AVR and Its Working Principles
AVR and Its Working Principles
AVR and Its Working Principles
Digital Regulator
Guida Tecnica
Regolatore Digitale DSR
This manual contains information on the operation and use of the DSR digital regulator.
In order to avoid damage to persons and/or property, only qualified personnel, having full
knowledge and understanding of the information contained in this manual, should perform the
procedures described herein; when power to the unit is on, the voltage present may be lethal for
the operator.
All connections must be made with the power off.
The plastic protections on connectors J1 and J2 must not be removed for any reason whatsoever.
1. Architecture of the system
The DSR is a voltage regulator for synchronous alternators, designed for stand alone working and calibra-
tion; to maximize performance, the regulator should be understood as part of a system made up of at least
three components: the DSR (control unit), a communications module (USB2DxR, for example) and a su-
pervision unit, as illustrated in figure 5.
The connectors for connection to and from the power generator and communications module are located
on the DSR regulator.
The supervision unit can be made up of a personal computer, another “synoptic” device or both; it does
not have the function of controlling the system in real time, but allows programming and visualisation of all
operational parameters of the DSR.
If it is equipped with a USB interface, for its connection it is possible to use the communication module
1.1 Regulator
Since the regulator is designed to control many different types of generators, it must be appropriately con-
figured to obtain the best performance; most of the settings are stored in a non-volatile integrated memory
(EEPROM). The first time the regulator is turned on, a default configuration will be present, which satisfies
the most widely requested characteristics and is suitable to facilitate installation: the trimmers are active
and the inputs for the external potentiometer and the 60 Hz jumper are enabled, therefore the basic cali-
brations can be performed without the use of additional equipment.
The regulator is available in two versions called DSR and DSR/A, the first is the standard one, optimized
for Mecc Alte alternators from series 3 to 38, the second is optimized for Mecc Alte alternators series 40-
46; the two versions differ mainly in some default parameters.
NOTE: the parameter that defines the output voltage (with the VOLT trimmer disabled) is set on 0 (so that
the adjustment takes place on the minimum voltage)
8 Aux/Neutral
Type: Not insulated
10 Vext/Pext Tolerates voltages from - 5V to
Range: 0 - 2,5 Vdc or 10K Potentiometer
Input for remote + 5V but for values exceeding
Adjustment: from – 14% to + 14%(3)
voltage control the range it is automatically
11 Common Burden: 0 - 2 mA (sink)
Max length: 30m(2)
Selection of underspeed
12 50/60Hz protection threshold 50·(100%-
αHz%) or 60·(100%-αHz%)
50/60 Hz Type: Not insulated
αHz% is the position relative to
Jumper Input Max length: 3m
the Hz trimmer or the
13 Common percentage value of parameter
14 A.P.O. Type: Non-insulated open collector
Active Current : 100mA Programmable : active level (4)
protections output Voltage: 30V activating alarm and delay time
15 Common
Max length: 30m(2)
NOTE (1) The terminals are connected to each other on the board: 2 with 3, 4 with 5, 6 with 7, 8 with 9, 11 with 13 and 15.
NOTE (2) With external EMI filter SDR 128/K, see Fig.4 (3m without EMI filter)
NOTE (3) Starting from revision 10 of the Firmware. It is convenient do not exceed ±10%
NOTE (4) Starting from rev. 18 of the firmware Instruction Manual DSR digital regulator - rev. 08 - pag. 5
Name Function Notes
From 70Vac to 140Vac or from 140Vac to
VOLT Voltage Calibration
280Vac, see paragraph “Setting the voltage”
Adjustment of proportional gain, see paragraph
STAB Calibration of dynamic response
on “Stability”
Calibration of underspeed protection Variation up to -20% with respect to the nominal
intervention threshold speed value set in jumper/parameter 50/60.
Calibration of excitation overcurrent See paragraph “Calibration of excitation overcurrent
AMP protection”
4. Block diagram
fig. 1
Upon receipt of the digital regulator, perform a visual inspection to ensure that no damage has been su-
stained during transportation and movement of the equipment. In the event of damage, advise the shipper,
the insurance company, the seller or Mecc Alte immediately. If the regulator is not installed immediately,
store it in its original packaging in a dust and humidity-free environment.
The regulator is normally installed in the generator terminal box. It is fixed with two M4x20 or M4x25
screws and must be installed in a location where the temperature does not exceed the environmental con-
ditions foreseen. The regulator is equipped with a 5A fast-acting protection fuse. If necessary, the fuse
must be replaced only with a fuse of the same type and rating.
1. Overall dimensions drawings
dimensioni in mm
fig. 2
3. Terminals
Figures 2 show the connection terminals; the connections must be made using cables having a minimum
diameter :
for power cables on terminals 1, 2, 3 and 9 (Exc-, Aux/exc+, Aux): 1,5 mm²
for signal cables: 0,5 mm²
4. DSR connections for typical applications
Drawings SCC0059/03, SCC0060/02, SCC0061/02, SCC0062/02, SCC0063/02, SCC0064/02 show DSR
regulator connections for typical applications.
Drawing SCC0059/03 shows the connection to Series 3 alternators with 6 terminals.
Drawing SCC0060/02 shows the connection to Series 3 alternators with 12 terminals.
Drawing SCC0061/02 shows the connection to alternators with 6 terminals with reference from 140V to
280V. Drawing SCC0062/02 shows the connection to alternators with 12 terminals, with reference to the
half phase from 70V to 140V.
The SCC0062/02 diagram shows the connection to 12-terminal alternators with reference to half phase
from 70V to 140V. The SCC0063/02 diagram shows the connection to 12-terminal alternators for connec-
tions in series star or series delta with reference to the entire phase from 140V to 280V. The SCC0064/02
diagram shows the connection to 12-terminal alternators with reference to half phase from 140V to 280V.
5. Setting up the regulator
Selection of the sensing scale takes place directly according to the connection on the power terminal
board; additional settings can be made with 4 trimmers (VOLT, STAB, AMP and Hz) and 3 jumpers
(50/60Hz, JP1 and JP2); the output voltage can also be set with an external analogical or numeric signal;
additional settings are available by adjusting 25 parameters stored in an integrated non-volatile memory.
5.1 Alternator voltage signals
Terminals 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 of connector CN1 are used for voltage sensing.
5.2 Calibrating sensing
A supplementary calibration may be necessary to compensate for any existing tolerances on analogical
voltage acquisition channels; in this case follow the procedure illustrated below:
1. Write 16384 on location 19 (from Settings/Advanced(1) Menu)
2. Disable the Trimmers (from the Settings/Potentiometers(1) Menu)
3. Disable Vext (from the Settings/Advanced(1) Menu)
4. Set the adjustment on the average or effective value (from the Settings/Advanced(1) Menu)
5. Measure the voltage with a suitable instrument for the type of adjustment made (average value or rms
6. Set the value at location 5 (or 6) until the voltage value, measured with the instrument, reaches 210 V (if
the sensing is connected to terminals 4 or 5) or 105V (if the sensing is connected to terminals 6 or 7),
keeping in mind that an increase in the value set provokes an increase in adjusted voltage and vicever-
7. In order to ensure that the value of voltage (available also at location 36) is the same as the value
measured at point 6, calibrate the data at location 7, reading the value of Volt box in the “status” area of
Settings/Advanced(1) Menu.
8. Enable the trimmers you want to be active (from the Settings/Potentiometers(1) Menu)
9. Enable Vext (from the Settings/Advanced(1) Menu) if you want to be active
5.3 50/60 Signal
A jumper is located on the 50/60 input (connector CN1, terminals 12 and 13); if enabled from the
Configuration Menu, it provokes the commutation of the underspeed protection threshold from 50·(100%-
αHz%) to 60·(100%-αHz%), where αHz% represents the position relative to the Hz trimmer or the
percentage value entered in location 21 (where 10% corresponds to 16384).
Note (1): Software DxR Terminal
Drawing SCC0060/03
Alternators with 12 terminals, with reference on half phase, from 70V to 140V
Alternators with 12 terminals, with reference on entire phase from 140V to 280V
Drawing SCC0064/03
Figure 3a: without saturation of the output voltage Figure 3b: with saturation of the output voltage
upon reaching the input voltage limits upon reaching the input voltage limits
Bit Function Value Default
B0 Active RMS Regulation 1 1
B1 Bit activating a periodical variation of reference voltage 2 0
B2 Bit activating automatic compensation of the offset in voltage acquisition channels 4 1
B3 Voltage measurement by last 32 samples 8 1
B4 Bit enabling reading of 50/60 Hz jumper hardware 16 1
B5 Free for future use 32 1
B6 Not used 64 0
B7 Voltage remote control by RAM location L[49] or input saturation ( in case of overflow ) (1) 128 0
B8 Bit enabling reading of reference voltage by VOLT Trimmer 256 1
B9 Bit enabling reading of stability parameter by STAB Trimmer 512 1
B10 Bit enabling reading of underspeed protection threshold by Hz Trimmer 1024 1
B11 Bit enabling reading of excitation current threshold by AMP Trimmer 2048 1
B12 Bit enabling reading of external voltage input 4096 1
B13 Bit enabling DAC 8192 0
B14 60Hz Setting enabled (effective only if L[38]-Bit4 = P[10]-Bit4 = 0) (3) 16384 0
B15 Reserved 32768 0
1 30
tlim P[8] P[8] Where fn = nominal frequency in Hz or n = nominal speed in R.P.M
fn n
The parameter P[9] sets the excitation current limit: the value P[9]=0 corresponds to zero excitation
current, while the maximum value P[9]=32767 corresponds to no limits on the current limitation. The
default value is P[9]=32767. When the interval of action of the soft start has been exceeded, the output
voltage moves to the value set. The rapidity of the change is set by parameter P[18] (see paragraph on
"Slow voltage variations”)
The optimal value of ''Delay'' and ''Excitation limit'' (parameters P[8] and P[9]) depends a lot on
the alternator type and on the final application and it is determined by experimentation. An inap-
propriate setting may cause failure of the alternator to self-excite.
For example, for the ECO46 Series high power alternators, you can try the following settings:
Delay=1280ms (P[8]=64) and Excitation limit=50% (P[9]=16384); for ECP3 series low power alternators
you can experiment the effects of a reduction of both the duration and the current limit, for instance De-
lay=320ms (P[8]=16) and Excitation limit=3.72% (P[9]=4096)
Instruction Manual DSR digital regulator - rev. 08 - pag. 16
1.2 Slow voltage variations
In the event of a reference rapid variation, due to a regulator sudden feeding, or remote voltage setting
(through Vext analogic input or through serial) a procedure of "slow" variation has been foreseen: in re-
sponse to a step variation, parameter P[18] determines the rapidity with which the transition is made.
(see fig. 6)
A value of 1 involves the slowest possible variation; a value exceeding 100 involves an almost immediate
variation. The value 0 disables any variation.
P18 = 100 P18 = 20
P18 = 1
fig. 6
2. Stability
The voltage regulator is of the proportional-integral type, the diagram is shown in fig. 7.
Ref. Σ Error Σ PIout
- +
The values of the proportional and integral gain (KP and KI respectively) depend on the position of the
STAB trimmer if enabled, or the value of parameter P[20] if the trimmer is disabled. The value of the pro-
portional gain KP also depends on the value of the P[11] parameter. The value of the integral gain KI de-
pends on the values of parameters P[12] and P[13] and, only for the standard DSR (grey box) with the
STAB trimmer enabled, even on the 50/60Hz(1) setting. In the other DSR versions, for example DSR/A
(blue box), the integral gain KI does not differ no matter how the 50/60Hz(4) setting is set.
The numeric elaborations carried out by the DSR for obtaining the proportional and integral gain values
are given in the block diagrams in figures 7a(2), 7b(2) and 7c .
Fcig50() o/or/ou/oder Fcig60() P[13] 2P[12]
L[33] L[53]
fig. 7a: drawing of the numeric elaboration of the proportional and integral
gain by a DSR (standard) with the STAB trimmer enabled
P[13] 2P[12]
L[33] L[53]
fig. 7b: drawing of the numeric elaboration of the proportional and integral
gain by a DSR/A with the STAB trimmer enabled
The integral gain, available at location L[54](3) minus the multiplication by a coefficient, depends on the va-
lue of the proportional gain at location L[53](3); in the standard DSR (grey box) with the STAB trimmer
enabled (STAB Flag Trimmer present) the value of location L[53] (3) at 50Hz is transformed by the function
Fcig50(2) and by the multiplication of the value of parameter P[13], in the numeric value available at location
L[54](3); at 60Hz the transformation function is Fcig 60(2), different from that at 50Hz, (fig. 7a); in the other
versions of the DSR (fig. 7b), for example DSR/A (blue box), or if the STAB trimmer is disabled (4) (fig. 7c),
not only is there a difference between the integral value at 50Hz and at 60Hz, but even the value of loca-
tion L[54](3) is obtained by simply multiplying the proportional gain at location L[53](3) by the value of para-
meter P[13].
P[13] 2P[12]
fig. 7c: drawing of the numeric elaborations of proportional and integral gain by all
DSRs with STAB trimmer disabled
In both cases, the effective integral gain KI is obtained by multiplying the value of location L[54](3) by a co-
efficient that depends on the value given in parameter P[12](4).
The mentioned coefficients can take on values of 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 or 64 according to the values written in
parameters P[11] (for proportional gain) and P[12] (for integral gain); these values represent the value as-
signed to base 2 (fixed) to obtain the required coefficient (e.g. parameter P[11] = 4 => multiplication coeffi-
cient of the proportional gain = 24 = 16, P[12] = 3 => multiplication coefficient of the integral gain = 23 = 8).
The following tables show, for every three-phase machine on 50Hz and 60Hz, the STAB trimmer calibra-
tion which allows increased speed of response to the transistor with the generator in stand-alone opera-
tion. In case of different applications (for example alternators reconnected in single-phase, in parallel
among them or in parallel with the grid, with motors having less than 4 cylinders and so on) it may be nec-
essary to readjust the STAB trimmer calibration.
If the voltage cannot be stably adjusted for permanent operation and/or in the transient by the STAB trim-
mer settings, it may be necessary to vary one or more stability adjustment parameters: P[11], P[12] and P
[13] the description of which is given in table 3.
3.1 Description
The DSR regulator is equipped with an excitation winding temperature estimator (mainly rotor). An esti-
mate of the temperature (in relative values) is available in real time (and it can be read) in location 45; in
the lower part of the main window of the DxR terminal software there is a graphic representation of loca-
tion 45. The progress of the temperature is of the exponential type (see figure 8).
Through parameter 22 or the AMP trimmer, it is possible to define a limit (which involves intervention of
alarm 5) to the excitation voltage and therefore to the temperature.
The function of this alarm is not only to signal an excessive temperature, but it also has an active function
in reducing the cause. In fact, an adjustment ring takes control of the voltage generated when the thre-
shold set is exceeded: This reduces the voltage to the point of reducing the excitation current by a value
compatible with the ability of thermal dissipation of the machine. The stability of the regulation in case of
overexcitation alarm, if necessary, may be adapted to the application by varying the value of parameter 28
For an increased protection of the electrical machine, starting from rev. 18 of the firmware, the excitation
overcurrent protection was extended to the whole speed interval (frequency) of the alternator, particularly
for the lower frequencies, to a preset threshold (56.7Hz with the jumper inserted between the 12 and 13
terminals of connector CN1, if enabled, or, otherwise, if the 50/60, 49Hz setting is enabled) the protection
intervenes with an effective threshold (relative to the one set through the AMP trimmer or parameter 22)
reduced proportionally to the frequency.
The extent of this reduction depends on parameter 29 which is by default set to an adequate value for the
standard alternators, used in three-phase in nominal voltage.
An increment of the value of P[29] determines a bigger reduction of the intervention threshold, based on
the frequency reduction, a decrease of the value of P[29] determines a smaller reduction of the interven-
tion threshold.
Caution !
If the magnetic gain of the alternator is high, unstable events may occur when the protections in-
tervenes, therefore it is necessary to adjust parameter 28 (usually by reducing its value).
When the alternator works with reduced load and speed, overheating, which is dangerous to the integrity of
the machine, might occur, if the overcurrent protection threshold is not sufficiently reduced when reducing
the frequency.
As you can see in figure 8, when the estimated temperature (represented by the continuous lines) reach-
es the threshold value, the reduction of the excitation current (and the subsequent drop of generated volt-
age) determine the stabilization of the temperature around a limit value.
Lo ctio n 45
Curve Description
L45 (alt1, I=In) : value read at location 45 with a certain alternator (1)
L45 (alt2, I=In) : value read at location 45 with a second alternator of a different type (1)
L45 (alt2, I>In) : value read at location 45 with the second alternator during overloading (2)
T45 (alt1, I=In) : value that would be read at location 45 with the first alternator, without protection (1)
T45 (alt2, I=In) : value that would be read at location 45 with the second alternator, without protection (1)
T45 (alt2, I>In) : value that would be read at location 45 with the second alternator during overloading,
without protection (2)
L[55]=12970 Represents the value of the current limit set using the AMP trimmer or the P[22] parameter
for the first alternator (3)
L[55]=21617 Represents the value of the current limit set using the AMP trimmer or the P[22] parameter
for the second alternator (3)
Instruction Manual DSR digital regulator - rev. 08 - pag. 21
3.2 Calibration with a supervision unit
To calibrate the overload protection, when the machine is cold, perform the following procedure:
1) turn the AMP trimmer fully clockwise (if enabled from the Settings/Potentiometers menu) or
write 32676 in location 22
2) apply to the alternator an overload having cosphi = 0.8 or cosphi = 0 respectively equal to 125% or
110% of the nominal load
3) read the value displayed at location 45, 2 minutes after the overload application
4) if the AMP trimmer is enabled turn it anti-clockwise until the value read at location 55(4) becomes equal
to the value read at point 3 (location 45); the operation is simplified a lot by using the DxR terminal soft-
ware which provides, in the lower part of the main window, a graphic representation of the time evolu-
tion of locations 45 (“real excitation”, red line) and 55 (“excitation threshold” - yellow line): the interven-
tion threshold must be calibrated so that the yellow line should intersect the red line when, from the ap-
plication of the load, the time specified at point 3 has passed.
5) if the AMP trimmer is not enabled, write the value read at point 3 (location 45) in location 22.
6) Alarm 5 should set off (visible both on the main panel of the DxR Terminal and through a change in the
LED flash) and the voltage should start to decrease.
7) If the load is removed, alarm 5 disappears after a few seconds and the generator voltage goes back to
the nominal value.
NOTES: If the machine is used in single phase or voltages different to the ones set by the produc-
er, a recalibration of the overexcitation protection might be necessary.
If it is not possible to apply the prescribed overload, the overexcitation condition may be simulated
by adequately increasing the regulated voltage so as to get an excitation current equivalent to the
overload current.
4. Underspeed
4.1 Description
For speeds lower than a configurable threshold the machine voltage is no longer constant, but regulated
proportionally to the frequency with a rate which is also configurable as it can be seen in figure 9a and 9b.
The intervention threshold depends:
• on the status of the 50/60 jumper (connector CN1 terminals 12 and 13), if enabled (ref. Settings/
• on the 50/60 setting status (ref. Settings/UFLO&LAMS menu)
• on the position of the Hz trimmer if enabled (ref. Settings/Potentiometers menu)
• on the value of parameter 21. (ref. Settings/UFLO&LAMS menu or Transmit/Receive area of the Set-
tings/Advanced menu)
Activation of the function with voltage proportionate to the frequency is signalled by activation of alarm 6
(visible from the DxR Terminal control panel and due to a change in the flashing indicator light).
Parameter 21 (equivalent to the Hz trimmer) sets the Underspeed protection intervention threshold; if this
is set on 16384, the protection cuts in at 45 Hz (if the 50/60 jumper and 50/60 flag in the Settings/
UFLO&LAMS Menu are not present) or at 54 Hz (if the 50/60 jumper is enabled or the 50/60 flag is active
in the Settings/UFLO&LAMS Menu). Values between 0 and 16384 proportionately lower the threshold,
respectively to 40 Hz and 48 Hz; values between 16384 and 32767 proportionately raise the threshold,
respectively to 50 Hz and 60 Hz.
Once the underspeed protection has intervened, the frequency is proportionately reduced, as indicated in
WARNING: Overheating could occur, which is dangerous for the machine, if the voltage is not
lowered enough to decrease the frequency and the alternator is functioning at a reduced speed.
V/V n o m V/V n o m
120,00% 120,00%
100,00% 100,00%
80,00% 80,00%
20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 120% f/f n o m
20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 120% f/f n o m
P21=16384 @ P23=9000
P21=16384 @ P23=9000
P21=32767 @ P23=9000 P23=32767
P21=0 @ P23=9000
P26=0 P23=15000
P26=-32767 P23=0
fig. 9a: Underspeed and Overspeed protection, P[21] e P[26] fig. 9b: Voltage slope in underspeed protection, P[23]
Instruction Manual DSR digital regulator - rev. 08 - pag. 23
5. Overspeed
Parameter 26 sets the intervention threshold of the overspeed alarm; if it is set to 0, the warning occurs at
55Hz (if the 50/60 jumper and the 50/60 setting in the Settings/UFLO&LAMS menu are absent) or at
66Hz (if the 50/60 jumper is present and enabled or if the 50/60 setting is enabled in the Settings/
UFLO&LAMS menu). Values between 65535 (-1) and 32768 (-32767) lower the threshold proportionately
to 50 Hz and 60 Hz, respectively; values between 0 and 32767 raise the threshold proportionately,
respectively to 60 Hz and 72 Hz; refer to the broken lines in fig. 9a and 9b.
6. Other parameters
6.1 Vout / Vaux Ratio
In order to guarantee sufficient feeding voltage at speeds lower than the Hz protection intervention
threshold, a limit to the reduction of voltage has been foreseen, as a function of frequency.
The limit concerns regulated voltage (Vout). Should the DSR be powered through an auxiliary winding, it
must be born in mind that the voltage generated by the winding (Vaux) may not have the same Vout value;
Vaux is considered proportionate to Vout and the proportional coefficient is determined by parameter 14.
If the DSR is powered directly by the regulated phase, parameter 14 should be set on 0; in case it is
powered by auxiliary winding, the voltage (Vaux) must be measured, in no-load conditions and with output
voltage regulated on the nominal value (Vout); the value of parameter 14 can be obtained with the
following formula:
P[14] 32767 1
6.2 V/F slope at start up
Parameter 24 sets the gradient of proper voltage / frequency at start up. After the underspeed alarm
frequency threshold has been exceeded (set by parameter P[21] or by the Hz trimmer), the work ramp is
used (parameter P[23]).
The default value is 12000; an increase in the value of P24 will cause a greater reduction of low frequency
voltage; a decrease in the value of P24 will cause a lower reduction in voltage, up to the limit of P[24]=0,
which means that no reduction in voltage will take place.
WARNING: If the voltage is not lowered enough with low frequency and the alternator is
operating in these points, overheating could develop that is dangerous for the machine.
The status of active alarms is stored at location 38, which can be read with the USB connection.
The index of bits that have a value of 1 corresponds to the active alarm. If the regulator is correctly working
(no alarm active) the bit 11 will be high.
Location 38 (third “STATUS” box)
B15 B14 B13 B12 B11 B10 B9 B8 B7 B6 B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 B0
32768 16384 8192 4096 2048 1024 512 256 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1
A12 A11 A10 A9 A8 A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1
J50/60 - Reserved Reserved OK - - - Underexcitation Overspeed Underspeed OverExcitation Cto.Cto. Undervoltage Overvoltage Check sum
Location 38 = 48 = 00000000001100002 : it means that Bits B5 and B4 are at 1, therefore alarms A6 and A5
are active
2. Alarm signals with the indicator lights
During normal operation (OK diagram in fig. 10) a LED indicator mounted on the card flashes with a period
of 2 sec and duty cycle of 50%; in case of intervention or signalling of some of the alarms, there are different
flash modalities as specified in fig. 10.
Hz or O.S.
STOP fig. 10
Allarm intervention 1 2 t [sec]
3 Under voltage (@ ωN) The alarm does not determine a change in the LED flash, is stored and
the APO output is active. The under voltage is calculated using an
opportune template as a function of the speed (which can be seen in the
description of the over voltage alarm); in the template for the calculation
the threshold is set at under 5% the nominal value. It intervenes only
above the underspeed alarm threshold; it is practically inhibited by this. It
is also inhibited in the event of intervention of the Excitation over voltage
and during transients.
4 Short circuit The alarm is disabled under 20 Hz, is visualised upon activation of the
action and memorised. Tolerated short circuit time goes from 0,1 to 25,5
seconds (programmable in 100 ms steps); then the regulator is blocked
after saving DD and TT and signals the STOP status. With the time in
short circuit set on zero, the blockage is disabled. The STOP condition
causes a fall in excitation, with consequent switching off and successive
restarting of the regulator and therefore repetition of the cycle.
5 Excitation Overcurrent The function of this alarm is not only to signal an excessive temperature,
but it also has an active function in reducing the cause. In fact, an
adjustment ring takes control of the voltage generated when the threshold
set is exceeded the action involves reduction of the excitation current and
therefore output voltage. The available parameter is the “threshold”, which
determines the value of equilibrium at which the system is stabilised. The
alarm is signalled and stored. For calibration see the paragraph on
excitation overcurrent.
6 Underspeed Signalling (immediate) and activation of the V/F ramp. This alarm also
appears when the machine is started and stopped. The alarm is not saved
among EEPROM data. The alarm intervention threshold depends upon
the status of the 50/60 jumper (hardware or software) and on the position
of the Hz trimmer or the value of parameter 21. Under the threshold the V/
F ramp is active.
7 Overspeed This is visualised in the same manner as the underspeed alarm and does
not involve actions on control, but the alarm is stored. The overspeed
condition may provoke an over voltage as in the case of capacitive load.
The threshold can be set with parameter 26.
8 underexcitation /loss of The alarm does not determine a change in the LED flash, enables APO
excitation output and is memorized. The alarm condition is recognized by a
underexcitation / loss of excitation observer, available for reading at
location L[56]: if the value of L[56] is higher than the upper (fixed)
threshold or lower than the value of the lower threshold (parameter P[27]),
A-08 is activated. The alarm is inhibited during transients.
NOTE: Though the voltage is continuously regulated, the DSR will switch off if the frequency goes under
20Hz. To reset the system it is necessary to stop completely the alternator.
Given that some parts of the DSR which work at high voltage are not isolated, for the safety of the
operator, it is necessary for the power source to be isolated from the electrical grid, for instance by
a transformer.
The use of these types of connection is reserved to qualified personnel, able to assess the opera-
tional risks of high voltage and who have a full knowledge of the content of this manual.
Fig. 11a: DSR 48Vdc power supply (please note that no other connections, other than the power source, are neces-
sary) for the download of the alarms without risking to modify the content of the EEPROM because of the test.
Fig. 11b: DSR 70-140Vac power supply ( Please note the sensing on terminal 7 and the jumper between terminals 6
and 3 of the DSR) for test and setup
Fig. 11c: DSR 140-270Vac power supply ( Please note the sensing on terminal 5 and the jumper between terminals 4
and 3 of the DSR) for test and setup
Instruction Manual DSR digital regulator - rev. 08 - pag. 28
Title Link
Communication interface USB2DxR http://www.meccalte.com/send_file.php?fileid=Usb2DxR.pdf
Digital Regulators MODBUS communication protocol http://www.meccalte.com/send_file.php?fileid=MODBUS
Parallel operation
Revision Date Description
rev.00 06/07 Initial Release
rev.01 05/08 Firmware update Rev. 7
rev.02 10/08 Firmware update Rev. 9, added Appendix A and Appendix B
rev.03 06/10 Firmware update Rev. 11, DSR/A
rev.04 10/12 Firmware update Rev. 15, added tables of STAB setting
rev.05 03/13 Added explanation of the file .alr and EMI filter SDR128/K connection diagram
rev.06 05/15 Firmware update Rev. 18, elimination of :DI1, DSR Terminal software and DSR
Reader, DSR Set up on a test bench update
rev.07 07/15 Corrections at page 12
rev.08 09/16 Update of: all SCC with PD500 , PD-I and AVR wires markers, and
Instruction Manual DSR digital regulator - rev. 08 - pag. 29
Instruction Manual DSR digital regulator - rev. 08 - pag. 30
Instruction Manual DSR digital regulator - rev. 08 - pag. 31
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