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Volume 8, Number 1, January – March’ 2019

ISSN (Print): 2319-9059, (Online): 2319-9067

PEZZOTTAITE JOURNALS SJIF (2017): 8.924, SJIF (2018): 9.212
H5-Index: 1, H5-Median: 1, H-Citations: 1


Anantha Shayana5 Zubaida Nuzha Alam6 Pavithra Kotyan7 Navyashree8 Alisha Pinto9 Savitha M.10


Finance is the core aspect of each business. It is also lifeblood of money. This paper is concerned with financial
analysis with reference to Megha Fruit Processing Pvt Ltd. The basic objective of this paper is to determine the
financial health of the company with the help of comparative, common-size, and trend analysis and ratio analysis
statements. The paper is based on primary data collected through finance department of the company and
secondary data, which consists of past five years annual reports, and P&L account. The paper discloses brief
information about the company, its product profile. Further theoretical aspects in connection to techniques and
tools of financial analysis are explored as a base. The tools of financial statement analysis is implemented by use
of comparative statement, common-size statement, balance sheet to know the percentage change in assets and
liabilities from a period to period and presented in graphs. Trend analysis and ratio analysis is done to know
efficiency of resources utilized by company and to determine its financial condition. Overall study of financial
analysis of the company with reference to Megha Fruit Processing Pvt Ltd was successful and sharpened our
skills, techniques in financial analysis.


Financial Statements, Ratio, Assets, Liabilities, Data, Figures, Increase, Decrease, Profit etc.


Finance is the lifeblood of money. It can also be defined as the science of money management. Finance is a field that
is concerned with the allocation of assets and liabilities over space and time, often under conditions of risk and
uncertainty. Financial analysis is an aspect of the overall business finance function that involves examining historical
data to gain information about the current and future financial health of a company. The three main sources of data
for financial analysis are a company’s balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement. The balance sheet
outlines the financial and physical resources that a company has available for business activities in the future. The
income statement provides information about a company’s performance over a certain period. The cash flow
statement is similar to the income statement in that it records a company’s performance over a specified period.
Finally, finance involves analyzing the data contained in financial statements in order to provide valuable
information for management decisions. In this way, financial analysis is only one part of the overall function of
finance, but it is a very important one.


 To evaluate the financial statement of the company.

 To identify the factors affecting the improvement and development of financial statement of the company.
 To study the relationship between profitability and liquidity.
 To make comparative, common-size, trend analysis and ratio analysis statements.
 To sharpen our financial analytical techniques and skills.

Guide & Lecturer, Department of Commerce, Alva’s College, Karnataka, India, ananth821@gmail.com
Student, Department of Commerce, Alva’s College, Karnataka, India, alamnuzha@gmail.com
Student, Department of Commerce, Alva’s College, Karnataka, India, pavithrakotian98@gmail.com
Student, Department of Commerce, Alva’s College, Karnataka, India, navyashree485@gmail.com
Student, Department of Commerce, Alva’s College, Karnataka, India, alisha.niddodi@gmail.com
Student, Department of Commerce, Alva’s College, Karnataka, India, savitham743@gmail.com

International Journal of Trade & Global Business Perspectives © Pezzottaite Journals 4135 |P a g e
Volume 8, Number 1, January – March’ 2019
ISSN (Print): 2319-9059, (Online): 2319-9067
PEZZOTTAITE JOURNALS SJIF (2017): 8.924, SJIF (2018): 9.212
H5-Index: 1, H5-Median: 1, H-Citations: 1


This project as a source of information, gives the idea about the financial analysis of the firm. The study is confined
to financial statements of MEGHA FRUIT PROCESSING PVT LTD, PUTTUR. The study covers five years annual
reports related to 2012-13, 2013-14, 2014-15, 2015-16 and 2016-17. The main objective of the study was to put into
practical the theoretical aspect of the study into real life work experience. Various ratio analyses have been used to
analyze the financial position of the firm and widen the knowledge of financial management and the allocation of
resources in an efficient manner.


Primary Data: The primary data has been gathered from personnel of finance department of Megha Fruit Processing
Private Limited.

Secondary Data: The main source of data for this project is the financial statement of the company, which is
collected through the company’s past 5 years annual reports and profit and loss account.


 The time given for the study is constrained.

 Due to non-availability of all the data, a detailed study was difficult.
 The study will be mainly based on the published information and does not deal with an in-depth study.
 The study is restricted only to five years data of Megha Fruit Processing Pvt Ltd.

Megha Fruit Processing Private Limited was registered on November 2003 with the Corporate Identification Number
(CIN) U51221KA2003PTC032843 and Registration Number 032843. Megha Fruit Processing Private Limited was
incorporated in the year 2004 by Mr.Sathya Shankar under the Shankar Group of Companies (SG) as a private
limited company by keeping the objectives of manufacturing fruit juices (PET bottles) marketed under the brand Sip
on. In 2007, the company entered into co-packaging juice drinks in Tetra Pack. Presently the firm is manufacturing
fruit drinks such as Sipon Mango, Apple, Sip On guava drink, Ziva soda, Zing Ginger drink and Fruit Punch.

The group has its manufacturing unit in Puttur (Karnataka) and warehouses in different places such as Puttur,
Bengaluru, Hubli, Hyderabad, Kalaburagi, Pune, Kasargod, etc. with total storage capacity of 2,78,500 cases. The
company’s annual production capacity is 3.47 million 250 ml pet bottles and 0.83 million 500m/1000m bottles at 6%
utilization. The products are sold in Karnataka, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Orissa and Southern
Maharashtra. The company exports the products also. From this purpose, they engage the services of M/s Anil and
Company, Mumbai during the year 2014-2015. The company exported 21 KL of mango fruit juice to USA, UK &

Megha Fruit Processing Private Limited considers packed soft drinks as the chief product of the company supplies
pure and unadulterated drinking water, Shankar Groups chose its brand name as “BINDU” from the Sanskrit
language, which means ‘PURE’. It maintains a culture of uniform price to the customers and it provides uniform
quality and quantity of soft drinks to its customers. In addition, they are the manufacturer of different snacks. The
products are sold by Megha marketing, partnership concern headquartered at Narimogaru post &village, puttur, with
distributers, and stockiest operating completely south India, including Maharashtra and some parts of Orissa and
Andaman &Nicobar Islands.


Financial statement analysis is the process of identifying the financial strengths and weaknesses of the firm by the
properly establishing relationships between the items of the balance sheet and the profit and loss account. Financial
statement analysis is a method it concerning specific technique for evaluating risks, performance, financial health and
future scenarios of a company.

International Journal of Trade & Global Business Perspectives © Pezzottaite Journals 4136 |P a g e
Volume 8, Number 1, January – March’ 2019
ISSN (Print): 2319-9059, (Online): 2319-9067
PEZZOTTAITE JOURNALS SJIF (2017): 8.924, SJIF (2018): 9.212
H5-Index: 1, H5-Median: 1, H-Citations: 1


Financial management includes financing investment and dividend policy decisions. In the area of finance, there are
various methods to procure funds. For evaluating investment decision, the finance manager has to use various
techniques and methods of capital budgeting. The following are the important tools or techniques for financial

Comparative Financial Statement: Comparative financial statement refers to those statements of the financial
affairs of a business, which are prepared in such a way as to provide time perspective to the carious elements
contained in such statements. Comparative study of financial statements as such is the comparison of the financial
statements of the business with the previous year’s financial statements and with the performance of other
competitive enterprises, so that weaknesses may be identified and remedial measures applied.

Common-Size Financial Statement: It is a statement in the total of the assets or the total of the liabilities, capital is
taken as 100%, and all the items of the balance sheet are expressed as a percentage of the total assets or the total of
the liabilities and capital.

Trend Analysis: The trend analysis is a technique of studying several financial statements over a series of years. In
the trend percentage are calculated for each item by taking the figure of that item for some base year as 100. It is also
termed as Intra-firm comparison, where in financial statements of the same enterprise for two or more years are

Ratio Analysis: Ratio analysis is a widely used tool of financial analysis. It can be used to compare the risk and
return relationships of firms of different sizes. In financial analysis, a ratio is used as a benchmark for evaluating the
financial positions and performance of the company. Ratio helps to summarize large quantities of financial data and
to make qualitative judgment about the company’s financial performance.

Types of Ratio Analysis

 Liquidity Ratio
 Leverage Ratio
 Activity Ratio
 Profitability Ratio
 Solvency Ratio

Table-1: Showing Changes in Liabilities
Increase / Increase /
Particulars 2015-16 2016-17
Decrease (in lakhs) Decrease (%)
Equity and Liabilities:
(A) Shareholders Fund
A. Share Capital 8,06,00,600 12,63,22,600 4,57,22,000 56.73
B. Reserves and Surplus 16,82,77,526 21,25,34,406 4,42,56,880 26.30
(B) Non-Current Liabilities
A. Long-Term Borrowings 13,29,71,980 18,41,48,042 5,11,76,062 38.49
(C) Current Liabilities
A. Short-Term Borrowings 22,03,79,849 14,58,09,642 (7,45,70,207) (33.84)
B. Trade Payables 7,40,95,513 9,24,66,929 1,83,71,416 24.79
C. Other Current Liabilities 96,92,643 49,30,436 (47,62,207) (49.13)
D. Short-Term Provisions 83,00,293 1,00,92,555 17,92,262 21.59
Total 69,43,18,404 77,63,04,610 8,19,86,206 11.81
Sources: Authors Compilation

International Journal of Trade & Global Business Perspectives © Pezzottaite Journals 4137 |P a g e
Volume 8, Number 1, January – March’ 2019
ISSN (Print): 2319-9059, (Online): 2319-9067
PEZZOTTAITE JOURNALS SJIF (2017): 8.924, SJIF (2018): 9.212
H5-Index: 1, H5-Median: 1, H-Citations: 1


In the year 2016-17, contributions to reserves & surplus and capital have increased by 26.30% and 56.73%
respectively when compared to 2015-16.
Long-term debt borrowed also increased by 38.49% in the year 2016-17 when compared to previous year.
In year 2016-17, trade payables have been grown up to 24.79% when compared to 2015-16. Short-term provisions
also have an increased rate of 21.59% in the year 2016-17 compared to previous year.
Short-term borrowings and other current liabilities have decreased by 33.84% and 49.13% in 2016-17 compared to

Table-2: Showing Changes in Assets

Increase / Increase /
Particulars 2015-16 2016-17
Decrease (in lakhs) Decrease (%)
Assets :
(A) Non-Current Assets
A. Fixed Assets 19,98,89,951 22,59,80,161 2,60,90,210 13.05
B. Capital Working In Progress -- 1,19,21,528 1,19,21,528 --
C. Deferred Tax Assets (Net) -- 38,02,089 38,02,089 --
(B) Current Assets
A. Current Investments 30,20,000 36,20,000 6,00,000 19.87
B. Inventories 33,95,09,899 39,14,27,164 51917265 15.29
C. Trade Receivables 11,38,12,188 4,28,70,694 (7,09,41,494) (62.33)
D. Cash & Cash Equivalents 2,17,26,942 3,89,83,531 17256589 79.42
E. Short-Term Loans and Advances 1,63,59,424 5,76,99,443 4,13,40,019 252.70
Total 69,43,18,404 77,63,04,610 8,19,86,206 11.81
Sources: Authors Compilation


The fixed assets in the year 2016-17 have been increased to 13.05% when compared to 2015-16.
A current investment has also gone up to 19.87% in the year 2016-17.
There is an increase in inventories by 15.29% along with cash & cash equivalents with an increase of 79.42% in
2016-17 when compared to previous year.
Trade receivables has decreased by 62.33% from 2015-16 to 2016-17.
There is a drastic increase in short-term loans & advances by 252.70% in the year 2016-17 when compared to 2015-
Table-3: Balance Sheet and Percentage Change of Liabilities of 2015-16 & 2016-17

Particulars 2016-17 2015-16 2016-17 2015-16

Share Capital 12,63,22,600 8,06,00,600 16.27 11.61
Reserves and Surplus 21,50,72,755 16,57,39,178 27.70 23.87
Long-Term Borrowings 18,91,86,391 13,04,33,633 24.37 18.79
Current Liabilites 24,57,22,864 31,75,44,993 31.65 45.73
Grand Total 77,63,04,610 69,43,18,404 100 100
Sources: Authors Compilation

International Journal of Trade & Global Business Perspectives © Pezzottaite Journals 4138 |P a g e
Volume 8, Number 1, January – March’ 2019
ISSN (Print): 2319-9059, (Online): 2319-9067
PEZZOTTAITE JOURNALS SJIF (2017): 8.924, SJIF (2018): 9.212
H5-Index: 1, H5-Median: 1, H-Citations: 1


We can see that there is a movement in current liabilities. The percentage of contribution of current liability in the
year 2015-16 is 45.73% out of 100%of total liability. Whereas, in 2016-17 the current liability is reduced to 31.65%
which is a good sign for the company.

The contribution towards capital in the year 2015-16 is 11.61%, which has increased to 16.27% in the year 2016-17,
Long-term borrowed in the year 2015-16 is 18.79% and there was an increase to 24.37%in the year 2016-17. As
business expands, borrowings also increase to certain extent.

The reserves & surplus, in the year 2015-16, was 23.87% and it increased to 27.70%, which is one of the good
factors to be noted.

Table-4: Balance Sheet and Percentage Change of Assets of 2015-16 & 2016-17

Particulars 2016-17 2015-16 2016-17 2015-16

Fixed Assets 22,59,80,161 19,98,89,951 29.12 28.79
Capital Working in Progress 1,19,21,528 -- 1.53 --
Deferred Tax Assets 38,02,089 -- 0.49 --
Current Assets 53,46,00,832 49,44,28,453 68.86 71.21
Grand Total 77,63,04,610 69,43,18,404 100 100
Sources: Authors Compilation


The rate of fixed assets is 28.79% in the year 2015-16. However, in the next year it has been quietly increased to

Current assets in the year 2015-16 are 71.21% and it has slightly decreased in the year 2016-17 by 68.86%.

Capital working in progress and deferred tax are the two factors arisen in the year 2016-17 with 1.53% and 0.49%
respectively, which is an advantage to the company.

Table-5: Representing Trend Percentage of Liabilities

Particulars 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17

Equity & Liabilities
Share Capital 100 585.98 585.98 719.97 1128.38
Reserves & Surplus 100 119.48 150.64 204.66 258.48
Long-Term Borrowings 100 380.71 391.73 356.88 494.23
Short-Term Borrowings 100 167.42 156.52 148.91 98.53
Trade Payables 100 120.17 195.05 126.14 157.41
Other Current Liabilities 100 195.25 216.70 380.91 193.76
Short-Term Provisions 100 82.39 169.36 259.94 316.07
Total 184.07 201.82 202.33 226.22
Sources: Authors Compilation

Share capital is constant in first two years and later it has increasing trend, which has gone up to 1128.38 in the year

International Journal of Trade & Global Business Perspectives © Pezzottaite Journals 4139 |P a g e
Volume 8, Number 1, January – March’ 2019
ISSN (Print): 2319-9059, (Online): 2319-9067
PEZZOTTAITE JOURNALS SJIF (2017): 8.924, SJIF (2018): 9.212
H5-Index: 1, H5-Median: 1, H-Citations: 1
Reserves & surplus also shows increasing trend i.e., 100% in the base year. However, at the end of 2016-17 it has
gone up to 258.48.

Long-term borrowings have increasing trend in the first two years. However, in the year 2015-16 it came down to
356.88 and again increased to 494.23 in the year 2016-17.

It indicates that the company had highest trade payables of 195.05 and reached up to 157.41 in the year 2016-17.

Short-term provisions also have an increasing trend where base year is 100 and reaches until 316.07 in the year 2016-

Short-term borrowings have decreasing trend in the year 2016-17 with 98.53.

Table-6: Representing Trend Percentage of Assets

Particulars 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17

Fixed Assets 100 296.39 315.06 281.80 318.58
Non-Current Investment 100 100 100 0 0
Current Assets 100 155.16 172.63 182.80 197.65
Total 100 184.07 201.82 202.33 226.22
Sources: Authors Compilation


There is an increasing trend towards fixed asset every year. It increased up to 218.58 in 2016-17.

Current asset also has increasing trend year by year. It increased from 155.16 in 2013-14 to 197.65 in 2016-17.

The overall assets of the company is showing an increasing trend which is considered to be a good sign to the


Current Ratio

Current Ratio = Current Assets / Current Liabilities


Particulars 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17

Current Assets (Rs.) 27,04,77,158 41,96,70,902 46,73,29,827 49,44,28,453 53,46,00,832
Current Liability (Rs.) 21,24,77,186 32,59,61,879 35,71,39,312 31,24,68,298 25,32,99,562
Current Ratio 1.27 1.29 1.31 1.58 2.11
Sources: Authors Compilation


The current ratio is a measure of the firm’s short-term solvency. A current ratio of 2:1 or more is considered
satisfactory. The current ratio was high in the year 2016-17 i.e. 2.11. From the year 2013 until 2016, the company’s
current ratio was not satisfactory. However, in the year 2016-17 the current ratio of the company showed drastic
increase i.e. 2.11. It showed a good sign of liquidity and short-term solvency in the year 2016-17.

International Journal of Trade & Global Business Perspectives © Pezzottaite Journals 4140 |P a g e
Volume 8, Number 1, January – March’ 2019
ISSN (Print): 2319-9059, (Online): 2319-9067
PEZZOTTAITE JOURNALS SJIF (2017): 8.924, SJIF (2018): 9.212
H5-Index: 1, H5-Median: 1, H-Citations: 1

Quick Ratio

Quick Ratio = Quick Assets / Quick Liabilities


Particulars 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17

Quick Assets (Rs.) 8,69,21,545 15,03,92,162 14,55,07,722 15,49,18,554 14,31,73,668
Quick Liabilities (Rs.) 21,24,77,186 32,59,61,879 35,71,39,312 31,24,68,298 25,32,99,562
Quick Ratio 0.41 0.46 0.41 0.49 0.57
Sources: Authors Compilation


The quick ratio of 1:1 is considered as a satisfactory financial condition. During 2012-13 and 2014-15, the quick
ratio was 0.41. However, in the year 2013-14 there was an increase in the ratio to 0.46 compared to other year. In
2016-17, there was an increase in quick ratio to 0.57 i.e. quick liabilities more than quick assets.

Cash Position Ratio

Cash Position Ratio = Cash / Quick Liabilities


Particulars 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17

Cash (Rs.) 1,19,48,823 1,55,47,709 1,65,37,110 2,17,26,942 3,89,83,531
Quick Liabilities (Rs.) 21,24,77,186 32,59,61,879 35,71,39,312 31,24,68,298 25,32,99,562
Cash Position Ratio 0.06 0.05 0.05 0.07 0.15
Sources: Authors Compilation


The above data reveals very clear whether a concern is liquid or not in the year 2012-13, the cash position ratio was
0.06. In 2014-15, we can find the changes in cash position ratio i.e. decreased to 0.05 and in the 2016-17; there was a
drastic increase in the cash position ratio compared to 2015-16 i.e. 0.07 to 0.15.

Proprietary Ratio

Proprietary Ratio = Net Worth / Total Assets


Particulars 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17

Net Worth (Rs.) 9,34,19,897 16,38,43,779 18,94,64,314 24,88,78,126 33,88,57,006
Total Assets (Rs.) 34,31,56,725 63,16,58,722 69,25,60,132 69,43,18,404 77,63,04,610
Proprietary Ratio (%) 0.27 0.26 0.27 0.36 0.44
Sources: Authors Compilation


This ratio measures the relationship between owners fund and total assets invested in the business. The above graph
shows that proprietary ratio is 0.27 in 2013. In the year 2013-14 and 2014-15, the ratio was 0.26 & 0.27 respectively.

International Journal of Trade & Global Business Perspectives © Pezzottaite Journals 4141 |P a g e
Volume 8, Number 1, January – March’ 2019
ISSN (Print): 2319-9059, (Online): 2319-9067
PEZZOTTAITE JOURNALS SJIF (2017): 8.924, SJIF (2018): 9.212
H5-Index: 1, H5-Median: 1, H-Citations: 1
Further, we can find that the ratio has gone up from 0.36 to 0.44 in 2015-16 & 2016-17. This shows that the total
asset invested in the business is more in the year 2016-17.

Fixed Asset to Net Worth Ratio

Fixed Asset to Net Worth Ratio = Fixed Asset / Net Worth


Particulars 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17

Fixed Asset (Rs.) 7,09,34,018 21,02,42,271 22,34,84,756 19,98,89,951 22,59,80,161
Net Worth (Rs.) 93419897 163843779 189464314 248878126 33885700
Fixed Asset to Net Worth 0.76 1.28 1.18 0.80 0.67
Sources: Authors Compilation


This ratio calculates the proportion of the owners fund invested in fixed assets. In the year 2012-13, the fixed asset to
net worth ratio is 0.76. There was an increase in fixed assets to net worth ratio in the year 2013-14 i.e. 1.28. From
2014-15 to 2016-17, we can find the net worth ratio decreasing year by year.

Current Assets to Net Worth Ratio

Current Assets to Net Worth Ratio = Current Assets / Net Worth


Particulars 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17

Current Assets (Rs.) 27,04,77,158 41,96,70,902 46,73,29,827 49,44,28,453 53,46,00,832
Net Worth (Rs.) 9,34,19,897 16,38,43,779 18,94,64,314 24,88,78,126 33,88,57,006
Current Assets to Net Worth Ratio 2.90 2.56 2.47 1.99 1.58
Sources: Authors Compilation


In the year 2012-13, the current asset to net worth was 2.9. From the above chart, we can find that the current asset to
net worth ratio was decreasing year by year. In the year 2013-14, it was 2.56 and in the year 2016-17, it decreased to

Current Liability to Net Worth Ratio

Current Liability to Net Worth = Current Liability / Net Worth


Particulars 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17

Current Liability (Rs.) 21,24,77,186 32,59,61,879 35,71,39,312 31,24,68,298 25,32,99,562
Net Worth (Rs.) 9,34,19,897 16,38,43,779 18,94,64,314 24,88,78,126 33,88,57,006
Current Liability to Net Worth 2.27 1.99 1.88 1.26 0.75
Sources: Authors Compilation

International Journal of Trade & Global Business Perspectives © Pezzottaite Journals 4142 |P a g e
Volume 8, Number 1, January – March’ 2019
ISSN (Print): 2319-9059, (Online): 2319-9067
PEZZOTTAITE JOURNALS SJIF (2017): 8.924, SJIF (2018): 9.212
H5-Index: 1, H5-Median: 1, H-Citations: 1


This ratio is higher in the year 2012-13 i.e., 2.27. It continuously decreased after 2013-14. It is a good sign to the
company. In the year 2015-16, the ratio is 1.26. Then in the year 2016-17, it decreased to 0.75.

Fixed Asset Turnover Ratio

Fixed Asset Turnover Ratio = Net Sales / Fixed Asset


Particulars 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17

Net Sales (Rs.) 90,29,60,042 1,26,60,68,766 1,40,63,62,239 1,56,07,67,271 1,63,02,62,023
Fixed Assets (Rs.) 7,09,34,018 21,02,42,271 22,34,84,756 19,98,89,951 22,59,80,161
Fixed Assets
12.73 6.02 6.29 7.81 7.21
Turnover Ratio
Sources: Authors Compilation


The above table shows increase & decrease in fixed assets turnover ratio. In 2012-13, the ratio was 12.73. Later on it
decreased to 6.29 in the year, 2014-15.we can also find that it showed an increase in the ratio in the year 2016-17 i.e.,
7.21. It reveals that the company is efficiently using its fixed assets.

Net Profit Ratio

Net Profit Ratio = Net Profit / Net Sales X 100


Particulars 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17

Net Profit (Rs.) 1,51,95,036 1,60,18,282 2,42,40,535 3,59,30,024 3,68,98,418
Net Sales (Rs.) 90,29,60,042 1,26,60,68,766 1,40,63,62,239 1,56,07,67,271 1,63,02,62,023
Net Profit Ratio 1.68 1.27 1.72 2.30 2.26
Sources: Authors Compilation


The above chart indicates the increasing efficiency of the company because of increase in the profit margin year to
year. In the year 2012-13, the net profit ratio was 1.68. However, it decreases to 1.68 in the year 2013-14. Then we
can find a growth in net profit ratio. It increases to 2.3 in the year 2016-17.

Debt Equity Ratio

Debt Equity Ratio = Long-Term Debt / Net Worth


Particulars 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17

Long-Term Debt (Rs.) 3,72,59,642 14,18,53,064 14,59,56,506 13,29,71,980 18,41,48,042
Net Worth (Rs.) 9,34,19,897 16,38,43,779 18,94,64,314 24,88,78,126 33,88,57,006
Debt Equity Ratio 0.40 0.87 0.77 0.53 0.54
Sources: Authors Compilation

International Journal of Trade & Global Business Perspectives © Pezzottaite Journals 4143 |P a g e
Volume 8, Number 1, January – March’ 2019
ISSN (Print): 2319-9059, (Online): 2319-9067
PEZZOTTAITE JOURNALS SJIF (2017): 8.924, SJIF (2018): 9.212
H5-Index: 1, H5-Median: 1, H-Citations: 1


The debt equity of 1:1 is satisfactory. By analysis the above table and chart, we can find a favorable condition i.e. the
equity contents are more than the debt content. From 2012-13 to 2013-14 there was an increase in the debt ratio i.e.
from 0.4 to 0.87. After that, we can find the ratio decreasing to 0.54 in the year 2016-17. If this ratio is lower, it is not
profitable from the viewpoint of equity shareholders.


The analysis measures the liquidity, long-term position, profitability, and turnover of the industry. To draw the
findings of the study, different techniques of financial analysis like comparative analysis, common-size analysis, and
trend analysis and ratio analysis statement have been used. The following are the some of the findings out of them:

 The liquidity of the organization has increased over years as it has sufficient current assets to meet current
liabilities with reference to current ratio.

 Efficient resource management can be recognized in liquidity ratio, activity ratio and profitability ratio.

 Market demand for product mainly depends on advertisement, so lack of advertisement is a problem.

 We could find that there has been increase in the net profits when compared with previous year, thus it
shows that Megha Fruit Processing Pvt Ltd is in good position.

 There has been huge increase in the sales of the company compared to previous years. The increase in sales
is because of high prospectus of the company, the impact of increase in sales indicate that there is huge
increase in the profit of the company.


The company should undertake mass promotional campaigns, consumer awareness programs and advertisement to
create a brand image in the minds of customer.

Usage of tetra pack seems to be beneficial, both, for the industry and environment.

More flavors can be given in the “BINDU” brand itself, as it is easy to sell as it has already acquired the market.

As there is availability of its products only in 5 to 7 states, it can aim at enlarging its business in more number of
states. Therefore, it can minimize its cost and maximize its profit.

The financial statement of the company is showing that the sales are increasing year by year. Thus, they can
concentrate more on improving the quality of the products and the distribution policies.

Excess cash should be invested in short-term securities, if any.


Megha Fruit Processing, Pvt, Ltd was incorporated in 2004 and saw a tremendous growth since 13 years. The multi-
branding strategy of the industry was more efficient, the brand “BINDU” created a benchmark in the market, and it is
the reason for development of the industry. The finance is evenly managed in the industry, it is moving in an upward
trend with reference to ratio analysis, and it is focusing on its overall development. It is also determined that the
availability of the products of the industry is spread in more than five states. The growth of the industry can be
analyzed by the reserves & surplus, share capital, etc. which overtakes the industry in a positive route. It has a good
liquidity position and sufficient funds. Industry is targeting to increase sale volume and profit to with stand the

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PEZZOTTAITE JOURNALS SJIF (2017): 8.924, SJIF (2018): 9.212
H5-Index: 1, H5-Median: 1, H-Citations: 1
competition in the market. By the viewpoint of financial statement of Megha Fruit Processing industry, we analyze
that the industry’s position is in positive trend. Even though the net profit is fluctuating in nature, the company has
balanced its income and expenditure with reference to ratio analysis.


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