SRGP Ideal Gas
SRGP Ideal Gas
SRGP Ideal Gas
TOPIC : Gaseous State
1. Which of the following change can be made in order to double the rms speed, (Vrms), of a gas kept
in a rigid container.
(A) Double the temperature, by heating the gas
(B) Increase the pressure four times, by heating the gas
(C) Decrease the pressure four times, by removing some gas
(D) Increase the pressure four times by pumping in some gas.
Ans. (B)
2. For one mol of a real gas kept in a rigid vessel the graph of vs P intersects axis at 2. Hence,
the volume of the vessel is (R = universal gas constant)
(A) R/2 (B) R (C) 2R (D) 1/R
Ans. (A)
3. A dry gas occupied 127.4 ml at STP. If the same mass of the gas is collected over water at 27ºC &
at a total pressure of 725 torr, what volume does it occupy ? The vapour pressure of water at 27ºC
is 25 torr ? (1 bar = 750 torr)
(A) 150 ml (B) 130 ml (C) 156 ml (D) 145 ml
Ans. (A)
P1 = 750 torr & P2 = 700
V1 = 127.4 ml V2
T1 = 273 K T2 = 300 K
P1V1 P2V2
T1 T2
4. Z vs P graph of four gases is given below at same temperature
Which of the gases will have the highest value of critical temperature?
(A) T1 = T2 = T3 < TB (B) T1 < T2 < T3 < TB (C) T1 > T2 > T3 > TB (D) TB < T1 < T3 < T3
Ans. (B)
H.O. 92, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota (Raj.) Mob. 97831-97831, 70732-22177, Ph. 0744-2423333 2
SECTION–I : (ii) One or more options correct Type
This section contains 3 multiple choice questions. Each question has four choices (A), (B), (C)
and (D) out of which ONE or MORE are correct. 4(–1)
9. For real gas the P–V curve was experiementally plotted and it had the following appearance. With
respect to liquification, choose the incorrect statement :
11. The graph below shows the distribution of molecular speed of two ideal gases X and Y at 200K.
on the basis of the below graph identify the correct statements -
H.O. 92, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota (Raj.) Mob. 97831-97831, 70732-22177, Ph. 0744-2423333 3
SECTION–I : (iii) Paragraph Type
This section contains 1 paragraph describing theory, experiment, data etc. 2 questions relate to this
paragraph. Each question of a paragraph has only one correct answer among the four choices (A),
(B), (C) and (D). 3(0)
Paragraph for Q.12 to Q.13
The vander waals equation was proposed in the year 1873. It was a first step towards taking into
account interaction forces which are acting between real gases molecule. The equation of state of
the perfect gas refers to a gas consisting of point like items which do not interact with another.
The 'b' correction takes into account the fact that, according to vander waals, the real gas
molecules can move not in total volume occupied by the gas, but only in a part of this volume
which is defined by subtracting what he called molecules own volume. The correction 'a/v2 '-
proportional to the square of density takes into account the attraction forces existing between gas
As far as the critical point, the following conditions are valid :
(/ v)T = 0, (2p/v2)T = 0
The vander Waals equation can be rearranged to a nondimensional form using the reduced
Pr = P/PC, Tr = T/TC, Vr = V/VC
In this coordinates the vander waals equation becomes Pr (3Vr – 1) = 8 Tr
12. For any vanderwaals gas PC = 70 atm and VC = 0.183 hence 'a' in atm-l2/mol2 is.........
(A) 2 (B) 7 (C) 5 (D) 3
Ans. (B)
a = 3PCVC2
= 3 × 70 × 0.1832
= 3 × 70 × 0.033
13. How many moles of N2 at 200K and 100 atm will occupy 0.272 litre if PrVr/Tr = 2.21
(A) 1 (B) 3 (C) 2 (D) 4
Ans. (C)
PCVC PC VC 3 100 0.272 3
2.21 2.21 n , n = 2
RTC T 8 0.0821 200 8
H.O. 92, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota (Raj.) Mob. 97831-97831, 70732-22177, Ph. 0744-2423333 4
SECTION-IV : (Integer Value Correct Type)
This section contains 5 questions. The answer to each question is a single digit Integer, ranging
from 0 to 9 (both inclusive) 4(–1)
14. At 300K for CO2 gas, following vander-waal equation, a graph is plotted between PVm v/s P,
where Vm is molar volume, then intercept of given graph will be
[Given (i) For CO2 ; a = 3 atm -L2/ mol2 ; b = 0.04 L/mole
(i) R = 0.08 atm-L/mole - K]
Ans. (24)
15. Calculate compressibility factor for the He gas at 50K & 1atm. b for He = 200cm3/mol
[R = 0.08 atm-L/mol-K]
Ans. (1.05)
16. Critical temperature and critical pressure of a real gas is 27°C & 75 atm respectively. Then what is
critical volume of 1 mole of real gas (in mL) - (R = 0.08 atm-L/mol-K)
Ans. (120)
75 VC 3
0.08 300 8
3 100 0.08
VC 0.12L = 120 ml
8 25
17. One litre gaseous mixture is effused in 4.5 minutes and 30 seconds while 1 litre of oxygen takes
10 minutes for effusion. The gaseous mixture contains in it ethane and hydrogen. Calculate vapour
density of gaseous mixture.
Ans. (4)
18. If the mean free path is 10 cm at one bar pressure then its value at 5 bar pressure, if temperature is
kept constant.
Ans. (2)
p increases 5 times then l becomes
2 cm
H.O. 92, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kota (Raj.) Mob. 97831-97831, 70732-22177, Ph. 0744-2423333 5