Selenium Scenario
Selenium Scenario
Selenium Scenario
Table of Contents
Scenario 1 ................................................................................................................................................3
Scenario 2 ................................................................................................................................................3
Scenario 3 ................................................................................................................................................3
Scenario 4 ................................................................................................................................................4
Scenario 5 ................................................................................................................................................5
Scenario 6 ................................................................................................................................................5
Scenario 7 ................................................................................................................................................5
Scenario 8 ................................................................................................................................................5
Scenario 9 ................................................................................................................................................6
Scenario 10 ..............................................................................................................................................7
Scenario 11 ..............................................................................................................................................7
Scenario 12 ..............................................................................................................................................7
Scenario 13 ..............................................................................................................................................7
Scenario 14 ..............................................................................................................................................7
Scenario 15 ..............................................................................................................................................8
Scenario 1
1. Open a browser of your choice say Mozilla Firefox using Gecko Driver
2. Navigate to Gmail (
3. Login to your Gmail with correct credentials.
4. Verify that by default “Primary” section is selected.
5. If not click on the Primary tab.
6. Get the count of the total number of emails in the Primary tab.
7. Get the name of the sender and subject of Nth Email of your inbox.
8. Write a method to get the name of the sender and subject of email of your inbox.
Scenario 2
1. Open any browser of your choice, say Mozilla Firefox
2. Navigate to
3. Enter a valid Email Id or Phone Number
4. Click Next button
5. Enter Password and click “Sign in” button.
6. Verify that gmail is logged in successfully.
7. Click compose button and verify that a new mail window is opened.
8. Enter a Email Id
9. Enter some subject, say “Test Mail”
10. Enter some text in body
11. click send button.
Scenario 3
1. Open a browser of your choice say Mozilla Firefox
2. Navigate to webpage.
5. After drag and drop verify the operation is successfully by checking the color
property of CSS and also verify text change. (Use assert statement to verify that color
and text are as expected.)
Scenario 4
1. Open any Browser of your choice (Mozilla firefox, Chrome, Internet Explorer or
Safari). Write the code in such way that based on argument passed respective browser
is selected.
2. Browse to Ebay website.
3. Write a method which do following:
4. On the homepage, there is a search box, type some product (say Apple Watches).
5. From categories dropdown, select the category of your product (say Watches).
6. Click Search button.
8. Write a method to print Nth product say 10th Product.
9. Write a method to print all products from 1st page.
10. Write a method to print all products along with scroll down.
Scenario 5
1. Open Browser
2. Pass URL (Bluestone)
3. Move Cursor to Rings Menu
4. Select Diamond Rings and click on it
5. Get Prise list By default
6. Select sort by and Select price low to high
7. Get Prise list price low to high
8. Compare By default price and Sorted price
9. Both lists Should vary by prices Validate here
10. Close Browser.
Scenario 6
1. Open Browser
2. Pass URL (Bluestone)
3. Move Cursor to Rings Menu
4. Select Diamond Rings and click on it
5. Get Prise list By default
6. Select sort by and Select price low to high
7. Get Prise list price low to high
8. Compare By default price and Sorted price
9. and Verify sorted price should in ascending order.
10. Close Browser
Scenario 7
1. open Browser
2. Pass Url (bluestone)
3. Move the cursor All Jewellery
4. select Kadas and click on it
5. select any kada.
6. click on buy now
7. Capture whether error message is displayed or not(Not Displayed fail test case)
8. close browser
Scenario 8
1. open Browser
2. Pass Url (bluestone)
3. Move the cursor All Jewellery
4. select Kadas and click on it
5. select any kada.
6. Select Bangle size
7. click on buy now
8. capture the size of item in cart page and Compare with selectd size
9. close browser
Scenario 9
Search Products (amazon application)
1. Search based on Product name, brand name or something more broadly, the category. For
example Camera, Canon EOS 700D, electronics, etc.
2. Diferent sort optons have to be available- based on Brand, Price, and Reviews/ratngs etc.
3. Sortng ascending or descending order and validate
4. For mult-page results, are there optons to navigate to them
Product Information
Once a user fnds a product either through search or by browsing or by clicking on it from the
homepage, the user will be taken to the product informaton page.
Validaton for :
1. Product specifcatons availability
2. Reviews – Count No of positve review, how many review are having “bad product “
content inside review 3. Delivery optons - Count No. of delivery optons are available , check
for each option flow
1. Adding out of stock product + In stock product and contnue cart - Take which product to
buy from a json file
2. If the user adds the same item to the cart while contnuing to shop, the item count in the
shopping cart should get incremented
3. Remove items from the cart and check for total amount updated or not
4. Calculate Shipping costs with diferent shipping optons
5. Don’t check out, close the site and come back later. The site should retain the items in the
Scenario 10
1. Open browser
2. Pass url bluestone
3. Goto chat our experts and maximize
4. Maxmize chat our experts
5. Enter the details and click on start chat
6. Enter some message.
7. And print reply in output
Scenario 11
1. Open browser
2. Enter URL(bluestone)
3. click on offers
4. Select 0% off Making charge and click on it
5. Verify the products list display with 0% charging
6. close Browser
Scenario 12
1. Open browser
2. Enter URL(bluestone)
3. click on offers
4. Select 75% off Making charge and click on it
5. Verify the products list display with 75% charging
6. close Browser
Scenario 13
1. Open browser
2. Enter URL(bluestone)
3. click on offers
4. Select 50% off Making charge and click on it
5. Verify the products list display with 50% charging
6. close Browser
Scenario 14
1. Open browser
2. Enter URL(bluestone)
3. move to Gold coins
4. Select 1 Gm
5. Verify 1Gm Coin is displaying or not
6. close Browser
Scenario 15
1. Open browser
2. Enter URL(bluestone)
3. move to Gold coins
4. Go to plain gold coins and Select 2 Gm
5. Verify 2Gm Coin is displaying or not.
6. close Browser