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Form - 1: Enhancement of Dri Production

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FORM – 1




(425000 TPA to 465000 TPA)

JULY, 2018
(Issue 01, rev 0)

Submitted by:


(Issue 01, Rev 0 - July 2018)

(I) Basic Information

1 Name of the Project/s Enhancement of DRI Production by 40,000

TPA (From 4,25,000 TPA to 4,65,000 TPA)
in the existing facility of Tata Sponge Iron
Limited (TSIL)

2 S. No. in the Schedule 3(a)

3 Proposed capacity/ area/ length/ Additional 40,000 TPA DRI (Total Capacity
tonnage to be handled/ command – 4,65,000 TPA from granted EC of
area/ lease area/ Number of wells to 4,25,000 TPA)
be drilled

4 New/ Expansion/ Modernization Expansion based on outcome from R&D for

enhancement in operating days, optimum
coal consumption and slight increase in iron
oxide feed

5 Existing Capacity/ Area 4,25,000 TPA with 26 MW WHRB Power

Plant within existing 122.65 Ha.

6 Category of the Project “A” or “B” “A” Category since it is located within 10 km
from interstate boundary and associated
with ‘A’ category project

7 Does it attract the general Yes, Interstate boundary Odisha-

conditions? If Yes, please specify Jharkhand) within 10 Km

8 Doesit attract the specific No

conditions? If Yes, please specify

9 Location Refer Annexure I for location plan

Plot/ Survey/ Khasra no. Bileipada- Khata No -110/11 & 32
Lahanda - Khata No – 74/8,26,80 &81
Bhagalpur- Khata No -31
Village Bileipada
Tehsil Barbil
District Keonjhar
State Odisha

Form 1 – Enhancement of production of DRI Plant of M/s TSIL 1

10 Nearest railway station/ airport along Railway Station: - Murgamahadev Road
with distance in kms (MMVR) – 0.2 km, N
Airport: Rourkela- 70 km, WNW;
Bhubaneshwar-200 km, SSE

11 Nearest town, city, district head Nearest town : Joda 5 km, SW

quarters along with distance in kms District Head quarter : Keonjhar-47 km, SSE

12 Village panchayats, Zillaparishads, Village Panchayat – Birikala

Municipal Corporation, local body Zila Parishad – Joda Block zone no 28, P.O.
(Complete postal address with Beleipada,
telephone nos. to be given) District Keonjhar-758034

13 Name of the Applicant M/s. Tata Sponge Iron Limited

14 Registered Address M/s. Tata Sponge Iron Limited

District Keonjhar, Odisha-758034

15 Address for Correspondence

Name Mr. Partha Chattopadhyay
Designation(Owner/Partner/CEO) Chief Operating Officer (SB)
Address TATA Sponge Iron Limited
P.O. Beleipada, Joda,
District Keonjhar, Odisha
Pin code 758034
email pchattopadhyay@tatasponge.com
Telephone Number 9238302840
Fax Number 06767-278159

16 Details of Alternatives sites Not Applicable (as the increase in

examined, if any, Locations of these production capacity is based on outcome
sites should be shown on the from R&D for enhancement of operating
toposheet days as well as iron oxide feed).

17 Interlinked Projects Nil

18 Whether separate application of the Not Applicable

interlinked project has been

19 If Yes, date of application Not Applicable

20 If No, reason Not Applicable

Form 1 – Enhancement of production of DRI Plant of M/s TSIL 2

21 Whether the proposal requires Not Applicable (as the increase in
approval/clearance, if Yes the details production capacity will be in the existing
of the same to be given facility)
(a) Forest Conservation Act – Not applicable since no forest land within
1980? project area.
(b) Wild life protection Act – 1972? Not applicable as not within 10 km of a
notified area
(c) CRZ Notification – 1991? Not applicable as it is not near sea shore.

22 Whether there is any Government No

Order/ Policy relevant/ relating to the

23 Forest land involved (hectares) Nil

24 Whether there is any litigation No

pending against the project and/or
land in which the project is proposed
to be set up?
(a) Name of Court Not applicable
(b) Case No. Not applicable
(c) Orders/ directions of the Court, Not applicable
if any and its relevance with the
proposed project
* Capacity corresponding to sectoral activity (such as production capacity for
manufacturing, mining lease area and production capacity for mineral production, area for
mineral exploration, length for linear transport infrastructure, generation capacity for
power generation.

(II) Activity

1. Construction, operation or decommissioning of the Project involving

actions, which will cause physical changes in the locality (topography,
land use, changes in water bodies, etc.)

Sl. Information/ Checklist Yes/ Details thereof (with approximate

No. confirmation Noquantities /rates, wherever possible)
with source of information data
1.1 Permanent or temporary change in No There will be no change in land form/
land use land cover or topography land use or layout (given in Annexure
including increase in intensity of II). The production will enhance due to
land use (with respect to local land increase in operational days as an
use plan outcome of R&D project by IIT
Bhubaneswar. No additional
infrastructure requirement will be there.
1.2 Clearance of existing land, No No additional land will be required for
vegetation and buildings? capacity enhancement.
1.3 Creation of new land uses? No No new land creation is involved

Form 1 – Enhancement of production of DRI Plant of M/s TSIL 3

Sl. Information/ Checklist Yes/ Details thereof (with approximate
No. confirmation No quantities /rates, wherever possible)
with source of information data
1.4 Pre-construction investigations No No pre-construction investigation is
e.g. bore holes, soil testing? involved as structures are already in
1.5 Construction works? No No Construction work will be involved
1.6 Demolition works? No No Demolition work will be involved
1.7 Temporary sites used for No No temporary site or housing will be
construction works or housing of involved
construction workers
1.8 Above ground buildings, structures No No above ground building, structure etc.
or earthworks including linear is involved
structures, cut and fill or
1.9 Underground works including No No underground work is involved.
mining or tunneling?
1.10 Reclamation works? No
No reclamation work is involved
1.11 Dredging? No
No dredging is to be adopted
1.12 Offshore structures? No
Not applicable
1.13 Production and manufacturing Yes
Tata Sponge Iron Limited adopted Direct
processes? Reduction Technology, where Iron Ore
(Fe2O3) gets reduced in solid state to
produce Directly Reduced Iron (DRI)
inside Rotary Kilns. In this process Coal
is used as reductant and Dolomite is
used as de-sulphurising agent. Waste
heat is used for generation of power
It is intended to increase the number of
operating days as an outcome of the
R&D study by IIT, Bhubaneswar.
1.14 Facilities for storage of goods or No The same storage area for goods and
materials materials will be utilized.
1.15 Facilities for treatment or disposal Yes SOLID WASTE:
of solid waste or liquid effluents? Wastes generation (fly ash and char) is
primarily from use of coal.
Corresponding to the enhancement of
DRI production, solid waste will also
increase from 195500 to approx.
2,12,367 TPA. The existing facility is
designed to handle 2,45,000 TPA of
waste as sanctioned vide EC dated
Presently 100% fly ash is utilized for fly
ash brick and paver block making and
land reclamation etc. 100% char is
Form 1 – Enhancement of production of DRI Plant of M/s TSIL 4
Sl. Information/ Checklist Yes/ Details thereof (with approximate
No. confirmation No quantities /rates, wherever possible)
with source of information data
getting utilized. Out of this 30% is
recycled back to kiln and balance sold
for its carbon utilization. Other waste
either sold or dumped at identified 17.5
ha dump yard.

During production of DRI, cooling water
is recycled. For increase in 40,000 TPA
production, waste water generation will
be increasing from 255 to 283 KLD. The
additional 28 KLD of waste water shall
be consumed completely in brick making
plant, whose capacity is also being
enhanced concurrently.

Tata Sponge will maintain its ‘zero’

wastewater discharge standard. 100%
waste water will be utilized for its brick
manufacturing unit, dust suppression,
road washing, garden maintenance etc.
after it preliminary treatment.
1.16 Facilities for long term housing of No No additional manpower will be
operational Workers? required; hence no housing requirement
is there.
1.17 New road, rail or sea traffic during No As no construction is involved, no
construction or operation? a dditio nal traffic is envisaged.
During operations, the traffic will
increase to cater to 40,000 TPA
additional DRI evacuation. Approximately
7 trips will increase for product and for
corresponding raw material
approximately 14 trucks per day will be
required. Thus, 1 truck in 1.7 hours will
increase on an average.
1.18 New road, rail, air waterborne or No New roads are not required for
other transport infrastructure construction or operation phases. The
including new or altered routes existing connectivity is sufficient to cater
and stations, ports, airports etc? the additional traffic also.
1.19 Closure or diversion of existing No Not Applicable, as no closure or
transport routes or infrastructure diversion of an y rou te is
leading to changes in traffic envisaged .
1.20 New or inverted transmission lines No Not required
or pipelines?

Form 1 – Enhancement of production of DRI Plant of M/s TSIL 5

Sl. Information/ Checklist Yes/
Details thereof (with approximate
No. confirmation No
quantities /rates, wherever possible)
with source of information data
1.21 Impoundment, damming, No Not required
culverting, Realignment or other
changes to the hydrology of
watercourses or aquifers?
1.22 Stream crossings? No Not applicable
1.23 Abstraction or transfers of water Yes The company is already having approval
form ground or surface waters? for 9840 KLD (410 KL/hour) water
withdrawl from adjacent Sona river.
Although there will be increase of water
requirement by 139 KLD for 40,000 TPA
enhancement in DRI production, the
total water consumption after
enhancement shall remain well within
9840 KLD.

The total water consumption as on date

at 4,25,000 TPA DRI production, 26 MW
power generation & domestic
consumption is 4800 KLD on an
average. This will enhance to 4939 KLD
and will be well within the sanction.
1.24 Changes in water bodies or the No Not applicable
land surface affecting drainage or
1.25 Transport of personnel or Yes Will occur only during operation phase. It
materials for Construction, is and will be continued by road (NH –
operation or decommissioning? 520) and rail (Tatanagar–Puri) as per
current practices
1.26 Long-term dismantling or No Not Required.
decommissioning or restoration
1.27 Ongoing activity during No No decommissioning job is involved
decommissioning which could
have an impact on the
1.28 Influx of people to an area in No No influx is envisaged, as production
either temporarily or permanently? increase is based on capacity
utilization of existing kilns only. No
additional manpower shall be required
1.29 Introduction of alien species? No -
1.30 Loss of native species or genetic No -
1.31 Any other actions? No -

Form 1 – Enhancement of production of DRI Plant of M/s TSIL 6

2. Use of Natural resources for construction or operation of the Project
(such as land, water, materials or energy, especially any resources
which are non-renewable or in short supply):

Sl. Information/ Checklist Yes/ No Details thereof (with approximate

No. confirmation quantities /rates, wherever possible)
with source of information data
2.1 Land especially undeveloped or No No additional land requirement will be
agricultural land (ha) there; as the production increase will
be in the same facility and
2.2 Water (expected source & Yes The additional cooling water
competing users) unit: KLD requirement shall be met from the
sanctioned quantity of 410 KL/hr (9840
KLD) from existing source-Sona river.
2.3 Minerals (MT) Yes As follows:

EC dt. Additional Total

01.05.2017 proposed proposed
Total consumption 680000 64000 744000
of iron oxide, TPA
Total consumption 403000 35000 438000
of coal, TPA
Total consumption 6325 650 6975
of dolomite, TPA
Total 1089325 99650 1188975

2.4 Construction material – stone, No No construction job will be involved

aggregates, sand / soil
(expected source – MT)
2.5 Forests and timber (source – No No forest and timber source is
MT) required as same process equipment’s
will be used without any addition of
further facilities
2.6 Energy including electricity and Yes Minimum energy will be required for raw
fuels (source, competing users) material circuit & modification in system.
Unit: fuel (MT), energy (MW) Since the company generated power for
its own consumption from its 26 MW
Waste Heat Recovery Power Plant, the
same shall be met inhouse. Also, 235
KW solar power unit has been installed
within the plant premises.
Additional coal requirement will be
35,000 TPA.
2.7 Any other natural resources No Nil
(use appropriate standard units)

Form 1 – Enhancement of production of DRI Plant of M/s TSIL 7

2. Use, storage, transport, handling or production of substances or
materials, which could be harmful to human health or the environment
or raise concerns about actual or perceived risks to human health.

Sl. Information/ Checklist Yes/ Details thereof (with approximate

No. confirmation No quantities /rates, wherever possible)
with source of information data
3.1 Use of substances or materials, Yes HSD will be used during start-up (light
which are hazardous (as per up) of the kiln as per existing
MSIHC rules) to human health or practice. The HSD is stored in a 125 KL
the environment (flora, fauna, on-ground tank provided with a dyke,
and water supplies) thus, stored will all statutory safety
3.2 Changes in occurrence of No Not Applicable. Waste water can be a
disease or affect disease vectors source for vector propagation but all
(e.g. insect or water borne waste water is reutilised, thus,
diseases) eliminating any stagnation to allow
vector propagation.
3.3 Affect the welfare of people e.g. No No change is envisaged as no additional
by changing living conditions? employment will be there. CSR will be
continued as per current practices.
3.4 Vulnerable groups of people who No No change
could be affected by the project
e.g. hospital patients, children,
the elderly etc.,
3.5 Any other causes No -

4. Production of solid wastes during construction or operation or

decommissioning (MT/month)

Sl. Information/ Checklist Yes/ Details thereof (with approximate

No. confirmation No quantities /rates, wherever possible)
with source of information data
4.1 Spoil, overburden or mine No Not applicable as this is not a mine
4.2 Municipal waste (domestic and No No additional Municipal waste will be
or commercial wastes) generated as no additional manpower
will be there.
4.3 Hazardous wastes (as per Yes Used oil is and will be generated from
Hazardous Waste Management the equipment operation. The
Rules) generation will increase marginally due
to increase in operating hours of
equipment. As per existing Hazardous
waste authorization, used oil will be sold
to authorized recycler.
4.4 Other industrial process wastes Yes Generation of solid waste i . e . fly
ash, Dolochar, kiln accretion, bag filter
dust & other wastes shall be there.

Form 1 – Enhancement of production of DRI Plant of M/s TSIL 8

Sl. Information/ Checklist Yes/ Details thereof (with approximate
No. confirmation No quantities /rates, wherever possible)
with source of information data
Corresponding to increase in
production, there will be increase in
solid waste generation from 1,95,500 to
approx. 2,12,367 TPA
4.5 Surplus product No Nil
4.6 Sewage sludge or other Yes Marginal additional sludge generation in
sludge from effluent treatment settling pond is envisaged due to
increase in waste water generation by
28 KLD.
4.7 Construction or demolition No No construction work is involved
4.8 Redundant machinery or No -
4.9 Contaminated soils or other No -
4.10 Agricultural wastes No Not Applicable
4.11 Other solid wastes No -

5. Release of pollutants or any hazardous, toxic or noxious substances

to air (Kg/hr)

Sl. Information/ Checklist Yes/

Details thereof (with approximate
No. confirmation No
quantities /rates, wherever possible)
with source of information data
5.1 Emissions from combustion of Yes Increase in production will be there and
fossil fuels from stationary or the net annual emission will
mobile sources correspondingly increase. The air
pollution control system had been
designed for the emissions from 0.39
MTPA production using 100%
indigenous coal. However, in the
proposal, it is intended to use 63.8%
imported coal which has a higher calorific
value & carbon content, lower ash,
moisture, volatile matter & therefore
lower specific consumption.
Consequently, the emissions also
reduce. Therefore, the existing air
pollution control system is capable of
handling the emissions, without any need
for enhancement or retrofit.

The emission are and will be within

permissible limits prescribed by

Form 1 – Enhancement of production of DRI Plant of M/s TSIL 9

Sl. Information/ Checklist Yes/ Details thereof (with approximate
No. confirmation No quantities /rates, wherever possible)
with source of information data
5.2 Emissions from production Yes As above
5.3 Emissions from materials Yes Emission from material handling, storage
handling including storage or etc. will increase marginally and will be
transport controlled through existing Bag filters,
High pressure fogging system, dust
suppression system etc. to maintain
within the norm.
5.4 Emissions from construction No No construction activities will be involved
activities including plant &
5.5 Dust or odors from handling of Yes Dust will be controlled by existing dust
materials including construction extraction system, road vacuum
materials, sewage and waste cleaning machine, telescopic unloading
spout etc.
Production of DRI does not produce
any odour.
5.6 Emissions from incineration of No Not applicable
5.7 Emissions from burning of waste No No waste material will be burned in
in open air (e.g. slash materials, open air
construction debris)
5.8 Emissions from any other No -

6. Generation of Noise and Vibration, and Emissions of Light and Heat:

Sl. Information/ Checklist Yes/ Details thereof (with approximate

No. confirmation No quantities /rates, wherever possible)
with source of information data
6.1 From operation of equipment Yes Noise level will be maintained within
e.g. engines, ventilation plant, acceptable limits.
crushers Operation of equipment, gearbox, etc.
are the source of Noise. Adequate noise
control measures have already been
taken inside the plant including
enclosures, barriers, signage and PPEs.
6.2 From industrial or similar Yes Same as above
6.3 From construction or demolition No No demolition is involved
6.4 From blasting or piling No No blasting is involved.
6.5 From construction or operational No No construction job is involved. For
traffic additional production of 9%, no major
traffic is envisaged
6.6 From lighting or cooling systems No -
6.7 From any other sources No -

Form 1 – Enhancement of production of DRI Plant of M/s TSIL 10

7. Risks of contamination of land or water from releases of pollutants
into the ground or into sewers, surface waters, groundwater, coastal
waters or the sea:

Sl. Information/ Checklist Yes/ Details thereof (with approximate

No. confirmation No quantities /rates, wherever possible)
with source of information data

7.1 From handling, storage, use No Used oil generated from equipment, is
or spillage of hazardous stored on impervious covered area
materials before selling to authorized recyclers.
HSD is stored in tanks on concrete
floor with proper dyke and spill
recovery arrangement.
7.2 From discharge of sewage Yes Tata Sponge is ‘zero’ water discharge
or other effluents to water or plant. 100% water is recycled for
the land (expected mode and cooling, dust suppression, road
place of discharge) washing, Fly ash brick manufacturing,
garden maintenance. etc. STP water is
used for dump yard dust suppression
7.3 By deposition of pollutants Yes Emissions level will be maintained
emitted to air into the land within stipulated norm.
or into water
7.4 From any other sources No -
7.5 Is there a risk of long term No -
build up of pollutants in the
environment from these
8. Risk of accidents during construction or operation of the Project,
which could affect human health or the environment

Sl. Information/ Checklist Yes/ Details thereof (with approximate

No. confirmation Noquantities /rates, wherever possible)
with source of information data
8.1 From explosions, spillages, No No hazardous substance is used
fires etc from storage, during the process of DRI production.
handling, use or production of Oil/ used oil is stored separately on
hazardous substances concrete floor having spilled oil
separation chambers. The place is
covered and fenced with appropriate
emergency control measures.
Risk from storage / transport of fuel is
to covered by fire protection
8.2 From any other causes Yes Fire and electrical short circuit may
occur due to accidental event/s. Strict

Form 1 – Enhancement of production of DRI Plant of M/s TSIL 11

Sl. Information/ Checklist Yes/ Details thereof (with approximate
No. confirmation No quantities /rates, wherever possible)
with source of information data
safety observation & monitoring will be
done to overcome such risk.
8.3 Could the project be affected No TSIL Plant falls under Seismic Zone II
by natural disasters causing as per IS 1893-2002 and the area is
environmental damage (e.g. not prone to earthquakes, floods etc.
floods, earthquakes, landslides, The chance of occurrence of flood is
cloudburst etc.)? remote. Also the area is far away from
the sea.

9. Factors which should be considered (such as consequential

development) which could lead to environmental effects or the
potential for cumulative impacts with other existing or planned
activities in the locality

Sl. Information/ Checklist Yes/ Details thereof (with approximate

No. confirmation No quantities /rates, wherever
possible) with source of
information data
9.1 Lead to development of No Not Applicable, as the production will
supporting ancillary development increase within the same
or development stimulated by the infrastructure and facility.
project which could have impact
on the environment e.g.:

 Supporting infrastructure
(roads, power supply, waste or
waste water treatment, etc.)
 housing development•
extractive industries
 supply industries
 other
9.2 Lead to after-use of the site, No Not Applicable
which could have an impact on
the environment
9.3 Set a precedent for later Yes -
9.4 Have cumulative effects due to No Not Applicable, as the production will
proximity to other existing or increase in same infrastructure and
planned projects with similar facility

Form 1 – Enhancement of production of DRI Plant of M/s TSIL 12

(III) Environmental Sensitivity
Refer Annexure III for 15 km radius map
Sl. Areas Name/Identity Aerial distance
No. within 15 kms)
Proposed Project
location boundary
1. Areas protected under
international conventions,
national or local legislation Nil NA
for their ecological,
landscape, cultural or other
related value
2. Areas which are important
or sensitive for Ecological Forest
reasons - Wetlands,
watercourses or other water Baitarani R.F 1.7, SW
bodies, coastal zone, Thakurani R.F 2.3, W
biospheres, mountains, Sidhamath R.F 4.9, WSW
Uliburu RF 10.6, NW
Pandrasuli PF 9.3, NNW
Gundijora PF 12.2, NNE
Kurla PF 7.0, NNE
Noamundi P.F 7.6, N
Jampani P.F 8.2, N
Rengabera PF 10.6, ENE
Kalikaprasad R.F 12.6, ESE
Kuchhibera PF 13.6, NNE
Nuia PF 11.9, N
Chamakpur RF 5.2, S
Rivers & Streams
Kundra Nala Adjacent, S
Mahadeba Nala 1.1, E
Baitarani River 3.6, SE
Barnal lor 8.5, NE
Betlata Nala 5.3, N
Limtus nala 13.0, NW
Karo River 11.5, NW
Gamle Nala 13.3, WSW
Tapulkini Nala 9.7, S
Katro Gara 12.4, NNE
Banka nala 11.5, ESE
Kasia nadi 12.9, SE

Form 1 – Enhancement of production of DRI Plant of M/s TSIL 13

Sl. Areas Name/Identity Aerial distance
No. within 15 kms)
Proposed Project
location boundary
Pond in village Chimila 10.2, E
Pond in village Jerimurigra 11.1, ESE
Pond in village Shankarpur 8.1, SE
Pond in village Joda 4.7, SW
Pond in Noamundi colony 9.6, N
Pond in village Lapung 12.1, ENE
Pond Kasira in village 13.4, SE
Pond in Narudapur village 10.2, SE
Pond in Angulia village 11.3, SE
Pond in Jamfoni village 13.7, SE
Kala Parbat 3.6, W
Thakurani Parbat 5.7, NW
Sanwari Parbat 2.1, S
Bara Parbat 4.5, SW
Churia Pahar 3.9, SSW
Banspani Pahar 6.5, SW
Surjat Parbat 7.4, SW
Bhauathori Pahar 5.5, WSW
Durga Parbat 7.8, WSW
Sidhamatha Parbat 12.6, WSW
Gobra Parbat 10.4, WSW
Dal Parbat 11.1, SW
Mahaburu Pahar 9.0, SSW
Langarlata Pahar 11.4, SSW
3. Areas used by protected,
important or sensitive
species of flora or fauna for No NA
breeding, nesting, foraging,
resting, over wintering,
4. Inland, coastal, marine or No NA
underground waters
5. State, National boundaries Jharkhand 8.5 km, NE
6. Routes or facilities used by
the public for access to Roads
recreation or other tourist,
NH-520 Remuli to Joda 0.02, N

Form 1 – Enhancement of production of DRI Plant of M/s TSIL 14

Sl. Areas Name/Identity Aerial distance
No. within 15 kms)
Proposed Project
location boundary
pilgrim areas SH-10B, Bhadrasahi to 7.5, W
Bara Jamda
Kolibira to Hatgamharia 11.1, N
Jaintgarh to Noamundi Road 9.9, NE
Basudebpur t o Chambua 6.9, SE
Banspani t o Chaibasa 0.1, NW
Gua to Chaibasa 11.2, N
Bolani to Barajamda 9.7, NW
7. Defence installations Nil -
8. Densely populated or built- Nil -
up area
9. Areas occupied by sensitive Hospitals, Schools,
man-made land uses Community facilities are
(hospitals, schools, places present within 10 km of the
of worship, community study area. List of
facilities) amenities in Villages in 10
km is given in Annexure IV
10. Areas containing important, Nil, Forests and water -
high quality or scarce bodies are listed in point 2
resources (ground water above
resources, surface
resources, forestry,
agriculture, fisheries,
tourism, minerals
11 Areas already subjected to Nil
pollution environmental -
damage. (those where
existing legal environmental
standards are exceeded
12. Areas susceptible to natural The Plant area falls in -
hazard which could cause seismic Zone – II, which is
the project to present not an active seismic zone.
environmental The project is not likely to
Problems (earthquakes, be affected by floods,
subsidence, landslides, landslides, cloudburst etc.
erosion, flooding or extreme
or adverse climatic

Form 1 – Enhancement of production of DRI Plant of M/s TSIL 15

“I hereby give an undertaking that the data and information given in the application
and enclosures are true to the best of my knowledge and belief and I am aware that
if any part of the data and information submitted is found to be false or misleading at
any stage, the project will be rejected and the clearance given, if any to the project
will be revoked at our risk and cost.”

Date: 13.07.2018 Partha Chattopadhyay

Chief Operating Officer (SB)
TATA Sponge Iron Limited
Place: Bileipada P.O. Beleipada, Joda,
District Keonjhar, Odisha
(Project Proponent / Authorized signatory)
(Authorisation given in Annexure V)


Annexure No. Description

I Location plan
II Plant layout
III Map showing 15 km radius around project site
IV List of amenities within 10 km radius
V Authorization to signatory
VI Pre-feasibility report

Form 1 – Enhancement of production of DRI Plant of M/s TSIL 16



PPS (Pre-Primary School) 0 TWT (Tap Water-Treated) 3 NH (National Highway) 12
PS (Primary school) 67 TWUT (Tap Water Untreated) 2 SH (State Highway) 17
MS (Middle school) 21 CW (Covered Well) 0 MDR (Major District Road) 21
SS (Secondary school) 12 UW (Uncovered Well) 49 ODR (Other District Road) 22
SSS (Sr. Sec. School) 2 HP (Hand Pump) 60 BTPR (Black Topped (pucca) Road) 49
DCAS (Deg. College Arts & Science only) 1 TW/ BW (Tube Wells/Borehole) 3 GCR (Gravel (kuchha) Roads) 62
EC ( Engg. College) 0 S (Spring) 8 WBM (Water Bounded Macadam) 22
MC (Medicine College) 0 R/C (River/Canal) 13 AWR (All Weather Road) 21
MI (Management Institute) 0 T/P (Tank/Pond/Lake) 38 NWR/C (Navigable Waterways (River/Canal)) 0

P (Polytechnic) 0 WO (Others) 0 FP (Foot Path) 62

VTS/ITI (Vocational Trg School/ITI) 0
SFD (School For Disabled) 0 PO (Post Office) 25 ATM (ATM) 0
EO (Others) 0 SPO (Sub Post Office) 0 CB (Commercial bank) 0
P&T (Post & Telegraph office) 0 COB (Co-operative bank) 0
MEDICAL FACILITIES PIN (Village PIN code) 64 ACS (Agricultural Crredit Societies) 0
CHC (Community Health Centres ) 1 T (Telephone (landline)) 27 SHG (Self-Help Group (SHG)) 61
PHC (Primary Health Centre) 0 PCO (Public Call Office/ Mobile PCO) 1 PDS (Public Distribution System (PDS)) 46
PHSC (Primary Health Sub-Centre) 19 MPC (Mobile phone coverage) 61 M/RM (Mandis/Regular Market) 35
MCWC (Maternity And Child Welfare Centre) 4 IC/CSC (Internet Cafes/Common Service Centre) 0 WH (Weekly Haat) 19
TBC (TB Clinic) 0 PCF (Private Courier Facility) 4 AMS (Agricultural Marketing Society) 34
HA (Hospital Allopathic) 0 NCICDS (Nutritional Centres-ICDS) 21
HAM (Hospiltal Alternative Medicine) 0 TRANSPORT SYSTEM NCAC (Nutritional Centres-Anganwadi Centre) 62

D (Dispensary) 2 PBS (Public Bus Service) 21 NCO (Nutritional Centres-Others) 3

VH (Veterinary Hospital) 0 PvtBS (Private Bus Service) 8 ASHA (ASHA) 62
MHC (Mobile Health Clinic) 0 RS (Railway station) 0 CC-TV (Community Centre with/without TV) 12

FWC (Family Welfare Centre) 0 MA (Auto/Modified Autos) 22

NGMF-OP (Non Govt. Med. facilities Out Patient) 0 Taxi (Taxi) 48 SPORTS AND ENTERTAINMENT
NGMF-IOP (Non Govt. Med. facilities In And Out Patient) 0 Van (Vans) 1 SF (Sports Field) 28

NGMF-C (Non Govt. Med. facilities Charitable) 0 T (Tractors) 35 SC/RC (Sports Club/Recreation Centre) 23

NGMF-MBBS (Non Govt. Med. facilities Medical 0 CPR-Man (Cycle-pulled Rickshaws (manual driven)) 61 C/VH (Cinema/Video Hall) 0
Prctitioner with MBBS Degree )
CPR-Mec (Cycle-pulled Rickshaws (machine driven)) 0 PL (Public Library) 1

NGMF-OD (Non Govt. Med. facilities Medical Prctitioner 0 CDA (Carts Drivens by Animals) 50 PRR (Public Reading Room) 1
with other Degree ) S/R/FS (Sea/River/Ferry Service) 15 DNS (Daily Newspaper Supply) 58
NGMF-ND (Non Govt. Med. facilities Medical Practitioner 0 APS (Assembly Polling Station) 46
with no Degree ) POWER SUPPLY BDRO (Birth and Death Registration Office) 4
NGMF-TPFH (Non Govt. Med. facilities Traditional 0 PSDU (Power Supply For Domestic Use) 57
Practitioner and Faith Healer ) PSIAU (Power Supply ForAgriculture Use) 2
NGMF-MS (Non Govt. Med. facilities Medicine Shop ) 49 PSCU (Power Supply For Commercial Use) 0
NGMF-O (Non Govt. Med. facilities Others) 0 PSALL (Power Supply For All Users) 0


Govt. Primary School (Nos.) 24.85 Govt.-Desk Top Publishing (Nos.)) 0 Latrines-Pit (Nos.) 1533.9
Private Primary School (Nos.) 5.5 Private-Desk Top Publishing (Nos.) 3 Latrines-Flush/Pour Flush (Nos.) 6140.05
Govt. Middle School (Nos.) 11.1 Govt.-Vocational(Others) (Nos.)) 0 Latrines-Service (Nos.) 0
Private Middle School (Nos.) 11 Private-Vocational(Others) (Nos.) 0 Latrines-Others (Nos.) 25.5
Govt. Secondary School (Nos.) 7.15 Govt.-Non Formal Education (Nos.)) 0.2 Protected Water Supply Source-1 0
Private Secondary School (Nos.) 4.25 Private-Non Formal Education (Nos.) 0 Capacity Source-1 (KL) 35274
Govt. Senior Secondary School (Nos.) 1.25 Govt.-Special School for Disabled (Nos.)) 0 Protected Water Supply Source-2 0
Private Senior Secondary School (Nos.) 2.45 Private-Special School for Disabled (Nos.) 0 Capacity Source-2 (KL) 0
Govt. Degree College-Art Only (Nos.) 1 Govt.-Others(Specify) (Nos.)) 1.5 Protected Water Supply Source-3 0
Private Degree College-Art Only (Nos.) 0 Private-Others(Specify) (Nos.) 1.5 Capacity Source-3 (KL) 24
Govt. Degree College-Science Only (Nos.) 0 MEDICAL Protected Water Supply Source-4 0
Private Degree College-Science Only (Nos.) 0 Hospital Allopathic (Nos.) 3.7 Capacity Source-4 (KL) 0
Govt. Degree College-Commerce Only (Nos.)) 0 Hospital Alternative Medicine (Nos.) 0.25 Protected Water Supply Source-5 0
Private Degree College-Commerce Only (Nos.) 0 Dispensary/Health Centre (Nos.) 3.7 Capacity Source-5 (KL) 0
Govt. Degree College-Art and Science Only (Nos.)) 0 Family Welfare Centre (Nos.) 1.65 TRANSPORT
Private Degree College-Art and Science Only (Nos.) 0 Maternity and Child Welfare Centre (Nos.) 0.4 Bus Route Road Distance (in kms.) 0
Govt. Degree College-Art and Commerce Only (Nos.)) 0 Maternity Home (Nos.) 1.2 Pucca Road Length (in kms.) 130.0
Private Degree College-Art and Commerce Only (Nos.) 0 Maternity Home Nearest facility Distance (in kms.) 12 Kutcha Road Length (in kms.) 110.6
Govt. Degree College-Art,Science and Commerce (Nos.)) 1.45 T.B. Hospital/ Clinic (Nos.) 1.2 ENTERTAINMENT AND COMMODITY
Private Degree College-Art,Science and Commerce (Nos.) 1.25 Nursing Home (Nos.) 2 Govt.-Stadium (Nos.)) 1
Govt. Degree College-Law (Nos.)) 0 Veterinary Hospital (Nos.) 0.45 Private-Stadium (Nos.) 1.2
Private Degree College-Law (Nos.) 0 Mobile Health Clinic (Nos.) 2.45 Govt.-Cinema Theatre (Nos.)) 0
Govt. Degree College-University (Nos.)) 0 Others (Nos.) 2 Private-Cinema Theatre (Nos.) 1.25
Private Degree College-University (Nos.) 0 Non-Government Out-Patient (Nos.) 61146.25 Govt.-Auditorium/Community Hall (Nos.)) 4.25
Govt. Degree College-Others (Nos.)) 0 Non-Government In and Out Patient (Nos.) 4699.5 Private-Auditorium/Community Hall (Nos.) 8.45
Private Degree College-Others (Nos.) 0 Non-Government Charitable-Hospital/Nursing Home (Nos.)
0 Govt.-Public Library (Nos.)) 1.25
Govt.-Medical College (Nos.)) 0 Non-Government Medicine Shop (Nos.) 21.65 Private-Public Library (Nos.) 1.45

Private-Medical College (Nos.) 0 ELECTRICITY Govt.-Public Reading Room (Nos.)) 1.25
Govt.-Engineering College (Nos.)) 0 Electricity-Domestic Connection (Nos.) 13883.85 Private-Public Reading Room (Nos.) 1.45
Private-Engineering College (Nos.) 0 Electricity-Industrial Connection (Nos.) 247.4 Manufactured Commodity (First) 0
Govt.-Management Institute (Nos.)) 0 Electricity-Commercial Connection (Nos.) 1007.5 Manufactured Commodity (Second) 0
Private-Management Institute (Nos.) 0 Electricity-Road Lighting Connection (Nos.) 1121.5 Manufactured Commodity (Third) 0
Govt.-Polytechnic (Nos.)) 0.25 Electricity-Others Connection (Nos.) 22 HELP HOMES
Private-Polytechnic (Nos.) 0 FINANCIAL Govt.-Orphanage Home (Nos.)) 0
Govt.-Shorthand (Nos.)) 0 Nationalised Bank (Nos.) 3.65 Private-Orphanage Home (Nos.) 0
Private-Shorthand (Nos.) 0 Private Commercial Bank (Nos.) 6 Govt.-Working Women's Hostel (Nos.)) 0
Govt.-Typewriting (Nos.)) 0 Co-operative Bank (Nos.) 1.45 Private-Working Women's Hostel (Nos.) 0
Private-Typewriting (Nos.) 0 Agricultural Credit Society (Nos.) 0.2 Govt.-Old Age Home (Nos.)) 0
Govt.-Shorthand and Typewriting (Nos.)) 1.25 Non-Agricultural Credit Society (Nos.) 4 Private-Old Age Home (Nos.) 0
Private-Shorthand and Typewriting (Nos.) 1.75 FIRE FIGHTING
Govt.-MS Office (Nos.)) 0 Fire Fighting Service (Status A(1)/NA(2)) 2


This is being informed to all concerned that Mr. Partha Chattopadhyay is

the Chief Operating Officer (SB) of our company and a bonafide
employee. He is hereby authorized to represent, sign and submit Form-1
& Pre-feasibility report and other related papers, documents as required
in course of getting Environmental Clearance for capacity enhancement
from 4,25,000 TPA to 4,65,000 TPA in the existing facility through R&D
Project to enhance total operating days as well as by alteration of input
iron oxide feed inside existing DRI kilns in village Bileipada, Tehsil Barbil,
Dist. Keonjhar, Odisha - under clause 7(ii) of EIA Notification 2006 & its
amendments thereof.

Specimen Signature of Mr.Partha Chattopadhyay :

For Tata Sponge Iron Limited

Sanjay Pattnaik
Managing Director





(425000 TPA to 465000 TPA)

JULY, 2018
(Issue 01, Rev. 0)

Submitted by:



Sl. No. Description Page No.

1.0 Executive summary 1

2.0 Introduction 1
2.1 Identification of project and project proponent 1
2.2 Brief description of nature of the project 2
2.3 Need for the project and its importance to the country and or 3
2.4 Demand-supply gap 3
2.5 DRI imports vs. indigenous production 3
2.6 DRI Export possibility 3
2.7 Domestic / export markets 3
2.8 Employment generation (direct and indirect) 4

3.0 Project description 4

3.1 Type of project including interlinked and interdependent 4
3.2 Location with coordinates 4
3.3 Details of alternate sites & environmental considerations 4
3.4 Size / magnitude of operation 6
3.5 Project description with process details 6
3.6 Improvements planned for the proposed production enhancement 10
3.7 Raw material required along with estimated quantity, likely source, 17
marketing area of final product’s mode of transport of raw
material and finished product
3.8 Resource optimization/recycling and reuse envisaged in the 18
3.9 Availability of water its source, energy/ power requirement and 18
3.10 Quantity of wastes likely to be generated (liquid and solid) and 19
scheme for their management /disposal
3.11 Schematic representations of the feasibility drawing which give 22
information of EIA purpose

4.0 Site analysis 22

4.1 Connectivity 22
4.2 Land form, land use and land ownership 22
4.3 Topography 22

Pre-feasibility Report – Enhancement of production of DRI Plant of M/s TSIL i

Sl. No. Description Page No.

4.4 Existing land use pattern 23

4.5 Existing infrastructure 23
4.6 Soil classification 23
4.7 Climatic data from secondary sources 24
4.8 Social infrastructure available 24

5.0 Planning brief 24

5.1 Planning concept 24
5.2 Population projection 24
5.3 Land use planning (break up along with green belt etc.) 25
5.4 Assessment of infrastructure demand (physical & social) 25
5.5 Amenities / facilities 25

6.0 Proposed infrastructure 26

6.1 Industrial area (processing area) 26
6.2 Residential area (non processing area) 26
6.3 Green belt 26
6.4 Social infrastructure 26
6.5 Connectivity 29
6.6 Drinking water management (source & supply of water) 29
6.7 Sewerage system & Industrial waste management 29
6.8 Solid waste management 29
6.9 Power requirement & supply / source 30

7.0 Rehabilitation and resettlement plan 30

8.0 Project schedule & cost estimates 30

8.1 Project schedule 30
8.2 Cost of the project 30

9.0 Analysis of proposal (final recommendations) 30

Pre-feasibility Report – Enhancement of production of DRI Plant of M/s TSIL ii


Table No. Description Page No.

1 Distance and direction (within 15 km) of forests, water bodies & 4

mountains from project boundary
2 Proposed production enhancement by taking into consideration of 15
above improvements
3 Kiln wise final capacity after proposed production enhancement 16
4 Comparison of ore feed rate during various production capacity 16
5 Material Balance of DRI Kilns for the proposed production 16
6 Water requirement for the proposed production enhancement 19
7 Solid waste generation quantity for the proposed production 21
8 Need evaluation for villages in and around plant area 25
9 CSR activities taken up in FY 18 27

Fig. No. Description Page No.

1 Process flow chart for sponge iron plant 31

Pre-feasibility Report – Enhancement of production of DRI Plant of M/s TSIL iii


Project name Enhancement of DRI Production by 40,000 TPA (From

4,25,000 TPA to 4,65,000 TPA) in the existing facility of
Tata Sponge Iron Limited (TSIL)
Location Village Bileipada, Lahanda & Bhagalpur, Tehsil Barbil,
Dist. Keonjhar, Odisha
Existing Area 122.65 ha
Present Land Sl. No. Details Area in ha
status 1. Plant 25
2. Solid waste 17.5
3. RM Storage 0.5
4. Water storage 0.25
5. Approach 3.5
6. Green Belt 41
7. Township 26.5
8. Vacant area 8.4
Total 122.65
Product Sponge Iron
Rated capacity Existing: 4,25,000 TPA; Proposed: 4,65,000 TPA
Working days 365 days
Manpower Existing: 394; Additional proposed: Nil
Implementation Continuing Process
Cost of the project No additional cost involved
Topography Flat in core zone
Water requirement Existing permission: 410 KLH;
Proposed: no additional permission for water is required
Source of water Sona River
Power Marginal additional power requirement will be met from
Requirement existing in-house sources
Power source Existing: 26 MW WHRB & 235 KW Solar power unit


2.1 Identification of project and project proponent

Tata Sponge Iron Ltd. (TSIL) is an associate company of Tata Steel

since 1982 and subsidiary since 2012. TSIL is the first sponge iron
company to receive ISO-9001 and ISO-14001 certification. Subsequently, it
has certified to ISO-9001:2015, ISO-14001:2015 & OHSAS-18001:2007
version. It is the only sponge iron company certified with TPM award
by JIPM. Tata Sponge Iron Limited produces premium & consistent

Pre-feasibility Report – Enhancement of production of DRI Plant of M/s TSIL 1

quality of sponge iron for its valued customers. The Company has emerged
as one of the leaders among coal-based sponge iron suppliers in India,
while winning customer compliments for consistency in supply and product

The plant commissioned by Tata Sponge was initially designed to facilitate

a production capacity of 90,000 TPA, which was enhanced to 1,20,000 TPA
during 1990-91. Later, to cater to the growing demand of quality sponge
iron, Tata Sponge increased its capacity by adding a second kiln of
equivalent capacity in 1998-99. A third kiln of 150,000 TPA capacity was
commissioned in 2005-06.

In December, 2001 Tata Sponge commissioned a 7.5 MW captive power

plant to produce electricity from the waste heat of exit gases of its Kiln
No.2. This helped the company to become self-sufficient in power. A
second power plant of 18.5 MW fed by the waste heat generated by Kiln
No. 1 & 3 was commissioned in November, 2006. Revenues earned by
the sale of surplus power generated from the power plants add to the
profitability of the company, besides keeping the environment free of
thermal pollution. Tata Sponge is among the first sponge iron enterprises
to have earned carbon credits.

In May 2017, Tata sponge received Environmental clearance for

enhancement of production capacity to 4,25,000 TPA from 3,90,000 TPA by
reducing coal consumption quantity by 1,13,000 TPA due to use of high
carbon (58%), low ash (16%) imported coal and increasing iron ore feed to
83,000 TPA in the feed space vacated within the kiln due to reduction of
volume of the coal being used.

2.2 Brief description of nature of the project

The nature of the project is ferrous metallurgical industries and falls

under the category of 3(a) under the category “A” of the schedule of EIA
Notification, 2006.

Currently an R&D project is ongoing at the plant for enhancing the number
of operating days. The R&D project is being conducted by IIT,
Bhubneshwar under the mentorship of an eminent extractive metallurgist.
Furthermore, as Coal India is gradually increasing its coal production, in
future Company is planning to reduce imported coal consumption, thereby
saving on foreign exchange expenditure (80% South Africa coal & 20%
indigenous coal).

In view of the above i.e. as an outcome of the R&D project, it is expected to

enhance production from 4,25,000 to 4,65,000 TPA (i.e. by 40,000 i.e.
9.41%) without any change in plant & machinery. Minor modifications will be
required like mechanised operation of feed tray, precise control of Kilns
pressure through adoption of PID, automation in coal injection system to
avoid interruption, availability of stand by roots blower independently and

Pre-feasibility Report – Enhancement of production of DRI Plant of M/s TSIL 2

online, Modification of transfer chute between kiln to cooler to reduce the
downtime to 18 hrs from 72 hrs, etc.

2.3 Need for the project and its importance to the country and/or region

India is the world's largest producer of sponge iron, most of which is

produced primarily through the coal based method of production. In the
recent times Iran has started adding gas sponge iron plants and is number
2 in world sponge iron production.

Growth in the sponge iron production can be attributed largely to the

sustenance of secondary steelmaking route, which has shown a
phenomenal growth in India. The proportion of crude steel produced by the
secondary steel sector rose from 26 mMT(37%) in 1999-2k to 43
mMT(48%) in 2016-17. This has been mainly due to the lower investment
and operating cost of the Electric Furnaces as compared with the integrated
blast furnace-oxygen converter route. The electric furnaces cater to the
local demand of mild steel.

2.4 Demand-supply gap

The most noteworthy development has been the change in the input
consumption pattern of small sized IF units of both the older and the more
recent vintage. Shortage of scrap coupled with steeply rising prices of both
domestic and globally sourced scrap led to the substitution of scrap by
sponge iron in the charge and this is possibly the single-most important
factor leading to the rapid growth of the coal-based sponge iron units
heavily concentrated in the iron ore belts of India. While production of
crude steel in the IF units registered an average annual growth of 11.4%
in the 6 years between 2000-01 and 2006-07, the production of coal based
sponge iron grew at the average rate of a whopping 36.4%. This more
than proportionate rise in the production of Sponge Iron can be explained
by a pronounced shift of IF units to Sponge Iron in the Charge–mix away
from scrap.

2.5 DRI Imports vs. indigenous production

Imports are not expected to impose a significant threat to domestic players

in future. There is no proposal.

2.6 DRI Export possibility

First priority i s to meet domestic demand. However, there exists large

export possibilities.

2.7 Domestic / Export markets

Sponge Iron produced by Tata Sponge is sold mainly to secondary steel

producing units in the country and also exported to neighboring countries
viz, Bangladesh, Bhutan etc. Total power generated from the 26 MW WHRB

Pre-feasibility Report – Enhancement of production of DRI Plant of M/s TSIL 3

power plant is utilized in the Plant and surplus power is exported to grid. For
this purpose, the company has installed a private 220 KV power
transmission line from its plant to the nearest grid station at Joda (7 kms) to
facilitate uninterrupted power transmission to and from the Grid (in case of
emergency in the plant).

2.8 Employment generation (Direct and Indirect)

Total manpower currently is 394. No additional manpower will be required

during capacity enhancement. However, some indirect employment will
be generated to cater the additional production requirement.


3.1 Type of project including interlinked and interdependent projects


3.2 Location with Coordinates

Village : Bileipada
District & State : Keonjhar, Odisha
Latitude : 22°03’08.51’ and 22°03’34.94’’ N
Longitude : 85°27’39.44” and 85°28’09.61” E

Location map showing general location, specific location and project

boundary has been given in Annexure-I of Form-1.

3.3 Details of Alternate Sites & Environmental Considerations

No alternatives under consideration as the increase in production capacity

is based on increase in Iron Oxides feed inside existing DRI kilns and
operational excellence.

Environmental considerations: There are no National Parks, Wildlife

Sanctuary, Biospheres Reserves within 15 km radius. The nearest
National Park is Simlipal National Park and Sanctuary at a distance of
77.4 km in ESE direction. There are several water bodies and forest
present within the study area of the project. The distance to various water
bodies, forest, etc. are given in Table 1.

Name Distance in km Direction
Baitarani R.F 1.7 SW
Thakurani R.F 2.3 W

Pre-feasibility Report – Enhancement of production of DRI Plant of M/s TSIL 4

Name Distance in km Direction
Sidhamath R.F 4.9 WSW
Uliburu RF 10.6 NW
Pandrasuli PF 9.3 NNW
Gundijora PF 12.2 NNE
Kurla PF 7.0 NNE
Noamundi P.F 7.6 N
Jampani P.F 8.2 N
Rengabera PF 10.6 ENE
Kalikaprasad R.F 12.6 ESE
Kuchhibera PF 13.6 NNE
Nuia PF 11.9 N
Chamakpur RF 5.2 S
Rivers & Streams:
Kundra Nala Adjacent S
Mahadeba Nala 1.1 E
Baitarani River 3.6 SE
Barnal lor 8.5 NE
Betlata Nala 5.3 N
Limtus nala 13.0 NW
Karo River 11.5 NW
Gamle Nala 13.3 WSW
Tapulkini Nala 9.7 S
Katro Gara 12.4 NNE
Name Distance in km Direction
Banka nala 11.5 ESE
Kasia nadi 12.9 SE
Pond in village Chimila 10.2 E
Pond in village Jerimurigra 11.1 ESE
Pond in village Shankarpur 8.1 SE
Pond in village Joda 4.7 SW
Pond in Noamundi colony 9.6 N
Pond in village Lapung 12.1 ENE
Pond in village Kasira 13.4 SE
Pond in village Narudapur 10.2 SE
Pond in village Angulia 11.3 SE

Pre-feasibility Report – Enhancement of production of DRI Plant of M/s TSIL 5

Name Distance in km Direction
Pond in village Jamfoni 13.7 SE
Kala Parbat 3.6 W
Thakurani Parbat 5.7 NW
Sanwari Parbat 2.1 S
Bara Parbat 4.5 SW
Churia Pahar 3.9 SSW
Banspani Pahar 6.5 SW
Surjat Parbat 7.4 SW
Bhauathori Pahar 5.5 WSW
Durga Parbat 7.8 WSW
Sidhamatha Parbat 12.6 WSW
Gobra Parbat 10.4 WSW
Dal Parbat 11.1 SW
Mahaburu Pahar 9.0 SSW
Langarlata Pahar 11.4 SSW

3.4 Size/Magnitude of operation

Plant area: 122.65 ha

Environment Clearance for 3,90,000 TPA SRI plant with 26 MW WHRB

Power Plant in 122.65 Ha was received vide letter no. J-11011/16/2004-
IA.II(I) dated 11.11.2004. Thereafter, the existing capacity was enhanced to
4,25,000 TPA, permission for which was granted by MOEF&CC vide Letter
no. J- 11011/16/2004-IA.II(I) dated 01.05.2017.

3.5 Project description with process details

Iron production from Iron ore through blast furnace route requires coking
coal in abundance, which is a limited resource in our country and is also
becoming scarce world over. Hence, a new technology - TISCO Direct
Reduction (TDR) technology was evolved that helped in the reduction of
iron ore by using abundantly available non-coking coal.

Tata Steel undertook an in-house research initiative in 1972. A 10 TPD pilot

plant was installed to study the feasibility of such a process route. After
successful operations, the process was patented in 1978 as TISCO Direct
Reduction (TDR) technology, which was later commercialized with the
commissioning of Tata Sponge Iron Limited. Later the process has been
further modified by Lurghi GmbH for improved performance.

Pre-feasibility Report – Enhancement of production of DRI Plant of M/s TSIL 6

Raw Material Treatment

Iron Oxide of 5 to 18 mm and non-coking coal are the prime raw materials
for the production of sponge iron. These are charged into a rotary kiln in
requisite proportion along with some dolomite. Coal plays a dual role in the
process by acting as a reductant as well as a fuel for providing heat to
maintain the requisite temperature inside the kiln at 950-1050°C.

The reduction process occurs in solid state. The crucial factor in this
reduction process is the controlled combustion of coal and its conversion to
carbon monoxide to remove oxygen from the iron ore.

Sponge Iron Storage & Despatch

The overall process extends to a period of 10 to 12 hours inside the kiln.

During this time, iron ore is optimally reduced and the hot reduced sponge
iron along with semi-burnt coal is discharged to a rotary cooler for indirect
cooling to a temperature of around 120°C sponge iron being magnetic in
nature, the discharge from cooler consisting of sponge iron, char & other
contaminations are routed through electromagnetic separators, to separate
other impurities from sponge iron.

The product is then screened in size fractions of lump (+3 mm) & fines
(-3 mm). Separate bins are installed to preserve its quality, reduce
reoxidation and facilitate faster loading onto the trucks. Just below the
bunkers, automatic bagging machines have been installed for bagging
sponge iron which are then sent through rakes through company’s private
railway siding or through trucks, as per customers’ preference.


Quality of sponge iron is primarily evaluated by the exact percentage of

metallization (removal of oxygen), which is the ratio of metallic iron to the
total iron present in the product. Various properties of sponge iron typically
produced at Tata Sponge are as follows:

Constituent Percentage
A. Chemical
Fe, Total 90-92
Fe, Metallic 81-84
Metallisation 88-90
Sulphur 0.03 max.
Phosphorus 0.05
Carbon 0.20
Gangue content 6-8

Pre-feasibility Report – Enhancement of production of DRI Plant of M/s TSIL 7

Constituent Percentage
B. Physical
Size Lump > 3 mm
Fines 0-3 mm
Bulk density Average 1.8T / m3
Inherent density 3.5 tonnes/cum

The unique variety of sponge iron produced at Tata Sponge constitutes high
metallic iron content along with consistent chemical and physical

This provides secondary steel makers with flexibility in preparing their

furnace charge to produce finer quality steels. The acceptability ratio of Tata
Sponge’s sponge iron is quite high in the competitive market scenario.

Processing System - Kiln

The major units of the plant are raw material handling including crushing
and screening, rotary kiln, rotary cooler, product DRI magnetic separation &
product silo, waste heat recovery boiler and captive power generation units.
The basic process steps of coal based DRI making as illustrated in Fig. 1

(i) Preparation of raw materials to desired size;

(ii) Direct reduction of iron ore with coal in presence of Dolomite in

rotary kiln;

(iii) Indirect cooling of DRI in a rotary cooler; and

(iv) Magnetic separation of DRI from the non-magnetics known as char.

The reduction operation in the rotary kiln takes place at a temperature of

around 1000°C. It is a solid phase reduction reaction and the reduction
process takes a longer time of around 9 to 10 hours.

The hot DRI gets indirectly cooled in water sprinkled rotary cooler to
bring down the product temperature to near about 100°C.

The kiln waste gases after passing through a post-combustion chamber is

taken to waste heat recovery boilers for utilizing its heat to generate power
and then cleaned through ESP before venting to the atmosphere.

The cooled DRI passes through screening followed by magnetic

separation to separate out magnetic DRI product of 3 to 18 mm size, DRI
fines below 3 mm size. The non-magnetics, i.e. char is rejected as waste.

Pre-feasibility Report – Enhancement of production of DRI Plant of M/s TSIL 8

WHRB Power Generation Unit

Sponge Iron is produced by heating iron with coal and dolomite as de-
sulphuriser, under controlled conditions in Rotary Kiln. The outlet flue
gases contain substantial sensible heat, which is utilized for power
generation through waste heat recovery boilers.

Tata Sponge’s first power plant using waste heat was commissioned in
2001. Later, it added another power plant in 2006 to increase its overall
power producing capacity to 26 MW. This non-conventional source of
energy not only provides a consistent source of “green” power, but also
helps the company to reduce its operational costs. The Company has
successfully shifted its dependence on thermal power as a responsible
corporate entity.

Not only is Tata Sponge self-sufficient as far as power production is

concerned, the Company exports about 17 MW of its surplus power. For
this purpose, the company has installed a private 220 KV power
transmission line from its plant to the nearest grid station at Joda (7 kms) to
facilitate uninterrupted power transmission to and from the Grid (in case of
emergency in the plant).

Pollution control

A full-fledged environment department operates to ensure regular

compliance to pollution control norms and conditions. Online Ambient Air
Quality monitoring stations and Online stack monitoring systems have been
installed for continuous monitoring of Air Quality and stack emission
parameters. All the online data are directly transmitted to State
Pollution Control Board server. Stack emission data is also transmitted
to CPCB server. Besides, fugitive emission, water analysis and noise
monitoring is also conducted to ensure environmental performance within
stipulated norms.

 Electrostatic Precipitator (ESP) cleans the process gas of kilns in

a dry state, and allow the clean gas to vent to the atmosphere.

• ESP-1: There are three nos of field in ESP-1 and all the fields are
charged since 2006. Presently all the three fields are in operation.

• ESP-2: The available dummy field in ESP-2 is activated and

charged now. Presently all the three fields are in operation.

• ESP-3: There are three nos of field in ESP-3 and all the fields are
charged since 2006. Presently all the three fields are in operation.
 De-dusting systems - state of the art dedusting systems arrest
the menace of fugitive dust during plant operations.

 Electrostatic Precipitator (ESP) and De-dusting systems are

designed based on raw material charged to the kilns and handling of

Pre-feasibility Report – Enhancement of production of DRI Plant of M/s TSIL 9

Flue gas from the Kiln and from DE system. This system is designed
to take additional 10% load over the design parameters.

 All pollution control equipment’s like ESP, bag filter, dust suppression
machineries are designed to handle pollution level corresponding to
our original EC/ CTO (NO: 133/ IND-I-CON-309 dt- 02/02/2016) for
production of 3,90,000 TPA of DRI @ 785 TPD of wastes

 Dry Fog Dust Suppression System is commissioned in raw

material circuits and feeding points to suppress fugitive dust.

 Telescopic unloading spouts have been fitted at the char

bunker unloading points to arrest the propagation of dust. While
they are loaded on the truck. These are again jacketed with dry fog
water curtains.

 Mobile vacuum cleaning van - Tata Sponge uses mobile

vacuum cleaning van which operates to clean the fugitive dust
settling inside the plant roads. Additional one higher capacity
vacuum machine has engaged to suck the spillage material and dust
from the generation site instead of manual cleaning to maintain the
clean and green environment.

3.6 Improvements planned/undertaken for the proposed production


3.6.1 Control of accretion and quality in rotary kilns

Tata Sponge has taken up a project of Dynamic model based operation by

adopting the science of Data Analytics under the guidance of an eminent
extractive metallurgist in the country Prof. Brahma Deo of IIT,
Bhubaneshwar (BBSR) to enhance production target with optimal raw
material input which reduces total load on the environment. The approach
includes control of accretion (which is a solid waste) formation with optimum
coal so that the campaign life of kilns can be increased and there by
achieving maximum availability of kiln for production.

Accretion, quality control and production rate in a rotary sponge iron kiln go
hand in hand because the operational parameters affect all factors
simultaneously as mentioned above.

It is well known that the temperatures at different locations inside the kiln
are of paramount importance for accretion control. The temperature controls
the fusion rate of the charge and its eventual sticking to lining followed by a
gradual build up in the form of an accretion. However, owing to dynamics of
motion of charge the temperature profile of charge inside the kiln changes
continuously and the accretions are known to build and grow mostly at
some preferred locations. This is also reflected in the changes in surface
temperatures of kiln. In case the accretion breaks the temperature profile

Pre-feasibility Report – Enhancement of production of DRI Plant of M/s TSIL 10

changes significantly. These are also continuously reflected in the dynamic
pressure changes inside the kiln. Application of Artificial Neural Net (ANN), and Multiple Linear

Regression (MLR) based models has been demonstrated for the control of
accretion, quality, pressure in rotary kiln for sponge iron production. Our
engineers have been trained and are well experienced now to take
decisions independently to maintain quality and minimize accretions. ANN
is used for Big Data Analysis of all kiln parameters like iron feed rate, coal
feed rate from both sides of kilns, its physical and chemical properties, air
flow rates of all secondary and primary blowers, kiln RPM for retention time,
kiln pressure etc. The kiln operation was modelled as a linear, dynamical, and

counter current heat and mass transfer reactor. In depth analysis has been
done at IIT, BBSR revealed that the kiln does migrate into chaotic regions of
operation frequently. The conventional approaches were based on heat and
mass transfer models and did not consider chaos. They are not applicable
to control of rotary kiln operation, even though they may show approximate
behavior pattern similar to that of an actual kiln. A joint patent filing (TSIL-IIT
BBSR) is being considered for the new control technology developed
(based on chaos analysis). Patent shall be filed after the ongoing current
trials in Kilns are completed. The decision support system Dynamic Model based on Artificial

Intelligence (AI) is used to suitably change the operational parameters for
maintaining quality and production rate and also for creating conditions of
eventual breakage of accretion in a particular region. Trials are continuing.
The trends and response of models are very encouraging. The application of image analysis of thermograph for predicting

accretion profile has been demonstrated. It is now possible to predict
accretion profile as it changes each day. Accretion prediction from
thermograph has now been automated in the form of a GUI.

A separate decision support system has been developed to suggest the

changes to be made in operating parameters like ore feed rate, coal
feed/injection rate, secondary air blowing rate to successfully break the
accretions while maintaining the quality and production rate.

This decision system takes into account the chaotic variations in pressure
inside the kiln by tracking Lyapunov exponent as measure of chaos.
Automatic pressure control has also been implemented and it reduces the
pressure variations automatically, enabling more accurate management of
operational parameters

Pre-feasibility Report – Enhancement of production of DRI Plant of M/s TSIL 11 Automatic on-line pressure control

Pressure inside a coal fired sponge iron rotary kiln depends on several
operating parameters such as coal injection rate, ore feed rate, moisture,
and primary and secondary air blow rates. Pressure also controls the
conversion of CO to CO2 via endothermic Bouduward reaction
CO2+C2CO. Increase in pressure pushes the reaction backwards and
thus allows higher levels of CO2 in the system. Temperature of the system
increases with CO2. Increase in temperature and oxidizing atmosphere
(because of CO2) promotes accretion formation. Thus, the control of
pressure inside the kiln is the first requirement of an optimal operation of
rotary kiln. The present work focuses on pressure control via PID controller
of multi-louver damper.

The components P, I, D of controller are optimized dynamically by

embedding a control scheme in the controller based on an iterative
procedure, which are reported in literature.

Typical operating conditions at TSIL: Average differential pressure

5±2.5 mm of water column; PAB (primary air blow) 10700 ± 800 m3/hr,
ORE 34 ± 1.5: tph; RPM 370.5 ± 15 per hour; Fixed carbon in injection
coal (FCIC ) 4.6 ± 0.4 tph; Feed carbon in feed coal (FCFC) 4.8 ± 0.1 tph :
air flow rate in secondary air blower (SAB) 7000 ± 400 m3/hr: Multi-
louver Damper (MLD) 29.8 ± 4.0 % max;
Note: TPH means tons per hour.

 New Close Loop PID logic developed for auto operation of ID Fan
Damper with Kiln Outlet Hood pressure.

 Various safety interlocks developed and tested for safe AUTO

operation of ID Fan Damper.

 PID Loop tuning done for smooth and desired operation of Damper.

 Periodic tuning done for more precise tuning as well as due to change
in accretion profile inside Kiln.

Pre-feasibility Report – Enhancement of production of DRI Plant of M/s TSIL 12

OLD Open Loop Control of Kiln Pressure

Kiln Outlet Hood

Correction Factor

Manual Set Pt by ID Fan Damper

Control Desk operator

NEW Close Loop Control of Kiln Pressure through PID Tuning of

Actual Outlet
Pressure from TX

Kiln Outlet Desired

Pressure By PID Controller in ID Fan Damper
Operation In charge PLC
Correction Factor
decided by PID


Manual Set Pt by
Manual Control Desk
operator Following actions are taken for all Kilns

1. Dynamic Model Decision tables are generated and updated each

for accretion and quality control, individually for kilns. The action on
shop floor are taken accordingly.

2. Kiln outlet Pressure is being controlled always automatically within

constant range of 3-6mm.

3. Constant monitoring of parameter PMLD is being done to keep

variations within the suggested window. Thermograph of kiln
surface is being taken 3 times a day so that 3-D tracking is easier to
predict accretion thickness and profile both qualitatively and

By adopting Dynamic Model based through Data Analytics with ANN &
MLR, Auto PID Kiln pressure regulation and accretion thickness
measurement through GUI Image processing, there will be a paradigm
change of operation in our kiln operation with above technological

Pre-feasibility Report – Enhancement of production of DRI Plant of M/s TSIL 13

innovation there by kiln availability will be increased from 312 days to 335

3.6.2 Other Modifications of kiln equipment’s Injection Coal throw System

Injection coal throw system is the life line of rotary kiln’s operation. Its
interruptions cause accretion growth and Quality fluctuation inside the kilns
resulting in higher coal consumption / energy consumption and more solid
wastes generation. Existing coal throw system includes 1-two weigh
feeders, 2- one common hopper with manually operated diverting gate, 3-
two roots blowers, 4- two rotary feeders and 5- two injection nozzles. Initially
material from both weigh feeders passed through common hopper to one of
the rotary feeder with connected injection pipes and injected into kiln. One
rotary feeder always in operation and other one was for emergency

Now, without adding any new equipment, both rotary feeder injection
system separated out by one weigh feeder with one rotary feeder and one
roots blower. The hopper is modified with one electrically operated diverting
chute and connected to PLC operation from kiln control room.

Hopper-5 Hopper-4

Manual air
V-2 Manual
gate R/F
V-1 I
(New Inter Connection
Orifice Meter V- Valve) N
Vent VV-2
valve(OLD) Air Flow From R/B-2 Delivery
RV-1 valves RV-2
New Orifice (Manual)
Manual Vent VV-1
Old Pipe
R/B R/B-1 R/B-2
Valve in Open
Condition Line
New Pipe Line
Room Vent Line
Valve in Closed

Pre-feasibility Report – Enhancement of production of DRI Plant of M/s TSIL 14


1. Manual changeover of air selection valve got eliminated in normal

2. During periodic cleaning of R/F, other group started before stopping
one group of R/F & R/B, keeping Diverter gate in middle position, by
which injection coal interruption got eliminated.
3. Both R/F also can be operated at a time keeping Diverter gate in
middle position by which coal injection can be enhanced and injection
coal stoppage can be eliminated.
4. Changeover duration got minimized during unplanned stoppages by
auto starting of standby R/B and R/F. Operation of Feed Tray (Transverse chute between kiln and cooler)

Feed Tray is the tranjection chute through which material from kiln passes
to cooler. Some times bigger accretion chunks dislodged from kiln while
passes through feed tray get blocked. At that time, it takes at least 18 to 72
hours feed loss for cleaning through manual pulley system.

To minimize un planned losses and improve production, one Hydraulic

operated flap gate system incorporated in feed tray. As a result, at the time
jamming, the unplanned feed loss reduced.

Extension rod to avoid direct

contact of heat and dust

3.6.3: Further automation of kiln operation, Process variables like Ore feed,
both feed coal injection coal feed, kiln RPM and air flow from secondary
blowers will be carried out as per dynamic model prediction through ANN
and ELM without manual intervention to improve process capability for
smooth and un-interrupted operation.

Proposed Enhancement of Production 40000 TPA
Sl. No. Description Benefit
1 Operation Excellence by Operation days increase
A) Adopting Dynamic model based on from 313 days to 335 days
Artificial Intelligence per year.

Pre-feasibility Report – Enhancement of production of DRI Plant of M/s TSIL 15

Proposed Enhancement of Production 40000 TPA
Sl. No. Description Benefit
B) Injection of Coal throw system
C) Operations of feed trey
D) Kiln auto pressure control
E) Increase in campaign life Production increased by
F) Reduction of coal consumption by 40000 Ton

Existing Total Capacity Proposed Total Capacity
(4,25,000 TPA) (4,65,000 TPA)
Facility Capacity Daily Operating Capacity in Daily Operating
In TPA Production Days TPA production Days
Kiln-I 1,30,000 407 320 1,40,000 418 335
Kiln-II 1,30,000 407 320 1,40,000 418 335
Kiln-III 1,65,000 550 300 1,85,000 552 335

Comparison of feed rate of various production capacity
Production Operatin Feed Feed Feed Total Waste
/ Annum g days rate of rate of rate of Feed Generation
(MT) iron coal Dolo rate (TPA)
oxide (TPH) (TPH) (TPH)
390000 313 79.47 68.69 0.76 148.92 245000
425000 313 90.52 53.65 0.84 145.01 195500
465000 335 92.54 54.48 0.87 147.88 212367

Production 390000 TPA 425000 TPA 465000 TPA

Raw Material Quantity Specific Quantity Specific Quantity Specific

Inputs (MT) Consumption (MT) Consum (MT) Consum
(MT/MT DRI) ption ption

Iron Oxide 597000 1.53 680000 1.6 744000 1.6

Coal (Imported) Nil Nil 403000 0.948 350000 0.942

Coal (Indigenous) 516000 1.323 0 0 88000

Pre-feasibility Report – Enhancement of production of DRI Plant of M/s TSIL 16

Production 390000 TPA 425000 TPA 465000 TPA

Raw Material Quantity Specific Quantity Specific Quantity Specific

Inputs (MT) Consumption (MT) Consum (MT) Consum
(MT/MT DRI) ption ption

Dolomite 5700 0.015 6325 0.015 6975 0.015

Total 1118700 2.868 1089325 2.563 1188975 2.557

Out puts

1. Product

Sponge Iron (DRI) 390000 1 425000 1.000 465000 1.000

2. Solid Waste

Fly Ash 111350 0.286 100500 0.236 105000 0.226

Char 80000 0.205 36150 0.085 49845 0.107

Bag filter Dust 19200 0.049 22500 0.053 24645 0.053

Wet scrapper & 20000 0.051 15650 0.037 16414 0.035


Kiln accretion 2000 0.005 1900 0.004 1400 0.003

Others 12450 0.032 18800 0.044 15063 0.032

Sub-Total Solid 245000 0.628 195500 0.460 212367 0.457

Waste (785 TPD) (625 (634 TPD)

3. Losses 483700 1.240 468825 1.103 511608 1.100

(material, gas)

Total 1118700 2.868 1089325 2.563 1188975 2.557

Note.:- All pollution control Equipments like ESP, bag filters, dust suppression machineries are designed to
handle pollution level corresponding to original EC/ CTO (no: 133/ ind-i-con-309 dt- 02/02/2016) for
production of 3,90,000 TPA of DRI @ 785 TPD of wastes

3.7 Raw material required along with estimated quantity, likely source,
marketing area of final product’s Mode of transport of raw material and
Finished product

Iron ore: During sponge iron manufacturing, iron ore is reduced in solid
state. Unlike the conventional steel melting processes, the gangue content
of iron ore cannot be separated as a slag. Hence, it becomes essential to
select an ore with high iron content and a low gangue content, to optimise
yield during steel making. In order to ensure a better kiln campaign life and
output, the iron ore is made to undergo a series of other tests viz. shatter,
tumbler & abrasion indices, reducibility etc. The Company will source its

Pre-feasibility Report – Enhancement of production of DRI Plant of M/s TSIL 17

washed iron oxide from the mines of Tata Steel in Joda and also from
other mines, which are one of the finest quality iron oxide in the region.

Coal: Tata Sponge sources good quality coal mainly from South Africa and
also from Central Coalfields, South Eastern Coalfields & Mahanadi
Coalfields as and when required.

Dolomite: Dolomite is an important ingredient and acts as a desulphuriser

for removing Sulphur from the feed mix during the reduction process. It
is mixed in small proportions along with other raw materials before
charging into the kiln. Control of Sulphur content is an essential pre-
requisite for the manufacture of good quality steel. Tata Steel's Gomardih
dolomite quarry caters to the Company's overall requirement of dolomite.

3.7.1 Mode of transport of Raw material

TATA Sponge will continue to transport Raw material by Rail/ Road. During
operations, the traffic will increase to cater to 40,000 TPA additional DRI
evacuation and consonant raw material & waste. Approximately 7 trips will
increase for product and for corresponding raw material approximately 14
trucks per day will be required. Thus, 1 truck in 1.7 hours will increase on an

3.8 Resource optimization/ recycling and reuse envisaged in the project

Entire waste water generated from the plant is and will be treated and reused
for fly ash brick making, dust suppression, road washing, gardening and
green belt watering purpose. There shall be no liquid waste discharge
from the plant premises except storm water during monsoon.

Fly ash from economizer, air pre-heater and ESP hoppers will be utilized
for various applications such as brick making, low lying land reclamation,
road making, etc.

Domestic waste generated from the plant office is disposed in the identified
dump yard. The sewage water is treated in Sewage Treatment Plant. The
discharge water from sewage treatment plant is utilized for dump yard
dust suppression.

3.9 Availability of water, its source, energy / power requirement and


No additional water requirement is envisaged. Tata Sponge has already

permission for (410 Kl/hour) drawl of water from adjacent Sona river. The
water requirement, if any, for increase in production will be met from the
existing water approval.

No additional energy requirement is envisaged. Tata Sponge has

already having 26 MW Waste Heat Recovery Power Plants of DRI plants.
The energy requirement, if any, for increase in production will be met

Pre-feasibility Report – Enhancement of production of DRI Plant of M/s TSIL 18

from the existing 26 MW Waste Heat Recovery Power Plants. 235 KW
solar power unit has been installed within the premises

DRI Plant of 0.425 MTPA DRI Plant of 0.465 MTPA
Sl. Equipment DRI Water Water Water DRI Produc- Water Water Total
No. Produc- consump- Consumpt- consump-tion tion, consump- Consum- consump-
tion, Tonne/ tion, cum/Hr ion, cum/day in litres/hr. per tonne/Hr tion, cum/ ption, cum/ tion
Hr tonne of Hr day increased,
production KLD
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j)
1 DRI Cooling 16.927 15.2 364 896 17.54 17.0 408 44
2 DRI Cooling 16.927 15.2 364 896 17.54 17.0 408 44
3 DRI Cooling 21.484 19.1 457.875 888 23.58 21.0 504 46
4 PCC/DSC Use 16.927 1.1 26 64 17.917 1.15 27.6 1.5
5 PCC/DSC Use 16.927 1.1 26 64 17.917 1.15 27.6 1.5
6 PCC/DSC Use 21.484 1.5 36 72 23.542 1.6 39 3.0
7 Total Water 53.1 1275 57.2 1414.2 140.00
Note:- The additional water requirement is 139 cum per day which is equivalent to 5.8
CuM/Hr. This water requirement will be met from the existing sanction of 410
KL/hour; presently the plant is consuming about 50% of the allocated water.

Waste water is generated from blow downs. 100% waste water is utilized for
Fly ash brick manufacturing, dust suppression, road cleaning etc. The extra
waste water will also be utilized for the same purpose without any discharge
to outside.

3.10 Quantity of wastes likely to be generated (liquid and solid) and

scheme for their management /disposal

After enhancement of production the quantity of solid waste will increase

marginally as the increase of production is based on increase in coal feed
by 35,000 Ton and iron oxide by 64000 Ton

Being a process industry that consumes and generates considerable

amount of fine sized inputs & outputs, efficient waste management in
terms of its methodical disposal and value addition, wherever possible is an
absolute necessity. At Tata Sponge, a number of initiatives have helped in
proper waste management.

(i) A clear water pump with side stream pressure filter ensures
continuous cleaning of contaminated water for its reuse in

Pre-feasibility Report – Enhancement of production of DRI Plant of M/s TSIL 19

(ii) A waste-dumping yard has been developed at a safe distance
between the plant and the township to dispose off waste
materials generated during sponge iron production. To avoid
pollution, a thick layer of sweet soil covers the waste heaps and
grass is grown to make the area clean and green.
(iii) Concrete flooring has been laid inside the plant in areas.
Continuous water spraying cleans the floors and helps the dust to
flow into nearby drains from where the sludge is collected and
disposed off in the waste yard.
(iv) Separate disposal yards have been earmarked for dumping
biodegradable and non-degradable rejects. These are disposed as
per company procedure. Regular inspection by the Environment
Cell ensure non occurrence of any lapse in this regard.
(v) Brick plants have been commissioned to convert the waste fly
ash generated in the power plant into bricks, by adding sand,
lime and gypsum. The strength of such bricks is much greater than
conventional clay bricks. The Company has extensively used
these bricks for constructing boundary walls, residential flats, and
buildings inside the plant. The encouraging demand for these
special bricks is being met by a semi-automatic brick manufacturing
machine of capacity 30,000 bricks per shift and two nos of
standard brick manufacturing machines of capacity 8000 bricks
per shift and the brick production will be increased by operating he
plant in two shifts. The management of this unit has been given
to a charitable trust (Vidya Shakti Niyas) formed by the wives of
employees. The profits thus generated is meant to be used for
charitable activities.
(vi) Generation of power: Tata Sponge has installed Waste Heat
Recovery Boilers (WHRB) to generate power from the hot gases of
its 3 kilns.

This converts the latent heat of kilns into productive electrical

energy. The electrical energy thus generated not only caters to
the entire plant requirement and township, but also earns the
company profits by selling the surplus power.

Thus, this unconventional route of generating power has acted as

a substitute for fossil fuel (coal) which would have been otherwise
consumed to produce energy for meeting company needs.
Besides, this has also helped the company to become the first
sponge iron company in India to avail CDM benefits.

(vii) Solid waste: Presently 100% fly ash is utilized for fly ash brick,
paver block making and land reclamation etc. 100% char is
getting sold for its carbon utilization. Other wastes are either sold
or dumped at the identified 17.5 Ha Dump yard.

Pre-feasibility Report – Enhancement of production of DRI Plant of M/s TSIL 20

(viii) Liquid Effluent

During production of DRI, cooling waste water is generated. For increase in

40,000 TPA production, additional waste water generation is negligible.

Tata Sponge will maintain its ‘zero’ wastewater discharge standard. 100%
waste water will be utilized for its brick manufacturing unit, dust
suppression, road washing, garden maintenance etc. after it preliminary

Domestic waste water generated from the plant office is taken to soak pits,
Township waste water is treated through STP and waste water is utilised for
dump yard dust suppression purpose.

Quantity of waste generation is estimated and given in Table 7.

Sl. Source Generation Proposed Proposed Reuse/ Balance Remarks
No. (wrt 0.425 Addition Total (wrt Sale for
TPA) (TPA) (TPA) 0.465 (TPA) Disposal
DRI Plant
1 Fly Ash 100500 4500 105000 105000 0 100% for Bricks & pavers
block manufacturing, low
lying land reclamation,
Road making etc
2 Char 36150 13695 49845 49845 0 100% sold to power
generators, briquette
makers, etc for energy
3 Bag filter Dust 22500 2145 24645 24645 0 100% sold to power
generators, briquette
makers partially, activated
carbon manufacturers
4 Back spillage 15650 764 16414 16414 0 100% will be sold coal
/ Wet briquette makers
5 Kiln Accretion 1900 -500 1400 0 1400 Storage in designated
area for sale in future
6 Over size/ 18800 -3737 15063 0 15063 In earmarked dump area
coal shale/
Sub-Total 195500 16867 212367 195904 16463
Solid Waste
Note: All pollution control equipment’s like ESP, bag filters, dust suppression machineries are designed to
handle pollution level corresponding to our original EC/ CTO (NO: 133/ IND-I-CON-309 dt- 02/02/2016) for
production of 3,90,000 TPA of DRI @ 785 TPD of wastes.

Pre-feasibility Report – Enhancement of production of DRI Plant of M/s TSIL 21

3.11 Schematic Representations of the Feasibility drawing which give
information of EIA purpose

Process Flow sheet for DRI is given in Fig 1


4.1 Connectivity

The existing plant is located in village Belipada, Tehsil Barbil, District

Keonjhar, Odisha. The location of plant and study area can be seen in
Survey of India Topo Sheet No. 73F/8. The coordinates of this plant are:

Latitude - 22°03’08.51’’ and 22°03’34.94’’ N

Longitude - 85°27’39.44” and 85°28’09.61” E

Road link

The plant is adjacent to NH-520 Joda to Remuli. SH-10B Bhadrasahi to

Barajamda is located at a distance of 7.5 km, W, Jaintgarh-Noamundi Road
is at as distance of 9.9 km, NE and Basudeopur to Champua Road is at a
distance of 6.9 km, SE.

Rail link

The nearest railway station is Deojhar at a distance of 2.5 km, NNE from the
plant. Besides this, Noamundi and Barbil Railway is at a distance of 11.4
km, NE and 10.9 km WNW respectively.

Air link

The nearest airp ort is at Bhubaneswar, which is approximately 150 km,

SSE from the plant.

4.2 Land form, land use and land ownership

Land has already been acquired by the company and company is operating
existing DRI Plant of 4,25,000 TPA capacity. EC for the existing capacity
was given by MoEF&CC vide letter No. J-11011/16/2004-IAII (I) dated
01.05.2017. No additional land is required for proposed capacity

4.2 Topography

There will be no change in landform/ land use. The production will

enhance only by operational excellence at existing facility without any
additional infrastructure.

The core zone represents nearly flat land (440 to 463m AMSL) devoid of
any significant drainage or topographical features.

Pre-feasibility Report – Enhancement of production of DRI Plant of M/s TSIL 22

The study area is a part of Keonjhar district of Odisha. The topography of
the study area is characterized by a hilly terrain. Elevation of study area
varies from 400 m to 918 msl. The whole area is covered by mixed
jungle mainly Sal. The area lies among the hill ranges having undulated
topography intercepted with mountains and hills.

4.4 Existing land use pattern

The existing and proposed enhancement capacity establishment land use is

given below:

Sl. Details Present Proposed

No. Area in ha Area in ha

1. Plant 25 25
2. Solid waste 17.5 17.5
3. RM Storage 0.5 0.5
4. Water storage 0.25 0.25
5. Approach road(s) 3.5 3.5
6. Green Belt 41 41
7. Township 26.5 26.5
8. Vacant area 8.4 8.4
Total 122.65 122.65

No additional land will be required due to increased production in existing


4.5 Existing infrastructure

TSIL possesses adequate land outside the plant boundary for constructing
staff housing and other necessary welfare buildings. TSIL’s existing
infrastructure comprising housing and other social amenities is considered
adequate for the enhancement capacity of DRI plant. No separate facilities
are envisaged.

4.6 Soil classification

Broadly the soil of the locality is classified as lateritic soil, laterite with iron
ore on the basis of its layer of formation. There is little transported soil due
to eroded materials because of mining activity in the region. The primary
factors responsible for soil pattern in the area appear to be parent materials,
relief and ore morphology. Influence of biotic factor and time are of
secondary nature.

Pre-feasibility Report – Enhancement of production of DRI Plant of M/s TSIL 23

4.7 Climatic data from secondary sources


As per the nearest IMD station, Keonjhar, the monthly mean of minimum
temperature ranges from 10.82°C in December to 23.84°C in May. The
monthly mean of maximum temperature ranges from 25.81°C in December
to 36.64°C in May.


Rainfall shows wide and erratic variations. The average annual rainfall at
IMD station Keonjhar was recorded as 1369.50 mm from 1996 to 2001. The
monsoon season is spread over the months from June to September.

Relative Humidity

The average daily relative humidity (RH) data, obtained from IMD
station Keonjhar shows that at 08.30 hrs, the RH varied from 49.3% in
March to 84.2% in August while at 17.30 hrs the RH varied from 26.5 to
75.5 % from March to July.

4.8 Social infrastructure available

Hospitals, school, community facilities are present in the villages in buffer

zone within 10 Km of study area. Social infrastructures existing as per
Census 2011 is given in as Annexure IV to the Form 1.


5.1 Planning concept

Presently the company is operating 4,25,000 TPA DRI plant at village

Belipada in Keonjhar District of Odisha. Environmental Clearance has been
obtained for present capacity. The proposed enhancement is due to (1)
R&D project (2) minor modifications in the equipment/ process such as
mechanised operation of feed tray, precise control of Kilns pressure through
adoption of PID, automation in coal injection system to avoid interruption,
availability of stand by roots blower independently and online, Modification
of transfer chute between kiln to cooler to reduce the downtime to 18 hrs
from 72 hrs, etc.

5.2 Population projection

Total manpower currently is 394 and no additional manpower will be

required during capacity enhancement. However indirect employment of
unskilled and semi skilled (after training) will be hired from in and around the
Plant as per present practice. Indirect employment shall arise in

Pre-feasibility Report – Enhancement of production of DRI Plant of M/s TSIL 24

5.3 Land use planning (break up along with green belt etc.)

Refer Section 4.4

5.4 Assessment of infrastructure demand (physical & social)

An assessment of the facilities available in the villages in and adjacent to

the plant site is education, Hospitals, drinking water, communication and
approach road. An assessment of the facilities available in the villages in
the study area based on Census 2011 has been done and given in Table 8.

Sl. Parameter Present Status in study Scope for improvement
No. area
1. Education There are Primary, Provision of higher
Middle, Secondary and educational institutions.
Sr Secondary schools
2. Hospitals There are primary health Provision of other specialized
centres, pre primary medical facilities
centres, nursing
3. Drinking water For drinking purpose the Provision of potable drinking
village has handpumps, water supply through tankers
well and tank water as etc already available.
4. Power supply The villages has power Power for agriculture and
supply for domestic other commercial purposes
purpose could be provided.
5. Communication bus stop or railway Transportation facility to
stations are present in hospital and nearest town
study area could be maintained and
6. Approach to Concrete road Approach road to the village
village already strengthened.
7. Post Post office is present Communication facilities
an and telephone facility is could be improved.
d Telegraph available in the village.

5.5 Amenities / facilities

Education, Hospitals, drinking water, power supply, post and telegraph,

banks, communication and approach roads are present in the villages in
buffer zone within 10 Km of study area.

Pre-feasibility Report – Enhancement of production of DRI Plant of M/s TSIL 25


6.1 Industrial area (processing area)

The enhancement of capacity of DRI Plant will be in the existing plant


6.2 Residential area (non processing area)

Residential colony is present near plant.

6.3 Green belt

When Tata Sponge took over the land from its original owners, a major
portion of it was barren. The Company began planting trees annually and
has since planted more than 1,70,200 trees turning the area lush green.
After the initial ‘green belt’ with fast growing species like acacia, bakain,
chakindi, etc. the plantation work was changed to fruit bearing plants and
hard wood trees like sandalwood, rosewood, mahogany, teak & bamboo.

Tata Sponge has been awarded the prestigious ISO-14001 certification for
its conscientious initiative to foster a green culture in the society and move
towards environmental protection. Tata Sponge became the first sponge
iron company in India to achieve the distinction of receiving ISO-14001
certification. Besides, Tata Sponge has also been recognized by non-
governmental institutions of repute in India for its excellence in
environmental standards.

The green belt equivalent to 34% of the total area is already developed by
the company.

6.4 Social infrastructure

In line with the ethos of the House of Tatas, Tata Sponge has resolved to
return to the society from what it earns. Through its current and future
business activities, the company has ceaselessly strived in promoting &
implementing collaborative ideas, in association with its beneficiary groups
and in the process, has been able to establish an inclusive & harmonious
periphery, in line with company’s CSR objective “to improve the quality of
life of the communities we serve through long term value creation for all

Tata Sponge’s CSR thrust areas are; promotion of education, healthcare,

sanitation & providing drinking water, enhancement of livelihood, gender
equality, environmental sustainability and rural development. Besides, the
Company also undertakes programs to promote rural sports and regional
culture, to conserve natural resources, develop skill, build entrepreneurship,
undertake disaster relief interventions and meet other community needs.
Company’s CSR agenda is also aligned with the framework on Affirmative
Action (AA) prepared by the Confederation of Indian Industry, which

Pre-feasibility Report – Enhancement of production of DRI Plant of M/s TSIL 26

focuses on employment, employability, entrepreneurship, education and
essential amenities.

(For Company’s CSR policy and details of various programs, please visit
Company’s website i.e. www.tatasponge.com, in the investor corporate
governance section)

Total amount to be spent for the financial year: Rs.180.46 lacs. Details of
various projects are given below:

Sl. Sub CSR Project or activity Sector in Location of Amount
No No. identified which the Implementation spent
project is (local or others) during FY18
covered (Rs. in Lakh)
1 Project: “Swabhiman”
1.1 In partnership with Govt. of Preventive Local area: Five villages 89.28
Odisha, construction of about healthcare & in Birikala Gram
1100 rural individual sanitation Panchayat, Block-Joda,
household toilets and Dist-Keonjhar, Odisha
bathrooms including water
facilities in 5 villages of Birikla
Implementation period : 6
years - FY’15 to FY’ 20)
2 Project: “Jal Dhara”
2.1 Drinking water supply to Safe Drinking Local area: Bileipada 1.78
Bileipada. water village in Birikala GP of
Implementation period : 5 Joda Block, Dist-
years i.e. FY’15 to FY’ 19) Keonjhar, Odisha
2.2 Boring of Tube-wells, their Safe Drinking Local Area: Birikala, 2.24
Maintenance and Supply of water Anseikala, Deojhar,
Drinking Water Chamkpur & Kandara
Implementation period : 6 Gram Panchayat of Joda
years - FY’15 to FY’ 20 Block, Dist-Keonjhar,
3 Project: “Prarambh”
3.1 Build education capability of all Promoting Local Area: Birikala, 40.15
67 Anganwadi centers, Education Anseikala, Deojhar,
covering 5 Gram Panchayats Chamakpur and Kandara
over a period of five years and Gram Panchayat of Joda
Construction of 10 Model Block, Dist-Keonjhar,
Anganwadi Centers Odisha
Implementation period : 5
years - FY’15 to FY’ 19
4 Project: "Guru Dikashya"
4.1 Bringing technology to Promoting Local Area: Seven blocks 5.78
schools-Digitised Equalizer Education of Keonjhar district,
Computer education Odisha
Implementation period : 3
Years - FY’16 to FY’ 18
5 Project: “Vidyarthi”

Pre-feasibility Report – Enhancement of production of DRI Plant of M/s TSIL 27

Sl. Sub CSR Project or activity Sector in Location of Amount
No No. identified which the Implementation spent
project is (local or others) during FY18
covered (Rs. in Lakh)
5.1 Promoting science education Promoting Local Area: 8.89
amongst the school children Education Keonjhar district in
through science exhibition, Odisha
talks, books, etc.
Implementation Period : 5
years - FY’15 to FY’ 19
6 Project: “Protsahan”
6.1 Promoting higher studies – Promoting Local Area: Anseikala, 1.95
Scholarship for poor & Education Birikala, Chamakpur,
meritorious students Kandara, Deojhar GP in
Joda Block of Keonjhar
Implementation Period : 5 district, Odisha. One in
years - FY’15 to FY’ 19 FAEA, New Delhi
7 Project: “Krida”:
7.1 Coaching of both outdoor & Promote Local Area: Anseikala, 1.94
indoor sports like; Football, Rural Sports Birikala, Chamakpur,
Cricket, carom, etc. and Kandara, Deojhar GP in
support of spots materials, Joda Block of Keonjhar
prizes, coach fee and other district, Odisha)
support items.
Implementation Period : 5
years - FY’15 to FY’ 19
8 Project: ”Ama Sanskriti”:
8.1 Promotion of Tribal Culture, Protection of Local Area: Anseikala, 2.97
Renovation of Cultural centers Culture Birikala, Chamakpur,
etc. Kandara, Deojhar GP in
Implementation Period : 5 Joda Block of Keonjhar
years i.e. FY’15 to FY’ 19 district, Odisha)
9 Project: “Sakshyam”:
9.1 Provide on the job training with Livelihood Local Area: Anseikala, 4.95
stipend to 10 ST/SC ITI Trade Enhance- Birikala, Chamakpur,
Apprentices and SHG ment Kandara, Deojhar GP in
Entrepreneurship development Joda Block of Keonjhar
district, Odisha)
Implementation Period : 5
years i.e. FY’15 to FY’ 19
10 Project: “Prakriti”:
10.1 Plantation and afforestation. Environmental Local Area: Anseikala, 8.88
Sustainability Birikala, Chamakpur,
Implementation Period : 5 Kandara, Deojhar GP in
years i.e. FY’15 to FY’ 19 Joda Block of Keonjhar
district and Chendipada
of Angul district of
11 Project: “Touching the lives”
11.1 “Jagruti”: Promoting Local area: Birikala 2.04
Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, Education Deojhar, Anseikala,
School enrollment & Child Kandara & Chamakpur
labour eradication Campaign, Gram Panchayat, Block-
Environment protection, Joda, Dist-Keonjhar,

Pre-feasibility Report – Enhancement of production of DRI Plant of M/s TSIL 28

Sl. Sub CSR Project or activity Sector in Location of Amount
No No. identified which the Implementation spent
project is (local or others) during FY18
covered (Rs. in Lakh)
HIV/AIDS prevention, Road Odisha
safety, TVW, Tata
Sustainability Month Prog;
Immunization drive, etc.
Implementation Period : 5
years i.e. FY’15 to FY’ 19
12 "Upakaran" Promoting Local area: Birikala 3.35
Providing peripherals for the Education Deojhar, Anseikala,
promotion of Education Kandara & Chamakpur
Gram Panchayat, Block-
Implementation Period : FY’18 Joda, Dist-Keonjhar,
13 "Upachar" Preventive Local area: Birikala 1.28
Conducting health camps healthcare & Deojhar, Anseikala,
sanitation Kandara & Chamakpur
Implementation Period : FY’18 Gram Panchayat, Block-
Joda, Dist-Keonjhar,
16 "Seva" Rural Local area: Birikala 4.98
Associate Govt authorities in a Development Deojhar, Anseikala,
few social activities Kandara & Chamakpur
Gram Panchayat, Block-
Implementation Period : FY’18 Joda, Dist-Keonjhar,
Total Expenditure, Rs in Lakh 180.46

6.5 Connectivity

Refer section 4.1

6.6 Drinking water management (source & supply of water)

Refer section 3.8

6.7 Sewerage system & industrial waste management

Domestic waste generated from the plant office are taken to the
identified dump pits. Organic component of which shall be composted/
vermi composted. The sewage from the Plant is taken to the soak pits.
Township sewage water is taken to the STP and waste water is utilised for
dump yard dust suppression. The plant will follow the zero discharge

6.8 Solid waste management

The solid waste generated form DRI plants are mainly fly ash, Char,
Dedusting material, Back spillage, Agglomerates etc. At Tata Sponge most

Pre-feasibility Report – Enhancement of production of DRI Plant of M/s TSIL 29

of the solid waste are getting utilised or sold due to its carbon content as
mentioned in Table 7.

The municipal solid waste generated from the plant in negligible quantity
which is segregated and dumped in the identified pits.

Used oil generated from plant machineries are sold to the CPCB authorized

The solid waste which will be used for landfill is nontoxic and non-

6.9 Power requirement & supply / source

Refer section 3.8


No rehabilitation and resettlement plan has been made as no displacement

of population. Company is already operating the plant in the existing land of
122.65 ha. And no additional land shall be acquired for capacity
enhancement of DRI Plant.

The plant and allied activities will provide indirect job opportunities.

The proposed long term activity will open up market and opportunities
growth for self- employed and cultivators. To this extent, the impact will be


8.1 Project Schedule

Tata Sponge production is continuing since 1986; the proposed

enhancement in capacity is based on on increase in operating days,
optimum coal consumption, marginal increase in Iron oxide feed. The
increase in production will be from FY 2018-19.

8.2 Cost of the Project

No additional cost is involved for enhancement of production as the

proposed enhancement in capacity is based on increase in operating days,
optimum coal consumption, marginal increase in Iron oxide feed.


This enhancement of production capacity will improve the economic

condition of the local people. The engagement of local people will upgrade
the prosperity of the region. The existing facilities emission and discharge
will be negligible on capacity enhancement.

Pre-feasibility Report – Enhancement of production of DRI Plant of M/s TSIL 30


Pre-feasibility Report – Enhancement of production of DRI Plant of M/s TSIL 31

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