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Sleep As A Recovery Tool For Elite Athletes: The Athlete Sleep Screening Questionnaire

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– Written by Charles Samuels and Lois James, Canada

“If your athletes go to bed, fall asleep very different than the average individual relationship between sleep and recovery
within 30 minutes, sleep through the night or members of occupational groups such have only just started to be explored in
with brief awakenings, feel refreshed within as law enforcement and the military, on athletic populations. Without a structured
60 minutes of waking most days (5/7 days/ whom prior research is based. Athletes assessment of relevant sleep behaviours
week) then congratulations: your athletes are have unique physical and mental demands, and the development of valid, reliable
normal sleepers!” have to accommodate rigorous competition tools to acquire accurate data we will have
– Dr Samuels, 2013 and training schedules and have to adapt nothing upon which to base useful research
We know from decades of research to difficult travel regimes. So we have to be questions. Without these tools there will be
that sleep is important for human careful and specific about applying what no way to drive data collection, analyse the
performance1-3. So, why would we even we know about sleep to athletes. There is data and determine how sleep may affect
think about screening athletes when it a clear need for developing valid, reliable training, recovery and performance. Finally,
comes to sleep? Why not just apply basic tools to screen and monitor athlete sleep valid, reliable data collection methods are
principles of sleep and generalise from the behaviours as the basis for understanding necessary to monitor the effectiveness of
research that’s been done in other areas and developing effective interventions. therapeutic interventions.
such as law enforcement4-7, the military8-11 or Most countries are developing high Over the past several years the
aviation12-15? As a result of this research and performance training programmes for University of Calgary Sport Medicine
knowledge athletes, coaches, sport medicine National/Olympic team athletes and are Sleep and Human Performance Research
physicians and trainers are interested in committed to investing in every available Initiative has developed the Athlete Sleep
understanding the relationship of sleep tool to help them succeed. We know from Screening Questionnaire (ASSQ) ©. This
to training, recovery and performance in the scientific study of sleep that it promotes tool is designed to capture athlete sleep
athletes. The complicating factor is that physical and mental recovery16,17. However, behaviours, identify athletes with abnormal
athletes, and elite athletes in particular, are the theoretical principles behind the sleep and primary sleep disorders and

Table 1
Total sleep time Sleep difficulty score
mean hours/night (SD) mean (SD)

Paralympics (n=13) 7.94 (1.26) 8.15 (2.44)

Bobsleigh skeleton
7.70 (0.86) 9.30 (4.16)
determine the frequency with which
athletes have difficulty with sleep when
travelling. The ASSQ© screening system
Speed skating (n=34) 8.00 (1.09) 8.74 (3.29)
stratifies athletes into those who require
basic sleep education, assessment with the Swimming (n=11) 7.86 (1.18) 9.91 (4.11)
sport medicine physician and those who
require a sleep medicine consultation and
investigations. The goal of this article is to Volleyball (n=6) 8.62 (0.68) 8.83 (4.36)
1. A clear understanding of the relationship
between sleep and recovery. Waterpolo (n=11) 7.82 (1.02) 8.64 (4.03)
2. An understanding of the ASSQ©, and
how it can be used to benefit elite
Wrestling (n=6) 7.71 (1.27) 8.83 (3.82)
athletic teams.
3. A summary of ASSQ© results collected
from teams and athletes to date. Table 1: Total sleep time and sleep difficulty score by athletic team.


RECOVERY training response, perform and recover24. may be particularly beneficial for young
Sleep factors have been shown to have Capitalising on the restorative power of athletes who, due to school commitments
a direct effect on executive cognitive sleep will help maximise energy, mood, and training, may not be able to achieve the
function18, metabolic control of energy decision-making skill and reflex response. recommended amount of sleep per night.
balance, appetite and weight19,20 and tissue In addition, attending to the importance of
repair21. Cognition, metabolism and tissue sleep will reduce the risk of overtraining/ SLEEP QUALITY
repair are critical physiological processes under-recovery, enhance resistance to Maintaining a regular sleep/nap routine,
that contribute to training capacity, recovery illness and improve recovery from injury25. establishing a comfortable sleeping
and performance. Recent research on athlete environment and monitoring for sleep
populations has provided objective evidence SLEEP LENGTH disorders can maximise sleep quality. A
that confirms the importance of sleep in For sleep to be recuperative it must be key indicator of sleep disorders is excessive
athlete development and performance16,22. of adequate duration. This is a universal sleepiness, despite adequate sleep length.
The relationship between sleep and principle, but applies especially to athletes This is due to ‘non-restorative’ sleep, which is
post-exercise recovery and regeneration can whose physical recovery may need to be poor quality due to interruptions from sleep
be viewed in a structured fashion: greater than the average individual. Sleep disorders such as insomnia, sleep apnoea or
1. Sleep length (total sleep requirement: requirements change over the course of an restless legs syndrome. Sleep disorders are
hours/night, plus naps). individual’s life; in particular the amount common and treatable, but often remain
2. Sleep quality (sleep disorders, of sleep required. For example, 8 to 12 year undiagnosed. It’s especially important
environmental disturbance or sleep olds need about 9.5 to 10 hours, 12 to 16 year to find out if young athletes suffer from
fragmentation). olds need about 9 hours, and 16 to 22 year sleep disorders because intervention at a
3. Sleep phase (circadian timing of sleep). olds need about 9 to 10 hours per night. young age could make a huge difference for
These three parameters of sleep are the Naps can count towards total sleep time, their long-term athletic development and
key factors affecting the overall recuperative should be restricted to 30 minutes and performance. Travel can also affect sleep
outcome of the sleep state23. They affect should be scheduled between 2 to 4 pm quality, so jet lag management and sleep
an athlete’s ability to train, maximise the for the average sleeper. Strategic napping scheduling while traveling is critical26.



Table 2
for research and validation and to
Total sleep time Sleep difficulty score
Sport implement targeted clinical intervention.
mean hours/night (SD) mean (SD) The ASSQ© is derived from standard sleep
screening questionnaires and made up
BMX (n=11) 8.11 (0.94) 8.83 (4.21) of 23 items representing four domains
that capture the essence of the key sleep
parameters of interest. The sleep difficulty
Curling (n=27) 8.12 (1.07) 7.93 (3.06) score is used to categorise respondents
into four meaningful categories that are
Rugby (n=50) 7.71 (1.16) 9.30 (2.86) associated with specific interventions:
1. No clinical problem = education.
2. Mild clinical problem = education and
Alpine skiing (n=30) 7.80 (1.14) 8.83 (4.21) monitoring.
3. Moderate clinical problem = see the
sport physician.
Biathlon (n=6) 8.38 (0.86) 8.83 (2.23) 4. Severe clinical problem = sleep
We wanted the tool we created to provide
Bobsleigh (n=12) 7.85 (0.90) 8.50 (2.97)
practical answers. We retain the theoretical
concepts of sleep length, sleep quality and
Cycling (n=21) 8.20 (1.10) 8.33 (3.01) sleep phase; but translate results into simple
‘do this/don’t do that’ recommendations.
In a nutshell, we are illuminating sleep
Table 2: Total sleep time and sleep difficulty score by athletic team. problems, educating athletes that don’t
suffer, finding the athletes that do and
getting those athletes help.
SLEEP PHASE affects daytime performance, alters mood, The ASSQ© process is very
The circadian system regulates the increases appetite and impairs post-exercise straightforward. A team physician typically
feeling of sleepiness and wakefulness recovery23. requests access to the questionnaire and is
throughout the day, which directly affects From a clinical perspective, we want emailed a link to the online site. The athlete
athletic performance. After awakening in information on athletes’ sleep behaviours goes online and fills out the questionnaire,
the morning the average individual feels to solve existing problems and help we download the response, review the
alert until about 2 pm, when the ‘afternoon them improve post-exercise recovery results, and send a letter back to the doctor
siesta’ feeling kicks in. This tends to last for 30 and regeneration. However, it’s equally giving them advice for their athlete. If an
to 60 minutes and then alertness rises again important to gather data from athletes at athlete presents with a moderate or severe
with a peak in the evening around 6 to 8 pm. the aggregate level to start drawing some clinical problem a Skype consultation is set
After this point sleepiness increases, which inferences or 'best practices' that can apply up with the principal investigator, and a
facilitates the onset of sleep at bedtime. Each to particular sports or athletes in general. visit to a sleep doctor scheduled if necessary.
athlete has a preferred sleep schedule that The Athlete Sleep Screening Questionnaire©
suits his or her circadian phase; however, (ASSQ) has both strong clinical relevance, RESULTS FROM THE ASSQ©
training, school, exposure to technology and but also allows us to gather population-level Between its launch in 2011 and the end
work commitments can have a substantial data, learn about trends in athlete sleep of 2013, 307 elite athletes completed the
impact on the athlete’s ability to match behaviour and start providing the athletes, ASSQ©. Of these, 132 were male and 168
their circadian phase to the available time coaches and support staff with some female. Athletes have participated from
for sleep. If the circadian phase and sleep answers about how they should manage BMX, curling, rugby, alpine skiing, biathlon,
schedule are not matched (out of phase), athletes’ sleep. bobsleigh, cycling, paralympic athletes,
the amount of sleep that can be achieved, skeleton, speed-skating, swimming,
as well as the quality of that sleep, will be THE ATHLETE SLEEP SCREENING volleyball, water-polo and wrestling.
affected. For example, adolescents have a QUESTIONNAIRE Some athletes have also participated
natural tendency to become night owls, The ASSQ© has been about 6 years anonymously, where sport is not reported.
delaying bedtime. The delay in sleep onset in the making. Our goal was to create a Tables 1 and 2 show the number of
(12 am to 1 am) in combination with having questionnaire that gathered information participating athletes where the team is
to get up for school (7 to 8 am) and the fact on athlete sleep behaviours to enable known (248/307), the average hours slept per
that adolescents need 9 to 10 hours of sleep nationwide screening of a large population night and the average sleep difficulty score
per day results in a chronic sleep debt that of athletes, provide efficient data gathering for each team. Sleep difficulty scores greater

than 12 indicated clinically significant • Comment: while the median was substantial implications for the
sleep disturbance and required follow-up reassuring the range revealed athlete.
consultation. that there was at least one athlete • The median sleep difficulty score for the
Within these teams, distinctive sleep (possibly more) who was/were athletes was 10.
profiles have started to emerge. For example, severely sleep deprived (<6 hours/ • Comment: the early validation data
skeleton, swimming and rugby athletes night). suggests that a score greater than 12
tend to sleep less and experience greater • On average the athletes took 2 to 3 naps indicates clinically significant sleep
sleep difficulty, whereas curling and cycling per week (average nap length 31 to 60 disturbance and requires follow-up
athletes tend to sleep more and experience minutes). consultation.
less difficulty sleeping than other sports. • Comment: it was encouraging that • 30% (n=7) of the athletes had a sleep
Approximately 13% of athletes screened athletes napped, however routine difficulty score greater than 12, and
with the ASSQ to date have had sleep napping for 20 to 30 minutes a day required follow-up Skype consultation
difficulty scores requiring them to have was recommended for all athletes. • The majority of the athletes experienced
follow-up Skype consultations. Females • On average it took the athletes 15 difficulty sleeping while travelling
have tended to have slightly higher sleep minutes or less to fall asleep. for their sport, however, the majority
difficulty scores than males, although not • Comment: this was a normal sleep did not experience performance
significantly so. Athletes’ increasing age and onset latency. disturbance while travelling.
reduced sleep were significantly associated • Very few of the athletes had trouble • Comment: this indicated that there
(P=0.01). Also, increasing age and increased staying asleep, or used medication to was value in developing a jet lag and
sleep difficulty were significantly associated help them fall or stay asleep. travel fatigue programme to assist
(P=0.03). Not surprisingly, a significant • Comment: this was very athletes with this disturbance.
relationship was found between total sleep encouraging. Inappropriate use of
time and sleep difficulty score, with athletes sedative medication is common CONCLUSION
who sleep less tending to have higher sleep amongst athletes and should be Sleep is the foundation of recovery and
difficulty scores (rho=-0.52). monitored and controlled. critical to the management of athletic
Athletes who reported satisfaction with • The average level of satisfaction with training regimens. Sleep is often ignored
their sleep tended to have total sleep times sleep was 'somewhat satisfied' or and compromised by athletes as a result of
averaging over 8 hours per night, whereas 'neither satisfied nor dissatisfied'. their busy schedules, other demands such
athletes reporting dissatisfaction with • Comment: this question is the as work and school and most importantly
their sleep tended to have total sleep times most predictive question for high by the intrusion of technology (cell phones,
averaging less than 7 hours per night. This probability of a clinically significant computers and tablets) into their life.
finding is consistent with previous research sleep disturbance. This technology inhibits normal sleep
demonstrating that extended hours of sleep • The majority of the athletes did not physiology and fosters a heightened state
are related to increased performance in snore or routinely gasp, cough or choke of arousal, which acts as a barrier to the
intercollegiate athletes27. As dissatisfaction in their sleep. onset and maintenance of the sleep state.
with sleep increased, so did average sleep • Comment: while the likelihood Understanding the actual sleep behaviours
difficulty score, suggesting that athletes are of sleep apnoea is low in this of athletes, how sleep parameters affect
pretty good judges of their own sleep – if population, the impact of the disease training and performance, and the impact
they are dissatisfied, chances are they are is significant and if treated can have of specific interventions on sleep and
getting poor quality sleep.

Team case study:

The Canadian Women’s National
Curling Program was very invested in sleep
screening in preparation for the Olympic
Attending to the importance of sleep
Trials and the 2014 Sochi Olympic Games.
The national team coach initiated the
will reduce the risk of overtraining/
screening and 22 athletes were screened under-recovery, enhance resistance
from across the country. The data from the
athletes who were screened were analysed to illness and improve recovery from
at the team level to provide a sleep profile
for the team as a whole:
• The median hours slept a night was 8
hours (with a range of 5.30 hours to 9.15



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