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Learning Activity Sheet No. 2

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Quarter 3, Week 2


Name: ______________________________ Grade Level and Section: __________


Illustrating the Need for an Axiomatic Structure of a Mathematical System in General and in
Geometry in Particular

I. Learning Competency

 Illustrates the Need for an Axiomatic Structure of a Mathematical System in General and in
Geometry in Particular.

II. Background Information for Learners

Lesson will focus on how to illustrate the need for an axiomatic structure of a mathematical
system in general, and in Geometry in particular: (a) defined terms; (b) undefined terms; (c) postulates;
and (d) theorems.

Defined and Undefined Terms

A point suggests an exact location in space. It has no dimension. It is named by using a capital
A line is a one –dimensional figure that contains set of points arranged in a row which extended
infinitely in both directions. Two points determine a line. That is , two distinct points are contained by
exactly one line. A line can be named using lower case letter or any two points on the line.
A plane is a set of points in an endless flat surface. The following determine a plane (a) three
non-collinear points; (b) two intersecting lines; (c) two parallel lines; or (d) a line and a point not on the
line. To name the plane, we use a lower case letter or three points on the plane.
Collinear points are points on the same line.
Noncollinear points are points not on the same line.
Coplanar points are points on the same plane.
Noncoplanar points are points not on the same plane.
Example 1: (a) The tip of a pencil represents the idea of a point.
(b) The telephone wires represent the idea of a line.
(c) The surface of the page of a notebook represents the idea of a plane.
Example 2: Consider the given box below. E
(a) A and B are collinear points.
(b) D and G are noncollinear points.
(c) A and C are coplanar points. C
(d) E and G are noncoplanar points.

A postulate is a statement that is accepted without proof.

A theorem is a statement accepted after it is proved deductively.
Axioms of Equality
 Reflexive Property of Equality For all real
numbers p, p = p.
 Symmetric Property of Equality
For all real numbers p and q, if p = q, then q = p.
 Transitive Property of Equality
For all real numbers p, q, and r, if p = q and q = r, then p = r.
 Substitution Property of Equality
For all real numbers p and q, if p = q, then q can be substituted for p in
any expression.

Addition Property of Equality
For all real numbers p, q, and r, if p = q, then p + r = q + r.
 Multiplication Property of Equality
For all real numbers p,q and r, if p=q, them pr = qr.
Definitions, Postulates, and Theorems on Points, Lines, Angles, and Angle Pairs
 Definition of a Midpoint
If points P, Q, and R are collinear (P–Q–R) and Q is the midpoint of
̅ ̅
PR,then ̅PQ ≅ ̅QR.
 Definition
̅̅ of an Angle Bisector
If QS bisects ∠PQR, then ∠PQS ≅ ∠SQR.
 Segment Addition Postulate ̅̅
P, Q, and R are collinear (P–Q–R) and Q is between points P and R, then PQ +
QR = PR.
 Angle Addition Postulate
If point S lies in the interior of ∠PQR, then m∠PQS + m∠SQR = m∠PQR.
 Definition of Supplementary Angles
Two angles are supplementary if the sum of their measures is 180º.
 Definition of Complementary Angles
Two angles are complementary if the sum of their measures is 90º.
 Definition of Linear Pair
Linear pair is a pair of adjacent angles formed by two intersecting lines
 Linear Pair Theorem
If two angles form a linear pair, then they are supplementary.
 Definition of Vertical Angles
Vertical angles refer to two non-adjacent angles formed by two intersecting lines.
 Vertical Angles Theorem Vertical angles are

III. Accompanying DepEd Textbook

Mathematics Learner’s Module 8 Module 6:

Lesson 3: Writing Proofs; pp. 333-342 Module 8:
Inequalities in Triangles; pp. 384-389
Mathematics – Grade 7 Learner’s Material
Lesson 30: Basic Concepts and Terms in Geometry; pp. 184-195

IV. Activity Proper

Exercise 1
Directions: These are some of the objects around us that could represent a point, a line, or a
plane. Classify each object and place it in tis corresponding column in the table.

Tip of a needle A grain of rice cover of your book

the wall of a room meter stick laser

tip of a ballpen
the string on a guitar
intersection of a side
and ceiling
the floor of your bedroom a clothesline

top of the table a star in the sky intersection of the

front wall, a side wall
and ceiling

Objects that could Objects that could Objects that could

represent a point represent a line represent a plane

Exercise 2

Direction: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if the statement is wrong. Use
the figure below for the given item.

1. Points A, B, C, D are collinear.

2. Points A, D, F are noncollinear
3. Points B, F and G are on the same line
4. Points G, C, D are not on the same line.
5. Points A, E, F are coplanar.
6. Points A, F, G are not coplanar. .
7. Points A, B, D , E are on the same plane.
8. Points A, B, F, E are coplanar.
9. Points A. B, D are collinear and coplanar.
10. Points B, F, C are collinear and coplanar.

Exercise 3
Direction: Illustrate each of the following and label the diagram.

1. Point A lies in plane P.

2. Plane M contains line AB.
3. If two angles form a linear pair, then they are supplementary.
4. Vertical angles are congruent.

Exercise 4

Direction: Complete the table.

Description or
Name Illustration or

Undefined term

Defined term



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