Atul LTD Vsd10 Exe Summ Eng
Atul LTD Vsd10 Exe Summ Eng
Atul LTD Vsd10 Exe Summ Eng
Prepared By:
Atul Limited is a member of Lalbhai Group, one of the oldest business houses of India, with interests
mainly in textiles and chemicals. The Group is strongly committed to serve the society in the fields of
education, health as well as culture. Atul Ltd. operates through six business divisions, namely,
Agrochemicals, Aromatics, Bulk Chemicals & Intermediates, Colors, Pharmaceuticals & Intermediates
and Polymers. The bulk chemicals and Intermediates division of Atul Ltd. commenced its manufacturing
of bulk chemicals in 1960 and intermediates in 1963. As the chemical manufacturing industry depends
heavily on power and steam for process applications, Atul Limited now proposes to expand its existing
Captive Power Plant capacity by addition of new 22 MW Coal based CPP with latest technology.
Atul Limited holds Environmental Clearance (EC) from Ministry of Environment & Forests (MoEF),
Delhi vide File No. J-11011/85/2009-IA II (I) dated 13th May, 2009 and also obtained valid
Consolidated Consent & Authorization (CC&A) from Gujarat Pollution Control Board (GPCB) vide
letter no. AWH-67717 dated 04/11/2014, which is valid up to 03/11/2019.
Project Site:
The Atul limited is located at Survey No. 274,275 & 276, At & Post Atul, District: Valsad, Gujarat.
Valsad district is surrounded by Vapi in the south, Valsad town in the north, Dharampur in the east and
Atar village in the west. The nearest town Valsad is located about 7 kms away from the project site. The
project location is well connected with road, rail and air route for transportation activities.
Project Co-ordinate
Corner Latitude Longitude
A 20°32'20.48"N 72°56'50.19"E
B 20°32'4.29"N 72°56'50.23"E
C 20°31'56.79"N 72°55'37.86"E
D 20°32'26.09"N 72°55'39.12"E
Note: All the above – mentioned distances are the aerial distances from project site.
Existing 45,079 m2 Existing land is in possession
CPP area: of Atul Ltd.
Proposed No additional land will Existing spare land of 10,000
CPP area: be required m2 shall be utilized for
proposed expansion.
requirements Cost of Proposed expansion : Rs. 96.82 Crores
Existing CPP 3,910 KLD (Dom+Ind) Par River
requirement :
Proposed CPP 2,095 KLD (Dom+Ind) Par River
requirement ::
Existing Proposed Total
CPP, MW 34 22 56
Construction Phase Approx. 500 nos. New recruitment
Operation Phase Approx. 10-20 nos. New recruitment
To carry out the proposed expansion, fuel resources like coal & diesel will be utilized.
The study area for the proposed project has been considered within the 10 km periphery of the project site.
The period of study was December 2014 to February 2015. The secondary data were collected from
secondary sources like Census of India - 2011, Environment Information Centre-Delhi, Forest department,
District Panchayats etc.
Attributes Sampling
Locations Parameters Frequency
A. Air Environment
Meteorological Nr. Project Site Temperature, Relative Hourly data from
Humidity, Precipitation December 2014 to
Wind direction, Wind February 2015
Ambient Air 8 locations in the study PM2.5, PM10, SO2, NOx, 24 hourly, twice a week
Quality area of 10 km radius from CO during study period
Project site.
[5 location within 5 km]
B. Noise 8 locations in the study Noise Levels in dB(A) Once in Study Period
area within 10 km radius
from the project site
C. Water
Ground Water Grab samples of 5 Physical, Chemical, Twice in a Month
Locations within 10 km Microbiological and during Study Period
radius of Study region Heavy Metal
Surface Water Grab samples of 5 Physical, Chemical, Once in a Month during
Locations within 10 km Microbiological and Study Period
radius Study region Heavy Metal
D. Soil Quality 7 locations in the study Physical, Chemical Once in a Month during
area within 10 km radius Characteristics, Soil Study Period
from the project site Texture
Sr. No. Location Direction
01. Project Site -- --
02. Chichwada Approx 2 N
03. Balda Approx 3 ES
04. Maghod Approx 4 WN
05. Chanvai Approx 5 EN
06. Tithal Approx 6 NW
07. Udvada Approx 8 WS
08. Rentlav Approx 9 SW
Physiography The project site falls in Valsad district of Gujarat which is surrounded by
Vapi in the south, Valsad in the north, Dharampur in the east and Atar
village in the west.
The project location is well connected with road, rail and air route for
transportation activities.
The nearest city/ town to the project site is Valsad.
River Par is passing through the vicinity of the project site at a distance of
about 0.7 kms from the site and drains into Arabian sea.
Meteorology Temperature: Mean daily max. = 41 oC, Mean daily min. =13.4 oC.
Humidity was observed between 08 to 93 %.
Wind pattern: Pre-dominant Direction: NW, Wind Speed was in the range
of 0 to 12.0 km/hr
Ambient air Ambient air quality monitoring was carried out at 8 locations.
Locations were selected considering the downwind (i.e SW )and upwind
direction (i.e NE)
Downwind locations were Rentlav and Udwada; and upwind locations
were considered as Chanvai and Chichvada at the time of location
During the study Ambient Air Quality has been assessed for PM2.5, PM10,
SO2, NOx and CO parameters.
On the basis of test results found during the survey it can be concluded that
the ambient air quality of the study region is quite good as all the results are
well within the limit.
Frequency of sampling was once in a month during the study period for
the analysis of physico-chemical parameters and once during the study
period for the testing of biological parameters.
Soil quality 7 samples were collected from different locations within 10 km radius to
assess the base line status of soil.
Analysis was also carried out for physico-chemical parameters as well as
the parameters to define the texture class.
The soil texture was found to be silt clay and silt clay loam in most of the
villages of study region.
Analysis was carried out for total Nitrogen, total Phosphorous, Calcium
organic matter etc parameters.
As a micronutrient analysis of Iron, Chromium, copper & Boron was also
carried out for all the soil samples & its presence was found lower than the
desired value.
The activities identified for the proposed project under each phase are:
Construction phase
Site development & Area grading
Construction works for proposed CPP
Erection and Installation of the proposed equipments/machineries
Additional Greenbelt development & Landscaping
Operation phase
Construction waste • Proper handling & transportation system for construction wastes & stock
management. piles of earthen materials
• Proper storage of construction & other waste and excavated earthen
material/soil in their designated storage area.
• Reuse of construction waste for PCC works, development of roads and
misc. filling for construction works.
• Use of excavated soil for landscaping & gardening/greenbelt
Hazardous/Non- • A separate designated storage area is already provided with sign
Hazardous boards/labels for each category of hazardous & solid wastes.
Waste management • Handling & Transportation system/facilities for hazardous/solid wastes.
• Proper storage of hazardous waste in their designated storage area viz.
- Used oil in well labelled drums in/near CPP area,
- Discarded containers in designated waste storage area for sell to
authorized scrap vendors or for return to supplier
- Fly ash will be disposed off by consumption in own brick
manufacturing unit of the proponent or/and Ambuja cement’s unit for
co processing.
• Proper handling, loading & unloading of waste shall be monitored during
waste handling, storage & transportation of Hazardous/Solid waste.
• 100% utilization of ash: through Bricks manufacturing or cement
manufacturing unit.
A detailed Risk Assessment (RA) study was carried out for the proposed expansion. The following
processes/units have been covered for the RA study of the proposed expansion project:
DG Sets
Material handling/transportation/storage
Personnel safety measures
Fly ash handling system
Noise environment
Coal handling system
Atul has well developed an emergency management system to tackle the emergency situation.
The roles of the following personnel are described to tackle any such emergency situations:
Atul also has a Department of Health (DoH) for regular checking health of the employee regular checking
health of the employees and medical aid. Annual health check for employees is carried out and record is
maintained. Regular training to plant personnel in safety firefighting and first aid is also provided.
The plan for attenuation of the noise and air pollutant level includes design for greenbelt/plantation around
plant boundary, roadside, office buildings and stretches of open land. The vegetation for the attenuation of
air pollution shall be most needed in the areas where ground level concentrations of the pollutant are likely
to be high. The main objective of green belt development is to provide a barrier between the source of
pollution and the surrounding area. The greenbelt helps to capture the fugitive emission and to attenuate
the noise generated apart from improving the aesthetics. Development of green belt shall also prevent soil
erosion and washing away of the topsoil besides helping in stabilizing the functional ecosystem, make the
climate more conducive and restore water balance.
Total 17,920
Summary of Plantation
No. of
2010-11 59263
2011-12 68760
2012-13 63315
2013-14 75679
2014-15 81510
Grand Total 348527
The proponent carries out regular plantation in and around the industrial premises and in the proposed
expansion also the proponent has planned to carry out Greenbelt Development & Management.
Proponent has already developed 300 acres of greenbelt in and around the Atul complex. Proponent has
already developed 16,500 m2 of greenbelt near CPP area and additional 1420 m2 of greenbelt will be
developed in proposed CPP area. In addition to this, afforestation and plantation activities shall be
undertaken in all available spaces within the main plant. Afforestation at plant area will be undertaken
which will not only act as lung space in the area but will also improve aesthetics.
Multi-layered plantation comprising of medium height trees (7 m to 10 m) and shrubs (5 m height) are
proposed for the green belt. In addition to this in future creepers will be planted along the boundary wall to
enhance its insulation capacity.
Atul already carries out rain water harvesting in the existing premises. 1,28,236 m3/year of rain water was
collected in Rain water harvesting tank during this year 2013-14 monsoon season. The collected water was
transferred to collection tank and reuse in process, which has resulted in decrease in fresh water intake.
Atul has already formulated the Environmental Management Division for its existing unit which involves
personnel of Plant Level as well as Corporate Level for interaction with technical & statutory bodies to deal
with environmental requirements/issues at all level. The same cell shall be responsible for proposed
expansion also. Executive Director/Engineer will head the Environmental Management Cell with
subordinates involving Environmental Manager, Environmental Engineer, Chemist, Operators, etc. The
EMC will be provided with well-equipped laboratory for carrying out analysis of the samples of the water,
air etc. The EMC will carry out/oversee the monitoring of the stack emission, noise level, analysis of the
water etc. and keep the regional/local statutory body informed about the status of pollution control.
Proponent will arrange professional training for personnel of EMC at plant level which shall be provided in
area of monitoring and continuous analysis of the pollutants, legal requirement and environmental
management system. The EMC will also act to ensure efficient & proper implementation of EMP &
mitigation measures suggested for control/prevention of pollution, recycling/reuse of waste & wastewater,
conservation of environmental quality, greenbelt and occupational health & safety etc. Conceptually, the
Environmental Management Cell has the following organizational structure:
General Manager EHS
ETP Chemist/Lab
Atul has engaged its efforts in social welfare activities & programs form the very beginning. It directly
organizes various programs for social welfare & upliftment or indirectly contributes in such activities
conducted by other organizations by providing financial & other aid. Atul is committed to contribute in
social welfare & upliftment activities on regular basis. Atul will continue such activities to fulfill the
requirements of its social responsibility under CSR Programs.
For the past year 2014-2015, the proponent had allocated a budget of Rs. 3.94 crores for CSR activities and
spent the same for activities identified under the following areas:
1.13.1 Education:
Activities related to educational infrastructure were carried out in the following institutes:
• Atul Vidyalaya
• Atul Vidyamandir
• Kalyani Shala
No of beneficiaries
No Institute 2014-15 Cumulative
(currently on rolls) (passed out)
1.13.2 Empowerment:
08 Welding 33 80
09 Mobile repairing 19 52
11 Plumbing I Masonry 0 46
1.13.3 Health:
Eye camps
Blood donation camps
Medical camps
Atul Club
Atul Medical Diagnostic Centre (under construction)
No of camps No of beneficiaries
No Particulars
2014-15 Cumulative 2014-15 Cumulative
1.13.4 Conservation:
• Plantation of trees (70,000 in 2014-15)
• Migratory birds
Other initiatives
• Biogas plant
Amenity blocks
Community assets
Construction of amenity blocks was carried out in 6 villages. Construction, repairing of schools and building
up of civic amenities in nearby villages. For improvement in domestic spheres and communal bonding,
community kitchen sheds were constructed. For economic assistance to the farmer community, farm kit and
subsidized fertilizers were distributed to the farmers. Supporting/financial aid for gas based cremation
facilities. Improvement in dining facility for home for differently abled children.
Construction of individual toilets for families in Atul, Haria village and Atar village (26 nos).
Making paver block based roads in Umersadi Machhivad village.
Supply of drinking water to Atul and Haria village.
Project partner in construction of a gas based cremation facilities at Atul. This will
substantially reduce use of wood for cremation.
Infrastructure development work in Kalyani School.
Facilitating bio gas project at Bhamahakumaris at Mount Abu.
Skill development programme/vocational training in 12 different courses. This is for
empowerment of rural youth and women.
Promoting sports in surrounding area.
Various rural development programme in health, education and infrastructure development in
23 villages.
Plantation of 70,000 trees during the year.
As a part of the CSR policy, Atul has allocated a budget of Rs. 6.35 Crores towards the Social welfare
program based on locals’ need, which shall lead to improved social infrastructure.
Total 6.35
* subject to revision
The proposed project of Atul Ltd. is an expansion project which intends to set up a 22 MW CPP, worth of
Rs. 96.82 crores in the existing premises of Atul Ltd. in Valsad district.
The EIA study has been carried out with respect to the TORs awarded by SEAC, Gandhinagar. All the
impacts likely to have an effect on the environment have been identified and efficient/adequate mitigation
measures have been proposed for the same.
Considering the probability of likely impacts, the proponent has planned adequate mitigation measures and
EMP. Further, the proponent also undertakes CSR activities which shall have beneficial impacts on the
socio-economic environment. Measures like rainwater harvesting, energy conservation and greenbelt
development are also noteworthy. Looking to the overall project scenario, employment potential and allied
development plans; it has been noticed that the proposed project would significantly help in the
improvement of the society and nation at large.
All the relevant safety norms with latest technology have been incorporated in the proposed expansion
project. Hazards and associated risks, safety and security provision associated with the project activities
appear to be acceptable. Hence the project in totality may be considered environmentally safe.