Weekly Home Learning Plan (Tle 10-Ict CSS) : Modular Distance Learning I 1 September 13-17, 2021 10-A
Weekly Home Learning Plan (Tle 10-Ict CSS) : Modular Distance Learning I 1 September 13-17, 2021 10-A
Weekly Home Learning Plan (Tle 10-Ict CSS) : Modular Distance Learning I 1 September 13-17, 2021 10-A
Department of Education
Monday The adviser will distribute modules to parents/guardian and social distancing and health protocols must be observed Homeroom Guidance
Collect all modules and check if all required tasks are done.
Parents meet to return all modules and answer sheets for the week and get new modules to be used for the following week.
Prepare and distribute the simplified and remedial worksheet for the intervention.
Social distancing and health protocols must be observed.
Tuesday- The learner: The students have the opportunity watch the supplemental (MODULAR
Friday TLE 10-ICT video tutorial using the offline platform (Kotobee reader and PRINT/OFFLINE)
CSS Identify the different types of video format by sharing the video in their smartphone) The adviser will distribute
computer modules and supplemental
Classify the different types of Students independently study the ff: video tutorial to
computer according to Study TLE 10-ICT Technical Drawing, Quarter I, Week 1,
parents/guardians, and social
various ways Module 1 Lesson 1. TOPIC #1: Plan and Design Unit distancing and health
List the different types of Assembly
computers protocols must be observed.
Read, Understand, Analyze and Answer the ff:
Identify the different factor to Pre-Test
consider in planning and (The teacher will guide and
Looking back to your Lesson monitor the student via
designing a personal
computer Brief Introduction messenger, Facebook or
Plan and design a personal Main Topic # 1. phone calls for any
computer Students need to answer and submit the following: assistance needed by the
Give importance with Activity 1: Classification of machine learners to finish the module
essential components when Activity 2: Fill in the Blank and master the learning
designing a PC. Activity 3 : Reaserch competency/s for the week.)
Checking of Understanding
Post Test
Day & Time Learning Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery
Monday The adviser will distribute modules to parents/guardian and social distancing and health protocols must be observed Homeroom Guidance
Collect all modules and check if all required tasks are done.
Parents meet to return all modules and answer sheets for the week and get new modules to be used for the following week.
Prepare and distribute the simplified and remedial worksheet for the intervention.
Social distancing and health protocols must be observed.
Identify the different factors Module 1 Lesson 1. TOPIC #2: Planning and Designing a
to consider in planning and Personal Computer
designing a PC. Read, Understand, Analyze and Answer the ff:
Plan and design a personal Main Topic #2.
Students need to answer and submit the following:
Give importance with the
Activity 1: Planning Sheet/Program
essential components when
Activity 2: List down
designing a PC.
Checking of Understanding
Post Test
Monday The adviser will distribute modules to parents/guardian and social distancing and health protocols must be observed Homeroom Guidance
Collect all modules and check if all required tasks are done.
Parents meet to return all modules and answer sheets for the week and get new modules to be used for the following week.
Prepare and distribute the simplified and remedial worksheet for the intervention.
Social distancing and health protocols must be observed.
Tuesday- The learner: The students have the opportunity watch the supplemental (MODULAR
Friday TLE 10-ICT video tutorial using the offline platform (Kotobee reader and PRINT/OFFLINE)
CSS video format by sharing the video in their smartphone) The adviser will distribute
1. Identify and select modules and supplemental
appropriate computer Students independently study the ff: video tutorial to
hardware tools in Study TLE 7-ICT Technical Drawing, Quarter I, Week 2, parents/guardians, and social
accordance with the task Module 2 Lesson 1. TOPIC #1: distancing and health
protocols must be observed.
2. Check and identify Read, Understand, Analyze and Answer the ff: (The teacher will guide and
unsafe computer hardware Pre-Test monitor the student via
tools in accordance with Looking back to your Lesson messenger, Facebook or
standard operating Brief Introduction phone calls for any
procedures. Main Topic # 1. assistance needed by the
Students need to answer and submit the following: learners to finish the module
Activity 1: Classification of machine and master the learning
Day & Time Learning Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery
Monday The adviser will distribute modules to parents/guardian and social distancing and health protocols must be observed Homeroom Guidance
Collect all modules and check if all required tasks are done.
Parents meet to return all modules and answer sheets for the week and get new modules to be used for the following week.
Prepare and distribute the simplified and remedial worksheet for the intervention.
Social distancing and health protocols must be observed.
3. Adhere to the safety Activity 2: Fill in the Blank competency/s for the week.)
procedures in using Checking of Understanding
Post Test
computer hardware tools
Monday The adviser will distribute modules to parents/guardian and social distancing and health protocols must be observed Homeroom Guidance
Collect all modules and check if all required tasks are done.
Parents meet to return all modules and answer sheets for the week and get new modules to be used for the following week.
Prepare and distribute the simplified and remedial worksheet for the intervention.
Social distancing and health protocols must be observed.
Tuesday- The learner: The students have the opportunity watch the supplemental (MODULAR
Friday TLE 10-ICT 1. Plan unit assembly to ensure video tutorial using the offline platform (Kotobee reader and PRINT/OFFLINE)
CSS OHS policies and procedures are video format by sharing the video in their smartphone) The adviser will distribute
followed in accordance with modules and supplemental
Students independently study the ff:
systems requirements
Study TLE 7-ICT Technical Drawing, Quarter I, Week 3 video tutorial to
2. Prepare unit assembly to
Module 3 Lesson 1. TOPIC #1: parents/guardians, and social
ensure OHS policies and
distancing and health
Day & Time Learning Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery
Monday The adviser will distribute modules to parents/guardian and social distancing and health protocols must be observed Homeroom Guidance
Collect all modules and check if all required tasks are done.
Parents meet to return all modules and answer sheets for the week and get new modules to be used for the following week.
Prepare and distribute the simplified and remedial worksheet for the intervention.
Social distancing and health protocols must be observed.
procedures are followed in Computer Standard Operating Procedures protocols must be observed.
accordance with systems
Read, Understand, Analyze and Answer the ff:
requirements (The teacher will guide and
3. Identify materials necessary to Pre-Test
Looking back to your Lesson monitor the student via
complete the work in accordance
Brief Introduction messenger, Facebook or
with established procedures.
4. Obtain materials necessary to Main Topic # 1. phone calls for any
complete the work in accordance Students need to answer and submit the following: assistance needed by the
with established procedures and Activity 1: Classification of machine learners to finish the module
check against system Activity 2: Fill in the Blank and master the learning
requirements. Checking of Understanding competency/s for the week.)
Post Test
Monday The adviser will distribute modules to parents/guardian and social distancing and health protocols must be observed Homeroom Guidance
Collect all modules and check if all required tasks are done.
Parents meet to return all modules and answer sheets for the week and get new modules to be used for the following week.
Prepare and distribute the simplified and remedial worksheet for the intervention.
Social distancing and health protocols must be observed.
Tuesday- The learner: The students have the opportunity watch the supplemental (MODULAR
Friday TLE 10-ICT video tutorial using the offline platform (Kotobee reader and PRINT/OFFLINE)
CSS 1. Plan unit assembly to ensure video format by sharing the video in their smartphone) The adviser will distribute
OHS policies and procedures are modules and supplemental
followed in accordance with
Students independently study the ff: video tutorial to
systems requirements
Study TLE 7-ICT Technical Drawing, Quarter I, Week 4 parents/guardians, and social
2. Prepare unit assembly to
Module 4 Lesson 1. TOPIC #1: distancing and health
ensure OHS policies and
procedures are followed in Computer Standard Operating Procedures protocols must be observed.
accordance with systems Read, Understand, Analyze and Answer the ff:
requirements Pre-Test (The teacher will guide and
3. Identify materials necessary to Looking back to your Lesson monitor the student via
complete the work in accordance Brief Introduction messenger, Facebook or
with established procedures and Main Topic # 1. phone calls for any
check against system assistance needed by the
requirements Students need to answer and submit the following:
Activity 1: Classification of machine learners to finish the module
4. Obtain materials necessary to
complete the work in accordance Activity 2: Fill in the Blank and master the learning
with established procedures and Checking of Understanding competency/s for the week.)
check against system Post Test
Monday The adviser will distribute modules to parents/guardian and social distancing and health protocols must be observed Homeroom Guidance
Collect all modules and check if all required tasks are done.
Parents meet to return all modules and answer sheets for the week and get new modules to be used for the following week.
Prepare and distribute the simplified and remedial worksheet for the intervention.
Social distancing and health protocols must be observed.
Tuesday- The learner: The students have the opportunity watch the supplemental (MODULAR
Friday TLE 10-ICT video tutorial using the offline platform (Kotobee reader and PRINT/OFFLINE)
CSS video format by sharing the video in their smartphone) The adviser will distribute
•Identify the proper
procedure in disassemble modules and supplemental
Students independently study the ff: video tutorial to
and assemble. Study TLE 7-ICT Technical Drawing, Quarter I, Week 4 parents/guardians, and social
•Observe the proper Module 4 Lesson 1. TOPIC #1: distancing and health
procedure in disassemble Assemble Computer Hardware protocols must be observed.
and assemble. Read, Understand, Analyze and Answer the ff:
•Apply the occupational Pre-Test (The teacher will guide and
health and safety Looking back to your Lesson monitor the student via
procedures Brief Introduction messenger, Facebook or
•Perform the basic skills Main Topic # 1. phone calls for any
that are necessary to Students need to answer and submit the following: assistance needed by the
assemble and disassemble Activity 1: Classification of machine learners to finish the module
a PC. Activity 2: Fill in the Blank and master the learning
Checking of Understanding competency/s for the week.)
Post Test
Monday The adviser will distribute modules to parents/guardian and social distancing and health protocols must be observed Homeroom Guidance
Collect all modules and check if all required tasks are done.
Parents meet to return all modules and answer sheets for the week and get new modules to be used for the following week.
Prepare and distribute the simplified and remedial worksheet for the intervention.
Social distancing and health protocols must be observed.
Tuesday- The learner: The students have the opportunity watch the supplemental (MODULAR
Friday TLE 10-ICT video tutorial using the offline platform (Kotobee reader and PRINT/OFFLINE)
CSS video format by sharing the video in their smartphone) The adviser will distribute
• Explain the importance of modules and supplemental
Students independently study the ff: video tutorial to
Power On Self-Test Study TLE 7-ICT Technical Drawing, Quarter I, Week 4 parents/guardians, and social
(POST); Module 4 Lesson 1. TOPIC #1: distancing and health
• Inspect Power On Self- Configuring Your BIOS protocols must be observed.
Test (POST) activity of the TLE_IACSS9-12ICCS-Ia-e-28
computer; and Read, Understand, Analyze and Answer the ff: (The teacher will guide and
• Recognize beep codes Pre-Test monitor the student via
during Power On Self-Test Looking back to your Lesson messenger, Facebook or
(POST). Brief Introduction phone calls for any
Main Topic # 1. assistance needed by the
Students need to answer and submit the following:
learners to finish the module
Activity 1: Classification of machine and master the learning
Activity 2: Fill in the Blank competency/s for the week.)
Checking of Understanding
Post Test
Monday The adviser will distribute modules to parents/guardian and social distancing and health protocols must be observed Homeroom Guidance
Collect all modules and check if all required tasks are done.
Parents meet to return all modules and answer sheets for the week and get new modules to be used for the following week.
Prepare and distribute the simplified and remedial worksheet for the intervention.
Social distancing and health protocols must be observed.
Tuesday- The learner: The students have the opportunity watch the supplemental (MODULAR
Friday TLE 10-ICT video tutorial using the offline platform (Kotobee reader and PRINT/OFFLINE)
CSS video format by sharing the video in their smartphone) The adviser will distribute
modules and supplemental
Students independently study the ff: video tutorial to
Discuss the functions Study TLE 7-ICT Technical Drawing, Quarter I, Week 4 parents/guardians, and social
and purpose of the device Module 4 Lesson 1. TOPIC #1: distancing and health
driver; protocols must be observed.
Familiarize with the types DRIVER INSTALLATION PROCEDURE
of device driver; and Read, Understand, Analyze and Answer the ff: (The teacher will guide and
Recognize the use of Pre-Test monitor the student via
manufacturer’s guide and Looking back to your Lesson messenger, Facebook or
the software license Brief Introduction phone calls for any
agreement. Main Topic # 1. assistance needed by the
Students need to answer and submit the following:
learners to finish the module
Activity 1: Classification of machine and master the learning
Activity 2: Fill in the Blank competency/s for the week.)
Checking of Understanding
Post Test
Monday The adviser will distribute modules to parents/guardian and social distancing and health protocols must be observed Homeroom Guidance
Collect all modules and check if all required tasks are done.
Parents meet to return all modules and answer sheets for the week and get new modules to be used for the following week.
Prepare and distribute the simplified and remedial worksheet for the intervention.
Social distancing and health protocols must be observed.
Monday The adviser will distribute modules to parents/guardian and social distancing and health protocols must be observed Homeroom Guidance
Collect all modules and check if all required tasks are done.
Parents meet to return all modules and answer sheets for the week and get new modules to be used for the following week.
Prepare and distribute the simplified and remedial worksheet for the intervention.
Social distancing and health protocols must be observed.
Tuesday- The learner: The students have the opportunity watch the supplemental (MODULAR
Friday TLE 10-ICT video tutorial using the offline platform (Kotobee reader and PRINT/OFFLINE)
CSS video format by sharing the video in their smartphone) The adviser will distribute
modules and supplemental
Students independently study the ff: video tutorial to
• Discuss the different Study TLE 7-ICT Technical Drawing, Quarter I, Week 4 parents/guardians, and social
types operating system Module 4 Lesson 1. TOPIC #1: distancing and health
• Familiarize with the APPLICATION PACKAGES protocols must be observed.
Monday The adviser will distribute modules to parents/guardian and social distancing and health protocols must be observed Homeroom Guidance
Collect all modules and check if all required tasks are done.
Parents meet to return all modules and answer sheets for the week and get new modules to be used for the following week.
Prepare and distribute the simplified and remedial worksheet for the intervention.
Social distancing and health protocols must be observed.