Plane and Solid Geometry Module 1
Plane and Solid Geometry Module 1
Plane and Solid Geometry Module 1
Point, line, and plane, together with set, are the undefined terms that provide the starting place for
geometry. When we define words, we ordinarily use simpler words, and these simpler words are in turn
defined using yet simpler words. This process must eventually terminate; at some stage, the definition must
use a word whose meaning is accepted as intuitively clear. Because that meaning is accepted without
definition, we refer to these words as undefined terms. These terms will be used in defining other terms.
Although these terms are not formally defined, a brief intuitive discussion is needed.
A point is the most fundamental object in geometry. It is represented by a dot and named by a capital
letter. A point represents position only; it has zero size (that is, zero length, zero width, and zero height).
Figure 1 illustrates point C, point M, and point Q.
A line (straight line) can be thought of as a connected set of infinitely many points. It extends infinitely
far in two opposite directions. A line has infinite length, zero width, and zero height. Any two points on the
line name it. The symbol ↔ written on top of two letters is used to denote that line. A line may also be named
by one small letter.
This is line AB.
It is written as AB,
It is line l.
Figure 2. Two Lines
Collinear points
Points that lie on the same line are called collinear points. If there is no line on which all of the points
lie, then they are noncollinear points. In Figure 3 , points M, A, and N are collinear, and points T, I, and C are
A postulate is a statement that is assumed true without proof. A theorem is a true statement that can
be proven. Listed below are six postulates and the theorems that can be proven from these postulates.
The concept of lines is straightforward, but much of geometry is concerned with portions of lines.
Some of those portions are so special that they have their own names and symbols.
Line segment
A line segment is a connected piece of a line. It has two endpoints and is named by its endpoints.
Sometimes, the symbol – written on top of two letters is used to denote the segment. This is line segment CD
(Figure 1).
Postulate 7 (Ruler Postulate): Each point on a line can be paired with exactly one real number called its
coordinate. The distance between two points is the positive difference of their coordinates (Figure 2).
If a > b, then AB = a - b
Postulate 8 (Segment Addition Postulate): If B lies between A and C on a line, then AB + BC = AC (Figure
CA + AT = CT
5 + 8 = 13
CT = 13
A midpoint of a line segment is the halfway point, or the point equidistant from the endpoints
(Figure 6).
To find the average of two numbers, you find their sum and divide by two. (5 + 29) ÷ 2 = 17. The
coordinate of the midpoint is 17, so the midpoint is point O.
A ray is also a piece of a line, except that it has only one endpoint and continues forever in one
direction. It could be thought of as a half‐line with an endpoint. It is named by the letter of its endpoint and
any other point on the ray. The symbol → written on top of the two letters is used to denote that ray.
Figure 8. Ray AB
It is written as
Easily as significant as rays and line segments are the angles they form. Without them, there would be
none of the geometric figures that you know (with the possible exception of the circle).
Two rays that have the same endpoint form an angle. That endpoint is called the vertex, and the rays
are called the sides of the angle. In geometry, an angle is measured in degrees from 0° to 180°. The number
of degrees indicates the size of the angle. In Figure 1, rays AB and AC form the angle. A is the
vertex. and are the sides of the angle.
Figure 1. ∠BAC.
The symbol ∠ is used to denote an angle. The symbol m ∠ is sometimes used to denote the measure
of an angle.
Example 1: In Figure 3(a) use three letters to rename ∠3; (b) use one number to rename ∠ KMJ.
Postulate 9 (Protractor Postulate): Suppose O is a point on . Consider all rays with endpoint O that lie on
one side of . Each ray can be paired with exactly one real number between 0° and 180°, as shown in
Figure4. The positive difference between two numbers representing two different rays is the measure of the
angle whose sides are the two rays.
Example 2: Use Figure 5 to find the following: (a) m ∠ SON, (b) m ∠ ROT, and (c) m ∠ MOE.
m ∠ SON = 40°
(b) m ∠ ROT = 160° −70°
m ∠ ROT = 90°
m ∠ MOE = 75°
Angle bisector
An angle bisector is a ray that divides an angle into two equal angles. In Figure 8, is a bisector of
∠ XOZ because = m ∠ XOY = m ∠ YOZ.
Theorem 5: An angle that is not a straight angle has exactly one bisector.
Right angle
A right angle has a measure of 90°. The symbol in the interior of an angle designates the fact that
a right angle is formed. In Figure 9, ∠ ABC is a right angle.
m∠ABC = 90°
Acute angle
An acute angle is any angle whose measure is less than 90°. In Figure 10, ∠ b is acute.
An obtuse angle is an angle whose measure is more than 90° but less than 180°. In Figure 11, ∠4 is
m∠4 > 90° and m∠4 < 180° or 90° < m∠4 < 180°
Straight angle
Some geometry texts refer to an angle with a measure of 180° as a straight angle. In Figure 12,
∠ BAC is a straight angle.
m ∠BAC = 180°
Example 4: Use Figure 13 to identify each named angle as acute, right, obtuse, or straight: (a) ∠ BFD, (b)
∠ AFE, (c) ∠ BFC, (d) ∠ DFA.
Certain angle pairs are given special names based on their relative position to one another or based on
the sum of their respective measures.
Adjacent angles
Adjacent angles are any two angles that share a common side separating the two angles and that share
a common vertex. In Figure 1, ∠1 and ∠2 are adjacent angles.
Figure 1. Adjacent angles
Vertical angles
Vertical angles are formed when two lines intersect and form four angles. Any two of these angles
that are not adjacent angles are called vertical angles. In Figure 2, line l and line m intersect at point Q,
forming ∠1, ∠2, ∠3, and ∠4.
Figure 2. Two pairs of vertical angles and four pairs of adjacent angles
1. Vertical angles:
∠1 and ∠3
∠2 and ∠4
2. Adjacent angles:
∠1 and ∠2
∠2 and ∠3
∠3 and ∠4
∠4 and ∠1
Complementary angles
Complementary angles are any two angles whose sum is 90°. In Figure 3, because ∠ ABC is a right
angle, m ∠1 + m ∠2 = 90°, so ∠1 and ∠2 are complementary.
Complementary angles do not need to be adjacent. In Figure 4, because m ∠3 + m ∠4 = 90°, ∠3, and
∠4, are complementary.
Theorem 8: If two angles are complementary to the same angle, or to equal angles, then they are equal to
each other.
Refer to Figures 5 and 6. In Figure 5, ∠ A and ∠ B are complementary. Also, ∠ C and ∠ B are
complementary. Theorem 8 tells you that m ∠ A = m ∠ C. In Figure 6, ∠ A and ∠ B are complementary. Also,
∠ C and ∠ D are complementary, and m ∠ B = m ∠ D. Theorem 8 now tells you that m ∠ A = m ∠ C.
Supplementary angles
Supplementary angles are two angles whose sum is 180°. In Figure, ∠ ABC is a straight angle.
Therefore, m ∠6 + m ∠7 = 180°, so ∠6 and ∠7 are supplementary.
Theorem 9: If two adjacent angles have their non-common sides lying on a line, then they are supplementary
Supplementary angles do not need to be adjacent (Figure 8).
Theorem 10: If two angles are supplementary to the same angle, or to equal angles, then they are equal to each
You have probably had the experience of standing in line for a movie ticket, a bus ride, or something
for which the demand was so great it was necessary to wait your turn. However, in geometry, there are three
types of lines that students should understand.
Intersecting lines
Two or more lines that meet at a point are called intersecting lines. That point would be on each of
these lines. In Figure 1, lines l and m intersect at Q.
Perpendicular lines
Two lines that intersect and form right angles are called perpendicular lines. The symbol ⊥ is used
to denote perpendicular lines. In Figure , line l ⊥ line m.
Parallel lines
Two lines, both in the same plane, that never intersect are called parallel lines. Parallel lines remain
the same distance apart at all times. The symbol // is used to denote parallel lines. In Figure 3, l // m.
Transversal line
A transversal is a line that intersects two or more coplanar lines in distinct points.
In Figure 4, lines m and n are cut by transversal l. Groups of the eight angles formed have special
Interior Angles: ∠3, ∠4, ∠5, ∠6
Exterior Angles: ∠1, ∠2, ∠7, ∠8
Corresponding Angles: ∠1 and ∠5, ∠2 and ∠6, ∠3 and ∠7, ∠ 4 and ∠8
Alternate Interior Angles: ∠3 and ∠5, ∠4 and ∠6
Alternate Exterior Angles: ∠1 and ∠7, ∠2 and ∠8 Figure 4. Lines m and n cut buy transversal l.
You may be tempted to think of planes as vehicles to be found up in the sky or at the airport. Well,
rest assured, geometry is no fly‐by‐night operation.
Parallel planes
Parallel planes are two planes that do not intersect. In Figure 1, plane P // plane Q.
Theorem 11: If each of two planes is parallel to a third plane, then the two planes are parallel to each other
(Figure 2).
Perpendicular planes
A line l is perpendicular to plane A if l is perpendicular to all of the lines in plane A that intersect l.
(Think of a stick standing straight up on a level surface. The stick is perpendicular to all of the lines drawn on
the table that pass through the point where the stick is standing).
Theorem 12: If two planes are perpendicular to the same plane, then the two planes either intersect or are
In Figure 4, plane B ⊥ plane A, plane C ⊥ plane A, and plane B and plane C intersect along line l.
Figure 4. Two intersecting planes that are perpendicular to the same plane
(Module 1 – Week 1 to 2)
A. For each exercise, state the postulate that justifies your answer.
1. A right angle
2. Four obtuse angles
3. Four acute angles
4. Eight pairs of adjacent angles
5. Six linear pairs of angles
6. Two supplements of ∠BPE
7. A pair of complementary angles
8. Six pairs of vertical angles
9. A pair of perpendicular rays