A Visually Rich Overview of The Scrum Framework: Ken Rubin, Innolution
A Visually Rich Overview of The Scrum Framework: Ken Rubin, Innolution
A Visually Rich Overview of The Scrum Framework: Ken Rubin, Innolution
Polling Question 1
What is your role or job title?
Polling Question 2
What certifications do you hold?
Polling Question 3
Are you actively involved in a Scrum project today?
Ken Rubin Overview
Worked with 7
startup com panies
1 st Managing
1 st Scrum Project
Trained > 23,000 people
Coached >100 companies
Wrong Right!
Dark Grey is
Grey is Sprint
Relative Time
As an admin, I want to A 3
As a survey taker, I want to B 5
As a survey taker, I want to C 5
As an executive, I want to D 2
As an admin, I want to E 2
Be careful of mini-waterfall!
Common Approach
What did I accomplish since the
last daily scrum? Every day
What do I plan to work on by
the next daily scrum? 15 minutes
What obstacles are preventing
me from making progress?
Confusing Better
Potentially shippable =
validated learning
Language tested
User acceptance
Infrastructure ready
Sprint Review Details
What is working?
60 to 90 minutes or timeboxed to
What isn’t working? be no more than 45 minutes per
week of sprint duration
What should we change?
1. Go to www.innolution.com
2. Signup for my newsletter
3. Click on this home-page image
4. Get free copy of Chapter 2 of my
Essential Scrum book that covers this
ScrumMaster or Arm-Chair
Psychologist with Angela Johnson
on March 9, 2016 at 11:00 AM EST
Thank you for attending