Hamiltonian (within which the wavevector k is a parameter) for which n,k is an eigenstate.
With this definition, we can also write


We also have that since r̂ and e ikr̂ commute.

I will present two arguments. The first is the operator analysis that is most commonly presented,
and it gives the correct answer, but it is not entirely rigorous. In the second argument, I will
sketch how a more-rigorous calculation goes.

For the first argument, let us apply standard first-order perturbation theory to evaluate the
expectation value of the velocity

under the circumstances that the eigenstates are perturbed by a constant external force Fext ; i.e.,
we will perform perturbation theory with the perturbation U  Fext  r̂ .

The first-order change in the eigenstates is n,k  n,k   n,k with

m,k  Fext  r̂ n,k m,k r̂ n,k
 n,k   m,k  Fext   m,k .
mn En,k  Em,k mn E n,k  Em,k
There is a convenient trick for evaluating the matrix element of the position operator. Since

, we have

and therefore .

Consequently, for the perturbed eigenstate we have


In the last step we have used Eq. (A1.5). Evaluating the expectation value of the velocity
operator in the perturbed eigenstates, to first order we have (here n,k and m,k are
unperturbed eigenstates)


     
In the last step we have used the vector identity a bc  b ac c ab .

But the quantity is square brackets is just the Berry curvature:

where we have re-introduced the spin label, . (See Eq. (A3.4) in Appendix 3 for this
expression of the Berry curvature.)

The first term in the last line of Eq. (A1.6) can be identified as since

and because is identically 1.

So we have, finally

This is Rule (#2) that we wanted to demonstrate.

This is the correct answer, but it is not entirely rigorous, because strictly speaking r̂ is not a
well-defined operator in the space of plane-wave-like Bloch states and also the perturbation
U  Fext  r̂ is not small for an unbounded sample. For those who are interested, a more-
rigorous second argument can begin by analyzing more generally how the periodic part of a
Bloch state changes when dk/dt is nonzero due to any kind of external force. One can use a form
of perturbation theory to include a first-order correction in dk/dt to the adiabatic approximation.
(See ref. [4], pages 97-101.) The time-dependent wavefunction n,k ,t can then be written in

terms of the unperturbed wavefunctions n,k in the form

The expectation value of the velocity is (keeping terms up to first order in dk/dt)

     
where again in the last step we have used the vector identity a bc  b ac c ab .

Therefore we reach the same result as before:

Appendix 2: Calculating the expectation value of position for wavepacket made from a
superposition of Bloch waves.

I will consider a wavepacket defined by a weighting function with the general form
 ik r0  i ( k k0 ) X
w( k  k0 )  wR ( k  k0 )e (A2.1) e
where wR (k  k0 ) is a normalized real-valued function that is sharply-peaked around k = k0 and
zero elsewhere. The coefficient X serves as a phase correction factor as discussed in the main
lecture notes. We will use the normalization convention that the periodic part of the Bloch
wavefunction is normalized within one unit cell:

uk (r) d 3r  1 . (A2.2)
unit cell
To keep track of all normalizations, it is easier to do the calculation assuming a finite crystal with
periodic boundary conditions and N unit cells in total. The full normalized wavepacket is then
 WP,0   wR (k  k0 )eikk0 X eik rr0 uk (r)
N k
1 ik0  rr0  i kk0  X rr0 
 e  wR (k  k0 )e uk (r).
N k
The final results will apply also for the continuum limit

For mathematical convenience, I will actually calculate the expectation value of r  r0 :

r  r0   d r 3 *
(r)  r  r0   WP,0 (r)
(r)uk (r)e  0  
i k'k  X rr0  i kk0  X rr0 

 d r  w (k'  k )w (k  k )u
R 0 R 0
e  r  r0 

 d r  w (k'  k )w (k  k )u

R 0 R 0
(r)uk (r)e  0  
i k'k  X rr0  i kk0  X 
e ke  0  0 .
i kk  rr

At this point I will integrate by parts.
 d 3r  wR (k'  k0 )uk'* (r)e  0  
i k'k  X rr0  i kk0  rr0 
e  k  wR (k  k0 )uk (r)e  0    

i kk  X 
  
 d r  w (k'  k )u

R 0
i kk'  rr0  i k'k0  X 
(r)e  e  i kk  X 

 k  wR (k  k0 )uk (r)e  0     .

The integral over r is similar to the one we have considered in the context of x-ray scattering. It
is zero unless k '  k because otherwise the contributions from different unit cells add up out of
phase to give perfect destructive interference. We can thus divide the integral over r up into a
lattice sum times structure factor (that is, an integral over one unit cell), with the lattice sum =
N k,k' .

r  r0  

i unit cell
d 3r 
wR (k'  k0 )uk'* (r)e   w (k  k )u (r)e
i kk'  rr0  i k'k0  X 
e k R 0 k
i kk0  X  



i unit cell
d 3r  w (k  k )u (r)e
R 0
i kk0  X 
 w (k  k )u (r)e .
k R 0 k
i kk0  X 

Here we take the gradient of the three terms in the square brackets and evaluate them at k = k0 ,
because the sharply-peaked weighting function wR (k  k0 ) makes the integrand zero everywhere
except near k = k0 . There is no contribution from  k wR (k  k0 ) because wR (k  k0 ) has a
maximum (with zero gradient) at k = k0 . So there are just two contributions from the gradient:

r  r0  

i unit cell
d 3r  w (k  k )
R 0
2 i kk  X 

uk* (r)e  0    e  0    k uk (r)  uk (r)e      iX 
i kk  X  i kk'  X 

1    
    wR (k  k0 )  d 3r uk* (r) k uk (r)     iX  wR (k  k0 )  uk (r) d 3r .
2 2 2

i   k unit cell
  k unit cell 

2 2
Since both wR (k  k0 ) and uk (r) are normalized,
1 
r  r0     d 3r uk* (r) k uk (r)
i unit cell

 iX 

  
 i  d 3r uk* (r) uk (r)  X (A2.8)
unit cell  k  kk

 A(k0 )  X .

Appendix 3: Alternative expressions for Berry curvature

In the following, I use the notation n or m to refer to energy eigenstates of the same
Hamiltonian, with that Hamiltonian having the same value of some external parameter (e.g., the
parameter or k in the notes). The gradients  are taken with respect to this parameter or k.

The general formula for the Berry curvature can also be transformed into additional sometimes-
more-convenient forms:
n    i n  n (A3.1)

i  n   n    (A3.2)
 i n  m  m  n (A3.3)

n  H  m  m  H  n
 i . (A3.4)
mn ( Em  En ) 2

Auation (A3.1) is the definition of the Berry curvature. Equation (A3.2) can be shown easily by
expanding both Eq. (A3.1) and Eq. (A3.2) and comparing terms. Equation (A3.3) follows from
Eq. (A3.2) by inserting a complete set of states plus some algebra, as follows:
Inserting a complete set of energy eigenstates m into Eq. (A3.2) yields

   
 n  i  n  m m    n  i  n m  m  n .
m m
  (A3.5)

If the states n and m are different they are orthogonal, so that n m  0. If they are the
same, then n m  1. In either case, taking the gradient of n m gives zero, so that

0 n m   n m  n  m .  (A3.6)
 n  m  n  m (A3.7)
and we can substitute this into Eq. (A3.5) to yield
 n  i n  m  m  n . (A3.8)
We can restrict the sum to m ≠ n since the m = n term gives a cross product that is identically
zero. This proves Eq. (A3.3).

The final expression for the Berry curvature, Eq. (A3.4) results from using in Eq. (A3.3) the
n  H  m
nm  for n  m . (A3.9)
Em  E n
This identity follows from first noting that for an energy eigenstate m

 n H m    Em n | m   0 (A3.10)
(where in the last step we have used Eq. (A3.6)).

But then using Eq. (A3.10) we can also evaluate

 
0   n H m   n H m  n  H  m  n H  m  
 
 Em  n m  n  H  m  En n  m   (A3.11)
 Em n  m  n  H  m  En n  m ,
where in the final step we have used Eq. (A3.7). The final equality in Eq. (A3.11) is equivalent
to Eq. (A3.9). Substituting Eq. (A3.9) twice into Eq. (A3.3) gives
n  H  m m  H  n n  H  m  m  H  n
 n  i   i . (A3.12)
Em  En E n  Em  m n
mn mn E  E
This is Eq. (A3.4).

Equation (A3.4) can be particularly useful because in many situations taking gradients of
eigenstates (as in Eq. A3.1) is cumbersome, but taking gradients of the Hamiltonian itself can be
much easier. We will see an example of this in a problem set. Also, for numerical calculations
Eq. (A3.4) is generally much more useful than the definition in Eq. (A3.1) because numerical
solutions for the eigenstates may not naturally give a smoothly-varying phase for the eigenstates,
making numerical evaluation of the Berry connection awkward and difficult.

Homework problems

Berry Curvature and Anomalous Velocity

1. Regarding minimal models for non-zero Berry curvature. (Easy, but gives some useful

(a) If one makes a Bloch state in a tight-binding model using only a single atomic basis-state
orbital  (r) within each unit cell, one has k (r)   eikR (r - R)  eikr  eik( rR ) (r - R) .

Therefore the periodic part of the solution can be chosen to be uk (r)   eik( rR ) (r - R) and in

the unit cell near R=0 we have just uk (r)  e ikr

 (r) assuming well-localized orbitals. By
evaluating the Berry connection A(k)  i uk (r)  k uk (r) (integrating over the first unit cell)
and the Berry curvature, show that the Berry curvature is always zero for a tight-binding band
made from a single atomic basis state in each unit cell.

 g (r)
(b) If g k (r) is a normalized quantum state (i.e., k
d 3r  1) with zero Berry curvature,
show that the most general wavefunction obtained by a gauge transformation, ei  ( k ) g k (r) , also
has zero Berry curvature for any choice of the real function  (k) .

(c) If f k (r) and g k (r) are orthogonal normalized states with zero Berry curvature and also
g k ( r )  k f k ( r )  f k ( r )  k g k ( r )  0 , show that the normalized superposition
uk (r)  a(k) f k (r)  b(k)g k (r) can have a non-zero Berry curvature. State its value in terms of
a(k) and b(k) , and show that it is real-valued.

[From the results here, we can conclude that the minimal model to obtain a non-
zero Berry curvature is one that includes mixing between at least two basis states.
Problem #2 of this problem set will analyze this model. Analogously, the
minimal model to obtain an electron band with non-zero Berry curvature requires
mixing between at least two single-orbital bands, because within the unit cell at
the origin the periodic part of the tight-binding wavefunction made from two basis
states per unit cell has precisely the form uk (r)  a(k) f k (r)  b(k)g k (r)
considered in part (c). Problem #3 will analyze a specific realization.]

2. Berry phase and Berry curvature for a general two-level system.

The simplest model with a non-zero Berry curvature is a two-level system. (See problem 1).
Therefore, consider a two-level system described by the general Hamiltonian

where 12 is the 2  2 identity matrix, d  (d x ,d y ,d z ) is a real vector with length d, and is a

vector of Pauli matrices. If one takes d   B B , where B is the magnetic field, this is the
Hamiltonian of a spin-1/2 particle in a magnetic field. If one takes d  v0 k , where k is an
electron wavevector, this corresponds to the Hamiltonian of a Weyl fermion.

(a) Using the spherical representation d  d[sin( )cos( ), sin( )sin( ), cos( )] , show that the
Hamiltonian has eigenvalues E (d)    d with normalized eigenstates that can be written
   
 cos    sin  
(d)   2  , (d)   2 . (1)
 i    i  
 e sin   e cos 
 2   2 

(b) Show that for any coordinate j that the j-th component of the Berry connection for the two
states are given by
 
Aj,  i (d)  j  (d)  sin 2   j 
 
Aj,  i (d)  j  (d)  cos 2   j  .

(c) Suppose that one rotates the vector d along a closed loop at a fixed angle  0 , from   0 to
  2 . Evaluate the Berry phase accumulated for the two states

in two ways: by directly evaluating the line integral, and by using Stokes theorem to convert the
line integral to a surface integral
2 0
    d   d  A ,   A ,  .
0 0
Are your answers consistent? Note that the Berry phases are only defined modulo 2 , and we
also have      modulo 2 .

(d) The integrand within the surface integral in (c) is not exactly the Berry curvature
   d  A because the curl in the Berry curvature vector involves derivatives over linear

displacements rather than angles. Using the expressions for the gradient and curl in spherical
polar coordinates  d, ,   (e.g., see the back cover of Jackson) to operate on the eigenstates (Eq.
1) show that the Berry curvature for the two-level system takes the simple form

. (2)
This quantity is equivalent to the field produced by a monopole of charge 1/ 2 located at the
origin. From this, relate your answer for the Berry phase in (c) to the flux through the area on
the sphere bounded by the path of the rotating vector d.

(e) Repeat the calculation of Aj, ,   , and  d  A in parts (b-d) for a different gauge, obtained
by transforming (d)  ei ( , ) (d) , where  is a doubly-differentiable function. Show that
although the Berry connection changes, the geometric phase over a closed loop remains
unchanged (modulo 2 ) and the Berry curvature is unchanged.

(f) Using the alternative expression for the Berry curvature mentioned in the Lecture Notes,
n  H  m  m  H  n
 n  i , (3)
mn ( Em  En ) 2
provide an alternative derivation of the Berry curvature    d  A for this problem (Eq. (2)).
It is easiest if you first rotate your coordinate axes so that ẑ is parallel to d.

3. Berry curvature for gapped graphene or MoS2.
We saw in a previous problem set that the effective Hamiltonian for the electronic states with a
given k vector in graphene can be expanded in the following form near the K and K’ points
where the band gap goes to zero:
 0 U (k x  ik y ) 
H eff (k)   .
 U (k  ik ) 0 
 x y 
Here the two basis states are the tight-binding Bloch states formed from (a) the A orbitals and (b)
the B orbitals. U is a constant (assume it is real for simplicity) and the wave vectors are
measured relative to the K or K’ point (not from zero). The sign in the off-diagonal terms is
different for the K and K’ points.
If the A-B lattice symmetry in graphene is broken (e.g., as it is in hexagonal boron nitride or
transition-metal dichalcogenides like MoS2), there will also be a splitting of the diagonal matrix

 m U (k x  ik y ) 
H eff (k)   . (4)
 U (k  ik ) m 
 x y 

(a) Show that the Berry curvature for the upper band derived from Eq. (4) has the form

   k  A  
1   mU 2 ẑ

 
2 m2 U 2 k 2  k 2 3/2
x y 
where the  corresponds to the K or K’ point. You can do this by thinking how the result in
problem 2 is changed when all derivatives with respect to k z are zero (since k z does not appear
in the problem), or by using Eq. (3) with the form of the eigenstates in Eq. (1) and
  cos1  m / d  , d  m2 U 2 (k x2  k y2 ) , and   tan 1 (k y / kx ) . (Note that you are no longer
free to rotate your coordinate axes in this problem without transforming the Hamiltonian because
the Hamiltonian is not spherically symmetric in k-space.)

(b) By doing a surface integral of the Berry curvature, determine the

Berry phase in the upper band for a closed contour about either the K or
the K’ point as shown in the sketch on the right, in which the wavevector
k traces out a path of constant energy E  m2 U 2 k02 , where kr is a
constant radius in k-space from the bandgap minimum.

(c) Discuss the limits of your answers in (b) for m / (Ukr )  1 and m / (Ukr )  1.
Also, sketch the magnitude of the Berry curvature as a function of distance k  k x2  k y2 from
the K’ point to understand what region of k space contributes significantly to the integrals of
Berry curvature.

Note: In the above we have assumed implicitly that the diagonal term m (known as the “mass”
term”) has the same sign for both the K and K’ points. In a model with broken time reversal
symmetry it is possible to imagine a situation in which the mass terms at K and K’ have opposite
signs, in which case the total integral of the Berry phase within a band can be nonzero, achieving
a “topological” state.

(d) The Berry curvature associated with the K or K’ valleys causes the carriers there to be
deflected sideways relative to an applied electric field (even in the absence of any applied
magnetic field), with opposite signs of deflection for the two valleys. The strength of this effect,
e.g., the intrinsic valley Hall conductivity associated with occupied states in the conduction band
near the K point, can be written in terms of the Berry curvature as

Assuming a circular Fermi circle and taking the lowest-order Taylor expansion for Uk0 / m  1
(second order), use the result of part (b) to express the intrinsic valley Hall conductivity in terms
of the carrier concentration per unit area
 1 
n  2   d 2k .
 2  occ. states
near K
The valley Hall effect in MoS2 was first demonstrated experimentally by Kin Fai Mak, Paul
McEuen, and collaborators in Science 344, 1489 (2014).

4. Su-Shrieffer-Heeger Model: The Peierls' instability and topological edge states:.
We discussed in class the Su-Shrieffer-Heeger model which shows that quasi-one-dimensional
metals are unstable with respect to dimerization. In this problem I will ask you to work through
the physics of this. Consider the specific realization of polyacetylene:

Define the lattice coordinates un to denote the horizontal displacement of the nth CH group away
from its undisplaced lattice position at na (as drawn). (These have positive values for
displacements in the +x direction, and negative values for displacements in the -x direction.) For
the structure shown in Fig. (a), un < 0 with un-1 and un+1 > 0, leading to a short ("double") bond
between the groups n-1 and n, and a long ("single") bond between n and n+1. For the structure
shown in Fig. (b), we have the reversed situation. The potential energy of the phonon
coordinates can be written

Vlattice  
2 n
K  un 1  un  .

(a) (Easy) What is the potential energy of the lattice for the "dimerized" chain with un = (-1)n u0?

The electronic band structure near the Fermi energy can be calculated approximately using a
tight-binding model of pz-type orbitals occupied by one electron per CH group, in a way very
similar to carbon nanotubes. (Just as for nanotubes, the s, px, and py orbitals lead to bands well
below and well above the Fermi energy.) Let us express the electronic part of the Hamiltonian
using the (real-valued) overlap matrix element tn+1,n (in a previous notation these overlap
integrals have been called )

H el   t n 1,n  n  1,s n,s  n,s n  1,s ,


where n,s is a state with a pz electron of spin s=±1/2 on the nth CH group.

(b) For the undimerized chain (all the u's = 0), the overlap matrix elements are all the same (set
them all equal to t0 ). Derive the tight-binding band structure (this is easy), and plot it using an
unconventional reduced zone scheme for a unit cell having a basis with two CH groups (as I did
briefly in class). What levels are filled, if there is one electron in the pz band per CH group?

(c) If the polyacetylene chain happens to become dimerized, then the overlap matrix elements
will depend on the length of the bond. To account for this electron-lattice interaction, let us
expand this dependence to first order about the undimerized state:

tn1,n  t0  tn1,n  t0   (un1  un ).
Given a dimerized displacement amplitude u, such that un = (-1)n u0, derive the tight-binding
band structure assuming periodic boundary conditions with an even number of CH groups. You
will have a crystal with two atoms per unit cell, so the procedure will be very similar to the
nanotube problem. Using a relatively small dimerization, plot the dimerized band structure
together on a graph with your result from (b), in a reduced-zone scheme for two CH groups per
unit cell. Compare the two different band structures. (The answer should be as expected, given
intuition you gained from the nearly-free electron model and what we discussed in class.)

(d) For a chain with a number N of CH units (periodic boundary conditions) with temperature
T=0, show that the total energy of the system, including both the electronic and the lattice
contributions is, after converting a sum to an integral

4Nt 0 NKt 02 z 2
E0  E 1 z  

 2 2

 /2
where E(1-z2) = dx 1 (1 z 2 )sin 2 (x) is an elliptic integral and z=2u0/t0.

(e) The important question is: Is it possible to lower the total energy of the system by
dimerizing, or does the undimerized configuration give the ground state? Expanding the elliptic
integral in small z (or u),

show that for a half-filled band the undimerized state is always unstable to dimerization at T=0.
This is the Peierls' instability, and the resulting dimerized state is called a commensurate charge
density wave because of the periodic concentration of charge in the "double" bonds,
commensurate with some multiple of the underlying lattice of atoms. (There is also such a thing
as an incommensurate charge density wave in other materials.) Taking K = 21 eV-Å-2, t0 = 2.5
eV  = 4.1 eV/Å, and the lattice constant a=1.22 Å, plot the energy per CH group as a function
of the staggered dimerization coordinate u. (We treat the lattice coordinates in the Born-
Oppenheimer approximation, fixing them in position on the time scale of electronic motions.)
There should be two stable minima at ±u0 = 0.04 Å, corresponding to the A and B phases shown
in the figure. Explain, in terms of the competition between electronic and lattice energies, why a
dimerized state is favored at low temperatures.

(f) Demonstration of edge states: Now consider a finite 1-d chain with 20 CH groups (so, 10
unit cells), with uncoupled ends instead of periodic boundary conditions. Normalize the energy
scale by assuming that the overlap matrix element between unit cells is 1, and let the overlap
matrix element within each unit cell be real with a variable strength  between 0 and 3. The
Hamiltonian can therefore be represented as a 20 x 20 matrix with the pattern (here I only give a
10 x 10 version)

 0  0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 
 
  0 1 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 
 0 1 0  0 0 0 0
0 0 
 
 0 0  0 1 0 0 0
0 0 
H  0 0 0 1 0  0 0
0 0 
 0 0 0 0  0 1 0
0 0 
 
 0 0 0 0 0 1 0  0 0 
 0 0 0 0 0 0  0 1 0 
 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0  

 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0  0 

Diagonalize the 20 x 20 version of this matrix numerically and plot the spectrum of energy levels
as a function of  between 0 and 3. The regime of the topological ground state is  < 1. Show
that in this regime there are two states with energy very close to zero, but in the non-topological
state there are no states near zero energy. For  = 0.5, determine the eigenstates corresponding
to these zero-energy levels and verify that they are linear superpositions of states localized near
the two edges of the sample.

(As  approaches 1 from below for a finite-size sample, the two edge states can couple and
experience an avoided crossing so that their energies split about E = 0. If you are interested and
have time, you can check that for a larger finite chain the energy splittings in this regime are


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