Bendigo Airport Fees and Charges
Bendigo Airport Fees and Charges
Bendigo Airport Fees and Charges
Why do fees and charges need to upkeep. Qantas has a separate agreement with
be introduced? Bendigo Airport for its service.
These proposed fees and charges will provide There is currently no fair and equitable
a fairer and more equitable structure to ensure structure to charge non tenants for use of
that all users at Bendigo Airport contribute to the airport. By introducing fees and charges,
the ongoing maintenance. all users at the airport will contribute to the
costs of operating and maintaining airport
Why are fees and charges being
introduced for all users? As a current tenant of the airport
Proposed fees and charges were included do I have to continue paying a
as a key action in the 2017 Bendigo Airport licence fee as well as the proposed
Strategic plan and are proposed to be
introduced on July 1, 2020, following usage fees?
consultation and adoption at Council. No, airport tenants who pay a licence fee will
Other similar airports charge landing and be exempt from landing fees for their aircraft.
aircraft parking fees. At present, the only Tenants will also be given the opportunity to
income is derived from leased sites and only renegotiate a new lease. The City can waive all
around half of these leases have an annual of the fees so that a new lease can be set up.
licence fee for use of the airport. However, this must be requested by December
31, 2020. Any fees incurred before your
Many charter companies, flight schools and request for a new lease will not be reimbursed.
general aviation users travel to Bendigo and All new leases will not include a licence fee.
make use of the Bendigo Airport, but do not
make any contribution to the infrastructure or
Proposed introduction of fees and charges
for Bendigo Airport (continued)
How will the fees and charges How do I provide feedback on the
be used? proposed fees and charges?
The fees and charges will contribute to the You can provide your submissions in writing
on-going maintenance and upkeep costs at to by
the airport. For example, full security fencing November 15, 2019. You are also invited to
around the perimeter is 6.6km in length. The attend a drop in session on Monday October
main runway is 1720mx30m plus turnaround 21 between 3pm to 6pm. If this time doesn’t
and the second runway is 640mx18m. suit and you’d like to discuss the proposal
in person please contact Vicki Bayliss at
The annual operational cost at Bendigo Airport or on
is approximately $400,000.
5434 6058 to arrange a suitable time.