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DIRECTION: Encircle The Letter of Your Answer in The Following Items

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DIRECTION: Encircle the letter of your answer in the following items.

1. Which of the following refers to location of the user? 13. It is the most secured but expensive operating system.
A. 1st boot device A. Apple Macintosh OS
B. Username and Computer name B. Linux
C. Time zone C. Microsoft Office
D. Password hint D. Microsoft Windows
2. Which of the following refers to identity of the PC? 14. Android is powered by what operating system?
A. 1st boot device A. Apple Macintosh OS
B. Username and Computer name B. Apple iOS
C. Time zone C. Linux
D. Password hint D. Microsoft Windows
3. Which of the following refers to division of HDD? 15. It is a freeware or free to use operating system.
A. Bootable drive A. Apple Macintosh OS
B. Network B. Linux
C. Partition C. Microsoft Office
D. Setup D. Microsoft Windows
4. Which of the following refers to the hardware where 16. This interface provides graphical representations of
Windows 7 installer is stored? files, folders, commands and programs.
A. Bootable drive A. Command Line Interface
B. Network B. Graphical User Interface
C. Partition C. Interface Device Environment
D. Setup D. Graphical Line Environment
5. Which of the following refers to installation of Linux? 17. The following is one of the popular Linux distributions
A. Bootable drive A. Windows Millennium
B. Network B. Windows Server
C. Partition C. Apple Mac OS
D. Setup D. Ubuntu
6. Which of the following is the commonly used OS? 18. The following are popular Linux distributions except
A. Apple Mac OS A. Linux Mint
B. Linux B. Ubuntu
C. Microsoft Office C. Fedora
D. Microsoft Windows D. OS X Lion
7. It refers to the programs that directs, instructs, or 19. Windows 7 operating system lies in what interface?
controls the computer hardware. A. Command Line Interface
A. Computer hardware B. Graphical User Interface
B. Computer software C. Interface Device Environment
C. CMOS D. Graphical Line Environment
D. Installers 20. In this interface, the user types in the command.
8. It refers to the parts of the computer. A. Command Line Interface
A. Computer hardware B. Graphical User Interface
B. Computer software C. Interface Device Environment
C. CMOS D. Graphical Line Environment
D. Installers 21. Which of the following is true about dual booting?
9. It is a user-friendly operating system. A. The user can select which OS to boot from
A. Apple Mac OS B. You can have two OS installed in one hard drive
B. Linux C. Two OS installed in two (2) HDD, one for each drive
C. Microsoft Office D. All of the above
D. Microsoft Windows 22. The following device can be used in the installation of
10. Timezone settings in Windows 7 installation. Windows 7 except
A. GMT + 0.00 Taipei A. DVD
B. GMT - 8.00 Taipei B. Flash drive
C. GMT + 8.00 Taipei C. Floppy Disk
D. Manila, Philippines D. Network
11. Timezone settings in Linux or Ubuntu installation. 23. The following device can be used in the installation of
A. GMT + 0.00 Taipei Linux except
B. GMT - 8.00 Taipei A. Flash drive
C. GMT + 8.00 Taipei B. DVD
D. Manila, Philippines C. Floppy Disk
12. The software needed to transfer Windows 7 ISO image D. USB thumb drive
to the USB portable drive. 24. It is used to control the operations of computer.
A. support CD A. Disk cleanup
B. Windows 7 CD B. Virus protection
C. Ubuntu CD C. System software
D. Rufus D. Application software
25. It is used to delete unnecessary files. 38. Limited resolution, flickering or seeing horizontal lines.
A. Disk cleanup A. Audio driver
B. Virus protection B. Camera driver
C. System software C. Display driver
D. Application software D. Keyboard driver
26. Files that enable hardware communicate with OS. 39. Slow or unreliable internet connections.
A. Device Driver A. Chipset driver
B. Windows installer B. Mouse driver
C. Linux installer C. Network driver
D. Apple Macintosh Installer D. Printer driver
27. The device will not function properly if ________. 40. Wireless mouse doesn’t function well.
A. Correct driver is installed A. Chipset driver
B. No conflict found in the device manager B. Mouse driver
C. Updated driver is installed C. Network driver
D. The driver is not installed D. Printer driver
28. A driver conflict or an error can be seen in the _______. 41. System crashes or slow performance.
A. Device Manager A. Chipset driver
B. My Computer B. Mouse driver
C. Explorer Window C. Network driver
D. My Documents D. Printer driver
29. Manufacturers release ________ to fix driver problems. 42. Printer unrecognized or printer not found.
A. new device A. Chipset driver
B. statement B. Mouse driver
C. driver update C. Network driver
D. recall the device D. Printer driver
30. The motherboard’s model are printed on the ________. 43. Limited resolution, flickering or seeing horizontal lines.
A. front of the monitor A. Network driver
B. motherboard B. Printer driver
C. back of the monitor C. Scanner driver
D. system unit D. Video driver
31. The ________ contains all the drivers and utility 44. PC can’t connect to a shared folder in the network.
programs needed to properly run the bundled products. A. Network driver
A. support CD B. Printer driver
B. Windows 7 CD C. Scanner driver
C. Ubuntu CD D. Video driver
D. Rufus 45. No image, or black screen displayed from the camera.
32. When you insert the disc in the drive, ________ feature A. Audio driver
will automatically bring up the install screen. B. Camera driver
A. autorun C. Display driver
B. manual run D. Mouse driver
C. manual install 46. What is needed to setup before installing Windows 7?
D. any of the choices A. 1st boot device
33. Click the ________ button to open Windows Explorer B. Username and Computer name
and show the contents of the support disc. C. Time zone
A. Setup D. Password hint
B. Browse CD 47. What is needed if you forgot your password?
C. Exit A. 1st boot device
D. None of the choices B. Username and Computer name
34. ________ contains important information to help you C. Time zone
install the software correctly. D. Password hint
A. Readme.txt 48. The following are the reasons where the computer
B. Setup.exe needs to format except
C. Config.sys A. The computer is affected by a virus.
D. Autoexec.bat B. The computer has slow performance.
35. Run ________ if the install screen doesn’t appear C. The computer pops-up error messages.
automatically. D. The computer shows no sign of problems.
A. Readme.txt 49. What is one of the reasons for installing Linux?
B. Setup.exe A. User-friendly
C. Config.sys B. Open-source and freeware
D. Autoexec.bat C. Commonly used OS for computer
36. "No Sound" error, or crackled or distorted sound. D. Very secure, but expensive
A. Audio driver 50. In dual-booting setup, ________ OS is recommended to
B. Camera driver install first before the other OS .
C. Display driver A. Apple Macintosh
D. Keyboard driver B. Linux
37. Wireless keyboard doesn’t function well. C. Microsoft Office
A. Audio driver D. Microsoft Windows
B. Camera driver
C. Display driver Prepared by:
D. Keyboard driver ROMEO P. OPENA JR
Answer Key

1. 11. 21. 31. 41.

2. 12. 22. 32. 42.
3. 13. 23. 33. 43.
4. 14. 24. 34. 44.
5. 15. 25. 35. 45.
6. 16. 26. 36. 46.
7. 17. 27. 37. 47.
8. 18. 28. 38. 48.
9. 19. 29. 39. 49.
10. 20. 30. 40. 50.

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