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Lesson 20

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Unit 7

Math 8 Triangle Congruence and

Inequalities in Triangle
Lesson 20
A Mathematical System
Triangle Congruence

What You’ll Learn in this module:

a. describe a mathematical system
b. illustrate the need for an axiomatic structure of a mathematical system in
general, and in Geometry in particular: (a) defined terms; (b) undefined
terms; (c) postulates; and (d) theorems
c. define and illustrate triangle congruence
d. state, illustrate, and apply the SAS, ASA, and SSS congruence postulates,
and SAA or AAS congruence theorem

GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: Write your answers in the answer sheet provided.

Activity No. 1: “Sorting and Classifying”

Directions: Figure out if the given words or phrases below are representations of a point,
a line, or a plane. Place the following in the right column. Examples are already done for
A grain of sand The floor A book
An edge of a book A point on a sentence An edge of the ceiling
A desktop The tip of a pencil A star in the sky

A mathematical system is a set of structures designed to provide order and

procedural operation in a certain discipline.
Axiomatic structure or axiomatic system refers to any set of axioms from which
other axioms can be used in conjunction with derived theorems.
Axioms are mathematical statements that serve as an entry statement in deriving
other logically derived statements. When proving a statement, a starting point must be
first established and at the same time assume some statements are true.
Generally, there are two elements that compose a mathematical system –
vocabulary and principles.
Vocabulary refers to undefined term of definition.

 Undefined Terms
Undefined terms are terms that have not been previously categorically determined.
These terms are required to establish the definition of other terms. Otherwise, the system
will be confined to a cyclic inquiry “What is the meaning of…”
Geometry, as a mathematical system, is founded by the following undefined terms:
1. Points
2. Lines
3. Planes

Unit 7
Math 8 Triangle Congruence and
Inequalities in Triangle
These undefined terms are used as bases for defining other geometric terms.
A point can be viewed as something having specific position but without
dimension, magnitude, or direction.
Illustrative Examples:
The following real-world objects illustrate a point:
1. Tip of a pen
2. Corner of a bond paper
3. Tip of a hair strand
4. Intersection of two strings
Recall that a dot is used to represent a point, and a point is denoted by a capital letter.
For instance, the two points below are named point G and point N.

A line is a one-dimensional figure composed of infinite number of points. It has
unspecified length but without width nor thickness. In geometry, a line will always be a
straight line that extends infinitely in two opposite directions.
In denoting a line, two of its named points are used.
´ .
The line below is line GN, written in symbol as GN

´ can also be called line l.
Moreover, GN
Illustrative Examples:
The following real-world objects illustrate a line:
1. A straight string
2. Edge of a bond paper
3. A strand of hair
4. Intersection of a ceiling and a wall

A plane is usually represented by a flat surface where infinite number of lines can
lie. It has unspecified width and length, but without thickness. Consequently, the plane
extends indefinitely in all directions.
A parallelogram is usually used to represent a plane. In denoting a plane, a capital
letter or an uppercase Greek letter is used. The planes below are planes P and Α (Greek
letter alpha), respectively.


Unit 7
Math 8 Triangle Congruence and
Inequalities in Triangle
Plane P can also be named as plane GMA, and plane Α can also be named plane
Illustrative Examples:
The following real-world objects illustrate a plane:
1. A white board
2. Screen of an iPad
3. Flooring of a room
4. A sheet of paper
 Postulate, Theorem, and Corollary
A postulate is a statement which is accepted as true without proof. Postulates are
important in studying geometry and other mathematical systems. These statements
can be used as reasons in proving some mathematical statements.
A theorem is a statement that can be proven. Once a theorem is proven, it can also
be used as a reason in proving other statements.
A corollary is a theorem that is direct consequence of another theorem.
Lemma is a theorem used as a steppingstone to prove later the others.
Here are the postulates on the relationships among points, lines, and planes:
Points-Existing Postulate
Space contains at least four noncoplanar points.
Every plane contains at least three noncollinear points.
Every line contains at least two points.
Straight-Line Postulate
Two points are contained in one and only one line.
(Two points determine a line.) See figure on the right. X Y
Plane Postulate M
Three noncollinear points are contained in one and only one plane. BSee figure
(Three noncollinear points determine a plane.) See figure on the right. the right.
Flat-Plane Postulate
If two points are in a plane, then the line containing See figure at
the points is in the same plane. See figure on the right. P
the right.
X v
Line-Intersection Postulate
If two lines intersect, then their intersection is a point. l
See figure on the right.
Plane-Intersection Postulate Kv
If two planes intersect, then their intersection is a line.
See figure below.

Unit 7
Math 8 Triangle Congruence and
Inequalities in Triangle
Congruence means having the same shape and size, and it is denoted by ≅ . The top
part of the symbol, , is the sign for similarity and indicates the same shape.
The bottom part, ¿, is the sign of equality and indicates the same size.
Two closed figures are congruent if their corresponding sides and angles are
congruent. Two triangles are congruent if all three pairs of corresponding sides and all
three pairs of corresponding angles are congruent.

The sides of two triangles with the same number of hash marks are congruent.
Angles with the same number of arcs are congruent as well.
Congruent corresponding sides: Congruent corresponding angles:
AB ≅ XY ∠ A≅∠ X
BC ≅ YZ ∠ B ≅∠Y
CA ≅ ZX ∠C ≅∠Z

In figure 1, triangle ABC is congruent to triangle XYZ because the pairs of

corresponding sides and angles are congruent. In symbols, ∆ ABC ≅ ∆ XYZ .
Example 1: Identify all pairs of congruent corresponding parts in the figure below.
The pairs of congruent sides are:
ℜ ≅ SI

The pairs of congruent angles are:

∠ R≅∠ S
∠ E≅∠ I
∠ D≅∠ X

There are postulates and theorems that can be used to prove that two triangles are
Side-Side-Side (SSS) Congruence Postulate
If three sides of a triangle are congruent to three sides of another triangle, then the
two triangles are congruent. (See figure below.)

In the figure, you can see that AB ≅ DE , BC ≅ EF ,and CA ≅ FD . By SSS congruence

postulate, ∆ ABC ≅ ∆≝.
Example 2: Refer to the figure at the right.
Unit 7
Math 8 Triangle Congruence and
Inequalities in Triangle
Given: GO ≅ LD and OL ≅ DG
Prove: ∆ GOL ≅ ∆ LDG

Statements Reasons
1. GO ≅ LD 1. Given
2. OL ≅ DG 2. Given
3. GL ≅ GL 3. Reflexive property
4. ∆ GOL ≅ ∆ LDG 4. SSS congruence postulate

Side-Angle-Side (SAS) Congruence Postulate

If two sides and the included angle of a triangle are congruent to two sides and the
included angle of another triangle, then the two triangles are congruent. (See figure

In the figure, you can see that AB ≅ DE , ∠ B ≅ ∠ E ,and BC ≅ EF . By SAS

congruence postulate, ∆ ABC ≅ ∆≝.
Example 3: Refer to the figure on the right.
Given: AS and HT intersect at point M.
M is the midpoint of AS and HT .
Prove: ∆ MAT ≅ ∆ MSH

Statements Reasons
1. AS and HT intersect at point M. 1. Given
M is the midpoint of AS and HT .
2. AM ≅ MS , TM ≅ MH 2. Definition of midpoint
3. ∠ AMT ≅ ∠ SMH 3. Vertical Angles Theorem
4. ∆ MAT ≅ ∆ MSH 4. SAS congruence postulate

Angle-Side-Angle (ASA) Congruence Postulate

If two angles and the included side of a triangle are congruent to two angles and
the included side of another triangle, then the two triangles are congruent. (See figure

Unit 7
Math 8 Triangle Congruence and
Inequalities in Triangle
In the figure, you can see that∠ P ≅ ∠ X , PQ ≅ XY and ∠ Q ≅ ∠ Y . By ASA
congruence postulate, ∆ PQR ≅ ∆ XYZ .
Example 4: Refer to the figure below.
Given: ∠ M ≅ ∠ T , ∠ OUM ≅ ∠ NUT , and U is the midpoint of MT
Prove: ∆ OUM ≅ ∆ NUT

Statements Reasons
1. ∠ M ≅ ∠ T 1. Given
2. ∠ OUM ≅ ∠ NUT 2. Given
3. U is the midpoint of MT 3. Given
4. UM ≅ UT 4. Definition of midpoint
5. ∆ OUM ≅ ∆ NUT 5. ASA Congruence Postulate

Angle-Angle-Side (AAS) or Side-Angle-Angle (SAA) Congruence Postulate

If two angles and a non-included side of a triangle are congruent to two angles and
the corresponding non-included side of another triangle, then the two triangles are
congruent. (See figure below.)

In the figure, you can see that ∠ P ≅ ∠ X , RQ ≅ ZY and ∠ R ≅ ∠ Z . By AAS

congruence postulate, ∆ PQR ≅ ∆ XYZ .
Example 5: Refer to the figure on the right.
Given: ∆ BLU is an isosceles triangle.
¿ ⊥ BU (the symbol ⊥ read as perpendicular)
Prove: ∆ BLE ≅ ∆ ULE

Statements Reasons
1. ∆ BLU is an isosceles triangle. 1. Given
2. BL ≅ LU 2. Definition of Isosceles Triangle
3. ∠ B ≅ ∠ U 3. Base angles of an isosceles triangle are ≅
4. ¿ ⊥ BU 4. Given
5. ∠ BEL and ∠ UEL are right angles. 5. Definition of perpendicularity
6. ∠ BEL ≅ ∠ UEL 6. Right angles are congruent
7. ∆ BLE ≅ ∆ ULE 7. SAA Postulate

Unit 7
Math 8 Triangle Congruence and
Inequalities in Triangle
Whenever two triangles are proven congruent, all their corresponding parts are
also congruent. This is the converse of the definition of congruent triangles. To remember
this easily, the abbreviation CPCTC (Corresponding Parts of Congruent Triangles are
Congruent) is used.
Example 6: Refer to the figure at the right.
Given: AB ≅ XY ,∠ B ≅ ∠ Y , and BC ≅ YZ
Prove:∠ A ≅ ∠ X

Statements Reasons
1. AB ≅ XY 1. Given
2. ∠ B ≅ ∠ Y 2. Given
3. BC ≅ YZ 3. Given
4. ∆ ABC ≅ ∆ XYZ 4. SAS congruence postulate
5. ∠ A ≅ ∠ X 5. CPCTC

Activity No. 2: “Architectural Designing”

Directions: In the real world, congruent triangles are used in construction when we need
to reinforce structures so that they are strong and stable. Suppose you are an architect,
draw or design a structure which applies the concept of triangle congruence. Do this in a
long bond paper and attach it in the answer sheet. Sample photos or pictures of building
and infrastructures taken from google are presented below as reference for this activity.
Be guided by the rubric given.

Clarity of Design – 20 pts.
Relevance – 20 pts.
Creativity – 15 pts.
Neatness- 5 pts.
Total – 60 pts.


Recall that a right triangle is a triangle in which one of its angles is a right angle.
The side of a right angle opposite the right angle is called the hypotenuse. The remaining
two sides are called the legs.



Unit 7
Math 8 Triangle Congruence and
Inequalities in Triangle
A perpendicular bisector is a line that cuts a line segment into two equal parts at
90 ° . (See figure below)

There are other conditions for congruence between two triangles. These conditions
are stated in the following theorems. These theorems, however, are exclusively for right
Perpendicular Bisector Theorem
If a point is on the perpendicular bisector of a segment, then it is equidistant from the
endpoints of the segment.

Leg-Leg (L-L) Theorem

If two legs of a right triangle are congruent to two legs of another right triangle,
then the two triangles are congruent. (See figure on the next page)



Leg-Acute Angle (L-AA) Theorem

If a leg and an acute angle of a right triangle are congruent to the corresponding
angle of another right triangle, then the two triangles are congruent. (See figure below.)



Hypotenuse-Acute Angle (H-AA) Theorem

If the hypotenuse and an acute angle of a right triangle ae congruent to the
corresponding hypotenuse and an acute angle of another triangle, then the two triangles
ae congruent. (See figure below.)


Unit 7
Math 8 Triangle Congruence and
Inequalities in Triangle
Hypotenuse-Leg (H-L) Theorem
If the hypotenuse and a leg of a right triangle are congruent to the corresponding
hypotenuse and a leg of another right triangle, then the two triangles are congruent. (See
figure below.)


Activity No. 3: “Comprehension Check”

Part I: “Identification”
Directions: Determine the undefined term suggested by the following objects. Write
point, line, or plane.
1. Screen of an iPad
2. Edge of a bond paper
3. Mole on the human body
4. Wall of a room
5. Punctuation mark after a declarative sentence

Part II: “True or False”

Directions: Tell whether the statement is true or false. Draw if the statement is true
if it is false.

1. Three points can be contained in one line.

2. Three points must lie on one line.
3. Three points must be collinear to determine a plane.
4. A line and a point not on the line determine a plane.
5. The intersection of two lines is a point.
6. The intersection of two planes is a line.
7. The intersection of a line and a point is the line.
8. The intersection of a line and a plane not containing it is the line.
9. It is possible for two nonparallel lines not to intersect.
10. A plane and a point not on the plane determine a space.

Unit 7
Math 8 Triangle Congruence and
Inequalities in Triangle

Part III: “Table Completion”

Directions: Complete the proof by filling in the blanks with the correct statements and
reasons. Choose your answer from the choices inside the box. For numbers 1 – 5, refer to
the figure below.

NR ≅ TR Definition of midpoint
SSS congruence postulate

Given: GN ≅ AT , NR ≅ TR , and R is the midpoint of GA

Prove:∆ GNR ≅ ∆ ATR

Statement Reason
GN ≅ AT 1.
2. Given
R is the midpoint of GA 3.
RG ≅ RA 4.
∆ GNR ≅ ∆ ATR 5.

For numbers 6 – 10, refer to the figure below. Choose your answer inside the box.

Given ∠ OUH ≅ ∠ SUE

Definition of segment bisector
ASA congruence postulate ∠H ≅∠E

Given: OS bisects HE and ∠ H ≅ ∠ E

Prove:∆ OHU ≅ ∆ SEU

Statement Reason
6. Given
OS bisects HE 7.
HU ≅ EU 8.
9. Vertical angle theorem
∆ OHU ≅ ∆ SEU 10.

Unit 7
Math 8 Triangle Congruence and
Inequalities in Triangle


Poblacion, Hagonoy, Davao del Sur

Name: Teacher: Ms. Jeany Pearl Eltagonde

Section: PLU Code:
Week No.: 20 – A Mathematical System and Triangle Congruence

Activity No. 1: “Sorting and Classifying”

Point Line Plane

A star in the sky An edge of the ceiling A desktop

A book

Activity No. 3: “Comprehension Check” Score:

Part I Part II Part III

1. 1. 1.

2. 2. 2.

3. 3. 3.

4. 4. 4.

5. 5. 5.

6. 6.

7. 7.

8. 8.

9. 9.

10. 10.


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